
The day left leaning game developers fucked up their SJW ideology.

also, what the hell happened to their steam forum?

Other urls found in this thread:


Will anyone ever actually explain that drama ?

Jontron, we'll know e-celeb amd Rareware aficionado went full "first day on Holla Forums" in a debate with a streamer.

He did some voice acting for Yooka Laylee and the developer Playtonic pulled the plug on him and are now censoring forums and refusing refunds from people who disagree with the decision. Team17, the publisher, is also being smug and shitty about it.

*well known

Aren't the devs a bunch of spics too ?

jon took the unacceptable, beyond the pale stance of quoting some factual statistics about refugees. you can imagine how well that went.
also remember that the voice acting they pulled (all the voice acting, really) is banjo style noises, not actual words

No, but they're probably sand niggers given they like in Britbongistan.

as far as i know, all this shit started as soon neogaffers started to put presure on the dev team. After they spammed and harresd the develpper team they cutted away jon.

Oh they're bongs.


If their ideology matters so much why won't they refund people who support Jontron? Clearly this money is tainted, right?

i think it is just the presure from neogaf. These idiots pushed the dev to take an stand on politics and now these guys are hanging in the loose and do not know what to do, meanwhile the neogaffer pretend as if nothing had happen.


Why the fuck do people care about what some old unimportant forum says?

Neofag got the says on anyone? Are they not just a bunch of edgy self-styled gloried goon faggots?

>Internet went ape shit on them
All the mess aside the game looks like shit anyway


The same reason why they care what nobodies on Twitter say about them.

Is Holla Forums even white?

because NeoFag is their audience and they will pander to them, they are a bunch of SJW cunts and probable just wanted a excuse and Jon finally gave them one.


Reminder that pic related happened.

Loud SJW minority, probably. I heard they bitched a lot about Link not being a girl in BotW when Nintendo confirmed he wasn't.
What are the stats for that forum anyways? Is it a dying relic of old time? I remember it was a pretty big name back in the day but forums in general are dying due to social media and centralization takeover.

No. Neither is Jon. Also neither you, me, the board owner, the anons that read this post, etc

No, remember that HWNDU stream?

This will go down in history as a case study of shooting yourself in the foot.

I said "first day on Holla Forums"

Meaning his thoughts weren't very well organized and it came off really poorly even though he was right.

As soon one of the mods made a tweet to the devs asking if they still support jon, the happening begun. So, by putting the devs into the spotlight by a neofag they where forced from the fence and take a stand.

It's a miracle the shithole has any users left considering the mods give out permabans like they are candy.

that's cuck/pol/, it's not even Holla Forums anymore just a bunch of shit tier Holla Forums bait and racemixing threads

Just as white as /int*/ :^)

don't forget Grant "will always live in the shadow of David Wise" Kirkhope coming in to take some potshots at his "friend". fucking scumbags.

Didn't the devs get caught mocking the people who are upset by this and demanding refunds. Not to mention that they are telling everyone they aren't going to give them refunds.

Of course they are.

I saw Mark there.

That's not how hypocrisy works, stupid goy.

They could have not acted like complete cretins and just said that Jon has a right to his opinions ("wrong" as they might be) and they would respect their previous commitments.

But nope, gotta virtue signal like a tard. Guess they didn't look up this particular number up.

What did Grant say?

heard this too but never saw any source on this. Not saying the devs dindu nuffin, but all this shit would never had happen in the first place if neofag's never started to spam them.

What kind of a fuckup do you have to be to give a shit what NeoGaf says? They're a rung lower than goons, which means they can't even be considered humans.

The money contributed to the Kickstarter has already been spent. They aren't going to offer massive refunds because they can't afford to. This should be an object lesson in why you never, ever buy something before you see the final product. Even that isn't perfectly safe, since Steam makes it trivial for publishers to remove content after the fact via updates. If you're stuck with this game, you completely deserve it. You've been warned about Kickstarter, and you didn't listen.

Watched the damn debate. From what I see, JonTron is a victim here. His right-leaning view is not a secret but he abstained from talking about it. The faggot called Destiny or some shit invite-lured him into a debate in a form of *discussion*, and the cocksucker came fully armed when Jon is expecting a friendly chat. Jon is not the sharpest tool in the shed, so he got lured into saying things that will make a buzzfag writer have a field day.

Basically, JonTron was set up. Maybe by Destiny himself or there are someone else who will profit from this. Maybe SJW just need a new enemy to 'virtue signal' on. Anyway, it is premeditated social murder.

In response to a Reddit post painting those asking for refunds as unreasonable by changing words to be relevant to him, "Noooooooooooooo!"

refunds should still be available since the product hasn't been released, not that i disagree with you about kikestarter

Yeah it's weird. I'm a sandslime myself and I'm a regular there. I'm slowly realizing that niggers and spics browse there too with a few whites believing in all the shitposting we're posting. It's fun!

That's not what happened. How about reading the post first nigger?

I wish people would get together and just sue them. Doesn't even matter what your chances of winning are, these kikestarter scammers would get wiped out fighting it.

IIRC many people issued chargebacks, so either way the company is in hot butter. Let that be a lesson to them for bringing politics into their decision making processes.

Destiny has trouble understanding why incest, bestiality and pedophilia are wrong and Jon is supposedly the bad guy here.

