So, in the Fallout universe, did America just stay at it's 1950s state until the war, or did it go through the natural progression of culture until eventually reverting back to a 1950s-style society?
So, in the Fallout universe, did America just stay at it's 1950s state until the war...
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Actually it stayed in the 1930s that's why the series started with Fallout 3.
Holla Forums gtfo
hold on there mister, why would something start with 3? Are you trying to bamboozle me here?
I think our timeline split off from Fallout's after WWII, and in the Fallout universe America returned to a more isolationist stance, like they had during the 20s and 30s.
I thought it started with a 3 because it sounded cool.
like with Final Fantasy VII :S
No my good sir! That anonymous poster is right, the awesome franchise of Fallout™ started with Fallout™ 3. You would ignore anything the trolls on tks forum say.
Did you know that Skyrim is thi fifth game of a series called "The Elder Scrolls"?
Don't play any of the previous ones though, they all look like shit.
This is explained in the originals.
In real life, transistors were invented in the 1947. In Fallout, transistors weren't invented until long after that (in FO4 it's hinted that they were invented around the 2020's, but that doesn't make sense, why would they still be using analog for 50 years after transistors exist?). That's why so much of their technology is analog.
protip: The military still uses AM and even morse
Well now, these posts are just shit.
Stop making this board embarrassing to read you autistic meme addicts.
It's a world created in the 1950s vision of the future. As if the world had progressed according to Walt Disney's "the world of tomorrow"
Abstract concept for you I'm sure.
those games look so much like shit XD
I don't get people that hate morrowind's combat, fucking normalfags
We're just having fun and being ourselves, why do you gotta be such so uptight about it? XD
We're not talking about the military here, we're talking about modern life.
I get how retro-futurism works, I'm just wondering if the change to a retro-future began immediately after the 1950s or if the world eventually transitioned back into a 50s asthetic while going through all the same culture milestones and trends.
user, I'm going to be real with you here. This "act like a normalfag casual" style of shitposting isn't funny and it isn't original. It was never funny.
It's annoying. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Bethesda made it where the entire US managed to stay culturally in the 50's for almost 100 years and even after the bombings somehow that stayed another 200 years after the bombs fell and new cultures could arise.
It's a world in which Jews don't exist.
fucking this. the longer posters like those retards play pretend the higher the chance that actual retards will show up and think they're welcome
I'm gonna kill you
No style of shitpost is funny, the humor is in the autistic responses to them.
spics and underaged shitskins can't into anything more complex than google so we're safe.
I never sad it was a good thing.
Bethesda didn't come up with the IP. How could they decide anything about the world that was already established in previous fallouts?
Rageaholic is such a fucking idiot.
That's like walking into the graveyard in Dark Souls, getting your shit slapped by skeletons and complaining that the game is unbalanced when you could of just taken the hint and walked the other way, you know, not at the things that keep murdering you easily.
I actually have a relative that asked me if Skyrim 2 was going to come out.
same reason they fuck up their own lore since Oblivion.
Remember, the nuclear holocaust is now caused by AYY LMAOS
Don't be surprised with EA in charge of the IP.
Remember when Majora's mask was called "Zelda 2" or "Ocarina of Time 2"?
I'm mistaken.
EA doesn't own them.
FO4 confirmed for canon-breaking shit edition
Morse code is a very robust form of communication.
I know, and the equipment is cheap and simple to build. The only catch is that the data transfer rate is slow.
Checked, and also reminded me of the disgusting chink invasion DLC. Just lazy.
The decisions Bethesda makes don't matter because through they unapologetically ignore or break their own canon.
Only Interplay's original lore matters.
This shithole's already past that point.
If you look at the Holla Forums archive you can see Holla Forums hasn't actually changed much in the past two years, one of the few changes is how many people complain about Holla Forums
I'm a Bethesda Fallout player and even I think FO4 had lots of plotholes. Synths? Really now? I'm convinced the protag is a synth clone or a cyborg because they can use VATS without a Pipboy and can't drown. At one point, the glowing sea effect reached Sanctuary which spooked me. I also don't like how gimped perks, dialogue and such are. I killed Shaun because he was a bad boy and saved the robot after telling it that it's not my child. It's a step down from NV.
Bullshit. The archive being up and not using fucking leaky forums is a major change in itself. But seriously, what good will there was died when the cripple and his piss buddy before him bailed out.
They never invented the transistor according to official lore before Bethesda fucked it all up. So society was trapped in this perpectual "Golden Age" where nobody got over Swing Music and Googie/Populuxe/Streamline Moderne
I'm sorry what
that's why no one with a brian considers 3 or 4 canon.
Are you having a stroke?
Just how new are you?
They're referring to the fact your post is barely comprehensible.
You okay friend?
