how many of you faggots bought the ps4 vr for this game?
is it possible to play it with english subtitles?
No heroes allowed vr
I'll be getting VR for this game
Why should I be interested? I can't fuck it.
I would if it wasn't so expensive
What a faggot.
No, but you can handhold her
This looks like Dragon Quest.
Can I grab her pretty soft penis and rub her smooth foreskin and press her hot gummy-like head?
Me too, I've been holding off but it looks like it's finally worth it.
Nigger you gay.
Where's the porn?
She's really cute, but I still can't justify getting a PSVR.
It's for a few games for me, but this and ace combat are gonna be the breaking point. I also heard from is doing something PSVR related so I'm very curious.
Man, the Japanese voice actors really hit the bullseye with this one, delicious VAing
It feels pretty straight though
Post some webms of the English dub. I like valley girl accent.
PSVR is a gimmick and it won't save the current generation of consoles or PC from the indieshit. Notice Nintendo didn't need to try that to hold up the Switch which admittedly has the whole docking and handheld thing but that's more developed than just being a gimmick.
I'm gonna need some video evidence of that, user.
Where's the handholding?
What was the first game in this series like?
I think the only way to get english subtitles is buying the asian version of the game.
sort of a tower defense game for the psp where you fend off an invading hero by mining out blocks in a sort of console rpg dungeon. Releasing monsters and making more elaborate pathways for the hero so he can't succeed in capturing the dude who summoned you.
The original 3 games were dungeon building games where you had to manage an ecosystem while also preventing invading heroes from capturing the Overlord.
Slimes fed off nutrients in the dungeon walls.
Bugs ate the slimes.
Lizardmen ate the bugs.
Way more complex than that, but that is the basic idea.
If you werent careful you entire dungeon could get driven to extinction from over feeding.
>10.000 years old
Is there a PC port? I was thinking of getting a Vive Pro when it comes out if it doesn't cost a shit load and I might check it out.
You can't handhold, is just a faggot and his dubs will forever remain unchecked. You can, however, be a creep.
those digits give me hope
Not even the same game as the last two
You're just proving I'm right Kike
did someone say porn
Very good. But can you pet her head and make her cutely demand that you stop while vehemently denying that she's clearly enjoying it?
Why does it arouse me so much when an evil loli laughs at me?
Her penis head? Ha ha
Why is she so perfect?
Okay, this one's cute.
in case you thought her voice sounded familiar
Play the games, faggot.
you didnt even try
God thats worse than buying a switch because you want to fuck the doggo
Fucking nips.
Can you look up her skirt?
Is there a way to get the jp voices instead? The english vas in that webm are awful. There are english vas that have done evil lolis in the past, but that sounds like something pulled out of a gta game.
import a japanese copy
I do that sometimes when I shit
Someone drew me a steam avatar like 6 years ago. She sure has gotten cute since then.
Is the game actually any good? I remember the first two were like Dungeon Keeper focused on ecology rather than economy. The third game added all sorts of new and exciting evolution/mutations, a whole slew of water creatures, and dungeon intelligence which is potentially pretty cool but usually self-defeating. Then they made like a bejeweled sort of game? Then they took that game off the market and replaced it with the same thing but with tons and tons of micro-transactions.
you still use that? if so congrats on outing yourself.
I lost all my old data switching computers so I can't change it or it'll be lost forever.
I'm going to find you user
if i remember to look that picture up.
music seems nice
are game music performances normal?
Man I love the way this language sounds, fuck.
How are cucks gonna cuck if it's not a waifu.
I'm glad I'm not the only one getting pissed off about these things.
She's pretty cute
Get some taste user. The VR is only good for car and aircraft simulators.
Because you have shitty meme fetishes.
And you have shitty meme beliefs.
Holy fuck, it's so top heavy that even the slightest amount of pressure could snap it like a twig.
Why are you examining the dick user?
Purely for educational purposes I assure you.
It could just be the perspective, causing the closest portion of the cock (tip) to appear larger than the base.
Because she's not real.
Thats not real. Theres no way.
Orgies and gangbangs are for the gays.
The crash can't happen soon enough.
More please, can you find >>14519141 in English please.
Done't save the sample image
Go back to pixiv and save it again
What if one man services 4 women?
I hate women so much.
Why do I feel like I've been insulted?
How old?
