God of War
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It's a lot of shit is what it is.
Your wife's son agenda pushing.
its hooktube you retard
I'm still not gonna watch it.
That's a lot of ways to say it's gay.
There is nothing of substance to watch in it.
Its just 15 minutes of marketing with really bad beat em up gameplay.
Probably going to take people some time to adjust to hooktube having proper preview images and not generic thumbnails anymore.
What happened with the pissed off god-killing a-hole who not only was a worthy opponent against the gods but also fucked bitches like a motherfucker?
Uncharted and TLOU killed it. Now Sony has to maintain the meme that adult games have to adhere to family values.
I came into this thread only because hooktube now has thumbnails.
Good shit.
It is from Sony and made by soyboys.
Never give money to anything with those two characteristics.
If by some miracle, the game is good, it will still be shit until it can be pirated. Then, maybe it will really be good.
Fucking whores while torturing and killing your enemies are family values. They must be taught to every son, by the father.
The latter yes, the former no. Edgelords need to be shot.
What if those exact values are taught by the mother?
So its remade to be like uncharted and new tomb riders?
Who wanna bet that kratos will kill the little faggot by some mistake and they will do some "you cant escape your curse" shit
I'm betting on Kratos losing his eye and getting sorta crucified upside down on a tree and you play as the little kid, who's revealed to be Thor and you embark to rescue your pappy who ends up being remembered as Odin because fuck it
So they changed it from hack n slash to a tiny bit faster dark shits?
Niggers are going to like anything that has GoW's name slapped on it.
I'm sure those are paid for. Look at the upboats they all got and look at Nic K in the 3rd image.
No doubt, especially that the video is from Sony. Only reason comments are enabled because its controlled.
Tyr would be much more appropriate, as he's a god of war.
It'll have a Kratos gets injured and the boy needs to find something to save the day an exact copy of TLoU
Implying they know anything about Norse mythology.
but we all know this game is poised to sell like hotcakes because faggots can't tell a good video game from their spleen amirite
Not sure the guy saying that has played dark souls. The aesthetic of the gameplay seems closer to darksiders which took from God of War.
Ara ara~
Never cared about GoW, but wasn't the entire reason for the superpowered bitch fit murder spree that was the first three games that his wife and kid were dead? How does he have a son now… Did he just get over it and find a new wife's son?
That's right. My guess is they're trying to sell Kratos as a deeply flawed brute of a character who hides his pain behind a veneer of rage, and that the pure-hearted little boy manages to tease out some shred of humanity that he's got left.
Combat looks dull and the "so deep and emotional" story will probably be safe and predictable and bland as a result. This is what they make now, though; movie games. It's nothing new, just sad that a franchise with some potential has come to this.
I've never properly played any of the games in this series, maybe now's a good time to go back and play through the "good" ones.
All SCE and Naughty make is GOTY award show bait now. Turning GoW from an violent action series into a skin of TLoU is almost hilarious since the tone is so off from the other games.
Well, on the bright side, you're already done! All that's left is to play the shit ones.
I remember renting the first one and hating it for whatever reason and playing the second one but for the life of me can't remember anything other than the opening segment where you go inside a giant moving statue and attack a heart or something. Never touched the third one I don't think.
My wife liked god of war entirely due to how simple and easy it was to control and how even she could play it. I think it's the only series she can brute force her way all the way to the credits in. There's no way she'd be able to adapt to this over the shouldery, non-buttonmashyslashy style though.
looks like Dark Souls made for journalists.
Has she played Marlow Briggs?
Good, because I play video game to learn about other people's moral standards.
At least the little bugger is white
It's shit.
I wonder what the fags are gonna use as an excuse to not see hooktube embeds. Has the "they support interracial porn vids" theory been proven?
The wife's son looks more white than Kratos. What could that mean?
I feel bad for the little shit, having a soyboy uncle who indoctrinates him on ignoring his natural threat responses.
It's still racemixing satan.
That's one chubby cheeked little shit right there.
Just make a new character holy shit.
