Good ol' Ronnie.
Wh…what is the joke in the last one?
He wants to get to another seat but doesn't want to offend the other guy by moving, as it would imply he doesn't like him for some reason.
But that make no sense…
It does if you go outside.
Video games.
No it doesn't.
That last one is a hum-dinger. You even get confirmation of the black dude thinking the same thing. What a knee-slapper.
the joke is that it's awkward to sit next to someone when there's an otherwise empty train, but since you've already sat down it would be even more awkward to move since it would be considered rude
used to think he was funny, but he has run the joke into the ground.
Then go outside until it makes sence, you fucking shut-in.
To be honest where i live there are no niggers… And homeless people are not allowed to use the metro.
It only makes sense if you're a guilt ridden cuck. Basically people are so super sensitive, that he is afraid the black guy will think he is racist for going to another seat.
Yeah it wouldn't kill him to write some new jokes
What is the name of this magical fairyland?
It has nothing to do with the fact that he's a nigger you retard
i've licked many assholes in my time but yours specifically is the one i always come back to
why is this?
Did it take him 3 years to come up with that joke or is he so disconnected from reality to not notice what's happening around him?
It's the 11 different herbs and spices
Then go get something to eat :D
Enjoy your puns while it lasts… you will be deported sooner or later, Carlos…
Holy moly, Anonymous! You should be writing webcomics for a living!
I like those comics c:
Go eat some…Chile!
What's wrong with your Texas flag?
Does anybody have the webm for pics related?
¿Qué wea dijiste sobre la bandera de mi país, conchatumadre? Para que lo sepas, me gradué como el mejor de mi clase como milico, he estado involucrado en numerosas operaciones secretas contra los Mapuches, y tengo confirmado alrededor de 300 asesinatos. He entrenado en tacticas de gorila y soy el mejor francotirador dentro de todas las fuerzas armadas chilenas. Tu no eres nada para mí, solo otro objetivo. Acabaré contigo de una manera que jamás has visto sobre la tierra, recuerda mis palabras. ¿Piensas que te vas a escapar de mí después de decir esa mierda en internet? Piénsalo de nuevo, hijo de puta. Estoy contactando mi red secreta de espías a lo largo del mundo. y tu IP está siendo rastreada ahora mismo, así que mejor prepárate para la tormenta, rata asquerosa, esa que va a destrozar esa mierda que llamas vida.
Estas muerto, pendejo. Puedo estar en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, y puedo matarte de setecientas maneras distintas sólo con mis manos. No solo estoy entrenado en combate sin armas, además tengo acceso a un arsenal entero del cuerpo de marina de Chile y lo usaré en toda su extensión para borrar tu culo miserable de la faz del continente, pedazo de imbecil. Si tan solo hubieras pensado sobre las consecuencias que tu "inteligente" comentario iba a traer sobre ti, tal vez hubieras cerrado tu puta boca. Pero no pudiste, no lo hiciste, y ahora vas a pagar el precio, maldito idiota. Te tiraré tanta mierda sobre que te vas a ahogar en ella. Estas muerto, pendejo aweonao.
game never fails to deliver
Shut the fuck up, paco!
I'm sorry, I only have this one.
No se entiende cuando hablas
The fuck is this?
Use an audio visualizer.
At first i thought he was mocking cuckbeef, that bra looked like a baby.
If you read the alt-text on the original page, it has nothing to do with race and it's a more general fear the guy will think he doesn't like him. Ronnie is too pure to see race. All he sees is a healthy self-awareness of his own fat disgusting habits and how people around him react to that. He doesn't hold himself in high enough esteem to feel comfortable judging others.
W-wait, are these funny or not? Am I allowed to laugh?
jaja salu2
Why don't video-game consoles have locks on them to prevent them from operating the way old PC used to? Today's kids are too retarded/lazy to open a modern console case to remove a jumper, and there's a certain psychological reinforcement to having the system physically locked down. At the very least, get into your router's setting and blacklist the console's mac address from your local network so they can't get online.
I laughed at the last two comics. Don't tell the mods, I can't afford to lose anymore karma.
What kind nigga
Oscilliscope? Spectrogram? The winamp ones?
Checked and very nice.
I want to go balls deep inside that rabbit.
dont forget about her
It's the only comic in that post that makes any sense.
Somebody dump the whole sonic comic, I only have these pages saved.
Some assembly required user
All it takes is a certain injection
This is one thing I think I will never get used to.
Where's the purple journalist scalie?
I want to fuck that one.
I don't have that but I do have this.
Also I just found it so if you want it posted do it yourself. Pretty sure you'll need an account to get the whole thing though.
i read that right to left and was very confused
What are you, gay?
*he doesn't like Tamers
I need sleep.
You also need to go to the ovens.
If anything they would have arrested the rabbit for hate speech.
Literally who
I would like to see the rest of your banned in britain images.
If he gets up to take another seat, a bunch of other people will appear, and he'll be left standing.
What's next, some celebrity likes DBZ?
anti-pc comedian
I think the Tesco plastic cutlery one was fake, but who knows.
Oh, I see.
Opposed to what?
Bonus round!
WHY IS SHE SO CUTE BUT SHE'S SJW AS FUCK. Why can't we have nice things?
Here you go user if you're still here. Probably drawn a lot better than even the creator he seems to be a cuck anyway
Do you believe that god stays in heaven, because he too fears what he has created?
Thank you.
