Ice weapons are shit, break the flow of combat, and are just generally fucking gay no matter what game.
Worst weapons thread I guess.
Ice weapons are shit, break the flow of combat, and are just generally fucking gay no matter what game.
Worst weapons thread I guess.
Anything from HL2.
disposable weapons that don't do anything interesting.
deus ex gun play and guns except for stun gun
Well done, user. You've touched a nerve.
Shit game for polyps that think the writing is good and hipsters who've never played a JRPG.
Forgot about every knife except the one in CV
Stahlrim is awesome, though.
I hate how the Freeze status doesn't even work on stronger enemies or bosses so it doesn't bring any benefits. Just give me a big hammer made of super strong ice or something and not gay weak thin weapons. Or actual Water weapons, not ice and call it Water damage.
I don't think it'll ever stop bothering me.
I read about some bullets made from ice that wont leave any traces in peoples bodies.
That sounds like a neat mechanic.
christ have a plan when you start a new thread.
you give no examples of why or how it breaks combat.
Pretty sure these "ice weapons" are Runescape crystal weapons. But yes. They are awful
ebin 10/10
They're not even bad per se, they just lack a niche because of the quicksilver bullet thing. If they had their own type of ammo then everything wouls be fine.
They only freeze the peon enemies and shatter them when you hit them again and those are enemies who would die in one or two hits from a regular weapon anyway.
Anything more powerful than them doesnt freeze or sits there quivering while you get two or three hits in.
It feels awkward and clumsy, trips up the flow of the fight of not outright delay the fight being over.
Not to mention just being visually and conceptually fucking stupid and has never been done well.
Why would a corndog use a computer?
I actually like using these.
I think you could use it with some bone dust and oil to cheese Rom pretty well.
Normally I wouldn't give a fuck, but you chose the wrong weapon to pick on
Name a better written game then.
I'll show you a game where ice "weapons" are utterly superior to flame "weapons". Really they are ice and fire sword skills but it's pretty much the same thing.
The actually shitty weapon is of course the boomerang. The sequel mixes things up by making the boomerang the most powerful weapon in the whole damn game and nerfing ice a bit.
Well then I have the game for you.
With all jew respect to the Dragon Quest series, any Dynasty Warriors style game holds no appeal to me and I'm baffled as to why they appeal to anyone.
A ponderously boring gun to introduce a ponderously boring game.
I don't think there was a single weapon in that game that didn't feel like ass to use. Even the multishot rocket launchers were dinky.
Hyperion sniper rifles with really high magnification scopes were okay.
The Heroes games are actually more action RPG's than warriors games. Especially the second one. I would suggest the second one over the first because over all it's much better game. I do feel that second does fumble a few of the things that the first got right though.
I'm hoping for a third sequel that puts everything together in a complete and perfected package.
the explosive assault rifles, revolvers and shotguns were really nice to use
What? JRPGs don't even have a remotely similarly structured story to Deus Ex. It's almost like comparing Fallout 1 to your favorite Final Fantasy game. They both have good story elements, for entirely different reasons. The guy who's playing Deus Ex isn't likely to be interested in a JRPG story structure.
Fight me niggers. The best magic version of the super shotgun ever.
He's just baiting to d&c
t. hothead
Don't forget Cerberus from DMC3. One of the most fun weapons in games, period.
Opinion discarded, you should have just posted le spooky Stirner and made it more obvious.
I love them just for the satisfaction of that.
Ice weapons suck but ice magic is the shit.
What kind of elemental attacks would you like to see that you don't see often? Instead of water spells like big waves or geysers, I'd like to see simply drowning or using water pressure to crush the enemy. Or some wacky modern bullshit weapon that uses high-pressure water like the machines that can cut through steel.
That or some avalanche attack that temporarily affects the battlefield because of the snow, both for you and your foes.
Changing the properties or temperature of the water could be neat too, like using frigid water to paralyze or scalding hot water for nasty burns, or drinkable faucet water that lowers your enemies physical stats.
That does sound good and the DQ series has a special place in my heart.
Ice magic is okay sometimes. There are much cooler :^) things devs could be doing with ice magic but they still go for obvious boring shit .
I meant to tell OP how wrong he was, m8.
This one is so fucking underused, I really wish it would be featured more frequently in games. I think the only time I've ever seen it is a D&D spell, and even then never in CRPGs, just in tabletop. Some other things I'd like to see:
These would be really cool to see in a game like Psy-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy or something akin to System Shock.