Try posting this on full/pol/ and watch how fast you're banned


Why don't you properly correct me by posting the source for that post, nigger?

Cuckchanner spotted.

I have been posting ironically there for the longest time.

With Imfaggot right now?
The mudshit is safe.

Because SJWs are obsessed with being seen as the "good guys" by minority groups. They revolve their every action around making sure to not offend anyone but as you know, leftists are offended by everything so that doesn't really work.

I want anons to pay attention to this. This is an attempt to divert the topic of discussion away from sjws & censorship because Jontron was talking about something they didnt agree with by using the Holla Forums argument. Remember to learn how to spot acts of subversion.

They're mostly about harming the white majority.

If the purchases are made through Steam, Steam refunds them without question. Kickstarter "isn't a preorder service" so once you contribute to a successful campaign, that money is generally not recoverable unless you want to bring legal action.

Chargebacks usually have a fairly brief window of opportunity as far as I know, depending on local laws. It's fine if that's an option for you, but more than 90 days beyond the charge rules it out for the vast majority.

It doesn't matter what skin colour you are a long as you're white inside

you're still paying in advance for a product, it doesn't matter that their disclaimer labels it as a donation

Last time I fall for the Kickstarter meme (even though it was 2+years ago)

Haha, I remember when you guys got all butthurt that Holla Forums banned Mark for being Jewish and also you people got scared that Holla Forums had become a 'caricture" and "wtf i'm starting to think they actually believe that stuff".

The HWNDU wasn't just Holla Forumsacks, those were also Trump people from /r/the_donald. Funny to see you Holla Forums guys try to do your Italians/Irish aren't white shtick though.

that's not "first day on Holla Forums", that's grand majority of Holla Forums…

what if you take a ton of loads from black dick, thus filling you with white?
sorry i don't have a picture :^(

What a surprise.

No… i mean yes.

Whole lotta (1)s in this thread.


Sigh . . . fucking Holla Forums and Holla Forums. And here we are discussing this drama and like faggots that you guys are, crept in from your hugbox lair and try to derail this shit. It is a matter of time before Holla Forums that browses here sometime smells blood on the water and join the party.


Also, Destiny is on record telling one of his friends, who was suicidal at the time, to go kill himself if he wanted to (which he did) and he was also planning to murder a dude and his family because they DDOSed him.

Poster child for leftism basically, low T manlet and emotionally stunted faggot that goes around pretending he's smart.

Jon gets shitcanned for telling the truth, while this vile little rat goes on unpunished.

Tell that to the Kickstarter donors who backed successful campaigns which nonetheless failed to deliver any product at all. KS has no financial recourse by design. It pushes the financial risk onto consumers while shielding KS and campaign creators from virtually all liability.

Post yfw you didnt back this

mfw I did and this is my rape revenge face

keep telling yourself that

do a charge back, m8

It's one of those things where they clearly have more influence than Holla Forumsirgins give them credit for if pressure from them can result in a decision that could potentially screw them like this one.

They're a British based company, refunds and the like favor the consumer heavily. You'll be able to charge back easily.

I think it has more to do with like liking like. Leftist cucks listening to other leftist cucks because they are leftist cucks.

They did it because the devs and NeoGaf agree ideologically.


As soon as it becomes inconvenient to attach the name to themselves, it becomes cuckchan's problem

Why dont you watch it instead of getting seconhand comments?

What does cuckchan think of this? They make up more numbers than us, so hopefully we're on the same page.

neofag doesn't have influence, the fear does. one of the cornerstones of leftist ideology is transcending labels based off of fear of being labeled. most leftists don't believe or act on the shit they spew unless it's done to put on a public face and receive GBP.

Does it really matter where the company is based? I paid through Kickstarter, and that was over a year ago.

Anti-whiteness is even itself a surface problem. Leftism glorifies weakness, failure, and mediocrity. It's the ideology of >degeneracy.

White people can into civilization and productivity, which is oppressive, s o white people are oppressive.

Webm or piss off.


You might be right. It would certainly explain why they also hate on Japan so much. I guess it's an externalization of their self-loathing and inferiority complex.

I don't doubt there's virtue-signaling involved and they're aware of the NeoGAF audience (hell NeoGAF is a big enough name/has enough of a reputation that they're known for that behavior and virtue signaling is the reason behind this whole mess in the first place) but Playtonic strikes me as competent enough to not fold the cards like this unless they're getting a lot of pressure to do so.

Despite the shitposting they generally are on the same page on a lot of stuff. It's still Holla Forums over there, just one without Mark's weird board-compressing rules, a hell of a lot faster and with way more shitposting as a result of the faster pace. Age-old cry of "Holla Forums with video games"

Also when did Egoraptor make anti-semetic comments? I know what you mean, but to my knowledge he hasn't had any SJW controversy, yet. We can do better.

not enough chins tbh


You mean competent like their publisher that is actively busy insulting anyone that wants a refund? You mean competent enough to actively shit on a guy with 3+ million subscribers because some internet shithole that has been blacklisted everywhere whines at them? Competent enough to start a shitstorm over nothing three week before the game launches?

