ITT we predict what cancerous shit the industry will try to pull on us next. Let me start
Or how about
ITT we predict what cancerous shit the industry will try to pull on us next. Let me start
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That's not even close to the most cancerous thing valve has done.
Oh that's easy, three words:
Monetized Rule 34.
I could see it.
Commissioned porn is already a thing.
No, no, no, you misunderstood, the publishers would demand a cut of the commission or any profits from the porn.
Wouldn't put considering it past most of them but I doubt any of the western publishers would risk the SJW backlash. Maybe the Japanese ones would because their culture is already in favor of this type of thing.
My only hope for that series is for the books to continue being semi-good. As much hate as the Kilo-Five trilogy gets for being needed to understand most of Halo 4 and 5 and being written by Karen Traviss, I actually really liked Grasslands and The Thursday War. Just need to get a copy of that third book and read Contact Harvest.
Fucking Christ as if you fags don't bitch and moan enough about real things enough you need to make shit up to complain about.
Nah, I just know one of the people here will be right on the money and we can all laugh 6 months from now.
Someone in another thread talked about how companies could use console tans as marketing.
How do you not be consumed by cynicism after seeing the shit video game companies get their dicks sucked for?
That'd be a valid complaint if most of the things predicted in these threads didn't come true. 4chan gold accounts are a thing now for example with vip passes.
That's already a thing in japan, what I was talking about was more like 'paid dlc: rule34 edition'.
Fuck I mean 'paid mods:rule 34 edition'.
I am like 90% sure that already exists
It's called second life and existed first.
The only reason they haven't gone under yet is because of business clients. I honestly don't know why they bother with consumer shit at all, just pawn it off on someone else and sell businesses OS support till the end of time.
found the normalfag, go message your girlfriend on facebook or something.
Jesus, I guess irony doesn't translate into gookrunes.
Do you think the japs would try to get their rpg maker porn 'games' ported and translated if that happened?
I wish buddy.
Just remember that no matter how bad we get here we'll never be this cucked.
The next thing to happen is limited licenses on digital games as soon as sales of physical copies drop below 20% and most major retailers stop carrying them in favor of code-cards.
It's already happening at the periphery with services like GamePass and PS+/XBL "free" so long as you maintain a paid subscription monthly titles.
This thread is gay
Nintendo Sponsored Soymilk.
Nintendo HAS had less balls in the last decade, their games have also lost their edge and are now airy, sedated and way more kiddy, in the memey corporate way, not in the whimsical way.
and it gets cracked within a week of release
That doesn’t sound like a bad name.
I want to eat that orangutan.
Could just make a new twitch account, and never use it.
Main hassle would be, being forced to make one at all.
So Microsoft will save Valve and make the first good Half-Life?
I thought the goal was to post cancerous shit.
Apart of me is convinced Valve will remake Hunt down the freeman with actual career voice actor because it’s a cinematic experience game. Game journalists love those.
Xbox will lose any meaningful market share, sony will become the monopolist and thus fuck sonyggers even harder (they will love it and beg for more) and keep even more games hostage like that gravity slut game I wanted to play.
What the hell, just why
Normalizing DRM is without a doubt the most cancerous thing Valve has done.
Introducing Amazon Cloud Gaming. Enjoy your favorite games from the comfort of your favorite kiosk! Coming to an Amazon Terminal near you.
*Amazon Gamer Prime fees applicable
It moves that fast
I swear, half of the cloud moans in disappointment as soon as "the dota card game" shows up on the screen then a few fags start clapping to cover it up.
Daily reminder that it is currently illegal to play a game you legally bought on an emulated server after the official servers get shut down.
Blizzard does this already, I was given SC2 as a gift when it first came out and you are limited to installing it 3-4 times before you have to buy it again.
I love neo 4chan, its where I get all my soy products
Don't they already do that in Asia?
That reminds me, didn't John Carmack end up work fir the SL at one point? Or am I thinking of soneone else?
