"Back in Action" Edition
And still importantly, are you having fun?
Upcoming games: iplaypsvita.com
Previous Threads: pastebin.com
First-Time Buyer's FAQ: pastebin.com
Vita Wallpapers:ultraimg.com
"Back in Action" Edition
And still importantly, are you having fun?
Upcoming games: iplaypsvita.com
Previous Threads: pastebin.com
First-Time Buyer's FAQ: pastebin.com
Vita Wallpapers:ultraimg.com
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Did Atlus ever give a solid release date for Utawarerumono Itsuwari no Kamen? The last thing I heard about it was an estimated Spring release date.
Danganronpa via Adrenaline-2. Off and on with Ar Nosurge again.
I don't really know. Want to pick up Night Alone and Soul Sacrifice Delta, alongside Super Robot Wars. Mainly want to pick up LEs to make my Vita shelf look prettier.
Also new PS TV for PS1 support, and a white Vita 1000.
Ar Nosurge physical. A Rose In The Twilight LE. Any more suggestions are welcome.
Does anyone want to play some Freedom Wars online at some point?
Man, it's about damn time the site's back up and going. Kinda pisses me off, we were supposed to play Toukiden 2 on Saturday.
Toukiden 2, Persona 5, TouHou Scarlet Curiosity
more time to spend playing games
to play Toukiden 2 with you guys
nothing. Saving my money.
official release day is May 23rd:
Well shit. The old Vita thread IS in the catalog. Earlier it wasn't there or rather, I just didn't see it
I guess the mods will just delete it eventually. I got it archived already though
PSN spoofing works again, btw. Should work until 3.64 apparently.
Ah thanks. I'm happy that the two sequels are getting localized since there is probably a zero percent chance of Futari no Hakuro getting an anime adaptation after the horrible failure of the Itsuwari no Kamen adaptation.
PS3/PCfag here.
How's WipEout 2048 Vitabros? I like the series but never got a chance to play it.
30fps with dips. It's fucking terrible.
The intro is nice though.
I just beat Brandish: The Dark Revenant, gonna start Persona 5 whenever the fuck that gets delivered.
Utawarerumono, Dungeon Travelers 2-2, etc.
I'll probably bite on A Rose in the Twilight.
Trying to work on my backlog recently tbh.
That's great, man. Awesome game. I've only made a little progress in it, myself.
It's not that bad at all.
It's pretty great, but I wish it had a free race/arcade mode or something. There's just campaign and multiplayer. I mean, there's always just redoing races, but being able to set up your own would be better.
I'm going to play some Aegis of Earth, whenever that arrives. Until then I'll play a little musou. Might try to make more progress in DT2 over the weekend.
Plenty, but nothing is urgent. Resident Evil Revelations 2 or SRW V would be cool.
Considering Gal Gun. I'd like to see a sale, though.
Except that.
Salt & Sanctuary as per the previous thread but I can't play it without updating. Will apparently have $15 to play with later, haven't decided what to use it on yet.
I'd avoid the Vita version it has serious frame rate issues.
The frame rate is the main reason I never seriously considered it for Vita. The pricetag is the main reason I still haven't considered it on any other platform. Maybe if/when it goes down to below 10 bucks CDN I'll consider but I don't need it that bad.
Valkyrie Drive. Viola best girl
Mary Skelter, DangIt RonPaul V3, SRW V.
Caligula next month.
No physical Caligula is a heap of sadness. Might end up skipping the game entirely if it doesn't reach my "worth pretending I own it digitally" pricepoint.
I'm aware of the issues, but I still do want a copy. I'm willing to overlook the frame rate issues. Honestly, the load times are the main problem.
I know, but it's too esspensive.
Is the PS4 or PC version not an option? Having the game drop to single digits whenever girls start coming for you is, problematic, and yes, the loading times are also horrendous. t. Some faggot who plays the Vita version. Do as I say, not as I do.
Looks nice. Will grab while PSN is still up. Incidentally, is there a way to dump themes? I'd rather have a backup for when PSN gets its act together.
More cybersleuths. Got through like 8 chapters while Holla Forums was kill
Too lazy to look them up
Wallet is in shambles from my last purchases. Used my last psn funbucks to pick up shenmue from a friend's recommendation
The real fun will be figuring out what to play next
Toukiden 2
Mary Skelter
and for konami to let bloody roar 2 be playable on the vita
the toukiden 2 mission packs since they add extra oni
The fight against Gundari in the chaos arc made me hate that game.
Been in a slump lately fellas. Every time I come home from work I basically have the energy to do some menial upkeep such as grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, or what have you, and can't muster up the energy to go grab my Vita or plop in front of my PSTV. I end up sitting in front of my PC and looking stuff up, or watching gameplay for games I know I'll never touch but for which I find the mechanics interesting. How do you motivate yourself to get back into the vidya frame of mind?
That's not entirely true. I found a fan translation of to heart 2 which I've been poking at whenever I have a spare 20 minutes or so because of the DLC characters in Dungeon Travelers 2. I don't have a lot of experience with VN's but I enjoy it, though I'm not used to being so casual.
Ah, it's you. How are you gentlemen. All your base are belong to us.
What's the news on cfw's? I haven't touched my vita or a related thread in year and a half
ID change, the proxy server I was using shit itself so I had to hop to another
I take a break from all vidya for a few days, doing what you're basically doing and just looking stuff up, etc. And after a few days of no vidya, if nothing still sounds good, I'll pick a handful of games I have that may be fun again. So then I'll pop one in, play for about 15 minutes. If If feel nothing, I'll move on to the next game. I know it has worked when I've been playing whichever game for more than 30 minutes. When that happens, I usually wind up playing the game for a week or two before finally trickling back into the other stuff I was playing.
start here user:
Here's a gbpatemp thread about using MaiDump:
basically you can pirate shit, but if you're using maidump you can't do the newest games (yet). Don't forget to check the thread archives, there's been plenty of CFW info in those. I just don't really keep up with it because i'm a good goy.
Just ordered SRWV. What am I in for?
Is Soul Sacrifice Delta worth picking up as well? Night Alone/Firefly Diaries worth shit, or more pretentious indie shit?
Pretty much the same. If you enjoy playing PSP on your Vita, Adrenaline is coming along nicely. New plugin for it that allows better use of the right analog as well.
PS1 never ever.
Why live. Good thing I'm a good goy and bought Dino Crisis 1&2
when is the anime/golden week sale?
I can also confirm this. The Vita version does not run well. Takes almost two fucking minutes to get to the title screen. Get the PC or PS4 version.
That's a good idea for a fresh start. I stopped around the halfway point in stranger danger city, kind of intimidated to go back. Maybe I need something with fewer cheap deaths before I go back and tackle that.
The NA sales have sucked for a while if you don't count the Estival Versus DLC sale. The last good one had a bunch of japanese games for a good discount, including Tekken x Street Fighter, which I stupidly avoided buying since I couldn't find the answers to my DLC queries in time. Still waiting for another good one. Golden week is end of April beginning of May.
Nonstop fun. Might Gaine and Yamato and an all new Mazinger. Easily the best game so far this year, with no real competition on the horizon.
Sounds like a plan user. If it's an RPG that burned you out, try playing something with some action in it perhaps. Good luck!
I'm hoping we'll get some good sales that week. At least maybe for the Estival Versus DLCs, that way I can pick up the extra characters on the cheap.
big fun from what I keep hearing. I'm dying to get it myself. But it's fucking $60 plus PlayAsia's ridiculous shipping charges. I want to go ahead and pick it up so bad but I gotta save my cash for the next month or so.
I keep coming in here with questions. Sorry Vitafags.
How do the Atelier games fair for Vita? Especially for someone who's never played them?
Is it still fun for someone who's only played a few missions of OG 1?
By all means, bring all your questions user.
I've only played Atelier Ayesha and Escha & Logy for Vita, but they both ran around 25 FPS, with things dropping a bit lower when combat gets crazy. Good thing it's a turn-based game though, so the frame rate didn't really bug me.
Never played a SRW title myself, I've just read/heard how fun they are. SRWV looks genuinely fun to me though.
Oh, A Rose In The Twilight is a comfy time if any user's considering it. Animation on protag seems a bit jerky sometimes, but everything else is pretty depressing, but that's what it's going for.
Probably about on par with Ar Nosurge then.
The thread got really quiet again after the hack, so here's a question. How often do you anons buy premium editions for games? Even the ones that come with lots of goodies, like drama cds and artbooks, I feel like I'd only ever look at them once, is it ever worth it?
Usually don't, but if I can get them for a decent price, I will. The main extra I do cherish is the OST if it's included, since it'd save me the issue of tracking it down. Also like my shelf looking fancy with shit.
Easy way of deciding if you want it. If you have to think about it, you don't want it. Should help you decide.
I prefer shit that comes in boxes with extras since I enjoy looking through manuals and fingering all the faff that comes with. I usually make sure the games are good before buying them though.
