All WoW enemies will scale to your item level

Is this the final nail in the coffin?

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So what if your item level is zero? Will you be able to cheese enemies by having a low item level while a friend not in your group has a high one?

For it being a decent game?
No, that nail came down hard ages ago.

For it being a P2P sub model MMO/surviving yet another horrible expansion?
No, there are far too many addicts with "disability"bux.

For it being a game?
Yeah. WoW is now officially a very pretty calculator where the only buttons are + and = and your only input is time invested.

I fucking hope so. The sooner WoW dies, the sooner Blizzard might actually put effort into something other than Overwatch (which itself is just recycled content from their failed MMO, Titan).

The scaling has a baseline minimum of item level 850, which is roughly where gear from world quests starts at. It also only affects world enemies, meaning that this shit punishes everyone. Casual players won't want to get better gear because it makes the content they care about harder. Hardcore and would-be hardcore raiders are getting shit on by mobs that, not more than two days ago, they were able to kill in a second or two.

They also reintroduced building construction (last seen with garrisons) with a few twists. First, it takes around a week for anything to get built. Second, it's server-wide, so everyone gets to use it. Third and finally, the buildings deconstruct after three days, so you have to build it again.

To max out your artifact you used to need around 60 Million or so Artifact Power. Now you need nearly 100 Trillion and the best means of grinding that shit out have softcaps on them now.

Oh, and despite this allegedly being the biggest content patch to date, there is remarkably little new content for anyone to do in-game. Blizzard's plan is to trickle in the unlocks for the patch's content over the course of several weeks, if not months, to keep people subbed.

"Finally, there's the natural question of why we didn't patch-note this. It was not to be deceptive…" fuck you. Omitting any change from patch notes, no matter how significant or insignificant, no matter your opinion of how players will perceive it, is either deceptive or incompetent. There are no other possibilities.

I remember people defending class halls and the timegates like it wouldn't devolve into this bullshit.

Hows it feel, drones?

If world trash mob gets stronger as you get more powerful gear, what's the point of entering gear farming treadmill at all? How long until raid bosses scales with item level too? They already scale with group size anyway.

I bet this is another genius idea from Chad Nervig, the most pathetic human being I've ever saw.

Holy shit it's finally going to die

We say that every time but I can't wait anymore. I want Blizzard to crash and burn.

There are people on shitholes like MMO Champion defending this shit. People defending a corporation who's consistently shitting on their own product and delivering a subpar experience.

are they trying to kill the game?
item progression is literally the only sense of achievement you actually get from the game, it was the main reason why people played it
if you just make shit scale with your gear, people will have even less of a reason to fight older enemies, since they're gonna be dropping shit loot for an even tougher challenge
i can understand if they were scaling shit with ever new patch, rather than just by looking at your item level, and also dropping better loot based on the scaling, but if it's just gonna make shit tougher for no reason, then what's the point

I used to be indifferent towards Blizzard but now I couldn't agree more. They are so fucking terminal that killing them would only be a mercy.

It won't die. The heroin addicts who still play it have to get their fix somehow.

If they scale what's the point of levelling then?

Reaching max level doesn't take either 10bux or five hours nowadays anyway?

This is happening because they want us to retread the same content over without it being too easy, and without having to make new stuff.

You see a competent developer, or a human capable of basic pattern recognition, would use the ability to scale all content to your level to make all content relevant to your character.

You see in a WELL developed game this would be a godsend. You could gate content based on level, but make it so that previous areas and uninvited areas still have a point. You could even re-visit an area several times to update what is going on there.

In fact anybody with half a brain and developing an MMO could see the benifit of reducing linear progression in the MMO for a width of progression. Imagine a world where a certain crafting materials only showed up in certain areas, but maintained relevance at all times.

Any bullshit developer not headed by nepotistic retards with dyed hair could see how this would open up a much better world economy, world pvp, and even RP mechanics instead of 'run this raid so you can run the next raid so you can run the next one' design that sees years of work and millions of dollars wasted every time a new expansion comes out.

In fact, I'd say level scaling is a tool that can only be poorly used if an incompetent developer actively tried to fuck it up out of sheer contempt for their audience and themselves.

Sadly, Blizzard is just using it as an easy way to shift balance to an algorithm rather than doing it themselves. What kind of developer even does that?

