Post YFW you didn't fall for the kikestarter meme
Post YFW you didn't fall for the kikestarter meme
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What did they say about it specifically?
Is this shit even out yet? If so shame on OP for not providing a KAT link.
I'm waiting for all the reviews to come in, but from what i've heard about the game, I don't think it sounds that good.
Basically the issues some people are having is that the game plays exactly like a game from the 90's would, with every dated mechanic and everything. the graphics are cleaner though
Only seen one for Xbone but that it performs like shit to the point the game just stops.
This is from the PC gamer review. This is not a staged screenshot, it's actually the camera as you go up a slope in a narrow hallway. this makes SA1/2's camera look pretty good
Camera is ass.
Do they still have the 'hold R to put the camera behind you' mechanic that the original B&K did or did they leave that out?
Banjo Kazooie wasn't really all that good in the first place. Collect-a-thon gameplay is no longer novel or new and is actually played out after decades of ubishit open worlds.
Making this kind of game in our futuristic year of CY+2 with shitty controls, camera, and performance is a death sentence.
You're right actually, I was thinking of 06
On a side note, there are some games that were good, such as Undertale (regardless of the fanbase the game was nice), Shovel Knight, Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight but holy shit, so many others were just a void of money and so many more still are.
It's incredible how people will just waste their hard earned cash on bullshit like that.
Then again, I barely understand what drives a man to pay fifty bucks for a picture of their OC fucking another OC so maybe it's just me being out of touch.
Spyro with the automatic camera mode is the only third-person 3d collect-a-thon with a good camera that you don't have to wrestle with.
it has way more pointless padding and voice acting than any 90s platformer did. okay, maybe not more than PoP3D but still.
Who could have seen this one coming?
I have never once backed a kickstarter, feels great.
And keep in mind you have to shave off about 10-20 points off the average Metacritic score to get an accurate reading.
Getting a 6 or 7 is a polite way of saying your game is complete shit.
Spyro was always the superior franchise.
The amount of bullshit on kickstarter far outweighs the good games. Unless you've actually got a ton of disposable income, there's no reason to gamble with your money like that.
There's no reason to gamble ever, there's enough suckers out there that can do it for you, and if by some miracle a kikestarter game ends up not being shit they you can just pirate it or buy it when there's a sale.
Damn what a mess, it's almost looking as bad as Mighty Number 9.
I'm surprised, supposed to be ex-Rare staff working on this. They were probably interns at the time while the real devs were working.
In my head canon it the blame goes to the diversity hire.
No, they're the real deal. I guess it's just that they're
They're all white. Every single one of them
There's two females user
Don't you know females aren't white? :^)
I'm glad kickstarter exist.
Okay yes sure, the cancer, the people getting money for fuckall. etc etc.
But for me?
This is great.
For example, Hollow Knight?
Shit man, that was TONS of fun. I enjoyed myself for 24 hours, got 93%, true ending, called it a day and jacked off satisfied.
I payed a grand total of… nothing!
And the best part, for every scam, for every bad title… people get smarter.
Sure maybe not right away but eventually they will get tired to get scammed, eventually they will grow, they will learn to be responsible adults.
Seriously, people don't grow anymore because they never get "hurt", kickstarter is the perfect medium to have people touch that cleansing fire they so desperatly need.
Regardless, for me this is a win/win situation.
It's a scam? I get to laugh at the idiots that funded it.
It's not a scam? I get a nice new game to play.
"its like pottery" - Stanley Kubrik
Leftism is a mental illness.
Reviews are all over the place at the moment. A few places have given it a 9/10 but the majority are giving it a 6 or 7 out of 10. Jim Sterling gave it a 2/10 but it seems like he's just being exceedingly harsh for clickbait.
Most of the reviews are saying the camera, combat, and level designs are shit. Others are saying the performance is bad too.
The PC Gamer review seems pretty fair if you want to read through it:
please use
it's too perfect
Sterling will do anything for the attention. I wouldn't place any stock in him
I love this little game.
I love Sumo, they're good developers.
Looks like they did Herr Jontron a favour. Tippity toppity kek.
What a surprise.
I suggest growing up and not bothering with kids games anymore.
New sonic and all stars racing game, when?
Either way if the reviewers are politely giving it a sub 7, it's trash beyond comprehension when the backers get it.
Playtonic is as dead as Comcept.
I'm probably gonna breakdown and buy this when it goes on sale.
He needs to publish those meme reviews so he can keep collecting Patreonbux for that fat hog that is his wife.
That's cool and all but when are we getting an All-Stars Racing Transformed 2?
It's funny, because I remember saying over a year ago that the videos they were releasing showed constant framerate drops, and I was accused of being a shill faggot for pointing that out here, and told that the game was going to be awesome and run great at release.
Pandering to SJWs really payed off!
Snake Pass looks fun. I might check it out because of your post alone, user.
Oh yeah, without a doubt I'm glad kickstarter exists, if for no other reason than to laugh at idiots that funded shit like this.