The premium Senran boxes have been pretty nice so far. The mid-tier ones, not the insane-tier dakis-included ones
I've been buying a lot more LEs recently, I've actually got both the Atelier Escha and Logy+ one as well as the Atelier Shallie+ LEs.
XSEED tends to make the best bang-for-your-buck LEs. Ys: Memories of Celceta still has my favorite LE for a game, ever. 3 fucking music CDs featuring arrangements from across the series and Falcom JDK's history, an artbook/strategy guide designed as if it was Adol's travel journal, a full cloth map of the game world, and a neat little compass for only $20 more than the regular game? Fucking steal.
Most SRWs are standalone. The OG series is ongoing within itself, and there's a few other subseries like Alpha and Z, but V is a complete standalone. Go wild.
Little time to be around but
Enjoy it.
Virtually never. To much shit I'm not going to use.
I'd prefer a portable version. Playing this on PC is pretty pointless for me; I'd rather play something else in that case. I'm willing to just wait for a price drop.
if there is a LE of a game I want, then I'll get it.
Delet this. Polite sage.
Fairly often, but not always. It depends on the contents. I'll usually bite even if it's just an artbook + OST since I'm an ultra-good goy for vidya OSTs.
I wouldn't want a Premium Edition with a drama cd though. Sounds pretty boring honestly.
These all make for pretty decent premium editions though:
> posters super tear-resistant or cloth ones only
Bad things:
I've been neglecting my Vita lately due to Souls addiction and there's a lot of stuff on there I'm supposed to be playing. DT2 and Muramasa primarily.
I rarely even see special editions I'm actually interested in, and generally buy games and game systems a while after they come out when it's too late to.
It's definitely the sort of game that belongs on a portable.
Not only did the user fall for the witcher shills he got a knockoff, kek.
I'm looking at the bonuses for the DT2-2 premium edition, does this really justify the extra ~33 burgerbux? 57 for the game versus 90 for the premium.
I have a question, is there literally any reason to buy a Vita if you aren't a fucking weeb?
Short answer no. Long answer, yes for a PS TV so you can play PSP games properly without needing a Go.
Yes if you like indies :^)
Otherwise, no. AAA Mature games for Mature Gamers™ have long abandoned the platform.
Just use PPSSPP
If you mean "weeb" as in "wapanese" absolutely. If you mean "weeb" by the SA definition of "someone with a positive opinion of anything with even the slightest potential connection to the concept of Japan" then I'm not sure what you're doing on a video game board to begin with.
Not in the least.
The Vita is THE weebmachine for the most part, barring some weebshit that's on PS4.
I think it's worth it if you're not buying any other games anytime soon and if you like the series enough. I was wondering if I should buy it too, except it'd be a pain in the ass to get premium now. I ordered the standard ed + Lilian poster a while back and now the prem + Lilian is sold out. I could order a normal prem edition, but I'd have two copies of the game. Selling one would be an option, but I don't know how easy it'd be to find a buyer.
There are a few really good prices on a few Vita games I already got at launch for a good discount. Right now is a good time to be buying games for Vita physically, specifically from VGP and Amazon.ca.
Neps were being pawned off so I picked the 3 Rebirths up for my collection. Considered adding Gravity Rush but I'm already neck-deep in Vita games.
For PSP games if you mod it. It also has decent emulation options although there's no way I'd buy one for that alone.
I typically don't play portable games except on a portable these days.
Last year it was late April. Could possibly be different this year; not real sure what the rules Japan has for setting when their Golden Week is each year, if it's just the Xth week of the month, or is specific to certain dates.
I don't usually do so, unless I find one cheap, or a limited edition is the sole way to get the game physically.
What I haven't quite gotten is why a number over the last few years have opted for microfiber clothes as a perk to buy a special edition. I mean, it's probably more useful an item than most, but still.
well, you're not wrong.
Oh, I forgot about those.
Yeah, I guess they're "useful", but they feel like a cheaper cop out than even stickers do imo.
Is it possible to download patches for decrypted games from psn now that spoofing works? It doesn't seem to be working for me… If not, is there a good place to find patches downloads?
Is it possible to use the SRW V DLC on a bongland Vita, or is this just paper?
Yeah, again, I'm not real sure why they've been getting put in them. While at least Ar Nosurge Plus had both the cloth and a poster (and some shitty stickers, admittedly), with Atelier Shallie Plus they dropped the poster and kept cloth. Is there some sort of microfiber collector scene that they're trying to hit or something?
dumbest fucking move
I guess there'd have to be. I mean the cloths usually do have some sort of artwork on them from the game. That makes them "collectible" I guess. It's either that, or the damn things are just THAT fucking inexpensive to produce.
Honestly, with Ar Nosurge Plus, aside from the poster, I'm not sure why they opted to go with stickers and cloth. Given both Gust's art and the musical nature of the game, I'd have thought an artbook and OST would have been fitting, but maybe they didn't want to include what they'd already done with the PS3 version, to provide more reason for people to double dip? Not that that stopped them with the Vita Atelier LEs later.
I suppose maybe they also just cheaped out, since TK had been really leery to even do a limited print run at that point.
you can't dl updates from the psn with a decrypted game and expect it to work but it is possible to dump updates from retail games and install them yourself.
The physical Vita doesn't matter, only thing that does is your PSN account.
No, if the update hasn't been dumped, you can't install it.
DLC is region locked.
Sure, there's a good number of quality games. If you just dismiss Japanese games, you'll miss out on some pretty good stuff.
And what game region you have if it's a physical one, as I found out the hard way with Muramasa.
You just can't download updates for decrypted games. They have to be grabbed against a legit game, and then redumped. Quite a pain with your own games. Is there even a save data backup tool like JKSM for 3DS?
Well that's what I meant, you'd need it to be a JP PSN account to match the cartridge.
Fucking horseshit Sony, I just want to keep my fucking save data and painlessly transfer my games. Can Henkaku or some homebrew help me?
Wait better question, can I remove this firmware requirement from my memory card somehow, without formatting it and losing everything?
If it's still 3.60 or lower on that card you can use a HENkaku'd Vita to delete the file that keeps the FW version.
Alternatively, you can use qCMA with the fully updated Vita to make a backup, followed by a reformatting of the card, and finally use qCMA on the HENkaku'd PSTV to restore your backup. (for this to work correctly both vitas must be assigned to the same psn account.)
Getting 100% again on Risk of Rain
Also Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX and Ys I & II thanks to Adrenaline
Bloodstained to actually come out.
Shantae Half Genie Hero when I get the money to do so.
I could finally download FFVII and Vagrant Story. I bought them like a month ago and I couldn't download them on my Vita
Also, you have a lot of japanese games without fanservice, like
Also, if you can hack your Vita, you can access all of the PSP library (PS1 soon), and a bunch of emulators with retroarch.
I'm not a weeb, but I'm in fucking love with my vita
Finally got around to playing steins;gate its pretty good
Mary Skelter im a sucker for dungeon crawlers
Nothing right now my vita collection is massive. Maybe Root Letter.
I always have fun. Also sucks that Persona 5 won't come to Vita. PS3 version masterrace because fuck PS4.
Considering every Persona title, both proper and dating sim, have gotten PSP/Vita ports, I wouldn't doubt the same happening to P5 later.
Yeah but all those games were built on PS2 hardware or earlier. P5 is built for PS3 though I guess P3 got a PSP port.
Both of the first two Gundam Breakers and both of the SRW Z3 titles were PS3/Vita multiplat. The Vita's fine to run PS3 games, and it's either good enough to run everything the PS4 can, or everyone just makes games for the PS3/Vita and then ports them to it afterward, since everything worth playing on the PS4 is also on PS3 or Vita or both.
It's a shame that the Vita suffered such tragic destiny. I would've loved more PS2 classics on the Vita (Devil May Cry Trilogy would've been awesome). Hammerwatch would've been comfy as fuck with friends as well.
just like there is no point of having a Vita if you arent willing to spend a large amount of money (depending on how many games you are interested in) considering piracy fucked itself by the sheer incompetence of redditfags and attention-whores
I've been out of the loop. What the fuck happened?
Is this our first look at nippon autist's Vita library?
The PSTV has USB support as a memory card through vitashell.
I'm guessing this goes back to vitamin with a group of people making a proto dumper with horrible compatibility with most games. One member of the group gave a prerelease version to one of his faggot friends who then leaked it. Team is dissolved because nobody can deal with keeping things secret until they're complete. One member goes on to "maybe continue to update" before being blown the fuck out by Chinaman and proceeds to rage it up. Reddit was just being reddit trying to make money off of retards which ended up splitting people up.
Fuck I've been sitting on that game for almost a year now, I really need to get around to playing it.
How did you keep your memory card from exploding trying to hold all that?
Sadly the memory card is 3.63, which is why I'm in this sticky situation. I was thinking of signing up for PS Plus, backing up the saves on their servers, formatting the memory card in my PS TV, then using my 3.60 PS TV with that firmware spoof that will let me retrieve the games and saves.
My guess is he has most of those physically.
