Good doom wads?

Any recommended doom wads I should try Holla Forums?

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Hundreds, thousands, almost a million wads out there, so just put your hand in and scoop them out for yourself. You could even make your own. Just stay the fuck away from their "community", you'll find that Doom's age, ubiquity, low-entry barrier for modification and isolation from the modern mainstream has caused it to attract unsavoury types, furfags, bronies, there's even a legitimate pedophile or two. Quake doesn't have this problem, and neither does Duke Nukem 3D from what I can tell.

Brutal Doom

That's the only doom wad I've played

Unloved is pretty good if you're a Silent Hill fan.

I actually hate unloved a lot then again I hate survival horror which explains why I actually enjoy doom 3, about as horror as bagel is a donut..

Have you played through Heretic and Hexen?


going down
200 mega hurts is probably one of the greatest fps levels ever made

Hexen yea, but a long time ago, on console. I tried playing again I mean there are actual good mods but those maps were fucking horrble a lot of time, everything needing you to find a key

Just how old is this shit? And why Brutal Doom/Project Brutality is not included? And a bunch of other nice gun mods? But crap like MSX is?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Have you checked MetaDoom?

Have you checked under my pants?

Fucking everyone knows about the piece of shit mod called brutal doom.

might as well just dump there all the terry wads

Have you tried nuts.wad?


If you are into braindead joke WADs then this might be perfect for you.


Johnny Doom
Aliens: The Ultimate Doom
Project Brutality
Trump Doom
Moon Man Doom

MetaDoom is fun, i like how there's a mod that tries to be the entire series together but still keep some balance within its gameplay.

Problem is that its concept may be more interesting than the execution when you keep considering all the things that could have been done for the mod.

I have this version

BD and PB are so popular that idiots think they're what the classic games were when they came out and not some mods that came years after it, which then leads to people not only thinking they're how the games should be played but also forget about any other mod or that Doom in general has a modding community.

Doesn't also help that the creator of one of BD is a terrible programmer that stole content from other modders and ended up being hated by the community to the point even Hdoomguy gains more respect.

Imagine coming up with a Sonic OC that ends up being assumed as an official character without anyone bothering to look it up.

Wow what a faggot. Never knew the dude behind it was such a cuck.

It's shit. Deal with it.

Because the creator of the list is assmad that Brutal Doom actually achieved mass appeal, and nobody really gives a fuck about any of those shitty obscure WADs, meanwhile most people actually have played Brutal Doom and love it; so it's removed out of spite.

The creator of the list is probably also a leftycuck, since mark_iv is full 14/88

Hell on Earth

I'm gonna be honest with you: I just think the maps in it are 10/10.
Get rid of Brutal Doom if it's not your style and play through it Vanilla or with a mod of your choice.
Project Brutality pairs perfectly with it.

Also, Brutal Doom 64 falls into the same boat.
The maps are 10/10, and you can just use whatever gameplay mod you prefer.
Having said that, playing BD64 on Traditional mode is basically just the Vanilla experience with a nicer coat of paint.


That's a tranny.

90% of people who like BD are 18 years old at beast and don't know much about Doom's community, game design or even the series itself.

90% of people who hate it are older Doom fans who think the mod is just poorly designed because of the terrible lack of balance, the fatalities taking too long, the gore covering most of the view and the fact that you have to shoot over Barons to do headshots despite the mod making them taller.

Not only that but they also actually interacted with the creator itself and his fanbase.

Also, he's Brazilian, if neither his fans or haters interacted with him in real life, you now know why.

Besides BD, the only other mod to gain mass appeal is HDoom, which makes both a perfect example of how people prefer meme mods that can generate views for LP channels without anyone even having a single clue of good game design.

Fun fact: BD's programming is so shitty that the number 1 was in many pieces of text where the letter L would have been, making words like "All" become "A11"

Fun fact 2: Brazilian mancubus claimed that NuDoom stole his idea of the glory kills despite being the same guy who's been accused of stealing assets from other creators and not giving proper credit.

oh the myth of sjws from doomworld

sgt mark is an asshat, that's all

Though I will say one thing, Project Brutality should be on that list. It's what Brutal Doom should've been, but isn't.
And to answer your question, OP, I don't fucking know. Listen to this guy and try random WADs that have decent ratings.

read the catalog fagot