Are you guys ready for
Be sure to preorder season passes 1 and 2!
Oh for fucks sake.
Are you guys ready for
Be sure to preorder season passes 1 and 2!
Oh for fucks sake.
Surely this must be a joke.
Destiny once tried to resell DLC to people who already had it. Do you really think this is beyond their bullshit?
they announced sequels around launch.
Did Destiny even sell well to warrant a sequel?
From what I remember normalfags freaked out about it for like a month or two, and then it was completley ignored.
it was mediocre for awhile and then some new content patch made things sort of interesting for all of but a moment and then back to ignored
Bungie's already dead, Martin was fucked over, and it was a mediocre grind simulator that promised the solar system but you only got a Memelands clone with zero new content for a year now, fuck that shit.
I think most of the talent left before Destiny was a thing.
PC please
Dun' matter when they planned like 3 games in the series before the first was even out.
Destiny is the DC Cinematic Universe of video games. A planned wild success that delivered a flop.
I played the original version of Destiny in a playtest back in 2013 or whatever before they scrapped it and turned it into the open world/half-assed mmo shitheap it ended up as. It played like Halo and had a pretty satisfying and cool narrative.
What was the story of the first game and who was the wizard that came from the moon?
They left before and after the launch date, and after that piece of shit Studio head launched a lawsuit against Marty, they got split up some more, that fucking deal and oversight by Activision kikes fucked them over.
Goddamn internal fighting, Activision suits bringing "Focus Groups", and of course they clearly rushed the fucking game, several of the DLC and expansion packs were supposed be in the base game.
Stop it, Satan, it might actually happen.
There's no reason to bring Bungie back to PC in any major capacity, it can only do harm.
Probably. They had us play through the whole campaign over two days for bug testing. I remember liking it then and being horribly disappointed when it came out.
Well go on, what was the original plot then?
I don't remember much. There was a more Halo-style focused, linear narrative that had you traveling between Earth-Mars-Venus with cut scenes that really wove it together. I remember it had a very similar epic feel to it that Halo did - traveling around on a mission to save the Earth seeking an ancient religious artifact. It had the hub world but it wasn't as prominant. It was much more linear and the cutscenes gave the characters character.
The levels themselves were linear, and played like Halo once you entered them. Not the stupid lobbyish levels where you run around with other dipshits following checkpoints like in the final game.
Bungie should really go back to basics, though that's a moot point since this Bungie has none of the members of the old guard anymore. Just imagine a modern-day Marathon reboot by them.
It was also really really unpolished at the time. So I'm glossing over the technical issues. I remember one of the guys in every cutscene would only render as a scarf and gloves or something lol.
Oh and it was missing most of the music. Lots of placeholder textures/audio as well, so I had to overlook a lot to get a decent feel I believe it was pre-alpha but I could tell it was going to be a solid game. I don't remember the midget robot being in it either.
So Sony marketed a multiplat as a system seller and launch title, took ques from the devs to design its controller, and still doesn't support mouse and keyboard? And when that title didn't sell well made a sequel?
please no
I just hope Marty is doing ok. Actually I wana know what Joe Staten is up to, the guy was behind the cutscenes of Halo1-3 IIRC I dunno about Reach or Destiny but he did amazing work.
Marty started his own studio and Joe Staten was head writer for all the games through Reach.
Maybe it's an experiment to see how little they can sell.
I like Destiny
It will be the same game as Destiny, but with maybe some new weapons and a slightly different story.
Same story but with more interaction with "smaller outposts that serves at player hubs in the open-world" and here's the hook and bait, you make a new character, your older character disappeared, you go look for Destiny 1 character on your new one, sounds retarded.
I am probably a shill for saying this but Marty, Jaime Greisemer, and other Old Skool Bungie ancients went and formed Highwire games. They're working on VR shovelware for PS4, BUT, Marty had a successful crowdfunding campaign to raise money for session musicians and choirs to make a musical prequel to the game, as he had for Destiny (which has subsequently been denied to fans just to spite Marty by the eternal kikes of Activision and nu-Bungie
Meaning that it will actually be worse, because at least Destiny had the advantage of "This is something which has not existed before"
I've also gotta wonder if Jones was still head would this bullshit still flown?
