New weeebm thread because previous one is on page 13 and shit
archive of previous one
New weeebm thread because previous one is on page 13 and shit
archive of previous one
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This is the most Reddit: The Video that I've had the misfortune to watch. I'm glad that talking corpse is dead. He became nothing more than another pop-culture normal fag science man on the same level as nigger science man. String theory is such bullshit.
The one above it was just as bad. I don't know why I just threw 10 minutes of my life away.
inb4 [triggered] goons
Goons like Kizuna though. :^(
Why, all the same stuff is posted everytime anyway
So you can repost stuff more efficiently user. The archive helps to make sure that you don't accidently post something new.
What the hell is this and is that really Keanu Reeves?
Why do you archive past threads??
Are there any more of those become a loli videos? It's incredibly relaxing and comforting.
but thats haram
Are those animations airing now? is the one with the big titty kitty out?
its already aired
what you mean is Bobbypills and that one aint out yet
Are they not the same studio? Or is that just an old episode?
ye but its a different series called Lastman
Bobbypills hasnt aired yet
I see.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to become a loli.
uncensored version
i made this do you like it
Who is this funny man? Feels as if he was on the verge of dropping his act and just straight up calling the movie shit. lol
you can find the guy by punching the filenames into jewtube
got a sensible chuckle out of this one so heres a webbum
Converted 144p video from the early days of YouTube
First you'll be outraged, then you'll realize you're going to hell.
thats one way to tenderize your poultry
Everybody loves Kizuna. She's best girl.
Unless you're in the UK.
What place is that? I'm guessing a pole of some planet or moon.
she's a corporate whore that does it for product placement
its the Mohole, a terrain generation bug promoted to feature because players wanted to keep it
Man, this WEBM really appeals to my xeno purging senses. One man, one truck. Versus hundreds of xeno fucks. Look how it turned out. They looked like they evolved animalistic natural weapons, something Joe Rogan would point out as human shredders, but they only have numbers in this scenario. It's almost cute, some of them have assimilated weaponry. They have exposed bodies vulnerable to ordinance. Dead xenos 9/10.
this is an 18+ board faggot
This from Rune?
jesus I fucked that up
El abominacion…
Do you have the source for the second.
What game is that?
Believe me, you wouldn't want to be him. He does the same thing that Filthy Frank does. That is to say his only way of making people laugh is pushing the envelope each "episode" until he can push it no further.
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
The fat ugly girl's fat ugly friend who works in HR.
Ausfag here, this fucking abomination is the face of the tranny here. It's fucking sickening to be honest, they were in some unfunny "comedy" band and then said they were going to cut their dick off and all of a sudden were in ads and all over the media.
Testing, there's no problem with this mp4 right
This guy is pretty fucking awesome.
I'm gonna upgrade soon.
Now I know not to go Intel.
I might wind up selling my 7700k+motherboard and even my monitor for a Ryzen+AMD gpu. I know they are both pozzed to hell and Intel/Nvidia maybe a bit better performance wise I can't stand their shitty politics and the attempt at aggressive monopoly (that they pretty much already have). It makes me fucking sick
Just realized
And from the same thirsty faggot as well. What in Lord Jesus' name do they think they're going to achieve?
Also AMD is a lesser evil, forgot to mention
Here is your answer
That really wasn't hard to find cunthead.
What are you talking about he's just donating to his favorite streamer.
There is a lot wrong with donations like that, but one thing that a lot of people seem to ignore is that Twitch get's a pretty big cut from that shit. I still think it's pathetic to donate to them, but it's even more pathetic that twitch cucks you and steals like half of your donation.
This game was great.
There is something really wrong with streamers
What was he doing in that one?
Doing some yoga and breathing exercisesfucked up the post
GG nigger thinks he is a cool kid.
what song?
Japs with horrible english never gets old
Holla Forums gtfo with your fuckin catchy songs
Oh god that RO2 voice in the first webm
Holy shit wtf is this from?
This can't not be parody.
do you have the complete version of that?
I'm sure plenty of people wish they were, but that's not the case.
This shit again.
I'm out.
shit. I guess I'm a murderer now
Yes, return to reddit. That'd be best for everyone.
Fucking frogs man.
I love "straight" girls fooling around like that.
I don't have source
don't let the digital door hit you on your digital ass on your way out faggit
What anime? reminds me of Kodocha.
is it dubbed?
does this go any further?
they'd make a series about frogs that bone eachother if they haven't already. The french are noted perverts, or at least their media heads have been for centuries.
unfortunately no, but then again they are not straight either. One of them is a pornstar (forgot which one) and the other either a friend or… her producer. I forgot to be honest. But as far as I know there are no good nudes of them.
you know every time i see this one I always wonder how bitter, used up, infected and miserable this chick must be by now. You think she's close to hitting that wall yet and going full psychotic because she has no kids since no one wants to be in a long term relationship with a thotimus prime? You think she's moved on to strip clubs by now? Maybe she's just dead from OD somewhere.
shes a dancer, I saw some videos of her practicing on youtube. Shes not as hot as she looks in that video though.