It might be time to stop posting
Honestly, "they" can go fuck "themselves" right before "they" crawl back to whatever shithole "they" leaked from.
user just can't into commas
It was never 1950s, Mad Max 2 was the biggest inspiration for Fallout and that movie came out in 1981. Tim Cain himself said they watched the movie on repeat when they were making the game. Fallout had retro-futuristic technology and super mutants but otherwise it was Mad Max in computer RPG form.
"Fallout" 3 and "Fallout" 4 are not canon
Movie Gear Solid 4 is still a Metal Gear game.
It's a Brotherhood focused spinoff, note "Fallout" 3 is marked as BoS 2
Exhaled audibly through my nostrils.
There is not a single good RPG. RPG faggots are complaining that Bethesda is giving them exactly what they want, shitty games focused around things other than gameplay.
Wrong in what way? RPG niggers don't give a shit about gameplay, they actively embrace shitty gameplay and some of the best RPGs according to them have god-awful gameplay. Planescape Torment ring any bells? So, Bethesda's games should really appeal to them, because the gameplay is atrocious in every one of their games, even fucking Future Shock has mediocre gameplay compared to its contemporaries. The only reason Bethesda's games are shit to RPG cocksuckers is because the writing isn't "good". If Bethesda hired "good" writers, they'd eat that shit up like it was gourmet hotpockets.
Dialogue and writing are the gameplay in RPGs. Combat usually takes a back seat because the focus is on writing, world building, dialogue, and quests.
bethesda games are shit tho. whats fun or complex or difficult compared to an actual RPG?
He's just begging for attention. Stop enabling him.
Twine "games" are almost RPGs then? The whole focus of those "games" is writing and dialogue, correct?
to be fair there aren't enough RPGs where you can be the dragon
or fuck the dragon instead of rescuing the princess
Witcher 2 fuck that up pretty bad. It's what made a medicore game in to a dogshit game.
Nice argument you dumb faggot. You can be reductive about any game mechanic.
Fighting games are just tapping keys the right way, so they must be exactly the same as rhythm games right?
Just because you're too stupid and unimaginative to enjoy a good RPG doesn't make you right.
Oh yeah, Mad Max 2 was a huge source of inspiration for the Fallout series, and pretty much all Post-Apocalyptic entertainment since.
You're not proving me wrong. The RPG, or specifically the CRPG is one of the grandparents of the Walking Simulator, the Book "game" and the Visual Novel, the other forebear being the Adventure game.
This guy gets it.
America noticed the communist menace, sneaking leftist pushing agenda, and the silent culture war in that timeline. And cold war with China did not help either so they stayed that way for decades.
Except 90% of CRPGs are isometric games.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Don't leave a man hanging. Source?
You know what kind I'm talking about, the point-and-click Sierra snoozefests.
Why should I? Why should I sit down and play an RPG when I know that all of them are boring shit with abysmal gameplay? I expect story to be in a game, but it's not that important. To have story, writing, dialogue, that bullshit as the fucking sole-purpose of the game, the only thing that sets it apart from being a shitty half-assed tactical game or a poor-man's Diablo, that's fucking absurd to me. I'd have more fun falling down a flight of stairs than playing an RPG.
Sanzo, my dear brother.
This is just sad man. Here's your (you). Go pretend to be a retard somewhere else.
I have. And I don't want to experience that shit again.
Diablo isn't a traditional RPG though. I haven't played Diablo, but I've played other games like it, like Fate. Is Nethack an RPG?
Wish I knew Niprunes. Can you spoon-feed me the translated stuff?
E621 has most the stuff under the artist tag "sanzo". Supposedly there's an actual manga somewhere, but alas, I've never seen it.
Supposedly, these are panels from it. Alas, I've not found a translation of them, or the actual thing. Supposedly based around the last image, which was one of the usual oneshots the guy does.
Thanks again.
>not wanting to love the dragon
nigga u gay
Have you ever realized you really wanted something only after you already had it?
Why is there no game where I can date monsters? And not monster girls, actual monsters
man, i love this stuff
You are a furry and you're also annoying as shit
Because life is not good, user.
More seriously, it's because, unfortunately, normalfags don't care for that stuff, and the standard moeblob sells.
>just like everything else
Homosexual spotted
use gamemaker and RPGMaker and see how far you go.
I mean, I guess you could do it. It'd be better than nothing.
Gotta start somewhere.
These pics were cute maybe the first five times they were posted, but this is the millionth time, fucking drop it, Jesus Christ.
Nonsense, user. They're still cute. Stop being such a homosexual.
They went through the natural progression. We're in the era right before we hit pre-war Fallout's era. When enough normalfags are woke, our society will be fixed again like it was in the 50s.
No, that's bethesda's retcon, complete with "people in 2000+ listened to 50s music".
