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No thanks
t. Treefucking Elf
also, gnomoria. i like it.
the entire Mario series.
Thar one's going straight into the ol' book o' grudges ye wee flowerhumping shite.
Non-humans can fuck off.
inb4 DF stories
Men? Men are weak. The Blood of Man is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten.
Dwarves are fucking jews, elves are basically the yuppies of Tolkien fantasy since they in enclaves away from the nigger orcs.
It's pretty funny seeing Dwarves go from being universality greedy pricks who turn into reptilians when they're found out to a Scottish stereotype with massive noses and liking of shiny metal.
Gnomes > Dwarves
I'd trust an elf tbh
Gnomes are pretty great in WoW, too. It's a shame they still haven't taken back their city.
Kill yourself you fucking faggot. Here's the real deal.
Originally you were supposed to, but then Blizzard realized they would have to figure out how to make phasing work crossfaction with a faction that obviously won't get any quests to do in the area, and they were like "fuck… nevermind, just make it a short starting area…"
Blizzard totally doesn't prefer the Horde over the Alliance, you guys!
Oh and also, Thrall is literally Jesus, Gul'dan is literally Darth Vader and orcs in general get an entire expansion.
I just watched the third Hobbit movie and oh man was it shit. The whole trilogy is incredibly shit. Did they think they could make a trilogy as good as LOTR?
Careful, you'll trigger the autists who think LOTR is shit.
at least they're still fun to RP as, though not as fun as Dwarves
OoT is overrated as fuck. Still a great game.
OoT is pretty mediocre, and it's aged like a grape.
Dwarves are playable in the Class of Heroes series.
Female Dwarf is 2cute
nah fam
And I judge things on the time they came out.
i transmog'd my dwarf so that he's dual-wielding beer steins and he uses the title 'the Diplomat' because whenever he encounters an argument he just gets drunk with everyone involved
Nice to see you're retarded
I think you're projecting who's retarded here fam.
Every Horde player I've known in real life actually lived under this presumption that Alliance were Blizzard's favorites, and that Horde players were simply better at the game, and had to learn how to overcome the disparity. But when we look at WoW history, Blizzard clearly favored the Horde. And I've seen a lot of bullshit justifications, like "Oh the Alliance have the Deeprun Tram connecting their cities, clearly it's biased in favor of the alliance!" Which is an odd thing to think, because the Horde capital cities have always been all connected together using the fucking airships, you don't even have to go walk hostile territory to get from Thunderbluff to Orgrimmar, or from Orgrimmar to Undercity.
Horde have always had some of the best racials. Tauren make for the best tanks, Orcs and Trolls make for some of the best warlocks and hunters, Undead are the best race for rogues.
People like to say "racials don't mean anything in the end game" and maybe that's true, but the fact of the matter is, the end game makes up for what, 3% of your time? 97% of the time being able to increase your attack rating by hundreds, or your haste by 25%, or having an extra 15% hp with a racial stomp for aoe aggro, etc… They all amounted to some pretty big benefits. That's not to say that Alliance didn't have some pretty amazing racials too in their own way, they don't have any burst racials but the +5 skill points in Swords and Maces afforded to Humans meant that they needed less hit% to hitcap. Good for consistent DPS, yeah, but no one really built for CONSISTENT dps because the good armor didn't have the stats for it.
And while the game started off feeling like a balance hanging in the throes of about to crumble and fail and all out war ready to happen, every expansion it was like "minor thing happens to horde, THEY COME SWINGING AT THE ALLIANCE FULL FORCE" and you watch as alliance townships and cities suffer while horde didn't experience that same level of hardship. But hey, HORDE ARE THE UNDERDOGS, RIGHT? We're so much cooler than Alliance, we're all playing so much better to compensate for … quantity of shitty players? And that only applied to a small portion of the servers anyway…
Meanwhile in Final Fantasy XIV
What ever you say, skinny boy.
What ever you say, garden gnome
since when? Orcs had a 25% or whatever it was attack power bonus buff in the original game and even that was arguably worse than the sword skill bonus humans got.
I was talking about for PvP.
Mate, that would imply that WoW was anything from the start but a pandering skinner box. The kind of people who play Horde, by coincidence or intent, received the kind of benefits that would keep them playing.
Simple as that.
Whatever you say, jew
well then I'd agree. horde was always the goto choice for pvp. you only have to look at the population ratios on pvp servers to figure that one out.
