How will it fail Holla Forums?
My prediction:
What do you guys think?
How will it fail Holla Forums?
My prediction:
What do you guys think?
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This thread was already deleted once.
Who deleted it?
Is the forum assault still going?
I thought it was just locked.
Continuation threads have to happen at either 700+ posts or page 13, otherwise they get deleted. Retard.
Active thread
Oh thank god. Now I can make my thread about the drama with more resources after my older thread hits pages 13. I want it to be as complete as possible to maximum damage.
Delet this
What he really means is post more
post some fucking source
Damn it, user, if you're going to post yiff, at least crop it so that it's funny like this.
What species of faggot are these?
Yeah, they made a stickied post to slow it down some but it's still happening, albeit slower.
And all they had to do was ignore neogaf.
Did they issue bans for the misuse of tags or just artificially lower them?
Political is growing on the tags list again.
I heard nobody mention this would fail until Jon "Six Million More" Tron got the boot
Did anyone really talk about it though? There were tons of Anton threads for a while but I don't remember any Yooka threads. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
I didn't even know Jon had voiced anything in this game until they made a big show of specifically removing him.
I interested to see how A Hat in Time deals with the same issue in the coming weeks.
I can't wait till the 3rd
That's because up until then it was just that indie game that was coming out at some point. Now the devs have axed someone for political reasons so we have to wait with bated breath for the game to be bad.
I'm expecting the initial reviews to be flooded with negatives to drive the ratings down to mixed, then threads will be made here calling it a huge failure
Laughing at Yooka-Laylee is even more fun than laughing at Mass Effect Androgyny. wtf I love modern games now.
Their audience is gamers and they're pandering to faggots, it will fail to sell.
Aside from the bullshit involving jontron, I doubt there's anything seriously wrong with the game. I mean, the team is made up of veteran developers who pretty much defined the platform genre and know it better than anyone else.
The shit involving jontorn was definitely a decision made by people who were high up in playtonic, not the developers.
Gas yourself, shill. The devs are a team of SJWs and cucks who have never made an even passable game. This shit will flop, you'll be out of a job, and we'll all be laughing.
Well nobody WANTS games to fail for no good reason. When former rare employees teamed up to begin making this, I really wanted it to be good, so I never said anything. I mean, who the fuck doesn't want another Banjo Kazooie? But it's getting closer and closer to release, and the game hasn't improved as much as I hoped it would. The levels are far larger than they need to be, and the enemies variety seems poor. Jon Tron getting the boot was just the final kick that pushed it from "unfortunately mediocre" to "PLZ FAIL!".
fucking hell skooks
You'll swooce back into the Skooks-a Laylee forums.
Anyone with taste
Anyone who played it and rightfully got bored in 5 minutes
Anyone who played Mario 64
Fucking this. All you newfags think this hate was sudden but Holla Forums always wanted this game to fail. It represents everything wrong with modern gaming
I backed it
popular furry game means more free porn for me
There was nothing to discuss before that. Playtonic kicking John for political reasons pissed off a lot of people, and not just Holla Forums. Even moderates and leftists who disagree with Jon's viewpoints are annoyed either because they felt it wasn't fair to kick him, or they're just sick of the non-stop political bullshit that's been flooding the media for the past few years. (Is GamerGate being blamed for this? I'll never get sick of seeing SJWs triggered over a dead movement.)
See user, you made a mistake. You should have taken that momey and just commissioned porn.
I am proud of you all.
Furries go away
$20 aint gonna buy shit
I'll either get autistic scribbles or be 1/10th towards a competent, but lazy and overrated popular artist
You can't actually get anything significant with the price of a videogame.
I knew that quote wasn't right! It was really triggering me tbh
I'll never understand why no one calls out A Hat in Time for ripping and recoloring an entire section of a level from Mario Sunshine.
Level design isnt copyrightable
even I backed it… fuck me.
Only ONE good thing came out of KS.. the Carmageddon reboot.