Don't forget about their banned list of sex acts
also if somebody gets offended by that small bit of ass lip peeking out in that last pic here's a censored version.
Angel Egg? Noiseman Sound Insect?
That fourth one can't be real.
I wish I had more of the TV licensing ones.
If only you knew had bad things really were.
Ahh of course, watched 'em on the telly every night as a kid. Who could forget Angel Egg.
What did fucking skynet write this shit? Why the fuck are they monitoring TV sales.
I know things are bad, but there is no way someone looked at that and thought it was ok.
Glad I'm not Europoor
The fact that this wasn't posted is fucking criminal.
England was a mistake.
In the UK if you watch cable you're required to purchase a TV license. The problem is that there are people who purchase TVs and never watch cable on them, so the license fee can't be blanket-enforced, so it has to be done on a case by case basis, so they rely on a lot of innuendo and creepy advertising to try to spook people into paying something they don't have to.
Or something along those lines, I'm not Pakistani
There's this amazing realization most US citizens get when they go overseas and see other countries trampling over what we think as indelible rights.
I remember an user telling me that he fingered the woman who drew those comics.
I just figured it's a part of British culture or something. A lot of the leftists over there, from my experience at least, seem to have "We don't have free speech and we like it that way!" attitude. I think TotalBiscuit even said that verbatim on one of his videos.
I'm not sure if that's something worth bragging about.
IIRC she works for NASA now, or something. I've only seen an user post her photo once.
I'm gonna need sauce
Any good will I ever held for Europeans has now been officially stripped away. I never knew it was that bad. Let the muslims rape them all to death, they clearly don't deserve to live if they willingly did all this shit themselves. At least some of the northern european countries are still based right?
Literally retarded.
I remember an user saying he once fucked a ghost, but then again not everything on the internet is true.
Never in my life have i been more glad i am an american.
He did say something to that effect in a stream he did for some kind of Plants vs Zombies card game, while bitching about how he had no control over the election because he's not a US citizen.
Why do people like that even want to immigrate to america in the first place though? Surely the guy diagnosed with incurable ass cancer can't possibly think he'd be able to do anything to change this country in the short time he has left.
Feels smug
Oh boy, here comes the Eternal Anglo to defend Mohammed's new homeland.
Air rifle, it was an air rifle.
she is a fucking insipid pale plank
Why do they always draw her arms so muscular she's not even that muscular in the game, do they just want her to be a dude basically?
Let's rank the following countries on how fucked they are now or how fucked they may be in the future
also, LOL
air rifles are popular to hunt rodents and sometimes birds
You can't really blame us. Those spoofs aren't any more insane than the other stuff coming out of Britain.
It's shit now but it will get better.
How about just buying a monitor?
Thank christ I am an american.
You still need a licence if you are planning to watch TV on it.
Oh you sweet summer child.
Does youtube count as TV? Wouldn't surprise me if those cucks actually have to pay a youtube tax too.
Are you new? You must be new.
I don't know what's worse: the fact that there is an MLP vore Doom mod, or that I could recognize the mod used as the base.
it's such a shame she's cute, her comics are irredeemable shite
I was laughing at him for thinking any european country could be based. Anyone worth a damn in europe died in WWII.
That's not true.
Some Nazis made it all the way to South America, after all.
Aren't Italians still cool?
Or at the very least, they didn't get any worse since WWII?
Do these faggots actually think russians are "homophobic", as in actually scared of gays? Like if a commie sub actually came by there and saw that sign are they just suppose to go "OH MY GOD, FAGGOTS!" and just turn in the other direction, because that's not the reality of the situation, at all.
This was in Sofia, Bulgaria a few months ago.
Not everywhere is cucked by the Eternal Anglo, the Eternal Dane, the Eternal Nord, the Eternal Gaul or the Eternal Germanic.
Very funny
Italians have been compromised ever since the roman empire fell to muslims.
Italy's cucked by the mafia to the point of complete national dysfunction.
A group of retards thinks that, yeah.
Doesn't norway or finland have some sort of compulsory army service, so they all own guns and tell the muslims to fuck off?
It's hard for the italians to get worse, and either way I think they get their share of rapefugees anyway.
Checked. Guess I'll post some game related stuff.
nice try huey but im not falling for your shit, get the fuck on the raft
Nah they're getting their share of ragheads and niggers as well. Rome's a multi-culti shithole same as Paris and London.
Went there a couple of years ago but It's probably even worse off by now.
Fuck I meant to post the tight budget one.
Both do but gun ownership isn't that common and Russia is deliberately funneling Muslim refugees into Finland.
For what purpose? Does Russia have a beef with finland or is funneling a bunch of terrorists into a mass grave too hard for them now.
Maybe this all would have worked out if HE wouldn't have hired SJWs.
The Mafia used to be responsible for smuggling in rapefugees for sweet dosh, then the rapefugees made their own gangs, and now the Mafia has competition.
I remember reading a story about some local goombah Mafia soldier who shot a "refugee" rival gang member in the head in public in some town. The thing was caught on tape, he was arrested and the refugee survived the headshot.
I wouldn't worry about it. Surely Mohammed, Mehmet and M'kwele will be happy to enlist along side you for the defense of Sweden in the event of war. They will be assigned to garrison in every city with a significant population of enlisted native Swedes, while you'll be going to the front, Sven.
captchas are fukcing cancer
Russia's only goal is strengthening itself and weakening everyone else. Finland made the mistake of sharing a border with Russia, so open wide here comes the refugee parade!