And they said that video games don't cause violence.
Does not necessarily have to end up bad for her. My female english teacher for example did some stripping in her youth. At 29 she was married and had a kid, but in her youth she did some underwear modelling for a local clothing magazine and she told some of us that she stripped in some clubs too.
You can have a wild youth and still end up doing good in your life.
Didn't she get pregnant and is currently raising her kid?
Good heavens me
it's not a guarantee, no, but that's why generalizations exist: they're correct more often than they aren't. Just like someone being black doesn't mean they're a stupid violent nigger (it just means there's a very good chance they are and they have lower average IQ), girls who do the kinds of attention-whorey things like that one usually signal a deeper quality of "this is not relationship material." It doesn't mean that's always true, just that it's a very good chance. No matter what feminism tries to do, guys will always have a deep seated instinct of not wanting to be with a slut.
Jep, she was married and got pregnant. Seems like some incel got butthurt.
too tiny to fap to
Need sound
How to get the sound:
Go get half a watermelon and punch the shit out of it.
These look pretty good,is this the scam one or the one after that?
How goes NotBreedingseason? Did they stop working on it to get free 30k salaries yet?
Anyone got a webm of the cockatiel singing the Adam's Family theme where it bashes its head into the table and it cuts to an explosion?
It's funny, when the left tries to make someone look bad by using the same tactics their opponents use, that is showing their enemy's unfiltered words, they tend to lose followers since they tend to look crazier by comparison.
you are either underage, or retarded. It has to be one of them. You are either totally new to the internet, or you are some foreigner who learned english like 3-4 years ago.
No, do explain how soundless sub 3mb webms and a precisely sub 4mb webm with sound of 3dpd porn isn't 4chan shit. I know for a fact the first 2 were very popular there when webm first appeared. I'm waiting.
Anyone know who the girl in the first webm is?
I am saying that everyone who hasn't been to 4chan or Reddit is either underage, or retarded.
did i strike a nerve there >>>/cuckchan/ ?
None of my webms will go through. Testing to see if I can post at all
Not a Christfag, but that was fucking great.
Either explain yourself or stop posting
Birds are pretty cool, but can you teach them to shit in approved places only?
My instinct is that you can't, but then again that's how I was wrong about rabbits as well.
We've all been there, doesn't mean we still like their form of webms.
okay homo
and i am just saying that maybe you should go back and stay there this time
Except webms on halfchan is a relatively recent addition. Soundless webms means you went to cuckchan recently within the past couple years and saved them, webm implementation over there came only after it was added here, and that was some time after 2014 I believe. Erego, you GO to cuckchan and you've GONE there recently. Trying to frame the topic about whether someone hops over there once in a while just to look at something is being disingenuous.
Bird shit is easy to clean up anyway. The fun of having a birb outweighs to occasional poop. At least they don't pee.
I posted that webm originally that you are replying to. I posted it a few years ago and the original video never had sound. Autistically screeching about how every webm must have sound is absolute larper territory and is a sign that more than anything you're desperate to fit in.
I've seen little birb diapers.
Webm support came before the GG exodus, if you remember, the first webm threads here after that were chock full of soundless sub 3mb webms since we carried the old baggage and didn't yet use the potential of the new system.
It's clearly not a real video that originally had sound. What people whine about is webms encoded specifically for 4chan which had the sound and size stripped.
you are a nigger if you have never been there. >Number 1 source for porn
There was a shitload of very decent shit on reddit.
it's been almost 4 years, my memory is pretty hazy. All I can really remember is the 5 guys burgers and fries and the ridiculous shitstorm that inevitably tumbled down after it. Those were some seriously eye opening times though, I had never cared much for news or politics before that but when I saw the media go absolutely shitlib over things, blatantly lying and representing only one side of the story, bringing on fucking Wu of all people to cry wolf…that was the first step of quite a journey. I'm almost sad it didn't happen sooner.
keep going
Has science gone too far?
This is true and as an art educator it pisses me off to no end.
meant for
Why, because it's animushit?
Let me tell you one thing, people who complain about Reddit are gay. Period. There is constantly reddit content being posted here and unknowingly reposted. And others know that it's reddit content too, but they keep their mouth shut. The only people who complain about reddit webm's are those who try to save face. They liked a webm, tried to find more, found out that it originated from reddit and are now shamed that they jerked off to reddit content.