Never ever again.. ever
Which section?
I think you're posting on the wrong site.
I'm still at a loss for words from some of their tags
If you want to see real autism look at the comments
Its not even that bad
Mistake #1: caring what the internet thinks.
Mistake #2: thinking a noisy minority soeaks for the majority
Mistake #3: proclaiming your studio is "committed to diversity" except diversity of thought.
Mistake #4: publicly announcing you're dropping JonTron from the game instead of being classy & doing it quietly
Mistake #5: not just taking the name out of the credits & leaving the voice in because who the fuck can tell?
Mistake #6: thinking your pathetic virtue-signaling will make the internet satisfied.
Mistake #7: being a Britcuck.
So why are we outraged again? They should be ignoring us
We were really, really close to having it drop without issue.
Fucking Neogaf and cucked corporate cultures. "Diversity is our strength" my butt, the Playtonic team is entirely white people with only one girl
Reminder to call them out whenever they falsely claim this. Jontron was more of a minority than anyone else on their team.
Speak for yourself. I'm just here to laugh at another train wreck, and that's something I can do whether the studio cares or not.
Get the fuck out.
mark also has fallout 4
and a switch
What is this game, exactly, and why does everyone want it to fail?
lurk more faggot
If I had jew gold I'd probably buy everything that came out too
It's a knock off of Anton&Coolpecker.
Some crapstarter game that got known for jerking off people's nostalgabone.
All I know is that it's a game backed on Kickstarter and that it has something to do with Banjo Kazooie. Everyone was hype for it and now everyone's mad. Just curious if it's something I should care about.
Games not out yet so we can't exactly tell yet. I hope its fun.
Banjo Kazooie devs making Banjo Kazooie
Cucked to social justice less than a month from release
yeah but he owns also owns a wii u, he has no reason to own a switch.
Because videogames are for faggots, politics and e-celebs are more entertaining.
Where the hell have you been?
Jontron had a small voice roll offered by devs
Jontron said mean things like whites should be allowed to be mad they're being replaced in their own countries
Neogaf whined to the devs until they released a cookie cutter "Diversity is our strength" message and dropped Jontron
People either got mad they dropped Jontron or got mad that they bowed to social justice
The publisher antagonized the parts of the fanbase asking for refunds "I don't think you deserve a refund"
Now everyone's mad
All those shitty third parties and indies
And the promise of coming first parties
Again, you don't have to worry about making informed or even rational purchases when you have jew gold
Oh yeah forgot to post this thanks fam
A minor nitpick but why did they make the main protagonist a chameleon with a bat that hangs out on his head?
They don't artistically fit together. And his design isn't very interesting or memorable and it doesn't even fit the genre of game. Could they have at least given him clothes?
Well, the game didn't really catch my interest until recently and that's just cause I got a Switch and I found out a version was coming to the console. Normally, Rare collectathons bore me, but I needed some more stuff to pad out the library on this thing until the better first party titles come out.
Why did they ask Jontron to provide a voice? Did he give them a lot of shekels?
They offered Jon the role before they even started their kickstarter
It's because he's popular and was a vocal fan of the series
It's literally just reskinned Banjo & Kazooie. They are even named based on a musical instrument pun.
Whether that's a good thing or not depends on how you feel about the game play of Banjo & Kazooie.
Because one of the head guys is a friend of Jon and came on his show once. Which makes the situation even more shitty.
Sounds like a bad friend.
Their design was utter ass, and is the primary reason I never gave one quarter of a shit. I've seen child drawings more appealing than this trash.
Jon's been running into a lot of that problem recently.
I never really cared for it either. I never played B&K either so I don't have any strong feelings about it but even then Banjo and Kazooie's aesthetics just work better. This new game just doesn't have any of that old Rare magic.
Anyone else I'm missing?
(((They're))) new tactic is to have so many simultaneous fuck ups that Holla Forums is filled with nothing but cycling threads.
