How good is the PS3 emulator for the PC?
PS3 Emu
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You can play demons souls at almost 30 fps with audio stuttering. Should be much better in a year though.
not worth using right now
wait half a decade or so
Nice shitpost
Not worth it unless you are some sort of reddit mustardfag willing to put up with lots of glitches, shitty and poor framerate just so you can claim that you can play 10 year old console games on your PC. ;)
I don't understand the question? PC has always been able to play ps3 movies just fine.
So, just like the original experience thanks ro console parity with the 360?
I havent seen camtasia in years.
yeah well
RPCS3 has been in development for almost half a decade now and it couldn't even boot Demons souls until last month
Nice dubs
Just some time ago it couldn't play a single game, now out of nowhere it plays a lot of games just fine. Fucking magic.
Until last month it could barely play anything aside from indieshit.
Can't you just play Talladega Nights on VLC?
At least the original experience doesn't require a 980 to get the same framerate.
YouTube has been working since 2005. What else would you use to play a cinematic experience?
Stale meme, but still kinda funny.
Does anybody know how emulators are made? Like where does ground zero start for developing one?
I know next to nothing about this but I'm pretty sure the first step is hardware documentation and architecture and shit. Basically figuring out what all the pieces of a system do so you can best decide how to make a computer emulate it.
Not an expert, but usually you need a development kit or development notes on the hardware+software of the console, most emulation requires at least a basic comprehension of how the hardware does what it does and with what, and that's why we don't have an OG xBox emulator since no one can find any documentation on it and development kits are pretty much nonexistent Well there was one that surfaced pretty recently but a redditor fucking gutted it and erased all of the data on It's hard drive, so it's useless
Kill yourself faggot.
>Not wanting to emulate Yakuza 3-5 no dead souls
You are right about OP's desktop though, both of you are faggots that should kill yourselves
color me surprised
You can play that HD remake of street fighter 2 at full speed.
You can play Dragon's Crown at 40-60 fps.
You can play Disgaea 4 at 10 fps lol.
Haven't tried anything else.
Torrenting PS3 games is pain in the ass, especially large ones.
I guess people triggered by it are active pedophiles paranoid that their shit gets leaked.
Win10 is just plain bad for vidya though.
I'm waiting for when Demon's Souls is playable
thats a google image, user.
u wot
I wouldn't want to emulate those since it's an inferior experience.
So does that mean the PS4 will be easier to emulate then the PS3 because it uses off the shelf components?
This is a Holla Forums occupied board, dare say most of the site. The only container for lefty cucks is leftypol. stay there
Don't use Reinhardt for your shitty liberal comments
No, the xbox was based on the Celeron platform with a close to stock Nvidia gpu and we still don't have a working emulator.
So what? It's not worth it.
That's because no games, so no one cares enough to actually work on one.
From what I've heard it's a combination of that and the fact the CPU/GPU has basically zero documentation to work from. While they used close to stock PC components, the way software addresses the hardware is completely non-standard so actually making everything function properly is a nightmare.
Granted this was stuff I heard from a few years ago though so it may have changed since then.
Its not worth getting a small upgrade that will last you for 4 or more years?
Regardless, you don't need a GTX980, are you fags stuck in 2006?
If that was an issue we wouldn't have working Jaguar, 32x, 3DO and NGP emulators you mongoloid.
Lack of interest because it arguably had a weak library is not an issue at all, stop supporting this meme. There are lots of far more obscure systems that almost literally have no games, that are emulated.
It's the lack of documentation on hardware. There was lots of progress with the gpu, but the bios, chipset and audio subsystem are also complete black boxes.
testing it right now. Still has a lot problems. Running into a black screen with vesperia. Many lags and sound stutter. But it's starting very well, i am actually impres consider the fact i have a toaster pc.
I have a CFW PS3 and a 770, I don't care.
What's wrong with VLC?
You cared enough to reply
I heard that the Citra guys are breaking down actual 3DS's to find out how they work internally.
C'mon man CEMU already has BoTW working
PS3fags BTFO
Theres no mention of Cheat Engine in the video.
Nice try
So is RPCS3 the only legit PS3 emulator out there? What of PC: ESX, the first Google result?
Yes, it's my own ingenious idea!
Its the only one that actually works half decently.
The video shows him playing the game at around 15 FPS with no need for Cheat Engine.
Keep that shitposting going though.
Emucucks everyone
Only a nigger would be satisfied with a subpar experience
That's wrong you fucking retard.
I have heard experts on the subject that claim exactly that.
Nevar forget.
Leave now please >>>Holla Forums
Street Fighter 2 HD remix is 100% as in runs at full speed and is glitch free.
Do you guys ever wonder if, given the source of an emulator, one could make it run on toasters even if it eschewed specific parts of the emulation?
In 15 years, it will be cheaper to just record all possible states of a game and select a track accordingly like a true interactive movie.
fuck off back to Holla Forums
Judging from the latest progress reports there's more than just that.
I don't think there is any other game that can run both at 100% speed and without glitches.
Why would you emulate a console with no games?
Five years is a pretty reasonable time frame, user.
Look at PCSX2, in 2011/2012 it wasn't that good, now it's much better.