Are there any genuinely good Warhammer 40k games? I tried playing Dawn of War III at it was terrible and everything I can find is a mobile port. Is it just 40kfags meming like they insert everywhere?
Are there any genuinely good Warhammer 40k games...
Space Marine is a solid TPS. Can't speak to any of the strategy games since I haven't played them.
There was a 40k game on PS1/Windows back in the day I remember being good. It was an atmospheric first person tactical shooter.
nobody liked DoW3, play DoW1 Dark Crusade.
Thats your first mistake, go play the original DoW.
Dawn of War one and its expansions were the fucking best. Shame on you for playing shit before perfection.
I'll give it a shot but it just looks like GoW to me.
My bad.
Its still a good game and aged well, go play it.
Got a download link?
Why would you play the worst game in a trilogy and then write off the entire franchise when half the games in the franchise play nothing like them?
That's the non-StreumOn Space Hulk.
It's an average tps, just like how Fire Warrior is an average FPS from what I've heard. Fuck how the final boss ends with a QTE though.
I just have it on steam, it should be on piratebay or somewhere like that, its not an obscure game.
Fire Warrior is a very strange FPS.
tried playing DoW3 recently and I nearly broke down in tears at how awful it was
DoW2 wasn't a good RTS game but an okay tactical RPG. DoW3 is irredeemable
The share threads should also have a copy.
I have a sneaking suspicion that all of the MCs in the more action focused shooters are blessed by Khorne, even if it's not possible.
I couldn't sort out the memes from reality user, at least now I know.
So don't play Firewarrrior?
The actual explanation for shas'o'kais murder rampage in firewarrior is actually that he was blessed by khorne, hes such an oddity that he ended up being the tau commander in dark crusade.
how are the previous space hulk games (the ones that emulate the tabletop)?
Also known as plot armor which is bullshit I admit, but it wouldn't be fun without.
Try watching the review (and skipping the spoiler part) and developing your own opinion, user. I won't tell you how to think.
You can also check out final liberation or chaos gate, if they arent too dated for you.
There's nothing genuinely good about 40k anything they're just the tabletop equivalent of furries who meme stuff into existence.
I was thinking he was, but I haven't actually played it so I had no idea.
You need a better meme filter, luckily I know just the man.
If you're willing to deal with some of the clunkiness of the engine, the ARMA3 40K mod might be up your alley.
So there is a mech arma mod, and a 40k mod, what other crazy mods are there for that game?
I feel like we've had this thread too many times
Play DoW1 and DoW2
Space Marine is okay too
It doesn't play anything like Gears. I played shit tons of co-op in Space Marine and most of that was spent charging head on into crowds of orks using melee. I'd hesitate to even describe Space Marine solely as a shooter, since the best and most fun way to play by far is by rolling & dashing everywhere while alternating between melee and shooting. That's all besides the fact that the only way to gain health back is by stunning enemies (usually with melee) and then getting up close to them to do a execution move.
I mean, shit, Space Marine's pre-release marketing even made fun of cover shooters that were all over the place at the time. Pic related.
Halo, Star Wars, WW2 and that's just the ones I remember of the top of my head.
Is Deathwing dead?
>>>Holla Forums
>>>/tg/ point still stands
But he's talking about actual video games.
Was it even alive?
Pic related. Working multiplayer but for me the game crashes during the mid game too much. Still the best mod hands down I've ever played. The amount of detail and passion that went into this mod is nothing short of amazing. It's almost like a stand alone game.
Ultimate Apocalypse mod. And yes, you can build titans, including pic related.
No the /tg/ community doesn't really talk about games you just come and use unfunny memes and derail proper threads.
Is Deathwing good?
But you're the only one not talking about games in the thread.
If it's anything like EYE, it should be fairly decent if you have the right mindset.
traditional rts style
plays more like CoH without bases
good TPA game
this one should be obvious
I'm not sure why it never occured to me that you could play GW shit in tabletop simulator
From what I've seen there's a decent size community for it. So if you want to play tabletop that would be the better alternative to giving JewWorkshop any shekels.
It's alright in TTS, you could also use Vassal if you don't mind that level of jankiness
Just bought it in the $5 bin the other day, what a steal
DoW1 is a great game. DoW2 is a marked departure from it, and I couldn't really acclimate myself to its vibe after the awesome original. By all accounts DoW3 is a dumpster fire, so oddly this much beloved series only has one actual good game. Well, not counting spinoffs and what not, just the DoW series proper.
Can you play as renegade guard?