It wouldn't change it being shit.
That's fine with me. If they've decided to crash the vidya ship with no survivors they have so much more to lose than we do.
Pretty much the entire NormalBoots crew with the exception of DYKG and the two other more recent additions. They all unfollowed him on Twitter the first time he made a remotely controversial statement
Two girls. Both white
Leftists are not your friends.
Isn't everyone on the team white?
Yes. user was saying they only have one girl. They've got two, and they're both white. Playtonic's just a bunch of white people
So ProJared and the three guys that do a group thing? I'm not really familiar with them.
Does anyone know what happened between Jon and PeeButtGay?
They're basically the very definition of cucks.
good thing the fucktards took the one claim that they were actually a diverse crew that worked on it and shot themselves in the foot with it!
When I said all of them I meant all of them. PBG, The Completionist, ProJared, Continue (even though Jon shilled for them, which still wasn't enough to make people give a shit). Everyone except the DYKG guy (who I think Jon actually lives with) and the two unknowns (I think one of them's name is Satchbag or something)
Continue where the guys I was thinking of. Satchbag is black which makes him being the other one to not ditch him even more hilarious.
They're like a bunch of middle schoolers.
They really shouldn't be surprised that a half-Iranian is conservative.
even the continue beta male caricatures that he shilled to high heaven? jesus christ they really were spineless fucks
If he'd been conservative in the Muslim sense (behead the infidel, rape the kuffar whores, etc.) they'd been fine with it. The "problem" is that Jon came out in favor of the white man.
He's actually quite liberal as far as Iran's concerned. In as much as he's actually been there and says it's a shithole
This is why I fucking hate leftists. They have no fucking gratitude and no fucking respect for other people's work and favors.
Much like the beta faggots at Continue (which I'm not surprised they don't side with Jon given they look like disgusting hipsters and make safe stupid inside jokes all the time) , most leftists hate white people, who were the ones that gave us most scientific breakthrough and culture.
Take solace in the fact that most of them will just live in Jon's shadow forever. PBG's like Jon but not funny. ProJared likewise, although he has a bigger ego than Jon seeing as the way to get into his good graces apparently is to make a game and plaster his face all over it. The Completionist is inoffensively bland and Continue are just shit. With the exception of maybe Jared, not a single one of them would be worth anything without JonTron.
Jared is by far the only one that is tolerable. PBG is just autistic screeching. Sometimes it's turbo-screeching if he's talking about Zelda. Jared at least makes an attempt to review games and discuss them.
He's heading for a sperg out. I guaran-fucking-tee it
Gecko master race forever. That chameleon looks like a pussy.
Gieco pls
I know the feeling. I keep failing miserably. Usually Holla Forums's fault.
Well, what should you stop doing?
Gosh user, you're such a loser.
Going to Holla Forums?
Would solve a lot of my problems, honestly.
Stop masturbating. Drink milk. Down with the vegan agenda.
Well least until my sex drive returns
Just fap less instead of not at all.
If you wanna fap then just fap, user. It's not healthy to suppress your urges like that.
Is that why people don't fap? I thought there was supposed to be medical benefits. That seems really gay.
I'm mostly cutting it because I usually go at night, and it causes me to stay up stupidly late. Gives me a burst of energy or some trash.
You know you're doing it wrong?
Nigga I pass out within the hour.
Doing it at night?
That shits some of the most restful sleep I've ever gotten
Ya know, I think I realized why I lost my libido.
Is there a real thing as prostate popping?
why does this make me laugh so hard?
If there's is you're probably be in too much pain to be shitposting here.
nofap is only useful for 7-9 days, afterwards it's more beneficial to fap or fuck.
wow I fucked that sentence up
Anyways, we were talking about…what again?
Your prostate isn't a balloon it can't "pop".
If you injured it, you'd fucking know. It would cause far more problems than losing your libido.
Yooka-something or other
You wanna trade? Mines so high I can barely manage walking around on a breezy day.