Never understood this in any facet of coding scene or even translation scenes. Why in the holy fuck can people just not sit on their hands until a project is finished? I don't think any person is actually pushed to do more with an epeen cheerleading squad. Just do the work quietly and on downtime, then bomb, project finished. Aside from genuine feedback from people that actually know what the fuck they're talking about, there's no damned point to posturing outside of the desperate need to attentionwhore.
Now to my own attentionwhoring:
Monster Monpiece. Game's pissing me off in how it refuses to let me build a deck to properly sustain all these fucking high-cost cards which outright cannot compete offensively vs the effect cards the AI pulls out of its ass. It's almost like I'm playing YGO Forbidden Memories and it's bullshit GATE GUARDIAN PULTIMATE GREAT MOTH GATE GUARDIAN BLACK METEOR DRAGON 3 FUCKING ULTIMATE BLUE EYES all over again.
Still fun, though. A lot of the art goes from cute to hilarious, voicework is boner-inducing.
DT2-2: Plans entirely derailed. All the limiteds are gone and my dosh got eaten by life. I can only hope that Play-Asia has spares.
Nada. Them's the breaks, I guess.
You just answered your own question.
nihongamer is that you?
those who "contributed" were more worried about being credited for their "works" first rather than simply checking if the dumps worked (with update files that could eventually corrupt your entire game). The PSP piracy had a few bad dumps but nowhere near the extent of the vita's fuckery. What said too
no definitive fix to the save issue that happens when you left the console on sleep after a prolonged period of time
or the fact you cant install above a certain amount of titles, through maidump (no possibility to scroll down the list and eventually crash)
if you value stability over the many issues that still plague the hack/piracy, then the legal way is your sole option. That's generally why I recommend a PSP or DS (or both) if you like handhelds but money is an issue factor.
Lilian posters, my dude. Even if they aren't entirely and I get a luck roll, I'm flat-broke at this point.
Don't worry, like said, you'll be able to learn to read eventually too.
In the past it used to be fans of something doing things to share the thing. Now that the internet is used by everybody including the worst faggots on the planet everything is about attention instead of doing cool shit.
The best part is it didn't even require specialized hardware like the GBA/DS/PSP it was literally just people wanting to get their name attached to something they did nothing to create because they're worthless in every other facet of their life.
Speaking of the moonrunes, since we're all anons with hacked Vita's here (for the most part), what do you guys think about maybe doing a book club type deal with nip games?
Thoughts? It might be good practice.
I'm surprised how well Google translate is handling all this Japanese.
Never been part of a book club, what specifically does that entail?
post more
Sounds kinda neat, though all I can do is wish you luck since I'm a goy, not a pirate (now if it's DS then we're talkin').
No it's not shade, it actually is translating this pretty nicely. It probably handles proper nouns like garbage though.
replace the mobo?
Well, I'm pretty sure most folks here have a 3DS too. That might be a neat idea too, I guess… probably more games that have furigana if folks need that, too.
Yeah it still has issues but it seems to work well in some cases. I think the problem is that most of the time it tries to be super formal when most folks just… don't talk like that. Not even Japanese folks.
You all decide to a game to play together and do so. Have games, discussions, and whatnot.
That has BEEN fixed for almost a year now. That install limit is a Vita problem, though.
Well, i guess more like half a year.
Might just be me, but I think it would be better to have the text properly centered.
Off-topic I suppose, but I have to ask, how do you actually type in moonrunes? I mean, is it all alt-codes of some sort, do you write it first in another program, etc?
You're in luck user, the regular editions got more stock imagineweb.shop25.makeshop.jp
Hopefully you have the money for it user.
Go into language settings and add Japanese IME option. You just type in romanji and select the correct kanji when you need to
I'm all set and running with my PS TV. Using PS Plus to transfer the saves worked out good.
I wish Blackcats Games was still around though…
Do it for her
Huh, so basically you'd type it as it reads phonetically with English, and with that setting active, it would automatically convert to hiragana/whatever? And I can see how kanji would require the extra step.
To specify, Language Settings for the OS itself, in Windows 7 it's Region and Language in the Control Panel. You want the Keyboards and Languages tab, since that's where the Change Keyboards option is.
For that user that wanted the tapestry + LE… CDJapan has it through their proxy service.
That's for the WonderGOO one. The Lilian poster is only from the Imagine shop.
Well shit. I guess now would be as good a time as any to ask if anyone knows a good proxy shipping service, then?
I don't necessarily want that tapestry but it might be nice to know a site when I do need one. At least Falcom's online shop will ship internationally.
If DT2bro is here: do you have any advice for Soul Summoner, Kunoichi, or Samurai builds, and in general gearing Spieler and Scout-based classes? They're my least-favorite class trees. I still don't know if SS is supposed to be support, offensive, or hybrid and Jokers aren't as fun as Dark Lords imo.
Also I swear back at the beginning of the game it mentioned that different characters have different weapon preferences, and that this would affect their damage. Is there any way to test this?
How's the Girls Und Panzer game? Is it fun?
I just tried GPU overclocking in Totori, it's bliss
Oh yeah, does PSP DLC work with Adrenaline 2 on the Vita?
It's a great feeling. Anyway:
P5 and cawadoodee since it came with the bundle I was given and I like future shootan
Toukiden 2 and Dungeon Travelers 2 since I hear the latter is pretty good first person dungeon crawling
Nothing yet. I figure between my casual shootan and Persona I have a good bit of game to get through before I need a new time sink.
Good news, but still broke. Have to brainstorm some dosh fast if that's the case, though.
Here, yeah. Working that backwards:
Weapon Preference - no such thing in this game. Sadly the only other thing that sets the girls all apart are their Unique Skill earned at lv10. I've never gone into extensive weapon's testing, but I know all the weapons preferences are class based.
You have seen the light, my friend.
Samurai - Consider this with a grain of salt as I haven't put down the work on Samurai as much as other classes in that tree. I believe the next best non-Joker damage dealers that won't run frequent afoul of slash defenses (unlike Dark Lords & Jokers) or Pierce (Snipers & a lance-based Paladin/Valkyrie).
Must-have skills: Flowing Water Stance, Mind's Eye, Armor Penetration, Katana Mastery Max
The other options depend on your build route. Beserker would likely be the tree path preference. Reminder: Frost STrike ignores long-range penalties, and most short-range & mid-range counter triggers (except Gravity Well). All the skills in Berseker are good for an offensive Samurai except Blood Rage (casting time is a bitch and you don't want to dedicate buffs to balance casting speed on a phy fighter). Paladin tree I especially haven't tested (I have one, though—Yocchi), but there's some fair counters present. Parry as a pre-fight buff, Mini Recovery & Auto-Guard will save some damage shaving.
Far as equips, there's no reason to do a 1-hand Katana & shield unless you're dead-set on a paladin substitute (in which case add Shield Bash, Cover, and Defender as options for that build). Offensive is the point, so weapon skills like Critical, Phy Atk, ATK, and Speed will get you far. The final Katanas, Daikingatatachi (Yojin: Mumeibime-no-Mikoto drop)and Aitou Usumidori (Yoshimitsu) are pretty fucking powerful—you should be able to get the later, first. A Sealbook with Null Freeze (Fenrir, or one of the Runner types iirc) will also work. If you can get it from Bishamonten Peggy, then Ragaraja's Helmet nulls slash attacks, which is damn-good when you run into the Macca tree demons (who also have piercing attacks, but that's what Flowing Water Stance is for) or a lot of claw-based monsters (of course also the samurai & kunoichi chains). Striking power, criticals, def buff strike (Armor Penetration), and the network of counters always keep the Samurai as a good mainstay, especially when support is an issue.
Don't forget the CDJapan one is the Melvy + Conette scroll, not Lilian. Not the user you replied to, but how worried do I need to be about skill/class distributions, because I'm just doing whatever the fuck right now. I don't want to hit a wall while I'm stuck between the checkpoints for level resets
Support, through and through. Expect NO kind of damage-dealing from them except one exception: Sniper (Treasure Hunter distant second place). Do not attempt to even try to beef attack power as priority. Your best bet outside of Sniper across the board are status attacks and crit-enabled instakills. Breaking this down by the tree:
Scout - No call to fame, build one for speed and dagger/bow damage. Thieving isn't something I've tested but I intend to this coming season because it pisses me off that there's no dedicated thieving list I can recall reading, even on the JPN wiki.
Archer - Weaker sniper but far better priced as far as spending SP and TP-per-attack. Caution is a godsend of a passive get it immediately. ALL of the bow techs are useful here, especially Freeze and Gravity shot.
Assassin - Same story, actually—weaker Kunoichi but also far more cost-effective. Sleep/Stun/Slience Sting go far and are pierce attacks. Murder is an always thing, and Awareness is ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NECESSARY if you mean to go farm runners and Mandragoras early on (as in pregame and half the postgame maps, before your AGL/SPD scores start making you godly even without crowning), not to mention saving you from some ugly solo encounters.
