This is kinda weird but I can't find a game that would have good and fast ground mecha combat.
Everything is either turn-based or slow and heave or just outright flying games with humanoid jets.
How come there is no game where I can roll around and do crazy flips and shit in a huge mech?
I can only think of Vanquish but it's not really mech you're controlling and it runs at terrible framerate, so it doesn't quite fit.
Help me out there.
This is kinda weird but I can't find a game that would have good and fast ground mecha combat
Other urls found in this thread:
Basically all Armored Core games except 4 and for Answer
Armored Core 5 and Verdict Day are about as close as you'll get.
What about the Virtual On games?
Well AC from 1 to Last Raven lack any meaningful melee, you can just whack enemy once, and I'd say they still fall into slow and heavy category even though not as much as Mechwarrior series.
I haven't played AC5 or VD, do they have more elaborate melee system, or it's old good whack once kind of deal?
I played that one old Win95 version. Yeah it was kinda sorta like it, but I felt that it was all boss battles, I wouldn't mind having levels with numerous generic enemies as well.
I think one of PS2 versions have that, but I heard that it's a shit game overall and is slower than older VONs.
AC5 and VD add "Charge" attacks, where your AC does a forward QB and kicks the target in the fucking face
Fatter legs do more damage. Tanks suck at it.
They also added a Physical Blade in ACV. Unfortunately it's the shittiest melee weapon in the game, with the lowest damage and shortest reach of all melee weapons, but I guess it makes up for it in not requiring ammo like the pile bunkers or energy like the laser blades.
Verdict Day added Physical Blade Arms, which can do combo attacks, and, like other weapon arms, switch to regular hands in order to use two standard guns.
You've been able to combo dual wielded melee attacks since 4 and For Answer, though its only a 2-hit combo at most.
I think the Blade arms in VD can do a 3 hit combo.
What's the point of being able to do flashy flips and ship in a mech? Isn't that basically just playing devil may cry? Why not just play that then, seems to me to defeat the purpose of being a mech.
But what I was referring to in relation to
ACV and VD removed the ability for your Armored Core to fly. Instead, you can now only slowly glide down to the ground. Your main means of ascension is jumping off of walls and buildings and shit, Megaman style, meaning combat is a lot more ground-oriented.
TL;DR don't play ACV, play Verdict Day.
Dual laser blades arms were in Last Raven and probably Nexus as well. But yeah it was just two-hit combo and you had to sacrifice right arm weapon slot for it.
What's the point of playing video games when you can go and live a life?
Gundam Breaker fucking 3, OP. Gundam Breaker 3.
So you want 50 ton mecha that don't move like 50 ton mecha?
Heavy Gear had rollerblading mechs
You kind of missed my point, to me the feeling of being a mech is being a huge unstoppable piece of metal with overwhelming firepower, if you can do flips and jump around like a person, then it might as well just be a metal skinned human.
You can do both man. There's a balance that most people don't get.
I like both styles.
I dunno man, I think you can go too far like in code geass though, where as I'm okay with stuff like armored core.
trips wasted on shit taste OP
Go back to getting rammed by Fisto, Arcade.
at least NV had fuckable robots Todd
not that i would be interested in those disgusting robot fetishist anyways
Thanks to the magic of VIDEO GAMES, this should be possible.
VOTOMS is similar.
Every thread.
Fast mechs are the best.
I respect all robots
At least I don't go into slow robots threads to shit them up.
If you are good at steel battalion, each mech has a dash function, and the light mechs can do some cool maneuvers.
Virtual on is a great fighting game, best played with two sticks.
You need mad stalker full metal force my nigga
I'm on my phone right now otherwise i'd post images of this sick ps1 beat em up
Holy shit.
Weebs are disgusting
Waste of digits tbh
All it needs is some belts and zippers
haven't played, but 'fast ground mecha' brought megabyte punch to mind
though the 'huge' part is amiss
That reminds me wasn't there a kikestarter for some 2D mecha platformer that looked like SRW from PS2 era but in real time? Poster robot looked kinda like Wild Falco but without wings.
I wonder what happened to it.
I respect all robots as well, fellow user. At least the ones that have enough robotic features.
Isn't Code Hardcore supposed to be that?
If only curing your terminal shit taste was possible.
Yes it is.
Also dude playing at around 1:02~03 looks suspiciously like Kawamori, the god of mecha design.
Oh fuck I'm already excited for this. Huge mech fanatic since I was a kid. Glad we're getting something cool
Is the project dead or ruined yet?