It's not out until next week, 11th, and I'm pretty sure it has Denuvo, but I need someone to fact check that for me.
He tried doing that to Sonic years ago and sega has been telling him to go fuck himself for years now.
Now this looks good, I'll check it out thanks user for bringing it to my attention.
Tried doing what? Give excessively bad reviews? Make them SJW?
Racin transformed was a fucking blessing and a crown jewel compared to MK8.
It ain't expensive either, falls under the $20 rule and even has time trials and such
ha ha ha ha ha
Maybe in normalfag circles, but i don't think actual anons ever fell for the kikestarter meme.
Giving "ironically" bad reviews and dry humping a Sonic plushie while screaming something like, "fuck me daddy, fuck my filthy ass vagina with your huge cock", not even joking.
Honestly the game looks like what I thought it would be, I don't understand why people are surprised. Maybe they should take off the nostalgia googles and realize primitive 3d games evolved past simple platforming for a reason. These games seemed a lot more fun because there was nothing else better. If Playtonic did everything 100% right they still would have failed, so every flaw in the game will be magnified and panned.
Even up until the JT thing, most anons were dickriding YL, and they certainly were a year ago.
God DAMN IGN scale. 5 is supposed to be average. Are there reviewers that aren't hacks?
Every time. It's a little disappointing, but any anticipation I had for the game died after all that shit with JonTron, so who gives a shit.
im pretty sure it doenst have de noovo
Fuck "a year ago", it was at least up until a month ago. 50% of anons were bringing it up in every "what games are you looking forward to in 2017" thread
Jim was always an attention whore. I find it cringy as fuck, but alot of people really like this guy.
Well, at least he's not as bad as Moviebob.
Don't let Kotaku hear you.
Anons are often worse than normalfags, they're fucking hipsters. We go through this every few fucking months. Tons of hype around a game and then everyone pretends not to like it anymore. You couldn't stop halfchan Holla Forums jerking off to Skyrim when it first came out. Everyone was in love with MN9. They couldn't get enough freedom planet and undertale.
He really is though.
crowbcat video when ?????
He 's worse than Moviebob.
found the newfaggot. Dian killed any hope anyone had for that game years before it came out.
did you just start with videogames this year?
50 has always been a shit rating, with everything below 50 being worthless trash. like final fantasy 9, smt nocturne or chakan the forever man.
There were anons looking forward to it the week before Jon got the boot.
I don't know why faggots here give a thought to anything except for gameplay videos and the final product. Anything before that is marketing.
Now, obligatory shilling for Snake Pass. It's so god damn comfy but I still can't get my controller to work on the pirated copy. I would buy it, but I'm out of shekels for this fortnight.
What gamepad?
Jim is bad, but compared to Moviebob, I have to ask, really?
Fun Fact:
The only good games Rare made was during the NES days and Killer Instinct series
Donkey Kong Country/Banjo/Conker etc was under strict, and I mean fucking STRICT quality control under Nintendo who often made them scrap whole parts/sections till they got shit right
This is why after being bought by Microsoft they were proven to be 100% shitty devs, the old Rare employees like to blame Microsoft for them going to shit, but they were already shit to begin with
The only reason Nintendo kept using them is while they absolutely fucking suck at game design, they are masters of wrangling every last iota of power out of game consoles
They're the best code monkeys around akin to Naughty Dog and Insomniac, but unlike the latter two companies they also know how to make fun games
Yes, that's the point I was trying to make. It has a DRM free release which will mean it will pop up for pirating as soon as the gog release unlocks
this is how you do viral marketing on Holla Forums
I actually might even buy this, fuck my wallet
Yes, really. Jim may not be a non-stop politisperg like Bob but he more than compensates for that with obnoxious attention whoring and his fat feminist wife, with whom he's in an open relationship.
They're both cancer. Send them both to the gas chamber
He gave Mad Max something like 3/10 because of lack of "female representation".
Because a devastated, post apocalyptic world is exactly the kind of place where women and girls are supposed to skip and jump and frolic in the open world.
Well, there's this picture of his "wife" and up to today I'm still not convinved that it isn't simply him with dyed hair and clothes for female whales.
So what's next on the list of Kekscammer Failures?
Donkey Kong and Banjo I'll give you, but I was under the impression Nintendo was mostly hands off with Conker considering it's M rated.
Honestly I constantly say this. Racing Transformed is better than MK8. It's not just the skill required to play, it's also the content in it.
not saying MK8 is bad, but imo they phoned in a lot of stuff. 'oh yeah anti gravity gameplay' barely added anything, and 'Gliders' are irrelevant
but… but… what about the n64 game in all the promo pics that isnt really a playable game/cartridge but is in fact a fucking memory stick shoved inside a gutted/re-stickered superman 64 cart?
This webm made me smile like an idiot
I think Shenmue 3 will turn out fine. Yu Suzuki has never made a bad game, the devs have been open from the start, every week they post both screenshots and videos of the game and give constant updates.