Complete with possessed Leman Russes and Valkyries
It's actually a mix of Gears of War and God of War. You could play the game like a stop and pop cover shooter if you are a faggot, but you get full health everytime you perform an execution attack, and executions flow well into normal attacks (they aren't overbearing like say the chain saw bayonet animation in Gears of War), so it's better to try and pick off enemies from afar until you inevitably get overwhelmed and then turn into a hulking death ballerina. Honestly, it felt almost like a TPS Halo to me with cool melee combat and jump jets. Not the best game ever, but fun and worth a playthrough.
It's okay not amazing but a decent game, I'd wait for a sale if you actually buy it though
I liked that Eisenhorn game, because it gave me a sense of the W40k world. But it was really more of a visual novel with a bit of combat thrown in.
Well, I know what I'm getting next.
it's literally the blandest console port TPS I've seen in years
The sound design is pretty fucked. I don't like how any of the guns sound in Deathwing.
At this point we only get the same 5 fps games cycling every week, even the ss13 night was scrapped for no reason even tho we have a working server.
Why is filtering your water such a bad memeworthy thing?
Why the FUCK hasnt GW made an Ork arpg yet?
but who am I kidding, we can't even get a decent mech games period, or mech games at all
It could negatively impact the sales of Space Marine minis :^)
Dead Board
Why the fuck are big stompy mechs with guns the size of condos and fists made specifically to punch god in the taint not so insanely popular that we have more mech games to choose from than literally everything else?!
There is no reason whatsoever that mechs shouldn't be sweeping the industry.
Because only crazies do it :^)
Same reason the one Ork racing game got canceled.
I dont understand
GW doesn't like anything that's not Space Marine focused
GW is retarded and thinks that anything without, at minimum, the Imperium but preferably Space Marines as the main protags will be unrelatable and as a result unpopular and hurt their brand. It's fucking idiotic, but this is the same company that had to rewrite fundamental lore just to sell a line of SM minis with modern detailed casting instead of the old "Hero scale" casting. They are also responsible for letting Matt Ward anywhere near a pen.
Suits, user. I've seen so many IP's get utterly destroyed by their parent company making retarded decisions. GW doesn't know what is the appeal of their product, it doesn't give a shit about the lore, it doesn't give a shit about the fans, it only gives a shit about what (((market research))) tells it, as well as whatever abortion of an idea gets born in their heads. It's why they were so stingy with lending the IP to vidya – they thought it would negatively impact sales of minis. A few years ago they then realised they were being retarded… and instead started whoring the IP out to ANYBODY, even literal nobodies. Of course, in an effort to make the whole thing more "accessible", they decided they needed to (((improve))) the lore. So you got the Tau, then you got faggier and faggier authors do the books, so now half of them contain stronk womyn, and after what they did to Warhammer Fantasy, I figure the next "update" to the lore will cause butthurt big enough to spawn a new chaos god.
Seems to be standard business practice these days. Alternatively:
Nigger, all I want is X.
> it only gives a shit about what (((market research))) tells it
But thats wrong, because they dont do market research either.
They are slowly improving though, seeing how they are going back to specialist games and are releasing a boxed set taht does not feature any of the usual factions (skitarii and necrons fighting on mars).
Dawn of War 2 was a good game. It plays like the table top and less like Starcraft. The coop campaign is super fun. Both are good. We must never speak of this heresy again, user.
GW loans out the IP to anyone but the people who do good work with the IP get a better budget and more narrative flexibility with their next game. It's the perfect fucking system and has turned out some really fucking good games. Fatshark went from a small unknown developer to having one of the biggest games of the year in just under two games. The better you do the more ambitious you're allowed to be with the IP. I wish more companies would do that with their shit. Licasfilm did a similar thing with Star Wars and the shit games vastly out number the truly excellent ones but we also got a lot of middling decent games too. I feel warhammer's stuff has about the same turnaround. It's a good system.
What the fuck made you think that Dawn of War 3 was going to be the game to play?
Looks nice but…
Why bother?
Chaos Gate was what really drew me into 40k.
I had played the odd tabletop game before that, but was more interested in WHFB at the time.
Chaos gate starts off kinda difficult, but really fucks you in the ass down the line if you screw up at all in the early missions. Good times.
Must be perfect for Tau then.
gonna second this, Final Liberation is great and easy to get since it went up on gog
Op is basically saying DMC is shit because he only plays DMC2.
It's closer to OP saying all of Capcom's games are shit because he played DMC2.