Sniper - The ONLY big damage dealer, but expensive as shit make no mistake. DEX matters hard but is naturally high, but hell keep beefing it. Crits are also important. Skills across the board are all necessary, but protip: Chain Spike >> Spiral Arrow. Reason being Spiral Arrow does a fuckton of damage but the recover time (time until your next turn) is pretty damned long. Chain Spike, on the other hand, is a multistrike, chance to crit every strike, and also recovers far, far faster. You'll need both, but Chain Spike is the go-to skill for mobs. But again, all of this shit's helluva expensive. MONICA is the best Sniper thanks to both Warning Shot (halts enemy action) and her Unique Transcendent Counter - As a long-range fighter it'll keep her from eating a counter and most times she'll preemptively DROP a troublesome monster about to do heinous shit to you.
Treasure Hunter - holy shit support heaven. In and out of battle it's a beautiful class.Honestly you can keep Souffle right where she is at no major loss. Whether you go dagger or bow style is up to you, but I'd recommend against anything whip-related because you're not going to get bang for your buck. Augment your equipment for speed and you'll see your TH accumulate a hilarious amount of damage via super-fast Chain Spikes or through Dagger Mastery & Pursuit Stab (the second ABSOLUTELY depends on a laundry list of debuffs and status effects on the monster. But that's easy if you just have a Berserker tree user about with Dark Aura, and other means). Drawback is that the class is expensive as FUCK to make effective—you'll have to invest in Magic Skill Garnishes to make a TH into an absolute support dynamo (dagger or bow build). Crits, speed, & AGL are the priority with this one.
Kunoichi - Not a favored class because expensive and effort involved. You have to decide early on how to take the Kunoichi: Magic-focused support, Status-focused support, or Katana-focused support. A Kunoichi isn't effective if you try all of the above simultaneously.
For the magic, her equipment HAS to have INT and Chant Speed on it (no more than 5 Chant Speeds as the stack limit's 5)—that will speed the chanting on the various Scroll spells and also Shadow Clone (which is fucking criminal how long it takes to cast). Good news on the various Scrolls: Like Dancer's Salsa, it's fixed damage that's HP based, so "missing" means fuckall because you'll still hit and debuff a stat at the same time. Max damage is 500, however, so keep that in mind.
Katana's are a preference thing—no real advantage to them. You're better off dmg/stat-wise with daggers thanks to Dagger Mastery way back at the Scout skills. Dual Wield works best with a 1hand axe buffing, but you can also use that to custom ATK, crits, phy attack and so on. Whether dagger, projectile, or katana, my big advice is don't main a single weapon without some kind of status effect. Freeze, Stun, Sleep, Instant Death—something. A kunoichi will never be a big damage dealer so you have to reach for other exploits.
I also am of the belief that the duration of Shadow Clone is RES-controlled, but I don't have a way to confirm at the moment so consider that theory.
Tsurara hands down is best Kunoichi. Auto-resurrect is useful as hell even if your objective isn't to die a lot.
Equip builds you will HAVE to adjust based on what of the 3 directions you take your kunoichi in. But Speed is an ultimate priority for the class.
Weebfucker, which was the good SAO game you were sperging about for weeeks? I got sixty psn funbucks after getting 2hu and may as well grab hat. Also Scout rocks. Take Souffle Assassin to Treasure hunter. Pursuit Stab synergizes well with Berserker's Dark Aura to give some damage dealing ability. Weak Stab and Souffle's passive interupt shit, and postgame TH is going to be your healer because of shit magic heal caps.
Is Vita piracy a thing that exists?
Depends on what you're looking for. If you wanna fly around and do Norse mythology shit, get Lost Song. If you want to play a single-player MMO, get Hollow Fragment, and then Hollow Realization if you liked HF. HF also has the added bonus of a hilarious English translation. Lost Song and Hollow Realization have more…proper translations, ie not hilariously bad ones.
Release order is:
And speaking on HF/HR, Hollow Realization takes all the good shit from HF and improves it drastically, and borrows a thing or two from Lost Song as well but not the flying, sadly.
Also, here's the obligatory copy-pasta for anyone who wants to try Hollow Fragment.
That copypasta in turn begs the question: What's SAO?
Yeahit as HF. I don't want no LARPagan faggotry.
Not hilariously bad, but just flat out bad. It's full of the same shit people are freaking over in Persona 5's translation, mostly having to do with the translation having an "old people think this is how young people speak" feel, not to mention has lots of noticeable quality testing issues.
it's not really larping, the game world of ALfheim Online is based around North mythology, which i'm a sucker for. It's some cool shit. They're pretty accurate with the mythology to a degree to boot, having to fight Loki and his daughter Hel at one point. They take liberties, of course. But if Norse stuff isn't your cup of tea, you'd be better off with HF and later HR.
HF has a pretty awful translation user, but it's funny-bad, as though a bunch of Nips were scrambling trying to learn the english language and relied too heavily on Google translate. I wish I had some of the funnier dialogue bits, there's so much "penetration" in HF.
Lost Song and Hollow Realization have more what you're talking about though. Lost Song's wasn't quite as stilted-sounding to me though.
honestly this kind of translation, like what people are bitching about with P5, doesn't bother me in the least bit. I mean at least it's accurate. It's a bit stilted, but i'll take that any day over pozzed shoe-horned politics bullshit.
if it is scandishit and doesn't nvolve massive amounts of brown ballss slapping on white chin homosex than it is LARPshit. Go back to your containment board, Oswald Spergler
>>>Holla Forums
Are you serious or just memeing us? It's Sword Art Online.
Tender Love and Care. Strap in as none of these builds will start showing fruit until the postgame—Papillion & Soul Summoner paths can get expensive, and often skill choices are preference-based. As a sidenote, the lolsorandom 10SP skill for Spieler/Trickster/Joker is just that—for the lulz. Unless you like that variety, avoid.
Spieler - Skills here can change (bash/slash/pierce) depending on what you're equipping. Coffee Break is kinda OP for its cost and stays useful throughout the game right into the end of the postgame. Nothing of note for here till the advanced classes.
Doll Master - Cannot actually shine bright till postgame due to the sheer expense of skills. You'll go dry of TP fast fucking with leveling up any of the dolls beyond your own TP pool means. Point of note is to fucking IGNORE the TP recovery and instead focus on Max TP Up. Also haul around a maid for better TP recovery. DO put points in the Mini Auto-Refresh, though, and max out Doll Master as soon as is convenient. Now the stickler point: All of the dolls' strengths are based on DM and SS's equipment bonuses:
Spartan - ATK
Oracle - ATK, DEX
Catalina - RES
Mercidarian - ATK, DEX
Perdurabo - n/a since it's a curebot. Don't bother unless that's your preference.
Musiy - INT score
This means you HAVE to build in a way to complement the dolls you use. You can use all of them but it'll blunt your output. So, physical build (Sparta/Oracle/Merc), or magical build (Musiy, Catalina). Choose what you think works for you.
Soul Summoner - See the notes above, also there's more. Divine Shield is a nice offset but I have a problem and that's both casting time and also personal speed. My SS is fast as fuck and that means her buffs run out in shorter term duration than other classes (EXCEPTION: Spieler's Fleet Foot is the second best speed buff in the game, with the maid's Clean being first place. Acceleration is kinda trash unless you feel like casting it every 3 turns). If you augment for speed (which you kinda HAVE to, because a SS and DM is a support class—fair damage dealing, but still very support/supplemental), you can stretch that, but there's also another trick: Soul Eater is actually pretty damned damaging. INT-based AND augmented by personal speed/recovery. It's fast as fuck, though it doesn't effect undead and inanimate/magic creatures. Still damned useful to have, though. Double Puppet is a must. Soul Seal boost doll's powers based on core stats offered in a Sealbook (ATK, INT, RES, AGL, DEX, etc). Does quite a bit to buff the doll's attack/speed/spells. Equip a sealbook that complements.(I have Saturday Night Rider on Lizerietta for example because double-ATK and also Nulls Instakill as a bonus). To cheat, I also actually use Musiy too at the same time but use Izanami's Rod, a chest reward behind Mumeibimei-no-Mikoto to beef that doll's attacks as it has INSANE ATK & INT points.
Trickster - Max out everything but Magic Box. The whole class is based on chance so don't take chances. High Risk High Return is just a slightly weaker Berserk and Checkmate is an astonishingly good single attack. Axe or dagger yeah this isn't an argument axe > daggers/swords here because of:
Joker - 1. Weapon Mastery and Axe Master both stack. Max them.
2. Max everything (save Showtime and Triple Joker). Expensive (sorta), but again the two classes are dictated on chance. Trump Card is actually as powerful as Dark Lord's Power Charge, if not moreso stat-wise since it runs a formula to convert both DEF points and def buff percentages (like Valkyrie's Protection Spell) into a pure ATK numbers. The two big drawbacks are that it leaves the Joker entirely vulnerable to being even OHKO by lucky or solo mobs, and the best skill to use it with is a goddamned crapshoot. That skill is Danger Shoot (Spieler Skill) which is a 0 - 4 chain attack. And nothing is more frustrating to me, personally, spending a turn to buff only to whiff or score low on the combo chain. So again, despite the raw numbers, Dark Lord > Joker based on sheer consistency of damage-per-turn.