Western women are incompatible.
Is the GAME any good though? I really don't give a fuck about being able to poke a loli in VR to make her angry when I can do the same thing for free with any number of other "experiences". You just have to make a nip PSN account to get access to them.
I've got some bad news for you. Ace Combat won't be a VR title. They'll have a "VR Mode", which will be a stripped down side-cart "experience" completely separate from the main game. Sort of like how Gran Autismo doesn't let you use VR in races - but only allows you to play VR on certain tracks with certain cars at certain predesignated times of day against a single (terrible) AI opponent - and none of what you do in VR mode has any bearing on your career.
Really makes me wonder why the fuck they even bothered to bundle PSVR with GTSport in the first place. It's not a VR game, like say, Resident Evil 7 - which is the exact same game start to finish as the base title (just with crappier graphics and) in VR.
What the hell is that overly bitchy tone? Fuck me.
It's called valley girl speak/accent.
It's cute
This, this is pretty fucking bad, she sounds like a dumb, airheaded bimbo.
But what was the post
It doesnt fit the character, and her acting is awful and not what the character should be. Just because you like eating shit, doesnt mean everyone else does.
yeah we need big tits on the pedobait
Oppai loli is naisu, but I think she looks better without them. Don't have any art of her with oppai to make that sort of comparison though. I wanna see her latching on to a pair of titties too. /ll/ is great.
Do you have that Koikatu card?
What's the lewdest outfit you can put her in? And what's the body icon for, does it let you change her proportions?
That's a porn game user, not the game in the op.
Yes that's how it works
2/10 I replied
Jesus Christ that dub is bad.
sounds like most dubs tbh
Not just some dumb airheaded bimbo. She sounds like as if one of the numale cuckfucks localizing the game wanted to get out of the beta orbiter belt that was around his bitch excuse for a goddess and invited her to do the voice, so he could get another sticker on his cuck husband card for the chance to get his microscopic bean of a penis touched instead of Chad Thundercock.
Nuke America
Gay niggers
user, tsunderes are absolute trash. English voice acting just makes it more notorious.
How do English VA always fuck this up? It's like they have no idea that those characters are supposed to be charming, and in every game or anime dub it's the same. They either miss the point completely and make a character from what is supposed to be either charming, childish or affectionate into a complete fucking bitch.
It's because U.S. Normalfags are all masochists.
Japanese tsuns are pure you humongous faggot. Western """""tsunderes""""" are cunts that gobble 20 cocks every night and are rude not as a way to hide her feelings, but because she enjoys being a cunt. Do not compare those two
This game contains lewd shit as full non indie ps4 game? I swear i saw lewd webms from this game
Its not available on the PS4 m8
I think it's a combination of missing the point and plain lack of talent. In Japan there's an emphasis on making characters cute and likeable, wheras western audiences tend to prefer more "realistic" characters. A female character who's not a cunt just doesn't fit in with their world view, so they can't allow one to exist in fiction. Also the normalfags that make these dubs probably don't undertand tsunderes and don't know how to make a character be standoffish but still cute.
And as for lack of talent, well, just listen to that VA in the webms. She's completely incapable of putting any expression into her voice. Small wonder the character doesn't seem as appealing when she's about as emotive as a supermarket employee.
I do like the progress for porn games with vr though.
God this is bad.
This happens way to often.
That is the main reason I hate a lot of dubs.
The sad thing is that it always seems to me that those people absolutely hate their job and don't put any heart into it. No matter how difficult voice acting is for the Japanese, they still seem to at least put effort into what they're doing.
On a similar topic, why do normalfags even find the bitchy way of acting attractive? It seems more obnoxious than anything, who would want to date an emotional time bomb like that?
How do you think I can tell you're a goon?
If you think about it, many people have the same waifu, therefore it only makes sense that either all waifufags enter a death tournament, Battle Royale style, or that they settle down and share. Clearly, they have chosen.
I don't think it's as much about being attractive because that would be problematic as it is about stronk female empowerment and being hostile to gross men
Both of them are different trash. Japanese tsunderes are kitchen trash. Some of it is actually edible, you can recycle a lot but overall it's still garbage. English tsunderes are back alley trash. The kind you find in dumpsters.