Don't you mean ebaumsworld?

smfh tbh, there is a metokur video explaining everything

I wouldn't have a had a problem with them cutting Jontron. I get it, your all a bunch of commie faggots and speaking non-words and thinking non-thoughts are crimes to you. But when JonTron is nothing but polite to you and you still go out of the way to shit on him and his fans then basically do a "NA NA NA NA POO-POO I GOT YOUR MONEY HA HA HAHA" to your backers, you can go fuck yourself.

Metokur does a good recap.

[sodokus autistically]

Which is why this is the second or third time I've mentioned a hell of a lot of pressure being involved. This is the first inkling I've heard of any such leanings on the part of Yooka Laylee staff and the retardation involved has hit critical mass in no time. It's weird.

i dunno, all i know is that your kickstarter account gets banned in doing a charge back.

You'd be better off gambling than backing a project if they conduct their business like that.


What happened to the asian titties he cucked himself for anyway?

It's not really weird. Jon was a (former) friend and colleague, so his "betrayal" must have had that bitter touch of the personal, and knowing leftists are all cretins, they must have gotten extremely butthurt about it and lashed out in the most petty way they knew how.

Remember, leftists operate on emotions, not logic. As for why now and not before, no real reason, leftists get triggered over the most mundane shit, and since they're mentally ill they tend to explore at the most random moments.

So theyre basically red barrels



I don't think Ego did. I think he is too busy sucking his girlfriends penis and making autistic cartoons about "i wub my gwurlfwend sooooo much".


Is that like "my wife's son"? Is she a tranny, or does she just have a gigantic clit?
Really makes you think.

Le sigh

They're white as the driven snow

according to this pic, Poles and Czechs are the only true whites. I am okay with this.

Juda-Gayly was gonna flop even before this shit, it looks boring as fuck, only some weird adults are going to care, won't be on the radar for most, teens and kids don't have any nostalgia for this game type. If it was an actually good game it might have done OK through word of mouth but it looks like a cobbled together student project in jewnity.

Top tier

She looks like a male alien in a wig from another planet.
Based on the recent Mass Effect shitstorm, I would say the Andromeda galaxy.

both poles and czechs are based, so you might be right
t. pole

White or (((white)))?

They're still together I guess. Jayde is kill from social media afaik.

For one you're actually going to have Poles and Czechs speaking favorably of their own people.

White guilt type, so pretty white.

"No you don't understand everyone is going to love Knack"

Urbanites were a mistake.

wait, a, second,
these angry anime faces, aren#t they actually the socjus journos? I remember back in time, befor GG happen, Leigh itself had an angry anime face for her twitter account. And of cause all the shitposting befor gg happened on twitter were from anime faces too. Does that mean, all these non-informed devs think that these anime faces actually represent the triollsß Shouldn't someone tell them that these guys are actually the sjw jounros?

Oh you

Post the webm, please.

Is the site currently fucking slow for anyone else? Certain images won't load either.

Logic has no place. Besides both sides are co-opting each other. Snowflakes, triggered, synthwave, some other shit. It's all meaningless.

Yuppies were a mistake.

No shit? Of course I'm not going to post like a nigger. The whole point of Holla Forums is to post unironically about shit that's hilariously. Fun part is that you never know who's who and what's right. I would try on int and lefty but it's boring there and it's mostly /cow/ tier.

but there isnt anything wrong with zoophilia or pedophilia



Secondhand info is always unreliable and garbage.

Holy sheeit, didn't know the happening went so far, who the fuck would ever do this shit? In open forum? on twatter? How fucking braindead has team17 to be to do this idiotic stunt?

t. furfag

that's not hot user


The MSM is currently attacking all major youtubers and New Media, starting at the top and working their way down. There's been a string of smear campaigns and hit pieces on many of them over the past few weeks, and it's just intensifying. This was absolutely done at their behest.
Google also recently cut a deal with major TV networks to start censoring all objectionable material that isn't "advertiser friendly", which means they've been silently adding every single channel with right-leaning views to a shadow-purgatory where they won't even show up if you search for their channels, and if you enter the channel URL directly it tells you it has zero videos.

Shit's fucked. The MSM is salting the earth in its death throes.

no bait here user

poor pupper never stood a chance.

Just report and ignore shitposting, user, its not THAT hard.

All they're doing is making it easier and easier for a competitor to YouTube to appear.

Which is sorely needed right now.

There is so much evil in this world.

Startup and hosting costs for such a site would be astronomical. IIRC YouTube didn't turn a profit for fucking years.

Where the fuck did my quote go?

For a while it seemed like PewDiePie might do it after the controversy, maybe there is such a project on the drawing board. But I think its a pipedream.

But if anyone could do it, PewDiePie would be the one who could kill Youtube.

Man. I get so triggered by Destiny. I hate these "debates". It always seem like Destiny's outlook on things is always:

If you're not trying very hard to mediate the discussion, it just devolves into shit; because that's what Destiny wants it to devolve into.

PDP could easily be take in as a sponsor for the new platform. Even if half his fans follow after him that's already 25 million people.

He is just copying FilthyFrank now, not gonna happen.

Well he is a brainwashed useful idiot.

Yeah exactly my thought. He is in the perfect position to do it. Whether he is doing it or not is another thing. I don't really think he is, though. It was just a passing thought I had once.

i don't expect you to grow a brain and articulate your own thoughts and opinions overnight but you can at the very least learn to webm you gigantic newfags or fuck off back to >>>/4chan/ were you belong

wut the fuck is life even anymore? none of this shit makes sense.