He was considered too much fun to let continue.
Holla Forums would love it if it was a PC game.
Only if it was made by a based pole.
they'd still find a way to rationalize it, sort of like how they delude themselves into thinking cd projekt is polish.
True but then when you've spent $1000 on something that only has pretentious indie platformers to play I guess you have to justify it somehow.
No the established character makes for easier marketing.
Hooktube supports blacked? What?
not true, there's also spread sheet simulators.
They're outright admitting the game is a LOTU clone now.
Ruling the Waves and Paradox crap yes how could I forget?
Fucking hell. But nice trips.
>Here's How God Of War PS4 Learned From The Last Of Us
The combat looks surprisingly alright honestly.
I'm still not gonna buy it.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Is it a mechanical keyboard?
Underrated post.
It also isn't even technically correct.
I was looking at the comments section, they're all praising the game and mocking people who don't like the idea of another Last of Us reskin.
Tyr is the God of battle. One on one combat. Thor is the God of War and Thunder. Like Yahweh
Nobody over the age of 16 who isn't a bot even uses Gamespot. Seriously, there's "people" on there still using Cloud Strife and Master Chief avatars like that shit's been relevant this entire decade.
You have that precisely reversed. Thor is the god of personal heroism and duels, Tyr is the god of organized warfare. Yahweh is a semetic adapted Vulcan, not Thor/Indra or Tyr/Mithra.
I think (and hope) that the 90% of them are paid shills.
lol, so they took out the sex minigame for being sexist?
Can't have that anymore on the current year. Wanna bet how they will make a joke referencing that how immature and sexist it was and it will be done by an stronk Horizon Zero Dawn type of female character?
Fanboyism is a poison on the mind.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Niggerspeak for admitting one is a loser/is missing out. Think that one line from the Smash Mouth song.
The lead developer said he had "grown up" since the last games or something like that, he has a kid now so that's why he maked kratos a dad, or something like that.
I honestly rather live with African blacks and Slavs than rejected midget goblins.
This is pretty true. Cory Barlog married a Swede and he went on record saying that Atreus (the kid) is based on his son. That means Kratos is his self-insert and considering Swedish women are all wanton whores, its possible the kid might not even be his, giving credence to my "wife's son" meme.
It was even more pathetic and manufactured than that.
Are games even allowed to have bare tits anymore? Won't they then be banned from steam and stores?
Metro last light had full frontal nudity.
Why would anyone have to pay for those you fucking idiot? Is this your first day on the internet?
While not officially banned, Western companies won't add female nudity out of fear of backlash from feminist groups. This way they can argue "we are not censoring anything, they are just covering things up on their own initiative". I think our best hope lies on Slavs and Jap shit.
Metro was made before 2014, a time when you didn't need to worry about feminist backlash because of sexy women or something particularly un-PC, and there wasn't a pervasive effort from entities to force gaming conform to feminist ideologies.
You missed the last step:
Dragon Age Inquisition had tits out for romance scenes. That game was a recent-ish western made, sjw shit hole, and a big AAA release. They are clearly possible, but you just have to suck as much tranny dick as you can and people look the other way I guess.
Shit, you are right. I also remembered that Andromeda had nudity too because Peebee had a sex scene and that left me really disgusted. In any case, you gotta be really desperate to look up titties in a Bioware game since they made it clear that their target audience are women and queers. The only tits you see are from a butch and a goblino elf who thankfully is exclusive to lesbians.
Suddenly even more glad I don't buy Bioware games anymore. Seriously though, Bioware proves you can get away with it IF you prostrate yourself enough before the altar of Feminism.
Really pathetic to see them rape a game like this. I haven't played a God of War game since the first one, but this new stuff looks nothing like I remember. Just banking on the name to sell copies.
Nah nigga, tyr is god of law and heroic glory, justice in battle and trial by combat. You could say that pretty much all the gods have something to do with combat, Ullr, Odin, Thor, and Freyja are all gods of war. The big war god, closest to mars or ares would be Odin, being the god of wisdom, war, battle, and death.
