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I'll never understand the appeal of this kind of shit.
is this the same VA?
Thanks for the new mp4 friend, here's to season two.
god damn that was cancerous
Here, have this palate cleanser.
Holy fuck, this isn't cheesy this is pure cringe. All this shitty lyrics and nostalgia milking is pathetic as fucl
ain't clicking that shit
I never thought it could be this bad.
You cheeky bugger.
I keep getting error 403 forbidden ever since the crash on all webm and mp4, what's up with that?
Got sauce for this song?
If you really want to give anons ptsd, spoiler that shit and give it a weird filename.
Nice, there's another one.
incredible really
I always save music webms that I like, so I have quite the collection.
Now I need to see a webm.
what movie is that?
There are children who are going to grow up with this as their first platformer.
Please, read the fucking post carefully before asking to be spoonfed.
Its a movie called Knight Rider and it will destroy your soul.
George Romero's Knight of the Living Dead Riders left you a hint as well
don't think there is one user provided a link to the replay in his image
i will destroy your boypucci if you keep spoonfeeding like this
Niggers are so wacky
looks comfy N tasty
Tsuchinoko's VA is Yuu Kobayashi, I don't think she was involved in Nichijou.
Do either of you kumquats know the sauce of this?
Same. I'm on Pale Moon.
Has it finally shat the bed?
Tried Shazam-ing it with no luck
Using the latest palemoon? Have you cleared the browser cache? Because it never stopped working for me.
Burguer TV was almost japan levels of weird
An attempt as made.
I literally don't understand how anyone over the age of 10 can enjoy Kemono Friends. It looks like shit made for fucking actual children like Dora The Explorer.
This looks almost as bad as it sounds.
Just made this one.
there it is. #6 Tropical
The thing with Kemono Friends is that every criticism you can possibly come up with has already been thought by the fans during the first episode. It's preaching to a choir in a sense.
Wait, Kemono Friends isn't a children's show?
What the fuck have I been watching then?
IIRC it's aired at night in Japan
So they watch it "ironically" because it's terrible?
this is a parody right???
pls be a parody…. pls… god
fucking canada.
It isn't "terrible" at all tho
No. Everyone will acknowledge the animation is shit and episode 1 was the low point, but that the show works despite it. I'm not saying you're wrong in slamming it. Just don't expect your scathing critique to light a fire under anyone's ass.
people payed for this
THis is basically nigger but green. I hope you're watching this ironically because even niggers shouldnt watch black porn.
that dog looks terrified, i bet he beats him.
wew lad
When will you stop LARPing by posting pictures of an old man in a black and white filter?
My god. That isn't the original rapper of the DK Rap is it? God fucking damn please don't be
"Оставь, мужик"
Timelapse Of London years 2000-2020.webm
cheki breki?
Didn't this dude also write a rap song for Anita Sarkessian?
hitmarkers ruin it.
I didn't cringe once listening to this. It mostly just comes off as boring and lyrically lazy.
That animation is terrible.
Does she sound synthesized? Do you even know what a vocaloid is you mongoloid baboon?
Oh no, not the e-celeb market!
The only comforting part of that is knowing that the guy who made it got doxxed and they euthanized the snake because it was illegal to own one in China.
Well shit I thought she was synthesized. So what, now they have a waifu mask to wear? How amazing.
Probably facerig by some middle aged dude with post production dubbing from an AV star.
Is there a sauce you've got for that first one?
I'm giving you this because there's likely less than 10,000 people who are aware that it exists.
I don't know why this cracked me up so goddamned hard, but it did. Still, the entire video can be summed up as, "A slightly edgy Jeff Foxworthy routine, if he had an even stupider accent."
Kizuna Ai-chan is very cute and I want to strap her clit until she's so sore she can't even fucking walk!
The Apple commercial music drives up the fuckin wall though, what's the deal with that shit
Been trying to figure out what this game was for weeks (from the OSTs posted)
Did you try looking up the filenames?
Quite a lot to go off of there.
What game is that, user?
I love watching these, but i cant get over the fact that none of it is real.
Yeah fair enough, it only seems to work with "a sky made of tar"
Fuck, I forgot I had this webm from years ago.
Yeah. At least I know what it is now. Thanks.
Time to start that Acid Air Raid playlist again.
the other futurefunk in a nutshell webm wasnt kidding, i like my OC but i will get tired of it
That one hick is sexy as fuck.
What game?
truer words have never been spoken.
I think thats war thunder
Disappointing if that's the case
Why does her hair remind me of Griffith?
It's War Thunder. They recently had an open test for modern-day vehicles.
take a wild guess
I got bored.
This is just fucking gay.
source please
I want to fuck that AI
they're stickers
Who made this full version?
Dunno, but here's a real remix.
This is just an anime pretending to be a game, right?
No, it's Super Robot Wars.
Amuro's portrait here makes him look like a fat fuck
This man is right. Anyone who puts pineapple on a pizza is a dirty scumbucket faggot.
I'm not usually the one for the death penalty, but when it comes to those dirty pineapple lovers, there can be no mercy.