Or maybe - just maybe - you could do what Guild Wars did and make the low-level areas into basically a tutorial, and implementing a hard-mode for max-level characters to use, with the assumption that about 85% of your play time at most is before reaching the level cap.

Except then, you know, you can't sell "Level Boosters" and other shit like these faggots do, or create a massive gear treadmill to give the illusion of content when it doesn't actually exist.

Fuck WoW.

This. It never felt right, that old zones were trash unless they were given a new dungeon\raid. Over the years, I often thought about just completely removing levels from the game.

That, and enabling solo raids through turn based combat.

No, they're just incompetent. They have been since 2008 when they merged with Activision. They've gotten so wrapped up in maximizing profits with no regard for quality that they've forgotten how to be a respectable developer instead of businessmen.

That's the real problem. It's not about the journey anymore, it's about the destination.

That's also a way to do it. There are tons of ways for a developer to make it work, which makes Blizzards dedication to avoiding all of them all the more infuriating.

I like levels as a gating mechanic and to give the player a sense of progression. But… yeah, removing them and going for a tier of enemy would probably work better for a healthy world design. Not that you couldn't develop a healthy world around leveling and such, just that you would be fighting a few more variables.

Personally I always loved City of Heroes Minion/Lieutenant/Boss/ect system where enemies of a certain level had an additional scale, which only really worked because all dungeons were instanced and scaled to your level, but it did make for more interesting game balance.

Of all the things to copy form Final Fantasy 8 and they go and pick the worst mechanic.

The people that play this game are cancer. pic related, WoW can't die soon enough.

I just wish they'd let it die already. It can't be doing too well these days.

he probably means pay with in game gold, which is the way it had always been in the past (at least before wotlk anyway)

smart decision

are we sure this isnt one of their "APRIL FOOLS GUYZ" moments?

They have gone so far past that point, they even expressed support of the megalian movement in south korea. The SJW infection has taken over the body

I guess my opinion of WoW players is so low I just assumed he meant real money.

Never played WoW at all, but my uncles are sadly long-time addicts. Does this mean that

If so, then maybe this'll be the day they finally drop that shit game.

This fits me to a T. I hate this fucking game but I need that grind

Holy crap, and here I was thinking that WoD was the lowest possible point for them.
You could almost think that they're deliberatly fuck things up to have a reason to end WoW as quickly as possible.

For a second, until I took a glimpse of the character's level at 110, I imagined that was an early complaint from TBC. It's always the same shit.

Waiting for the fat furfaggot shill to defend this.

Oblivion Online


The enemy scaling is probably the least of the issues with the patch. Enemy power being scaled has been a recurring theme this whole expansion, so if anything, this is just being consistent, and most of the issue falls on shitty communication on the dev's end, a la WoD flying.

Content gating is the first major issue with the patch. At the moment, the only new shit they added in, aside from the usual class changes and similar, are the new dungeon, some of the new zone's shit, and the new pet battle dungeon. Obvious stuff like the next raid and flying are time gated, but more ridiculous stuff including the extension of class campaigns and PvP brawls have also been gated for some reason.

But perhaps the worst offense of the patch was how much old shit got bugged out. Multiple bosses in the current raid are completely broken. The third boss is literally unkillable due to an invisible instakill mechanic that occurs about a minute in. Apparently several other bosses are bugged as severely. There's a plurality of other, smaller bugs as well.

Guess they really are going back to the roots

Unless I'm missing something, this post doesn't say what OP implied it said.

They're just scaling endgame enemies up so people in high-tier gear aren't one-shotting them, or there's some additional context I'm not seeing.

They are scaling outdoor enemies, have you played WoW before?

I could see this expansion of scaling mechanics spreading to older content to make it relevant.

they probably plan on putting warcraft on life support in the near future, like they've done with diablo 3, due to the disaster that warlords was and legion not doing anything to stop the death spiral.

Endgame enemies here meaning "everything in any legion zone if you are endgame ready". This also means that anything you could have destroyed in packs a couple of days ago has a higher chance of wrecking you instead unless you take some of your armor off to lower the scaling

Legion outdoor enemies, so technically endgame.

Aside from timewalking, I don't see it happening terribly soon, given that they've altered older boss encounters to make them easier to solo, one of the more notable examples being the first boss in BWL.

The game is piss-easy anyway, this sounds like a good thing. But their playerbase is a bunch of knuckledragging normalfag redditors so I guess a slight increase in difficulty might end up driving them away.

