Losing control?
Whats your favorite game to craft items in?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game to craft items in?
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Technically you can have an gadgeteer craft gadgets in wizardry 8.
I made the mistake of watching Nourin, it's fucking awful.
Probably Witcher since it helps give you bomber weapons.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Had to get stitches today cause of that doctor thing. Mostly annoyed I have to drive back in a week.
What's it about?
What happened to where you needed stitches?
How goes user
Whats good fam
Had a skin tag/cyst/maybe cancer thing cut off
Weren't these banned?
Hope it gives you cancer.
Did more welding today. I feel like i'm baking in that booth. I got level 6 spells in wizardry 8. I only now got the res spell.
I liked how, at least compared to most Tales (since direct crafting has come to be, and specific to the ones in English anyhow), the items used for Vesperia's Synthesis system felt like they at least had some semblance of logic. Couldn't quite say the same with Graces'. Still, it's not a crafting intensive series. Heard Atelier can be fun about that, given it's the focus (along with time management), but I haven't played them yet.
No lmao 😂👌
Nigger these have been around for a while since it was "banned".
It's an adaptation of a harem romocom LN, but they do a really shit job at it. It was pure suffering because they couldn't seem to actually have any "drama" until the last 2 episodes where it felt really forced.
They were banned at least twice, the first time back in 2015. Blame the hebrew.
Nothing much, I got some pizza, garlic fingers, and some chicken wings, but that's it really. Although I finally got to evolve Kadabra today in Leafgreen.
I'd hate a job where I have to be hot all the time tbh
How goes anons
They said it was 99% likely not to be, so probably fine
HEYA 4AM! Would you rather sniff yooka or laylee's feet? Thanks! :3
Don't they always pick the shitty options?
Shit man, hope it wasn't too bad.
It gets to atleast 10000 degrees on the metal. It's not just hot, its like looking into the sun.
I had salad for dinner and even though it was really good, I'm starving. Would kill for chicken wings
This healthy shit sucks
See above
What if you welded yourself?
Why do you have to reply with a weak ass "how goes" to literally anyone who posts itt? I don't want to talk to you, you slut
Go back to >>>Holla Forums
Fun Fact: tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the release of Mass Effect Andromeda.
Eating Healthy vs. Eating what you like is the true eternal struggle tbh.
Well i cant. It only works on metal because of the electric current. Worst case scenario i just electocute myself.
Finally becoming something that better represents his taste in things.
Not too bad. Can't vidya tonight though since family that's staying over have moved to the couch on the other side of the wall, and cabinet I have my stuff in's pretty loud. Also really chilly tonight compared to last. Might go to bed early.
Found someone with a GBA and link cable?
You wish you were hot. You hideous piece of human fucking shit.
Still, it's good to know you'll be fine.
I used to love that series.
Well it was a bit later than I said it would be and I'm fucking beat so I'm going to bed. It's not finished 100%; I still need to iron out some of the typos and awkward sentences but it's here! I'll try to get out the second video later this week.
It's the first 30 minute playthrough of Chapter 1 of Majo-tachi no Nemuri. Make sure to put the subtitles on if you can't read Japanese. Enjoy.
Even worse. He picked the noncommittal "why don't we all be friends" option. At one point I was screeching about how being in a landlocked prefecture wasn't an excuse for not seeing the ocean despite living on an island.
Wizardry was always the better scifi rpg series.
How does man even get something to reach that temperature? Not familiar with how welding works beyond melting shit together (which could well be wrong).
Maybe eventually they'll genetically modify healthy food to taste good
So its a tazer then?
Don't got any headphones? My ps4 is hooked up to my monitor so I don't have speakers for it. Gotten used to using headphones all the time with it.
Nice fam! I'll watch it today and let you know what I think tomorrow if you show up to the thread
Recently I find that I only really come here to post in these threads nowadays.
I got my hands on a cable that allows me to trade with the GCN Pokemon games, Colosseum and Gale of Darkness. So I just traded with my complete Gale of Darkness save file for an easy Alakazam.
That's scifi?
They always make the protags from those legit shitbags or idiots who pick the legit worst girl.
You're becoming ritsu. Abandon ship.
Tons and tons of electricity running through a small long piece of metal causes tons of heat. In fact, its not hard to make heat that great of temp. Even a grenade is hotter than the sun for a split second.
Not exactly. The electricity is running through the metal in a circle, not like a tazer.
Wizardry is totally scifi. In 8 you start off crashing a space ship and you eventually fight robots in the first town.
Feedback would be greatly appreciate since I've kinda thrown this one together without any experience. Gotta get some sleep; I'll try to be on tomorrow.
When I'm not downloading shit, this is basically the only internet I do
Would you get a circle burn tattoo if you used it on yourself?