Generic USB Controller. It's by some company named Spartan, I think. Just a shitty $20 Xbox 360 knock off I bought in the interim as the other 2 360 controllers I had failed within 2 weeks of each other.
It supports Xinput and Dinput, but I can never get it to work on SteamRip games. Needs to be completely removed from Steam for it to detect.
>Infinity NEXT
I wish there was a site that had a list of all Kickstarters with their ETAs so you can easily see how many things are failing.
Dammit, I might play this from the post alone.
I wouldn't give him Banjo. Donkey Kong, yes, because that's Nintendo's property.
I think Nintendo interference in Conker extended to disallowing jokes about Pokemon and the KKK
what franchises you wanna see show up once more?
Have you tried using x360ce?
In fairness Shenmue 3 isn't being made with only $7 million, it wouldnt even be able to come close to anything prior titles have done if that were the case, I hear Sony also gave Yu Suzuki $32 million or something.
MK7 had the glider issue as well, where its ultimately just there for show.
The next big "crowdfunded throwback 3D platformer" is A Hat In Time; knowing who created it, drama and failure before release is guaranteed.
Is it really worth the feeling of guilty and shame you will inevitably feel when the devs run away with the money, or come out as Marxist cockroaches, or the game simply ends up being shit?
Forgot that existed.
It's not shilling.
I think the first time I saw it, where some user posted a thread with the intro trailer, was a shill thread, but everything since then has been genuine anons enjoy the comfiest game in years.
I spent 5 minutes sitting on the spawn pad changing my snakes face while giggling like a child, then invited by roommate to watch me do it for another 5.
Tried that. Chucked the .dll and .ini into the folder with the executable. Just doesn't want to work.
It might have some lingering thing with Steam going on, so I'll try adding the controller to Steam and see if the game detects it then.
Everyone buy or pirate Snake Pass on April 11. Just play it on that day if you can.
Imagine all the disgusting vore this game is going to inspire.
isn't that the game that originally had assets stolen from super mario sunshine and wind waker?
Original Phantasy Star and Streets of rage.
PS already has both the land and water vehicles in their games and i'm sure they could come up with something for flying and SoR was supposed to be in with Blaze driving the police car but was cut out because the game already had too many humanoid characters, THANKS DANICA PATRICK!
From what i understood, they have made the assets years ago and it is simply a matter of porting them to the new engine, so i guess they'll save a lot of money on that.
I have it on Steam for win7 but it bitched about the c++ redist and i installed it from the distribution files but it doesnt detect it
I'm well aware of how things have been commonly done. They certainly don't at all resemble what one could consider how things should be done. You would think that in so clearly visualizing a 65 as below average, it would occur to this guy that his scale is retarded and mend his error.
Hands off Noodle.
He's a vegetarian :^)
Maybe this sort of vore but anything else can be written off as heresy.
Tuba Croc had vore and scat porn involving the tuba, so there's that
They made the assets years ago for Shenmue 3?
Snakepass looks pretty comfy, will definetly check it out
Upcoming shows from "gaming" """""journalism""""":
All the way back to Shenmue 2 on DC and just sat on them for years.
Development is still going as of late December last year.
Anyone know how well it runs on Win7?
I got it working on W7/8/10, all at the same level.
They only said 8 and 10 as they didn't use 7 to test.
I think it's safe that anything can have stupid shit drawn of it.
I heard it runs fine, but its not officially supported because the framework they use runs on Win8 or later… everyone seems okay with it on 7 except me
Thats depressing, if Shenmue 3 had the chance of happening years ago.
Dinosaucers game when?
Good to hear. Been thinking about pulling the trigger and supporting the devs, so it's nice to know it actually still works on an OS they didn't test it for.
Just found this vid last night. What a coincidence.
You can just pirate it you know
Never forget Amiga Power, perhaps the only magazine that enforced average = 50%.
There you go. Try it out and tell me it's not a great game.
top heh
The only fucking reason anyone likes Kirkhope is because he was on Game Grumps back when Jon was around. Meanwhile, the Dev commentary of CBFD is some of the funniest shit you'll ever watch.
A scale of 100 is stupid. Please describe the tangible difference between a game that gets 64 and a game that earned 65.
A better scale is a 4-star scale. Because theres an even number, its impossible to have a middle value. Its either slightly good or slightly bad. It forces you to think
RIP in pepperoni video game reviewers with spine.
Thats wrong, Ive respected both Kirkhope and Wise for composing all of Rare's soundtracks from my childhood. Though it looks like Kirkhope is a sjw cunny
I'm not saying it doesn't have potential but it could use some serious rewiting.
Nah, I think it's possible to innovate in the area of platformers. That just is never going to happen as long as all the new shit that comes out tries to be a reboot of some old series. This is the new super Mario 64 or new banjo game you wanted! Phrases like that excuse the devs from mixing it up. It's like when ARPGs or hack and slashers call themselves diablo 2's spiritual successor.