That's the most retarded shit I ever heard. So you get a new sword to do 100 more damage and the mob gains a 10000 more health?

It's less that it's hard and more that it kills any sense of progression. You could be fully decked out in a set of mythic titanforged gear and still have trouble with basic enemies in any legion zone thanks to them scaling up to you

Which was a nigh-inevitable consequence of the WQ system. Aside from gear and artifact power based on knowledge, the rewards that a fresh 110 can get from WQs is identical to someone decked out in such gear.

I think you mean Draenor, user.

You unlocked flying in Northrend, Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, and Pandaria the same way you did in Outland: you paid a trainer NPC.

In Draenor, they introduced a big meta-achievement in the last content patch to get it.

I actually bought the fucking thing because my social circle wouldn't shut up about it and I kinda wanted to play as BigGermanHammerMan. Jesus Christ, biggest waste of 60 bucks since Evolve.

I don't get how people can play this shit, or call it "game of the year". Its the same thing as Team Fortress but with less dev time and fewer hats. I can play the same maps and gametypes, but whereas something like halo 3 or Titanfall 2 is dynamic and tactics change game to game, these are the epitome of meta-based corridor shooters. The fact that moving up more than 3 feet is a key feature to some of these fucking characters bugs me so much. "Tactics" are so fucking basic there, jesus Christ.

Yes. As it says in the screen cap, they balanced it so poorly that people have been UNEQUIPPING GEAR I'm order to perform better.

Great, another trainwreck like HotS.

Maybe a Warcraft 3 HD remake with these models?

This is what I hate more than anything, I can imagine all the people defending this mob leveling modifier. I saw a similar thing in another mmo earlier this week.
I've seen it in countless games, drones droning on about badly updated bullshit with baseless arguments that are cemented with their emotions.
The drones say this on any and every update that makes the player 1. weaker 2. mobs harder 3. More time spent shitting socks grinding for an item drop from a mob because it takes longer to drop at an already absurd drop rate >.1%

Game design should be to give players meaningful combat choices, not restrictions.

They're not stupid, WoW isn't top dog out of pure luck. Dense, greedy, disloyal and cutthroat but not stupid, all the changes serve themselves and they'll do as much as they can get away with. My guess is they want to transfer their WoW audience to their next big MMO & into a thirsty market, use WoW as a training ground for their inters and sink it with the least amount of bad PR.

They're probably waiting mostly for certain hardware to become affordable and adopted as well as faster internet speeds for China and the US.

I really hope all those rumors about Trump banning all exports to China and Korea are true because those shitholes are the only thing keeping this company alive.

That's not going to happen. Tariffs at most.

There's nothing worth defending here. Sorry.

I can understand why people want flying in Legion so badly, the terrain in broken isles sucks, there's cliffs everywhere and the mobs are so densely packed, it feels so god damn claustrophobic when you compare it to a vanilla, TBC or WotLK zone. It's just a pain in the ass to get from point A to point B.

I've never touched WoW, but this makes me wonder if there is some sort of dark god devs worship now. A dark god who requires them to 'balance' games in the most retarded way possible. A dark god that feeds off the rage and autism spewed upon the internet.

I have a rather hard time believing that at this point, any company is willing to invest significant amounts of money into an MMO. The genre is kinda in the dead zone between being a niche genre and being on par with, say, ASSFAGGOTS. I feel like a lot can be chalked up to plain ineptitude. That and they've been in the blatant milking phase of the franchise for some years now (See also: WoW tokens)

People are pretty vocal about flying in general. If they weren't old content, I'm sure you'd see similar levels of demand for a zone like Timeless Isle or the BC starter zones to allow flying.

It's a never ending cycle of fear that people will leave their game if they don't keep changing it and anger that people are leaving their game because they changed it, causing them to change it in fear of people leaving.

So it is a situation where integrity and creative vision are dead, replaced by nothing but stagnation and greed.

I don't know if you call integrity and creative vision dead in this case if it was never there in the first place.

Sounds like they are attempting to not be Star Trek Online.

w-what how do they come up with these ideas

That's because in the original story, the broken isles were a group of tiny islands that blizzard decided to cram together to make one island for the expansion.

See those little islands northwest of the eastern kingdoms? That's where legion is supposed to be. They were just too lazy to figure out a way-to make it work.

What's wrong with STO? It's something I keep meaning to play but never get around to.

this better be a joke.