This sounds like they just grabbed a random person for the dub. There's no effort. I could be a cuter girl and I'm a 27 year old man with a deep voice and hairy asshole.
my condolences
I kind of want it not to suck, because RTS in VR seems like a good way to do things, it'll be like playing a board game that actually moves. I tried playing RTS in 3d, and the only problem is that the pointer is on a different plane, so I have to close one eye, and massive ghosting as well, but it does look rad when it works.
I thought everybody had that problem
I think this problem is exclusive to US VAs, most voice actors in america get their training and degrees from community colleges and the only good ones are filtered out and used over and over. these VAs become overused whihc is why it feels like english dubs only have 15 voices across all of anime and video games.
That problem isn't as prevelant in the UK where voice actors get their training from theatre, television or independant film. thats why for me british voice over is far more charming and better acted. its just a hame that the only time british voices are used are in a medival setting or as a token stereotype.
Take that back.
Xenoblade 2 wants a word with you.
Why would hairy asshole be a problem?
would the dub had been better if it was american voices and starred luara bialey, travis willingham and troy baker?
I sincerely doubt they even look at what they're voicing. Just read off the lines, grab a check and then head on home.
thats sounds more like the audio director.
i know its easy to hate on the VA because its there performance you're hearing but its the voice director who is charge of getting a performance out of them and in some cases hiring them in the first place.
VAs wanna doa good job espeacially wide eyed newbies because if they hand in a demo reel thats full of shit jobs they ain't gonna get hired.
I can't even remember the last time I heard a dub with an unfamiliar voice that wasn't either a phoned in eceleb or intern.
Nah mate, we got the platonic ideal at work here. Couple that with modern M-theory. There is one perfect waifu in celestial space. Your interpretation of her is an imperfect reflection of it. Thus, there are an infinite many forms of the same perfect ideal, one of them being your own. It is still heresy to imagine a form so distant from its source though. which is why NTR and gays in denial through gangbang should get the rope
P5? apart from kawakamia, sojiro and makotos voice everyone was new to me.
No, but I'm just saying British/Welsh voice actors aren't good either.
The problem is a lack of competition and money to be had. One AAA Japanese voice actress is getting paid more than the director of the anime being made. Pennies are paid in comparison here.
Yeah, but you also have to consider perverts.
AAA japanese VA put in WAY more effort than thier western counterparts so I can understand the higher cost
There could be ten times as much competition in the US and it wouldn't matter because they're conditioned to hate video games and foreign entertainment on principle.
The real problem is the complete lack of standards from western consumers and localizers.
All the good translators get work doing business and legal instead of video games too. Our only salvation is that the studios themselves start in-house providing English sub versions not contracted out to ideologues who hate the base content they work for.
you have tho shave it every once in a while, or you'll shit will start getting tangled in it.
Now, Satan, I do have a hairy butthole, but it isn't a fucking horse tail. I shit just fine. I've never had to put razor to it.
I'm let down, thought it was a Suda thing. This is like asking for fries but getting sweet potaters.
Don't listen to this guy. If you shave it once you'll have to keep doing it for the rest of your life.
Wax. Get the out all of you amateurs.
Isn't there an urban legend about not shaving your asshole hair in Taiwan or something like that?
Step it up.
How did I get on a taiwanese asshole exorcism board?
I can't find her on danbooru and it's pissing me off
Isn't that the one that makes you pay to see loli? Just use Sankaku channel
I just couldn't find her jap name, thanks friendo
The people who have standards don't directly want English voice actors to improve(Why catch small fish and hope they grow instead of catching a bigger fish?) or refuse to think that the English language lends itself to good voice acting or the regions which speak English primarily are even physically capable of it. There are also many who won't bother with dubs, from both the perspective that the dubs are not the original voices and thus are not worth ever giving a shit about, or that if people won't care about dubs on principle, there's no point in doing a good job beyond what your agent or employer demands of you. The people who really give a shit on the actors' side either aren't getting hired, or are people who don't regularly do voice acting for money, usually doing voice work for a project they've already been been onboard for, but with a different role like a programmer or composer, or is an associate of one of the developers who has a decent voice, and thus only has to be taught to act decently enough for the one or two voice roles they'll ever do in their lives.