Don't tanks just burn a lot of diesel or some shit and exhaust a ton of smoke when they want to do this, i definitively have seen it on all the years of Syrian war
yeah i don't understand the big issue, i think people just go into it thinking it will be cringe which makes everything seem like cringe
But what about people who dip their pizza in ranch, or the ones who take off the cheese, or the ones who don't eat the crust. Hell there are a ton of worse things people do to their pizza than just putting pineapples on top.
I watched the whole fucking season. The animation barely gets any better.
Could someone post the webm tutorial?
Yes you can spray diesel into the exhaust to do this, but it won't protect you from IR nor will it last as long. Plus you can't project the cloud very far infront of your vehicle.
No. There's really not.
Dip your pizza and ranch, but at least it's still a pizza. All you've done is dipped it into something.
Take off the cheese, and it is simply not a pizza. No sin in and of itself, because after all, it's not really a pizza at that point. Pizzas have a clear ingredients list.
Crust depends on the crust made. Many pizzas are made with absolutely shit crusts. I don't expect people to eat those.
Pineapples, meanwhile, defy the very sanctity of the pizza.
There is no need to be embarrassed. The penalty is death. That is the most merciful thing we can do for these people.
Yes. Thanks.
They both suck, but at least someone actually tried on the mighty no. 9 one
WP is still the best smokescreen in the world.
Beautiful ♂
Same here with Vivaldi. I found a workaround though. Have you tried clicking the file links instead? Clicking the Holla Forums filename opens it in a new tab for me, while clicking the original file name saves as.
True that
This is what I made.
Anybody know the song to this. It got me banned from /a/, but those retards gave me a link to a dead board.
This show was such disappointing trash. Same for the comic. So much potential wasted through absolutely fucktarded means.
Doesn't help that most every character is shit, besides side ones later on in the comic. MC has the potential to be decent, but they never touch any of it.
It sounds like you didn't read any of the light novels.
Arguably one of the best pizzas I had when I was younger, it seems Everyone who does pineapple pizza literally is incapable of doing it correctly, because this hotel in turkey that I went to did amazing Pineapple pizza that would blow away all misconceptions of the dish.
Still, It's understandable why people don't like it.
At lest it's not Chili and Chocolate walkers, that shit is the work of Moloch.
You have literal bad taste.
So you are saying that chili and chocolate is fine, but pineapple pizza is not?
Especially since the chocolate you serve with chilli isn't sweet, it's complex and spicy and works great over chicken.
Oh so this is what nonredeemable shit taste looks like.
let's get the experts involved and get their opinions.
I create a pineapple pizza for the judges.
The results are in!
If i wanted a sweet, juicy fruit on my pizza i'd have peppers.
Somebody make a games journalism joke, i'm too lazy.
You need some salty meat to balance it out. Jalapenos too.
I meant your stance on pineapple pizza but ok.
Hello autism, how are we today?
No get.
Better luck next time, user.
how about now
Good video, bad luck.
This is great.
Kemono friends is a shit anime and you should feel bad for watching past the first 5 minutes.
I didn't know Hotwheels could walk.
That background track, You Say Run, really was the best part of that show. Hopefully the Season 2 OST is just as good.
first time using xmedia recode, seems alright. much better than sorenson squeeze so far.
The pizza itself is the dough. You can remove the cheese, or remove the tomatoes, and you still have a pizza. In fact, there are multiple traditional pizza recipes without cheese.
Yes, the chase scene was bad. Take a cookie for this stunning revelation.
I must know, what's involved in keeping an otter as a pet?
It's at this point you realize that the Western media industry is dead when one asshole is able to singlehandedly make a better production in under 10 minutes than a multi-billion dollar company that has existed for 6 years short of a century.
Source of at least the second webm? PLEASE.
I've seen that comparison a thousand times and Gumball is a terrible example to use considering that it's one of the most visually unique cartoons around
It's only used because it's cheap and servicable. If the protagonist of that show was made with hand-drawn animation for every episode, they'd never make it on a tv studio's budget. It's how that animation style is put to work with it's "Everything but the kitchen sink" aesthetic that makes it work, not that it's inherently good.
The only people who see it as "unique" are people who haven't seen anything prior to Samurai Jack.
what's with the medical masks?
Man I wish I could find a full collection of those as a good rip
the original is better
Folk Songs for Solar Sailors is still being printed and is for sale. I haven't heard of any rips for it, but I wouldn't mind making one.
I am triggered right now
well if you can make one with the needed bells and whistles(cue and flawless logfile) I'd grab that for sure.
Man, I wish I could find a filk circle in my town. But it's already fucking hard to find a session.
Dear god, forgot to change the bitrate
That one was actually funny
has this been posted yet? If not, here. I liked crowbcat's edit better than the other one.
does someone knwos what actually happens if the judge leaves the room?
What's it like having no taste?
Can they make it, ever?
No one does
This the same Ukrainian military band from the Cruel Angel's Thesis performance?
ib4 Ukrainians aren't subhuman
Some OC I guess
not "happy"?
What's the footage from?
that's fucking creepy
It's not THAT bad. This is the first I've ever heard of this game though, and I get the feeling that a lot of you already made up your mind to dislike it before you even clicked on it due to some drama I'm not aware of.
Frag rounds can also be fitted to those tubes though, I prefer the strap a claymore to the side of the vehicle sapper defense myself.
Nice, really nice. Giving birth to a seafaring vessel is a feat of fortitude. But it happens.
Scary stuff man.