Maybe I'll stop being retarded and get it right this time.

DMCAs aside, Youtube has a huge repository of bullshit from over the years. Making a competitor to Youtube wouldn't just be a financial hurdle, it'd be a content hurdle too. And even if you wanted to stick it to Google, anyone interested in moving over would, at a minimum, have to
Which would be an astronomical time and resource sink for zero gain other than principle.

Neofag bans everyone who isn't in their line of thinking as fast as possible.
Not too long and you'll only have a handful users with multiple accounts replying to each other left.

kikestarter is a donation. No big company had any faith in the revenue model actually working because none of them believed that customers could actually be that stupid. They were wrong.

when did you migrate? don't give a single fuck other than curiousity with who posts like this


Most of these are just people shitposting so that "le outrage culture" faggots can screencap them and post them to tumblr/twitter/reddit/etc for a cheap circlejerk.

Your picture and your argumeny do not match.

fuck team17,


Thanks Holla Forums, you saved the internet from the evil racists yet again.

Fuck I almost gave them money buying the new Worms. Dodged a bullet.

It's full of delusional manchildren who are
totally going to get into the industry
and that entails subjecting themselves to the most sterile and safe corporate attitudes you can have despite not actually being employed.
If they can just prove they care about niggers and faggots and cunts some EA executives are gonna sweep them off their feet and fuck them right

that name reminds me of Lanky Kong for some reason

i'm a native now fuck off you halfbreed bogtrotter mongrel before i make lunch out of you


native as in pre 5 guys & GG? never been to half?

You getting the mehmeh wrong, newfag.

Not even.

I think-a you're a faggot.

you sure showed him


He's still with his Yoko

I don't think that it was because they didn't think people would be that stupid but more because the masses are stupid enough to do something stupid and then want your head when it all falls to shit

EA and Ubisoft probably make money on the side by selling data on how much you can fuck with people and they just accept it. It really wouldn't matter to them, they basically just steal from people already. A lot of smaller and medium companies just do kikestarter after kikestarter now no matter how much revenue they make from each project, because it's like a bunch of free money you get for zero effort just because you announced you're making something. Why risk their own money?

Take a closer look at that snout!


mighty how have imageboards fallen






man, what a happening. This is what happens when a socjus doesnt like you. More happenings like this and sjw are dead by next year or fucking daughters becomes a new standard.

I was playing Minecraft with my autistic brother the other day and I realized that there's a callout to Holla Forums on the title screen that can randomly pop-up, I never play that shit so everyone already probably knows that. Also, it's obviously cuck/v/.

native as in i know better than to ask these things on an anonymous basket weaving board on the internet


Holla Forums was all over that shit back in the day when it was just a simple sandbox so it makes sense

Fuck off, cuck.

The early stages were pretty much built listening to Holla Forumss opinion, the early alpha funding too.
on that note,

reverse sage

Every thread.

theory proven yet again. thanks for your time, purebro.

No, it's an investment.

If it were a donation, then it'd be tax refundable.

That's just a technicality based on whether an organisation is a registered charity or not, if you give your money to a kikestarter you're just donating it to them with the loose understanding that if something actually materialises maybe they will send it to you. You might as well flush your money down the toilet then sue the toilet.

where do you think you are?

flush your money into my pants. I'll give you a cute lapdance and let you look into my hairy tussy :3


Except one of them will get you fucking jailed for lying on a tax return.

No form of contract whatsoever? Don't it entails some basic consumer rights? At all?

Here in europe there are laws, also the reason why steam added their refund function

ITT people learning what kickstarter is

oh, user. you're as funny as the thread.

i want to lick your eyeball

Kickstarter is an investment platform. It's not a store where a typical transaction, so it doesn't have usual consumer protections.


There is literally nothing wrong with incest

So you guys already got scammed and shat on, you already lost your money, why not some joint legal complain? Why not go to the bottom of this?
Why not sue them?

I need someone to explain to me why people still give money.

also a reminder that Kickstarter wasn't jewing people hard enough, so Mr Shitface set up his company to do it harder.

Nope, because you don't purchase anything through kickstarter. You donate/gift. The backer rewards you receive are also gifts. You are not a consumer with kickstarter, therefore you do not have the rights as such, because there was no buying/selling of anything. Look into your country's laws about getting refunds on gifts you willingly gave someone, because that is what the circumstance is.

Except the fact that if you have offsprings that way they'll most likely be fucking retarded.
If thats not a clear sign from nature of "dont do this shit" then I dont know what is.
Just because it gets your peepee hard doesnt mean its right.

Marketing. Hype. Tribe culture, etc.

I'd probably cuck out for dem titties too, TBH.

Feels bretty gud

They fork over the cash as a knee-jerk reaction to being whispered a bunch of sweet sounding promises. It makes them feel like they are helping make it happen.

Oh… so it's a case of "Thanks for the money cislords"
Perfect execution i must admit.

I only gave money to 3 kikestarters and I wasn't disappointed by any of them

what the fuck happened to reals over feels? it happened over like 1 generation.