Too bad they stopped near the beginning and there will never be any more
2/4 is a middle value, though.
It's exactly 50%. You can argue that it's at the top or the bottom of that second star.
All 4 of them are people using KB+M and not enjoying the controls.
Yooka-Laylee shot themselves in the foot. They're going to get people buying it, reviewing it negatively and refunding in 2 hours just to stick the point to Playtronic.
Sumo, meanwhile, doesn't say anything except "Look at our game", and they get praised and paid.
That's the exact file I got, albeit from a different site.
Only games I've ever had trouble with were RedOut and Snake Pass. Can't think of why, but I don't mind that much.
Not that video game journalism had any credibility to begin with but now I'd say that about 90% of reviewers are in the pocket of big name studios.
You'll need to fuck around and find the right hook settings with x360ce. It'll work eventually.
I wish we lived in an era when Nintendo allowed incest and suicide jokes.
It's funny because not to long ago Pendleton Ward was talking about how hard it is to code cameras for third person platformers.
I'm guessing everyone who could do it well really doesn't do stuff for vidya any more.
Related, why is Robin "Ginger Twat" Beanland still at Rare? He's working on pic related.
Isn't the head supposed to be a decoy face? Why would it feel pain?
So he goes from producing one failure to producing another straight away?
Probably any combination of:
A) Can't get any other work
B) Too much effort to move
C) Microsoft pay him too well
also why is Stronghold anywhere near this trash?
is there a website where TubaDev updates his progress?
That's Wobbuffet. Girafarig has a normal head but has a second head at the tail that does whatever it wants but isn't too smart.
How about the traditional 5 star scale?
1 - not enjoyable at all
2 - mediocre
3 - good, but not great
4 - very good
5 - goddamn masterpiece
And perhaps a zero for fundamentally broken shit, like Action 52.
Never. Not even for games that I think deserve the funding.
I know what youre saying but youre wrong. You dont look at the number of stars you use n-1 as the number of steps. Its actually 33% per star.
My beef with 5 stars is that 1 and 5 stars are reserved for games known to be dog shit or shining gold. 3 is for games where they liked it but it didnt insult them enough t warrant a 2 star
how about a scale of one to a thousand?
It will let reviewers be as specific as they need.
Jim Sterling calls it sexist once and racist trice.
It's such a joy watching them eat each other.
Even Jim Sterling shat all over it? What's going on?
i'm trying to imagine what he would have said if they left Jon in the game.
this can't be stressed enough. I dare one of you faggots to find a single Kirkhope track that even comes close to this.
Personally, I think of the numbers on an ordinal scale, because that's how reviewers treat them. The difference between a 7 and 8 is a lot less drastic than between a 9 and a 10
this gives me comfy vibes, can my snek expand?
Even back then, lots of cartoons were restricted by "no real-world weapons, avoid anything that fits the definition of 'violence', don't show the moment when an attack hits something" and all that nonsense.
Occasionally, you get something great that slips past the censors, like the episode of Gargoyles where a main character was shot and hospitalized.
Thankfully, many cartoons still managed to be brilliant even with absurdly restrictive censorship, like mid-90's Spider-Man.
This one is pretty good.
90s Spider-Man is shit. It did not hold-up
somehow, A Hat in Time manages to be a bigger fuckup of a project than those two.
But we already have a 4 point score system with the IGN scale.
You're making me want to fug a giraffe user.
Don't make me want to fug a giraffe.
It means that it's at least worth a pirate if you like the genre.
a 1 going by today measurements would literally have to rape the reviewers little sister right in front of them and you'd still be only like a 3
With how bad video game reviewers score you end up needing like 75/100 to be considered meh
No, it simply means that the publisher paid them well
Reviewers are pozzed and that sort of pedophilia is pretty (((kosher))) to them
user, IGN gives scores based on how much money the publisher gave them, not on the game itself.
The "sponsored" review threshold is 7 to 8. They don't give genuinely bad games 9/10,
They gave Skyward Sword a 10. Yes they do.
true to a point. Though there was a point where several characters were held at gunpoint.
I think Dinoriders would have more potential as a game due to the laser combat and fucking dinosaurs with mounted weapons (ARK is no substitute).
But neo/v/ loves skyward sword now that botw is out.
BotW is a better game than most Zelda games released in the last decade.
Open world is a Zelda core mechanic. Just because you've gotten used to shitty sandbox levels and doing the same dungeon twice doesn't mean its normal.
Very cute and comfy. Will check it out user.
I have to say, one of the things I missed over the past few days was the Yooka-Laylee threads. The steam forum got boring fast.
You're not picking up what I'm putting down.
Take a good look at BotW and tell me which one of those it more closely resembles.
I am happy to say that I have never fallen for a kikestarter meme
Works on my machine :^)
No, really. It does.
ok, so, the writers were to blame for most of that
had no problems at all
collectathons were always shit
But dinosaurs don't have fur.
