For christmas I got a Super Nes Classic and it's a pretty decent little thing, I like how it takes little space and you can store it in a drawer when it's not in use. Recently I jammed in more ROMs and they work super well.
And then I found an old third party controller I had for the Wii. Since I don't need it and it works on the Super Nes Classic, I've decided to turn it into an arcade stick.
My question is about the layout. Would it be fine qith the buttons placed like the Super Advantage had them? I never used that one, so I don't know if the layout works.
I'll be using this controller for MAME, too. Since I have an USB adaptor, I can use it on things that aren't the Snes Classic or the Wii.
Should I just go with a more classic arcade layout?
For christmas I got a Super Nes Classic and it's a pretty decent little thing...
Other urls found in this thread:
This is some new strain of super cancer right here. Kill yourself OP.
There is something terribly wrong today, there is a buyfag thread where people talk about harry potter legos their parents bought them. And every second thread is eceleb choleraposting. If this is some elaborate ruse, I don't get it
Super Nes Classic is perfect for you shed.
Way to ruin what could've been a great thread on arcade sticks OP, fuck you.
If you believed in yourself you'd be trying to turn it into a great thread on arcade sticks.
Instead you've chosen to behave like a woman, but it's not too late.
learn to direct threads then you beta boy pussy.
OP, go for a classic layout of 3x2. That Super Advantage isn't a particularly good controller. Also protip use your TVs USB to power it so you have less outlets being taken up.
that would require him not to be a gamefags general shitter.
Shit. Let me restart.
Any brands of arcade and flight sticks I should look out for? I'll mostly use them for emulation and development.
I believe you, it never looked appealing to me. Besides my dad told me back in the day I could get one, but I knew that meant I could get one instead of a new game that month.
here's something about it I don't like, I can't tell what it is. It just looks wrong, somehow.
Heck yeah, that's a great tip. I agree.
In fact I wouldn't object to TV sets with extra USB ports just for powering peripherals.
Are there other decent alternatives? I'm having a beef with Hori right now?
Life is suffer.
I don't know if the QC has changed in the recent years, but i've had a Qanba Q4 for 5 years now and the stick is just starting to get loose.
I'd recommend.
most use them for service or photo/mp4 playback. kinda useless and I'd rather have a real device to it, but I imagine yours is being unused.
I don't know what it is, but American arcade style sticks for home consoles were shit for a long time. I've used NES, SNES, Genesis, and Saturn ones, all at least officially licensed and they don't have that arcade stick feel. No microswitches inside the stick, shitty squishy buttons, and clearly designed to fit in a package to ship as many and sell for the best margin instead of providing a good controller. The Japanese virtua stick is a world apart from the american one of the same name.
consider building your own?
Heck, some 10 year old TV sets are pretty good.
Yours isn't crap, right? I mean, if it is you should be thinking about getting another one anyway.
I have. I'm checking out the market first.
It's an old LCD 1080p from Vizio. Features are barebones but the input lag isn't too bad. I hear modern 4Ks have input lag the worst.
You hear kinda right. Kinda wrong, too, there are current TVs with no lag.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Get it? Geeeeeet iiiiiiiiiiiit??
essentially the bigger the display and the more pixels its firing off the more lag there will inevitably me when it comes to how it deals with the video signal its being sent.
Certain models are tuned properly and have powerful enough processors (or rather, I guess, cleverly used processors) to make any lag unoticeable.
usually much smaller panels and are proportionately expensive. There's also the issue of grey to grey
Should we just go back to TV sets with big butts, then?
Jesus christ, my fightstick has exactly same wood finish.
they have their purpose, you need a balance really
Did you make it?
My cousin has one of these, I was thinking before the year ends, I'm going to get good at contra 3 and blow out a 1cc like it's nothing. Also contra 3 is not so bad, seems like it's easier than contra 1.
Contra= very good, but still overrated.
Made it together with my dad.
