God of War Previews Unanimously Positive
Hopefully that's just a joke. Kratos is not a cuck, right?
Of course it's gonna have good reviews.
I'm pretty sure Barlog said that Atreus is Kratos' biological son also, neither of those screencaps are real as far as I can tell.
But the developer literally said on Twitter that he is Kratos' biological son, in those exact words.
Must be a fake.
So basically another Hellblade.
I smell a new DmC
Spoiler: the demons was her lack of self esteem all along and she breaks the fourth wall to ask for a sequel at the end.
So that means its gonna be shit?
I completely forgot that existed. Didn't journos and e-celeb shill and praise it? What's supposedly good about it?
That sounds fucking gay.
From the very first teaser, that looked extremely likely.
everybody sucks sony cock
Fuck off back to Cuckchan.
Even worse; her hearing voices is magically cured by her going into her own mindhell and fighting the embodiment of her self-loathing. Consulted psychologists, my arse.
I hope nobody seriously bites this bait
Sadly yes, a few content creators I watch praised it as well, the only "great" thing about it is how it managed to get its graphical fidelity despite not being a AAA title and apparently the whole schizophrenia gimmick, anyone praising the gameplay is a complete idiot.
Fucking this. Saying gameplay is unnecessary in a game is like saying words are unnecessary in a book.
What does that even mean? How can a game have unnecessary gameplay?
We have transcended parody. Leftists have broken Poe's law, they have become their own mockery.
He has archives
Yeah basically
The archives aren't archives of Polygon articles. Look again.
Ugly female protagonist, pretentious plot and shit gameplay. Basically, the hallmark of a leftist masterpiece.
It's not real. I don't get the point of making fake screencaps like this, there are enough reasons why Polygon is shit without having to make stuff up.
I assume they mean any depth in the combat department, so it is more along the lines of Ryse.
Which is retarded, because a better plot would be to have her learn to control it and actually be a shaman, rather than a basic bitch magically in ancient Ireland.
Kind of like unnecessary reviews. Seriously why are you retards going to these sites ever?
My problem is even though I not that much of a GoW fan I played the 1st game and the PSP ones. Cain of Olimpus was a prequel. The entire game was Kratos is seeing phantoms of his daughter Calliope, This leads him to Elysium at the end where he gives up his demigod powers in order to be pure enough to enter. He's happy reunited with his daughter, but it was all a trick by Persephone, she used Kratos for the whole game, and was going to have Atlas Destroy the world, So now that Kratos was finally reunited with his daughter she was going to die again because of him, so he had to become a monster again, and forsake his daughter in order to save her.
Now Kratos just has a new kid now, and I feel like that really undermines things.
But Ryse had depth. I remember one developer saying how open world the game was in allowing you to move left and right along the corridor.
Why don't developers just include a "cinematic" mode without any gameplay, just the cutscenes?
An even better plot would have been having a male protagonist kill shit in a spectacular fashion and steal all the waifus in true viking fashion. But since the West is gay we won't see a game like that.
its for the lulz xDDDD
I meant that one game, Son of Rome or something.
The images are GIMPed moron, the dev confirmed the son is biologically kratos'.
These are the same devs that removed an achievement from GoW3(?) because it upset a bunch of cunts that weren't even the target audience, nor planned to play the game.
I know, Ryse was shit, I was just quoting a dev's asinine excuse when asked why the game is so linear.
Ubishit did it with AC Origins. It's a game mode with no combat where Ubishit is rewriting history to fit the [current year] agenda.
Oh, for a moment I thought there were two games with similar names.
Misdirection. Its goons fucking with us.
Well, something that's somewhat wrapped up in 2 and 3 and sparta is that Kratos wanted the Gods to fuck off but they wouldn't fuck off, so he fucks them up (or just fucks them) because they wouldn't let him be with his family. Kratos wanted one of two things:
1: forget his family and start over from the shit Aries pulled
2: get back with said family, which had he been sent to elysium when he died instead of zeus being a douche all the time, it would have solved everything.
At the end of God of War 3, he comes to terms and finally accepts that all the shit that happened was because the Gods wouldn't stop fucking with him like a chess piece. They wanted to shit the focus off of Kratos and onto some other no-faced dude to fight the gods of various mythos/religions, but fucks just wanna see the same character again and again.