You could take the criticisms of open world games and easily apply them to WW, TP, and SS.
Why the fuck are videogame kickstarts so goddamn hard for these faggots to finish, and why are normalfags and autists so easily swayed by them?
I've backed half a dozen tabletop kickstarters like it's a fucking gold mine, but it was always obvious to never crowdfund a video game with how these people present themselves and their projects. Except Camelot Unchained, their direction may not be the best but they clearly know what they're doing. I'll have to keep an eye on it.
Y'know, I realized something awhile back. Whenever theres a dinosaur as main characters thing,weather anthro or not, the girl is always either the flying dino,or the triceratops.
>where's the caveman?
do you guys think it is possible to make a "realistic" 3D platformer? Must it always be plush toys jumping around on goofy platforms?
Fuck, I never see it coming and it makes me giggle every time
Define your terms
Movement can be unrealistic (high jumps), art style generally realistic, with you sifting through rubble or something.
I'm not talking uncharted garbage.
Why would you want to?
Yes, there was one. They canceled it, because the lead dev got the blues. It was called Turrican 3D and looked like this.
Pretty accurate. Still love the concept, but it's execution is the reason why it's barely remembered.
Wish someone could try a reboot of this franchise and do some good instead of ruining other successful franchises.
Mordhau will deliver won't it?
like the whole Tomb Raider series?
I guess
Tabletop games are pretty much done by the time they're kickstarted, they got the rules down and the balance sorted out, all they need is to make the final art assets and then get a subcontractor to make the pieces and cardboard for the game. In otherwords the game is done, you're just funding them to get the game into mass production. A video game on the other hand is pretty much starting from scratch, the levels, music, animation, haven't even started yet, you're lucky that you'll even get a playable demo to get an idea of the gameplay. By default crowdfunding a video game is risker, since they want to use the funds to develop the game not to produce it.
So why do crowdfunded video games draw retards like shit to files?
Part of it is because the vidga presentations are more about the idea, not the product itself. So the possibility seem endless, notice when a kickstarter in general is more concrete in their planning there's less hype? That's because there's less potential. Secondly the games that get massive hype usually have a famous dev making a spiritual sequel of a game they're famous for. So why not give them your money, at the time it seems like a safe bet since they made good shit in the past. Plus in most of these vidga kickstarters there's backer rewards for backer input, which means not only do you get a game made by a veteran dev but you made a difference on the game itself. I'm sure there's other reasons but I think you get my point.
Any pictures of Yooka raping Laylee yet?
At the same time there are great games that were kickstarted
she's an archeopteryx, but then again, she's also an alien from the planet Reptilon
You might be onto something there…
I'd say jim Henson's Dinosaurs was one of the few where that wasn't the case, but i think that the main reason is for the "lady" to generally be prettied up with head decorations or bright colors.
no wonder I'm so fucked up…
Wasn't Tomb Raider a realistic 3d platformer?
Doesn't that now have the pronouns gender bender thing?
nah, just consensual stuff at the moment.
When something is risky it doesn't mean it's shitty, it just means there's a good chance it will bite you in the ass.
The scale is 1-10, what the fuck kind of retarded shit are you trying to pull?
Stop stealing my crops you fuck
Who the fuck saw this one coming? Not even kidding. Shit, next year we'll have the seals of quality back.
There's the "cinematic platformer" subgenre, but that almost always refers to 2D games.
It's just journalists trying to save their own hide. Usually when they collude and decide to collectively shit on a game they know the game is so bad no amount of lying will ever make it look good, and they're just going to discredit themselves trying to do so.
yep, and all the sprites pretty much look identical to the original versions. Glad they seem to have spent more time making the Specter Knight campaign.
Feels good man
I'm glad I backed Shantae instead
A revisit would be pretty cool
>earth is in a moderate technical and industrial age and is so swamped with false propaganda and fake shit that they don't even have to dress up and just can blow it off with a "we're cosplaying" or "we're filming a movie, and you're one of the rejects -throws a douchebag through a window-
I suppose we could go by the simple idea that the Reptillons naturally have denser tissue, thus most conventional firearms won't injure them too severely to give an excuse to the lack of firearms used by either side.
Post jontron gifs
Its icing on the cake
have one of mine
I fucking love the soundtrack to diddy kong racing and banjo kazooie but like what happened with Grey Deliese and Tara Strong they got the sjw cancer bug
Exactly, I've only been burned twice. Ouja obviously was the first, but Grimmrock was the second. It's not hard to make an educated guess as to whether a project will succeed or not. If you're going to invest that early also be prepared to count it as a loss or know how to charge back after a couple years by stating it is a multi year project that they didn't deliver on.