3. Build your Joker to power. Go for the Slaughtering Daeva (Angra Mainyu's state 1 drop) if you want but you dull your Joker's max dmg potential doing so. The Daghda Axe is far better. But I will warn that it's also infuriating to farm for. Only the Tiamat drops it—a Lv91 dragon on the 12th floor of the Tower of Bogomil that is a solo mob. Joker's STILL an excellent strong arm attacker, despite the chance drawbacks.
And that is what, some generic moeblob anime or something?
No, it's not. I know moon, and Hollow Realization's translation was a train wreck both in tone and accuracy. The translation bears only a vague resemblance to the original text, and they did some serious damage to a few character's personalities. Yuuki and Strea in particular are portrayed as much more stupid and childish in the translation than in the original. Also, for every actual line you hear spoken, there are 2 or more extraneous lines added to the translation for no fucking reason. This translation is the exact opposite of accurate, and if it hadn't been for the fact that the game had the Japanese voices, I would have sold the game and used the money to buy the JP version.
Papillion - Forgot about this one. Good crowd clearing potential whether you go with fans or swords (or maces, iirc). Graceful Rose is a sad attack that should be left be—ignore. Probably best to go with the Trickster tree to get the most from a Papillion. Honestly, it's kinda mediocre to me, personally, as SS is the better support, and Joker is the better sword arm. However, to get some treasured items and even extra mini-scenes in the game, you have to have and use Materialize against some enemies to turn them into items. Also a requirement if you're going for in-game trophies (complete the Materialize list) or if you're going for the Theriean Seal sidequest (protip: eat any penguin riding a bear as they ALL give up the Bear & Bird Lunch Set—one of the required event item triggers for the Theriean Seal quest). Again, fair class, just not the pop that the SS and JK have.
Okay I've kvetched enough.
Holla Forums is a hat free zone, nigger
well then just how much important stuff is being missed out on due to this? This is news to me.
Technically you'll never be stuck so long as you're not past the Lv50 marker. After that, you don't get another redistribute chance till Lv90.
And you're not technically stuck earlier because so long as you're careful about it, you have the chance to just go with a 2-person party to regain lost levels instead of going with a full party of 5. If you're doing whatever, then keep doing whatever, but pay attention to what you see working vs not working. Come the postgame, the margin of error becomes NIL. The game itself warns you away from doing dumber things like sinking all your points into a skill you can't afford TP-wise.
I will recommend against filling out passives entirely until you think you can afford the extra SP spendage. For example, the various weapon masteries—you're honestly just fine at Lv 5 for those for the majority of the game. After Lv 5, the additional percentage to damage bonus doesn't grow as well (I forget the exact formulas). Math-wise, it's best to just run with level 5 for a while.
Others like Dark Aura you could benefit from leveling to max, especially if you're running Souffle or someone else as Treasure Hunter (for Pursuit Stab purposes). Or the Preemptive Strike or Ambush Avoid passives.
Magic spells, level them to what you can afford per encounter. Maid class tree has the skills you wanna max out at first opportunity, though. ESPECIALLY the HP/TP recovery stuff.
That depends on what what you think is important. If you only need basic plot details to be the same as the JP version, than this translation gets a pass. If, however, you think wrecking certain characers' personalities and adding retarded "teenspeak" that wasn't there to begin with is important, than this translation definitely gets a fail. Here's an example of what I mean. In the translation, Strea comes off as slightly retarded, sounds like a child, and doesn't seem to understand how insanely hot she is. In the original Japanese, she's just naturally upbeat, cheerful, 100% aware of how hot she is, and completely shameless about using her body to get Kirito. The difference is huge and really makes her come off worse in the translation.
I don't see how ruining character personalities is ever even close to acceptable in a "translation."
This is all true save for the last part.
Group healing items are still expensive as fuck to get/farm the good ones. And by the time you don't have to worry about money at all, you're already have a set of walking god killers that can do whatever.
A balanced team will do just as well with a healbot TH as a healbot Sage or Bishop.
Maid's healing + speed makes her a contender for far better healbot. Doubly so for Bard/Diva as their heals are percentage-based and are easily maintained w/o draining items. A+ rank dagger with four speed mods, and just running AGL through the rest of the equips means your maid gets 5 turns to everyone else's 2, even vs super bosses.
A Bishop with a well-managed INT stat and Full Cure makes short work of depleted fighter based tanks—the only real HP worry that breaks the 1000 limit. You're generally safe with any heal that goes 750 for all classes that aren't Fighter related since the other classes tend not to even break the 1500HP scale at Lv99 without bonus equip assistance.
It isn't. 日本語を勉強する、アノンくん。
if you are using the item drop DLC accessory you should amass a shit tonne of consumables and gold by the time you hit post game and Bishops circle heal drops off on recoverydue to capss. TH with recyle andbiost will cover the difference and offer support magic users can't keep up with. Unless you need a certain class like in the ice cave it is better to just choose a MU to focus on as a Magical Princess and save you other slots for othee classes.
i see now. So they're basically just getting the bare minimum across while taking liberties with the rest.
Why is it so hard for them to just keep doing what they were doing in the first place and just do a correct translation?
it's past time I learned…
Same, maybe I could just get by transcribing my SRWs.
Fuck this is great, now only if I could find a weapon tree guide.
Here is the mitama list if anyone else is still playing it;
Oh yeah, I loved fiddling with the unique combos in Toukiden 1.
I just wish my CPU allies in 2 weren't so trigger happy.
I've stopped playing since picking up Persona 5 and i'm also trying to get SK Estival beaten before PBS releases this summer. I'll come back to Toukiden 2 eventaully, for sure.
That's a pretty awesome thing though, I didn't know bonuses could stack like that.
It's a common misconception that translations were ever good. They've always been bad for the most part. Woosley's body of work is infamous, and people are finally starting to realize how god fucking awful Working Designs was. Modern translations are just showing us some previously unseen lows with companies like NISA and Treehouse.
No worries about the length, I appreciate it.
I'm already in postgame, I'm in the middle of Eternal Hell and already got the Therian Seal. Funnily enough my only decent Spieler class is my Papillon (Lize). It looks like Joker playstyle is essentially a high-risk Dark Lord with a much higher damage potential? If I tend to play more conservatively are they still reasonably consistent?
They never did though. Besides, there's financial incentive, since to my understanding most "localization" companies get paid more the more they change.
But never too late. Vid related.
No better game to motivate you.
Woolsey I can at least respect for managing to put out ANYTHING remotely close to accurate and readable considering the situation he was in. Man did what he could with what he had. Not only is shit today way more inexcusable due to much better circumstances, a lot of the time current "translators" start taking it on themselves to "spice up" or "fix" the original script, which is cancer.
The vita plays PSP games, now? Mine's been hacked for months but doesn't see much mileage.
You can even buy PSP games for it officially.
I remember, now, an SD card costs about a thousand times as much as it should so I can't fit any fucking games on it
God I'd kill for a cute guy with nice fat balls to sit in my lap while I play the ps vita and softly whisper into his ear that its okay to play on easy mode, my 5'4 inch cock pressed tight against his butt as we play the jack and dexter games and wait for something good to be released on the vita
I bought an 16 GB chinese knockoff for the psp back in the day, it was actually a 4 GB micro SD card that would write over itself, causing corruption, after trying to use it too much
why didn't they just put in a 16 GB card? They'd still have made money. I hate the chinese ;-;
if this really is the case, a whole lot of all this makes much more sense. Get paid more to butcher and poz translations for games. It perfectly
hit enter to line break and instead submitted the post orz
What I was saying though is that if such is truly the case it (almost) perfectly explains shit like Nintendo Treehouse, 8-4, and NISA. Even moreso gives them an incentive to hire these feminist dykes and nu-males to censor "problematic" stuff in the text or game itself.
Yeah, as far as I get it, localizers sell their services on the basis that "games as is don't sell in the West, we can make it sell more by making it match Western sensibilities." As such, the more they change, the more they charge. The game makers, for their part, don't understand Westerners at all and thus leave it to the "professionals."
That makes sense, though I honestly think it was less that and more "Hey about that empty position, my friend's kid just graduated college with a worthless degree and can't get a job, can we give it to him/her?"
I could definitely see that being a thing as well.
The DLC item is only good for weapon drops, though. TH has a skill that boosts item drops, but hunting for things aside of the Maharaja Curry tends to be tricky. Guild Quests are a better consistent source if you're not looking to hit up the traveling merchant penguin. Otherwise the unorthodox stuff that heals 300 - 500 regular (1000 w/TH's skills) is in the deep end of the monster farming. And then there's stuff that just isn't available in stores, like Seimei Routes & Service Crosses, Silver Keys and one of the doll types (same effect as Shadow Clone or Illusion), Paper Crane of Prayers or Mandra Tinfoil (Mass Massage Gel effect), & so on. All pretty hard farms, even with that TH passive.
