what is the greatest video game of all time?
What is the greatest video game of all time?
This because it's going to save the industry.
the one where you report template threads except nothing happens because the mods are too busy police the webbum thread to do their fucking job
this isn't a template thread, i'm asking what the greatest video game ever made is.
Do you have a peer reviewed evidence to back that up?
Probably Chrono Trigger
How new are you?
We're wise to your tricks leftist scum, you come shit up any thread you want until the mods delete the thread. Fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums
You as well.
t. butthurt hohol
Time for you to lose another battle leftist.
You mean donating free murrican equipment to mother russia?
Filtered and reported, enjoy your nofood.
Tennis for Two, now stop asking.
Its just some 2ch.hk cancer leaked. When you see those deformed yoba faces, filter and report without thinking too much.
Good idea.
fallout 4 is breddy good too, buy one for your gopniks and for your babushka
As an actual non-bait answer this.
To be fair there was one time they won though I guess they were really an American proxy thanks to lend-lease.
If I actually had to choose the greatest and the most influential game ever, I would go with Doom. I love STALKER, but it's nowhere as memorable and brilliant as Doom.
Picrelated: it's you.
Doom on the other hand is pretty great.
Dont shit up this board too
looks straight outta Holla Forums with how badly it fails at its message
Actually they're from >>>/leftpol/ now.
Stalker has always been shit ask any actual slav what they think and they'll tell you it's overrated crap only liked by pretentious westerners.
nigger why the fuck would I care about the slavs' opinions on what makes a game good?
the average nip has garbage taste despite plenty of good games coming out of the country
People always big stalker up as some sort of amazing vidya translation of the slav mindset or experience when it's actually a badly made open world shooter with relatively interesting atmosphere. It's basically Far Cry 2 but made in Ukraine.
nigger where did I defend stalker? I was laughing at how shit the meme was, being
and also full of butthurt that anyone with a brain could see
I'd ask you to explain your point, but I'll just assume you to be a shitposter because this doesn't make a lick of sense
yeah I expected as much. I played about 5 hours of CoP and didn't care much for it and that's all I have to do with Stalker, but I don't respect you or your opinion.
Why would you start with the last game in the series?
a friend recommended it to me years ago
Well he was a retard. I might not like Stalker but Shadow of Chernobyl is the least shit of the series. You should have started there.
Deus Ex for western vidya
as for japanese vidya, I dont know
Forget influential. What's the MOST FUN. Doom also gets pretty old without mods.
I liked the end of Stalker where you're walking around an empty city and it's like a fever dream then you start teleporting around. That was the best part in my opinion.
Isn't that Clear Sky?
I don't know. I only played the first Stalker.
Doom. It had an enormous cultural impact because its when video games stopped being viewed as childrens toys by the public. It made FPS the dominant genre it is today. It's completely flawless in design and it's perfectly playable today.
Greatest != most fun. And even unmodded Doom is perfectly enjoyable.
Another man of culture, I see.
At least you started at the right one.
Oh god, this board is contaminated now.
It's literally just Slavic Bethesda-shit, with gunplay of the quality of Skyrim's combat.
user, video games are entertainment, you retard. If it's not fun, it's shit, there's no other way around it. What's next, you'll start defending walking simulators for artistic merit?
From mod perspective, Mount and Blade Warband and Medieval 2 Total War.
Why have two separate categories?
Neptunia Rebirth 2 is the greatest game of all time. If you disagree you're a cunt.
I'd take any Senran game over Nepshit.
Weebs are the new furries
Because I can't compare apples to oranges, simple as that. I can't pick my favorite RPG, and compare it to my favorite platformer, then my favorite horror game and so on. For me to pick a favorite would be bloody irresponsible.
The closest answer that I could come up with is pic related. It's the one platformer I keep coming back to. It's the perfect length, unlike games like Spyro, which seems to end in a bloody heartbeat, and while that game has a few really interesting levels, 64 DS's new characters give it a sandbox-ish feel, where you can approach most stars in several ways and it's really easy to break if you want it. It's exactly what I wanted out of a platformer, and every Mario game after it has been a letdown.
Depends on what genre you like, depends on if you like singleplayer or multiplayer, depends how you balance graphics, gameplay and story in what you care more or less about.
tl;dr: This is a non-answerable question, and you knew that, little faggot.
I can give you a list of the games which are closest to my heart but that's datamining and a fingerprint. Besides nobody else cares because nobody else will have many games in common.
A pizza with sage-eh-roni for you!
Wrong, it's Majora's Mask
Just because Toriyama did the art doesn't make Chrono Trigger weebshit, it makes it spic shit
Majora's Mask isn't even the best Zelda game.
it's the second best. The best is Link's Awakening
And BOTW killed any chance of getting a small comfy Zeldo world ever again
Woops I actually meant Wind Waker
Define "greatest" first.
Is it about influence on the industry? Is it about how fun the game is? Is it about how fun the game was at the time of its release? Does it include things outside of the game itself (community, mods, etc.)?
The one no one in this thread likes
Okay, that's a fair point actually. There are numerous excellent games out there. I keep coming back for the sandbox gameplay of Blood Money, the modability of M&B Warband or the mood of Vice City. But still if I had to choose only one, I would choose Doom without question.
The combination of these.
Pic related.
Goon detected
Goons are the new furries
Your forced maymay is not gonna help you, weebs.
Nice choice. Too bad this thread got invaded by idiots trying to D&C Holla Forums, but Super Metroid is my absolute jam.
jacking off
Had the thread not been a one liner without anything worth debating or talking about you might've had some kind of point.
Low effort OPs reap low effort replies.
Shit thread turned to shit, big surprise.
Given these parameters, I'd say Super Mario World.
Super Mario. Bros is the real groundbreaker, but it's also primitive. Super Mario Bros. 3 is arguably the "best" of the franchise, but it's also the most difficult. Super Mario World manages to be both more accessible (most people can beat it), and deeper (the crazy shit people can do with capes, not even counting glitches), which is why it continues to have a thriving fanbase and speedrun community to this day. It invites both viewers who enjoy it because they've played it, and runners who enjoy it because they push it to the limit. Rare is the game that's perfect for both side of this fence. Just try to think of a modern game, ANY modern game, that appeals so much to both casual and hardcore players; for many people, these things are so opposite that such a game shouldn't be able to exist, yet it does. It is like the video game equivalent to chess (the so-called greatest board game), being easy to learn but very difficult to master. It's essentially the dictionary definition of a 2D platformer game, which is the genre that created video games in the first place.