Fixed it for you
No one takes blob serious, but they listen to Jim. Jim is part of the crusade that has Japanese developer politely saying the climate in the western markets, when they really mean "westerns are fucked up in the head, we want no part of it our fans will import anyway if we just put out straight translation subs with no culturization"
Got bad news for you user, science now says they had fur or feathers not scales
Bitch please, they tried saying Mass Defect: Androgynous was good. Even tried to shill it with positive spin pieces, glad it failed.
it was made by people who scorned the developers of chivalry for not fixing their game's most abused thing, the fucking spins. also the game looks like it was made competently at a glance.
they even pointed this issue in their kikestarter videos, check at 4:00
How did you get burned by grimrock? I really liked the game but I got it when it was already out for quite some time so I dont know what they promised.
It was either that or get blacklisted by EA. Also, while they didn't exactly give it a negative review they shat on it for the animations, bugs and writing.
I'm trying to find the smuggest jontron pic for this thread
Really makes you think.
The live action Grimrock. Was from a legit manufacturer, and I was more interested in the physical items, plus a new series. Then they took it in a direction without consulting us backers (wanted to make a high budgeted movie with snobby douchbags), Movie studio Pres embezzeled investment money, development house CEO hoarded the kickstarter funds, several of the creators dropped their stocks as a result, and the project is basically dead. I've even said, just switch out grimrock for those limited edition dice and send the rest of the physical tier rewards and I consider it even, but thus far it's complete silence.
Owe no, what would they ever do without being able to cover….let's see…Battlefield and another shit startwars game…yep that's it.
The closest you'll get to a Dinosaucers remake is Jurassic Strike Force 5
More like
>blame pirates rayyyycissses for your game not selling well
Every time an artist uses a nerf maverick as a reference for a drawing I die a little inside
Thank goodness, i hated watching knights fight in Chivalry it made me laugh the first time but now it's annoying since block riming isn't viable since they can dead angle with their huge swords
hey man, i genuinely like skyrim for like at least 2 hours.
does it have WINE support?
… I'm having a hard time realizing that i've never seen that before.
I shouldn't have been staring at the parasaurolophus and the pteranodon
the pteranodon in the second cover has her arms separate from her wings as opposed to the logical placement in the first picture
And now I'm reminded if Dinosaurs for hire and how that shit would NOT fly today, considering it's like three deadpools in one close space.
How? How could this game possibly be bigoted in any way?
Jurassic Strike Force 5 more is a callback to the 80s cartoon action hero group that were big back then. They're meant as 'if this were a cartoon there would be so many toys of it' so alot of the weapons and vehicles are drawn to be toyetic as fuck.
Don't remind me of the steaming pile of ebola-ridden nigger shit that is Godus. Definitely one of the best argument to never ever back vidya on kikestarter of fall for early access bullshit.
Sounds hilarious and rather amusing. Most likely would have had a tv series and definitely a toy line.
Because digital games have the opposite problem: since files can be replicated for virtually no cost there's a surplus of artists who need nothing more than a paint program but good programmers are expensive. Go to a convention or a livestream and you can see plenty of people toss together amazing art in minutes, but programming a game from the ground up (even with a prebuilt engine) can take months.
oh fuck didn't even read all the post right, ignore me user.
They tried so hard to make you feel like you're in a realistic setting, having all those slow animations for the most mundane actions like using keys. Yet nobody reacts to getting shot.
That's all I got.
This was because afaik it didn't use skeleton animations. Making reaction animations was seen as overkill back then.
One thing they didn't skimp on was death animations
No they're still sticking with Twilight Princess surprisingly.
What is it with sjws and their need to insult their consumers?
It happens everytime
Need we forget the gamers are dead articles and what happened with might no 9
Not sure what you mean by this. It's not like it had to be some complicated system that lets their body jerk around while they're walking, they could've just stopped in place and done the animation.
None of the FPS games back then seemed to have a problem with it. Doom and Duke had several reaction sprites for each enemy, while TR could've made just a few short animations and reused them for several enemy types.
They're good, but it's still jarring when a guy ignores a hail of 10 bullets only to suddenly flop to the ground on the 11th.
I've seen a few anons say it was okay, but most still think it's shit. because it is Are you just pulling shit out of your ass?
I only backed two projects, one was some fishing harvest moon hybrid game, Sealark, way back in 2012, and that shit didn't go anywhere. The other was Little Witch Academia 2, and they delivered. Yes, there are some projects that actually promised their backers, but the fact that the failures outweighs the successes, it's just a waste of time and money.
When did that happen? Never paid much attention, but the last time she was mentioned, she pissed off a lot of fags, and it was glorious.
Video explaining how the game controls and such. Pretty interesting. This video is actually what sold me on the game, in addition to hearing the some of the soundtrack. I wish it was getting a physical release for PS4…
You should bug sumo digital and limited run games
I said that as a joke once
Reminder that Jon is still in another 3D platformer with a fully voiced role
Isn't that the tumbr game visual novel being made by ONE tumblrina, and the last update on the game was "lol i losted all the files srry -_-"
No, but is was being made by one person, and said person did have a tumblr.