And amassing gold prior to postgame is limited as a helpfulness. The weapons & armor customs on two characters is guaranteed to bleed those savings dry. You can constantly sell stray items & unnecessary weapons, although the costs per fitting (and then refitting in later Otherwold dungeons) are going to keep the coffers dry well up until you're finally in the Lv95 area. Provided you're not Crowning. Cause if you are, then yes you'll have money for ages with no worries.
Oops. And both this and the Service Crosses revive your character with like 1/5th or 1/3rd your HP as opposed to the Mui Kuha Medicine which is like 1/8th or 1/10th (I forget)
seimei roots start dropping duing the maingame and the profit from selling weapons/armor had me at 3.5 million when I beat irena. Upgrading gear wasn't even a thing until post game. Every dungeon dive netted me good enough gear to progress tbrough themain story. Quest rewards were easy enough to fish for picking up and dropping quests.
That is what a Joker is, yes. Not as robust as the Dark Lord—HP gets nice, but never really in the 2000s (Mefmera, my Joker, isn't crowned yet and her Lv99 max is 1579—mind that I don't have a lot of Max HP modifiers). Defense-wise they don't tank well, either. Tradeoff is D Shoot is a long range skill, so you can throw her in the back row for damage control for bosses.
If I can get a buffed Danger Shoot to land in full, I'm looking at at least 8000+ (minimal) to up to 13000+ (critical) average damage, not taking into account matters like bash defense or weakness. Something else to consider way down the road defense-wise is the Cthugha Cuirass, a reward for defeating Maid-Sensei in Gear Castle, then taking the 11th Secret Classroom lesson. Its bash/slash neutral, so any pierce attacks that get through or special-modded physical attacks (Like River of Blood) can get caught by Pretend. AND if you're looking to Crown, it has Elemental Resist Grand Up which does half your work.
Chance attacks aside, Jokers can rely on buffed normals, Checkmate, and Mad Zapper to do a LOT of regular clearing damage. They're a fair damage dealing class and can even take whole groups. I just dislike the whole chance factor. Before I got the Cuirass, I also opted to NOT run a Joker without a shield tank or fast support around, since again they can get in trouble.
If Papillion is working, then that's good. The game's designed to create solutions to most classes—none of them really suck in truth. I'm sure there's some super autist that ran the whole game with nothing but he Scout, Fighter, Maid, Magic User, and Spieler classes. And I want to shake their hand.
What weapon type would you say Joker does best with? 2H axes like Dark Lord or what?
Also, looking at your xp in that screenshot, what does the xp curve look like between 50 and 90? I'm worried about waiting too long before I start resetting my high level characters and wasting grind time (also I haven't levelled any tanks to deal with Eternal Hell besides Alisia). I'm also just curious what level is half of 99, xp wise
qCMA method does not require any PSN account fuckery, which means no chances of getting banned (sony's bans for vita users have been very sporadic, but you never know…)
Simply do a full backup of the card, use the 'system backup' option in the content manager - it basically copies everything on the card into a pair of 'psvimg' files on your PC. Then you can format the card on the PSTV and retrieve everything via the backup you made, using qCMA on the PSTV (this will be slower since it's wifi only).
With this you won't just keep your saves, but also any other media on the card such as games, music and pics you captured.
Even PSTV-incompatible stuff will transfer - CMA doesn't check that kinda stuff, it's just the livearea launcher where you will get told that 'game x doesn't work on PS TV'.
Once everything is transferred, you can say goodbye to wi-fi qCMA fuckery on the PS TV and just use FTP via a network cable or better yet the USB mounting feature - that's right, you can use a random USB drive or external disk on your PSTV as a memcard thanks to HENkaku, and can fully tell Sony to go fuck themselves with their overpriced memcards.
Already managed to work around most of it, almost done redownloading all my official stuff since PSN spoofing works at the moment, while I use PS Plus to upload most of my save files (except my few PSP games, but I can live with that for now).
Thanks though, working on getting FTP going soon enough since I just have a phone on hand.
That's why.
In my defense, I did not know I'd own a PS TV, USB loading would become a thing, and there would be a white list for PS TV 2 years ago.
PSP saves are copied directly, so you can easily CMA those and then restore them to any vita, no psn login needed.
Regular vitas can't do usb mounting, so just keep the 64gig card for a regular vita and use USB on the PSTV.
Is the USB mounting even out yet? I can't find anything beyond it being teased on Wololo's site.
As for keeping the card, I'm debating it. The whole reason I got a PS TV in the first place was because the sticks on my regular Vita were starting to fuck up and I wasn't about to pay for replacement sticks and hazard replacing them myself.
Yes, it's in the latest few releases of VitaShell.
Nice, but goddamn it I wasted most of a day downloading shit.
It's not wasted. You can mount the USB drive as non-memcard first and use vitashell to move everything, then remount the USB drive, this time as a memcard 'clone'.
wish I got the PSTV instead
Speed & power are important. Power means dick if a Joker can't strike fast enough. Also, remember that Trump Card drains DEF entirely to add to ATK—a 2hnd weapon won't take advantage of extra defense like a shield, so a good strong shield is an important thing. It's a bitch as most of the named shields in the final level are Valkyrie only.
THAT is a bitch because most of the named equipment in the final vestiges of the game are a good 100 points to 300 points superior to making your own custom equipment, with sacrifice being the various bonus slots.
As for experience, I've not done the charting work for that, but someone at the jp wiki did iirc:
www49.atwiki jp/dungeon-travelers2/pages/205.html
If you're looking to crown and are trying to gain a hop, I'd say don't think on it until you're at Skyfort. THEN you can start doing something resembling efficient Crown grinding.
The chart columns read "Required Experience", "Accumulated Experience", "Aqcuired SP", and "Accumulated SP".
I feel like I'm fighting my Vita every step of the way of this bullshit, but I'm getting close to having it fully functioning.
Thanks. One completely frivolous question now - which item triggers Konomi's unique skill and is that skill in any way useful?
Fish Sausages—you have to get them from the peggy merchant, and the puppy acts like the dolls do to my knowledge.
Was coming in to post this. Romancing SaGa 2 and 3. Not bad if you're in the market for it.
Does anyone else catch trouble viewing anything from DualShockers? For me it'll cut off articles halfway at times. The layout of that site seems borked. Pretty sure there's supposed to be a comment section, too, but that never shows.
The comment section is powered by Disqus, so if that's not appearing and part of the article is gone as well, you probably have some strict ad blocking or privacy settings enabled.
Doesn't stop Disqus from showing up on all other sites I have, and I barely whitelist anyone. DualShockers is the only special child.
This PS TV is incredible~
Thanks for all of you for the help and such, yeah.
I was having that exact same problem with dual shockers I sadly have no idea what fixed it though. My only theory was my anti-tracking add-on, however I reinstalled it and the site kept working normally so I don't know.
My friend just got Persona 5 and now he wants a Vita or preferably a Vita TV to play through 1-4. Apparently though Vita TVs are now like 150$ anyone know what the cheapest way to play Vita games is nowadays?
What country are you in? During the previous holidays the PSTV went as low as $20.
If it's a straight mobile port with the horrible touch control HUD again then they can keep it.
And now updates are no longer auto installing for games I own.
This system's a crap shoot.
Good to know, thanks DT2-user. Hope you can find some money soon
I still regret not buying it when that happened
If it gets a physical version, I'll pick it up.
Fuck yeah, that's great.
Not sure what you mean, but you'll need to launch the game after you update it in order for it to be applied.
"Dungeon Travelers 2-2": 9/8/7/8
Main story clear 50-60 hours, everything is over 200 hours.
Difficulty is high as before, but having summon and mercenary helps.
UI as a whole is easier on the eyes.
Costumes are nice but would like to have new classes too.
Skill adjustment and new skills gives it some freshness.
New heroines feels good too.
Fanservice scene every now and then gives motivation.
Quality of life improvements like battle speedup.
Dungeons are a little monotonous.
Dungeon size and monster difficulty is not extreme.
Item related menu and commands are slightly more convenient.
Story is unexpectedly proper.
It feels a little constrained due to consumable items not being plentiful,
but the higher quality BGM and various misc. improvements makes it comfy enough that you won't skip the side stories.
See that's how it used to work, but now for some reason, it's stopped doing that entirely across any game I download, starting with Street Fighter x Tekken.
Solved it, had to restart in safe mode and rebuild the database.
My suffering is eternal.
It's a stupid idea for a console but it didn't deserve to fall as low as the 32X.
This man knows what's up.
Why would that be a loss?
They share the seat for worst localization group together with 8-4 and Treehouse. Their translations have memelands-tier writing.