Is this supposed to do something? I honestly expected a screamer.
I think the joke is that the blog is going to contain all of those things.
Dont forget the Swedish military was picked clean of anything valuable to help fund its immigration department to the point there were less then 10K active servicemen/women in the military and they had no armored vehicles other then some trucks and jeeps.
Any military equipment they got from NATO/US they sold immediately. and now thanks to the UK leaving the EU and possibly NATO, the US handing a bill to Merkel so she picks up the slack in her empire and Russia modernizing its military and removing kebab in the middle east, Sweden is desperately trying to catch up.
Even if those sand niggers were anything but lazy parasites looking to spread the word of islam, there's no fucking way in hell they'd ever be able to stop russia.
Suomi remains based. Slavs too.
Catch up on what, their surrendering pose? Where they just drop trou and present themselves to the enemy for an assfucking.
I don't know about the Nazis or not but I know some Confederates made it to South America.
This is France.
It means something like
Here, 93 seems to refer to the department code in Paris, and not the year.
nrjkir p8 is a university-based non-mixte queer feminist group.
NRJ -> energy
KIR -> queer
P8 -> Paris XVIII, the name of the University
So like "Everywomyn" or "everygirl", kinda like with how bronies are know to use "everypony" when speaking?
That was painful to think about, even "everypony" is better
It makes more sense given the context of the show's universe anyway.
Just like how "everygirl" makes sense in a university full of trannies and women because they kicked out all the men.
Who raised you to be this stupid?
Time to post these again.
That shit's just fucking disgusting.
I like Neil's stuff even though he's a shitlib
No, it's a safe blog.
Not really, it's just that you need to make the adjective "tout" (everyone) agree with the noun it modifies. This means it has different forms, including the feminine plural ("toutes"). They reject the usual (plural) masculine neutral "tous" that would designate everyone by convention by adding the extra "-te-" like some kind of trigger-fueled regex. They're not coining a new word or anything.
So you mean the average Touhou then?
Burger here, what the fuck is a TV license?
brits have to pass a viewing test to get to use cable TV
In the UK, and some European countries, you need to pay an annual fee to watch television. In the UK it's used to generate the budget for the BBC, you know the guys that made Sir Lancelot black, and if you don't have one and you're watching tv then you can go to jail. It cost three times the price if you want a license for colour television.
So what? If they have a satellite tv they have to pay twice to view it?
Yes. They also need to pay for the license if they're watching things on the internet.
Thread theme right here.
Or the guys who had gave a pedophile his own show for decades then stopped people from reporting on his numerous molestations until after he died?
The british are so pathetic it's almost sad. I'd feel sorry for them if not for the fact they are 100% responsible for their current situation. Get fucked britbongs, now you know how the germans felt.
It's the same way regardless of if he's white or not.
It's just a thoroughly awkward situation to be around.
I like my women poofy and ripe for snuggling
Life is suffering.
Britain had to go through rationing and an economic depression.
Germany was straight-up tortured on a nation-wide scale for decades after losing an already horrific war.
Is this a sunburnt pale woman or a black woman with flour on her?
Right, i didn't realize the bigger picture until after i posted. Fuck i need to sleep
Poofy enough for ya?
Oh, I was thinking it was a license needed to own a TV. Still, wow. Britain's pretty fucking dumb. That's almost as dumb as their "crackdown" on knives.
Some sort of walrus with a skin condition.
Neither. It is a painting of a domesticated bear.
Also true. We also never got to see that jewish harpie soften up and slowly become less jewish.
Only possessive that I remember.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since most everything the guy does is oneshots. But still, it hurts a little.
actually she kind of is; pic related is Samus without the suitin the endings in 1, 2, super, and fusion
Woah, what the fuck, a man was arresting for FAILING TO SMILE? That's North Korea level shit.
Don't tell me you thought people in europe had any freedoms. They are a communist dictatorship, they just haven't seen a reason to drop the illusion completely yet. Also checked.
This shit is why we threw your tea into the harbor and told you to fuck off and leave our land.
So glad we did. Just look at how Cannuck turned out, sticking with those fucks.
we actually threw the tea in the harbor to protest sweetheart deals like the lack of due taxation the East Indies Trading Company was getting
So I just found out that Josh is marrying a tranny. Lol
And having posted this comic, I realized that I'm not really proving the idea that America's not also fucked.
Still; we're less fucked.
jesus christ spoiler that shit user
Well I should mention that we also warred with them and fucking won because we weren't blind stinking retarded.
We also became the center of trade, invention and whatnot of the world. Also Earl Grey tea can go suck my balls. American South (aka Sweet Tea) tea is where it's at. None of that biscuits at noon sharp with a spot of grey sewage shit.
We're the least fucked in the world, in fact.
That means we're the best.
I wish being the best was actually being the best but the world is a fucked place.
Los memes fueron un error
Yeah, being the nicest smelling shit in the sewer ain't much an accomplishment, sadly.
I want to racemix with her and have a big family in a rural area
I've never seen that flag, so I bet it's a shithole city-state.
should I post this on Reddit to see how they react?
Ok timeout, what is happening here?
its not a real flag, its just better than the actual one
Fucking kek
It'll happen here too if we let it, all it takes is one labour government for shit to go wrong. Hell it could've gone wrong under national as well if the TPP had passed.
There is a game called genital jousting which is about trying to penetrate other players, and for some reason jim thought he would show his support being cumming on himself and posting it to twitter.
