Can we have a good old fashioned speccy thread and call each other's builds shit?
Can we have a good old fashioned speccy thread and call each other's builds shit?
Hello fellow loser.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit spooked by how close yours is to mine.
Classicshell makes it bearable.
I'd switch to Arch if I could be bothered.
Is this shit enough yet?
Just bought a new CPU fan last week, so the temps are pretty gud.
skool rools
o k
That is the wrong way of thinking. Rather you see the unique choices people made when crafting their rigs.
I have a 2500k that is stock speed never did get around to getting OC mobo.
The thing I'm using now is complete shit.
Saving up for a ryzen build.
I don't know how my PC hasn't melted. Even when pushing it hard with vidya it still never overheats and shuts down.
I might get around to doing it eventually, feels like a waste not to. Here's my modest rig I got last year.
Same here. Only thing I'm hesitant about is the fact I keep hearing there's problems on anything but Windows 10. I don't want that cancer on my rig, but apparently if I want multi-threading, it's a must.
Jesus Christ that looks like such a headache.
My shits probably too hot but fuck it I got 4.5ghz stable.
I have a problem with my build. Whenever I reset my computer, it starts up and turns itself off about 10ish times, and if I leave it running too long the GPU ends up crashing the computer.
Otherwise, I think it's served well that past year.
You gotta run some diagnostics, m8. My first suggestion is to run Memtest - maybe you got busted RAM.
I see. You're a man who likes the finer details on his dicks. What a patriarchal way of comparing our joybringers.
If you were around I'd swordight you with my big cock to deepen our bonds as males.
what do you guys do with 16gb of ram? at 8 i can play whatever game on max, watch a movie, have a web browser open and play music at the same time..
I just inherited the base and started putting new shit on it as I needed it. It works really well but I have to get a new mobo
I felt the difference. That said I use 150+ browser tabs and 2 or 3 games at the same time
I'm fucking hitting 40-50 tabs at most. How do you manage this?
Must be your intel cpu loser :^)
Dunno, it just works. Sometimes I have to restart the browser because the pages start glitching but it's something random, can happen with 150 tabs or just 30. If you mean how I personally use 150 tabs in one broswer, I use a session manager
For what fucking purpose? Bookmarks exist for a reason.
I dont bookmark threads or misc stuff I dont care about like news sites
Wtf is with everyone's temps, shits on fire
that's exactly the kind of stuff i bookmark,
a folder with 15 news sites (from 6 continents, to catch the bias) that i open at once when i'm trying to catch up on how much the world sucks.
It's all threads here.
You my nigga.
2 years and going stronk.
Your temps are "okay" for the most part, the max (safe) range of a PC component is typically about 100 Celsius (or 211 Fahrenheit). Most components will slow themselves down to avoid hitting these temperatures. Hard drives on the other hand aren't supposed to get warmer than 75 celsius, because the heat can make the platters warp (which obviously doesn't apply to SSDs).
For what purpose? Threads don't move very fast.
Literally why? I have AT MOST six tabs open at a time. What kind of shit are you guys doing to warrant that many tabs?
Same here. It's a great card.
If a thread goes on too long, I typically close the thread unless it pops up on the front page again. I tend to keep as few tabs open as possible, I feel like a disorganized piece of shit if my tabs exceed 20. Honestly, you can close the browser tab to a dying thread and not worry, you're not going to miss anything "amazing."
To monitor half of the threads on all the boards I lurk, plus links on those threads, then youtube, news, then porn, and all the fluff I find in between. Dunno, the usual
Believe me when I say I am on all threads from smaller boards
Your life would improve by quite a bit if you stopped consuming that awful jewish commodity.
This is either low energy B8 or you're a dumbass who forgot where you are.
Are you telling me to interact with real women instead?
no he's saying you should move on to hentai like an adult
He's right you know.
Well that's not what I thought it was by the thumbnail…
is that a gaming laptop,user?
Bully me.
I deserve bullying.
time to never overclock my cpu because of the slight chance my psu will explode
It was before the 10xx series came out. I kind of want to sell it and get a 1050 since they're just about the same in performance and it's lower power consumption.
This is the first computer I've built by hand. I ran out of money due to employment problems halfway through.
Bully me, fam.
M-Maybe. Honestly got it very cheap, so I wasn't arguing. Hooked up to a TV, it works nice.
No one can be bothered to move on to ganoo slash lineux and Win 7 is the least pozzed iteration of windows that is actually compatible with new hardware and vidya.
lol what a fag.
Everything beyond Win7 is a waste, and 7 has its own problems. Disabling all telemetry and turning off updates is a must for me.
My physical case is kind of bulky, I wouldn't mind a smaller thing. I have a 1200w PSU I'm only using like 40% of.
I have an SSD for boot, and my processor is probably the thing that needs upgrading the most.