This is skyrim levels of scaling. It's terrible.

what could possibly go wrong

Fuck I dont' care anymore too high for this


it'll go more like this

They already hotfixed this whole shitshow but again faggothair and bitchface will just make jewfro not apologize and call it a "integration of numbers gone slightly wild", I got a brother still on that heroine hamster wheel. I don't know how he reacted to this.

what? did they reverse it or what?

Yes, they reversed most of the damage increase to basicaly what it was +5% instead +your item level

That's wrong, world quest gear starts at 805 and goes up to 845 at most (at least if you don't get war- or titanforged gear).

IIRC you had to do a questline in Pandaria, or was that just to get the cloud serpent mounts?

I think some modders are already on that.

Apart from that, the entire thing is bullshit and I just can't believe how they keep making the game worse with each iteration. If there was any decent alternative for an RPer like me, I'd have given up on the game even though I love WarCraft

Just how smug can I be right now? Blizzard continues to amaze me at just how fucking out of touch they are with their audience. They continue to alienate the core audience, bleed potential audience, and completely obliterate their audience by continuing to make questionable and even downright fucking stupid changes to the game.

People have asked for legacy servers, Blizzard played with everyone and acted like they were going to come through on that finally, fucking around for what felt like 2 years but was more like 1, and in the end, they just reiterated that "fuck you, we don't actually care about you, you're all just numbers. Subscribe or die." Even with the smuggest and most condescending ways to say it, "I don't want that, and neither do you, you think you do, but you don't." No fuckface, I know what I want, and I don't need to be told by fat fuck guttersnipe what I want.

I can only wonder what a conference call with Bobby Kotick is like, as he continues to question Blizzard about their ridiculous office politics situation, and why they keep putting progressive politics and anti-gamer triviality into their games going forward, and they've failed for what feels like 8 years in a row now to do what the player base would actually like and/or appreciate. Instead they continue to drive this anti-player initiative where they have made class selection an almost meaningless process. And while it used to be common that you would just roll a new character and level up quickly to experience other roles, I guess they've put a nail in that coffin, because now enemies will scale to your level. So the quick process will be hindered by the rallying cry of "accessibility!"

You may not be clever, you may not be intelligent, you may only be a monkey using the same cookie cutter runes and talents as everyone else, you must use the proper gear, you must use the enchantments we have selected for your class. You can't gear in a way that we didn't intend on, but works for you rather than the meta, you will build as we have deemed, or you will end up being stuck in raid finder.

The game is almost completely dead, and they're killing it even further, I'm just waiting to see when Activision finally shuts them down and hands off the IP to a more competent studio.

I'd say they're perfectly in touch with their audience of camwhores, 30-something year old wallet chain wearing faggots and women trying to cope from a marriage that has lost its romantic passion.

Is that a reference to that one stupid bitch from YouTube?
Gee, I wonder why that could be, it couldn't be because she stuffs her face full of doritos and mountain dew and keeps her face glued to a fucking monitor all day.

It isn't.

This is the future of videogames and it's 100% due to women and their numale pets
No challenge
No danger
No value of time played or skill input
Nothing but a cinematic experience for little babby

but user, wikipedia says Pac-Man and Centipede were made with women in mind!


What does lead taste like? Well, you'll have to find out personally!

Just let it die already.

I need more rage.

[Studio B-Room] Aisha Poker [スタジオブルーム] アイシャポーカー

WoW truly is dead.


Blizzard should just go bankrupt and cease to exist.

If only they would.


They coulda done something with pirates and boat battles and deep sea shit.

What a shame.

Isn't that where gul'dan got torn apart in warcraft 3?

A stupid idea.

but didn't they just make world monsters stronger?

It just makes it more tedious. Since you have to farm materials any increase to the enemies results in massive increases to farming for ingredients especially potions.

Wait, does this mean I can kill a lvl 5 mob with a level 1 item set? I guess they took "every battle is decided before it's fought" quite literally.

the sylvanas model from HOTS was a qt3.14

This really isn't a nail but more like an extra worm eating it's way in. It's already dead inside. Alone, it wouldn't have killed WoW


if they wanted to fix the "degenerate extremes" for mythic-gear steamrollers, why not just introduce a few mythic-gear-only dungeons and raids

put in 2-3 dungeons and 1-2 raids with 4-5 bosses each that one-shoot you if you have item level below X value

Surely it only applies to max level.