Reminds me when we thought Asura's Wrath would be like GoW but with Indian pantheons.
Yeah, moments like the end of GoW1 where you have to fend off a horde of Kratos clones from hurting your family don't really have the same weight behind them now that we know he just moves to Scandinavia and sort of gets over it.
It was Ascension, I remember because Adam Sessler called it a 'gut punch of misogyny' and iirc even deducted its review score because of that trophy.
GoW really should have ended a long time ago, or at least switched to a protagonist that isn't Kratos. His narrative arc ended a long time ago and I honestly see no point in dragging his corpse along form the ride when they could have come up with a new character without losing anything in terms of narrative.
The publisher should have already known how to treat a coke fiend.
It would have been a bitching idea:
It would have worked well. Fuck, an Egyptian themed one would have been baller.
Supposedly the kid Kratos is raising is possibly Thor, who was punished for his arrogance and forced to live a life as a mortal to learn humility. They COULD feasibly do a switch in that aspect and mid game have the focus shift to him, reveal who he is, and gain associated storm powers in the quest to do various shit to return to valhalla
This is closer to The Last of Us than anything really, considering it's still made by the same studio behind the originals.
Yep, is more or less The Last of GoW or whatever you could name it.
They're celts, the vikings are just pillaging them.
This board has become pure shit
So have the player be a Viking cucking the Celts.
Tell me how this is any different from cuckchan Metacritic threads?
All it needs is
And it will be the same fucking shit
I wish this shirt was real.
tbh a single shoot story sounds cool, no fade outs, no cutsceens, no load screens.
if I didn't have the feeling that it is basically a walking sim, this would excite me. One of my favorite movies is The Rope, one continuous shot, so a game doing the same intrigues me.
games are still getting praise and being called groundbreaking for doing what half life did ages ago.
I don't fucking get it, I mean I know that these people do not actually play video games but come on.
I mean wasn't halflife 2 one of the big rallying points for these fags to call video games art you would think they at least watched somebody else play it right?
Bet there's already some autists throwing a shitfit on twatter about this, only to be proven immediately wrong. I hope the gaymergators still around know what bait is
The whole point of progressivism is to invalidate everything your side did every decade at the most to keep up the facade of relevancy.
Wait, is it honestly meant to be the exact same character years later? I figured the design similarities were thematic, not literal.
reviewer websites are notoriously untrustworthy and have been proven to take money for high score reviews.
Except, none of that is the fault of the gods, except Ares. Kratos had the choice to become the next god of war. Nothing prevented him from jumping back down onto those rocks. But, instead, he voluntarily walks up those steps to Mount Olympus, and then throws a bitch fit because he was now an immortal god, instead of being dead. Of course the gods are gonna fuck with him once he starts leading Sparta to attacking other city-states. Then III has to pull shit out of its ass to make the Olympians the bad guys, because the writers realized Kratos had absolutely no justification for his actions in II.
Yeah, one of the trailers draws attention to the burn marks left on his arms by the Blades' chains and he still has the big stomach scar from stabbing himself at the end of 3.
we should have gotten at least 100 shooters better than half-life 1 by now
instead we have zero, what a
Reminder: don't trust the (((press))), they're CIAnigger tier of evilness.
Fuck that noise, all I wanted out of a new God of War game was to keep the core of the half-beatem-up/half curazy action gameplay with some light puzzles - but with a new character, in a new setting, carving his way through a new mythos and pantheon with need signature weapons.
Kratos's story is fucking done. It wrapped up nicely and he fucking peaked as a character. There really is nowhere left for him to go. Let the poor bastard retire in peace. He's earned it.
In other news water is wet.
It wouldn't be possible for someone to just happen to look like Kratos anyway, unless they were deliberately imitating him.
Kratos's white skin is the ashes of his family that were imprinted onto his skin after he was tricked into killing them. and his Red tattoo is to honer his brother Demos, The fates foretold that the Marked one would be the end of the Gods, so Demos was kidnapped for having the red birthmark, afterword Kratos got a tattoo that was just like Demos's birth mark to honor him.
