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Video Games #145
Video Games
Rockstar anti-cheat fails again
I wish there were more cyberpunk games. It feels like untapped territory. Deus Ex games spent too much time in slums...
4 AM
Generation 1 and 2
Be a shame if someone edited this text
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Flying With Chuck Aaron Edition
Actual Gods
Visual Novel Thread
Kingdom Come Deliverance
What the fuck it's so easy
Has anyone else noticed how Sony barely showed off God of War 4...
Why do rosterfags obsess over Phoenix Weight...
Toaster Thread
Gears of War 4
Good games featuring furry characters
Forza Horizon 3
Dragon Quest XI on PC
ITT: Games that aged extremely well
Games with an "interactive" soundtrack
Show me the best Skyrim mods, or else I'll call your mom and tell her how much of a naughty boy you've been
4 AM
Share Thread - Happy Hunting
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Are there any parody games worth playing?
FTL Thread
How are people going to react when this is unavoidably revealed to be Bloodborne 2?
Game Recommendation Thread
Meta Thread
RTS games don't get played, because they don't have good tutorials
Help me find an old game anons
Terraria Thread: Never EVER Edition
What are some games where you can kill fags?
Games with Normalfag/Pleb Deterrent?
Are there any good servers left for this game?
Games you are autistic about
Microsoft To Ban ‘Offensive Language’ & Monitor Your Private Account on Xbox Live, Skype, etc
Ray Tracing
TV to Vidya
Honest Gaming - website project
Fullderp: Sensual Lapras Edition
Too many fucking games
This is what a Xbox one X graphically enhanced character model looks like
Total War thread
Worst Track Thread
Unavoidable Bad Endings
Wheres the fucking color?
Do you have a beefy videocard and i7 or above? Well, Demon's Souls is now playable via emulator ( I have confirmed...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Morrowind noclip
4 AM
It is cheaper to own every console but an x-bone and an okay PC that can run games from 2010 and prior than to upgrade...
New Gundam Breaker on PC
E3 prediction thread
PUBG to region lock chinks
Pillars of Equality 2
Vermintide 2 - It's volley crossbow not repeater crossbow edition
Polygon hates Farcry 5 for being a video game
How come Toady hasn't yet been able to implement vehicles and other moving platforms when other roguelikes have them...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Help Me Mr. Wizard Edition
Jackbox stream 4
So I bought a new CPU when I was building a computer a while back and AMD said it came with a free game...
Good Final Boss (Fights)
Everyone is trying to ride the Black train recently so it's just a fact that videogames are going to get hit by it too...
Flamethrowers in Video Games
So does anyone know if there's a download for this somewhere?
"FC5 is white-nationalist, race-realist, ethnostate-loving propaganda"
Fighting Game General - SNK Girls Edition
Do video games have any intrinsic value/useful return?
Vidya Butts Thread
System Shock 1 remake "delayed" until 2020
"Myths" from GTA games
Ridley thread
Become as gods
Nintendo Files Trademark In Japan for Wario Land
Wizards and Witches
Be a teen like 10-15 years ago
It's nearly April and it's still cold
Metal Slug
4 AM
Ace Attorney
Death in Games
Hey Holla Forums play any good games over the weekend?
Far Cry 5 ending
Mobile Gaming
Asspained Mods 64
Moments That Nearly Ruin the Entire Game
Cuckchanners BTFO
Mabinogi Private Server: Don't Spend All Your AP in One Place Edition
Miyamoto 64
Games you don't really like with an [A E S T H E T I C] you love
WEBM Thread Innawoods Edition
The above got a free pass
Raid Boss Gaming
Natural Selection/Evolution Simulators
The Absolute State of Mark
Desert Vidya
I haven't played the game for many years, but what the fuck? I don't understand these changes...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Answer The Fucking Question Edition
Three Kingdoms of Online Gaming
The moment you realize mike matei reviews games better than jame Rolfe
Why is this game derided so much? Explain its flaws
Roguelike Thread: Archived Domains of Vidya
So what do you think about Swery65's "The Good Life"?
Was just exploring a tower in skyrim and i came upon this...
4 AM
The moment you realize the Corporate political push for gun control will backfire harder on the video games industry...