Because it's shit.
What if before the nukes dropped there was an hipster revolution and hipsters took control of the world and that's why everything is old style
I think that's the point though, the entire world went to war, so industry was shifted towards furthering war efforts, so general consumerism was held back in favor of the military.
Lore original said 2050s with the microprocessor invented just a few bit before the war. Way to rape lore further Bethesda.
Calm your tits son, we get it you jer off to the old cannon every night, but you gotta face the facts, it is Cannon.
No it's not.
Who's Cannon?
Todd get a step-stool if you're going to use the computer, this post is a mess.
Who owns the IP? Not you, and the "Fallout Bible" went null and Void upon sale of the IP. So cry, throw a tantrum, be a sniveling man-child, but non of that will make what you want a reality, as long as Bethesda has the IP this is Cannon, and will be until they sell the IP, so it's best you extract your head from your sphincter, cause this is reality, and it's better to accept it then blind yourself to it.
But not in the afternoons, that's for sure.
Good job, 10/10 on the Cuck scale.
The IP holder's Cannon, which is the only one that matters, so unless your going to buy the IP from them, deal with it.
Don't matter how much they paid for it, they have shit all to do with Fallout.
Sorry that it triggers you so.
What IP holder is going to do what with a cannon?
Get over it.
Wew Lad
Get over the fact that people who don't even know that jet is a post war drug don't get a say in what's canon or not.
Split the cannon into two, Black Isle and Bethesda.
You get the Bethesda half and you get Black Isle's half.
Fallout 4 was exactly as awful as I predicted it was going to be ~2011.
To be fair, Bethesda will never top New Vegas and I'm pretty sure they realized this, hence why we got COD: Post Apocalypse instead of a real Fallout game.
But BIS didn't make Fallout.
Didn't they work on it with Interplay Entertainment publishing it or am I remembering wrong?
How young are you? Did you seriously think that was a good insult?
Black Isle was a division of Interplay, they made both Fallout 1 and 2.
There there, user, it's ok, maybe one day they'll sell it to someone who will use the Fallout Bible again, until then, we have this harsh reality. Sleep and dream of that day.
And the Company who did own it sold it, and the ones who own it (Bethesda) have all the say in what is and isn't canon.
Both One and Two!
I'm just stating the facts.
BIS didn't even exist when FO1 was released.
You might not realize it but I appreciate you. We don't often have such unapologetic corporate whores such as yourself on Holla Forums. The insight into the mind of a tard who truly believes "money makes right" is fascinating.
I see, thanks for clearing that up.
Why are you sperging out so hard about this? Nobody has mentioned the Fallout Bible. It's like you've rehearsed screaming at people about this shit. Almost like you're a shill or something :^)
You're right, but they were credited for it.
I don't mean officially. I should have said they were given credit for it, since I believe most of the team that became Black Isle worked on Fallout 1.
Also no.
Even Tim Cain only worked on it at the beginning.
It's ok, I deal with SJWs and Fanboys all day, so I'm used to having to read between the lines and suss out the truth in the pedantic shit shows. You see, the sad fact is, they own the IP, not you, not Interplay, not BIC, Bethesda. They control all aspects of that IP, for better or worse. They are not beholden to anyone, nor are they beholden to your holy texts.
When people bitch about how Bethesda changed the canon, they always point to the FOB which was written for a game they never finished before selling the IP.
Credited for one (as "a key portion" were on the Fallout Team) and Fallout 2 was their first Game as BIC.
Both you and they act the same; hurl insults, deny reality, can't stand facts, use feelings over truth for basis in arguments.
Wasn't Brian Fargo a part of Fallout 1?
I'm probably just blurring the two together actually
Nobody has pointed to it in this thread, so everything you say has the stink of someone who's regurgitated this same shit in a lot of other threads.
And nobody has hurled insults or denied what you're saying. You just seem hell bent on playing out your argument despite the fact that nobody is on the other side.
Not development team, he was Interplay's boss.
The implication in the fallout universe is that the civil rights era "succeeded" in the sense that minorities seamlessly entered into the wider social fabric of America with no problem. So America continued on its "apple pie and baseball" route until the war.
Where is this implied? The explanation is usually given through the transistor's late development and the ongoing war preventing more cultural development.
Or maybe this threadromancy happens so often that some of use keep this shit in a note pad (that I should edit to get rid of the speed typing errors.) because people cling to vain idea that Bethesda gives a shit about their interpenetration and deny that they unfortunately have the sole rights to change the canon, which they did. Also nice wheel around when you get reminded your acting like them. Now I'll be blunt, I don't like the changes they made, but it's their IP, their call.
Isolationism, Nationalism, and Jingoistic fervor is what I'm guessing kept them locked in the "Safety Net" of the 50's culture. Only valid explanation I can see.