Miss spelled Deimos
soounds worse and worse the more they talk about it
I still remeber every other game starting with Kratos figthing a small horde of enemies, i bet my ass this one will start with a long ass cutscene disguised as gameplay cus you have to walk forward to see it unfold
i can't stand the demos either, that stupid kid just won't shut up
and the movements are so cluncky, i remeber old Kratos looked like he could put up a fight against Dante or Bayonetta , not this one though
I can't wait for it to crash and burn
even more because i have $onygger friends who are shilling this and Death Stranding as the second coming of Vidya christ despite both of them raising more red flags that the Kremlin during Lennin's birthday
Soytendo clicks better tbhimo
how do you know OP didn't time travel back in time to bestow us with Polygon shilling from the future? you and i know very well the might just write those lines as you see them in the screencaps
fucking pajeets
don't rub salt on this wound m8
i wanted a godhand succesor, or at least anything beat em up, rip of Devil May Cry if you must but give me fist figths instead of gun/sowrd ones
t5he first 2 trailers even showed gameplay that was cut from the end game
grapling 2 enemies and ram their heads together, using a column as a batering ram, kneeing and punching a Budda in the face, suplexes, lariats, counters, graving enemie swords
and what were we given in the end
a QTE ridden animu
i watched it on youtuve, it looked amazing but it still disapointed me for the game that it never was
I mean I guess that's what Kratos gets for being a total dick throughout the entire trilogy and ending the fucking world at the end of the third one. Now he has to take care of his cuck kid. He brought this on himself.
is there a loss-less version?
Gameplay is the unnecessary and toxic masculinity part of a game, which only belongs in the forgotten misogynistic past, because it is 2018 now.
Press a button and watch a seamless story take place. My favourite game is the animatrix.
Detecting problematic levels of ableism here, buddy.
Triggered. The Animatrix doesn't have any transgender otherkin in it.
Yeah, the flow of the game looks like it will be something along those lines.
Tell me about it. Screw MGSV, that one's the real phantom pain.
What they show, it looks simple and really easy. The axe staggers like a wrecking ball, can snipe someone from the other end of the map and the finishers can be triggered far too early.
I do like the pointers for off-screen enemies and how they change color depending on what's happening. Also, in defense of the concept, father-son bonding where the son isn't a snarky little shit is something that's rarely seen but this should have been a different character entirely and he already practically is, just give him a fuckin' Norse name and switch the red paint with some blue rune tattoos or something.
but user, how are they gonna cash in on this piece of shit without brand recognition?
i'm eagerly expecting how they are gonna label all the people who will rightly call this as a piece of shit
they can't call us missogynerds like they do with Soy Wars
This game is going to be trash. I saw the webms of the gameplay that someone posted in another thread. It looks like a slow paced action RPG. It looks like what Resident Evil might have turned into if Capcom decided that they wanted to focus entirely on the use of a singular and multi-purpose melee weapon. It's even worse than that, though, because at least Capcom would have the sense to add in some manner of mechanical complexity. This seems to be totally devoid of any real challenge. It's Skyrim tier combat, for crying out loud.
What I am saying is that the game's "deep emotional themes" or whatever the fuck are only the icing on this shit cake, because even if Kratos were back to his old self, this new style of play is so out of touch with the series that it might as well be an entirely different franchise.
This reboot is to God of War as DmC is to DMC.
The boy is a young Thor. Kid gets kidnapped at some point. Kratos loses an eye and crucifies himself to a tree and gets skill upgrade with runes. Loses an eye. Becomes Odin.
But even worse. At least DmC tried to be a fun, bombastic action game, even if it failed miserably. I seriously can't believe the action genre is dying like this.
They could keep the name as it would still be fitting, call it a reboot or spin-off or whatever. This shit's already GoW in name only.
"Gamers can only enjoy a videogame if it has a woman being exploited. Misogyny is on a all time high!"
Something something, this new game is for a more mature audience, it's time for gaymers to grow up.
Bruh, I fucking agree with you and I wanted to see that. I mean, maybe they will have Kratos die and they can go with this new kid if he proves himself to not be a chucklefuck.
Considering said Kid fits that role, that wouldn't be the stupidest thing the Godowar series has done.
my feelings on the matter. You can tell me how GoW is casual NG/DMC and i'd agree but i still had fun with the old gow games because they had the decency to be action games where you just fought tons of shit. Do normalfags even like the walking talking stuff that's in all the sony exclusives now?