I refuse to believe Jim Sterling is capable of even producing that much semen.
Wasn't New Zealand where the TPP came from?
Ah, so I was correct.
Might as well be.
There's african nations with more relevance.
Ya nah. You're as fucked as us, just in an underpopulated island form. Once your cities get denser, you'll catch up.
Oh wow that really gets the blood boilin' doesn't it
Don't go to reddit, you fugger.
America is the one country that shows signs of actually getting better, if Trump is any indication.
Cram is best girl
its too late
its only goin' up from here m8
That's the trick, stay irrelevant on the world stage but not third world domestically and even in a future torn apart by war you'll be a safe place for the family of a ninja cyborg to hide from military PMCs.
How have you not seen these yet?
what a disgusting, degenerate, and fully jewified society we live in, where such a thing is possible.
Most of today's problems are issues of too much time on one's hands.
Besides, stay out of the cities and you'll likely live thermonuclear war. Rural areas mostly take care of themselves, and the people there know how to live without power.
I take it back. There might be hope for you kiwi-fuckers yet. Keep it up
So what does that make the European Union? Super Cuck 2?
What did she achieve? Can't you just divorce with no grounds in cuckistan like in other countries?
If the apocalypse ever happens, we gotta band together and hunt down the billionaires that are taking refuge in our country.
I don't know m8, I mean assuming Holla Forums both exists and stays right wing in 100 years time, I don't think they'll look back at us kindly. I mean modern Holla Forums doesn't praise lenin and mao.
and hopefully in 1000 years space-borns will destroy the renaming human life on earth from orbit, which at that point will be reduced to warring tribes across the globe. then return to the planet to start the vicious cycle anew
guys it's got 9 points already
do you want to signalboost this to the front page for lols?
the EU is beyond that. They're to blame for a lot of the cuckery going on as it is. They're like the Brood Cuck. As full of corruption and cucks as an organization can get. The EU should be razed to the ground.
I remember 4chan in general used to use communism as an edgy counter culture thing, until SJW's started crawling out of the woodwork writing communist manifestos and shit, that is.
best MS
For the record we've been trying to change it for ages.
We have one terrorists but he uploaded a photo with the geotag on so I think he's dead also he lives in the woods and doesn't own a gun.
And we're allowed to drink in public and Orangutan's have basic human rights. New Zealand's great. I'm glad we're irrelevant, she's neat.
didn't they just use communist graphics because they looked cool and not because they were genuine marxists?
just like how Holla Forums is now with le nazis
It was more of an implication of because it is Germany, it must be good.
Plus, I'd make the case people long after things that failed, especially ones cut off by outside forces. Stalin, Lennin, Mao, they were all fairly if not outright successful.
Holla Forums please. It ain't them ruining the country. It's the marginally wealthy. The ones who shit out kids who go to college and want to be coddled like their parrents did, who never have to work a day in their lives because their parents pay for everything.
The billionaires usually do pretty well in this regard. They tend to be harder working themselves, and while they're a bunch of cheats, they train their kid to at least struggle for themselves.
The complacent are the true enemy. Those who are happy to sit idly and never work for any real improvement. Who never struggle or want for anything. They are the ones with too much time on their hands, who start complaining about trivial shit to make themselves feel important.
Kill yourself, you alien-loving cuckold.
And mind you, this is coming from a massive xenophile here. But if there's one thing I absolutely hate, it's you anti-human faggots.
Do it.
fuck off faggot
Why do people even like this retard?
take it away, fellas
I talk to people there, it's not all bad. But boosting this to the front page is ultimately raising awareness that SJW's exist, so you decide what's the best thing to do here.
You can always make an new account, you don't even need an email
Now that I re-read this, I think what you were aiming for is essentially Zeon, in which case, never mind, you're good, fuck Earthnoids.
You're no fun, user.
Yes. Stalin-era Soviet propaganda can be pretty cool, not gonna lie
There are a lot of actual natsocs on Holla Forums. But yeah, the ones that aren't still use the imagery for shock value and aesthetic reasons.
Get out of my fucking country.
Yes it is. Tell me why CEOs need to give themselves a 400 million dollar raise while also firing countless employees. And they do it all the time because they don't care about their companies, they can just hop to another one because they promise to make more money for the other suits and stock holder. Also who do you think the rich are? They're fucking jews, like George Soros, pushing a million other things with their money.
That's where you're wrong.
However, r/Pussypass recently got coup'd, and is now an openly natsoc anti-semetic anti homo pro hwhite sub. Not long before it gets zucced so check it out for lulz before shit gets taken down.
i figured the kampfer would of given that away
user cmon it's not all bad
Will this ever get old?
Who knows?
Lol. Get fucked you memeposting cunt. Go back to Australia. The black fern is fine, unionjack is a cuckstandard now.
people aren't saying anything overly cucked yet
The problem isn't "muh wealthy," though, it's kikes.
Shit subreddits that both suffer from shitty communities, ie "this isn't what the sub is about", for example see cringeanarchy
They're one and the same. The wealthy bankers are kikes, and the stock holders and suits. The elite are the problem, and while everyone contributes in their own way to problems, (((they))) do it the most, and deliberately.
If any of you here are Icelandic do NOT vote for the Pirate Party. No matter what they claim to think about internet freedom they are deeply subverted by feminists.
Corproations are shit, by all means, but if you seriously think the main issues are with the rich and not the fucking retarded moral busybodies running around making a law for everything so as that only corporations can function, you're a moron.
