they are owned by Tecent
just play any SuperCell game
they are owned by Tecent
just play any SuperCell game
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Fucking greedy piece of shit inhuman chinks they're just as bad as jews. How many goddamn companies does Tencent own?
They only own 40% of the company though.
Already worth not giving them a dime.
All that means is that they don't have a controlling interest. If you think a giant Chink megacorp owning nearly half your company doesn't change your business model, you're silly.
I take it that China doesn't have anti-monopoly laws?
They do but they don't enforce them well.
Even if they do, I don't think any of the Chinese care enough, and the rest get bribed.
Lets talk about that ifunny watermark user.
We do. Tencent is one of the biggest reasons why Unreal Engine isn't recommended by AGDG, and is used begrudgingly when it is. You're preaching to the choir here.
Perfectly crafted bait, tbh.
They could be leather gloves.
Imagine if Tencent owns Nintendo.
10cent has created the gamifyed society system china uses. If you are a good slave communist you get good goy points and if you are a bad commie you lose points and these points affect everything, If your points go too low you are permanently tagged as an outlaw. It is mandatory facebook where everyones score is public info.
This will happen in the west soon when one world government takes over after ww3
I'm pretty sure they would actually commit seppuku before allowing that to happen.
When I hear about chinks being jews, it's always in their home country. Are there stories of them being kikes outside of China?
San Fagcisco 40's (Tong Wars)
Australian Triads (70's i think?)
Mexico late 20's (ended in their mass expulsion, leading them to run to border cities/San Diego/San Fagcisco)
TenCent constantly buts heads with the Chinese government because they are so rich and powerful and their strict media controls conflict with TenCent's desire for more profit. That statement about the merging of Facebook, EA, ActiBlizz, Google etc. isn't at all wrong. It's ironic and terrifying that the Communist government is the one which is most threatened by megacorps on its own soil.
First of all except in very rare cases Jap companies can't be owned or sold to foreign entities otherwise they'd have already been bought long ago by Microsoft. Second they are partnered with them for business in China.
What do you think Facebook is? In the west they have enough tact to pretend you have choice and foster some competition. And the one world government has been here long before any of us have been born.
They are quite literally colonising Zimbabwe and I believe several other African nations right now. And the locals aren't overly fond of their new cockroach infestation
Not a surprise there.
Go back to cuckchan faggot, nobody cares about these flavor of the month shits
They fulfil the niche in SE Asia and have fucked over their neighbors in every capacity. How do you not know this? Also property purchase invasion and trade deal rape.
But chinks are actively killing niggers by selling them plastic pellets as rice instead of breeding them through gibs, reintroducing apartheid but with Chinese ethical standards insted of lifiting them out of africa into white countries.
The chinese government also did a takeover of canadian real estate because canadians are top cuckolds of the world.
Not even surprised.
Why are they doing that? They hate niggers more than anyone else in the world.
Because there are vast deposits of resources in Africa whitey is too stupid to exploit.
Should've had apartheid instead
Starting in 3 years. Just be ready to kill cheeki breekis for the greatest ally.
Pretty sure all monopoly laws were cancelled in the 90s when everything began swallowing up everything else.
That's why filthy cunts like vivendi could take over every half decent game developer and publisher even though it has nothing to do with games.
Apartheid would've worked better for niggers than even a tenth of what China has in store for them.
Chink lives are disposable to them.
Imagine how low a nigger is.
They're infecting, infesting and locusting all of south east Asia.
They throw tons of money at each country in turn, for a 99% take of the profits.
The locals either have no idea, or there is one greedy guy who agrees to it. Country ruined.
See Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, etc etc.
Chinks have also ruined the economy of New Zealand.
Start "chink lives matter" in china.
They're 40 percent owned by Tencent
Granted that's still too much, hell, even 1 percent ownership by the chinks is still too much. But still, OP is fake news
t. butthurt euro
China is on the road to collapse already. Xi is now dictator for life because they can't afford a leader who will raise workers wages. China works because their labor is cheap. Their GDP per PPP is the highest on Earth while their nominal GDP trails Europe and America by billions and their GDP per capita is among the lowest on the planet. China manipulates their domestic economy to keep wages low for the rest of the world, so the rest of the world buys Chinese products. This can only end badly for China once someone other than Xi takes charge. They want to prevent Gorbachev 2.0
I hear some people saying that's why they're neo-colonizing Africa. Because the only race that is willing to work for less than Chinks is niggers. But that's a dicy gamble and northern, southern, and western Africa tend to lean more NATO/Arab World anyways
The armies of Western Europe will fold like a cheap suit and will beg the US to save their ass again.