Is this bait? Dwarfs have always aspired for amassing the most gold that they can.
LotRO is a pretty good Dwarf game if you play a Dwarf and accept the reality that all of the other LotR shit is just supporting lore for your Dwarvishness. Even has a really dank Moria going on. It's also F2P but not really because F2P is actually far more expensive than a sub fee ever was, but if you're on Holla Forums you're probably a fuckhead that believes the opposite - so it's F2P.
Whatever you say, pleb
Who the fuck doesn't want a shit ton of gold to make bad ass statues out of?
Whatever you say, furry
Yeah, by digging it up themselves
Jews would spend that gold to make more gold. Dwarves do it to say "fuck you look what we made".
Tolkien literally based the dwarf language on hebrew.
Today dwarves are just a shitty cliche fantasy race for chubby, neckbearded manlets to project onto in order to feel better about being chubby, neckbearded manlets.
The only reason I'm not giving you shit for your opinion is the time quads
Dwarves are so cool, they seem like total bros to share a beer with.
I don't think you've ever seen real furry shit
This is basically just you drinking yourself to death in a contest you can't possibly win waiting to happen.
Pau no teu cu.
OP asked for dwarf games, I'm merely providing one.
Feels good to be the true master race.
Time code digits don't mean shit because you can force gets too easily.
Which board is composed of ogres? Fat, misanthropic, angry, ugly, etc. etc?
Tripulous nature, my dude
I'm gonna look up and play this game specifically for that hot kemono ass, thank you user.
I miss the 80s pnp quality of being able to recognize evil by it's sheer nigger quality.
/swamp/? :^)
Class of Heroes 3 is supposed to be getting an English release eventually.
It has a dating system thingy
Makes sense. Now I'm wondering, who are the Kobolds?
Well shit.
Game: Warhammer: End Times Vermintide
The game's pretty solid and this dwarf is great.
I know there's an elf in the game.It does not help that she's one of the most played characters.It does help that everyone tends to hate her and insult her.
If only the game weren't so dead.
Nigga you crazy. Open the fucking lobby, I don't have a single problem with it.
Yes, five characters. Two females (Wood Elf, Bright Wizard) and three males (Dwarf, Empire Soldier, Witch Hunter).
The elf's a bitch and the characters usually react accordingly with insults except the Dwarf since he's always optimistic except when the Elf gets grabbed and the Dwarf asks "Do we really want her back?"
Dwarf Fortress. Enough fucking said.
what wrong urist? you still can't kiss your wife without getting burned from that rug on her face
I prefer the milf
Manlets, when will they ever learn
I never thought I'd say this but that facial hair on those female dwarves looks cute.
Every fantasy race is cliche, you mongoloid.
Plain as white bread, no imagination race.
Pointy eared humans that Women and Faggots self-insert as
Short humans for Neckbeard manlets to self-insert as.
Green humans for niggers to self-insert as.
Yet more short humans, for people who have a smidge more imagination than human players, but are not Neckbeards or Faggots.
Seriously, looks like he's got cancer.
So you have autism basically?
If you pick human in a fantasy based game you have pretty much missed the point right off the bat.
Thats a dwarf? What the fuck does the orc look like?
Would you say she's hot?
In all fairness he probably does.
Are dwarves jews or gnomes?
Fuck off, you've missed the point of fantasy. Fantasy roleplaying is about apocryphal adventures and tales and the stories you make with people. You know what you can't do? Walk outside your house, get attacked by a thief, kill him and utterly dismember his corpse, and then loot his belongings. But you can do that in fantasy games. You can't fight a giant spider or a dragon or overcome a demon king in the real world, but you can in Fantasy.
Fantasy isn't about what race you play, it's about the adventures you have. Saying "HURR IF YOU PLAY HUMAN YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT" is as retarded as the abortion who would say something so fucking stupid that your mother spawned after the abortion failed.
I take it you don't live in Venezuela?
No, I live in a first world country.
Fucking Carlos.
Christ, user.
You post like I raped your mother or something. Just because the meme here is that you have to overreact to everything doesn't mean you need to go in depth about how much you hate my guts and how I'm a failed abortion for voicing an (admittedly stupid, in hindsight) opinion.