How about no…
HAHAHA you're going to seriously buy it? After Activision BLATANTLY ripped you off?
Jones is still "head" but no, I don't think all of the writing would've been cut. He's not a stupid guy, and I imagine he would have had, at minimum, a healthy professional respect for Staten.
I thought Jones Stepped down and it was some suit last I checked. Jones is just more or less "there"
That could be it. My mistake. I know that it was a "board" decision to fire Marty.
Where in Italy does this happen?
Although, this only happens after the DLC is finished up for each of them.
Wasn't the whole business model to extend the lifespan of the first game with more DLC?
Source? I can't believe that.
Never played a game with a raid in it so I liked the vault of glass
Vault of Glass seemed so unnecessarily complex for a "raid" in an FPS, but as the DLCs came out and every raid tried to one-up VoG, I gained a deep appreciation for how simple it was in retrospect.
There will be no "final release" .
I found Wotm easier than VoG (apart from aksis challenge). Probably because id become so familiar with the game by then.
I'll give it a shot once its heavily discounted and people find ways for offline mode.
M8 VoG was the right kind of complicated.
Whoever designed King's Fall can go fuck themselves though.
I clicked this thread because I think the image was a cake.
Why not? They've done it before, only Killzone wasn't multiplatform.
My morbid curiosity got the better of me with the original, and I borrowed my brother's xbone and rented the game from redbox. Finished literally everything it had to offer in 12 hours, returned it. Then they re-released it, what, three times, for full price, with new DLC each time that should have been in the original game anyway. I haven't played any of that but I'm sure it's just as boring.
What a steaming pile, I can't wait to laugh at the sequel.
Yes, I consider the $2 spent at redbox to be a waste.
Trying to beat EA at who can be the biggest cucks, I see.
The game that famously sold so much on it's hype and advertising money rather than the content of the game. A game that garnered over $500 million in sales on its debut and you're asking if it sold well to warrant a sequel.
The question you should've been asking is why they think anyone would want a sequel to Destiny. I guess they could pull a Titan 2 and actually improve on the game but I'm not sure anyone would be willing to give it a chance after the buyers remorse that was the first game.
not gonna pre-order the shit but did enjoy leveling from 5 to 20 in pvp when it first came out.
seeing all the issues the game had kinda of glad i never really got into it
Wasn't Jones the guy that said in the Halo 2 SE DVD that "if you think everything you do is great it's probably not" and he talked about the mistakes in Halo 2? Wtf happened?
count me in
I thought destiny had issues because of infighting with the team and not corporate meddling this time.
Age of Triumph brings all of the game’s raids up to the current end-game level and will reward players with max-level gear for completing them.
Fucking pieces of shit.
It still played better than Memelands. That didn't make the game world any less bland.
Rather there were hints of an interesting game world but it seemed like they decided to rip all of it out mid development.
Destiny is the perennial flagship of this gen.
Overhyped, barebones, forgettable mediocrity sold on marketing and name recognition. You play it and realize it offers nothing new or original.
Other than for the obvious marketing reasons why did they need a sequel?
I guess they want to stop supporting the PS360 versions, unless they've already done that.
They already stopped supporting them.
Let's hope that this time there's a story and your character matters in that world, so you just don't spawn in a middle of a bunch of rusted cars in Russia.
Seriously aside from the soundtrack there was nothing memorable about Destiny, a shame for Bungie.
We've known Destiny was going to get sequels since the very beginning, this isn't a surprise in any way.
I miss old bungie
I consider the bandwith to DL the demo a waste. I don't have a bandwith cap
That shit was sold as a mmofps/co-op game: no matchmaking system for the story missions.
Also the community is cancer but that's what you get in every game TBH.