Cya next time fam
None that would work with my TV. And again, it's the cabinet that's loud to open. Took to redoing my vidya shelves instead, thought one was too close to door (which has a bathroom just beyond it, and the light switch over it; didn't want to risk them getting wet), so I went and stacked the units like before.
Oh right, forget you could do that. I used to do that myself because no friends had a GBA.
But how does it not melt the instrument applying the heat? Simply a higher melting point than the steel being used on or something?
They threw a beach episode in, only for there to be a typhoon that made it to where they dicked around in the mud water for most of the episode.
To be fair Holla Forums is utter shit right now. Ran into a thread where they pulled the "fallout was never good" shit.
The fucking name threw me off. My bad.
Is the source at least good?
Not like that. It's a current where both ends are connected to the machine and the electricity runs from one end to the other, through the metal.
The electrode only melts at the tip
Yeah, but you have magic spells like fireball and sword and sorcory.
I barely post outside of these threads these days myself. Which is a damn shame because I used to be rather active in other topics, but the occurrence of them has dwindled and I don't feel I have much of value to contribute at this point.
Seen some people claiming Tales was never good myself.
Do you have a private bathroom? That'd be the comfiest shit for a NEET. Would practically never have to leave your room.
So how do we turn this into a weapon
I dont really play any games that Holla Forums has threads for. It sucks being a pinball + dungeon crawler fan
Make stuff with the welder.
I heard Hiroshima is fucking with 4 again. That or it's related to the fact that one of the phone apps started including Holla Forums in the available sites.
From what I've been able to tell from the TL notes, it's not as shit as the anime. I think harem is shit so don't ask me.
Didnt halfchan get frozen because of the seppuku?
I used to have a friend with a GBA link cable that could connect with both the gba and gamecube games. I haven't heard from him in years though.
I have a bathroom just right across the hall from my room. It helps if I feel like taking a shower at 2:30 in the morning because I can't wake anyone up that way.
I used to post in the fighting game general a lot, but that went to shit as well.
It did. At first only /a/, Holla Forums, Holla Forums and /vg/ were frozen, and then they froze all the other boards sometime after that.
Some other user in here really liked pinball and would talk about going to some big pinball museum in vegas every once in a while. You should check it out if you ever head that way.
You want a good beach pool episode, Gun x Sword has a fantastic one. Fanservice, none of the usual misunderstandings girls in such episodes tend to give to guys (as the guys are all holding down the fort while the girls infiltrate), actual plot progression and new recurring characters, and a dose of FUN.
That was me
It's getting ridiculous now man. I get different opinions and shit but a lot of the new threads are filled with contrarians that shit on the entire series. It at least made sense with series that aren't for everyone.
Oh so it's scifi fantasy sounds cool. Might check it out if I didn't have a toaster right now.
I used to browse the old site to remind me how shit it was. I should do that again maybe.
Nothing wrong with that as long as there's one girl that deserves to be happy.
I've got the same situation but my parents room is like two doors down so I can't do that. Which sucks because a lot of the time I want to take my daily super hot bath randomly and can't
Are you sure about that?
The games are from like 81 to 2001. You can run them on anything.
Did you used to go by a different name in here then
Beats me.
Fucking sweet man.
What'd you do today user?
No, unless we have another pinballfag here. That seems unlikely. Noone plays pinball anymore. i have 850000 on gorgar
The games are so old dude.
I haven't been there since 2014 so all I can go on is retards who still cross-site post.
I understand the appeal, I just can't get into it. It's the same type of autism that forces me to only date one person at a time in games like AA2.
I am completely confused right now
Gams I'd like to discuss either don't warrant making threads for at this point (and haven't for years), and/or in genres/subgenres that make it hard to actually get quality discussion on in the first place.
It was comfy and if I had a microwave, toaster oven, and minifridge I wouldn't leave either. But that bathroom was built with no way to open the windows because they were solid glass, which meant that either the steam had to go up an overworked vent or just went out into the rest of the room. And it was starting to smell too.
I think some people, be it intentionally or not, have embraced the whole "Holla Forums HAET VIDYA" and "all those games/series you like aren't good, and likely weren't good to begin with" stuff. Also a notion that any attention, positive or negative, is good attention and thus shilling, which makes it feel like you might as well not even discuss anything related to a board's topic at hand if someone might be after your time and/or wallet.
You should try drinking some bleach, it oughta cure your problem right up.
I don't know why but for some reason I start to feel awkward watching or playing anything anime around people that aren't friends or my family. Anyone might know what could cause this?
Unless there was another user who liked pinball enough to go to the museum in vegas, i doubt it wasnt me.
It's fucking annoying. I get everyone having different opinions but it's just a hivemind now.
All the fucking time dude.