Damn. I bet his big strong hands pushed you to the edge.
Pics of your dad all shirtless?
You know what else fits in a drawer you don't use?
Fucking software.
How about you suck your mom's cock?
Have you seen the Virtua Stick Pro? Shit's basically the front of an Astro City candy cabinet. Hella big too.
I never liked those, I like wood.
Kill yourself
Yeah, you're full of shit. The emulator Nintenkike made for it is basically ZSNES tier.
how I know you never even did any research into it, quit acting like an authority when you don't know shit you stupid fuck. All the hacks drastically improve the emulator.
I never knew they made an N64 console bundle with GoldenEye. Seems strange to include a violent Teen-rated game as a pack-in, on the other hand that game is GoldenEye.
Which are?
Pity you get dubs while gargling on Nintencuck dick.
More SNES mini failure
anything you install while running hakchi2
original hardware also has issues with this game in some cases, super NT shill.
Why did you buy something that you can get for free on the Internet?
Are you that much of a nintendrone?
Got it as a gift.
Why did you accept it?
Do you not respect yourself as a man?
You think I'm an asshole?
What's with these weird effeminate dudes and switches?
What makes the 2 couple so commonly?
I figured out the open mouth part
Mario always smiles with an open mouth, they must've been influenced by it
that top left image can't be real
That last one's not really a soy smile like others are, though.
Yeah, he's cutr
Motherfucker, kill yourself
They're all soy smiles you dumb son of a bitch.
Okay, sephiroth x aeries poster, are you an avatarfag?
That fat piece of shit is the only one that looks like he's actually excited. All the other pictures look forced or fake happiness. The bottom right guy seems mildly amused, but most of the others look like they are trying to bury deep rooted emotional pain and putting on a mask of gratitude. I guess that's what happens when you distract yourself with games to forget that your wife is sleeping with an unemployed bum and you pretend you don't know. You try and try to push it out of your mind, but this is the ninth time you have caught gonorrhea from your wife and you just can't bring yourself to look at your kids on Christmas morning. Are they even yours? Come to think of it. Little Shaniqua does look slightly darker than you. And you were away on that business trip 9 months before she was born. But fuck it. There's selfies to take and joycons to pose with.
I think there was Wii U + Bayonetta bundle. And Switch + Skyrim one in certain countries.
Yeah Boogie is delusional as fuck. I'm just saying he is the only one in that pic that looks like he's actually excited. Blacked or not.
(((every single time)))
Damn, how autistic do you have to be to sperg over a gift?
Nintendrones truly are the cancer killing Holla Forums.
Are Nintencucks really this fucking illiterate?
Just because it's a gift doesn't excuse you for being a retard who thinks a SNES Shitty is a good product.
If I build an arcade stick should I arrange the buttons to be at the tip of my fingers? I'm thinking of something like a hitbox but the left side has an eight directional stick.
Open mouth smiles have been rampant among western children's media since the late 80s/early 90s, it's no wonder that behaviour was ingrained into the millenial mind considering the absolute state of white parenthood since then.
Is there a version of this pic where scalpers gape numouthed at their piles of nintendo emulators?
I never stopped to consider, since hair and fingernails keep growing on a corpse, is it the same for pubes?
cuckchan refugee detected
perhaps you should go back there >>>/cuckchan/
This board really is Holla Forums - Video Games
I don't get it?
It's funny because it's Poison, from Capcom.
And Capcom is a joke.
wew laddie
Are quokkas a euphemism for white people?
Quokkas are a euphemism for sheltered people. This includes both whites and jews.
Jews are the ones tipping the scales as well, shoah soon.
This place has been bleeding quality users for a while now. Sorry to be the one to tell this to you user.
Leave if you don't like it nobody will miss you. I know you're just another one of these /leftpol/ shills anyway.