You actually almost tricked me with the first picture until I saw "my wife's son" in the second one. Fucking Poe's Law.
I read somewhere that the original idea for the series was for Kratos and two other dudes becoming the Three Wise Men, is that true?
Could've been neat if true, now we're stuck with Problem Beard Kratos.
This whole thread is fucking great , holy shit
(((journo))) shills unironically write the pink text as an article
I know it'll never happen, but one can still dream
If only we lived in such a beautiful world where every game went the harem route while the feminists raged in impotence from the sidelines.
That redhead robodinosaur safari game actually managed to push nearly 8 million units so I don't know if this game will flop unfortunately.
Pretty clear what's going on here. The prematurely balding hipsters who desperately want to feel like they review high art so that when their family members ask them about work at Thanksgiving they won't be so disgusted when they hear "i work for video games!" have gotten together and decided that this gameplay-lacking trainwreck will be fellated as some masterpiece of emotional storytelling.
The fix is in and it's time to start feeding the fanboys who were (rightly) skeptical of this trash their lines to parrot about why they love this shit. Expect them to suddenly start popping up here with their "it's such an evocative story! It's really grown up, sorry you like childish games with– chuckle– gameplay in them."
I'd rather have a KoF style harem
I've only seen people say that kind of stuff ironically here.
Subvert the marketing and make normalfags avoid it.
I'd play it.
fuck you and your double dubs of truth
we all know that's whats gonna happens you didn't have to remind us
the shills are real user, they0re so retarded they look like irony, but they will shill like that 100% serius
this is now a christian tread
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to team up with Buddha to fight the Hindu pantheon?
I wouldn't doubt either of those shoops turn out to be true though.
How would Western Jesus play out?
It'll get worse once the game is out. These people have compulsions that force them to adopt the opinions of their media overlords and repeat them endlessly.
We can all agree that harems are justice.
Isn't this the plot of SMT IV Apocalypse?
Chirst went to India during the seventeen Unknown Years, Buddhism was his attempt at teaching the Hindus a proto-Christianity.
i love JRPGs but if i'm gonna main Jesus Fucking Christ then i want the game to be balls to the wall hardcore git gud crazy action with Duke Nukem style one liners thrown left n right as i unleash divine punishment on sinners
If they're the same person then how are they room mates in modern japan huh?
The same way god can be the father and the son. Clearly the "Holy Ghost" is a mistranslation of "Awakened One"
They shares common idea about spirituality but they were certainly different people. I read long ass spiritual story essay books about Buddha, written by Shinji Takahashi and apparently Jesus and Buddha was spiritual bros and they two guided each other in their lives.
Journos will always praise walking simulators because they are unable to develop any actual skills for the enjoyment of this medium.
Remember, telling someon to git gud makes you an abilist cis white nazi…. or something.
If thats a book and not the anime mentioned please give me the title.
Skill based gaming is only coincidental, as that just so happens to be the kind of stuff their buttbuddies never make so they signal against it.
Soyboy herd mentality. I want the gaming industry to crash and burn and the hobby to be niche and uncool again so these faggots will leave us alone.
Its a AAA game with a big name and a lot of money behind it, and it also panders to soyboy culture. The gaming press is probably creaming themselves over it.
Well, that settles it. The game is crap.
The articles are fake but the press is loving the shit out of the game so it probably will be crap to middling.
Why don't these retards just because movie reviewers?
The book's name is just 'Buddha', written by Shinji Takahashi but I don't think it's translated in English. In moonrune '人間 釈迦' which mean 'Human Buddha'. The fucking book in some chapter contains spiritual talking that Buddha and Jesus had. The book itself is like Buddhism 101 and it's shame that English speakers can't read this book. Someone should translate these books and teach uninformed western people about Buddha. Polite sage of off-topic.
Because film has already been thoroughly subverted and I'm tired of attributing these faggot's actions to anything but malice at this point.
What do you think?
Reminder journalists have literally asked for games without gameplay so they can watch the story.
Do they just let every retard under the sun write reviews nowadays?