Anime, be it as a medium or style, is a bit of an acquired taste. Though, I suppose it depends on the work in question. Used to see people playing anime fighters and Tales co-op in the lounge back when I was at a CC. Nobody apparently thought differently of those playing it. Still, I wouldn't watch or play anything too lewd in public, but that's just me.
Could put a better fan in the vent maybe.
My microwave just exploded the other day, and my folks bought a temporary one. They have one of those ones that goes up on the wall and gotta find another one to fit with the cabinets and shit. Anyway I might have a private microwave after. If I just get a minifridge I'll be set.
Because anime is a shameful thing and makes people think you are a pedophile
How long you been in these threads?
2 years as a regular and off and on for a year before that.
Not showing your powerlevel is a rule for a reason fam.
Played a bit of a Doom 2 mod that got updated recently.
But I had you on steam before and you added me with a different one later
What kinda mod? It any good?
I only added you post coming to the IRC.
What I find obnoxious is the amount of people that show up in a topic simply to state how much they hate its existence. And I don't just mean shit games everyone hates for good reason. More that they see a particular game/series/genre being discussed, and rather than ignore it, open the thread and reply simply to act like they would much rather the topic not be discussed.
I miss 2014 8ch. Fuck, I miss the carefree days of lurking '06 halfchan.
I remember back when the IRC was nothing but me and Homoko being idle for 90% of the day.
Tbf, the overwatch generals we had a few years ago did not belong.
Then there was definitely another guy who went to the same thing. Maybe even at the same time you were there.
GMOTA, it's a gameplay mod where you play as a medieval warrior. You get a sword and magic and you get a crapload of options for any situation.
I guess we missed eachother. i think i made the right choice going to vegas rather than SF on the way here
Thanks. Admittedly the awkward feeling I get when playing/watching anything anime is what's stopping me from getting the PS3+P5.
I had a friend in high school who I'd explain to constantly the concept of public power levels. I don't think he ever got it, he was always kind of an autist.
That's what happened in a lot of Persona threads. While I was just talking about a jrpg I liked. It's frustrating.
Why not just get it for your room?
I just own it. I didnt care one bit that i played danganronpa 3 in front of my parents.
That sounds fun as fuck. Sounds like kings field honestly. Theres a staff in the second game that lets you throw fireballs and it makes it feel like an fps sometimes.
What else you do in vegas?
Just order persona online
Sad, isn't it. Admittedly some of the posting styles from back in the day are kind of embarrassing to look back on, and some shit I found hilarious back then I really don't anymore, but it was what it was, and I'd love those more carefree, fun days back. Not likely to happen though.
Same thing happened with a Miku-fag I knew in CC. Granted, he was more or less a decent guy, just that he didn't know when to shut up about anime and stuff if he got the hint anyone nearby was accepting of it.
I remember the persona threads. Those fucks kept using a waifu roller that used the fucking 10's didget for the roll so i fixed it.
Went to an arcade, ate a 10 dollar burger, and made the car a makeshift sauna.
I remember years back when a certain obnoxious faggot shat up half/v/ to the point most JRPG discussion had to be taken to /vg/ as a general because that guy's spam fucked Holla Forums up that bad.
You are just nostalgia fagging about being a kid/teen more than image boards seems like.
No strip clubs or booze or gambling or magic shows?
I would, but my family will barge in whenever they feel like it, even after I've asked them constantly to knock. The only person who respects my privacy by knocking is my dad.
Speaking of which though, I've realized that I'm starting to run out of space on my bureau for my consoles. Is it possible to make room by stacking them? I have an N64, a PS2, a Gamecube, and a Wii.
One of my co-workers back when I worked at the grocery store would play nip music without headphones because they didn't interact with customers. I didn't care too much, because she would buy starbucks drinks for me sometimes without expecting payment.
Back then people weren't always looking for the negatives in everything.
When are you putting a key on your door? Recommended that forever ago
For a fucking basic answer I guess Minecraft. Not just like the regular shit, though, the enchantments. Back when they added in the ability to merge enchanted items it became such a blast to just see how much of a singularly overpowered item you could get by mashing different bows or swords together.
Not a lot of other games I've played recently have crafting that's really worthwhile AND enjoyable. Skyrim is kind of fun, but again you can just get items everywhere and Skyrim fucking sucks so one tiny bit of fun in a boring wasteland doesn't help.
I was 17 when i was in vegas.
Fuck no, i'm not doing that shit.
If i had the chance i totally would have played some poker or blackjack tho.
Just play some senran kagura PBS and let them barge in, the look them in the eyes when they see the screen.
I don't know how tbh. I'm a stupid and sheltered guy.
This is why I spoilered that part.
Pause buttons exist. Or just play them when they're asleep.
I don't man. There seems to be a sort of shift to more serious formatting and content that happened over the years. Some of the threads I've got caps of I doubt would be all that feasible today, when they'd be liable for just being reported.