Why the fuck do they care if raiders steamroll world content anyway? Don't they have enough treadmills and legendary carrots already to keep them busy?

I wouldn't say 100% due to women, but yes, they are a big part of it.

I read an article a while ago that explained it perfectly: men in video games want challenge and achievement through hard work.
We want to start out powerless and disrespected, work hard, prove ourselves and then become super-powerful and rightfully gain everybody's respect and admiration.
Women want the world to accomodate them (just like real life). They want to feel special and they want the entire world to be centered around them quite literally.

So you go from games like gothic 2
to skyrim

That's the same for any difficulty really, "gonna have to do rotation 5 more times" "gonna have to move out of fire" "gonna have to kill adds"

HOTS modelling is pretty good, although sometimes the ideas are pretty stupid and you know no one in their right mind will buy them.

Yes, in TFT in a flashback during the Night Elfs campaign.
And now you have to kill Gul'dan from an alternative universe at the same place again.

This is by far the best way you can kill any MMO

You should probably check your sources because people start wars over that kind of shit

This patch is kinda a disaster, but the new scaling has basically zero relevance to anybody who isn't retarded. It was barely more difficult to kill mobs after they buffed scaling than before, people were just too used to being able to pull 10 things and aoe them down without taking any damage. The only people I have seen actually complain about it are too dumb to use all the defensive abilities they have to deal with it. It didn't make any difference to me when doing world quests.

The places where they really fucked up were all the bugged raid boss mechanics that one shot the raid out of nowhere.They fixed most of them the night of the patch launching, but Elisande is still bugged on mythic to the point where nobody in the world has killed her. My guild progressed to her tonight but we had to stop raiding there since there was no way to do the fight with half the raid dead less than a minute in.

They did that with the new Karazhan dungeon, but because the feeling of some were hurt due to not being able to "experiance" this new content, they had to dumb it down for the new patch.

I forgot, how come nobody posted this?

Its always going to look like absolute shit unless you post porn.

truly wow is doomed, almost all of the former players appreciated the fact that almost nobody in the world managed to kill kel thuzad in vanilla, or other end-game bosses in tbc and wotlk

I guess it's much too late now to re-introduce the old tactics and mechanics

why did you pay 60 bucks when you could have paid 40? i'm genuinely interested why you did that. it sounds like you weren't really sure about the game from the get-go yet you paid 20 extra dollars for 4 mediocre looking skins


i think the gobbo warlock's pretty hot

You'd think the Legion would have a bit more foresight.
Another thought, how the fuck does the demon revival thing work? Because according to lore, if you kill a demon outside the twisting nether they just remanifest in the twisting nether, so shouldn't Archimonde still be alive? And was the one killed in WoD the same one in WC3 or is there two Archimondes? But two Archimondes doesn't make sense since it seems that for however many timelines there are, there's only one Legion. I don't think Blizzard really thought this all through because this is impossible to make sense of.

Is Sgt Hammer a dwarf or what?

i've got this much
i know there was other stuff, but you need to browse tumblrs to find the ones with this model in particular

He bought Evolve, it's pretty clear he isn't the best when it comes to money.

2 of them and there are timetravel alternative universe bullshit. You can infinitely farm them because there are infinite supply of them because they cant think of anything besides reusing same wc3 bullshit. They already turned easter egg into whole expansion. And released same expansion twice but WITH DIFFERENT TIMELINE ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE.

It's almost like they're just making it up as they go… Nah, couldn't be.

No, just one, but he exists in all dimensions at the same time.

basically the reason they're reusing old lore so much is because lots of wow players didn't play the warcraft franchise, old lore was pretty cool and they can't think of a cool story anymore.


Most likely done to encourage players to waste each other's time

That's what they wanted to do in Cataclysm, and they fucked that up, not only did they fuck it up but they even abandoned their plans to have an Oceanic raid.

These WoW porn videos get worse with every video, that's not appealing or attractive in any way, that was just rank ass disgusting.

No, she's thick.

so what happens if you go to a raid with a fucking spoon

This is a joke, right?

Something like this probably not

what do you expect, half of them do it for free
the only half decent looking ones are usually 5 second loops


I thought it would be fun to have a pvp boat or boat to boat with little clickable ropes or something like the boat to boat lich king raid boat fight rez inside for both factions fight during the trip or random PVE interuptions of the trip youve been boarded fights. They really did just get lazy


WoW was never good=

how is it not canon?
thrall's story is more or less the same

Glad I've dropped this piece of shit a couple of years ago

The saddest part is that some cock sucking fags like op still give a shit about wow.
Very sad!