I'm sorry if what I said struck a nerve with you, but there is no need to explode over the littlest thing said by a faceless poster on a Taiwanese Scrimshaw forum.
in vanilla, the alliance had the best pve racials
and they had PALADINS
in pre-raid, human and dwarf warriors could use malown's slam, then in MC BRE or sulfuras,
in BWL they could use ashkandi
in AQ40 they could use ancient quiraji ripper+chromatically tempered sword
then in naxx they could use corrupted ashbringer then might of menethil or gressil+the hungering cold(without edgemasters), and dwarves could also use that 2h mace, which is the strongest 2h in the expansion pack by far
compared to horde, orcs can get arcanite reaper, then spinal reaper in MC, then deathbringer+chul'shoruk in BWL, then dark edge of insanity in AQ40(which isn't as good as corrupted ashbringer), then in naxx, either the dark edge of insanity they already had or hatchet of sundered bone+chul'shoruk, or they could just use might of menethil or gressil+hungering cold WITH edgemasters while humans do better
also gnomes get the int racial(and escape artist) and dwarven priests got fear ward
in TBC and onwards, the alliance gets the dranaei's HEROISM racial which gives THE ENTIRE PARTY 1% HIT
and the horde doesn't get ANYTHING like that, at least not before cata which i didnt play
furthermore, the tauren racial was only 5% more hp, not 15%, and +5 mace and sword skill didnt actually make you need less hit rating(i think), but it more importantly made you get dodged parried and blocked less(which hit rating didnt) AND made your glancing blows hit harder, and combined with edgemaster's handguards(for swords), your glancing blows would do 100% weapon damage, though I'm not sure if the crit cap was removed that way
that 25% attack power buff was only 25% more BASE attack power; it didn't scale and was worse than the troll's attack speed racial later on
humans had better racials because the weapons to use em with were better anyway
I couldn't resist.
I'm sorry user, I was just fucking around. As a token of good faith, take this.
Don't care about the discussion but
Fuck off not an argument.
gold hoarding dwarves. gnomes just want to make automatons, practice magic, chill out on lawns, and steal your socks or underwear.
I just like the milf's personality, Carlos
Let's be honest here. When you are in a fantasy setting, if you go human it feels like you're missing out. Sure it can be fun, but you can be human in any other game, you cannot be a Dwarf/Elf/Fetish of choice/Any weird animal you can think of in many games.
humans in fantasy settings are still capable of things real humans aren't capable of
My thing is fae, which pretty much no game lets you play as. The closest thing to that is gnomes in WoW, and that game is just repulsive.
ara ara
The languages he based his invented languages on don't determine the cultural equivalence of the people who use them. Sindarin was based on Welsh, and Quenya on Finnish, but Grey Elves aren't Welsh, and High Elves aren't Finns.
Dwarvish culture resembles more that of Early Middle Ages Germanic peoples: metalworkers, builders, axe-armed etc
Speak for yourself m8
I'd try human if they weren't always fucking generic. Other races get exaggerated traits of interesting human cultures and fantastical environments, humans default to vague European medievalish setting without any real influences from the interesting kingdoms and cultures that existed in those times (and often with fantasy races having interesting influence from those same cultures simultaneously).
I always thought God of Thunder was about a Dwarf, but it was just Thor in 8 bit tier graphics
NWN, ICD, BG1/2 all have comfy dwarf options.
games not to play as a dwarf:
DF and ToEE both suck as Dwarfs
t. J.R.R. Tolkien
Gonna need a source on that user.
But it should be obvious without hearing it from him. The dwarves are greedy, jewelsmithing, hook nosed weirdos that play name games and are perpetually exiled from their homeland. I find it funny that unkept manlet neckbeards are so fond of these kike expies.
What games allow me to forge stuff like a mad dwarf? Basically cooking mama with forgery?
They're fond of them because they're also typically good at craft, dedicate their life to a cause, are honourbound and are dying out.
Those aren't particularly defining traits of dwarves and could as well describe Tolkien's Elves. In fact dwarves being "honorbound" isn't particularly true when they had a habit of shiving their employers out of plain greed.
Fair enough. All I remember from Tolkein is taht dwarves were the best smiths of them all and were super greedy, enough so that they were game to take on a dragon. That and dying out.
Sod off ye daft bastard. Kikes bankrupts and destroys cultures to make gold. Dawi works harder than anyone in the realms to make awesome fortresses and gold.
Gnomes aren't Dwarfs you special educations student.
No one's talking about Gnomes. Gnomoria is a Dwarf Fortress.