I gave money to the bob's game one and he delivered

The ones behind Worms? Them too?! Fuck, what's even happening anymore?

i am the anti sage

I am the chair

user, there is timer on a kickstarter page. And if you don't fund it before then, there will be things you do not get.
Never underestimate the effect a countdown has on the human brain.

I don't remember, did he only promise the game called "bob's game" within the game that is "bob's game"? Because that's what he delivered, but never the "bob's game" that he showed demos off and said he had finished and just needed official publishing tools for.


I'm sure at least 25% of us are really white.


i need to hurt everyone in this thread right now. all at once.

I'm Polish, does that count?

My dad and grandad used to hustle pool/poker and scam, but once they got busted they had to move. These faggots just sit there and openly laugh and people just keep throwing money. Add in that we're the most attached to the rest of society we've ever been in recorded history.

It's beyond stupidity. It's like we're trained to succumb to psychological tricks like Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it makes me fucking depressed.

It might. I think for the most part you need to be a WASP.



Is this how applying Marxist to game development works?

least i got dubs.

t. Argentinian

Indeed, the entire board is a big joke since learningkike's in charge and he enforces the joke

Alright anons its obvious our plan of attack isn't working. Now we need to try a new tactic in this circumstance, we must resort to the tactics of those that the left love.

We have to gang rape someone


So, Twitter?

we cant gangrape anyone at yooka laylee they are inclusive. they like that stuff.

i think that videos need to be uploaded of people breaking their copies IF they cant get a refund.

You'd like to think that.
Holla Forums is right about some things, but they fail to realize they'll never have their perfect utopia where everyone who isn't white is hanging.

The most they can hope for is wiping out the jews and then getting along with everyone else. Because I'd hate to say it, the more jews you add to a solution the worse the problem gets.

Pic related.

Pic related.

My money is that you jokers pick the tranny on their team as a target.


Just trash the game in the review section of steam once out, limit the amount of money they can get by convincing people not to buy. They'll understand THIS.

What, why? You paid for it, you might as well keep it.
They have your money, they don't care.

That's actually a myth.
I mean I don't think incest is right but the interbreeding thing takes a couple of generations before its a problem.

if you fucked your mom, or fucked your sister your kid would come out alright.
but if you then fucked your kid, and your kids kid.
Then there would be some problems.

White is not a race. What you mean to ask if there are people of European stock. There is.

I'd be happy with them just sticking to their nations and not raping, murdering or displacing Europeans.

Foolish user, you don't plan a rape its a spur of the moment thing. Thats how a successful rape is done

Context. He said "Noooooooooooooo!" in response to shitposting about a children's show specifically addressed to him.

yeah i made a mistake. i knew mn9 was ganna be shit but yooka failee how could they fuck it up i thought. how could they choose to get into politics with over 20 years of experience being game devs i thought. I was wrong and ill never pay for games again, im just laying down playing wind waker now…

destiny pls go

Is Destiny so confused about incest because he is the product of it?

I miss when Holla Forums put videogames before internet celebrities.

I miss when developer actually made games and didn't feel the need to prove how cucked they are to everyone.

I miss when videogames put fun before political correctness.

i miss when developers making good games mattered more than them shitposting and btfoing sjws on twitter

I really feel like this user right now. internet celebrities dont really make games. they only comment on them.

Man, we've had about half a dozen threads about a shitty platformer from a bunch of progressive nobodies.
Imagine if those threads were about good games.


I want to fuck a smug android

Only in two dimensions tho.

Hey wait a minute if the files for Anton are open source then why the hell hasn't someone taken the models and just made like 4 easy platformer levels with them?

is Macbat 64 cucked?

A foold and his money are soon parted.

After reading the steam forums I agree with them now, diversity is a top priority and their game, no every game, should have forced we wuz kangz proud space egyptians inclusion. Especially if it doesn't make sense because acknowledging that would be racist.

What did he mean by this


Why tho?

I gave 20$ to Shenmue
I believe in Yu


It's all percentage chances actually. The closer the DNA the higher chance recessive "bad genes" will pair and be expressed. So you could have a direct relation inbred child without problem but fug your second cousin and there is still a (far lower) chance that it could get problems. It's also very much affected by the existing genetic variation of the parents. For example, the children of slav/jap parents could inbreed and have virtually no chance of complication, whereas distantly related Icelanders with such a small pool of genetic variation could easily suffer the effects of "inbreeding", despite not even being cousins.

Wanna know how much I did?

Fun fact: Because Team17 are based in the UK and the game isn't out yet, every single backer has the right to a full refund.

Consider it forever gone and wasted.

I backed Tides of Nu-men era back in 2012
Fucking kill me

What do they gain from having a thread about their game on this place?

You gave $20 to SONY? Fucking stupid cunt.

What happened to that yogcast adventure kickstarter?

They actually lost more fucking sales since this came to light, no one is gonna fucking buy it just because people make threads about it.

Sonic mania and Forces will save platformers.
Sega and it's memer will never cuck out.


Yu Suzuki has never let me down.

I owe it to my childhood friend who died from cancer literally a month before the announcement, only thing he ever dreamed of was finishing the story ever since he first played the game 15 years ago


IIRC they pretty much took the money, canceled the game, and got off scot free because their fans are 12 year olds who were getting the money from mom and pop anyway

That's good. The more people who pirate Yooka-Laylee the better. It may still turn out to be a good game, which is even more of a shame

You memed me well. It's a bit of regret.