I bet the target audience for the game is disappointed the kid isn't Black.
I always hated Alayen and his hamfisted "like" relationship with Ymira which was there solely because every hero has one like and two dislikes.
I cannot wait when its 3$ in 4 years.
This is TLOU: Kratos Editon and fuckers even admit it.
Sums up the state of GoW.
Or better, God of Soy.
This ones a classic.
Well the first game had the dead family fuel Kratos’s revenge against Aries. Then two and three happened because Zeus feared Kratos would grow so powerful he would overthrow him, since he had already killed Aries. And it was badass because once Kratos had killed everyone and destroyed the world, he killed himself to deny Athena the chance to use his power to recreate her own version of what he just destroyed. He had already gotten over the “muh lain hiding beneath the hatred” shit and straight up killed himself when his job was done. That’s how a true, vengeful asshole handles it.
But leave it to Naughty Dog to just make this another TLOU
>a normal white ? guy
Jesus Fucking Christ, progressivism truly destroys men.
Kratos was always a deeply flawed brute of a character. He was written to be a classic Greek hero, and all Greek heroes suffer a fall from grace due to pride. The first game is actually a surprisingly competently written Greek tragedy. The sequels are just milking after Sony smelled blood on the water.
I should say, all Greek heroes in tragedy.
Are you referring to GoW 2? Because the first entry is usually lauded for its story, while GoW 2's story is considered not as good (I still like it gameplay wise).
Something that really gets lost on people is that greek heroes with the possible exception of Perseus were not nice people and far from what we consider heroes today. Even the stuff Kratos does is tame compared to what Theseus and Jason do in the original myths.
What a fucking faggot. Why not just make a new franchise instead of shitting on his old one?
Give us uneducated niggers some details.
Dad syndrome however the bus was already rolling over GoW after the first game when it basically shot the whole point of Greek tragedies in the balls before finishing it off for good.
Breaking news!
Shitty series continues to be shit!
Aren't all Greek myths tragedies anyway?
Theseus kidnapped Helen when she was a little girl to raise her as his wife and Jason ditched his wife Medea for some princess to inherit her kingdom. Both of whom would pay veery dearly for their deeds. Not only Theseeus lost Helen when her brothers came to rescue her, he spent some time trapped in the underworld after helping some other dude kidnap Persephone as part of their oath to take Zeus' daughters as their brides. Jason realized that he shouldn't have stuck his dick in crazy when Medea kills his new wife, her father, burns his new kingdom and kills her own children so they wouldn't be sold to slavery. That was the basic thing that most Greek heroes would do and considered normal by ancient times' standards.
1 was good, 2 and 3 not so good.
Especially 3, since the attacks and sound effects didn't carry enough weight in them.
I'm not sure why, but this seems to be a thing when comparing some prequels to sequels.
Other examples would be DotA (WC3) to DotA2, and God Eater 1 to God Eater 2.
yeh, the Greeks recognized that tragic stories were the best platform for telling stories that explored human nature. I can only assume this is why all goty bait games choose to attempt tragic stories but kind of fall short because they rely on stingers that never actually affect the overall development of their main characters.
Wasn't DotA strictly speaking the second game in the series though? AoS came first.
That makes sense.
That's like saying Dark Souls is the sequel to Demon's Souls.
It was in all ways other than story.
That's true, I guess what I was trying to say was that the character already had depth and they didn't need to do the TLOU treatment.
not sure if paid shills oir $onyggers in denial still latching to any excuse they can to justify their pisspoor buy of of a console
Old God of War formula was getting a little stale by the time Acencion came out but that's moslty cus $ony tried to jump into the multiplayer bandwaggon instead of focussing all their energy and budget on the single player campaign wich is what people bought the game for
but this…
this is just character assassination
and we can thank shit like TLOU for this
seriusly TLOU may be THE single handedly most harmfull "game" to ever come out
even Telltales shit, shilled as it was by (((journos))), could not fully brainwash lemmings that focusing on "muh thought provoking story" "muh relatable characters" and "muh emotional journey" was a better idea than focusing on game mechanics and level design
but now every goon under the sun is hailing these "not quite walking sims cus they got basic gameplay elements and QTEs" as the second coming of vidya christ
and don't you dare mention how their sacred cows have nothing but watered down gameplay elements that have alrready been done better in other games
I don't get it. How can western games get away with full textured nipples and full frontal nudity while if some anime game has tits with nipples shown in it then it gets banned from most outlets?