Fuck it didn't post, been playing Dwarves, real fun if you like your ARPGs
No, elves are tolkiens ariyans.
Blonde, blue/green eyes, beautiful, wise, dedicated to mastering and improving themselves, caring for the enviroment (just like natzi's), love animals (just liek natzi's), abhoor degeneracy (just like natzi's)
Dwarves are greedy little jews, living in dark caves, almost always drunk and agressive.
Also, they are stupid, because they insist using weapons not suited for their size/build (longswords, polearms, shortbows, tower shields), but instead go for axes/hammers (short reach + short reach..great combo there!)
Or maybe you have?
you just invented something amazing
semi related
Literally gnomes. Literally a game about gnomes. You are talking about gnomes with that suggestion.
The most powerful and best known items were all elven-made, IIRC. A few were Numenorian.
Dwarves had high-quality regular stuff and they were great miners and architects, but I never really gotten the "best smiths" vibe.
Tolkien elves on the other hand, had more in common with humans - they lived in huge stone cities and smaller villages, heavily used steel and were masterful smiths. They have nothing in common with DF elves.
What's the difference between dwarfs and gnomes?
Thanks Todd
LOTRO's Moria was absolutely amazing.
LOTRO actually has some excellent ideas, it's a shame that the game has aged so poorly. Still great if you want a shitload of content, I think they're almost up to Mordor.
Tolkien's dwarves were semetic right down to being exiled from their homeland and constantly trying to get it back.
That's how it felt playing it the week of Humble Bundle with so many newfags.
No dwarves, but at least, it's a nice game. Thanks.
I still don't get what the fuck that webm is about and I'm honestly afraid of the answer.
stupidest thing I read all day
Dwarves ARE just cave manlets, but who would want them to have tails too? Furfags, that's who.
Mordor is coming
why everybody on vermintide has black colored scleras?
The fuck are you talking about user?
Dwarves are everywhere.
in my game copy, all the characters have black eyeballs like the elf
What the fuck? Is that a console thing? Can you get me a screenshot of how Saltzpyre or Kruber looks like?
I play it on PC and it never happened to me.
i play on PC, now that i checked it is nomral now, it must have been a bug form previous versions (i had to reinstall it because my hard disk is dying)
I was about to mention this. Beat me to it user.
the manual says exactly where they are, hold on while I get the page
too lazy to paste 2 pages togather so here
dered why dwarven women are never seen by outsiders, and why they do none of the
work in mine, quarry, smelter and forge for which their people have become so
renowned. In attempting to arrive at some explanation for this generally known fact,
I made a study of many other long-lived organisms, and I concluded that the dwar-
ven life cycle must include a very long period of confinement for their women. My
experience suggests that they most likely take over ten years to deliver a healthy
infant, once the child is conceived. During this time, a dwarven lady’s health must
be very much at risk, and the efforts of her entire clan are probably bent to keep-
ing her safe, well, and in a state of perfect serenity.
By visiting the dwarven settlements north of Stillwater, I was able to make a
casual count of the men in the community, most of whom could be seen traveling
daily to the mines. Given that number, and an estimate of the supplies which were
always being delivered from the south, I was able to make a fair guess at the num-
ber of dwarven females which must live there, hidden from the prying eyes of
strangers by high walls and locked doors. The results were surprising; it appeared
that dwarven males outnumbered the females by nearly 2 to 1!
Combine the long period of confinement and the ratio of men to women, and
it is little wonder that females of child-bearing age must be a rare and precious
commodity among the dwarves, to be sheltered and protected at all costs. Perhaps
this explains why we rarely see a dwarven adventurer who is not bent on making
a vast fortune, and winning as much gold as he can get; the poor fellow may be
hoping to raise a hefty bride price, in order to be eligible for marriage!
Looks more like gook kobolds to be. Not that I am complaining. While I prefer lizard bolds, gookbolds are good too.
LotRO is one of the best MMOs in its style to exist by a very large margin. The world is so fucking immense, the gameplay content has always been innovative, the lore is mostly on point (or at least was last I was around). I wish there were private servers, because aside from the world being immense there's a ludicrous amount of unutilized off-world space that is basically 1:1 to this map of Eriador and etc. So many neat fucking things and holdovers from Middle Earth online.
tfw you are personally responsible for Turbine sperging out and making going to all of the cool off world shit teleport you to your racial starting area get rekt Turbine
you forgot part 2