Nah the threads I stay in tend to be alright and this is objectively the best video game forum on the internet so I'm probably not leaving any time soon. There has been decline, especially on Holla Forums. If you don't see it I'm glad the threads you go in aren't being shitted up that much.
They're being shat up but it's just a raid. I assumed you were one of the shills but there are so many I'm seeing them everywhere and I think I was too hasty.
Welcome to your mind on Nintendrone.
I have this very gay controller, too. Works fine, and as far as I remember the buttons are comfortably positioned. They're positioned differently compared to the Super Advantage, which has and ugly layout I don't even like to look at and has no L2 or R2.
Considering the Plus, Minus and Home buttons can go anywhere, help me position the rest of the buttons using this chart.
Piss off already.
I imagine this will be the target audience for Steven Kikeberg's Ready Player One movie adaption.
It is.
Everybody who has posted in this thread should be banned permanently, from the dick loving OP to the nuwojak cuckchan posters, they should all be fucking gassed.
Any shop i went was full of snes mini, so i am pretty sure the scalpers got fucked this time around.
The open mouth smile is just a case of exaggerated facial expressions in order to make them obvious, like in pic related (disregard Anita*). You'd normally see the soyim make that type of exaggerated smile while posing with products or at events that help define their personal identity ("I'm a GAMER so I'm SUPERFUCKING EXCITED to get the NINTENDO SWITCH®" "I'm a STAR WARS® FAN, so I'm ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY DELIGHTED I managed to get the PORG™ FUNKO POP!® figure!" "I'm a GEEK, so I'm CUMMING-IN-MY-PANTS over being in line to watch the premiere of READY PLAYER ONE™!"). Because they define themselves socially by their media or product consumption, they have to make it very clear they are both consuming it and extremely excited over it. If you buy a Switch and don't take a picture of yourself with a massive grin while holding it, then why did you buy it? To play games with it? Then how are your friends on social media going to know that you are a HUGE NINTENDO® FAN who loves all the classic franchises such as MARIO™ and ZELDA™? This is more understandable (but still embarrassing) in people who do this as part of their job (a video game reviewer getting visibly hyped over a new console or a geek-oriented movie reviewer making a big deal out of the latest Star Wars or Marvel capeshit flick), as it helps them build up excitement and interest among their audience, the rest of the open-mouthers might be just copying them as that's what they've learned enjoying something looks like.
You may also sometimes see soybois making that face while posing with people, the principle is similar, they just want to look really, REALLY excited to have met/be hanging out with said people. The person making the face will generally be among the lower status people in the group, doing that as a way to compliment the higher status people as a way of thanking them for letting them meet or hang out with them. Think a fan meeting a celebrity or a beta hanging out with the cute girl he's orbiting.
*You should always disregard Anita.
how are all these nujak pics so shit?
Have (2) :^)
They’re all made on Cuckchan, by and for cuckchanners.
They're a halfchan thing.
Just curious, what was it?
I think just bait.
saved, great post user.
You as well then.
You first cuckchanner.
bump :^)
Not everyone is a shill m8.
I was agreeing retard.
Soy Luigi
Soyigi? Luisoy?
Butthurt sonyigger
Ebin cuckchan meme, have an upvote on the house.
And you never will.
you have to go back
Go and stay go.
Don't you know that dairy has anti-nutrients and xenoestrogens that emasculate men into pathetic cucksoys like Anthony Burch?
Did a milkman fuck your mom or something?
What? I don't think anyone can say something like that last post unironically.
the console war is exclusively for poorfags
i bet you make lots of wood finishes with your dad
It's not for everyone, but Everdrives/Modchips my nigga.
Emulation is grand, and great for preservation, but a flash cart and a console with a decent early 00's CRT with S-Video is pretty comfy. Hell, people will probably pay you to take their old ass set. SNES is a bit of a cunt with its cheater chips, and the Saturn Modchip is hen's teeth rare these days, but it beats emulation for the time being on all fronts except cost.