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Video Games #122
Video Games
Draw Thread (Post Homecoming Edition)
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Blue Water Edition
Paradox' jewry has hit a new level
Path of Exile General /poeg/
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 coming to PC
Fullderp: Get Out & Stay Out edition
Late to the party but just modded my Wii for some fun
How realistic is this game?
EDF Thread: Post-April fools edition
Are there any videogames that you would think star a good role model for kids?
What's the point of advertising your car in a game only kids and neets will play?
ITT: we talk about games series that were treated like shit and/or deserved better
AGDG game dev general
Character assassinating Gaming community figures like Jontron & pewdiepie
2hu thread: Mokou edition
4 AM
For fucks sake why are people funding shit like this?
Why haven't you played pic related?
ITT: We post the best cover art
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Trident II Edition
Faggot Game For Faggots
Wreck-It Ralph is now in Mario Kart 8 as a Mii racer on my Wii U. I have pictures of the Sugar Rush racers, Turbo...
Vietnam war vidya itt
Are either of these games worth playing?
Mfw /monster/ got their own yandev version
Midnight Animal
Games that have died and can't be found to be revived
What is Sonic up to?
Anyone have an ROG 34"PG348Q that fucked up lately?
Don't you think that the morality system that the first Mass Effect was actually quite good...
Gamenight thread, starting Friday night
Lodoss War Online
Why is Annemarie Reiter best girl?
ITT we just laugh about all the homos that liked bioware gay ass games and had hopes for gaydromeda
Subnautica General
Why aren't there any video games based completely around griefing?
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Peacekeeper Edition
Anyone have any recommendations for Rougelike Open World games...
Quake Champions Beta
Romancing Saga
Webm Thread
Lets talk about devs most at risk of dying out
Digimon Thread
Upcoming game The Surge will not use Denuvo, according to the dev
Some italian nerd makes a zelda game in the unreal engine for a couple months
Galaxy still looks amazing today
So now that Nier Automata was a big success, do you guys think that we'll see a PC port for the original Nier?
RTS thread: AoE edition
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Instances where you KEPT your money and you were proud of it
Xbox Scorpio Specs reveal
Where are all the good monster games?
Warhammer/40K thread
So now that we're well passed the April Fools cancer epidemic...
Criminally underrated games
Yakuza Games
The itch that no vidya has been able to scratch in a long time...
Dawn of war 3
4 AM
Pepsi man HD remake or reboot when?
Is there any hope left for mmos? Every one that is currently popular is a mess of broken promises, usually...
Is the reason why Red Orchestra 1 is dead is because Tripwire got butthurt that no one was liking RO2 for gameplay...
Phantasy Star Online 2
Was there ever a time when you felt really dumb playing a video game because either you thought the puzzle was too hard...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Pershing II Edition
Anton & Coolpecker
I just beat this, what the fuck happened at the real end?
Kirby thread
In this thread we post only the most top tier of videogame commercials
The Neverhood
Sometimes I kinda miss the simplicity of just tossing a buddy a controller and splitting the screen in half and having...
Shovel Knight
Aliens are the only supernatural shit that scares me. Why aren't there any horror games with Grays in them?
Fighting Game General: "I Love Big Girls and I Cannot Lie" Edition
Minecraft Politik Autism Simulation
The most dipshit fanbase?
Breast PhysX
Let's Talk Translation
SJWs are calling Game journalists pro Jontron Racists for giving bad reviews yooka laylee
Why doesn't Macau get used as a setting in video games, unlike Hong Kong which is a setting in a shitton of games?
Memesona 5
Private WoW servers
ITT: Games that left you with a bad aftertaste
What are some overlooked examples of TECHNOLOGY in vidya? Vid related is a good example to me
Computers Color Vidya
I'd say Bioware is kill, but it keeps walking like some kind of zombie
Samurai Jack gets a new season after 13 years
Has a video game ever made you 'laugh out loud'? Did something funny happen because of a bug...