Sea of Thieves
Overrated games general
Dream game you wish existed
Mega Man thread
Mindless Games
Playing The Divisions Underground expansion since i never got around to it back when it was a meme game a year before...
Did you use guides to play these games? I hate doing that...
Wurm Unlimited: I Haven't Archived Shit Edition
Is Holla Forums dead because of constant meddling of mods who can't just stop banning people and removing effortposters?
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Smurf Accounts: griefing, escapism or cowards running from the right tier of challenge for their rank?
So my friends wont stop gushing about Rainbow Six Siege...
Playing Half-Life with Opengl rendering turned on
EA working on open world Star Wars game
Yfw Bungie dies this year
Grim Dawn thread
I need a girlfriend? How can I find one
Kingdom Hearts 3
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Can We have a Thread on HTC-Vive Pro??
What is the greatest video game of all time?
Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
4 AM
Fullderp: Lapras gets angry at Kirby edition
Anyone on here using a Titan V?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Game journalists playing vyda badly
Gondola SWF
Are there any modern video games development companies who genuinely don't cut corners except for the most stringent of...
After hearing how fucking amazing this game is for years from both people here and friends I finally had a chance to...
Far cry 5 trump pissgate mission
Journalists interfering with games
Tfw this is the closest we ever got to an actually fun casual multiplayer open-world RPG
Rise of Co-op walking simulator
Casuals in gamedev classes
Shilling Midair
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
WEBM thread
A Way Out: Fuck the Oscars Edition
Dragon Age 4
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Way You Get Your Way Edition
Surfing bhop and other game modes
Check this out
Hidden Gems
Talos Principle
Hyrule Warriors general - DX Edition
Platform differences in games
Would NetNavi technology be possible, or even useful today...
The Witcher 3: Wild Cunt
Retro FPS Thread
Linux gaming
Why was Turok never bigger than Golden Eye...
Yfw microsoft literally has no ip to use for a soul caliber character
Is it worth having a Titan V for Vidya/VR??
Legendary bad business decisions in gaming
4 AM
Space Thread: Tranquil Rest Edition
Rising Storm 2 Player Base
Draw Thread: The Living Drawlights
Who the best Chrono trigger girl?
Mabinogi Private Server: We Have Maximum Availability but Now We Need this Stone and Castle Edition
Good games for a 10 year old
Good Vidya Feels Thread
Sports Manager Games
What's a good highly interactive hentai/porn game where what you're doing actually affects the AI's mood and tells you...
Halo Custom Edition gamenight
Kobold Garden
Oh fuck yeah baby come here...
Viva Piñata
Kart thread
Will there ever be a pirate game as good as this again?
Monkey Paw Thread
FF15 Episode Ignis and shit like it
Whos the killer?
/Xenoblade/ (((Nopon))) Edition
I thought as time went on graphics were supposed to look better, not worse. Why do Nugamers like this vomit...
Fullderp: Lapras Edition
Intentionally pitch a bad reboot
Bad funny games
Mobile Game
Mixing horror and comedy together
Vermintide 2 - Ranald is a shithead edition
4 AM
Vidya waifo bread
Important question with a cute image
Hotline Miami Thread
Games with critical reviews or fan adulation that are actually a bit shit
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Fire Sickness Edition
Soooo… is this game a fucking botfest?
Congratulations Holla Forums!
THQ Nordic and Nickelodeon bring back selected game titles from the past
WEBM Thread "You could make a new thread, but why? Why would you do that?" Edition
Modern Warfare 2 Remaster Has NO Multiplayer
Super Seducer : How to Talk to Girls
Toaster Thread
Scholar of the first sin
Ni No Kuni 2
Hey Holla Forums, I'm looking for a game recommendation as a gift to a friend
Mecha thread
/rgg/ - rhythm games general
Switch Hardware revision
4 AM
Describe your pefect game
The attacks in games with the right amount of CRUNCH
Bawww, my girlfriend's dead. Now I want to exterminate all of humanity
Fear Effect Sedna
Deepest Lore Thread
ITT we predict what cancerous shit the industry will try to pull on us next. Let me start
Jackbox stream
How fucked are you?
Is there anyone who can be appropriately called the Andrei Tarkovsky of the video game industry? Honestly...