The reddit guy was making fun of people who were saying they wouldn't support Playtonic anymore for removing Jon. Grant posted that as a jab at Jontron

I don't even care that it's a kickstarter game. I loved the Rare platform games as a kid, and wanted their to be a good collectathon Banjo Kazooie type game since the gamecube era. It really sucks that they had to fuck up this bad in such a minuscule way.

Sony doesn't get any money for shenmue III. They just did a deal that the only console version could be on the PS4 in exchange for PS4 dev kits and minor advertising for the PS4 version. The only money they'll end up getting from Shenmue III is when the game is fully releases and take their licensing cut for selling games on their platform.

Go back to >>>Holla Forums

Who needs their game when you can buy the official chillblastâ„¢and yogcastâ„¢ pc rig for all you EPIC minecraftâ„¢ needs!

my image folder is empty on this computer


Still stupid. You should have donated the $20 to cancer research, not to a fucking gook-kike company.

Steam refunds are valid for how long? This game was pitched 2 years ago and Kikestarter says they don't refund people

Does anyone have a clip of what he said?

So, by financing it, you're indirectly financing Sony, a company that has enough money to throw at Shenmue if they wanted.

By buying anything multiplat you are indirectly giving sony money

you can cancel a preorder whenever. If you extra money lying around buy 3 copies, than refund them to fuck with them

He brought up the statistic that black people who make more than 100,000 dollars a year are more likely to commit murder than a poor white guy. People took it as him saying, "black people are murderers no matter what social class." It's a misleading statistic. It's like the wage gap.

What is the misleading part?

People took at as him saying that blacks have a crime gene. Facts and statistics are racist afterall.

They do, it's called being a nigger.

Jim also got lured into a debate with Destiny, which ended up with great Destiny quotes such as:


Holla Forums Holla Forums is almost 100% white pretty clearly, but yeah if you look at 4chan Holla Forums it's more like a LARPing forum for nonwhites who admire white 1700's Libertarianism.

cheese in the lasagna

Most black people that make that much money are professional athletes(doesn't take much intelligence to be a football star), and the black population in and of itself is smaller than that of
white people, so the amount of black people who make that much money is miniscule

lel edgy


>The dev and the publisher both went full Dina

That means you know what source he was using, which one was it? Because the FBI lists per 100000 so that one is not it

it was always going to be shit

All these faggots on the forums saying the "ebil right wingers" are being snowflakes. Fuck me, people disagree with a game companies decision, ask for a refund, and get censored, and people are upset when the people who wanted refunds lash out? Jon's not even fucking white.



I'm not using sources, this is all on memory.

Consumer rights implies there is a product. With Kickstarter, there isn't. Their product is intangible hope. You're just throwing money at the potential of a future product without any of the usual protections in place for normal investing or tax benefits associated with charitable giving. It's a very clever scam that KS profits from with zero risk or effort. They basically sell hype then skim their percentage off whoever manages to have the best marketing pitch.

Steam refunds are only valid for purchases directly through Steam. If you activate a third-party key, i.e. Humble Bundle, Kickstarter, basically a code from anywhere, Steam will not refund it because they didn't handle the monetary transaction.

It really seemed like they were banking on people looking forward to this game to just roll over since they have fuck all to look forward to in terms of collectathon platformers but they forgot that these people went 20ish years without any so they can sure as shit go without one more.


Ok so the amount of black people that have a lot of money are miniscule and still commit more crime than poor whites. You think this was percentage based? Shit registered is actual numbers, not percentages

only about 4 million african americans make more than 6 figures, so the actual amount of murdererous deep pocketed jigaboos is still pretty small.

Cucks belong in Holla Forums. Tell your BO that Mike Brown is a nigging nigger.

And then there's the ones that dont get caught. You can't catch every criminal.

It's likely much worse with niggers and their "snitches get stitches" culture. I also heard that the rate of inbreeding among nigger communities is off the charts because sheboons are so promiscuous and shit out so many children by so many different fathers, and since almost no nigger ever leaves the ghetto you have whole generations of half-siblings fucking each other because they have no idea they're related to each other (not that that would stop them).

I'm just bad at math.

ykno whats kinda gay,
pewdiepie made a game and didnt remove any body for their political beliefs.


To be fair, Jon's a shitty debater and he let himself get flustered by Destiny's scummy tactics. If I wouldn't know any better I would've chalked it up as a win for Destiny too.

Since you admit it yourself from now on when discussing niggers always assume the worst possible outcome, and even when you do nothing you imagine can come close to the reality of the coon.

Black people are all the result of inbreeding if the Curse of Ham is real, that could only explain the abysmal IQ in Africa and in blacks.

Team17 was scottish and made worms when in university.

so, it is ok to fuck my daughter then?

That's it, I'm becoming a youtuber.

Yeah, but Jon was basically ambushed. He wasn't expecting a debate on racial truths.

Watch Destiny get steamrolled by the Cuck of Akkad, Naked Ape or IA. He's a sleazy little cuck that will always sperg out the moment you actually prove him wrong.

I was talking about the debate from a perspective of someone who doesn't know much about Destiny, user. I didn't say that's what I actually think.


