Are there any games that prominently feature cheese?

Are there any games that prominently feature cheese?

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What's wrong with it?

if you click it, it means you got trolled

Warcraft 3 custom maps.

Swery65 games feature lots of food, not just cheese though.


The patterns in the Roquefort contain a variant of the Langford basilisk, which triggers a cerebral saccular aneurysm in about 20% of the people exposed to it. It's only visible if you zoom in.


I don't see how you autists find that game fun.

Starcraft 2


dumb meme, kill yourself

Oblivion is mostly about cheese. And melons. But mostly cheese.


It makes a good snack with mustard and crackers, although it gives me gas

Jesus all the models except wallace and gromit are terrible.


"I sure could use a cheese sandwich right about now." -Guess the game.

Its pajama sam, I dont feel like staying in this thread or making people wait on my response.

Cheese has to be earned, Sweet, just like memes.

James Pond 3 features a fish trying to stop Mice and Rats from digging up the moon because its made of cheese. Its also ball bustingly hard for a childrens platformer. All while collecting teacups and throwing televisions to use the ghosts to reach higher areas and using your trusty Fruit Gun if you like platformere and cheese its very gouda.