Over anticipated areas/bosses
No heroes allowed vr
Ready Player One: We Wuz Edition
HAPPENING: The Linux-powered games console Ataribox has become the Atari VCS
Is Yoko Taro the last honest game dev?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Square Enix is Shutting Down Mecha-Shooter “Figureheads” on June 30
Holla Forums Meta thread
Ubisoft - Vivendi news
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rapeman Edition
Super Mario Odyssey
Recommend XB1 Titles
Into The Breach Thread
Nintendo indie direct
We Happy Few
Is it a flop anons...
ITT: comfy vidya you play when you're ill/tired and can't play anything fast paced without vomiting from motion...
Collector - Buyfag Thread
When you realize that game developers cucked you out of real 3D binaural audio
Tiny things you appreciate
Deus ex thread?
Why parents are getting really worried about the effect the Fortnite game is having on their childre
Red Faction Thread
God of War
4 AM
Real Time vs Turn Based Combat
Stop falling for their tactics
Filename thread
The "toxic meritocracy" of competitive games
Who started the trend in media to just wash the color out of everything?
Dark Souls is Megaman Hard
SEGA Classic Collections NOT on Switch
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
To be the little girl
Farewell, My Turnabout
Are there any mods that let you marry children in Skyrim? Asking for a friend
Holla Forums games
Good 360 games
People don't realise what a pice of shit of a company EpicGames is
For christmas I got a Super Nes Classic and it's a pretty decent little thing...
Does anybody know whatever happened to Cliffy B?
Does anyone else feel that Titanfall 2 could've done better if not for EA sabotaging it by releasing it right next to...
God of War Previews Unanimously Positive
Nintendo going physical
MUGEN thread
Webm Thread: No Archive Edition
Ice weapons are shit, break the flow of combat, and are just generally fucking gay no matter what game
Buying a mouse and keyboard
The walking dead
FGO & Nasu
Sea Of thieves biggest flop of 2018?
Beloved Games
Racing games and FUN
Mabinogi Private Server: Contribute Your Guild Points Edition
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
4 AM
#GamerGate and #NotYourShield General: Smoke If Ya Got 'Em Edition
Soulless Remakes
Meta thread
Daily reminder that this is the only good 3D fallout game
Are there any genuinely good Warhammer 40k games...
Yakuza thread
Disgaea Thread?
Legend of Zelda
New wave of old-wave FPS games on Early Access
All these fantasy games set in the Middle Ages
How does it make you feel to know that Brawl is now considered the best Smash Bros...
Why can't Square get it right?
The Division
Ww2 games from german perspective
/ogc/ Raging Game General - Custom Mods Edition
2 creeps spawn at RANDOM lanes every turn
Splatoon Thread-Shining Pearl Edition
Is TF2 actually good video game?
Do you think will ever make a PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale 2?
Sea of Thieves
Fullderp: Free Edition
Legend of Galimulator Heores #5 BUGGED OCEAN MECHANICS edition
Final Fantasy series
Microsoft Is Working on a Netflix for Video Games
Vermintide 2 - A ratslayer's job is never done edition
Sad Things
4 AM
Creepy Raviolis
Games about ex villains saving the world when the main character fails
PC98 Thread
New Tony Hawk thread because some no-brain niggermonkey deleted the last one for no reason
Are there truly free games?
Webm Thread
What would you want to see in a switch Animal Crossing besides dating...
Does anybody still play PSP games on their PSP (or PS Vita Adrenaline)? And if so...
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
So what stuff are oyu having fun with over the weekend?
SlimeTales SEASON 3 HYPE
Mickey Mouse’s World Domination Thread: Vidyagun Edition
Games with playable mutants?
Fighting Game General - Old Men, Cat and... Pokémon? Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Horsing Around Edition
Post games with worlds that are actually interesting to explore, regardless of other considerations (gameplay, story...
Chip's Thread
Smash Bros. Thread: Hotel Duck edition
Shoot n loot
RTS Thread: Decisions Edition
Counter Strike Gamenight: clean bread edition
Meta Thread
New WoW sub race for humans: thicc
R-18 not required
4 AM
Well according to #based (((Wikipedia))), we have to talk about Freedom Planet today
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...