Isn't it just poor man's gundam musou?
It's a completely different game, it plays nothing like Musou
Most of these units are blatant copies of SRW OGs units. I have not idea why nobody picks this out but me.
Why do you love the Dom? What is your favorite Dom variant?
Gotcha Force
That's a good thing though.
Why would you pick on a good thing?
Those legs ruin the design imo.
The legs contain massive jets that allow the dom to effectively "skate" over terrain.
I watched some videos and it looks exactly like musou though. You just whack at huge armies of passive mobs that lazily poke at you at times. I mean maybe control scheme is different, and sure there is this whole BUILD YOUR SHIT gimmick, but combat looks uninspired.
I'm pretty sure everything in gendum can skate over terrain regardless of legs shape.
I think Code Geass did the skating thing the best.
It both makes sense and looks cool. I just wish they didn't go full gendum later in the series.
Thing you posted doesn't look cool though. It looks kinda like megaman in skirt.>>12215400
Forgot pic
Nope. OYW Suits were mostly walking with the Dom being an except. There is a GM analogue to the Dom but it's just a GM customized for the role instead of a customized suit.
Get some taste mate
You can play a ground pounder in 4A really easily. Just grab go independent at the start and run with that Aaliyah until everyone dies.
What about zone of the enders?
Not laser blades. Solid, physical swords.
Oh my god that looks fucking rad
Holy shit this looks amazing
my god, actual hope for the /m/en of this world
I guess they're technically more like an axe
Have you tried any of the Gundam Vs games OP?
I can shit all over people who play shit like Domon with 1K cost suits. You'd be surprised how many people sent me messages asking "Why did you pick the tank?" or shit like that
Love the Hildolfr and Zudah in that game as well as the Efreet Kai
The Hildolfr is a motherfucker, that thing should cost at least twice as much as it does
Fucking godly taste
No such thing.
I've always been partial to the Dom Tropen. I like how chunky and angular it is compared to the classic version.
My niggas.
I've got an HG of the Zudah that I've been putting off building for years because all the masking I'd have to do to get the camo looking on-model intimidates me.
Op here. It was a rough week. Got ending E and wiped my shit in Nier Automata.
It has mechs in it, but it's all shmup segments so those might as well be jets.
Finding image for this is huge pain in the ass. One on emuparadise is some weird assortment of files that doesn't run in retroarch.
Yes, good game but it's mostly about flying and is more of a fighting game, kinda like aerial virtual on.
Another awesome game, ZOE2 specifically. It actually feels like robot game because you can slash and grab shit. Still it's focused solely on aerial combat.
I had my platinum fill for now. Let's be real everything is Bayonetta reskin with them, which I don't hate but now I want something different.
you both need better taste, pic very related.
Seconding Heavy Gear, outside that one untranslated PS2 game it's the closest you'll get to a VOTOMS game
Pics related are how you do skating mechs.
Muh ningen.
There used to be a game called Exteel, that did exactly what you want.
Huh. That looks obviously old, clunky and unpolished, but holy fuck yeah it's exactly what I wanted. Plus with visual customization. Obviously game was made with passion for mecha, not just to grab fast buck.
Why exactly did they close it? Not enough whales?
Well, the guys with the passion got kicked off the project.
Mech designs started to be inconsistent after that, and the game got dropped completely following disastrous technical difficulties in the EU/US market(they couldn't get the "consumables" monetization feature to work for over a year).
Hows that Early Access Game?
Gundam Breaker 2 is less like a poor man's musou and more like musou with more meaningful combat. Each unit fights better than their musou counterparts and attacks are tied to weapon types instead of individual suits. But the AI aggro range is dog shit, so they're easily exploited. Somewhat better than musou isn't necessarily significantly better. But the ground combat is better and hits feel chunkier, if that makes sense. I'd skip 1 and go straight to 2.
Armored Core Verdict Day also has pile drivers. Basically a one shot. All blades perish that get in range of a pile driver. But it's less grounded and more about using terrain to kick off high enough and maintain a reasonable altitude while also maintaining a solid lock on your opponent.
ZOE and ZOE2 are basically all aerial. You can land, but it's a waste. Aside from the plot ripped straight out of gundam, it plays less like a mech game and more like a flying hack and slash.
I always see these, what are they from?
Good shit
You can have fast Mechs in Metal Fatigue
Its an RTS though so probably not what you wanted
Rising Thunder
you guys are bunch of faggots.