That makes my point even stronger, why would Vita care if PC is taking it away? That seems like he'd be doing her a favor
Some asia/japanese/chinese vita games on sale
Also Trillion for 20 bucks
Because that's a Strayan box, and NISA only published Coldsteel the Hedgeheg outside of North America. XSEED did the translation work for that game.
Why am I not having fun with pic related? All the other characters even Porsche Mercedes was unexpectedly great so much more entertaining.
I must be doing something wrong.
Aren't those the "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub" guys?
As says, XSEED did the English version for NA, and I would like to assume that the NISA PAL version uses the existing English translation (as would other, prior games XSEED handled here that NISA handled elsewhere). Though, I could be wrong. I hope not, a friend of mine ordered Celceta for my birthday last year and what arrived was a PAL NISA copy somehow, despite both of us living in the states, admittedly it's still backlogged.
I didn't mind Gwendolyn that much, but then again, I haven't gone back to her that much after the other characters, other than to find all of her (and other character's) abilities and Armageddon. Maybe it might have to do with the abilities you have set?
I'll admit it was weird (in a good way) to suddenly be handed a character that does best at range, and those midbosses that got turned into shoot em ups were an unexpected (and fun) diversion.
I only realized this as I went blind into Armageddon with her, got my poopchute resized about ye big and then tried to grind some money in her final chapter. To buy loadsa chicken and lvl9 Naturalize it.
It just seems like a no-fun-allowed slog. I use almost all her power skills depending on the boss I switch out the vertical vacuum drill jump and occasionally some spells.
And pertaining Mercedes, how the flying fuck does one dodge the airship's electric field?
I actually just may have. God willing I'll know by the morn.
Realized I forgot to get some things updated to my Vita. Speaking of that book club, anyone interested in using the demo for this as a study version?
Serious bit of a question: If I have Murasama already, do I need to stress to hunt this down? I heard it doesn't actually play too different. I loved the demo but it's been down the list of things I should go acquire for a good two years (has it been that long?) now.
I would but I still haven't played even the original Dungeon Travelers, much less DT2 (which still goes for 6-7000), so I would probably be lacking context/getting spoiled.
Level 9 naturalize + assloads of decently strong food is a great way to get phozons if you really need it, admittedly at the sacrifice of level up ingredients. Sitting there with the "absorb" function active and just seeing wave after wave of them get sucked up for like a full minute is a great feeling.
Are you taking advantage of Gwendolyn's ability to freeze enemies? Though, I suppose that doesn't help much against the wyrm. Just saying, since that, and passive ability to fly, are kind of her perks, and she's got passive boosts against frozen enemies. Though, I've heard in the PS2 original, she was also one of the only characters that could even block, barring Cornelius, I think.
Anyhow, you might also want to swap out some of your skills every so often, particularly if something's not proving effective for a given boss/situation.
Fly around the top of it, around the right side of it, and then do an aerial dodge or two as the ship moves back into its normal right of screen position.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is a pretty good game. It's not quite the same in handling as Muramasa Rebirth, but still a very (if a tad repetitive) worthy game. That said, I'm not sure what sort of print/shipping size it saw for any of the three systems it was on. I have seen it show up at a used multimedia place I go to for $24 preowned maybe a week after release, but I'm not sure if I'd consider that a good standard to go off of, as I haven't seen a Vita copy there since.
Same here with the physical train. Thought about Deemo off and on, but too pricy. Now though, perhaps…
When do you think the Vita will catch up with the 3DS as far as ease of functionality?
All DLCs for 2000yen
Vita OS functions fine for users, and certainly feels snappier than the 3DS. If you mean for hacks, the ones that exist are easy, just more limited because Vita is, unfortunately, not Insecurity Enginering 101™.
Sub in any game you actually like. There's a template floating around too.
PC porting's mainly a Western thing though, so it doesn't really happen here.
Pffft, I'm sure we'll have fully functional CFW and I won't have to fuck around mounting my USB drive constantly by then.
So the regular price of a day one release? What's the issue, here?
Digital releases are not and should not be priced the same as a physical cart. Bullshit excuses such as: It's the only way to support the devs in english, but they did work enough for the price, Don't you want future games?, etc. Do not excuse it. They are saving money providing a substandard product while charging full price. Fuck them and fuck you for normalizing it.
But they are, unless you're on Steam. I didn't normalize shit. Nor did anyone buying into it. This was the industry going collectively "It ain't broke, we ain't fixing it". If you're thinking a consumer protest would have work, that's short-sighted. And, well, I can't exactly throw stones about something like this when I'm actively plotting to pay far more inflated prices for a couple of trinkets and a likely-not-quality wallscroll, and further on into the raw versions of games that are autopriced higher than anything released west.
Now if you're looking to save some bucks, then just wait for the inevitable drop—you're going to see a sale before the year's out, definitely.
Exactly. Digital-only titles, or the digital-versions of games, SHOULD be cheaper than their physical counterparts.
Indeed so, unfortunately. Things are far too gone now to try and change that. It would take a pretty huge shift in the industry as a whole for the norm to shift to "cheaper digital, full-price physical."
and for the west, that's a far-off happening. No bullshit, it'd take GameStop's death and nothing less.
hell, it'd take more than that.
Unless they were charging less than the average $40 as a default price, that might as well be treated as a "first print bonus" or something. Not sure why they thought of calling it a "deluxe" edition though.
Unfortunately in many cases they are, at least at launch. Whether or not the publisher feels like dicking potential customers over in the long run by keeping them full price for as long as they can (especially if there's no preowned physical copies to compete against) is another story.
Believe me, I agree. Sadly, there seems to be some notion that "the game data itself is what you're wanting" and thus they charge the same price, even if the publisher is cutting out pretty much any and all physical production costs, they don't pass the savings down to the consumer. I'll actually give Sega a bit of credit over Yakuza 5 NOT being a full priced $60 PS3 game here, and while I am still a bit annoyed that it was given the digital only treatment, the game's price even included the DLC the Japanese audience had to pay extra for to my knowledge.
Regrettably, I don't see much of a hope for this sort of thing to change any time soon. Even if a full on boycott against full price digital releases were to happen (highly unlikely), I'd wager most companies would just opt to keep doing it, and then blame the consumer when digital sales slacken (cue array of articles quoting companies whining about "entitled" consumers), rather than admit there's a valid point to be had to NOT asking the same initial price on a format with no physical production costs vs one with carts/discs and cases (manuals having already been culled for the most part).
On a related tangent, I don't get why some companies, when a game does see both a retail physical and digital format release, continue to ask the original price on the digital version LONG after the physical has gone down in value. Anyone that pays attention to prices will likely just look for cheaper preowned copy if it exists, so why leave the digital version at full price? Unless the entire idea is that the occasional dumbfuck that drops the full $40-60 on digital copies months/years after the fact is seen as making up for any loss in profits from not permanently dropping the digital price to compete with preowned physicals.
Fucking Gamestop is even a place that outright pushes the "it's the game data itself you're after, why should the condition matter?" sort of mindset, and will try to push cart/disc only copies on the customer if they don't have better available (as they manage to have more storage space cutting on cases when they can), and then act as if you should feel lucky they bother to stock those games at all.
I ain't paying full price for digital release, especially when Atlus went out of their way to refuse a limited physical release.
If Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics was able to get a limited physical release on top of a discount digital price in the west, then it's atlus just being fat kikes as usual.
not advocating for it but you know, people trying to sell things notice when they don't sell things as much and seeing as the game is already made it's not like it suddenly won't exist if you don't buy the shitty English digital copy.
Importing physical copies is not the same as buying a 40$ digital title because
Moving to a digital platform was not the industry keeping the status quo. It was the exact opposite. They saw digital sales as a way to make more money that goes exclusively to them and not retailers, disc production costs, or shipping. Tell me how, without those associated costs, they still charge the same as a physical copy? Could it be because they can and fuck you? They can also ship entirely broken products and then
It isn't about saving my money. It is about an industry going entirely digital and locking games behind thirty different storefronts with no real improvements other than not having limited numbers of digital copies but somehow I doubt that'll last either and they'll start having limited "collector" edition digital games.
It would make more sense for them to try to utilize the good points of both forms. Physical has the stupid bullshit people want to play around with while the digital copy has a lower price.
That is a whole different issue entirely. A lot of "journalism" is literally being a mouthpiece to air out the company's bitching rather than actual report shit that people need to know. Consumers are entitled to a reasonably priced product with reasonable support. That's literally what they pay for. Instead you get a company that delivers a pile of shit and releases a statement telling people they're too entitled for not eating their shit sandwich. Then company owned "journalists" reports about how GREAT it must be that your only issue in life is not wanting to eat shit. Video games were a mistake
There's the case with some games seeing an extremely limited physical release driving the few physical copies up in price so they can freely gouge you the 40$ price because the physical is up to 300$. There is also the idea that they might "allow" you to play your digital games on later consoles. Also they can put the game on "sale" at the price of a used physical copy and rake in the impulse buys.
Then don't. A release to me has to be a definite want to usually justify not waiting for a sale.