I absolutely hated how you had to switch weapons once you froze a mob as any subsequent attacks were just soaked up by the dead popsicle. Otherwise very rewarding to freeze ettins with.
This graph seems like a lot of sperging about a pistol. The general idea of a pistol in games is that it's your first weapon or pick up, or its all you have in a tight situation until you find more ammo for something better.
It's from the doom wiki, they have one for each weapon.
Your complaining also seems like too much sperging about it but you're right about autists making a big song and dance about it. It's shit and that's pretty much the idea
You could also use it to your advantage, to clog up hallways so demons can't get your squishy mage ass. Pretty useful since you're the slowest character in the game.
Honestly, I can't empathize. Maybe you just haven't played enough old FPSes.
Why are you here?
Corndog sword?
Deus Ex is an amazingly well written game that only improves each time you play it. Of course I doubt you even played it once.
Wait is this another thread that got a shadow bumplock?
which subreddit did you hear that term on? if you're not sure if something's been bumplocked, check the board log
There's no icon, it's a shadow bumplock. It doesn't matter anyway since the thread is back.
All games should do what SST did and give the pistol a fast firing but inaccurate secondary fire.
nobody has ever died to a mace
nobody has ever died to a warhammer
crush weapons are fucking USELESS
It's only useful when you have nothing else. Overrated as hell.
why the fuck did they not change this shit in either of the re-releases?
If we were talking Q1 weapon switch time, then I wouldn't give a shit. Having to take 2 seconds every time you freeze an ettin in a hallway to wand him his corpse away and then switch back to the Icy Jazz Hands and then repeat the process ad nauseam is terrible. If someone modded it to work like a corpse explosion when you touch-freeze the popsicle, then it would probably be my all time favorite classic weapon next to the Arc of Death.
Yeah, no. I made a point out of hating having to use two weapons to keep one of them efficient, not that I can't stomach changing away from whatever game's take on the SSG.
Born 87, not that I think that holds a candle to the sagacious NEETs that pop up in here sometimes, but for whatever it is worth I did actually grow up with this shit and still go back to it whenever I have the free time to play games since I can't get a feel for newer ones at all.
Any weapon that you can own yourself that has OP status effects like instant death.
It's just something to unslot Star seeker so you can use that early on.
Maces were meant to let players outlast players that didn't use them by reducing prayer drain, but it fell short because the best defense is always a good offense. But yeah, fuck everything that isn't a scim.
nigger those aren't even ice weapons those are crystal weapons from runescape
Here's another one.
I legitimately like Mei's ice gun.
And you are trying to make the case FOR ice weapons yeah?
Where they nerfed? Because iirc they used to be very powerful but the trade off was they could not be repaired. Also Crystal is not technically Ice.
all elemental revolvers were great
shame they fucked it up in B2 and forward
Those are the crystal weapons from RS3 you mongrel.
OP if you're going to make a thread on how Ice weapons are the worst at least give a valid reason you fucking nigger!
Ice weapons are the coolest you gay mongrel.
Like, chill dude.
This fucking thing garbage trash gun was such a piece of shit
Did you just assume my gender?
I'm divided here.
I love freeze/snow/blizzard/tundra effects, specially if they induce a slow/stun, yet, flaming the shit out of a retard with great balls of fire is also the tits, I hate big flaming weapons because most of the time the visual effect is shit and that kind of orange shitmess annoys me. Ice/Fire should be limited to magical orbs/channeling artifacts, at most Fire in flamethrowers or grenades is at least believable, but ice swords/maces/shields? nah fuck that.
Any of the early weapons in Let It Die.
Once you get weapons like the Assault Rifle or that axe there's no reason to use the hammers or clothes irons. Fuck that iron, it's a melee weapon with ammo, who the fuck thought that a good idea?
Do you even understand the point of this thread?
Include me in the screencap!
Crystal Swords were shit at first in D2 until you GET GRIND.
Found the soul gem
i like the smg, gravity gun, and the revolver in hl2. but everything else was mediocre or absolute shit.
I forgot what that does.
Well my biggest gripe is that nobody who does freezing status effects has actually lived in the fucking cold north of either Canada or Russia so they don't know what it's actually like, plus no cool combos where you freeze them, then dry them, then freeze them again to split their skin open from frostbite.