I'm all for killing corporations, but not with bullets. Best way to kill a corporation is to let their competition actually fucking compete.
In my defense, I didn't expand the image, and unfortunately the thumbnail makes it look like a rather generic mech.
It's shit
It's shit
Okay redpilling grounds but the mods are shit and you get "muh dank black guy in a Trump hat" posts near-daily.
This this and this, with a side dish of this
It's not the wealthy. Its not the kikes. It's not the liberals.
It's the wealthy kikes using liberalism as a vehicle. Not even kikes in a nationality, kikes in behavior. I've seen lots of people of Jewish descent get assfucked by the system.
Nothing wrong with wanting to keep to the topic of the initial discussion that birthed the sub, and also moderating the comments so the sub isn't banned.
how the fuck is it shit?
You said the b word…
Now you've fuckin done it
And they don't. Why? Because they use their money to take down anti-monopoly laws and merge their companies. They suck out benefits for their employees to make the bottom line look better to stock holders and to pump their own salaries, and they get away with it because unions have gone to shit. They are most definitely at fault, they are the ones who make the companies shit.
That's the opposite of what we want. We want chaotic, sprawling breeding grounds of redpilled communities that stretch beyond what the board was birthed for. If we can make more communities like that, then places like r/tumblrinaction and r/kotakuinaction wouldn't even exist in the first place.
What I'm saying though is that the problem is kikery, not wealth. You could have corporations and rich people and maybe even investment if you didn't have fucking oven-dodgers (and goyim infected with a Jewish mindset) running around and Jewing over everyone else.
Jews are the main reason we can't have nice things.
You live in auckland, don't you? Nowhere outside of auckland even thinks of that shithole as part of the country. We need a decent earthquake in that place to set off all the volcanoes and kill all the cunts like you along with all the foreigners and multicultural wanks.
I can't even say the word billionaire in my head without imagining an old Jew York kike say it
I never said wealth was a problem, the wealthy are the problem, because the only wealthy ones are the ones you just described, kikes and kike wannabes.
That approach doesn't work. This sort of shit only works on imageboards - on more structured forums you gotta stay civil and use facts instead of autistic screeching and saging.
Nah. Fuck cuckland, but you're a retard if you think someone else's flag, a flag that represents a nation where you can't buy teaspoons without ending up in jail, is suppose to remind you of proud heritage. New Zealand is it's own country, not the forgotten child of the United cucKolds.
Yeah, i can't imagine Neo/pol/ being ironic or trolling or whatever, like the communist shit was. It may have been at the start, because of how verboten whites are in society these days, but you can't be merely pretending for this long without attracting a shit ton of people who are real white nationalists.
Pretty much. The entire economic and political system we have is set up to reward Jew-like behavior, so those people rise to the top.
You can't just kill all the bankers, or even kill all the Jews. It's a problem with the social fabric.
It's more like "ha ha only serious." Holla Forums cracked enough jokes to realize that what they were joking about was a big deal.
speaking of libshits - they've finally arrived. Salt harvest imminent.
more upvotes = more salt so go make a puppet account and kick it up in the queue
Sick burn, fat man.
Nice thumbnail, dumb autist.
That fourth pic's great
I feel like this shit would get massively vandalized if it was in the US.
To be fair, it's only the American [and maybe European, I don't know them] kikes.
The Jew is inherently a short-minded creature. They look at shortterm goals most the time, and look at short term profits. Unfortunately, those short-term profits fuck everything up badly.
While working for these short term profits they help a lot of shitters. They have no issue with funding corruption and other such stuff if it gives them a shorterm gain, regardless of the long term effect. They just don't think of it.
The Israeli jew is sort of the same, but they're at least more concerned with their nation as a whole, rather than just raw selfish profit.
They don't because idiots made a billion odd laws that fuck over anyone wanting to compete, you faggot.
Unions have always been shit, and they've never once in recent years actually done anything productive. They should've died off ages ago, because all they do now is screw the workers. No man should be forced to pay union dues just to work for a company. That's a horrible and disgusting practice.
Companies only make marginal profits, anyway. They're bad at business. Most their income ends up coming from stocks and investors.
I feel like posts like yours only come from people who have never actually worked for a single company, have never been involved or seen union doings, have never looked into how a corporation functions, and have never looked at how absolutely horrible it is to make any kind of competition for these types.
If I wanted to, I could start up a pizza business in my area that'd kill Dominoes. You know how I know? Because I worked there. I saw the inefficiency. I saw the expenses thrown at the owner for retarded shit. I saw the horrible management and bureaucracy.
You know why I don't, though?
Because there's a mile of legal shittery between me and actually starting up my own business. It used to be, most Americans were self employed. Now? Of course they can't be. There's too many laws in the way, all to "protect" some perceived struggling worker, that never existed in the first place, because the guys whining about it are rich faggots who have never worked a day in their lives. You actually think McDonnalds can afford to pay their employees 15$ an hour? They sell burgers at a pissant of a cost. Those costs are transfered on to the citizen. Minimum wages helps nobody, but these shitheads whine about it because they just think it's so unbearable to have to work for a measly 7.50! How ever will they buy their iPhones? Daddy said they wouldn't get them another until Christmas, but the new one's out already!
Pardon the full tilt politics rant, here, but I don't have much an outlet for this shit. Holla Forums's a damn rulecuck shithole that screetches at anyone what goes against their pull, and Holla Forums's much the same. All I have is Youtube, and that I am pretty sure I have been shadowbanned on. Not that it was much a help anyway.