Masturbation (really any sexual activity) is supposed to give you less energy, not more. I usually do it when I can't sleep
No but your epididymis can explode after a vasectomy.
OK, I don't get this "he's in there and we're out here" shit. Is it from some retarded Nickelodeon cartoon or something?
Maybe "energy" isn't the right word. It ain't like I feel like I can run a mile. I just won't be tired for a while.
Sure m8, just so long as you don't mind only getting off by having a big dildo in your ass
user you really shouldn't do that, it causes a lot of long term problems.
Yes I am fully aware of it, and when I am old and can no longer hold poop I shall enact vengeance upon the world by making faggots that were paid a lot better than I ever was to deal with my poop.
It's part of my master plan. Unless I die of lung cancer first. Then they have to deal with my rotting corpse.
The game will be a relative success, but the shitstorm will bring blood for future games. Like obsidian for example, no one want to touch tyranny with a ten foot pole because it's so pozzed.
Lurk more, someone even posted it in this thread
Why not fuck them over even more by living a long and healthy life, so that you can be the crass old man who keeps calling passerbys "niggers"?
Because I know how this country is going to end up in 30 years and I do not want to be alive during this time.
some days that's the only thing that's keeping me going.
Chances are in the future they'll be replaced by robots anyway.
Like I said I probably will die of cancer from furry degeneracy and smoking two packs a day.
It's certainly up there on my list. The idea, especially, being grandfathered in on a chunk of subdivision property what lets me be exempt from their faggot subdivision rules is one of the primary reasons I try to stay relatively healthy.
I just want to fuck with those uptight assholes what live in those shitty places. I want to turn my house into a perfect little replica of the Maginot Line, and laugh as they can do nothing about it. I want to bring in massive, junglish plants for the sole purpose of contrasting with their shitty little perfect hedgerows and freshly mowed lawns. I want to rent a bouncy castle, and hop in it all day while flipping off the neighboring kids.
I'll be hated, sure. They'll despise me with all their hearts, yes. But there's nothing they can do. I've already won
My mistake. You want to be neglected by indifferent robots instead
Hey so long as they wipe my ass I couldn't care less.
What did you expect?
SJW actually adhering towards their own principles?
Be proud of your heritage, paisan
that pic reminds me of this
To be fair, that's halfchan Holla Forums, which is less full-tilt nazi kick out anyone who isn't compared to 8/pol/
I consider myself at full power level, am a proud white nationalist and white supremacist, and can recite the fourteen words.
And I'm not even white. That's how captivating this place is. When I disappear from this earth one day, I'd rather have aryan families on mars colonies rather than have the whole world turn into Somalia and South Sudan.
Are you the asian guy who got up in Shia Lebuttfuck's face at that faggy he will not divide us thing?
Nah man, Naruto wasn't really crazy white nationalist.
Least from what I remember.
wtf i hate /po/ now
This tbh, hate those assholes so much.
I certainly understand the appeal, but I feel like it is just running the opposite direction, as opposed to solving the issues.
We need to secure our boarder, not start murdering perfectly functional members of society based on race. We need to ensure integration and enforce our laws, not kick out people, and create more laws.
But I digress, my issue with Holla Forums is mostly around the hatred of conflicting ideas. Discussion is important to strengthen your ideals. To hone your reasoning, and argumentation.
Do you dye your hair blond and play pretend? Literally LARPing as a Nazi because of anonymous internet peer pressure.
Are you kidding me?
>>>Holla Forums
Can we go back to shitting on thi game?
Can we shit on the faggots that defend this shit like pic related?
>[email protected]/* */
So this is his email? Would be a shame if someone signed him up for Mormon and Gay enews letters wouldn't it? For the record, I am not advocating for doing anything with his email that would be considered unjust.
If you knew the kind of people who make A Hat in Time you'd stop shilling about it in every YL thread.