If you are Micolash, Ebrietas, or a Celestial Being it fires a series of rapid, seeking arcane bullets taht deal loads of damage.
If you're the player it fires off a series of arcane bullets that half will slam into the ground and most of what's left will miss any enemy that's smaller than Amygdala. Basically if you want to hit the broad side of a barn with it then you need to be standing inside the barn's hitbox.
You know what's worse? Status effects. They on enemies that die too fast to be useful and bosses are immune to them.
For what purpose
Oh yeah now I remember. Thought it was the slug that opens up a portal and lets you bitchslap people with cthulhu fingers
Should have seen the memelands 2 redesign. The wave has an even bigger spread than in the first game. And it still just hits like a wet noodle. Good thing is that the lady finger you can get instead of the wave is super good from what I remember.
Throwing weapons in classic WoW.
Honorable mentions go out to Fist weapons and polearms.
Shit for training, only exception was Chaotic Maul and even then it had niche uses.
Why did I waste half my life playing this shit.
spears that don't stagger are annoying
Where's (you)r example, (1)?
Don't respond to the raiders.
No that's actually a really good tool. The Augur effectively functions as an arcane scaling gun for opening up viscerals. Even if you mess the timing up it still has great knocknown effect.
who cares what you like. You're the devil.
It's no different from all other ranged weapons in the game aside from Simon's Bowblade though. Enemies get damage, you only get utility.
A 5 star post.
It sounds like a crappy novel I read once. I think there was some mention of a 'special' firearm in it where your ammo comes from the environment. Special agents could use them - it used water as some kind of pressurized bullets underwater, or burned/melted sand into 'glass' bullets in desert. It could be a decent idea if it was held in a future science fiction setting, but no, it was held in modern setting & time which is impossible to begin with.
That said, ice bullets doesn't necessarily sound like a bad idea but they'll shatter the moment you fire them. You're possibly better off using ice daggers or arrows, if you're forced to use ice.
I'm sure Brutal Doom is your favourite mod too.
What are you talking about? Are you implying that the shotgun is NOT your main weapon in DOOM I (I can understand Doom 2)?
Are you playing it in Nightmare?
Almost all weapons in Postal 2 is bullshit since the hitscan is horrible.
Katana boomerang is the best
Why would a corndog hate ice weapons?
Nigger, that's a machete.
Irritation aside, do you anons prefer the accomplishment from crafting a better weapon or the joy in finding a better weapon?
Pump Shotgun has some uses over SSG in Doom 2. Where the SSG fires it's pellets in a broad randomized spread the regular shotgun fires it's pellets in a straight horizontal fan. This is useful for hitting enemies hiding behind low walls that would otherwise eat most of the pellets.
i like both
Unless you're playing SST when the SSG's secondary fire is op as dick.
Skyrim shiv. Can't kill anything with this shit weapon
color me fucking surprised
Why not a water spell that surrounds an enemy's head with a ball of water causing them to drown and also inflict silence?
yet its the most practical weapon design in the whole game.
But you just posted a bunch of crystal weapons you fucking faggot
I like crafting weapons in games where it is meaningful somehow, for example by being able to give it specific properties.
Otherwise it might as well be something I found or bought, the fun is in using it so the method of acquisition doesn't matter much.
too heavy, by the time you take your swing at an enemy, they will just stab you in the stomach.
impractical garbage, bad design, too big, someone can get you off guard and throw you off balance on those not so hard edges, too many hooks, the weapon guard itself is shit
why can't JRPG game devs design proper fucking weapons, why are they so shit at making them. the best weapon in a game EVER MADE was from kingdom come deliverance, all other weapons are cosplay garbage, impractical, unrealistic, trash.
shut the fuck up pole
Fuck off commie.
Early on fist weapons also couldn't be used with class skills because you were technically considered unarmed while using them. On the flip side, this meant that your basic weapon damage wouldn't be reduced when you were disarmed.
What game?
Dark souls is not a jrpg
But I Googled ice weapons and it was one of the first results you fucking autistic nerd.
Kill yourself cuckjak
Because jRPG is a genre, not a geographic tag attached to a game.
JRPG is not geographic.
No jrpg is any rpg made in japan. Its in the name just like wrpg is.