In games prior to Half-Life they used Vertex animation. Which is essentially like stop motion, all of the polygons move. The model moves in frames and the game engine sort of does the rest of the work. You can see it in a bunch of older 3D games like Quake. Skeletal animation assigns all of the vertices to a "Bone". So instead of moving the entire model as a frame you just move the arm individually. It allows for animations to essentially be combined together. So instead of making a hundred different variations of a "standing" animation for being shot, you can just make the character react to being shot in the arm and it'll be merged with the standing animation.
after games like Half-Life skeletal animation started to become the norm. Although there were a bunch of FPS games that had really well animated characters they usually had very complex systems behind it. Like Soldier of Fortune created it's GHOUL dismemberment system to handle it's animations.
Sprites are a different story. With sprites you just need to make a 2D image and it doesn't matter if it floats while moving. Most 3D games at the time didn't have reaction animations for being hit. Like Quake, Half-Life etc.
So far the only good kickstarter games are undertale and shantae
I hope the bloodstaine game is good but I have very low expectations on it at this point
It's not very silly.
and FTL
She isn't as vocal as tara strong but check her twitter
She and Tara pretty much share the same views since I'm sure Tara strong would burn their friendship if she wasn't
Because they simply can't not play the "I'm right, you're wrong" card, no matter what it is they are screaming about.
O Movingblob
Nobody who has a tumblr isn't crazy as shit, even if they came into it completely normal. That site is like if aids managed to reach the internet.
they're entire psyche is modeled around what they are or aren't "against' so it's no surprise that they're pathologically confrontational.
Yes they did, you can clearly see Quake has reaction animations in this video. Other well-known early 3D games like Resident Evil also had plenty, and don't even get me started on Goldeneye. My point is that if you can make all these animations for little actions like pulling levers, picking up items, using keys, special moves that don't serve a purpose like the handstand or the dive, there's no reason not to make some enemy pain animations.
The shitshow was entertaining, and this outcome is the cherry on top.
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What makes it tragically funny…
Imagine Party Baby is better than Yooka Laylee. :^)
The only way to buyfag in this day and age
i need the image of that chick drinking horse jizz, i know someone ITT has it saved, oh yes user, i am looking at you right now
WTF for?
Edge did also.
Well, if history doesn't like to repeat itself.
Admittedly, I only use tumblr just for inspi art, decent refs, and reblog stupid shit like gifs or funny things. However, like you said, the website is basically aids being managed by aids, and even if you dodge the shit, you're still bombarded by it and you're more likely to find out that the artist that makes those nice drawings is really a piece of human garbage.
American education, everybody
It's easy, you just make the test harder
god damn pirated this shit, it's actually bretty good
controls are a little hard to get use to, but it's a good snake simulator
For your dubs, I felt I had to sift through the random pics I saved.
Apparently it's not horse jizz, but you never know with this juxtaposition of pictures.
I enjoyed what I pirated but I've got other expenses to pay for right now
Holy shit never watched a video of it before, that's adorable
and that is?
excks dee nice post
Games getting released this year and gets updates on progress on facebook.
oh but "Im fucking facebook" yeah eat my fuck.
A Hat in Time
When I saw that game I was all like, maximum overmuhdick.
I love that image.
That explains why Holla Forums is shilling it so hard.
Well user why couldn't Yooka be black or Laylee be a disabled hispanic trans?
Draw fags we need you!
Please make a yooka laylee version of this
Not even Superman 64 deserves that shit, jesus.
No user, we need yiff, lots and lots of
Take your shit taste elsewhere.
Oy vey
No matter how hard they try to appease these people
They well eat them alive the first chance they get
Just look at Joss Wheadon
What did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?
What did he meme by this?
> Help us address sexism, racism, and bigotry as they pervade mass media and our everyday lives. Give now.
Jesus christ Shlomo Shekelstein.
What time is it?
Hat time?
The devs were Burched from the start
I mean, you could pay for advertising… but why bother when you could tip over the shit-house and have people crawling over each other to write about the game for free since good drama is a guaranteed click generator.
That's it? Doesn't sound like a Mighty No 9 tier train crash. Sounds like complaints after the game got overhyped and shit. I support Jontron and I know the devs were acting like cunts for adding salt to the wound but there's a thing called seperating art from the artist. I could just pirate this unless there's an actual glaring flaw like Mighty No 9's glitches and voice acting.
You might as well give it a go to see if it isn't shit, there's a GOG version so that shouldn't be a problem.
Well not that you would, anyway, but don't even think about getting it on console. That shit is unoptimized as FUCK.
You know it was one thing if they at least released a decent game
I still wouldn't of bought the game out of principal but still I could see someone justifying their purchase
But no its mighty no 9 all over again
From the shit pr to the end product
Might as well call this game Better than Nothing 2 echtric boop a loo
But were their any Trump jokes with their villain?