Don't think I don't empathize, but you're whining to the choir. They're doing it and there's fuck-all to be reasonably done about it except on the personal level. That's my point
I'm not. I'm gonna save my money of the Ys Origin physical release.
If anything, the physical versions end up being cheaper, since most retailers will give a 15-20% discount for preordering that usually (though not always) just ends up being their default price going forward, and at times you have prices drop even harder - I remember picking up Bravely Second brand new four or five months after launch for about 2000, and a little more than six months after that saw it going for 980, again, brand new, all while the eShop was still charging ~6000. There is little if any reason to buy digital, it's kind of shocking that publishers think there's any market for it.
The point I was trying to make was that I think that if anything happened, chances are more likely that publishers will double down on the practice, make excuses for why they should continue to charge that much, and try to shift blame elsewhere before they ever acquiesce to charging less for digital releases on the whole (at least in terms of console/handheld). Especially since it seems with vidya, admitting to having fucked up is seen more as a sign of weakness rather than a first step towards improving.
Yeah, I was talking more about games with regular retail physical releases that tend to go down in price post-release, not ANS+ type games that climb to stupid heights on the aftermarket due to being limited print only cases.
Considering how with the PS4, you can't even play PS1 games on it, physically or digitally, and even the PS2 games on it required special conversion for "HD" and trophy support (prior PSN PS2 games for the PS3 also can't be played on the PS4 to my knowledge), that mindset might be on the way out. Probably some weighing of convenience affecting purchases, versus "why let them only pay once when you can make them pay again for use on a newer system?"
Yeah, I suppose it depends on if you're part of a supplier's service, or not. Some stores won't offer anything but a pre-order bonus (sadly anything physical is rare these days), if even that, for choosing them to order through.
So with the release of Persona 5 i tried playing persona 4 golden again, got to the bath house boss and stopped playing out of boredom from the amount of grinding I had to do because my time management sucks
Am I doing something wrong or do I just suck at turn based combat?
Persona 3 onwards are just terrible games with little to no redeeming qualities, best to just drop them entirely.
I watched the anime when it came out and it was alright so its not like I'm missing out on the story
Story-wise Persona 4 is basically a wannabe Diamond Is Unbreakable, so it manages to be somewhat enjoyable, especially with Seki Tomokazu doing Kanji and Paku Romi doing Naoto.
Fuck digital only. This game won't be worth the data it takes up until it's around 5 bucks. Especially when Vita memory space is at a premium, and seems to be expiring at a high rate. But as has been argued to all corners here, I'll just do what I can as a consumer, and not put any cash into it until it becomes reasonable to me. Or not. Some games I might never own because they will never cost what they're worth to me.
Pretty disappointing. Then again I don't know what I expect anymore. There are a few games here someone might find worth the cost. I already have everything here that I was interested in, cheaper or physically.
I could do without Cho Aniki myself and save 2 to 3 bucks on this bundle. Heard good things about Mimana Iyar Chronicle and Ragnarok Tactics?
Was going to ask about Mimana Iyar myself, as it's not a game I've seen brought up much, if ever. Same with Jikandia, another game that's in the sale (albeit not that bundle).
wow it's nothing
wew, there's barely anything for Vita in this sale too. Hell, most of it's PS3 stuff.
A handful things on sale that can be on Vita, and the majority of those are either PS1/PSP titles or multiplat with PS3/PS4. They could at least throw us a bone every now and again, damn it Sony.
Ragnarok Tactics is a slow but very solid game but there is better strategy games on the psp/vita
Mimana Iyar Chronicle on the other hand feels like a PS1 jrpg that time forgot. It has all the staples of the time like; huge confusing maze-like dungeons, cheese voice acting and a pretty standard story.
Thanks for the synopses guy. Think I'm going to pass on these. Been so spoiled on SRPG's and RPG's in general lately that I can afford to skip a couple of mediocre ones, especially if it'll cost me money to rent them from a store that probably won't let me re-download them in another few years.
why tho?
Because Koei Tecmo was allowed to get away with almost $1000 in cosmetic dlc for a single videogame.
I'm tempted to buy a copy of Ray Gigant just to scalp.
Season passes need to fuck off and never come back
Scalping is wrong and you should feel bad if you do it
It's too late for me, I once sold a Titanfall Xbone beta code for $30 on eBay.
If there are still copies of Ray Gigant left I'll get it.
You're doing something wrong. That game does not require grinding.
For combat, agreed, but the Commu shit is nothing BUT grinding.
the only thing you should EVER have to grind for in P4G is to get your level high enough to fuse that one Persona you've had your eye on.
If you're having to grind, you're playing the game wrong.
Adrenaline v3 coming this week. Start downloading those eboots anons.
- Added ability to launch PS1 games from XMB and play them with full sound.
- Added ability to save and load states using the 'States' tab in the Adrenaline menu.
- Added possiblity to connect USB in XMB and added 'Toggle USB' option to recovery menu.
- Added ability to return to livearea by double tapping the PS button.
- Added Adrenaline startup image designed by Freakler.
- Added option to force high memory layout. For 'The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion' Demo.
- Added option to execute 'BOOT.BIN' in UMD/ISO. For 'Saints Row: Undercover' Demo.
- Added correct enter and cancel buttons assignment.
- Fixed volatile memory allocation bug that made 'Star Wars: The Force Unleashed',
'Tony Hawk's Project 8' and maybe more games crashing.
- Fixed bug that was introduced in v2 which caused some games to crashed at PMF sequences.
- Fixed NoDrm engine bug where fan translated games couldn't load PGD decrypted files.
- Fixed msfs directory filter bug that caused some games not to recognize savedatas.
- Fixed compatiblity of base games, any game should now be able to use Adrenaline to the fullest.
Don't fuck with me. You better provide a source.
True, true.
searching the internet should be your first resort
Is nothing safe from this anymore
I'm playing cold steel and I'm finally having fun and feeling live the vita is a real console
I want to bone every girl
It's not up to me to provide the source. That being said:
Here's hoping for no delays.
Video games… video games have changed.
People shit out unsubstantiated rumors all the time. Any source somebody might provide would still need to be scrutinized. By not providing a source all they've done is not provide something you should be verifying independently anyway.
And I repeat: It is not up to me to provide a source for something that another person posts. If you don't want to be questioned further, provide the source for the information that you are sharing.
Adrenaline 3 is out.
Fuck me, that was quicker than I expected.
To note, simply replacing the adrenaline files with these works perfect. If you're on Adrenaline-2, just do that.
Why do I get a 404?
Better link. Have at it.
I've gone through uninstalling Adrenaline 1.0 and installing this version, but I'm not able to launch PS1 games.
Did you install Adrenaline on the root of the memory card and not in PSPEmu?
Did you point the config towards the new location as well?
If you want it easy, use EasyAdrenaline2 and install that, then copy over it with the Adrenaline 3 files.
Okay, I went through some ordeal with files corrupting and having to reboot, remove and replace files, and reinstall molecular shell/Vitashell, but PS1 games are working now. I notice that double-tapping the home button doesn't work, though. I just get a "cannot find application" error.
I modified the config file and reinstalled it, but it was still acting funky. I ended up deleting the bubble, uninstalling Adrenaline, and using the EasyInstaller, followed by replacing the files with the 3.0 version.
Best way to do it until EasyInstaller-3 comes along.
Yeah, luckily I had access to the PSN Store to redownload my game, or I'd have been fucked. This update is pretty good so far. Thefl0w's done a fine job. I don't even need ARK anymore.
Nigger, it hasn't been needed for a while. You can make a custom bubble with the installer to put Adrenaline on.
I used that to install ARK.
Fug. Thread is at 300. If you're going to talk only of adrenaline I recommend yoj to make a dedicated thread for that.
Let's keep the upcoming threads to be vita games/news related.
That's going to depend on management. Employees aren't going to force that on you on a normal occasion, especially if you go in looking for a complete copy specifically.
Why make a completely separate thread for such a discussion? It's not unrelated the Vita. It's not significant enough to merit another thread.
If only I knew nip.
maybe it is not no-related, but it will make the bread like before with the torfaggot.
The piracy talk keeps talk about actual video games at bay. Wouldn't the share thread be a better place to talk about sharing video games?
not denying that fact, but it's also a fact the thread survived days/weeks/ a month before hacking was a thing.
I don't think there's enough happening hackwise to justify making a separate thread for it again. I think we can deal with the occasional flare-up of piracy related posts when big deal stuff happens, since it's pretty infrequent. The stuff about tracking down 3.60 systems is a valid topic too, since Sony stopped manufacturing in the west.
They were never separated because of amount of news and discussion of the hacks. The threads were separated to remove the endless posts asking "HOW DO I PIRATE VIDYA", "LOL NOW THE VITA IS GUD", etc. from prematurely killing the vitagen thread as it had done the previous several days after piracy became possible.
yeah but it is possible to separate /vitagen/ from 'homebrew & hacking genreal'
I made Grishna a Valkyrie
dem Ether Strikes
New thread here lads