New shippments when?

New shippments when?

Other urls found in this thread: switch&sort=rel


2 million shipped and I don't see any anywhere! How odd

I heard April, so check this fri-sun.

I see a fucking ton at my local walmart. switch&sort=rel

isn't shilling against the rules?

Why bother the only game available for it is shit, whenever a game you actually want is available there will be tons of switches to buy at that point

Feh, you call that handrubbing? I'll show you real hand rubbing, goy.


Remember when we thought the Switch would initially sell poorly like the 3DS and they'd have to drop the price?

Remember when we thought the Switch would initially sell poorly like the 3DS and they'd be forced to lower the price?

Nintendo is an exception for "reasons"

Is something wrong with the site?

You mean (((reasons)))

You know the thing that makes that worse, scalpers deliberately damaged most of their systems when they heard nintendo was doing another shipment relatively quickly after the launch batch.
So you'd probably end up with a Switch with a fucked up joycon for $1000

Weird. Posts weren't going through or showing up when I refreshed. I close the tab and check the front page again and here they are.

I'm gonna send him gay furry porn.

I got mine on eBay for like $350. A little bit more expensive but I'm kind of a huge Zelda fangirl and needed it ASAP. Just keep checking eBay and you should be able to get one more or less at normal price instead of $2000 or whatever. Or, you know, if you can wait until you find one at exactly normal price, more power to you.

Not my problem goy…

Why? It hasn't been a month yet.

No stock no sale, sorry.
I prefer waiting with the money in my wallet.

once the Ndrones get past the artificial shortage and get their toy these will be sitting on shelves collecting dust
July is when I predict this will stop selling as that is the usual cycle for their BS (((shortage))) marketing.



iwatas dead dont do this….

He allowed the WiiU and the amiibos to exist.

I work at Target, we get a few every week. If you want one you better be waiting at the door when we open, you lazy faggot.



Never, the system is a travesty.

Same shit that happened with the Wii and Wii U, nobody even used them until piracy was easily accesible.

I would insult you, but Nintentards are a special breed of retard that deserves their money taken away. They probably have more than what they know what to do with

Nobody cares about your tranny store.

you mean with digital products? how does that apply here?