The last chapter of Episode 4 story mode went live yesterday.
I think it was pretty good.
Anyone else there plays MMOs for the story?
Other Phantasy Star games are welcome too.
Phantasy Star Online 2
How do you keep up with the story in pso2? Is the whole thing even translated?
I always forget to download the story patch because it's so big and you have to do it every fucking tuesday.
Western release when? As much as I liked playing the game, it eventually got frustrating trying to keep up to date with everything and not knowing what the fuck was going on. I'm am one of those autist that likes reading every piece of dialog and text.
You're going to get maybe a quarter of the content if you wait for a western release.
There's really no point.
Back when I started game was in the middle of EP2 and it was all stanslated.
Story translation didn't even weight much it was all just text. So I played it naturally.
Then I figured there is no point in playing story once new chapter releases since
a) It won't be translated for a while
b) It won't be continued for a while.
So by the time EP3 was finished there were already a bunch of youtoube channels doing translated cut-scenes so you can go watch it there.
At this point I can more or less understand spoken moon so I don't even need a translation past menus, items and some in-depth technobabble about how magic sciense works.
I imagine last episode translation will pop up on youtube shortly.
Hopefully never.
Oh well then. I'll just mind my own business then.
if it gets a western release, american jew companies like Nexon get a hold of the cash shop, American IPs will be banned by that company for the superior full content JP version, and you'll literally only get about 1/16 of the content before the lack of American or European IDs in the JP version tanks cash shop sales for PSO2 and will run it into the ground. A western release is a non-option, and just because some of the item and story content is untranslated at current does not mean you should miss out because PSO2 is the tightest shit around in regards to any MMO ever.
Right now the game is pretty much Devil May Cry gameplay wise and I don't want a western release to cut it's giant playerbase from hundred thousands to about 70 in private servers.
It's been out for 5 years, user.
You're probably not going to get a western release.
Don't be such a little bitch.
More like Devil May right click.
I wish photon arts were something you had to build up more instead up just spamming them constantly.
Wikihow images are comedy fucking gold, especially when taken out of context
So like does one guy do that shit or is it one of those sites where anyone can submit a guide?
Because honestly I think the whole site's content is shat out by a single autistic man with a fucking dream to make the most funny out of context images possible.
Learn nip.
overall I was not a fan of episode 4 but this story mission was a little fun tho it makes me mad this mission once again has dmg taken as a rating so if you get hurt your rank goes down but these angel enemy have alot of cheap atks =m= and there is title reward for s rank
I still love pso2 even after 5 yrs I wish some things were different but over all its the best on line game ever and one of my favorite games of all time
also mofumofu is cute (・∀・)
More like Space Elves Musou. I mean a few years back shit like Vol Dragon or Snow Cats was out there to rape your ass and teach what dodge and block buttons are.
Recently I started new character because FREE SLOT and just blazed through all of the exploration quests without needing to heal once.
They made it so easy and brain dead it's insulting. Shield dragons can't even parry your shit anymore, what a disgrace.
EX Dragon is pretty fun to solo if you're looking for difficulty.
that guy is just trolling tbh I played game since 2012 and sil dinians behaviors never changed plus newer content is much harder fight vegas illusia or falke robot cats if you want hard stuff
the dmc comparison is a little stupid cuz you cant have that kind of quick reaction gameplay in online games but its true its the best combat in this kind of game
ofc the reason almost everyone plays is fashion hehe I would like if there was another game with this lvl of customization and also action gameplay but that game doesnt exist so its pso2 for me
(it would prob be stupid fantasy stuff anyway)
Don't take it the wrong way.
Most Japanese game makers want to send games to the western audiences but the western audience most times lacks cultural information and acceptance to certain topics, which would only be held as "controversial" and hinder the profit gained to support this option for future attempts and risking the company.
Sega has run into this multiple times with the Ryu ga Gotoku series and a few other games. It wasn't until 2016 (after many years) where they could finally send one game for mature audiences that wasn't tampered with editing.
Translations, localisations, dubbing, the removal of certain content, "alterations" in general have killed a LOT of Japanese games and risking a game like pso2 in a western economy may not be safe.
Ex dragon was an amazing boss when he appeared, true, now you can just stun lock him by wailing at his face.