But you could pass more laws that break down monopolies and reinforce unions so that they can't get away with it. That's why everyone talks so well about corporations in the 50s, because a business owner cared about his employees, gave them retirement and healthcare. Hell people knew each other in different levels of management, and you could work at a factory your whole life and comfortably retire at 60. i know I'm gonna sound like a bernout saying this but we really do have to take the money out of politics or we will never get any where.
I'd play it
Oh you cheeky mother fucker.
Nigger that is our mother nation's flag. Our heritage. So what if she has gone senile in her old age, we were once part of the biggest empire on the planet and because of it we are what we are today. We fucking actually Wuz so that is something to be proud of and honour as part of our image.
Never forget your roots and be proud of what made you who you are. The idiots that do are the same cucks that want america to be mexico or the ussr and the retards that want to be a different race.
I know that fuckin feel man
Take The Donald for example.
As pointed out, TD is good redpilling grounds. How so, you might ask. Anyone who browses there regularly knows that its not just about the Donald. Mainly its about cringey overdosing on Pepe pictures, but besides that its also about global events as well. News articles, shitting on CNN, exposing shitty politicians, talk show hosts, and other international affairs. The sub does not just strictly talk about Trump. It talks about Brexit and the other mentioned topics as well. Because of this, it makes it a riper breeding ground for redpilling. It exposes more people who are already naturally inclined to more redpilled topics. Thus begins the slippery slope into becoming actually redpilled.
Even standard redditors who claim to be "Redpilled" aren't fully redpilled. However, you will find a few bit of people who subtly hint at the JQ in TD as well, and thats the main target. TD works well for this, but its hiding its powerlevel to stay on reddit, otherwise it would be outright banned, see r/coontown and soon to be r/pussypass.
I guess it would be best to say this; think of TD as the cringey "tries to be like his older brother but isn't exactly like him" sorta trope. Eventually, he will mature and begin to realize the same things that his older brother Holla Forums realized, and thus massively raising awareness to more people in the process.
We've been NatSoc for a while now you double fucking nigger
Was this a surprise or some shit?
Bunch of Americans have a love affair with faggots with British accents (John Oliver, Piers Morgan, Jim Sterling).
He also after safe targets (scammy indie devs, large dev studios), essentially either "punching down" at people who can't retaliate or "punch up" at people who won't really care.
What kind of retard believes this? A faggot retard, that's what kind.
No, nothing wrong with the flag change. Won't erase history at all, you fucking spastic.
I think a lot of people don't realize that 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ are massively different.
Here, you guys go full tilt nazi.
There, it's fairly tame, in all honesty. Still a bit nazi, but it's much more open-range. It's probably a majority, but not an outright fact, so to speak.
We've hit bump limit friend.
I left it on for the prior post and forgot about it. Still, though, I guess.
Yeah, its true. They're more focused on memeing and shitposting, we're more focused on discussion and action.
Still, thats not to say they don't have their fair share of shit they got done. They provide some pretty fucking hearty laughs sometimes. It isn't all
as 8pol likes to make it out to be. It definitely is shittier in quality and the mods are kiked out, but they make me laugh sometimes. Like when they found terrorists or when they got on CCTV to spot illegals border hopping in real time.
Oh hey, sanzo made some new stuff cool. Can't wait for it to be reposted a million fucking times til I'm sick of it
Oh my god you made beautiful music out of a fucking Loss comic
Not even fucking music is safe, it's branched out from visual input to the fucking
Yeah, there are more lolbergs/cuckservatives on 4/pol/. It's still fairly right-wing, and I would bet that fascist/nationalist types are the majority, but the others are there.
Meanwhile on 8/pol/ the mods are so god damn paranoid that they ban for not being the right kind of natsoc or for starting Holla Forums{lit,mu,v,wg}/ threads.
Pretty much.
I still use it now and again, if only because there I can rant a bit more without getting b&. They're a lot less paranoid about shills and such. Not to say it ain't earned, but still.
It's not really new. Less often posted, yes, but not new.
At the risk of getting shit on i haven't really been over at 4/pol/ enough to notice. I just occasionally check in on both to see the HWNDU shit as it developed, but yeah, seems like that jap that's in charge doesn't have a hate boner for it like Moot did. 4/v/ is shit though, don't ever go there.
Aren't the mods for 8/pol/ suppose to be massive kikes/cucks? I remember hearing about one in particular being a faggot, but i can't fucking remember the name
So I assume nobody is interested in plundering Reddit for salt? Because it'd be fun. And you know, it'd raise awareness of the SJW menace to the layman.
Vote the fucking post up you cunts -
France felt so bad about this that we're the only country outside of the EU with unrestricted travel to France now, except for 'refugees' of course.
truly, we live in amazing times
Ah yes, where all those public anal fucking porn videos are fipmed>
I'd agree to a flag change if there was a reason for it. Libs screaming muh colonialism and impotent politicians trying to slip one by us is more than enough reason to oppose whatever it is on principle alone. Until we have a successful revolution or become a republic a change in flag is a waste of time, money, and effort.
No one said anything about erasing history. It's about respect.
Kill yourself, reddit scum.
Well it's not like the human could get her pregnant.
and you're surprised why SJW's are winning
Pretty much, yeah. The nationalists are definitely common, though they seem to mainly be Euros wanting to get rid of migrants. Not sure about the more Nazi types, but I do know they're common enough.