i fucking hate this "gown up" meme
being a childish brat is fun
being all grown up is about nothing but responsibilities and shit, it ain't fun to be old, people who play vidya are insulted with the word manchild, most of us choose our favourite vidya based on the nostalgia factor of ho0w much we liked them as kids even if the nostalgia bait is shit, hell, most of us who actually grew up with all the responsibilities that entails want nothing more than childish escapism to forget the stress that comes with "growing up"
i wan't the grown up meme to die, being an adult sucks, getting old sucks, having responsiblities suck, being mature sucks and i'm forced to be all of these 24/7, yet these stupid hippster expect me to chose the "being grown up" fantasy as my escapism
fuck them all
mostly just really backwards marketing departments and protectionism
in this case, "grown up" means "ascribe to groupthink." If growing up means giving up independent thought, then I don't need it.
the more i learn about the world
the more convinced i am that the SImpsoms were written by Nostradamus
early simpsons was quite insightful.
i miss when cartoons were allowed to be fun.
Funny enough, nuKratos can climb (if you press the right button that appears on screen) but he can't jump.
what the fuck does a god like Kratos from greece got do with Vikings
lore is holding by thread just to get by
This might be the first game in the series I don't buy.
Your parents must be proud
One of my friends from school, his little brother jumped off a cliff and killed himself because he said he didn't want to grow up, he just wanted to play video games, at least that was what he was saying before he killed himself.
He grew a beta beard and now he answers to the pronouns jir, je, jennika
I hope kratos's son dies
Nothing they shown so far makes me think he will be interesting or useful in the slightest aside from idiotic scripted puzzles and occasional arrows into enemies
It's not only a poor plot device, but one meant to slow everything down and make an otherwise 5 hour game into a long 30 h stretch of nothingness
Video games - not even once…
Either he'll die at the end for journalists to go "WOW SO SAD GOTY 2DEEP4ME" or Kratos will die and his kid will turn into some edgy nuDonte like teen for the sequel.
Natural selection at work.
How pathetic and pumped up full of Sony phallus and cum can one be?
you realize these are likely payed shills
He's fat so he was already done for.
I think it has to do with some misguided belief that "Cartoons are for kids" when that has never been true.
Is this the Dark Souls of QTE games?
This also happened to the Yakuza games. After the PS2 games, the attacks and sounds seemed weaker. The PS4 games have gotten a bit better with this tho
Too many game designers look at hardware the same way the caveman looked at the monolith. They expected the PS3, with it's "superior technology", to carry them rather than the other way around.
The new Wolfenstein has that pregnant shitskin woman topless dual wielding guns while covered in blood. But that entire game was one gigantic commie faggot BLM stroke-job so of course it was fine.
Pretty sure the one you meant was BJ's polish jew lover, everything else is true though.
Birds take white shits.
The crazy cunt was white. The game does feature that ugly nigger breastfeeding her niglet with her dropping tits laid bare.
It's like they were actively trying to disgust the audience with the "good" guys at every turn.
Given that BJ is revealed to be Jewish himself, I should have guessed.
Wait, she's Jewish? That would explain the early onset of mental illness and craving for the Aryan cock she suffers from.
I want cuckchan the fuck gone.
They don't mean being an actual grown up, they mean something much worse. They want to be accepted as "mature" for playing fucking video games. While being an adult is important I don't want anyone to touch my vidya. Fuck off with trying to make vidya this faux mature hobby.
Don't forget that game was also rallied on by people that wanted single player driven games - a common defense argument being made for the GoW reboot. Funnily, the game bombed and a multiplayer would have likely kept afloat.