Jews have degenerate tastes and a lot of money more at eleven
Every fucking time
The Chameleon is a grill.
At least I'm 99% sure it is because they posted a while ago saying "we haven't announced their genders teehee~ ;-)" and I think it sounded female in one of the trailers I saw.
I funtoasted on their steam forums and made fun of the blue haired fag that I got bent for a month.
Did my doody.
It's a shit girl.
If you're trying to make a female lizard, you give it some goddamn egglaying hips.
I got permabanned for that.
Amended version of the pic, he'd probably already be subscribed to those.
Well if the ugly bat ends up being the girl that would be a horrific waste
Hopefully the devs aren't so cucked that they can still let the dick guide character design
Yo one of you user's pull up this fag's steam games by most played. Lets see the shit taste.
I just told you the experience of 99% of console gamers from 1998.
*shyly raises paw*
Heres a pic of Jonno, the guy moderating the steam forum.
That's why ((([[[he]]]))) got asspained about making fun of the blue haired fag.
two ugly dudes in dresses
The chameleon is a guy, it has a male autralian accent. The bat is a girl.
What was the genesis of B&K anyway? For some reason I always drew some link to the bears in DKC3.
Yeah I noticed that. I think that's a subset of the problems with these old devs making spiritual successors to old games. In the old days they pushed the limits of what the systems could do to provide the experience they envisioned. Now days the sky is the limit (comparatively) and they just don't know when to say enough is enough.
Mate, that's not okay to post. Sometimes, words can seriously hurt people
That's not how you millipede.
This is how you millipede.
He was in diddy kong racing before BK came out, so was conker but he turned out completely different after they canned twelve tails .
Goddammit it looked fun, why did the devs have to shit it all up.
Because Web 2.0 was a fucking mistake.
Well, DKC3's bear characters all had names that started with the letter B. There's definitely a link that can be drawn to that game.
Plus, Rare was working on Project Dream, which would have introduced Banjo and Kazooie had it been released before DKR, at the time when Diddy Kong Racing was released and the instruction manual for the latter mentions Kazooie.
That lizard is doing the fucking ISIS gesture. Just a coincidence? Or a slimy insert?
Fuck my life. OP couldn't even bother adding critical details.
Oh well.
Project dream originally started off with some red head human and then got completely remade into BK. Rare did share a lot of ideas between project so its possible both games were being made around the same time and they put him in DKR.
Fucking saved.
would think it was just a coincidence but it is Britain we are talking about.
Holy shit.
user, that's even more retarded than gay people stealing rainbows
A group of angry sandniggers cannot fucking co-opt use of the color green and pointing index fingers you dumb motherfucker
Ahmed plz go back to fucking goats, thank you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that liked the Carmageddon reboot, now that they fixed the performance issues it's even better and for my 13 merkel dollars getting the game, the improved re-release, the two original games and the unspeakable one was pretty nice.
That's funny because of the way muslims hate pigs and can't eat them, at least they don't ha-
Honestly pretty surprised.
Trump Zionist shill confirmed. Only Bernie can save us now.
Kill trump and use his son as a private cumrag.
wow who knew donald trump was isis
Of course it is
I miss him.. I miss him so much Q_Q
muslims hate pigs in the same way christians hate jesus
Guys please this is going too far
Reagan has a facebook?
Putting up 2 fingers means you are closer to allah.
Holy SHIT. Raegan is on it too.
You're thinking of Hindus and cows.
He owns 1790 games on steam oy vey, but it doesn't look like he plays much. He hasn't played most of them.
That's fucking sad.
America's got a proud history of supporting ISIS.
Oh my GOD.
But Christians do eat Jesus.
How big do you think Yookas cock is?
Cloacafags can push off
Is this because your favorite faggot e-celeb voice lines got cut? Jesus christ this fucking board is pathetic
He could've just went with: I'm intelligent, with a wicked sense of humor and also nihillistic
Pick two, and only two.