On laptop so I'll write the specs of my main rig:
Oh no user, you got me!
What's my name and address?
I don't have a computer, I poured coke on it.
I have that cpu, it has worked well with my 380 for 1080p gaming. I was thinking the other day that with the new cpus coming out with multi-cores being the new trend and programs utilizing them more as well, that this cpu might have a long life for the least amount of money since it easily overclocks to 8350+ levels.
Lots of people get 16gb because they were just on a really good sale. I got my 16gb on a price error on Amazon, really good ram for just a little bit more than the cost of 8gb, and had to act.
I have a few computers.
I'd post mine but the second I reveal my OS the entire thread will get derailed
Fuck it
Windows 10 Dio 64bit
EVGA Nvidia 1070 8gb GDDR5
3 2tb drives
also 32 gb of ram
I should clean it before summer arrives again.
r8 h8 masturb8
Been running for about 3 years now
beat this "what the fuck are you doing" setup
What the shit are all those hard drives for, whoa
Almost as wonky as mine
Jesus fucking christ, just light a match in there to cool it down a little
not even close to shitty enough
Anime, vidya, music and projects. Loads-a-projects. And a bit of porn.
Oh, and two of them are for backups.
Don't keep backup drives plugged in or at least disable them in the BIOS when you're not using them. I mean, why would they be backup if they're just as subseptible to being infected by a self-replicating virus as any other drive?
Don't fall for the ryzen meme
r8 and h8
Rate my upgrade.
CPU is misdetected for whatever reason, it's a 4770k
Don't fall for the ryzen meme. Intel dropped their prices and now it's the same deal as bulldozer, costs the same while having half of the single threaded performance but double the cores.
Your ram timings are complete garbage. So much for ddr4
You make me proud you glorious faggots.
You're proud they fell for memes and pretend they know shit when in fact they're just as bad? Besides, the only anti consumerist practice 10 does that other windows versions don't is expanding upon the windows store, which is optional and can be removed.
Timings are misleading.
Well, only if you don't know what they mean. And those ddr3 kits have even worse timings.
DDR4 comes out and people get the higher bandwidth as usual, but what actually matters 99.9% of the time is worse than even shit-tier ddr3.
Your failures are your own old man.
sounds like a boot loop, either there is a defect on one of your ram sticks or the motherboard has gone bad (more likely). Try updating the mobo bios first and if the issue persists then try running with just one stick of ram (try all the sticks individually), if it's not the ram or the bios you need to RMA your board.
Fuck everything
not like it mattress, its all the same shit my man
Also i just noticed, the chart makes no sense.
for instance 2133 / 1000 * 15 = 7~ns. Yet the latency measurement is completely unrelated to the stick, same for the others. And it basically says they're an order of magnitude worse than trash-tier ddr2.
I recently replaced a 1TB WD Blue that crapped out early with some Seagates so I'll see how that goes.
I've seen yours before, very nice.
This, I would unplug them so they don't get hit by power surges also.
why are you lying user?
please use
Clock for clock Ryzen has the same single core performance as the 6900k
Plebs :^) help
I am looking for a 4K monitor for work.
Just a simple budget build
What's your job? Avoiding pixels?
oh boy
my shit
Linux doesn't play vidya and installing windows 7 was more difficult than it needed to be
there was an issue over usb 2.0 and 3.0
nice try, but I won't convert to gnu-male
you're looking into it harder than you need to
Fight me.
Can i get a TL;DR on what ram timings are, why i should care, and how i can fix them (If i can)? I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to tech shit I'm far better that your average guy and people come to me for help but I'd still get laughed off of Holla Forums and rightfully so.
Also speccy is a bit of a shit and is not correct as my ram is at 2400MHz and I have a 1080 which is 8GB's and speccy for whatever reason recognizes neither. I recall reading somewhere that speccy can be a bit fucked on windows 10.
At least i got a damn good deal on them, right?
neofetch isn't as useful for specs as Speccy.
Basically timings are how many clocks your ram takes to do something. It's actually a little more complex than that since there are several timings for several things.
So let's say you have 2000mhz ram, that's 2000 million hz, or 2000 million times your ram does something each second. Now timings are how many of those refreshes it takes to get an operation done. That means CL9 2400mhz ram has lower latency than CL9 2000mhz ram since both take 9 refreshes to do the requested operation but each refresh takes less in the 2400mhz ram. To get a nanosecond calculation of how big latency is you just do this formula:
Now the reason why those things matter (and sometimes don't matter) is because whenever your CPU does a memory operation, it has to hang doing nothing by the amount of time the latency is. So if your cpu is spending less time doing nothing, it's spending more time doing something. But there's a catch, that only happens when your cpu does a memory operation or interacts with things that are in memory. CPUs have multiple small caches for data and for code being executed that is generally enough (you might have 16GBs of things loaded into your memory, but you're not using it all at once).