Sadly, I don't think GoW will bomb because its a Sony exclusive and fanboys will eat up anything that is shat on their plate.
Wasn't 1886 a wash?
People who go out of their way to talk about how they've "grown up" are overcompensating for the fact they're immature in other areas of their life.
As a Sonygger, looking at that template makes me think of pic related but with one of those on the left and Yakuza on the right. I wish Sony had the brains to go full weeb or, at least, not bother with that kind of garbage but they'd have to hate money to do that.
God of Soy got nothing on Detroit or TLoU2 though. I think those will bring unprecedentedly strong pozz strains.
The Order was the exception to the rule, simply because it was an interactive movie, even more so than Wolfenstein 2. Horizon Zero Dawn, for as much shit it deserving gets for being a poorly animated Marxist drivel, still made lots of money despite being a whole new IP and its fanboys hold it as the BotW-killer.
Wolfenstein 2 was shit.
Tyr is god of the Thing i.e. god of law (Mars Thincsus). All the major Aesir deities are gods of war.
Isn't Yahveh more closely related to Saturn-El-Kronos?
How fucking old is that pasta?
I feel really bad for that kid, though, killing yourself in EQ has a massive XP penalty
Odin is a bit harder to pin down as a 1:1 comparison because he takes on so many different roles, titles and deeds in the sources. Hermes (for his discovery of the runes, his wandering aspect, shapeshifting and magical usage), Dionysos (for the frenzied/manic aspect as god of rage/fury/the possessed/poetry, a forest dwelling master of beasts and his hanging on the tree can be compared to dismemberment of Dionysos by the Titans), Kronos (as the reaper of souls, Time and death) and Uranos (as a storm god of celestial waters and even through PIE reconstruction seems to share a linguistic root) all fit the bill, Ares would be among the last of associations possible.
In the videogame industry "grown up" means "i am a good goy now"
Why did they copy Lords of the Fallen?
Why are you trying to compare two different cultures religion to eachother?
There also seem to be indications that Oden once were a legendary king in ancient Scandinavia.
Probably because nuGoW is about Kratos (A Greek) fighting Scandinavian gods.
Fuck, I remember the shit Don Bluth suffered when he tried to make Land before Time. It was NOT made for kids, which is why Sharptooth was fucking horrifying and unlike Bambi, Littlefoot's mother died right on screen, giving an impossible task to her only son that he had to follow unless he wanted to die.
You want to see something truly horrifying?
shouldn't have image searched for Sharptooth
Explain god eater's 1 and 2, please?
Most comedies were lost, but there's this one gem, true to this day
Goddamn horsefuckers are the third part of the triumvirate of cancer, right along furries and fujos.
So I heard that part of the modern day Santa Claus mage was based off of Odin
It looks more like a gay version of Ryse.
Needs more (((diversity))) though. Fuck having laws and borders and all that shit.
Meanwhile, all this Norse mythology talk got me in the mood to pick up a old book I have on the matter. The illustrations by Arthur Rackham are still amazing. I wonder if a Norse setting vidya emulating this art style would look good, like some Western Okami.
Odin's Sphere
Go back far enough and all Indo-European groups share a common root religion and language. Our inherited sources only reflect the different permutations they've undergone through shifting geography, migration and conquest. The Latins and Greeks would compare and equate the gods of their neighbors to their own all the time.
So it's much slower with huge fucking hitstops on every contact. Great.
So the camera is right up to Kratos' earlobe so you can't see anyone around you and there's lots of cinematic events to make you feel like you're really inside a movie.
The "Sony exclusive" will need to be a new genre at this point: slow, third-person, over-the-shoulder, "mature", cinematic experience. Usually some kind of child in tow. The success of TLOU really fucking killed any creative their western studios might have ever had. Sad.