Its because they buckled to SJW pressure and cut content
Lurk more you retarded newfag d/c shill
user where have you been
Holla Forums is filled with jews, brown people, and degenerates
What kind of people?
You haven't seen real autism unless you have read these comments
Basically some guy believes that he is Spyro and that people shouldn't draw porn of some shitty character from that GoW clone with Spyro characters called Cynder because she is his dragon waifu.
It was made by millennials so my expectation is gonna be like me: andromeda
Holy kek that edit is pure gold.
Is there evidence that this won't be the BK revival project it was advertised as? I understand the devs are political pushovers, but ignoring in-game dialogue, what are the known issues?
Gameplay looks ok, although saying that is haram at the moment. If you feel like playing when it comes out, do it without financially supporting the cucks involved.
I didn't ask you to prove anything.
The game itself will PROBABLY be fine, which pisses me off even more than this is happening. They were SO CLOSE to avoiding a shitstorm yet they had to fuck it all up on the home stretch
What's the difference?
I'm sure Manveer from india is just as good as white people. Definitely.
Whites make up a lot of capable people aside asians than blacks. And there are very very few of those in America that are qualified capable workers.
the indians aren't asians, asian means east asian, not neighbor of human handgrenades
I'm pretty sure that Sakamoto from Tokyo is certainly more efficient than Cody from Boston.
Come on now, nobody is talking about the Indians when they say "Asians".
By definition they are. Even if they don't assume so themselves. India is just an easy one to pick. Could also go with Korean, Taiwanese, Thai, etc.
You two are my niggers.
We need to trigger them with the caveman copypasta
Ironic given there's forty zillion different kinds of indians and they all hate each other
Before the UK started calling Asian anyone living in the East past Greece, Asian commonly meant yellow people you know
it depends on your connections and what you want.
It's the same problem with calling mudslimes asians doing terrorist attacks. Technically, they are, but that's not what we are talking about.
This is a thing of beauty.
There's a chick I know who draws way fucking better than that for $75, like several orders of magnitude better.
I just picked something at random that was vidya games.
A furry who doesn't charge several thousand for a decent commission? I'm shocked, they're usually greedier than fucking Jews.
She's not actually a furry.
She only draws furshit if she's paid or if it's for a friend. She has much more, uh, interesting tastes.
Yeah, she's kinda weird.
She's a great artist, though.
what the fuck is this
You kidding? the diremachines and just that small comic I posed have more soul than 90% of the shit I regularly browse.
Educate yourself.
Hardcore machine fetishism.
Oh, I thought you were saying "HOLY SHIT" as in "holy shit, why would you post her" kind of way.
I sort of know RB IRL, we're not friends or anything but I 'm not going to go into detail because she could probably figure out who I am
fucking top kek
Ratbat is truly one of humanities greatest treasures
Nah, I'm downright impressed with her work and really love it any time I happen to see a dump of diremachines on the imageboards i frequent.
There's really no difference.
Those are fucking hilarious.
If I ever finish my sentient powered armor game, I hope the designs are good enough to inspire ratbat fanart
Nothing to show yet because I'm in autistic early enginedev stages
>You will never, ever fuck a sentient anthropomorphized tentacle-wielding fighter jet
why live?
I don't give a shit about Jontron, I honestly wanted another good Banjo style game so I hope it's good. If it fails and is shit, then it's shit. But I'd rather it be good.
Sure. The only difference it that you are urged to pirate it.
neither do I, but I don't want to give any money to an asshole
Well that's a given.
A hat in time developer stole the source code form another coder. He is a SJW and a drama faggot.
Got any source on that?
Fuck off, cross-worshipper.
Newfags get out.
Is a know fact from the time when the game was being anounced. the story is really long and involves a live journal pages and old forum about videogames.
Im not going to backtrack that info. too much effort but believe me. He stole the code and is a SJW
How small minded are you that God can't possibly exist in 3 forms simultaneously? He's all-powerful. You don't think the all-powerful can hold back or something? You're either a Jew or a Muslim, but either way you're fucking wrong.