It releases tomorrow
Titanfall 2
Starcraft 1 Remaster
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Gryphon Edition
Video game movies general
Nier A-tomato Thread
There are people that picked Gregg over Bea to hang out with
This game was very underrated
Warcraft III
The original Spyro trilogy was the greatest platforming series that was an exclusive to Playstation consoles
Waifu Wednesday: After The End Edition
CD Project Red and Cyberpunk 2077
4 AM
How fucking retarded do you have to be to stay on this website?
Loli or moe themed RPG games. Suggestions?
Video games with realistic health and injuries systems
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Polaris Edition
Videogame has generic anime art style
Anybody else here a fan of these style of games? I son't really know what to call em so I guess: top-down...
Seeing a crack pop up for this shit I've got to ask - is it really that bad? I mean...
Remember this?
Give me a game where I can play as cute things with big wide eyes. Bonus points for Chihuahuas
Sven/Autism Co-op
DRM and piracy
Are you ready for another pretentious, Earthbound copy inspired, indie game rpg that'll totally make you feelz?
Holla Forums Holla Forums dubtrack
Anyone planning on getting this tomorrow? Also KOF thread
Looking for someone who's big enough of a faggot to play red alert 3 co-op with me
Nonspecific NIOH Thread
Write an email to Playtonic one word at a time
Bayonetta PC Port Confirmed
Holla Forums Wurm Unlimited general: ser/v/er when edition
What Do
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: SUBROC Edition
Nostalgia goggles: the thread
PS4 Kernal exploit
To weeb or not to weeb?
Is Dead Rising kill at this point?
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Granblue Fantasy
April Fools Day/Hacking Aftermath thread
Senran Kagura Beach Splash
Nier Automata Thr[E]ad
Spooky thread!
We're back–
Persona 5 thread since there isn't one
Last thread is on page 14
Playing Mass Effect 3
Ross's Game Dungeon: Maabus
Is there any hope for a proper Stalker sequel?
Vita Thread #24
Post YFW you didn't fall for the kikestarter meme
Space Engineers
2hu thread
Well, it's out
I'm afraid you've been in a coma for… 4 days
Classic FPS Thread
Lets post our favourite starwarts games. Mine is jedi academy
What's this all about?
What games did you play during the break, Holla Forums?
I am laughing out loud
I made a new thread to talk about video games
Welcome Back!
Fuck April Fools
Top-notch OST
Atlus has announced a PC version of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Well Holla Forums, my mouse is finally double clicking after the many years I've had it...
Shining force thread
Bayonetta pc
Are the third, fourth, and fifth games worth playing...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Shinobi X edition
Krystal ♥
Why aren't you playing fallout shelter to have your post nuclear harem Holla Forums
Smo-Crack Daily: Buttplug Bum Master Bastard Faster Spazter Ass Blaster Disaster Edition. + Archive!
So what do you think of Steam offering anime?
Buyfag/Collector Thread
Whose Vidya Is It Anyway?
DS Games
What's the best controller ever made? Of course, we all know the answer to that
Mad Catz Interactive makes voluntary assignment in bankruptcy
PlanetSide 2: Serious political discussion edition
Are there any games that prominently feature cheese?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Mark 45 Edition
Shattered Horizon
Adds on HTC Vive
I am a bored NEET and i want to nolife a game with a huge skillgap and be very good at it...
Vidya Easter Eggs
Games about making peace not war
Let's brainstorm together...
FFXV updates with more chapter 13
April Fools is tomorrow
Etrian Odyssey Thread
Bethesda's game engine
/agdg/ + /vm/
Hey fellow Germans and Austrians, Mankind Divided is currently sold for only 9.99 € on Gameware.at
What is the endgame of poison builds in video games?
4 AM
Confirmed for sex
Half-Holla Forums deletes Toukiden threads on sight
Over 2 hour long call of duty single player retrospective
What games have the best Capture the flag mode?
Recommend me a MMORPG to get addicted to, and discover adventures with fellow NEETs
Vanguard Banditis
Safe Space Games
Holy fucking Hell
Smash 4 Modding
Die on a moving platform
Did you guys notice something weird NOT GAMES on steam?