Why did she do this?

Yes, I've seen those debates and I know Destiny can't debate worth shit either. That's why he uses scummy tactics to overpower the opposition but it completely backfires on him when he does go up against someone competent in debating.

Gimmie your link.

id/stary please upvote

me too, i know jackshit about this triggerd shit head. He seems to me like an shitty autristic guy who cant stop speaking bs.

but make sure to comment, like and subscribe!

Jon was a dumb fuck, fell for Destiny's trap and dropped all his spaghetti. Still, there was no reason for Playtonic to make a fuss about it and virtue signal at the same time. They could've simply said the company don't share the same opinions and that's it. They also went on and blocked and mocked those who didn't agreed with their stance. They did what they did because Neofags and journos fed them all those hitpieces attacking Jon and they felt like they would get some more favorable reviews if they made it an spectacle

Filename makes me think because they don't take EBT

Maybe, but that doesn't mean I could have hope for it to not be garbage. Once again, God has abandoned us in our time of need.

Nah, you already know more than the average person because you don't get your info from shitty media outlets that are hellbent on ruining Jon's career.

Wouldn't Jewka-Kikey turning out to be a good game but crashing and burning because of the dev's social signalling be the best possible outcome?
It would send the message that SJW shit is the reason it failed.
Plus if it's good you can always yarhar it.

He is just a funny fat e-celeb. I believe he dont even know how to debate or keep discussion not about videogames.

pic related

that would be the ideal outcome but it won't happen

The guy has three million fans and the situation in vidya is already tense enough.

What the fuck did these cretins think was going to happen?

And this is a reason for destroying local store?

from the previews it looks like Nuts and Bolts without the vehicles.

God died the moment gays are legal.

yeah, he killed himself


According to your own image only 1.6% of them make over $200k, and there's only 39 million blacks in America. There's no way 4 million of them earn 6+ figures, if only 620k of them earn 200k+.

Yes yes, now go back to cuckchan, since you're clearly from there and have never been to Holla Forums Holla Forums which is a white board.

I had high hopes for it. It was one of the few games I was looking forward to this year.

Yeah, I agree with you, fellow Holla Forums. Fucking niggers reee.

He revealed his power level in public, kikes should be thankful he didn't name them. He isn't an autist, he's just been to Holla Forums.


Some retarded with a "LOL WEED XD" joke in his name got triggered at me spamming the skooks copy pasta and called me a goon.

So I went to his profile and spruced it up. He still hasn't answered me back as to the whereabouts of the caveman

Are the forums still in hell? I mean this is day 3 now.

How do you fuck up PR THIS bad, and so close to launch? And they were so close to being scot free too.

How is JonTron getting removed from Y-L different from Alison Rapp getting removed from Nintendo? Is it because Nintendo is already expected to be SJW-friendly, but this is Playtonic's first foray into political territory?

Aliosn Rapp being a prostitute, pimp and pedophilia enabler? Or is Holla Forums this retarded?

Alison Rapp got fired for breaking her contract by working a second job, which also happened to be prostituting herself and her husband. Jontron did not break any contract we know of, and was removed purely because they didn't like something he said despite the fact that he was a pretty big source of publicity for them. I guess he technically still is one, just in a different way.
Rapp was not fired because Nintendo is SJWs, quite the opposite.

Not Holla Forums. Just a point someone brought up in a discussion elsewhere and I couldn't think of a proper difference/counter until my drive home today. Pointing out that Rapp is a prostitute and pedophile isn't going to be convincing when the other guy thinks Jon is a racist. They're going to think they're both bad things and so you have to be outraged at both person's removal or neither.

Being a pedophile and prostitute was just the cherry on top, she got fired for breaking company policy pure and simple.

Jontron wasn't an employ of Playtonic, let alone part of the PR department, at any point so nothing he said could possibly be considered to reflect the opinions of Playtonic staff, unlike Allison.

You really see no difference between a woman whoring herself out and her husband and a dude pointing out that niggers nig?

Your mistake is assuming arguing with leftist is about convincing them. You argue with them to make sure everyone around you sees how batshit insane they are.

Leftists see nothing wrong with whoring yourself out for money. That's empowerment to them.

I like this response, but I expect it to be dismissed by saying the contract removal was a convenient excuse to cover up the "real" reason of being pressured by people who hated her and dug up stuff from her past. There's so such convenient breach of contract though in Jon's case. Would a voice role carry such a thing anyways?

She was being a whore while working for Nintendo. Same with her "husband".

IIRC Jon wasn't being paid, he considered it a privilege to be part of the game because he's a big fan of the original game.

I see the difference. The person on the other side won't.

The person on the other side won't.
It doesn't matter. You're not trying to convince the leftist, there is no point in doing that because they will never see it your way. Your real audience is the silent majority. It's them you're trying to show how batshit insane the left really is.

If Playtonic was going to say anything on this matter initially, this would have been the way to do it.

It's pretty obvious they don't care about what anyone outside of the SJW yuppiecrew thinks of them.

They will once their bottom line starts to suffer. Then they'll start to whine about haters and toxic culture and goobergaymers and all that other shit.