I root for chinks when they hurt niggers and themselves.
You have no idea how zogd you country is
yeah thanks for that bro if we didnt get rid of that mean nazi we couldnt have such a wonderfull multiracial europe
Big if true
Also, the gender disparity is a huge issue because you have millions of young men with nothing to lose and no possibility of starting a family, on top of Chinese women ruthlessly exploiting the shortage of vagina to act like complete bitches. China is so desperate they're offloading many of their omega males off to Africa so they can cuck the niggers.
Then there's the rising tensions between the middle class that wants more political rights and freedoms, the omnipresent pollution in all the major cities, China playing a dangerous game with Japan despite them having a paper army at best, etc.
Also, the current crop of young princes and princesses of the ruling class are completely spoiled little shits that flaunt their wealth in front of the peasants, something their elders were very careful not to do. I sincerely doubt there's many among them that are capable of actually ruling effectively.
The really hilarious part is that China consistently rebuffs attempts by Western leftists to infiltrate their society. Both The Last Jedi and Black Panther bombed there because of the niggers, and chinks are no strangers to wanting to lynch niggers at the slightest opportunity.
Like anyone is going to ask niggers for their opinion.
How can you even interpret what I said as some condemnation of the good guys? I'm simply saying that the modern population of Western Europe these days is made up of soycucks that will cry bitch tears the moment bullets start to fly and beg for their daily intake of soy.
And? The jews in Israel have been imprisoning and purging negros and arabs as long as they have with Palestinians. It's only the white countries (and Russia and Japan) that aren't allowed to throw them out.
Your country is non-white and your military will bomb any racist facist country.
are you fucking retarded
It's more complicated than that and you shouldn't misrepresent the situation because it perfectly illustrates the difference in perspective between Trudeau and the people who actually live with his decisions. What happened was that in the summer of 2017, news broke about a bunch of housing crises in the central and western parts of the country - Vancouver and Victoria in British Columbia specifically had a big problem due to their treacherous real estate markets and dense population.
Owning land in those cities (and in B.C. in general) is extremely expensive, and Victoria's inability to do anything due to its thirteen fucking municipalities exacerbated the problem. The news stories revealed huge parcels of Canadian land were not only owned by foreigners, but sold, resold, and traded like Monopoly properties among them. The buyers would often purchase a house or building with zero intention of using it, then flip it a few years later for a modest profit or infill a second house on the same property, then sell both.
Naturally, British Columbians didn't enjoy the prospect of being played like a stock market, so they pressured their government into doing something about it. Surprisingly, they actually did: a percentage tax was introduced on all transactions involving foreign owners, and it should come as a surprise to no-one that the Asian investors packed up shop and left, so now there are far fewer empty houses in downtown Vancouver.
What was Trudeau doing throughout all of this? Being bribed by a variety of Chinese corporations and special interest groups and all but laundering money through Liberal MP spending. Canadians can, on rare occasions, actually do something which benefits them instead of the hordes of subhumans infesting our urban centres. Trudeau cannot.
t. canuck
Blame the fat drunk sack of shit Churchill who only wanted to wage war against Germany because he was afraid their success would threaten Britains then-global empire. Funny how the Brits essentially created the idea of globalism in the first place to the point where Russia and France were literally giving their land away to America just to keep it out of British hands
Kill yourself OP you've embarrassed yourself even though you're right goddamn
I see I'm talking with an idiot. I'm not a chink you utter imbecile.
They ran out of bombs when they were busy deposing Gaddafi to make way for the nigger hordes and had to whine to Uncle Sam to do their job for them. They are so completely cucked they can't even bomb a country incapable of fighting back.
im not talking about china you fucking nigger im talking about america
Chinas population growth is starting to stagnate as well in the same vein as America and Japan. But the big difference is China needs steady population growth for their economic model to make sense. Maybe that's why they're going after the niggers
You must be over 18 to post here
America is non-white deal with it amerimutt
They only have themselves to blame. They instituted the one child policy and are now finding out that once you artificially lower birthrates you will never be able to get them back up again.