It's fucking easy to get your shit game published and distributed now, and MS, Sony, and Nintendo have branded themselves as "indie friendly". Just claim to be an oppressed minority and you're basically guaranteed to have your game put out in any platform.
seriously, if that bullshit one day comes true, i'll fucking bomb the studio that made it
Randy tried to market his Stillborn game using a rule 34 subreddit, so that combined with their 'it's okay when we do it' and overall degenerate mentality means it's within the realm of plausibility.
Japs already release porn free versions of VNs on consoles.
better than the alternatives
All of this already exists
Piracy soon on the PS4 user (or maybe it is already avaible I haven't check on its progress recently). Soon everyone will be able to enjoy Kat's preciousness.
It's already here, you need a specific firmware (at or below 4.55).
If this gains any traction, it'll end up like normal Second Life, but on steroids.
Also, don't forget to take screencaps of the thread and build a bingo card to fill out over the coming years. Then, you can post your results in /r/Holla Forums, along with a couple dozen reaction images in a hastily done ms paint job, for those neat-o internet points!
Unlikely now, thank fuck.
It will never die, user
It's too big to fall
t. every social connection I have has no idea of the fiasco that happened
Always-shit DRM beats that.
Just make a game so garbage nobody would think of pirating it.
Facebook has been in the decline for a while now. The only thing that is keeping them alive is the companies they bought out (Occulus, Instagram, etc.)
What happened?
t. lived under a rock
this isn't a lol thread but here you go
A portion of all proceeds will go to feed the perpetually starving.
You sure do love DRM and corporate dick up the ass, don't you?
But that also describes modern GOG
Well they're faggots, but if a game is worth pirating then generally it's worth buying. Of course pirate before you buy, and not if the original dev is dead or some shit. Good devs gotta get paid somehow, and it's paying for it or them doing something worse like putting ads in their games which we've already seen to a certain degree, but that shit always gets worse.
Got busted sharing tons of private info with (((political parties))) so they could manipulate voters more effectively.
You could also just pirate the original Gravity Rush for the PSVita, if you really want to see what the series is about but can't stomach the idea of getting a PS4.
Then just load it down with emulators and homebrew so you have something else to play.
True right now, but i would have still prevented it from existing if i could.
Reminder that without Valve or Steam, Blizzard and EA kikes would have never realized PC gaming was profitable.
You think that's bad? That's just one data harvester that got caught. Facebook was probably selling data to hundreds, if not thousands of national and international organizations all this time.
It's amazing how many people assume that Facebook is a safe and secure site, and rooting out this one example of corruption and scummy behavior will make the site secure again.
Fullblown SaaS model games, where they try to turn the game into a service subscription instead of a product purchase, as a legal shenanigan to ruse you out of all your goddamn property rights and reserve the right to control the shit while it runs on your PC.
Modern GOG is still miles ahead of Steam.
Sure you could, I was answering the fact that the PS4 can play backups now if you have a low firmware.
Steam is already 50% of the way to this anyway.
To be honest with you this seems to be the most likely of all the scenarios cooked up in this thread. I know that it's more interesting to create theories with a more apocalyptic tone to them. But this one here is the most likely. Capitalism with a human face has found its way into several other industries so it makes sense it would find its way into Video Games. Charitable causes will be used to defend low quality titles, big devs and publishers will hide behind their charitable deeds as though simply throwing money at the complex issues surrounding starvation, poverty, political corruption etc. will absolve them of any and all wrong doing. You already have companies such as Starbucks and Apple running on this philosophy. 'It's OK if we run a shitty business that lies to its employees and its customers, a business exploits it's oversees staff so as to keep prices down whilst artificially inflating the price for the sake of profit and somehow worms its way out of paying tax all this is justified because we donated 5% of our profits to starving children or some other humanitarian cause'. This brand of called 'ethically responsible' capitalism will be the death of us all if we don't do something about it.
I can't wait for Holla Forums to get bored of the soy meme. At best it reeks of tryhard faggotry and it boils down to "stop liking what I don't like." Holla Forums is borderline unbrowsable thanks to the chronic brain drain associated with this cuckchan shit.