What are the best video games from the 00s
Blizzard now banning players for using the name Trump
STALKER thread S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Fuck Guys
Pirates versus ninjas
All 3 major consoles require you to pay money every month to play online
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: RIM-8 Talos Edition
ITT: Great Dead Games
What are some games where the main character and/or the party get redpilled and realize the good guys are actually the...
How do we bring back the Arcade and the LAN party?
Outcast remake announced
OK Holla Forums, we just had a fucking ton of games hit the scene with awesome music, gravity rush 2, nier automata...
What's the most amount of money you have spent on video games or video game related things, Holla Forums?
Games you're looking forward to in 2017
Bring more shitstains to the PC
Did Chara get abused by and want to destroy the normies?
So can I just play all these if I don't feel like sitting through the anime? They look fun enough
Why isn't "Zelda" considered a Metroidvania series
Webm thread
What does Holla Forums think of the Nintendo Switch...
It finally happened, its actually coming out this century
So I decided to look back on the store page to see how progress has been going...
4 AM
Zach, it's time we had a Deadly Premonition thread. I know...
What are some games where you get to play the bad guy? The closest thing I can think of is Overlord 1&2
Install kinky world
Xenoblade X Big Spoon Edition
Westinghouse just declared bankruptcy because of their failed bet on nuclear power being a staple...
I've got a simple request: name me some good vidya where the PC gets to an hero for a good cause
What GPU do you use for gaming?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: I Want It All Edition
My Last Post On A Holla Forums Board
Cryptic bullshit in vidya
Whats the point in leveling up in games?
Graphic engines thread
This is an actually pretty good game in my opinion
Nier/Automata/Drakengard thread
Mass Effect 2
All WoW enemies will scale to your item level
What use could neural network algorithms have in vidya?
This is why the Nipponese game industry is superior
Mass Effect Andromeda is so broken
Master Blaster Zero; Thoughts & Opinions
What are some good games to play while under the weather and cloudy from cough syrup?
Game File Size
WebM Thread
Remember when hipster faggots declared Sonic bad? NOW PRESENTING...
Did Nintendo just save mobile gaming?
Horror games to get inspired
Steel Batallion: Normandy 44
Nuka-Failee: They're Crashing & Burning, No Survivors, Allahu Ackbar!!! Edition
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Sleeping Dogs
Sorry about the other day with that fake rabbit; it's time for our real rabbit rabbit thread!
Vidya Hall of Fame Batch 3 finalists revealed
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Regulus Edition
Waifu Wednesday
Cooperative PC Games
How is it that video games is the only medium of entertainment where nothing good has come out in the last 25 years?
TFW Nier Automata has Denuvo
4 AM
Hypothetical question, brehs
Holy shit my sides are in orbit
So what makes a good final boss? A simple question everyone can discuss
New shippments when?
Emulation Thread
Good doom wads?
Dark Soul / Bloodborne Topic - DLC Discussion
Capcom Cannot Stop Fucking Up
Have finished none of your series
Inflation Bear Plays Zelda
Does anyone here use a DS3 on their PC...
/fg/ - Foxhole General
The Death of Club Penguin
How to make video games fun again?
Reviving the siege thread, you know the drill
Itt: Ways to kill a game for good
Gravity Rush
Who is your favourite idol?
Fighters Thread - Dead SEGA Fighting Edition
Kingdom Hearts
RWBY Thread
Move to comfy rural area
Vita Thread #23
Fullderp: Cotton Picking edition
Gamenight planning round two
What are some other games that let you protect little girls?
Grimoire is supposedly finished
Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition announced
PS3 Emu
Unreal Tournament 4/AFPS general
Yfw Hearthstone is doing so bad gaming sites are saying it is "killing itself"
Klonoa Fun Times
One Week, One Vidya #4 - Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Why doesn't this get as much attention and love as other Gamecube games? It was a pretty good game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Ding Dong Edition
The Japanese try their hand at making a superior Minecraft game
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
New season starts o the 31st
What is the fastest Dreamcast Emu with the best graphics?