Then there is these ultimate quests that are designed to be unsoloable because it is impossible to dodge everything and enemies and bosses are huge damage sponges.
It does feel like a multiplayer musou game, except mobs damage you.
Most ALL korean mmos were censored in one way or the other, so PSO2 would be too.
Only cucks play censored games.
Despite being praised for its visual character customization PSO2 has some major shortage of helmets in general.
You can't cosplay megaman, you can't cosplay JSDF soldier, you can't cosplay kerberos panzer trooper, you can't cosplay anything that isn't some generic austronaut or full on gundam.
Well, there's is one helmet in game, and with the rakshasa face mask and some creative resizing you might be able to work something out.
In other news, the SEA version of PSO2 will be closing down in May, triggering an exodus of terrible people.
I just want to be power armored nazi.
5 years later you still can't have kraut helmets.
You have those white and yellow construction helmets if you're willing to be a stormtrooper/daisy type nazi.
I'm aware, man, of course it won't do the job.
If you really played the game since 2012, you'd know he's right. Any enemies with shields would push you back and interrupt your PAs if you hit their shields. Hunters cried about it being too much effort to do a quick evasive step to get behind an enemy before hitting it, so Sega made it so that shields just nulled damage rather than getting parried.
I totally didn't see this coming six miles away when I found out they haven't had an update in about a year and a half, and that the last update was Base Defense 3.
I remember that. It was really annoying, but I don't feel like they really needed to nerf that.
That said, the game has not gotten easier, it's just that good gear has gotten easier to get. For new players, SH is as brutal as ever.
no you never bounced off dragonkin you are thinking of gu/ga wonda who still make you bounce
You did.
No they don't.
helmets aren't a popular design element in japanese media so its not all that surprizing most ppl don't care if theres no helmets since most ppl playing the game are japanese or weebs and want to make anime type character jin-roh guy is cool looking but hardly a typical anime design affer all you do bring up a good point tho I guess the characreator is mostly only rly good if you want anime stuff
ill make a webm later
or report back if I am wrong w
btw image is of my original chara back in obt in 2012
I'll save you the time and just tell you that you're wrong. Melee weapons used to be repelled by all of those enemies' shields at all times, but now they only are if they connect with a shield when the enemy is actively swinging it.
I really like the last few scratches I hope the next one with beast face is good cuz I want the face and its a frequency bonus _| ̄|○
that wasn't sposed to be a reply w
There's already rumors of an episode 5.
I just hope we get back to saving the universe instead of dicking around on some backwater planet with the locals.
Episode 5 brings moving hands or I'm uninstalling this shit.
Engine clearly allows it, sega should stop being lazy hacks.
This cannot continue.
I sort of agree tho actually I would like the kind of comedy anime shenanigans we had with hitsugi and kohri but with the characfers we already have like sara and klarisklays fighting in ep3 was one of my favorite plot threads and I also want to see more of eucreta instead its been NEW CHARACTERS AHOY and oh but here is matoi!! you like matoi right? blech copypaste yamato nadeshiko garbage I rather have sara or io or risa or even like tiea sadly there are no thicc girls among the pso2 cast
I installed it and made a character. I just can't get myself to play any more of it. The story translation is broken, the rest was mostly left in nip from the beginning. The early levels are a fucking drag and barren as fuck.
I keep hearing "But it gets better!" but if the way to end-game is torture rather than a journey in itself I'd rather not play at all. When exactly does this shit pick up?
Well no it doesn't get better, in fact leveling from 1 to 50 for the first time was the best time I had with this game.
It also wasn't kiddy-tier impossible to lose monster whacker where they give exp tickets to you daily back then, so your timing for getting in is really bad. It was truly multiplayer Devil May Cry, not it's not even Warriors game, it's some kind of fucking zelda without puzzles.
As for translation - are you sure you installed all three patches? It is supposed to cover most of the story and all the menus for the game. Well maybe translation quality went down over the years as well. I clearly remember tutorials and shit being translated.
Real talk though - play either PSP2 for combat or PSO1 for setting. PSO2 is generic sentai anime anyway, even though it has it's strong moments.
Maybe they'll bring back Mother Brain.
PSO1 has the Ultima Server to play.