If you're worried about being a fat fuck with bitch tits go fucking lift and eat properly instead of crying about video games and soy based emulsifiers.
Remember Enron, Toys R' Us and everything else that the public said was "too big to fail"?
Facebook might be huge, but social media is on its way out. Fuck, even "dumb" phones and CRTs are making a comeback.
Yeah Steam has already done that, but we're talking about turning games into MTX+subscription shit all the way. Always-online is already getting popular as an anti-piracy measure. Removing any and all ability to have multiplayer without going through official online servers is also popular. GOG actually publishes some of this DRM-walled multiplayer shit (Age of Wonders 3 infamously requires you to log in through Triumph online servers to play on "LAN" mode).
How? It's just steam with worse prices.
gives you portable installers, but really all of PC gaming is cucked with no physical market.
Please no, I can still hear the 15khz noise they make. Hell I hear the noise of dying flat screens too.
Embed related, just skip to the end if anyone’s curious what the hell Im on about
I don't think they do have DRM and I'm the first one to remind the goys about their denuvoboxes.
GOG now sales games with DRM, it's been that way for over a year and a half. The one claim to fame (besides shilling on 4chan) was that they were DRM free.
You just outed yourself as underage. Only kiddies and dogs can hear that frequency.
Could you post some examples? I haven't bought a gog game in like 2 or 3 years, so I'm definitely not up to date.
Some adults can still hear sounds with that frequency.
I’m 25 with sensitive baby ears, I can’t even buy cheap headphones
Two Worlds is one example I can think of off the top of my head. It still requires a CD key and a connection to an authentication server at all times.
is there not a legit crack for the game? Why don't they just sell it pre-cracked like they do pretty much everything else?
That's actually happened.
Stuff like Humblebundle and notgames has been around for a few years now.
I can't believe I paid money for a shitty snake clone called notGTAV
what do you mean? the shadow mask looks better looks like a PC CRT, the other one looks more blocky and looks like aperture grille or a TV CRT.
PC Crt ain't too bad, you can make it look decent if you don't want to go through all the hassle of 15 khz, you just need a really bright PC CRT, because it looses a lot of brightness when you do scanline stuff, i have a toshiba superbright and a an LG brightview, both look good imho.
For me it stops being noticeable just before15k, between 13k and 14k it kind of sounds like the tinnitus I have.
What's cheap headphones got to do with it?
Can’t stand the hissing noise of poor quality speakers. I’ve heard hissing where others couldn’t, figured it was related
I can’t be the only one here with tender soft eardrums, someone’s gotta know the suffering
Why can't Nintendrones accept the meme for what it is: a meme? Has the Soyjak meme hit too close to home?
Even if you can hear the CRT whine, it's really not that annoying. It just becomes part of whatever background noise you've got from other stuff.
Here's what they are doing next. And if you're wondering why CCP is part of it, look no further.
"HTFU" my ass.
It's the multiplayer that requires a CD key since servers are still up and running for it.
Single player is not affected. It's just that the publisher still runs the servers, not GOG themselves.
Some people are incapable of learning from their mistakes user, cut them off from your life before they drag you down with them.
I don't have an anime girl smug enough, this one will have to do.
it's an unfunny meme made by retards who don't understand the science behind xenoestrogens
I do like the open mouth numale switch meme though.
Many multiplayer games on GOG require you to have gog galaxy installed to play online. That is literally a form of DRM.
They are both shitty 4chan memes made for console war purposes used only by faggots.
It wasn't made for console war, it was made to mock the typical consumer of those products.
>send them some of her nudes with a trojan hidden inside
always look on the bright side lads
14khz is enraging and 15khz will slowly drive me insane, I'm too old for this shit. Even the cable box makes too much noise. If it weren't for fans, I'd never get to sleep.
With the way things have been going for me I'll be dead long before I reach traps.
Checkmate atheist.
But for established companies.
You want to play For Honor 2 ?Well, you better chip in for the development.
He sold 1% of his total share in facebook. That literally has nothing to do with anything.
except "nuffin" is actually Federal Jail time nigger
That's patreon