**I'm an arafag, but* While lolis are cute and can be drawn or modeled to have more arousing figures or basically be shortstacks all but in name, I don't see soyboys or nu-males actually lusting after lolis. They legit think that 2D is PD. Mentally speaking I guess they have their fatherly desires being turned into a sexual attraction to little girls, not because they may be somehow attractive enough to give a male a boner or the fact we have evolved to be able to reproduce at an age younger than the legal ages of consent, but because they cannot handle anything more developed than an IRL little girl.
Whatever fuck that was playing this sure likes looking at the top of her head.
Fucking idiot.
Her acting is fine. I like it.
Stop thinking you know what's best when you can't even read, understand, comprehend the ching chong nip nong ling long Japanese like all the other posters in this thread.
Can you, though? Just saying unless you can speak nip then we can't be sure one way or another.
speak for yourself retard
No fucking gameplay has been shown but it has a demon loli, so for morons like you its
Do localization teams actually pay companies to do their job? They gotta make up for the lost sales after all.
(((Localization))) companies have no respect for the stuff they work on, so they just try to get it out as quickly and cheaply as possible. That is reflected in the quality.
-t. cowboy beep boop and dragon ballz fan
Its a vampire.
Like omg.
Fucking racist.
is this what this cancer is called? this endlessly obnoxious, ultra slut, thot, normalfag, paris hilton, stacey-speak shit?
I want this fucking shit burned out of existence for all eternity. This fucking shit is why all jap-eng dubs are always absolute cancer. Without question - any english dub of weebshit - it will have this valley girl cancer for almost all female characters. Along with other cancerous, "quirky" speech like "kickass" or fucking "wowzers" or stupid shit like that no one would ever say and is also not entertaining or funny as fiction. It fucking infuriates me to no end. There are billions - fucking billions of English speakers. And then some fucking dimwitted nu-males from america/canada whose entire worldview and knowledge barely goes beyond pop culture get their hands on that dubbing license
I needed to say this because the concept of dubs that aren't from the animations origin country are entirely valid. It could be possible for dubs to reach half the quality of the jap original if only the bare minimum of effort is distributed
But the fact that this currently established american dubbing "industry" can't even manage the easiest, foolproof shit is simply unacceptable. I'm so fucking mad I want to kill myself
Yet again, someone who does't read, understand, comprehend Japanese, nor even watch English dubs, gets upset to the point he wants to die.
Very close-minded. Try actually watching a dub. I recommend Drakengard 3 and Highschool DxD as they change it a lot from the original nip nong Japanese dub.
Which company did this crime?
Need to know where to send a special package to.
your baiting is… funny. truly - and don't ask me why - I've watched the funimation dub of dxd
Now listen to Konekos boring voice lines again in JP to remind yourself
Joss Whedon syndrome.
I didn't need to remind myself that you're a fucking nigger.
I bet you don't play Insurgency because of BattleEye
quit ironic shitposting
and checkem
Uhh, I'm, like, totally evil and, like, stuff, goosh~…
*leans back against locker while chewing gum and rolling eyes*
Sounds cute.
The problem is not the character type –some can be bretty good when execute well– the problem is the lack of motivation of actually "localizing" a game to make sense to people who have zero ideas about japanese analogies and references or over-enthusiasm to force in normeme.
That and incompetent VAs who are not even capable of expressing emotions correctly.
Remember to ignore low-effort bait.
Her acting is god awfully. It totally destroys the cute image of the character and replaces it with an aggravating bitch I'd rather lynch than head pat. And yes, 日本語できるぞ
Apparently, it's actually an old term used to describe the bitches that move to LA or California and act in an incredibly vapid manner, full consumerism and thinking about looking fabulous.
As that behaviour is certainly not old in America, I'm sure the term must have more than 50 years by now, but now it's called "bimbo".
The funny thing is, this doesn't even make sense.
The point of bimbos and valley girls is to have that simple mentality that basic men understand and look at as an easy girl to please and keep with you. Literally buy their love without making the whole thing seem like hiring a prositute basically, with the added bonus that she's so dumb you'll never look stupid in front of her.
I'm dead serious, the main appeal of bimbos and valley girls has to be how easy they are and how non-threatning they are intelectually speaking.
However people that play videogames that actually feature characters (i.e., not Madden or multiplayer trash like CoD) will always prefer idealized versions of characters.
It really doesn't matter if a girl is too smart and atractive, it's a fantasy so your fat virgin ass can get the girl anyway, so why would you settle for the town bike instead?