That book would be so stuffed with the translator's garbage it would cease to resemble the original text at all.
They would have to compete with film critics and that requires an understanding of how film are shot even from basic shit like the types of shot and cuts and all sort of esoteric crap they would have to learn about, and if they were willing to learn shit they would just learn to play video games.
At least he didn't use a backtick instead of an apostrophe.
That's what happens when your business is dying and you cannot pay employees you get garbage people who kill your business even more. It is why they are so incredibly biased. It attracts both sides leftists will eat up whatever affirms their worldview. Everyone else will share the embarrassing article to laugh at. Nobody will read an accurate article written by someone who has done nothing but take a summer writing class at a local college.
No, to be accepted as a writter they test you're diversity. Its a quiet though test, much people's takes it but if your a cis male theres no privilege so you fial.
Anyway, I'm really tired of all this Oscar bait and how game journalists want all franchises to become stupid pretentious pseudo high art bullshit.
I don't know why consolefags love shitty FPS and TPS when they all aim like shit.
That's how i know it's going to be shit, thanks.
Gameplay is ableist and if you have fun you are literally gassing people who can't enjoy things
Well user they can't become better writers and write stuff that won't embarrass them at parties. It is just way easier for the entire video game industry to change and become "acceptable high art".
Buddhism was founded by a high-caste blue-eyed aryan, Siddhartha Gautama. Jesus was a semitic devilspawn. How can they be the same person?
Kratos is too toxic masculine for this industry, he needs to be put on soy and check his privilege.
he used to slay women and murder gods, this is sending a sexist and toxic message to young boys about women.
holy shit can you fuck off you retarded peice of shitstain.
the Aryan people are a real group of people that include the Iranic, indian, afghan and kurdish people. not the fictitious horeshit hitler tried to create.
also no one has blue eyes, Everyone has brown eyes. when you see blue eyes that's only an optical illusion since the light is being reflected off the eye more than brown eyes which absorb the light.
The picture is fake, don't be taken for a fool.
it may be fake but maybe this is what the industry needs.
Oh jesus fucking christ.
lets petition sony to add more cuck fetish into god of war.
look it up dumbass.
it wasn't 6 million it was 1.5million. retard cant even do simple math.
Please don't respond to goons.
You make a claim, you get to prove it. If you post source, I'll give you another (you) my little soyboy.
Not like this thread is going places anyway.
That's literally how colors work, you see the colors reflected back to your eyes. Niggers are nigger because they steal all the light.
So it's literally how colors work.
It says blue eyes have no brown pigment. So they're not brown. Checkmate soyboy. Enjoy your last (you)
It's all based on the concentration of melanin. Many newborns have very light eyes because they don't produce as much melanin. Same thing goes for older people, whose eyes and skin pale. Eyes are damaged by UV light, which melanin protects. It's why blue-eyed people tend to have worse vision. This problem is very common with albinos, who produce very little to no pigment at all, so their eyes tend to be a very light blue/hazel or, in the most extreme cases, red, because you just see the blood vessels behind the eyes.
das rite man! dem white boys be stealin melinlin! melilin is worth more than GOLD!
Sony have been suggesting that gameplay is of lesser value in video GAMES for ages.
wait just figured it out those pictures are fake , nevermind
>Morality system named "The Old" and "The New" affected by whether you handle trouble by bringing down G's hammer upon the lawless, or through passive yet effective displays of guile that inspire the enemy's surrender, and for the people to stand up for themselves
Sounds like a blast. It's a shame few devs are willing to take creative risks anymore. Now so many games look, feel and play the same.
>mfw I will never play Red Dead Resurrection
Have a friend who's into buying every sony exclusive. He's going to buy goy of war too.
Sick ass trips, user.
A justification to go to E3 and kill some of Sony's staff.
same here, i also expect the developers and their fanboys to shit on the fans of the originals because "they are afraid of change" (they always talk about change even when the game is simply parroting the same old shit thousands of other games are already doing since 15 years)
Do we really need another game to be turned into another fucking over-the-shoulder "cinematic" pretentious shit?
I have never seen it put so aptly before.
Well done.
Regardless of the quality?
what a faggot, give him this award, he deserves it.
It's battered wife syndrome user it takes time for people to recover.