So I decided to look back on the store page to see how progress has been going, how the fuck did we get a sudden jump to this? Has anyone been keeping track of progress religiously to know how this jump was made?
So I decided to look back on the store page to see how progress has been going...
So it went from a fanmade HM game to some animoo VN crap? What?
You say that, but I wouldn't put it past the dev.
He had a small meltdown over Hillary losing and went silent for ages, only to tell right-wingers to fuck off, and hadn't shown any progress on the game since May last year.
I wouldn't be surprised if they fell off the wagon and went completely insane, trying to annoy everyone to prove some point.
Blame Undertale and Valhalla. What's the surprise in a copycat of a popular game copying other games when HM stopped being as popular?
Basically this:
And now we have "Midnight Animal" in its present state.
its been like this for a few months.
He had his break-down before or during JUNE 2016. So shillary theory de-bunked.
From what I can gather from the steam threads it's a case of a dev fucking off to an irc and dicksuckers there encouraging every retarded idea he gets.
this is supposed to be a worksafe board user
That's not even a video game.
that face on the title screen looks like an edit of the Persona 5 main character's face.
Isn't that the dude from Catherine? Also what the fuck happened?
Guess I now know why I hadn't paid attention to it.
Why the fuck did he think a fan game about Hotline Miami needed a story?
Speaking of Valhalla, is it any good? I saw an user claim it's like Holla Forums the Game. Is that true or is it just a meme game?
I dunno. If they are making a visual novel, I hope that it's a decent one. At least Hotline Miami 1 and 2 haven't gone anywhere. I actually enjoyed the second game very much.
The Vallhalla devs were shilling their game here and got really butthurt when called out.
it's shit
That's a shame. Are there any other visual novels worth playing? I already have Papers, Please.
Is this a never ever?
Wait, Midnight Animal? As in this Midnight Animal?
How the fuck do you go from making a fan game about hotline miami to discount persona 5?
He got friendzoned by some whore and decided to stop working on the game, people talked him out of it but now he's adding his angst to the game.