And shovel knight
and lisa
Im interested in the villain and its execution too, isnt the villain supposed to be some shit like mr capitalism? Any hamfisted politics? Im actually sort of looking forward to april 11th
I've recently been playing Mad Max because I found a good torrent of it and it appeals to my autism. And the no female representation part is bullshit. The Third stronghold you get to is ran by a cripple old lady. And in the second strong hold there are a runaway "bride" and her sick kid. And a whole bunch of female NPC. He's objectively wrong on the matter, though anyone who'd write off Mad Max because "Muh Female Reps" should be no where near fucking Mad Max.
If anything the twitchy, poor driving physics for anything other then the Magnum Opus and very repetitive, but fittingly apropos Collect-a-thon gameplay does get old after a bit. But that would involve being decent at your job.
Actually thank Danica Patrick, the game wouldn't have come out if her and Hotwheel hadn't thrown some cash to get in.
They're basically a cult, and those work on degrading and breaking down a person so they accept their doctrine whole sale without question. When you start seeing them as a cult, their actions make a whole lot more sense nothing that approaches logic by any mean but you can understand
But this is was a move that only pleased people that weren't going to buy it while pissing off those who did like it. There's drama, then there's committing suicide live.
That in and of itself is fucking disgusting.
IIRC He's suppose to be Microsoft incarnate, chances are they're might be Trump references in the game if they still have time to remove jontron and shit, but i'd put my money down on something more british, like them being anti brexit or Nigel Farage or some shit.
But wasn't Farrage against the Big Bankers?
I don't know if I'd really call Shantae good. It was baseline, at best. Worth $20, but I'm glad I didn't donate to the Kickstarter. I think the fact that it's a Kickstarter game itself worked against it, since the whole title feels modular - with many gameplay elements needlessly added or only added superficially. Some levels are criminally short, which stand in contrast to much longer and more fleshed out demo levels.
You can see the seams where they stitched together stretchgoal content - and where the budget started to run thin (pretty much anywhere that wasn't being worked on to show off as advertising for more kickstarter money/publicity).
The biggest thing that Shantae lacked was a clear vision and a consistent pace/structure.
It was neither a move to please SocJus or piss off the people who supported the game. Both groups are, over all, a very tiny sliver of potential customers. It was an intentional car wreck, not for the sake of the passengers in the car, but to get viewed by the group of randoms who otherwise never would have paid the slightest mind - that gather around to gawk at the spectacle.
Look, facts don't matter to them, that's why Donald Trump is both working with the Russians and going to antagonize them into starting a nuclear war. As long as they can label him as any one of the racist, transphobe, misogynist, etc et al bullshit then it doesn't matter what his stances are.
What are the chances of Bloodstained repeating the same mistakes as YL and Mighty No. 9?
TBQH; I'm hoping Bloodstained is as at least decent.
I'm looking forward to that game as well. Surprised it's coming out so soon.
It already started the same way those two games did, so not very likely.
7 is weighted as average to a lot of reviewers due to everybody getting letter grades drilled into their heads for over a decade straight. It's really not a big enough deal to get autistic over.
Actually, fuck those games what are the chances the new Toe Jam and Earl game is going to be any good?
Never again after current year+. TJ&E is raycis mayne. Don't you know how problematic that is?
Like Duke Nukem Manhattan Project, or Heretic II?
Pretty high. Especially since it's been delayed to 2018.
I hope you like edge. I added some extra helpings.
Years back I had wondered how I would do the shows concept to make it good, it lead to pretty much this dynamic.
I figure that would lead to at least somewhat of a logical reason for two sides in a kids action show to not kill each other. Just keep the Tyrannos focused on the 'big picture' goal of wiping humanity out and not racking up an unneeded body count and the show would at least be 80's-90's kid friendly.
Kind of have Rex reason that he doesn't want to kill Allo or the others that are still technically part of the military (him taking himself out of their chain of command) and also realize that if he starts just killing humans by the handfull that they'll probably decide to put him down. However if he succeeded in a big planned wipe out of humanity (while keeping the earth green and habitable) then the problem would be solved and there would be no need to fight anymore. Also opens up the gates to all kinds of weird 'alternative' solutions that kids cartoons were so fond of back in the day. IE: "This month we're going to try and brainwash them to be a slave species!" or "Instead we'll elevate them to dinosaurs themselves!"
Twist season ender- Earth is Reptillon millions of years in the future, thats why they bear a resemblance to earth Dinos. Series ender- The rest of the species shows up and cure the Tyrannos, who mostly apologize before going into self exile for what they attempted.
I had a lot of free time on a job site back when Bay fucked up Transformers and GI Joe was shit. Spent most of my time wondering why they didn't try other ideas. If you think this is autistic, then you don't want to know what I thought up for Bravestarr.
No google, how many people even know what Bravestarr is?
Shenmue is garbage compared to Yakuza, so I'm actually glad they dropped it and started making Yakuza games instead.
I liked Nuts & Bolts.
You might like the early Tomb Raider games.