I am indeed a faggot
who cares?
People who enjoy good mech sims. So obviously not weebs with their gay shit.
isnt this a digimon
There is still hope for man.
Shogo is good, but it's just a shooter. It doesn't differ much between on foot and in mech combat.
I remember being able to transform into vehicle form but never actually using it. Either it was too clunky or completely pointless.
Never had a chance to play it. I don't dig evangelion-esque designs tbh. I like my mechs to be, well, mechanical, if that makes sense.
I found a working image for that game, runs at 60 fps on retroarch, looks amazing too.
I'll post mega links once I get home in like half a day.
It's an (anti?) awkward game though, most of your attacks are conditional so you need to be careful about your positioning and timing, something you wouldn't expect from PS1 beat em up.
4 had fuckable robots too
In fact it seemed to do it a lot, every robot character except for a few exceptions were girls grills
japan likes muh ninja robots because they think it can outrun an atomic explosion
The original gundam series. Also SEED but we don't talk about that.
Tanks don't have huge glass canopies and can move without falling over.
The west likes slow collections of cardboard boxes because they think it can outrun bad taste in giant robots.
Shitposting aside, if westerners gave a fuck about realism we'd be playing stuff like pic related instead of retarded shit like mechwarrior.
He means robots can you can dick in game.
Would you nignogs stop shitposting?
There's one of those too
Ironically it's in that DLC quest that was a direct rip off of that NV mod
who the fuck cares about realism?
It's like wanting a tall midget or a miniature giant.
Pointless and stupid
What's the name of that mecha? Edgemaster 9000?
I could hear the edginess of that crap.
There are people in this thread right now who don't think the dom is the best unit in UC simply because she is the UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND of mobile suits.
How about Boot Windom? Should be on mirrormoon.
Luckily I got home early. There we go.
Here is how game looks like.
As I said controls are more intricate that you might think so I'm basically button mashing there. It's also easy mode, on normal or higher boss would probably wreck my shit.
To play as other mechs enter up, down, left, right, X, O on title screen. But I think you're supposed to unlock them by defeating them, kinda like in Bare Knuckle 3.
Also links!aNJWFRRZ!n-PmQzgayI8Pi-jJspmjUB4unPupPlM5Fo6ZcJR9D3I!WdpDACjS!d3rtqcJoKx2M1W1opbN5qQdAzcghDsrPq159NUXBzo0
To be honest such obnoxious behavior will only alienate people to your favourite mech design.
Just like a Gundam VS it's a mostly aerial fighting game. I played it for hundreds of hours though, great shit.
It really was basically what you're looking for, even though it was quite clunky. Interesting game, never popular in western market, to the degree that I'm surprised there is even someone in a mecha thread who knows about it.
My fucking nigger. This guy knows what's up. OP, these games aren't *exactly* what you want, but they're closer than most of the fucking fighting/musou garbage piles that call themselves "mecha" these days. Good luck getting them to run now though…
Are you a troll or just retarded? Slapping DCS-style autism in the cockpit doesn't make it realistic. And that game is far from realistic.
It would have been simpler if you had just written "I'm a big stupid casual"
Well duh, it involves giant robots being used in warfare, if it were realistic it would be SB Pro PE 4 instead.
Unless of course you can name a more realistic mecha sim.
Listen even if you ignore the garbage mechanic of 'critical hits' that can get you one shotted constantly. It's still just a rather generic fps with a mecha theme where the mechs are functionally no different from being on foot.
What game is that? Getting major Gungriffon vibes from it.
Tbh that poor transparency on trees is a sign of shitty quality, especially for a PS1 game.
I hope I'm wrong though.
I just spent two hours figuring out what the game is. It's apparently a freeware Gungriffon fangame by the name of HIGH-MACS Simulator. And apparently the graphics look ass on purpose since the japanese madman that made it used software rendering to simulate the Saturn's 3D "capabilities".
High-macs simulator, it's a PC Gungriffon inspired freeware game.
It might just be my computer's failing to render them right.
Beat me to it, but I'll post my post regardless.
Also worth noting that every single download link to the game' is fucking dead, because of dropbox being a piece of shit. I managed to scrounge up an older version(1.0.4) of the game via Wayback machine, but 1.0.5d is lost to the internet unless the dev decides to reupload it.
I'm currently uploading 1.0.4 to the Share thread's vola in case anyone gives a shit.
Thanks, this looks fun.