There's really no market, no demographic that's compatible between both "people that like videogames with waifus" and "people that like bimbos", so mixing both… Simply doesn't make sense.
i was about to buy this game but i will wait for the nip/asain version to go down first
there's a reason why its mostly disapproved here
user, there are people out there that fucking buys and love NTR shit, do you really think there wouldnt be bimbofags?
damn slanteyes even making sluts look appealing
Gyarus are pretty hot. Dunno if that's the same thing though.
Please don't mistreat my dick like this user, don't want to fap right now.
This isn't really what that guy's talking about at all. A valley girl would be way more submissive than a gyaru or whatever they call . These just look like alpha bitches in comparison.
Gyarus in real life are Jap valley girlaboos who import Western bimbatry combined with hilarious fake guido tans and blondeness, also glitter & shit, so they're shit tier. 2D pseudo-Gyaru that have been emerging of late, though I'm hardly an expert as they're not too much my thing, are only flashy, loose, easy, etc, on the exterior, and end up being some flavor or another of waifu, usually based one way or the other on being bashful posers who can't take the heat that they call in on themselves by being a walking sex kitchen. Or something like that, the metaphor really degraded at the end there.
I mean you obviously wouldn't want to associate with them or any other 3DPD in real life.
If its any consolation, letting a town bike have your virginity is probably not a good idea. You'll regret it later if you find a good wife.
Sorry for doublepost, but on a related note, gyarus who act all slutty and are secretly virgins are pretty top-tier.
That's Max from Life is Strange. Some drawfag on Holla Forums thought it would be a good idea to start a guerilla campaign to take degenerate characters in media and 'purify' them, for lack of a better word. I have some of the original edits from where that image originated but they're on my dead HDD.
I'm aware of that. Still quite a good image.
It's a pathetic image.
let's talk about the ultimate tier though, tomboys
The best thing is that image is the fang though.
Wojak is fantasizing about passively finding his ideal woman instead of actively pursuing her.
This motherfucker speaks the truth.
Way to misinterpret the image.
Did that Jap fuck make a sequel to that incest doujin?
I sure fucking hope so
I'm perfectly aware of the idea of the image. The image itself is bad, not the idea behind it. Polite sage for off-topic.
that's something i wish more artists would draw
What I want to know is why shark teeth are almost always on treacherous, sneaky, coward-type characters and no one else. When did that become a universally agreed on thing?
probably goes back to old design/nature philosophy, predators have pointy teeth and in lots of early animated media with animal characters predators played the bad guys
they are ok, when its vanilla
Ahh, that makes sense.
cmon m8
how do we get this weebshit off this board
Yes it's waifubaiting but it's well done. I can recognize what they are trying to do is manipulative, but damn if they didn't do it right. Lucky that I don't know nip or have vr so won't feed into it, but will keep up with the art for sure.
It probably speaks volumes about a society when people identify with the antelope running away rather than the lion chasing after it.
Can you diddle the Dark Lord?
I honestly wouldnt give a shit if the game was an actual proper sequel.
If the VR shit was just an extra little bonus thing to do on the map screen fine, but the actual gameplay of the game is nothing like the original trilogy.
All I want is another sequel with expanded mechanics. And preferably a non-shitty localization
So has anyone looked up her skirt yet? what kind of panties is she wearing?
>implying she's wearing panties
Bloomers? That would be the best.
I'd rather fuck the thing on the right.
So adorable goddamn
So does her vampire dad just kind of stand there and watch you annoy the shit out of her / molest her via cursor?
It's not though?
This is why western games have such shit-tier female characters.
Is this some kind of exiting new reddit meme?
Don't reply. These are the retards that watched one high-profile OVA from the 80s and thought "wooow all old anime good, all new anime bad! :^("
They don't know what they're even memeing about.
I want to dick her dad
That's horrible, but does this confirm her as a lolibaba or is this only a (((localization))) translation?
She's even older than that in nip, 100,014.
I like it
No one asked you, Mark
I noticed a lot of replies to these complaining about the english VO.
But i got you ask you fags something… Have you ever heard anyone actually speak english?
You all expect that you can simple bring some nip game over to english and somehow it'll magically sound the same.
Well… it doesn't.. Things are a lot harder then that and folllowed up with this unrealistic standards that weebs have when it comes to VOs doesn't help.