Nobody here is clinging to any idea that Bethesda cares about what they say. Nobody gives a fuck if Bethesda owns the IP. What do you gain from acting like an autistic shill in every thread?
Why do you keep saying that They can't do what they did? It's sounds like entitlistic shilling/sniveling in it's own right, the idea that if you wish hard enough Unicorns will appear, angles will come down from upon high and they will magically retcon the game line.
I just like to remind people that the world is not full of candy-canes, lollypops, and wish-fulfillment. And your right no one care that they have sole creative control, they'd rather belly ache about it, hold the FOB high, as when you cut out FO3, parts of NV, and FO4, what do you have, that is right kiddo, the FOB!
I don't mean to be rude, but is English your first language?
It's ok, I understand, fitting in means a lot to you. I'll call you a kiddo if you keep acting like a child.
No it is not, thank you for asking.
Back down from what? I haven't disagreed with you on a single thing. You just come off as someone who thinks "telling it like it is" is the height of intelligence. Everybody knows everything you've said. There's no reason to say any of it.
Well first of all segregation ended prior to the war. Posters from pre war for instance indicate that. I always thought that the idea from that was (in addition to the transistor thing) that America got to keep its pre-Cold War social formula due to the Fallout universe being more successful at integration than our own.
I thought the timeline didn't diverge until the war started? The transistor was invented in 1947 in our timeline, but in the Fallout timeline they developed up to the late 40s/early 50s and then stagnated culturally because of the ongoing war.
Alien is another name for Jew
Fallout wiki says that the war started in 2077.
Segregation also clearly ended before the war started. Again, posters and general lore-building show multiracial pre-war America.
So I always got the impression that the civil rights era narrative of blacks, Hispanics, gays etc seamlessly integrating into the wider world of old-guard American values was actually successful, as opposed to our world, where integration led to tremendous social changes that were the end of pre-60s Americanism.
I should have been more specific, I was talking about World War II. Segregation ended in 1964 in our timeline, which is still long before 2077 anyway. The transistor was invented after World War II in our timeline, but not in the Fallout timeline, hence the divergence.
I thought your point was that the civil rights movement was more successful in the 60s.
It's a fantasy world, anythings possible…
Some things require too much suspension of disbelief even for fantasy, like civilized blacks.
No. The society and even aesthetics somewhat changed. The thing is that technology was just "cumbersome" due the lack of miniaturization and the american society was much more conservative and paranoid due the continued existance of strong communist regimes (USSR and China after)
Todd Howard can do whatever he likes with his money, the Bethesda games are not canon to me.
This triggers the /k/
The mod interface is ugly, too
No need for the comma before 'and' the pause is implied.
plz stop breathing.
Some people are so precious about their trivial crap.
The people pissmoaning about ME:A raping the apparently hallowed Mass Effect lore are a good example of it. They expect integrity and consistency where there is just a money vampire with an agenda showing it's gruesome ass to the world. That is what their thing has morphed into over the years, they can't accept it but they can't bring themselves to turn their heads away from the crash either.
Lore only matters for as long as you give a shit and as soon as it contradicts its self once it's never put right. Mining salt out of people like this is too easy, rubbing mediocre reality in the face of hopeful (albeit futile) expectation is mildly entertaining true but it's not going to stop them picking apart the finer points on just how wrong something is from their 'old lore' perspective.
Ultimately people are as entitled to ignore new additions to what they consider canon as they are to accepting the new additions and not giving a fuck about the rape.
This is how F4 handle trader characters:
1.) ask about some non-sense (no joke!)
2.) what kind of stuff you sell
3.) i trade
4.) bye fag
Now then, if you're gonna be like that, at least treat both games the same way
Thinking of replaying New Vegas. Has there been any decent mods released in the last year or so?
Replace the "who cares" point on the third pic with Peter Hines quote and we are done for good…
pete hines seriously has the worst smile. It's like that fake obnoxious smile people do when they curl their lips as far back as they will go. He looks like such a goober when he does it.
The "le 50's xDDDDDDDDD"-shit was started by the game that ruined fucking everything: 2.
I doubt Petes IQ hit the 80s range.
If you were actually autistic, you would've done the game already
In the Fallout universe, it was a mix-match of the decades from 1950 to 1998, until Bethesda (((misinterpreted))) the franchise for shekels and only saw the 1950's theme
This, if anything 1 & 2 always seemed to hint of a decayed 90s culture with future tech. Comfy as fuck to be honest. Those are the only ones that matter.
thats how i used to feel when we used to have fun and then you showed up
its not that strange that fallout started on 3, final fantasy started at 7 and elder scrolls at 4.
And don't even start me with Warhammer 40000
Are oblivionfags unaware of morrowland?
But user, the fourth Elder Scrolls game was Redguard.