In my experience, once you get to SH levels the game starts letting bosses one-shot you. There's that gap when you experience content that you probably won't be geared well enough to just breeze through.
And then you hit XH and join the rest of the shitters and start hitting the floor x5 min per EQ.
I am not the best person to talk about this because I don't use the translation patches but apparently there is new system called RAISER which doesn't use the old 3-patch system, like 99% of the game is translated now including all items, item descriptions, regular mission text, and most story missions (not all tho)
RAISER is faster to install, requires much smaller downloads, and is a lot easier to keep current (so when SEGA replaces files it won't instantly break the patch)
I definitely recommend this user to try the game again with the RAISER patch but make sure you do a full rebuild of your game: in pso2 tweaker, click the ! icon, go to troubleshooting, and then check for old/missing files this might take a while if you got the game on a HDD so if you can put the game on SSD it will go super fast (takes like 2-3 mins on SSD, 15+ mins on HDD)
5? Hasn't it been out for like 11 at this point?
no? pso2 came out in 2012
Let me blogpost a bit because fuck sega for ruining my favourite mmo.
Back in muh old days it was actually chalanging action game.
I spent hours in the Snow Cats boss fight for the first time, because they just handed my ass to me. I couldn't fucking believe when mid fight the second BIGGER one went out of the woods to make sure I stay dead.
And by dying I mean running out of all of my healing shit.
Nothing in those memesouls ever game me such challenge, I shit you not.
Now if you start fresh new avatar I guarantee that nothing will even scratch you until you're somwhere in the mid game.
That being said I played melee character back then, and it means Hu and only Hu, so I didn't even have the access to daggers or knuckles at the time.
I heard that magic classes were broken at the time so I guess Forces had experience similar to yours, but seriously
Fucking really? I still think those classes are boring as shit compared to melee ones and gunner, but they got some fun stuff over the years.
Vol Dragon actually required me to parry his fireballs, what an amazing wake up boss.
Dark Ragne was dropping outta nowhere now and again and it was actually hard and dangerous enemy.
As mentioned above enemies with shields parried the shit out of me. And they also were faster and more agressive. They didn't just dance around you, they ganked you like they were supposed to.
I think currently only Ultimate Quests feature old enemy behaviour, where they bumrush your ass with the sole purpose of landing damage.
That might be true but that's stupid and wrong. Game should be fun and challenging from get go. That guy brings up fair point - why suffer for 20-30 hours before getting to fun parts when there are games that are fun from get go?
Why play something inferior? I agree with him.
Now people play PSO2 either out of habit or out of casual lust for dress up and soicalfagging.
Remember when action was selling point of this game? It's not anymore.
Game now has quality content like solo XQ or CQ but it's very limited, and while it's hard to find people to play CQ with, solo modes are hidden behind cancer like daily passes or grindable medals. That's mind boggling warframe-tier of gating. It simply shouldn't exist.
Open beta started in 2012 I believe.
I kind of understand your feelings but they do get players in the pso2 discord all the time asking for help on how to beat early game stuff because its hard if you dont have proper gear so if you are a skilled player I agree that a majority of the game is pretty easy but not everyone is so good… theres also the argument that some of this is your opinion, there are high skill cap classes like fighter and gunner (gunner also has high skill floor) and tbh hunter is the easiest class which I say despite that I main hunter (because I suck w)
The early game was adjusted in difficulty over time, a decision I can't fault SEGA for. Not everyone wants a kick in their balls the moment they start playing.
As for late game content, we've talked about this before refusal of dairy products currently and I don't think either of our stances will change on that.
RF Online probably had the most interesting lore of any MMO I've played. Too bad it's just a dated dead game now so I'm hoping for a sequel.
Huh, looks interesting. I assume it has wow combat? Does it get in the way of exploring world like FF14 does, or is it dungeon based like PSO2?
Are there private servers and such?
Also impressive tor browser.
Oh you can. And you should. Otherwise we end up with Black Desert situation.