Not to mention the practice of outright taking the gods of conquered, allied or neighbouring nations. It's why the Norse have two pantheons, why Rome was ruled by a Tranny at one point, and why the Hittites had over a thousand gods. The Proto-Indo-Europeans had more gods than goddesses, with most goddesses in Indo-European mythology being foreign imports. I'm interested in the connections between Indo-European myths and the Semitic ones, which were also similar in the higher number of gods than goddesses.
That's just f'n stupid. Did the greeks even do trade with the vikings?
If you were trying to bait me consider your attempt a success
At some point as a teenager I tried to convince my parents that I didn't just play "kiddie" games and showed the Call of Duty and shit. These people have the mentality of a fucking teenage boy!
Why not ditch the camera angle instead?
it's short for f***ing
Did you not read the interview? Barlog is
obsessed with the new camera angle, to the point he kept arguing with one of the leads to keep it in.
Look me in the eyes.
Considering that the scandinavians travelled pretty much all over the world to trade then I wouldn't be surprised. Remember that the emperor of the eastern roman empire (which contained Greece) had literal vikings as his bodyguards.
This sounds like a case of someone being so enamoured with his own idea that he doesn't give a damn what happens to the game as long as his idea stays in it.
What is it with chinks killing themselves over MMO's?
i know its a curse word but i was just explaining, sorry
When did the weather man grown a hamster on his lip
Well it's either that or continue living as a chink. Seems like an obvious choice to me.
The true proverb sounds something like "if my gramps had three balls he'd have been a pinball machine"
They have no souls, so it doesn't matter anyways.
F'n Thank you.
I actually just played Odin's Sphere, while it takes some aesthetics and naming inspirations from Nordic mythology it feels a little bit closer to a greek tragedy, at least in the way that the characters are stuck with an unavoidable destiny. Valkyrie Profile actually felt closer to proper Nordic mythology.
Beyond Kratos looking like what numales consider masculine (a lumbersexual with a gay beard) I don't get where there is to go with the story. Didn't he rape the entire greek pantheon by now?
What fundamental differences are there between a Norse and Greek myth?
Pretty much EVERY Norse god has "War" as something under their domains, to one extent or another. It's pretty mucht he Pantheon of War.
The Norse valued wisdom and independence, while the Greeks valued obedience and collectivism. The heroes of Greek legend were treated more as models to follow than as exceptional individuals in their own right.
Am i the only one who's sick and tired of the over the shoulder camera!?
EVERY FUCKING GAME nowadays is either first person or over-the-shoulder, fucking hell, that so fucking BORING.
This may be the main reason of why hate RE4.
How does Heracles fit into all this?
Wasn't he a bastard in the original myths?
I don't know if he was a bastard but he was definitely an asshole.
Sort of, Juno/Hera, the goddess of matrimony/sacred nuptials and the wife of Zeus/Jupiter was supposedly sterile. It's interesting to note that Herakles' title is dervied from Hera +Kleos meaning "the the glory/triumph of/over Hera" and probably the prototype from which we derive the word "hero" from.
its so simple looking yet its impressive
can't help but chuckle everytime i see their ridiculous cuckfaces
Hey, guys. I know that image boards have, more than once in the past, tried collective magic experiments with the end goal of bringing about an apocalyptic end to the world, and failed. But, you know, I was thinking… you guys wanna try again? Maybe we will get it right this time.
No need when (((they're))) doing it for centuries, and for free, what we need to do is to bring an apocalyptic end to (((their))) world, and ot themselves, including their soy drones, forever.
Nah, they are not destroying the world, just destroying anything worth living for. Even if they were ended, what has been set in motion will continue. Seeing what this world will inevitably become has made me realize it is time to end the whole thing instead. World needs to become sudoku to avoid dishonor.
We can have our golden age after the dissolution, but I don't think it will come before.
To put it another way: what is good and righteous cannot be truly destroyed, only hidden away. If we allow all things to be destroyed, what is truly good and righteous will remain. When you melt down a metal, the impurities are burned up and all that remains is the pure metal. If we want to see the golden age, we have to face the fire.
Burn it down to fix it? Might work.