JRPG is the modern term for nihonshiki rpgs, a term describing a particular genre of character-focused RPGs, the vast majority of which originate in Japan
some western titles fall into this genre, such as Septerra Core
in any case, the point is moot since dark Souls is an action-RPG
I remember I use to always use the hammer in RS because it was such a weird looking and obscure weapon.
The pistol is what it is precisely because in play testing they decided they wanted each mission to be completable with no weapons / ammo acquired from the previous mission. The solution was the starting pistol.
git gud
An action-JRPG sure.
Planescape Torment is a JRPG.
The game doesn't even have a version with Japanese dialogue.
You are mistaken.
And to the credit of fist weapons, they remained un-disarmable without a weapon chain. Still doesn't compensate for there only being a handful of decent ones at level cap, and even fewer before that.
There is also a katana, though, at least in AWP, that has the same mechanics as the machete except that it's thrown straight ahead of you rather than being thrown as a boomerang.
It's neither made in Japan nor does it fit the jRPG genre with any of its mechanics. What the fuck are you talking about? The mechanics are entirely wRPG.
Nioh and Magicka both handle this problem well imo
How does Nioh handle it?
Then why is the original JRPG Ultima?
Nioh doesn't have ice, but water, which decreases an enemy's defense (earth decreases stamina, electricity slows down, fire is damage over time and wind decreases offense). All elemental status effects work on bosses.
Nah, I've killed a lot of shitters with my 70 Arcane build.
this is retarded
the term JRPG was invented to distinguish real RPGs (chrono trigger, final fantasy, tales of…, breath of fire) from those western made isometric hack n slash games who called themselves RPGs cus they had a leveling sistem (diablo, fallout, etc)
it's not a geographical term
Battle Chasers is a western as it gets but it still falls in the JRPG category
You mean mexican noodles.
just call them console RPGs and computer RPGs
What's the fucking point of this weapon?
top left of pic answers your question
Absolutely none brah. That's why they changed it.
I always forget why i come here. Namaste.
Why don't the enemy ninjas then just stab into the limbholes?
Are you trying to trick people again?
did those EVER get good in BL1? I wanted to main RLs when playing as Brick due to his launcher-based buffs like increased magazine cap, but holy shit they were just bad after bad after bad. Gave up and just used shotguns and Berserk a lot. Was more fun that way.
And speaking of Memelands, Hyperion-manufactured SMGs in 2 & TPS. Holy fucking shit, what is even the point? You start firing in ADS, and they sway like forty-five goddamn degrees left and right. Hyperion shotguns can be fucking boss though; starts out with shotgun spread, then ends up hitting nickels at the end of a clip.
please never make games thank you and good bye
I think Pillowblaster's 'Guncaster' has a spell that does this. Embed related.It's not a Hexen mod, though.
As for actual Hexen weapon mods, there really aren't a lot. HexEnhanced and Hexercise. A few Doom mods have built-in support for the Raven games, mainly because now it's a lot easier to do now that GZDoom anceIWAD-filter folders in a .pk3
That was a Robert Ludlum novel right? I've read it too and I'm trying my hardest to remember anything about it.
I always avoided flaming weapons… they are fucking cliche! Even the naming… flaming… like flaming faggots!
Electric and lightning weapons all days, every way!
As a serial killer that's a badass signature. Tho that's not how It gordo IRL.
Fucking auto correct.
So will you by being near it.
Not necessarily. Uranium is actually relatively safe to handle for limited amount of time but if you stabbed someone with a uranium blade you would expose internal viscera directly to radionucleotides. Even better you could make one of those Aztec "swords" but replace the obsidian with uranium glass.
A true fire sword is so hot it makes your skin feel hot in a 3 m radius. You would need fire armor for it.
Uranium is actually a metal, so just make a hammer made out of it, just like there are Uranium filled bullets. Thing is heavier than lead, so it could be good for making stupidly warhammers.
Uranium in bullets is often depleted, and uranium glass is a thing, it's just glass with uranium impurities.
But glass is frail and can't do shit against armor. However, if you got one of those WW2 Kraut glass made mines and put that Uranium glass in it, you could get some nice deadly stuff.
The fucking shears the fucking best, fight me faggot.
You could make a pure Oralloy war hammer and on a critical roll you achieve perfect supercriticality.
Sounds sexy.
He says as he's doing it.
He's talking about Borderlands, you dingus.
Shotgun + cat is the best.
You're pretty gay and probably a bad shot. Who doesn't enjoy firing super-heated rebar at shit?