Fuck off.
You have google to proof me wrong. Stop being lazy
You're a massive faggot. You need to proof to disprove me.
It would be nice if every game was good, getting your hopes up and buying into hype is a good way to fill your game library with shit.
Wtf i hate chameleons now
I hope you like liberal 'political intellectuals' answering your questions lad
i thoughts it's the jews that hates jesus
Only on sundays though
Because they're not
They're aryans
/clang/ pls
Cool story, bro. Why did you take your sweet ass 300+ years time in order to figure that out? Or maybe it was your pagan overlords shoving their trinity bullshit on God's monothiestic religion?
Post more thicc lizards
That totally makes sense.
>Worshipping gods that fuck each other and get drunk as shit
Really reflects your personality.
I fucking love you bastards.
shit that sounds awesome…
And a little terrifying depending on how sentient…
It will probably be a 8-9 out of 10 but Holla Forums will hate it because they kicked Jontron out of the game.
nigger, it's not half about jontron, but the fact that neofag got the developers to preech "diversity" before a blue hair betanumale started to ban the fuck out of anyone who simply disagreed with their method of changing shit and REASONING of changing shit and running with the money when people wanted it refunded.
I ain't defending it, I know it was a stupid corporate or SJW reason but the game itself will probably be good. Just pirate it so they don't get money.
Then why are you writing inflammatory posts that nobody asked for out of the blue, misrepresenting the situation?
Yes you are by definition defending it when you make a post like you just did. If you can't see it yourself then just stop posting forever.
I asked for proof, where is it?
Define how thick.
Here you go lazy fuck =)
I can also add to this with a story
Heres were things hit the maximum overjew
>Slag gaming servers have this "store" you can earn points for by either donating or playing on the server a lot Which have pinion ads
This is why I have no interest in AHIT
At least that thicc while flaccid
He is a scammer and people still wants the stupid game..
This is a weird Ed Edd 'n Eddy episode if you ask me.
You my niggas
To be fair all that scammer has to do is not be an idiot virtue signaler and remove a popular person from their game. Don't give them much credit for not being in this mess when they can still delve themselves in this.
Damn good tastes, son.,
Sometimes posts on /k/, incidentally. Usually a split, sadly, between hatred and love.
This. We should not stop until skooks becomes the new hip symbol of the alt-right
You know what we need?
Rule 63(?) of the chameleon.
I require egg laying hips this instant.
Just dicks
Dicks for days, user
I like my fairies/minigirls, but I don't really feel it with
Anybody else unable to connect to the Jewka-Failee community hub?
your heathen god might but Kek is chaos and chaos isn't just mindless disorder it's a shift in power.
Why are these stages so goddamned empty? There wasn't one level like this in the Banjo games. This place is big enough to drive a customizable car through.
Too much power on modern systems.
Because collecathons on modern systems are a bad idea. You either have to create an insane amount of worlds, or make a few very bloated ones. It was fine on the N64 because it was novel and you could use the space effectively with 10 or so "areas" that while feeling large weren't empty and utilized the resources.
Wow. Imagine Yooka-Laylee: Nuts & Bolts
I bet you think kek originated in world of warcraft.
Apparently review copies were given out for the PS4 version on Monday and early word is it's really bad. Especially performance wise. But the world design is very basic and barren with no real puzzles or things to do to get pagies (Which seem randomly distributed instead of having a clear puzzle route like Mario or Banjo did) outside of a few mini-games and transformation sections so there is not much hope if you switch to the PC version as well.
Never ever back a kickstarter.
Where's your sauce?
I know you're probably not in this thread anymore, but I'm sorry to inform you Ratbat stopped drawing things like that years ago.
She mostly draws vehicles now.
I'm so glad my 5 dollars never went though. It's a shame that anyone from Rare will never make good games again.