Why do so many Publisher and Developer in the Gaming Industry hate their Audience?
4 AM
/ogc/ - Same Op twice in a week, talk about things as dead as us
Filename thread
People Raging in Vidya
/AGDG/ Kowloon Walled City Edition
Neptunia Thread
Video game species/races
Ugly Games
Power Swap
Let's recommend each other games based on some games we list off here
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Telltale Batman
Really Shitty Fakemon
WoW 7.2
Hidden (Almost) Gems
Yooka Laylee
Oneshot Thread
Comfy Vidya Music Thread - The Rainy Day Sessions Remastered v2.2
Who is the most annoying NPC you ever had the displeasure of meeting?
Japanese covers for western games
Mods being massive faggots again
How A E S T H E T I C are your favourite vidya characters?
Vidya Anger/Cancer thread
Today I was having a blast at this flea market and this cool-looking nigger was selling random items and had this Wii...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Song of Forgiveness and Understanding Edition
ITT: Shit game ideas
Spyro was better than Mario 64. Fight me
Tfw video games are not fun anymore
When did modern gamers become such lore-fags? back in the day few people cared about it...
Sexually charged games
Nintendo Treehouse log: Protest the censorship
DSishop is closing down on March 31st...
(((Steam))) is giving away Chivalry for free
Anyone here plays Sil?
ITT screaming music lines like faggots
Nier Automata: Nationalism Edition
Who's ready for another trainwreck? I hope it crashes harder than Andromeda
29 games for 1 shekel
SJW add propaganda to FFXV
I just beat this for the first time last night and I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that IX is better
Killing Floor 2
You know with all the Comic book hero movies around you think well get some more super hero games like city of heroes...
PlanetSide 2: The TR Soldier In My Picture Doesn't Have A Mag Edition
Dungeon Master Games
Bioware Bingo
4 AM
1:1000 earth minecraft
What games to play when majorily depressed/suicidal
Yooka-Laylee: Day of Judgement Edition
Class of heroes
Anyone still play WoW?
Webm Thread:Laid Back Edition
Classic CRPGs
Parkour System
Psycho Characters Thread
Hello I'm Scott of Domino's Pizza
Splatoon Thread -Tenta Missiles Edition
Game has denuvo
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: I Just Wanted To Play Some Vydias Edition
Too many endings
Oneshot Update
Lewd vidya general
Love JRPG's
So anyone else tried "What if Zharya wasn't shit?" yet?
Which game have the richest universe/world lore?
Strange Journey remake - thoughts?
Terminal 00 「Spin」 edition
ITT: post comfy platformer
Sangria on a ban-spree
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Honest John Edition
RimWorld thread
They have to much influence! Why? and how the fuck did it happen?
Space Thread: Patrol Edition
Best enemy designs in Dark Souls
Fullderp: Cucking Cucks since 2013
79 days until E3
Death Stranding solved
Darkest Dungeon
If this didn't have Metal Gear in the name would you be interested...
Atlus New Titles Announcement Special Spring 2017 live stream
In which year exactly has the Japanese industry gone to the point where they're just much better?
Guess who got their hands on Planescape Torment and is making an "enhanced" edition
4 AM
I mentioned this in another thread, but fuck it...
Rockpapershotgun dot com/2017/01/13/the-50-best-fps-on-pc
Yooka-Laylee: Eye of the Storm Edition
Shit Games / Wasted Potential Thread
Starcraft 2 Officially Dead
Explain to me this game
Saturday Night Horror Thread
So, in the Fallout universe, did America just stay at it's 1950s state until the war...
Transformice: Holla Forumsirgins Last Breath
Wrestling Vidya
Toaster general
They released the yuri horse game, they actually did it. the absolute madmen
Paper Mario TTYD
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Matador Edition
Why isn't anyone talking about the complete absence of minigames in this?
What are the most Metal videogames ever made?