Oh no, he was totally awesome. Best part is the script/novelization specifically pointed out he was hunting the youths out of revenge for costing him the meal of Littlefoot's mother's body
That's all because of the god damn "sequels' were not under Bluth's control. He was so fucking mad that his PR guy advertised the movie as a "fun kid's film" when he made it for late teens, early twenties who knew that life fucking hurt. When that was pulled out from under him, he just dropped the IP and then the series went into fucking musicals and nothing scary ever happening again, hence a breeding ground for cancer.
Nothing will top the savage brutality of the original Sharptooth.
Funny because when someone reminisces about watching Land Before Time as a kid they're never talking about any movie other than the first one.
the cancerous normalfags often brings up the second one or the TV series, or otherwise continuously point out characters like Chomper or the wrinkly faggot from the 4th movie or Ali something
God of war finally fixes series boring combat.
The first fucking line and he instantly proves why he has no right to even make his headlines assertion!
Why are these fucking piece of shit allowed to exist!?
Because gaming is cucked.
God damn it, he even admits it's a The Last of Gays clone
It's always like that when something gets co-opted and destroyed, these people become the biggest "fans" of the IP.
Uncharted 4 was hyped by the same people because the game destroyed both the franchise and the hero (Nate became a beta with a boring life). God of War is getting the same "deconstruction" treatment. This new game will destroy the character and the franchise. It's not a hack & slash platformer, it's The Last of Us + "Booker, catch!".
He isn't shy on that part.
Whether you liked Uncharted or hated it, Drake was meant to be a like the old school adventures and it showed in the earlier games.
They are some of the biggest posers on earth.
I used to like Uncharted, I liked it for what it was: a fun adventure game. Too bad Druckmann had to ruin everything with U4.
So, the usual rule still applies:
Everything in the Western gaming industry produced after 2011 is shit.
pretty much
Calm down user it's only a video game.
Not anymore it isn't.
Can't use the actual norse names because those are problematic white supremacy. The SPLC classifies all runes as "hate symbols."
Tell that to the assholes in the West.
God this is sad.
I’m most upset that they chose the most generic and overhyped pantheon imaginable. I’m still waiting for a game filled to the brim with crazy Egyptian or Japanese gods, demons, and phantoms.
Play nioh.
So, not to get too far off topic, but why the fuck don't we see more game journalism sites pop up that outsource all of their articles to freelancers who are both knowledgeable about a specific game series/genre in question - and who are at least semi-recognized as being capable of formulating their criticisms in an entertaining manner (which can be polished up in editing).
I mean, think about how Hollywood used to work in the 80's and 90's and into the early aughts. You had a relative handful of "A list" actors which recieved 90% of all the lead roles because they were popular box-office draws, but as time went on, studios have found it to be far more profitable to simply coach relative no-names into a decent performance in order to cut costs on budget while also fitting an actor to a character - rather than reinventing the character to fit the actor. It just seems to me like it would be far cheaper for these publications, if they'd put out a far superior product by people who are far more knowledgeable about the topic, and be less susceptible to industry/establishment meddling because your network of writers is too highly distributed. I wouldn't expect any of the traditional outlets to adopt this while they are currently steeped in cronyism and kickbacks from publishers - but it seems like there would be a huge opportunity for someone to come along with that model and make a killing, especially since so many game reviews that people consume these days come from Youtube/Twitch/In-Store UserReviews. They could even afford multiple reviews for a single title… and since everyone is more or less immediately disposable, you don't have these fucking "egos" shitting up games journalism when all they want is an easy paycheck while they build their portfolio for their chance at getting into a "respectable" new publication.
And with digital distribution being as common as it is now, it wouldn't really cost anything to give out review copies over what already goes out to generic youtube schlubs for early review. Why do we have to continue dealing with the usual suspects when it's so easy these days to just pay comparatively pennies to some random asshole with just the right bit of 'tism, an appetite for momentary validation, and an editor to put a layer of polish on.
That's the reason why game journalists want video games to stop being entertaining and fun. They want vidya to be "Art" (the boring, reddit-tier intellectual wankfest), they always hype walking simulators, the "press A to skip combat" shit. They want their parents to stop saying that their child has failed their professional career and adult life.
