Despite this, how hype are you Holla Forumsirgins for this patch? The transmog collection tab is way overdue for completionists like myself tbh.
WoW 7.2
You'll have to content yourself with negative tone in your shill thread OPs, even nu-Holla Forums doesn't usually bite for undisguised shill threads.
Shit I didn't realize video game threads were considered shill threads on Holla Forums - Video Games. I'll go back to Holla Forums I suppose
Well now you're just trying to make Holla Forums look bad. I don't think I've seen a successful WoW thread on Holla Forums in the last year.
Good, now go fuck off.
Too mainstream I assume? That's /mu/ levels of hipster.
We had a lot of mediocre experiences with wow private servers. Nobody here likes to talk about it anymore. And it's definitely not worth paying for.
lmao what a fricking nerd
looks like a mobile game
Not saging…
Who /wow/ here?
Can you faggots fuck off? No one wants to play it.
Yes, please go back there. I bet they love this game because of the welfare epics.
I'll check those ID dubs.
Every obvious shill thread with an OP who isn't one and done gets this exact reply. Is it in the handbook?
I know you're either a shill, a redditor, or baiting but why not
Hell, we have a bunch of successful Elysium threads up until the dev team was revealed to be rotten to the core
Listen here sweetie….
wow is a fun game ok?
no need to be upset people like videogames :)
About to transmogrify these digits…
The problem is that it wouldn't be as profitable as other shit and is just leagues harder and more expensive. I wish it weren't so, good MMOs can feasibly include mechanics from everything ever. It is the perfect genre, but the money and interest are not there because robbing normalfags with flash in the pans is easier.
That's not how you get dubs.
Legion is shit, just give up your addiction.
I want to tit fuck Wiz.
You can probably look forward to absolutely massive content droughts after the next expansion. Legion did fuck all to stop the death spiral.
dump panda porn if you really want to derail, you fucking queers
I don't have that. will this do?
This is my fetish.
Is this the fucking Legion ending patch?
I don't understand how someone could enjoy an MMORPG. Why not just play a good RPG?
MMOs are basically giant chat rooms that are always changing so I get the idea. Shit I like PSO2 because the world feels nice and the hub based world is cool. Not a fan of the recent things they've been doing such as the requirements for level 80 unlock
Only good character
kys, you fat faggot.
my roommate fucking resubbed for this shit. i told his dumb ass he is just going to cancel again after 2 months like he always does but. nah man, this time it will be different.
Faggot no one cares about your blogpost.
it's only ever worth resubbing at the beginning of an expansion, resubbing in the middle is just a waste of time
my gf just resubbed and I can't figure out how to properly bully her into realizing her mistake
yeah from what he was telling me it sounds like busywork for a few months and then they get a raid somewhere down the line. fucking boring ass shit.
Oy vey, the thread is falling off the board!
What, you didn't hear? Shill threads are totally allowed now. OP could scream from a megaphone that he worked for Blizzard and Mark would baseball slide under his crotch to catch the cockjuice. That fat furfag doesn't care about actual games discussion.
So to make this thread neo/v/ related, would you rather fuck a rancid Murloc or an autistic human rogue?
This is how I know you're doing this on purpose.
thought this was some goosebumps type shit from the catalog thumbnail because of the design of that title
Ever played any actual good mmo?
This ain't halfchan, dumbfuck. We don't put up with your kind around here.
Where do they get the money for private servers?
Fuck, I never realized how much I wanted this.
Oh is this why there's a new wow thread every fucking day all of a sudden?
Care to elaborate? Failed Holla Forums projects are always funny.
WoW was never good. It was the COD baby game of MMOs when it came out and still is.
Blizzcucks deserves death.
It's a patch for Legion? As much as I hate legion, at least they decided to explore another part of the Lore unlike what Legion fucking did, which was basically TBC2.
If they're going for those stupid expansions they had in heartstone, I hope they ùll the old ones one and the curse of naxxramas one And play them on private servers
back to your flat earther board faggot.
It's that homossexual who's obssessed with pandarens again? That faggot was beyond any hopes from salvation.
Someone still plays this?
And isn't there a Shitzard thread already?
Enjoy the stench of rotten meat and a decomposing vagina filled with parasites
So, a normal vagina?
Forsaken vagina is probably cleaner than a regular american woman vagina.
I want to believe it's the same furry cunt but the reality is we've got faggots with such poor taste and respect for their time that they're still playing this piece of shit.