Well then why the fuck would anyone bother?

The big reasons games have become shit is because of outsourcing, intersectionality, laws and universities. The way the companies are structured now is pure cancer; affirmative action, write-off hires, nepotism and insane cultists running the show. It's looking a lot like Hollywood with ugly people.

In companies you have doped up plagiarizing "graphical artists" that took a 101 art class in some overpriced university five years ago and failed intro to Microspy Office, oh, also she's the niece of the head of the department. Google some of "artists" of the triple A games, you'll want to vomit.
Then you have twenty imported subsidized pajeets in the building down the street (because the sight of them insults the sense of the bosses)from degree mills overseen by a single White man who knows what he's doing. A lot of companies get PAID to hire these curryniggers that cost 1/10 of citizen hires because of taxes and welfare that off-sets their living expenses. All of these pajeets are controlled by just a couple state-owned Indian companies, the reason they're allowed to dump their demographic liabilities is because of some nuclear deals to a park a few boomer subs next to Pakistan.
Then you have the marketing team of true believers of intersectionality that consume half the budget, the bastard mulatto spawns and numale genetic duds of some higher-up typically, lead around by an old wannabe weatherman pinko.

Some solutions would be:

More taxing and regulation of web shopping is coming eventually, it will crash the current video game market but it would produce better products in the long run.

please don't give their bullshit buzzwords credence.

Wow, it's rare to see someone so right.

This, using their language legitimizes it. Never use their agenda-created propaganda words.
But good post anyway.

The differences are mostly minor. The first one I can think of offhandedly is Taretha having no presence in the game. But there's a huge difference that would have significantly changed the course of the game, and that's Thrall single-handedly defeating Deathwing in order to gain the favor of the Red dragonflight to assist in bringing down Durnholde. Obviously, this has very major implications for the game. Without Deathwing, Cataclysm can't happen, or would happen under significantly different circumstances. As a result, Thrall likely remains Warchief, and Pandaria is either discovered under a significantly different set of circumstances, or simply never discovered at all. And since the events of MoP don't happen as they canonically do, the events leading up to WoD never happen, Gul'dan doesn't set off the Legion invasion, and the game's direction at this point would be a gigantic question mark.

Obviously, Blizz could do with Blizz does and retcon a bunch of shit and force some of these events to happen anyway, but still.

While Overcuck is bad, you can still use that as a way to piss people off. Just keep typing ggez, word filter or not, the knowledge youre typing that out and your intention will be more than enough to piss them off.

This update on the other hand is fucking insane. I stopped early on of BC2 because there was literally nothing to do once LFR and Arenas were done. While you eventually had PvE world content be trivial, you would at least be able to do dailies quickly so you had something to do if you were guildless. I can't imagine how shitty that must be to deal with. But as far as I can tell this expansion was a clusterfuck I thankfully managed to avoid.

hopefully Camelot Unchained actually ends up fun

I agree captcha

Hell, you could go a bit further and say make areas further away from, let's say in a 3 way faction fight, become more intelligent in how they do things, group tactics, ambushes, varied debuffs, curses, diseases, fighting styles, that players in a party would actually have to adjust for.

This is of course, would also imply that you didn't dumb the game down further and further to the point that all those things described don't even exist and didn't gut utility spells and skills so you could actually bring people to the table for more than "he does combat triangle" reasons.

Glad to see you dead soon, blizzard.

Huh? That was some good rape, filthy slut.

Those are the worst ones.

Never knew his health scaled with yours though, nice touch.


his hurt post is also the same as the one from Zelda 2 and he falls through the floor just like he did in that game.

also your shadow disappears when you pass the island with the tree. lots of detail in that one particular fight for whatever reason.

I'm so glad I didn't fall for the shilling of this xpac at release. So many were convinced it was the turning point but it's an even bigger trainwreck than WoD.

fucking how? I remember the livestream when this was announced and there wasn't a single smile in the audience. half of them were just looking at their phones.

I could definitely see this working using the click to move option and a keyboard, but without the keyboard my play would be returning to the level of a clicker trying to play a busy spec in Wrath.

fuck didn't mean to keep saging.

Nighthold is looking to be at a near record low for mythic completion due to how much grinding was required to get your character ready for it, and the several 300+ wipe roadblock bosses at the end.