I didn't understand that spoiler though, some fresh meme?
probably no private servers, it was never a really popular game, I played it back when it was new (as RisingForce Online) and it was pretty fun and cute but the UI was atrocious
you had 3 races, one was humans who could use a type of magic, one was robots who had big guns, and one was like super deformed anime people (supposed to be sort of like gnomes I guess but late 90s/early00s korea art style) who used big mecha
no one likes your ugly nigger character
thanks for the (you)
have a pinup as payment (*'▽')
maybe this girl is more to Holla Forums's taste w
So am I the only one getting Error 240 over and over, I checked evey files, checked the updates, I even trid with the tweaker proxy but it still doesn't work.
I wonder if it's worth restarting this shit. I'd have to make a new account since I got assfucked by secureotp getting pulled while I wasn't playing.
Probably not, fuck the monetization of this shit.
I avoided using the story patch for a long ass time because I initially wanted to wait till it got a western release. Eventually I picked it back up with the story patch shortly before EP4 came out which resulted in the breaking of EP2s story patch and ultimately I quit playing because not only was I unable to progress though the story, they never fixed how they shafted rangers even from the CBT
?? RA is strong tho
you can recover your acct even if you had secureOTP, but you'll have to contact support and they only speak japanese
error 240 means it can't connect, check your software firewall and router settings… where are you connecting from geographically?
How fucking new are you?
"You have to contact support" means "too bad, you're done" as a gaijin. That's one of the risks that everyone is supposed to know going into this game, so I'm not sure why you think it's an option, even if I spoke Japanese.
I'm 99% certain I've explained this to you on this very same site at least 2 other times that Rangers got shafted in terms of variety.
Also for fucks sake fix your characters ugly ass blush. The color of the blush doesn't fucking work with the skin tones. God damn are you color blind or some shit?
I have contacted support 3 times and had no problems I am japanese-american and I speak japanese but I have never made any attempt to conceal the fact that I do not live in japan and they have never even brought it up much less made any issue of it
I see … I don't recall but I can be a little dumb sometimes so I don't really doubt it (*'▽')
thanks for the feedback! it's not a blush but anime-style lines on her face the joke is that mofumofu is stupid so she drew pink lines on her robot face ( *´艸`)
No. It was already announced at the end of the last livestream. They're going to implement a side story epilogue to Episode 4 where Faleg finally convinces you to fight her one last time. She apparently beats your ass, pulls a Poochie, and flies off to another planet, except she doesn't die on the way. Episode 5 will take place on this new world.
Personally, I'm always hyped as fuck when new episodes come out because people start puling the most ridiculous shit out of their ass when it happens. I think the best was the Episode 3 reveal where people kept saying bouncer was braver's advanced unlock and would have to sub force or techer be able to use techs the day after Kimura said "We're doing away with class unlocks entirely as of Episode 3" and "Bouncers have native access to techs" in a livestream.
What is the real reason why SEGAY hasn't released this in the West yet? Surely it can't be censorship concerns right?
Immensely multilayered. Basically it's a big falling out between Sega of America, Sega of Europe and Sega of Japan. They all fucking hate each other and screw each other at every opportunity.
There were also a lot of issues with previous PSO games. They believed for some reason that all the hackers were American in the original PSO, but I guarantee you ever time I ever got killed it was some guy spouting Japanese.
There was also the colossal fuck up where Phantasy Star Portable 2 I think it was was supposed to have a monthly fee and require a 'Little Wing" license but the printer somehow managed to print the same download code on every physical copy so they ended up having to make the online free and not require the license. That was actually the nail in the western PSO coffin.
Either that or we dropped one bomb too few.
Complete lack of market is probably the primary concern. Tons of westerners who try the game feel it's too weeb for them, or they play hunter using only basic attacks and say stupid things like "Gameplay is slow and clunky." People say Sega is just stupid and xenophobic, but the simple fact is that the western Phantasy Star fanbase was unwilling to pay money for PSP2, so Sega probably thinks westerners don't care for the IP. The game's financial model is a recipe for disaster in the west, too, since very few westerners would buy premium or play the scratches due to the lack of pay to win benefits. These same people will then turn around and complain about pay to win games, but that's another story.
Nah, they were never going to make PSP2's online a paid service. The fuck up there was that the Little Wing license was supposed to restrict online access to people who had paid for the game. Sega of America somehow fucked up the implementation of this license, and everyone who pirated the game could freely access the online play on the NA server.
