
It's out.
"Paradigm is a surreal adventure game set in the strange and post apocalyptic Eastern European country of Krusz. Play as the handsome mutant, Paradigm, who’s past comes back to haunt him in the form of a genetically engineered sloth that vomits candy. Paradigm’s unfortunate life begins at DUPA…"
I'm downloading it now, I'll try it after work.


"Holds up spork XD". I think ill give this one a pass, not my kind of genre but its cool that its not completely dead.

The fact there's a torrent is the only reason I'm not 100% convinced you're a shill.

Hope your game does well, but it's not for me.


don't be such a pre-Madonna.

I could of care less about you calling me names.

it's a doggy dog world, name calling is part of the coarse

Looks like my kind of game.

Irregardlessly, I could care less.

Don't ever look a yiffed horse in the mouth

so wheres the stream?

Well, maybe you're right. It does look like a bit of a dime in the rough.

The art is pretty good, but that's not surprising for a point and click adventure. I hope there aren't any memes in it, that would be a shame.

That just seems like a typical Eastern European Country?
And playing as a typical Slav?

What the fuck am I looking at?




I've always found that shriek pretty feminine.

This game looks fun.


to be fair, this looks less 'lol spork xd' and more 'they huffed a LOT of petrol'


nod really


Reminds me of those old adventure games that mr shitface had a part in before he became the queen of gays.

Do you even know what a meme is?
I didn't see a single thing I would recognize as a meme.

Thanks OP, been looking forward to this game since I played the demo.

Seems like an analogy for being a homosexual outcast in Putin's Russia.

Surprisingly nice.
I am a fan of Space Quest and I can dig this sort of shit.

the word you're looking for is allegory.

"allegory" doen't contain "anal" though.

I've played it for a couple hours now. It's pretty neat. Very easy puzzles, but the art is great and the jokes are pretty good. No stupid meme references so far.

Huh, seems a lot less worse than I'd anticipated with the meme pic in OP.

I can confirm, I just played it all the way up to getting to the Junkyard and it's pretty goddamn funny so far. I didn't realize this but it's made by Australians so they actually did a good job with the dialogue.

I'm torn anons, I don't know what to do

I miss neat point and click games. This looks fun.

A game from russian self hating liberal numale? Looks more like it. Those increase in numbers recently.

did they forget how to become alcoholics or something?


In big cities even a russian bear can become domesticated and sissified.

It seems developer is a tumblr tier fan of Adventure Time, and that's most of his ideas come from.
Most of his tumblr/twitter audience are hair dyed leftists.
No wonder this was on kikestarter.

I saw this on my Steam queue the other day and thought it might be good. This thread has given me serious second thoughts, but I'll probably pirate it and make my own decision from there.


This actually looks pretty good.