Big thing is, dissenting voices are allowed without massive accusations of shilling and such. You can only skirt by so far in 8/pol/. It's like treading through a minefield.
Well, that's not surprising. Holla Forums's shit here, too. It's good enough to use, though, so I can only imagine how absolutely horrifying Holla Forums must be over there.
The gook's after money, it seems to me. Probably the best thing for 4chan. But, I expect moderation will be a bit less quality some times because of it. Still, 'least they won't most likely be politically motivated.
All I really know about halfchan beyond Holla Forums is /k/, and /k/ is seriously terrible. Noguns codkids everywhere. It's appalling.
From what I have seen, I am inclined to think it's 8/pol/'s massive paranoia, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are a good bit fucked.
The only way to beat the people pushing the socjus bullshit is to kill them. Cut off the source of the propaganda and eventually the cold hard slap of reality will right the masses.
Most likely can't get the rabbit pregnant.
No, the point is to get this post to the front page of Reddit and generate buzz. This all-or-nothing mentality is why SJW's are fucking winning.
You can't kill em, so you need to raise awareness you fucking mong. Stop with that Holla Forums-tier dreaming bullshit - do your fucking part when you can.
Get the fuck out.
Fuck off, you inept faggot
This guy's got the ass of Hank Hill.
Twitter hashtag activism: Holla Forums version
Nah, you can do shit other than that.
Not posting on Reddit, though. It's too late and I'll accidentally call someone a Jew.
Antifa media is the best redpilling tool we have.
hashtag tier activism is still better than doing nothing like a useless cunt
Reddit is one of the liberal hives that promotes blind acceptance the least. We have a chance there.
t. every hashtag activist
The SJWs aren't winning. They're dropping like flies at this rate.
To be fair, it ain't like the natsoc style nazi types are winning either. It's the more open right wing types what are going places. The populists, the nationalists, the 'alt right' running around youtube making videos debating and otherwise actually talking to people.
Everything else you said is right, though.
What the fuck do you do then?
…shut up
That's pretty damn good, then RP servers go way off course it's the best
it's literally billionaires who are going to run away to new zealand once things go tits up, probably because they fucked up and they know it. Hell one of reddit's ceo's has land down here. I'm not saying it's all of them, but you goddamn know a lot of them are pushing globalism and other such trash for the sake of profit, so go fuck yourself.
They are human, they die to bullets just like everyone else.
What the fuck are you even on about? Reddit is censorship central. Are you such a newfag that you don't even remember all the other times someone stood up to the management of reddit or other assorted left-wing bullshittery? How many times do you have to try the same failed tactics before you realise they don't work? One fucking bullet into the head of Soros would cause a enough damage to collapse his empire of subversion. Rockefeller dying and immediately having a pile of docs released by wikileaks should be more than enough proof that even the mightiest of untouchable people's plans are defenseless when their leader is dead.
Eh, I couldn't find a pic in my folder and couldn't stand looking at the ghoul long enough to find a decent one.
Says the literal redditor.
It's been 8 minutes now, you better be typing up a 1000-character list of shit that you do that's better than "hashtag-activism" because otherwise you don't have a fucking leg to stand on, mate.
You can't kill em because you're gonna go to jail you delusional fucking cunt. There's shit like laws and prisons outside of your basement, you know - just because people in your favorite animoos get away with murder doesn't mean it's easy to do IRL
Kek, calm your OCD boy. How many times did you angrily click refresh so far?
What does OCD have to do with this? Are you retarded? Also, not even once - picrelated.
But seriously, that's what's best. A national socialist government just isn't on the horizon yet. What is within reach is the Republican Party's base being totally nationalistic, and hopefully a new racial consciousness among whites. Go read after-action reports for recent Trump rallies. Normalfag Trump people are all potential ethnonationalists who are just waiting for you to talk to them, and antifa crumbles the moment that there's any fucking resistance to their bullshit.
People get so caught up in doctrinal bullshit that they forget what the core issue is. Fascism is really fucking great, and the world would have been better off if Hitler had won, but waiting for the Day of the Rope, sitting around hoping that normalfags will suddenly overcome their Jew-instilled hatred of the Third Reich and physically remove all the degenerates and non-whites, is not a feasible fucking strategy.
While hashtag tier autism is shit, it's still better than doing fuck all. And don't give me that "day of the rope" shit. We all know you guys will never do jack shit.
You have to talk to people, though. You have to get them to see your side of view. You have to debate them. Not every normalfag is your enemy, and while they might not always be the best, you can change them if you try. Keep in mind, most folk started as a normalfag at one point. Definitely not all of us, and I'd wager not most of us, but some of us. You've got to help open people's minds, get them to question why they do what they do. Why they support and assume the best of those in power.
A lot of them are, for good reason in their eyes. Profit.
If it's cheaper to manufacture somewhere else, thanks to whiney children who demand free abortions payed for by every company, they're going to do so, costing us massive numbers of jobs.
Best way to deal with them is to get rid of those assholes what trash everything up with their entitlement nonsense. Because it's hard to forward globalism when you have nobody who whines about the poor refugee who I'll never have to deal with thanks to living in Daddy's gated community he pays a quarter of a mil to keep me homed without working
This. What people don't realize is that the jews didn't convert America from basedness to the shit it is today in a few decades. It took nearly its entire lifespan so far.
The pendulum will indeed swing back, but before it is in our favor, it must first swing back.
Well, fuck me, you're right. Why end it at two fucking volumes when nothing is concluded?