Shit eater is boring garbage
Defense games
Has a game ever awakened a fetish in you that you otherwise never knew you had?
Uncomfy games
When I was just a boy I always assumed when I was older the video games I would be playing would look just like the 3D...
What's a good fishing game with a good amount of depth to it?
Games & Their Stereotypical Audiences
Front Mission
GTAV Sheckels
Why is pixel art so fucking hard
Call of Duty: WWII
I remember Holla Forums had quite a hard-on for this game about two years ago...
Can we have an unknown indie games thread?
Let's have a Yume Nikki thread
Terminal 00
Battle Brothers - 1.0 edition
Can videogames be deep art?
Tell me captain, if the federation is so great, why are there no good games of it?
Playtonic throwing tantrum
Can we have a good old fashioned speccy thread and call each other's builds shit?
Sexually aggressive games
He fell for the Ryzen meme
Pewdiepie is Character assassinated by the media
Resident Evil 7
The town is being threatened by a corporation
4 AM
Last game
Favorite Boss Themes
What are some good non-porn dating sims or games where dating sim elements play an important role in either the...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE Edition
Webm Thread
These fucking guys
One of 2 actual genders
So when are we gonna get a fan made project of Hotline Miami 3: Post Apocalyptic Gang Carnage edition?
Nier Automata Thread: Concept Art Edition
Anyone still playing...
ITT Good cartoons/anime based on videogames
Fake Vidya Food/Drink
What is your favorite [email protected]/* */ game?
Looks like this thing went 50% off and free for the weekend...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kung Fu Master Edition
My grandmother is sick of playing Diablo 3 and Hearthstone. Her computer can barely run Diablo 3...
Whats going on with XSEED right now...
Game Drought
Zero Escape/Nonary Games thread
Nipponese Learning Thread: 春休み Edition
So this just dropped in Early Access
What are some good games to play on LInux?
F-F-Friday night motherfucker
Demon's > Dark
Low Switch Prices?
Why did old games all have HIGH TEST, thick Women?
FFXIV Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Which first game to buy for my PS4?
One of the most popular RTS games ever. Original games release with:
Grim Dawn
Fallout: New Vegas thread
Warframe thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Life Cycle Edition
4 AM
Is it easy putting a 1tb seagate sata internal hdd into my ps4 when I currently have been using a different 500gb one?
PLANETSIDE 2 PS2 3/24/2017
This is kinda weird but I can't find a game that would have good and fast ground mecha combat
Games LITERALLY only you played
How many people here are actually excited for the Switch?
Enjoy playing a class more than any other
The Evil Within 2
Horror Games
GameStop Closing 150 Stores
What games have actually sweet, cute and well done romances?
Want to play Jap game
Fighting Game General: In memory of those who didn't make it
Shoot'em ups for people who don't like shootem ups?
Wizard games
Can't buy Neir because of DRM
83 days until E3
Wow legion
Is the BOI community dead?
VG Hypocrisies
Why are they remaking Bulletstorm? What was wrong with the old one?
Terrible characters
GTA VI Speculation Thread
Let It Die thread
What's your favorite vidya quote?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Fullderp: crashing rp chat edition
Gravity Rush - Race Mixing Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Crossed Swords Edition
Playtonic removed JonTron's cameo from Yooka-Laylee because the cucks at Neogaf threatened to boycott the game if they...
Smash thread
NV "isn't" a tumblr game
Why is it so hard to find good games with a co-op campaign nowdays, Holla Forums?
Total War thread
What's an open world RPG that lets me have freedom of classes?
Are you guys ready for
Possible Sony E3 Lineup
Left or right?
Astroneer General
What consoles out there are actually capable of handling strategy games?
Which is the best Tony Hawk game and why is it Project 8?
Laptop for Point and Click Adventures or PS4?
First enemy you encounter is the end boss
Characters you miss
ShareThread: Prep the ovens Edition
4 AM
Meanwhile in Ace Attorney Holla Forums
Dev and Gamer interactions
Paid early access for a port
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...