Activision merged with Blizzard's parent company, Vivendi Games. Blizz has no say one way or the other in what they do

After having a look at the forums it seems that in the Test Realm the cost for the new buildings was way lower, so that it took something betwee a day or two until they were finished.
Now they've increased them so much, that it looks as if it'll take a week or two to finish one building.
How the fuck did they thing that this shit wouldn't blow the fuck up, hell even thinking that it would go unnoticed it already a fucking stretch.

They could have, and it would have been awesome. It's sad to think what-could have been with wow if a nonshit team had been kept, and Activision wasn't driving it into the ground. They do the easiest and quickest thing they can do for a buck now. Everything since cata has been their fault. The only reason wotlk did as good as it did was because they were using the left over plans from the original team.

Didn't they later try to explain the audience's blatant disinterest by saying something like "they were Germans and Germans don't smile when they're excited"?

I wouldn't know because I assume every announcement they make is in California because they're cheap as fuck and don't bother with traveling abroad for conventions.


actually makes me wonder if there's a Sam Hyde NPC in the game. I mean if Jontron can get one why not him?

Every other npc is a pop culture reference so it's possible.

The people who keep this going don't care. They are like my cousin who plays once a week for a couple hours, but has had a steady sub for years. And most of that play time is talking to people. Oh, she's paid for a couple pets and mounts. Seems more like a habit than anything else.

What day is tomorrow? April 1st

Flight was cancer, it killed world PvP.

This particular anouncement was massive damage control for WoD such that they did it outside of their personal blizzcon circlejerk. Hence the disinterested crowd. It was pretty funny to watch the PR guy try to hype his shit nobody was buying.

Been playing Blade and Soul which has fun gameplay but not one white person to be found. Server is full of niggers and chinks literally farming gold as their job.



This is shit.
Could be a shit prank.
If it's not a prank.


Decided to look at mmo-champ and see what reactions are, someone posted a poll about how people feel about level scaling. 13+ pages of "No one cares" or "Game got a little harder, don't be a baby".
The reaction to any criticism of the game always seems to be You're Entitled.

I actually didn't even notice the ilvl scaling until people started to bitch about it. It's a ~30% difference from sub-800 to 900, which is at least a 300% change in damage and a ~100% change in health.



Make Aerial Mobs.

remember that on 2016's april 1st, at newgrounds, they had a trump event?
are they still salty he won?

Same thing happened to art.

Kikes and the Cia/intel commiunity destroyed it for their pirposes

One of the latest popular threads there is a bunch of pinkos unironically defending Karl Marx and communism. That place is a dump, not surprising they're defending this decision and sucking Blizzard's dick like that.

They're raging about it on the 'Causal WQ Only" Discord.

I want to impregnate an Elf

me too!


More coffins, please

So elves caused the St. Petersburg metro bombing. I should have known!

Any new green posts from this slut? I love reading them while I fap to her.


fit for breeding

last image looks shopped


Who would've thought that the WoW killer will be WoW itself?

the only personalami any good was werewolf rape

It's like the ex-boyfriend dummy all over again. I think Legion is the first expansion that:

I don't get it. It's like the developers have no idea what they're doing, and don't care because alll they want to do is waste more time on social justice bullshit. They can't even do raiding right now because it's the same old shitty bosses, but they're either overtuned (Nighthold), piss-easy via exploits (Emerald Nightmare).

I'll never understand the people who thought flying ruined immersion because I got more out of flying around WoLK zones than running around. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if zones weren't clusterfucks full of bad mobs.

A lot of the "ecelebs" are bitching how it'll make time gate grinding even harder when it shouldn't be, and how it makes your gear flat-out useless. They're also pissed how Blizzard didn't say anything, and lied about it.

The artifact grind is killing a lot of guilds where players either flat out quit or just become casual guilds.

If HoTS was selling, it wouldn't need to resort to more Jewry with 2.0: Social Justice Edition. HoTS is dog shit.

Nope, Celestalon/Chas is a sjw-furfag who spends more time attention-whoring on Twitter than working on the game and it's class issues.

Anons have been saying that since 5 years ago.

that group is severely fucked up.

Try the last ten years, there's always one fag.
WoW will kill itself, but that will be when no one literally plays anymore and the server cost gets too high to keep it breathing, then it will be disconnected, but while retards keep paying it will be on life support.

how many years in a row have you been asking this question