Oh hey I get to post this again

Sort of related, any of you niggers remember this piece of shit? It's been five fucking years and it's still not out.

last I heard some dumb drama happened and the lead developer left. this was back in like 2014 though so no clue how it is now.

apparently Austin hates Jon now.
when the fuck did this happen? Weren't they on NormalBoots together or something?

the game was kickstarted so the money they spent on development is already back in their pockets and any pre-orders/sales they've made since then is only profit plus anything lost from this controversy will be gained back by later sales when it eventually dies down , so their short term goal is more or less met. Any real effect or long term damage, if any at all , will be shown in any of their future games they may or may not develop

unless of course they are that incompetent with handling money that they managed to fuck up their short term gains as well mishandling money and spending what they never had , which i doubt because Team17 have been around for a while now

sure wouldn't be the first time.

Don't worry, no charge for him

oh and supposedly Jon got abused by his parents.


It was at PAX this year with a supposedly final build

Rapp got fired for being a prostitute while working as PR for Nintendo, You think that goes for the child friendly thing Nintendo has going on?

technically false. it was, on paper, for doing photoshoots featuring nintendo products. something like covering tits with 3ds's.

It was for moonlighting on the side.

Because he's a copyright troll that'll DMCA anyone to dox them, right Destiny?

Anyone who doesn't webm Destiny at this point is a heretic that wants good goy points

Dude that video isn't his account.

That's a heartwarming video. Really shows how the autists are just normal people like you and me.

I gave John K $20 to make a cartoon. Now I realize why Nickelodeon canned his sorry ass.

Not sure how I feel about this style change from the original Layton games.

I crossreferenced Naked Ape's video to show Destiny's awareness of doxxing, not because I thought Naked Ape and Destiny were one and the same.

He recently tried copyright trolling Sargon of Akkad by taking down his videos, and trying to solicit his phone number through YouTube's counter claim system. Bastard boasted that he sent them himself on Twitter, then goaded Sargon to send it.

Recent activity on Destiny's Twitter that Jontron's gangbang was what he needed for a new audience, and grooming them with videos such as "how can I make esportsbucks on Twitch"? This is the biggest cuck of all the e-celebs, and the best remedy is archives and webms, no doubt.

Is this Destiny faggot autistic or something? I saw some recordings of him and he swings his head around in wide arcs when other people are speaking. He also talks like Yhatzee but without a script

he's happily divorced and would be content with addressing his child as his wife's kid
not to mention the statement he made about incest, this guy is fucking bonkers, cucked beyond return

Oh the
That's fugged

I gave money to one.

Turned out okay I guess. Not gonna do it again though.


Holy kek


>>>/cuckchan/ if you like it there so much.

Yes user, it's all a joke.

A donation doesn't have to be tax deductible to be considered a donation. A Kickstarter pledge can be considered a gift or donation, but most definitely not an investment, which would imply the purchasing of an asset that you expect to appreciate in value.

Does 7/8 count?
the 1/8 is the result of yellow fever and i don't even know which country

That story is old as goofballs

I could have sworn it said "i hate anime"

Yeah, they actually founded NormalBoots and now Austin hates Jon so much that he publicly declares it.
Jon is always such a fucking polite and genuine faggot in everything I see of him, I have a hard time believing that this is could be anything but Austin's fault. Same with Egoraptor going full jew and screwing him over. Now he's getting shat on by Playtontic. Jon just gets ass-fucked at the end of every partnership he's in.



Maybe God just hates degenerate morons.

If god didnt want assplay, he wouldnt have given men prostates, but if you're really gonna go down that road, why not completely swear off fapping and non-procreative sex?

Alcohol isn't nearly as unhealthy as homosexuality.
Yeah, it's pretty bad for you, in between alcohol and faggotry. Try to avoid it.
In an ideal world premarital and extramarital sex would still be looked down upon. Even so, heterosexual sex > homosexual sex; you can plow a new chick every night and never get GRIDS.


Alcohol in small quantities is healthier than not drinking any, especially red wine. Anything is poisonous in a large enough quantity. You appear to have no idea how chemistry works.

I agree. Only degenerates use sex for gratification.

Wow how surprising, his parents who are race mixers and one of them is a Persian/Arab mongrel are lunatics. Who would have thought.
No wonder Jon is getting redpilled, he's had to suffer two insufferable leftist cunts all his life.

Many things could've gone wrong with that one. It helped that it was a niche IP that stayed out of the Perpetually Offended Radar for the most part.


Besides, you don't need to be white to be conservative but it helps


Wizard confirmed.

On a technical note alcohol *is* actually poison, and being inebriated is an after effect of your liver removing the toxins from your bloodstream? I'm pretty sure.. But don't worry, the human body can withstand it in small quantities so only something like ethanol would thoroughly kill you.

He should have said asians (Asian is the American word for orientals). Poor asians commit even less crime than other races.

Like if your going to have a discussion over IQ, reference the Han Chinese as the highest IQ group which enjoy all the benefits of high intelligence such as success in business, science, academia and a peaceful orderly society.
That way they cant play the racism card and say you are only arguing that because its your own race.

PS I know Jon is persian but to SJWs its all about what you look like externally.

Asians are irrelevant to the usa, though. It's a white country. (should be :( )

no he didn't?
he was responding to a joke with a joke-ish "noo"
how do you construe that as a jab at jontron?