Zero Escape/Nonary Games thread

First two games were just rereleased on PC.
Also, heres a Flash game

The big question is, how did they handled 999's dual-screens meta aspect ?

Wasn't that just one puzzle where you had to turn the DS upside down? They probably just flipped the screen.

My guess would be that they went the mobile route, i.e. they just made it a VN.

It's more of the narrative structure for the whole game

I'm a little less concerned with how they botched that and I'm more disappointed to see that instead of making upscaled prerenders for 999 they just made the whole thing 3D instead. Not that I really feel attached to the series post-ZTD anyway.

Fucking love the series, but hell, the third game has som cringe worthy graphics. Why did they abandoned the VN art style? It was so fucking good.
I'm still trying to create enough courage to play the third game, since I hate the graphic style (it looks like they were trying to appeal to telltale audience).

As a fan of the series, you can fairly safely skip ZTD. It raises more questions than it answers about the series timeline and the various powers.


The concept art and promotional art for ZTD looks amazing, it's just the game itself that looks like dogshit

Wait, 3D graphics are more expensive than actually 2D drawing?

If I'm remembering correctly they outsourced the visual part of the game. And yeah, it is possible that using either stock 3D models or really shitty low-effort ones would be more expensive than making a good-looking 2D game

Zero Escape: The Non(ary) Games

What an appropriate title.

No, it's that the 3rd person narration showed up on one screen and the dialogue on the other. The twist being the narration is Akane seeing the whole situation play out in the past while the rest is the actual present. It kinda needs two screens to work.

What's the point of writing complex mystery story if you can just gonna asspull magical resolutions outta thin air?
It was one of the biggest cop outs in video games stories ever.
I aint touching any of them with 10 ft pole.
At least Ace attorney has humour, good music and waifus in it, 999 is pure trash.


This basically confirms that 999 fags have shit taste in everything.


Is there a torrent yet? I've been waiting for this port to play VLR but I sure as fuck not paying that much for it.


I don't like all the ornaments.

Check IGG

What a gay

Cheers. I knew I forgot a site to check.