Look at Ben Kuchera, could you imagine a parent being proud of that guy?
Something tells me these commie pieces of shit would slit their parents throats for a nickel and not because daddy yelled at them to go to church or whatever.
I want the tasteless weeaboos who flooded this board from cuckchan to leave already.
Hello there goon.
Is this that famed multi-layered irony you goons like to jerk eachother off with?
They absolutely would. See Mao's "cultural" revolution.
Don't forget that Ducky's voice actor was brutally murdered by her father
okay, none of the reverse image search can find the source, could you share the source please?
Who would have though good old Ian could meme
never though he had it in him
you guys think this was the straw that broke the cammels back and made him swich sides during #GG?
I can totally se him as just a blue pilled soyboy with no idea of how (((deep))) the rabbit hole went
Thanks for the last one, was looking through my "shitty journalism" folder and couldn't find it.
This game looks awful. The slower pace adds nothing to the formula except an unnecessary and boring sense of realism that neuters much of the series ferocity. The plodding TLoU gameplay in DaS makeup looks repetitive and shallow. If they had to slow the gameplay, restrain the gamer and add the kid why not do it for meaningful gameplay related reasons? Make it a escort mission (YES), make that little fucker vulnerable and his safety a priority in gameplay instead in half-assed themes and shit narratives. Failing to protect Atreus would see the enemy turn Kratos' own trademark brutality on the kid in shocking Tomb Raideresque game over scenes. The axe's freeze ability would then be a strategic means to spare the kid a killing blow but at the cost of your own effectiveness. Should enemies need to be weakened to enter a "finish them" state and the axe be required for this adds further layers of strategy. Do you recall the axe and free the frozen foe (who may kill Atreus) so you can take out the weakened foe before you or do you use some other, more difficult means (perhaps environmental)? Layer on to this more offensive means and orthogonal unit differentiation and maybe you have something really fucking fun (and stressful to play) to play. Nah fuck that just make Naughty Dog Souls.
best part about this picture is the fact that they don't have a dog
and how would you propagate an agenda if you don't have all your writers in a tightly knit clique?
My fucking lord did they just staple Dork Souls and The Last of Ass together?
The guy got his revenge on everyone that wronged him already. Of course he's going to be much more tamer.
learn grammer gooder
If it is not the most interesting part of characters life, what is the point of writing a story/making a game around it?
The pot calling the kettle black
Honestly, I don't know why they'd make a game about Kratos without his rage. I'm just saying that you can't expect a person to still be angry after completing his vengeance.
What the fuck are you talking about? When did I write a story about anybody? Do you even know what that means?
I'm agreeing with you, I'm saying this game has no reason to exist, it's boring, he killed everyone and everything there is to kill, there's nothing left.
The Order didn't pretend it wasn't an interactive movie, the developers were honest about how they wanted the game to be like a movie right down to resolution and frame rate. The game was still terrible, but at least they didn't lie through their teeth about what they were making - an interactive movie about werewolves in steampunk London. Nothing more, nothing less.
I seem to recall plenty of articles talking about this being the next evolution of videogames or something. I remember them being open about their shittyness and how hostile they and gaming publications were towards its critics, but that doesn't excuse the bullshit.
Except you only kill a handful of werewolves in the game, with 99% of enemies being generic guys with guns.
Do we get to make a spear of mistletoes and kill baldur?
You misunderstood me. You tell me that I should learn grammar because of one mistake yet you yourself made an error in your post, hence the quote.
Sad thing is watching old Gamespot videos and seeing just how in depth they got about the gameplay mechanics and how they basically failed a game not for “triggering” them or not delivering the “experience” they wanted, but on how buggy or broken the game was and what mechanics weren’t fleshed out.
This but with less autism
I don't understand it either way. His balls bounce around his whole body before flying out of his ass?
Can't these faggots actually write for something they give a shit about instead of pretending they like video games?
Almost certainly not.