I wouldn't recommend stacking systems, as they need space to vent heat.
Unless you really like the GB Player and have a non-backwards compatible Wii, the Wii should have replaced that.
KCD has a fun alchemy system. Shame they rushed it out and didn't get to put in smithing or anything.
How goes user
I always want to play blackjack when I'm at casinos, but the people at the table play so damn fast. Just hand after hand after hand in seconds. Too intimidating for me.
It literally just takes a screwdriver. Go look at your doorknob. Theres two screws there. Just undo them, doorknob falls into two parts. Easy enough to figure out from there.
Also, those legs are shit, holy fuck.
Just git gud.
That's what I do normally.
The Gamecube I only keep around because of how much I like the menu. It brings on a strong sense of Nostalgia tbh.
This happens almost every time I save western art tbh.
Maybe. Seems more like Holla Forums tier content anyway though.
I like to take my time at casinos. Bet, have a few sips of my drink, smoke a cig, bet again. Makes you waste a lot less money, probably why I've profited every time I went to one.
Thats why i would mostly play poker. Its a slower game.
I'm fucked. Can't seem to calm down, every little thing is making me angry. It's starting to give me chest pains and there's basically fuck-all I can do about it. Doing nothing doesn't help, vidya just makes me angrier, taking a walk does the same. Don't even know why.
I've never seen poker at a casino. I'm sure its off in rooms somewhere but I don't know how the house would even profit off that really unless they make you pay them to buy in.
It has to be somewhere.
Is anything going on in your life to get you stressed?
Maybe try some chamomile tea
I guess vegas would have some considering all that wsop stuff. I've only been to injun casinos.
What fun things should I do tomorrow?
Apparently there is an indian casino around here that my sister's ex boyfriend goes to and wastes all his money on. I dont know how he wastes all of it on poker. One of these days i'm gonna play a game of poker against him and win and then flaunt it infront of him.
Get a asian massage. Here theres some of that up in canada.
I always beat my family when we play poker at thanksgiving/xmas/whatever. But they are all idiots so
He is supposed to be pay child support too. Man it would be satisfying to get that money from him.
replay some old vidya you like. also thanks for the Sadayo.
Follow him to the casino and play him there.
That is the plan.
I'm replaying Leafgreen already. I'm almost done the postgame, though. The Sevii Islands are kinda comfy tbh.
Dark Cloud 2 had a really cool concept of crafting and it was super rad crafting high level weapons right before bosses to shred them ( Too bad it required a guide to look at what might be an invention )
Life is suffering.
I've made it, boys.
Livin' the life.
what life?
Now I want to go to a casino. I was 2 machines down from a lady who won 20k one time. I'd be in nippon so fast
How goes user
What makes you think that
hey op
I'm ok, literally didn't do shit but watch clickbait youtube videos because I dont know what im doing with my life
whats up with you
How did you make it?
how are u dood
Admittedly Holla Forums was where I first wound up, like most people.
The Wii even has cheaper component cables that the Gamecube. Seriously, if that's taking up your space and your Wii is capable of Gamecube games, ditch it.
Give this a watch if you haven't seen it.
The remix of Lake of Rage used there is my favorite in the series.
I gotta drag myself out of bed and go buy tobacco later today, not looking forward to it.
You need to get a list of good youtubers to follow at least.
My Wii can play Gamecube games. Only exception is that my copy of Pokemon Colosseum always just resets back to the Wii menu whenever I try to play it on the Wii. I also think it's the only game in my Gamecube collection to have crashed in the past.
Yeah I guess thats true.
That's odd. Mine always worked on my Wii (same with the Gamecube/GBA cable). Have you considered taking it to a place that does disc cleaning (though Gamecube minidiscs might require a special device; one of the shops out where I am has to use a particular part to hold them in their machine).
plz link me some cause the only youtubers that pop up on my list are Dunkeys videos, music videos, and other non-important stuff
would like some vidya youtubers if you have any reccomendations
Not really. It's only happened once back in 2012, so I've never really looked into it.
I mostly just watch cute nip girls.
Try bithead1000 for video games, hes hilarious.
I know there's some user that does history videos about old JRPGs. Think I recall some saying his information was good, but the voice was subpar.
I think I'm gonna head out. See you guys around.
Well if every other game you've tried it with works, it's liable to just be a problem with your particular disc.
Cya next time fam
Do you happen to remember the name of that youtuber or has it been a while since you watched their videos :o
I'll take a look tyvm OP
I think he goes by Mr. Gentlemen.
Or rather, Mr. Gentleman. Singular. Seems like his last analysis video was a year or so back though.
Also while digging through bookmarks, seems this guys' put up some more nature documentaries to replace the ones that apparently got DMCAed.
ty very much user. I just watched his analysis on Persona 5 and was pretty informative
you da man