Not really. They don't even employ the chimps in Africa because they know they are incompetent and lazy, they just ship chink ants over there and make them work, and the chinks then proceed to steal the nigger women. It's fucking hilarious to watch unfold, especially because the US and Western Europe seem utterly incapable of stopping them.
It's the same problem plaguing America, Europe, and Japan. westernization is anti-sex.
You better dream that will happen
Also important to note European census' do not track people by Race like American census do. According to the European census 2 percent of Europe is non-European. Which is a completely useless metric because there are straight up niggers with European citizenship considered European by the census.
So lets get this straight then.
Tencent owns Riot Games, Epic Games and I think they own the Pubg company now don't they?
Aren't they still owned by Koreans?
They don't own PUBG, but they are the distributor of PUBG in China. I can't recall if they have rolled out the chink only version of the game yet though.
I dont even know anymore, I thought pubg was under Bluenotes or whatever which also owns Tera? Shits getting confusing. but China is getting pretty crazy in the video game world. The fact that Tencent pays hackers to make hacks for other competing games and gives them to Chinese players to go use in other games to destroy them with rampid hacking. Case in point is h1z1 and Planetside 2
Yeah, chinks and their complete and utter shit taste in games is a terrifying prospect, especially when Western publishers really start to smell the shekels.
On the other hand chinks go apeshit if they get a whiff of feminism or Cultural Marxism in their games, so it's going to be interesting to see how the cucks attempt to please both them and tumblr.
The 'Chink only' version is the Android port which is a completely different engine. I hear Fortnite is overtaking Pubg in Chinkland now anyways so once the official Fortnite port for mobile is released pubg will be pretty much dead.
It gets worse
Wouldn't be surprised if the 50 cent party was in this very thread
BUG 101
Also, I totally forgot about the "50 cent" references.
Someone's going to the gulag!
What's that picture?
I bet it's nanking and IJA
You guys saw the webm of the zerg torching doggos alive, right?
>he doesn't know of the referral system entire game design which encouraged people to make bot farms with their referral links which play against themselves in private lobbies until lvl 30 so then the accounts can be sold on ebay.
Ye, but do you have the screencap about chink army filling artillery shells with concrete or sand instead of explosive?
So long as their government has control over those companies, why should they care?
Has EpicGames done anything relevant in the past several years?
Even 1% is too much.
Never give money that may go to chinese companies.
If you have the chance, kill a chinese whenever you see one.
what that would accomplish?
Make the Nips laugh their asses off for one. Also, make money for whoever stole the gunpowder.
AFAIK this is common knowledge at this point. Not that I mind a reminder.
UT was dead on arrival
it's just a shovelware merketing tactic that also you can see in hollywood
this, but industrial automation is simple nowdays still they will be forced to modernize their industry or collapse because they cant keep lowering their currency because of the ever growing middle class and the fact that their pollution is getting to the point that it's crippling their own functionality.
Not using explosives, thus making exercises cheaper. The US uses rocks as dummy bombs for training. Although I'm sure that China does that because someone sold the explosives beforehand.
Uh huh, I should totally believe someone posting such a forced meme, And if it happens be prepared to act then.
Shoo shoo Nordicist jew.
You think this is a uniquely Chinese thing you'd be mistaken. This entire board is being flooded with shills on a daily basis, hence the cancer tier threads we've been seeing lately. The apex being E3 when the majority of us can just laugh our asses off at how bad these PR firms are at their jobs.
I am concerned however with the trend of cloud gaming as the point of hackers being able to sabotage competing products is deeply deeply dangerous for the overall health of the industry, especially with the ESA sabotaging our own efforts for curation.
The irony will be that despite the ESA members fucking over the West, in the end they'll all end up being destroyed by Tencent, which'll be fucking hilarious but also really fucking sad at the same time because it'll really mean the death of a lot of really awesome IPs.. That said, probably better they stay dead given how terrible everything it is.
I'd be happy if we could move away from cloud solutions.
The difference is that Chinks are relentless and there's over a billion of them. China has gotten too big. I almost expect the entire country to be balkanized by the end of the century. In a perfect world the western provinces would become part of the independent state of Tibet. Taiwan would have actual independence, and the Northern provinces would become the sovereign state of Mongolia
Unreal Engine 4 and that's about it. They probably realized that they can make more money off of their engines than their games.
What about Hong Kong?
UT died for Paragon, which then died for Fortnite.
Tencent is a government-mandated monopoly.
SNK is owned by chinks