Nigger I play DCS. I think I know what autism is, and cramming autism into things doesn't make them realistic: it makes them autistic.
Assuming you're not just a retard who thinks he's hardcore because he likes to flip switches: is "immersive" maybe the word you were looking for? Because HIGH-MAC is definitely not realistic, but it is immersive.
Make up your fucking mind.
So do I, so that means we both know that nothing in High-macs Simulator resembles anything like any existing DCS module.
As far as flipping switches goes it doesn't even have a first-person view and no more keyboard inputs than any other mecha game.
I really have no idea how you came to this DCS angle from, maybe you'll have a point when 1.06 comes out and you find yourself switching between high, medium and interleaved PRF radar modes trying to find targets.
Realism in the context of giant robots somehow having a place on the battlefield, not realism as in "just use a fucking tank or helicopter".
Considering most science fiction with mecha in them tend to have tech far more advanced than ours it's safe to say they've found ways to make them viable.
Gigantic Army may have you play as a clunky grunt mech, but do not be mistaken, Gigantic Army is all about going fast. One of the reasons for this is because it has a score system worth a damn unlike most side-scrollers with randomly respawning zakos. To put it simply, zakos are literally not worth your time. At the end of each stage your score depends on how quickly you cleared it and how much damage you took, while the amount of points you get per second for your stage clear bonus is literally worth less than the points you get for killing a single zako, on top of pick-ups like health and power-ups granting you bonus points if you are already at the respective maximum level, rewarding you for not getting hit throughout the stage instead of just at the end only.
On top of that there is a time limit which kills you if it reaches zero, but you'd have to play like an overly cautious scrub for that to ever happen. Most enemies die quickly enough as your forward spear attack can decimate enemies quicker than your guns can, facilitating a need to play aggressively and up-close to deal the most damage and get the highest score. Because it's all about going fast, your special weapons can be used to kill bigger enemies like bosses even faster, but their uses are limited per stage and the amount of times you can use them depends on your main weapon, where a powerful main weapon like the grenade launcher will be more useful throughout but only allow one laser cannon charge, while the assault rifle is comparatively weak but allows three laser cannon charges.
The movement emphasizes optimization as well, as you can dash by double-tapping a movement key in the respective direction, whereas you can temporarily hover in the air to climb platforms and evade enemy shots, with energy management being key to climbing platforms as fast as possible. However it's not a hold-forward-to-win affair, as you'll have to take in consideration pick-up boxes which drop health pickups, power-up items, and time bonuses, and by extent more points.
Gigantic Army is a damn well designed game, and one which asks that you get good at it, which means PRACTICING. It really shows its fangs on Hard Mode where enemies are arranged differently, shoot more often, and you get to fight the true final boss.
I'm too old for this shit you know.
There aren't even any lives in Gigantic Army to begin with.
Or were those continues? I remember retrying a few stages before game told me to fuck off back to my casual shit like Dark Souls and Devil May Cry.
Well, you're not really supposed to use continues anyways. You can, but the game is obviously balanced and meant to be played with one continue. Else your score wouldn't reset upon continuing.
Your health bar persists throughout stages, but there are minor health pick-ups throughout stages and 20% of your health is restored after completing a stage.
Eh. Nobody has done a mecha worth justice yet. I don't get it either. There's tons of manly badass racing games and such but mechas which are infinitely more manly and badass aren't getting the love they deserve. Fuck this shit.
Play Transformers: Devastation, and pretend there's a little guy in a cockpit.
What about Hawken?
those gay flippy shitting ballerina dancing robots trigger me
Does anybody even play that still? Besides it's still not fucking finished and every update somehow makes it fucking worse.
Kind of in a similar lot except that fuck humanoid mechs
I want a game where I can play the light mech, and really feel like I'm playing the light mech.
I want to run between the legs of a heavy artillery unit, blasting my machine guns into its unprotected underbelly
I want to sprint between hills, running hit and run tactics on an enemy squad twice my size
My nigger
Why would I do that over the one in English with more suits?
Commie detected. Calling Liberty Prime.
Your shit taste is showing.
I want that too
Is this a good one
Hawken is fucking filth.
4A was the only good game.
Doms, Z'Gok E and the Gelgoog three of Zeon's best suits for land, sea and space
What's up with all this faggotry over one of the ugliest gendum designs?
Doms are good suits and the Dressien was a good successor to the Dom as is the Dwadge
They look fat
I always loved the Hygogg, and really the 0080 designs in general.