I hate this, but brigading a Reddit post feels dirty.
You realise that Earthnoids were going to make New types a ruling class and jumpstart the Crossbone Vanguard, but spacenoids had to nig out and blow up the founding ceremony? Even if we ignore Unicorn, where they are mad that they are being punished for bombing the UN, they still insist on killing spacenoids by the billions to throw their houses at the earth.
On another news, Shadman is in legal trouble, apparently. Shit suxs.
Ronnie is pretty hit and miss. Most of them were pretty shit, but the last one made me spit up my semen all over my desk.
I've heard Sanzo doesn't do so good in country, sadly. I've heard that's the reason, but I don't know if I believe that. The fellow ends a lot of things early, so it might just've run its course by the fellow's standard.
Worst timing, since I can actually buy his book now, but he fucking cancelled it. I'm way too conflicted, and I hate shit that doesn't resolve.
You're just lucky I don't have a GM III.
That, or she doesnt care
is this a dragon thread now?
You can? Where?
I'm assuming a translated copy is impossible, but I'd love to pick it up regardless. I don't even like the comic that much.
Who could blame her?
More sanzo posting, but I'd never say no.
I'm dry now anyway.
forgot image
I'd posted this thing on Holla Forums but no one goes there apparently.
I mostly stick to /tg/ and also that looks like arse
well that's why I was posting it in Holla Forums. It was basically a choose your own adventure kind of thing. Here's the last panel.
It's pretty cringe but oh well.
Fair enough, I guess. It's certainly not the worse mspaint lewdery I've seen, in any case.
Well, at least I died doing what I love.
I like it. I've always enjoyed crude MSPaint smut in the vein of Weaver and the shapes are convincing enough.
That was the first time I drew a dragon. I'm pretty pleased with it.
I don't wanna toot my own horn but I know a thing or two about connecting lines.
Ah shit, I remember that comic. From a LOL thread too, maybe. I have it saved somewhere.
I recognize that sound effect you cheeky bugger
lol what if videogame logic was replaced with real life logic REACTION FACE - t. Katie "Misplaced Man" Tiedrich
As far as I know, having a relative in the UK, these cases are mostly isolated to London and they're usually the more sensationalised ones. Even terror attacks aren't that big of a deal compared to shit they saw back home, but the Islamization of the country is a reality and they can't go out alone at any time.
Finland is so tough that fugees had to leave because they couldn't stand the cold and the average finn not giving a fuck about them. Obviously Helsinki is a different story.
As with anything, the big cities are the cancer killin Western civilization. Most countrysides are still half based, half full of redneck tier morons who still breed like there's no tomorrow. They're still outbred by muzzies though.
Northern Italy's countryside is absolutely based, they're racist and classist as fuck even though they want an independence they can't possibly afford, but the cities are absolutely poz'd. Milan is a literal Chinese colony, it's like an European Canada; (((Turin))) is our (((City of London))); most other big cities are run by the mafia, Albanian mobsters or both. Center Italy is a multicultural hellhole, the people are extremely rude and muslims and niggers abound. Rome in particular has a high density of Negrotalians that look almost comical and several incidents with niggers killing tourists are promptly swept under the carpet by Lugenpress and replaced with muh women homicides. Southern Italy has always been absolute shit, think a more friendly version of Turkey what with the poz'd population, huge birthrates among the low IQ parts of society and a billion Asian and African races mixing and matching in the cities, all within Mafia and Camorra's grasp. At the very least there's no real threat from the religion of peace or negros down south, but it's just because they are even more afraid of how unruly the locals themselves are. Islanders are typically farmers, sheep shaggers or communists, but at least they're not poz'd by the traditional definition.
At the very least no terror attack will ever strike in here, since the moment it does, all of Italy's coastal guard will be allowed to shoot down boatloads of migrants, and the (((EU))) doesn't want their main source of illegals shut down because of the explosive personality of some of them.
Also this, but the "African Mafia" thing is sensationalised propaganda. Mafia is still holding strong and they're using negros just to smuggle drugs around the country and back in their home countries. There was an isolated incident in Sicily where the fugees actually do have some minor power and everyone started claiming they now own Italy.
In Italy you also pay that fee just for owning any technology with a screen at all. The govt "justifies" this by saying they let you watch their primetime propaganda channels for free on the internet, even if you don't have any internet plans. It's covered by the electricity bill, too, so you cannot avoid it unless you're a literal hobo or in the deep countryside.
I knew it would trigger folks with that pomf. :3
Even after Communism my country is still less Communistic than the UK. Let that sink in.
TV Licencing is down to the BBC existing, they don't really know if you've bought a TV they just assume everyone has one and try to scare people into ponying up the dough rather than their sending out people to shake people down.
You don't need a TV licence in england you just need to not let cunts into your house.
Most of those 'abused' girls in Rotherham were little slags from shitty homes who deliberately went out looking for booze and weed and dick they just got the wrong type.
You know what the best part about it is?
it's in a lossy format
Seven Seas, my friend. They're really in the ball ever since monster girls became the hot shit.
Amazon is unfair, I haven't been to a bookstore in over a year.
Does anyone have the screencap of the 4am shower shitter?
Did you just imply that MtF transexuals aren't real women shitlord?
That's a highly problematic attitude.
t. PAris XVIII alumni
t. Achmed
Thanks, user! Got myself a copy.
I mostly just want to support the fellow. And getting a comic that I do rather love is a nice little bonus.