In the odd chance it's not actually enough a lower latency is beneficial. Games very rarely benefit largely from ram (for instance you might get only a 5% benefit from a kit that's 50% better) to the point the cost of better ram is better invested in a better cpu, unless you're a richfag and just can't get a better cpu or the better kit is cheap enough. There are certain things that benefit a lot from it however, for instance anything involving data compression and software video encoding. What you can do to help with that is either get different memory sticks or overclock your current ones, although if you're going to overclock your memory i recommend you have good computer knowledge or past experience overclocking different things.
I got the formula wrong, the correct one is
First-time build from January.
It gets the job done
Windows 7 has the telemetry now. You can't escape it.
On my 4 years old ASUS ROG laptop.
Have no regrets, I use it as a work laptop nowadays.
Gaymur incoming.
It's like you guys can't even into overclocking
Gotta love how well this 8-year-old processor and 5-year-old video card are holding up.
Should have gotten a better CPU for this GPU but I did a good job OCing it I think.
ayy processor brother
ecks dee
I've been holding off on upgrading for a while now mainly because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Any suggestions?
Your setup's very similar to my dad's "VR" PC. He has a 960 card and a 760 processor as well.
Datamining: The Thread
I thought I had it bad.
That looks like a prebuilt, there's probably not much updating you can possibly do. Buy a used i5 2500 or i7 2600 off ebay and a low profile GTX 1050 and expect to build a new computer from scratch in four years or so.
50 Bucks, and still going strong.
It is a fairly cheap prebuilt I got numerous years ago and I wasn't sure if it's even worth upgrading in the first place, but I suppose you answered that question for me.
Guess I'll save up and attempt to build something from scratch, see how that goes. Cheers, appreciate the input.
I mean, an i5 2500 and a 1050 will run you like $200 and they'll perform pretty solidly even by modern standards, but eventually you're going to need to upgrade the CPU and at that point you might as well throw out the rest of it and start over from scratch.
Also I love this dac, highly recommend if you're an audiofag
Good luck getting an eGPU to work on anything but Windows (Mac can do it okay as well). Trust me, I've tried. Debian refuses to detect the eGPU or I have to do fucking magic to actually get the GPU to run at the speed it should, completely defeating the purpose of having it. Had issues with my dac as well, so it's just easier to use windows because most people don't run eGPUs on Linux period, except for running dedicated VMs.
Fuck me upgrading a processor from 5 years ago is hard.
I already bought the X7 though! So I'm set.
What a fucking eyesore.
I saw that and I couldn't justify the price, personally.
I got the dac I have for a pretty good discount as well (was on sale during Christmas), including my employee discount, it cost almost half as much as the MSRP.
Even at full price, I would recommend the one I got, but the music player is a bit mixed IMO. Plus I fucking hate earbuds so I don't think it'd see much use.
That's no way to talk about your mother!
It's a fucking music player, what do you expect? It's pretty heavy actually, sounds really good though, so I don't give a shit about looks.
Still, if you're that much of a sperg, there is the FiiO X5 3rd gen which came out this year and has an improved design reminiscent of the Astell & Kern line. Since the X7 is about a year and a half old now, the design is more outdated.
When the FiiO X7 2nd gen comes out. It's going to look EVEN BETTER than this.
You can buy a better amp module user, this thing is fucking insane. Though, since it CAN give you desktop quality, the batter chugs faster and last only 5 or so hours.
I'm planning on getting the Rhapsodio solars for it, since I'm not a fan of cans yet
I've heard they're the highest end you can get at the least crazy price for something so expensive. If that makes sense.
Also, I had the E12 but gave them to my cousin, I don't have a need for any more amps and DACs, since the X7 does it all for me. This thing is fucking magic.
It's EXTREMELY customizable, hell, I could say I have one of the most customizable portable music set-ups in the WORLD, because you can install V4A and change the settings in Neutron, change the AMP, and on top of that, I have the FLC 8S which allows you two adjust filters to tailor to your own personal audio taste. It is fucking insane. I'm going to buy the second revision so I can give this player to my brother and spread the joy.
If it were not for my aversion to earbuds, I might consider getting one. I really can't use anything but over ear headphones, everything else feels uncomfortable to me and irritates my ears like hell.
I haven't ever used my phone or had a portable music player in years simply because of that, and it's not like I leave the house for more than a few hours at a time.
Dude. I told you that you can use your cans for this. The little bottom part is the module. See? You can buy a module amp that has a fuckload of juice. Though, if you don't need it then don't get it.
I personally do not regret it. Just make sure you have good enough IEMs/Cans.
If you want an eyesore look up the Zishan DSD. It's what I'm using.
RIP Radeon
thats shooped right?