You are all way to pumped up and deluded by watching way to much nipponisese gibberish that you've forgotten how your own language sounds like.
Stop trying to learn nip, go outside and learn real english and real things that'll help you in life.
Nice try, Mr. (((Localizer)))
As someone that works with people as a job, yes. It's fucking shit. Also, stop using ellipses like a fucking faggot and use them for their intended purpose.
There's a certain appeal to a woman who will sleep with you to enjoy it rather than to get something out of you. There's an even bigger appeal to a young woman who will sleep with an old, hairy man like the one you will invariably turn into.
I can have a bit of an appreciation for the idea of girls who are open about sex assuming they're safe about it, not wife material of course but why pass on a decent root if it's safe ya'know
This is a video game. Most of the cool shit is meant to make it more attractive to buy. Better graphics, story, music and so on are for your audio/visual enjoyment. This is another thing for you to enjoy. What exactly is the problem with enjoying things meant to appeal to you?
Probably just another goon demonizing attractive girls.
I want to believe that, but I just don't anymore. I think we've got some real retards hanging about. At least he isn't as bad as the pro-DRM faggots.
Is there an option for JP dub and EN subtitles?
The EN dub is just terrible.
Ok can someone tell me what this game is even about?
This entire thread is about Vampire loli.
it's about ogling a vampire loli in VR, can't you tell?
Oh. That table that looked like mission select screen and something that looked like gameplay misled me.
No wonder people here love it.
No, just 90% of them are shit for brains.
I guess this board must be full of goons in that case, user.
Why do you think it's so shit lately?
mostly pc goys taking their toy too seriously
Because faggots like you don't take your own advice.
It's an RTS. I've been looking forward to that kind of thing for a while. Might be fun.
Terrible is an understatement. It's an absolute abomination.
She sounds like an adorable loli in JP. So she should still sound like that in English, not like some disgusting braindead nigger dick loving bimbo 300 lb obese whore.
It really is
That some top tier voice acting
The purple bitch seems annoying as fuck too be honest, also >buying game because you want to dick the loli
This thread sucks
I don't say this often, but I really think you should kill yourself immediately.
Where do you think you are?
Yeah, he's that cucked.
If he just stands there doing nothing about it, then it sounds pretty cucked to me.
nothing cucked about seeing the creation of evil offsprings.
Would you be opposed to your grandchild being evil Jesus?
But theres nothing wrong with how she sounds in english… you are comparing her to an unrealistic standard.
It's not that easy to make something that sounds the same in both languages, stop comparing it to the japanese version because you don't even know what she's saying in japanese.
It sounds a lot different once you actually learn the language.
plus, it's not like the orignal creators didn't have any input on translations, this voice had to be ok'd by someone… so it's fine.
if you want to read something cucked, read this
Yeah, you're right, it's even more cucked.
How do you think a father-daughter relationship works? You're not supposed to fuck your own daughter. She can't cuck you.
He's probably the one setting up the player with her in the first place; seeing your ability as a leader/strategist and being able to take care of her would make you a good son in law. He's just cringing over how tsundere his daughter is acting.
How often do you think she confides in her papa about how she acts in front of the player because she's too embarrassed to be honest with her feelings?
While "not supposed to" doesn't necessarily mean "can't", that sort of relationship doesn't appear to be present here.
Bullshit. The tone and tenor of the voice is all wrong considering the character archtype and body type.
While the dub is indeed shit, things do sound better when you don't actually know the language being spoken.
This is the same guy using a proxy, isn't it?
You would hope so, but retards like that are a plenty.
So, how many of you actually played the previous games? I played them for a bit, but jesus fuck am I garbage at them. Tips would be appreciated, aside for finding a miracle cure for my mental retardation.
There's not as many retards around here that… abuse… the… period.. key….. as much as those "two" anons, though. And they're both (1) and done fags although I'm also a (1) right now
I work the register (mostly) at a local retail store. When I'm not there I am on the floor helping customers among other things. I know what a nice english voice is, and I know that isn't one.
The worst part is that this can even be done correctly, but they've chosen a terrible voice actress, if you can even call her that.
I know right. Dirty anons in this thread who don't even watch English dubs think loli voices can actually exist in English
They will cry regardless of any voice actor.
I'm fluent in Japanese you retarded fuck. I know exactly what she's saying.
why does the music make me think of Banjo-Kazooie