It's been awhile. The error was the physical copies all had the same code though. Then we never saw the expansion, or any further PSO series games of any sort.
It's a shame too because that's literally all I give a shit from sega's library and I just can't be bothered to deal with japanese severs. I even imported Nova, which was fun enough but I don't speak weeb so I didn't put too much time into it.
I don't think you are right about this have you seen warframe it has a very similar model to PSO2 (most paid content is cosmetics/convenience) and it is making money hand over fist its true that the game is very japanese and also it doesnt have the nice graphics of warframe but I think the gameplay is a lot better and certainly I think there is a niche for it to be successful
Sega of Japan sincerely has it out for Sega of America. It goes all the way back to the Genesis and its success in the western markets thanks to the guy running the advertising back then. Sega has a super traditional internal structure and that involves for whatever reason never 'surpassing the master' as it were. When SoA showed up SoJ in sales they started sabotaging their own fucking American branch repeatedly.
It goes so far as several Sonic games were developed in collaboration between SoJ and SoA. The stages built by the SoA team are stripped from the Japanese version and replaced with other stages they made that never show up in other territories. The whole thing is hilariously petty.
Basically they ruined themselves for muh honoru.
But Sega of America is fucking awful, especially now. Sega of Japan is right (even though they're also shit in their own special way.)
I really didn't like that game. All Tri-Ace had to do to make a decent game was make offline PSO2, Sega handed them all the tools to do so, and Tri-Ace still fucked it up. The game did four things right: kept PSO2's appearance customization intact, gigantes, the ribbon outfit, and the soap sud outfit. PSO2 now has the outfits. I'm sure I'll feel a lot more warmly toward Nova in 4ish years when PSO2 dies and Nova is the only way to experience a pale, offline shadow of PSO2, but until then, it'll collect dust.
yah, I know all about that, but I was just talking about the idea that there's a "lack of market" and "the game's financial model is a reicipe for disaster in the west"
I would not move to a western release anyway because I have way too much time and moneys invested in the jpn version but I think it could be profitable
How do I make my character look like this?
They are now. The downhill slide started with the Genesis marketing campaign. The guy who was running Sega of America at the time went on to found Leapfrog after Sega of Japan forced him into ever worse situations as punishment for being too good at his job. Fucking nips man, who knows.
I think I paid $12 for it so I wasn't out much. I enjoyed what time I put into it but after awhile I got tired of trying to work through outdated translation guides and using Google Translate on images to progress and it got shelved.
They seriously still at this bullshit? Did they learn nothing from the Saturn and Dreamcast?
They've been doing it since the Genesis, well before the Saturn. Sega never learned anything ever.
getting back to the original topic of the thread a little … I am pretty excited for episode 5 I think episode 4 had some growing pains with some new staff and also the new story board and stuff, I think episode 5 might be pretty neat I hope it at least isnt as cancerous as vegas was tokyo has arks quest so if you need ghidoran but he wont spawn in tokyo explore you can go get him but vegas illusia you just have to keep going until it spawns it SUCKS! I really hate vegas field and all of its enemies they look stupid and are broken unfair crap with too much HP and impossible to avoid atks have you ever tried to solo as a force in vegas field its impossible
I've solo'd vegas XH with a FO before, mostly because I was super desperate to complete a CF at the time. It's not so bad, just use Nazan T0 effectively so that the ball lands close to heads for big dommage.
my main problem is that every enemy has ranged or rush down attacks that stagger you out of tech charging I have tech c parry ring but it just isnt enough when there are like 5 biker guys all spinning around over and over constantly or when the clown carriage guys (fking clowns wtf so dumb) do their stupid ring toss move ughh
I solved that problem by switching to another, faster class whenever I do Vegas. Bouncer is my go to class when dealing with stunlocking asshats (angel enemies, I'm looking at you) since boots let me stay out of their vertical attack area. Summoner is always great for keeping distance, and gunner can be in and out before they can touch you.
Did it ever get PVP? It's a fun game but without PVP then it's just going to get old real fast.
stupid phone I wasn't trying to greentext =m=
It's pretty shit, as expected of the PSO2 netcode, but it is fairly fun as a minigame.
yah it's nothing you would do competitively but it's fun to mess around with