Controls can take a little getting used to but the III era games are the high point of the AC franchise. Except Ninebreaker.
While I appreciate your tastes in MS you're still a faggot.
Hygoog was a good MS design. Zeon's Aquatic MS were so good the Feds stole the idea of the Zaku Marine, a suit that failed miserably because weak seals and made the Zaku Mariner. Which got promptly stolen by Neo Zeon.
Also Juaggu despite being goofy had to be a fearsome suit if you realize the thing is just a massive artillery battery.
I remember the juaggu had a pretty good fight scene in Unicorn.
No real reason. Personally I have no compulsion to buy 3. I got my fix. The series as a whole is just kind of a step-up from musou, but not so much that it's a must-buy for me. Maybe 2 is cheaper and someone wants to be a jew bag. My point is, skip 1 unless you're so cheap that you'd rather pay $15 for worse combat and a need to look shit up yourself.
Bump for the robot.
Slave zero was pretty quick.
Steel Lancer Arena International
shitter taste there m8
Those are some fugly robots.
u wot, SLAI has great designs.
I love these. Never heard of it.
That was one of the best, it's also a doorway for many newcomers prior to 4. It's also got some gimics going for it for extra replay value the other titles will never have. I should warn you though that if you take the time to master the first person mode every mecha show you'll ever watch will make downgrade everyone's skill in your mind by at least a grade.
If you don't mind top-down 2D graphics, then the Baldr Force and Baldr Sky games should be right up your alley.
Happen to know where I could get these games? Been meaning to look for them for a while
Is For Answer one of the bad AC games?
For Answer is fairly good, but its a different style from the older ones and lacking in polish and content compared to them.
Fuck no, it's one of the best.
Mechs are already unrealistic with regular materials used, but their weeb versions are unbelievably unrealistic, Transformers tier unrealistic. This board is adult only, boy.
I'm not OP, but thanks for the recommendations, all of you.
Since you're all experts and I like giant fucking robots…
Please recommend more PS3 games.
The list so far:
just plau HAWKEN
oh yea here is some gameplay (start a 0:40)
But user, HAWKEN is garbage, especially nowadays. They changed a bunch of shit and now it belongs to some Chinese company that raped the fuck out of it, there's no community left, no tech support, nothing but pay2win shit, and there's barely anyone online anymore. It used to be worth a look but not anymore.
The only time Hawken was anything resembling good was the earliest days of the closed beta when your starting microwave shaped coffin on legs was actually one of the best robutts in the game. Why didn't they just go for the 10-20$ B2P instead of going F2P in an extremely saturated market?
nigger did you not read what I said
ACV is garbage. Do not play it.
RIP Hawken, you were not completely shit once. Basically, it got sold to Goyimfirst, who also own APB fucking Reloaded and one of the two decent post apocalyptic MMOs. Basically, where decent videogames go to die. But, it was dead before it got sold, even, because the devs were imbeciles and went from a slow-ish mech game, to more or less COD in giant robots, with the standard sub one second TTK.
Good god this is what really shut me off from Hawken. I loved having to position myself and support my teammates and not instantly take down enemies in a matter of seconds because I shot first.
Not to mention it really got P2P later on, with shit like air dashes being very expensive to obtain.
I remember I was at wondercon down in california where they had set up some pc's decked out to look like the machines. It kicked ass when I played it. Then I waited a few weeks and got into the closed beta. When I unlocked that mini gun for the default bot I was fucking king. Now everything sucks.
I think it's fucking hilarious how both Titanfall games got giant robots better than half of the dedicated mech games out there.
Is MechWarrior Online that bad? I've yet to play it.
Still better than 4 or FA
I can't compare it to any mechwarrior game, since I haven't played any others, but it was grindy as shit, and you'd either do very well, or die instantly, and half of the maps were just camping and trying to peck at each other from different sides of the map. Personally, I really don't enjoy the mechwarrior "giant tank on legs" thing.
Sounds very much like World of Tanks. I'll pass, thanks.
class based fighting is a trusty mechanic, adds interest… having everything at once like quakeCA is nice too
i don't know if it exists but a MP game with both, no real classes just you min/maxing a custom build, would be cool, like TF2 or Bioshock with temporary build/stat collectables. There's FPS survival games, not much customization there
oh… ok i didn t play it for years,
too bad they ruined it. it was basically titanfall with only titans
Armored Core V is dirt cheap, I will play it, not a big deal if it's bad.
try the duology eureka seven on ps2 OP
he is advising you to not play it