Most of the porn shared on Holla Forums back then was ripped straight of off reddit, same for the shit that get's posted here or /wx/. That vertical porn thread >>>/wx/63271 is almost entirely reddit content, same as with the audio porn thread >>>/wx/61794
No, this is definitely not always the case. Very often it's mod wannabes projecting their "hey this isn't a 16mb, 4 minute long webm with 256kbps opus audio encoded in vp9 fucking cuckchan scum amirite guise" autism. I'd rather go back to the days of valuing bandwidth to get more done with less rather than having some bloated webm of pointless bullshit. The sort of mindset that a jpeg85 will satisfy the same point as a lossless png with much less overhead.
I'm not saying it is what you are doing, I'm saying it's something that happens and happens pretty often.
I assume the red hot rage over reddit is mostly tongue in cheek. I doubt very many people actually care.
Yep, they post actual cp and gore for the exact same reason. It's not because they like it, no they are only doing this to keep the normalfags away. Just look how pure and clean Holla Forums is.
Her voice is adorable
There's a difference between saying "you can enjoy content made from reddit" and "you're a newfag nigger if you didn't frequent reddit". Not that I understand the point you're trying to make with 3d porn webms.
What's that from?
What the fuck?
Found it somewhere in the depths of /monster/
This has become my favorite webm
So I take it from your webm that the Saturn had the best graphics? I never used it
Reminds me of this one.
God damn it.
The good old days of 8mb file limit… When you had a long ass video and had to try your best to stay within the limit and not make it look like total shit
There is something wrong with you if you never visited that place. Reddit is a pretty old community, and it wasn't always as cancerous as it is today. Saying that you have never been there is like saying you have never been to 4chan… It's something that a total newfag who tries to fit in badly would say.
it had the best performance, but not the best graphics, if that makes any sense… It could run DooM better than most PCs at the time, and better than PS1/N64(DooM64) could. Except Carmack was a fucking retard and DEMANDED it ran "exactly the same as PCs", so they had to completely recode the game to run in software mode basically.
There's something melancholic about compilation webms, not unlike template threads ones.
I was expecting this one instead.
Honestly, this upsets me more than anything about this video.
Does reddit actually produce any content other than porn?
I'm only interested in porn if it's degenerate,so if they got that,i'm in.
I wish there weren't just two fucking CPU manufacturers.
Redditors are fucking gay. The vast majority of frequent plebbit users are safe spacey, progressive shitlibby, absolutely cringe normalfag-wannabe fucking retards. The reason hatechan absolutely abhors anything and all things plebbit is because we wish to insulate ourselves from their unbearable faggotry. If you type or post like a goddamn plebbitor, you're going to get called out until you learn or go back. A broken clock is right twice a day, so if some of "their" content leaks through in a few threads and it's decent, whatever. That does not mean anons should just drop their generalized hatred of plebbitors, as cancerous as their opinions, posting styles and feelings are.
I should not need to fucking explain this to you.
thanks btw!
I fucking love that the media will never give up this golden goose chase on russia and the election.
also I really really hope Insurency Sandstorm doesnt suck ass…
Pretty much. It's not art. If anyone can explain the visual aspects of a turd the same way that faggot described it as if it were inspirational or thought provoking in anyway then they would put turd statues in museums. And they do.
Isn't that the one with the STRONG WOYMN protag they're shoehorning?
Bill burr watches anime? that's pretty neat.
you say that like its a bad thing tho. I'd kill for a game based on the russian female bombers in WWII
Not necessarily a bad thing but i have a feeling they're going to do it and handle it poorly.
Figured as much, the first time I saw these was a decade ago in a modern art magazine.
I assume indie games and shit like that. But reddit used to be a pretty good source for semi legal shit. Deleted amateur porn for example, actual blackmail videos and girls being forced to take their clothes off. The good cracks, like dlc unlockers made their way into Reddit before they reached our share threads, so there is that too. It took a while for them to be leaked, since we had a "don't talk about them" rule, but at some point someone posted them to reddit, and only a long time after that they made it to Holla Forums.
Nah, nobody used to call you out until late 2017 when this place got hit by a wave of cuckchan refugees. Reddit content get's posted here a lot, and people don't say anything.
its a game about war and killin muslims in the desert. Im p sure its not gonna be blue pilled.
no, they don't even produce porn, they take THAT from Tumblr and Pixiv.
Because they genuinely thought she was going to win. They had to enact some sort of emergency plan; you didn't think they would take Trump's win lying down, did you?
thats a big fat lie. 99% of old art was shit too. we only kept the good shit in museums. Theres plenty of great art in anime style, on par with classical masterpieces.
I aint defending those god awful statues, because Modern Art is dictated by what it "REPRESENTS" rather than if its actually aesthetically pleasing tho.
If you ever find yourself defending the point that modern art is shit. Always remember to ask what its importance is. In meaningful art the inspiration and meaning comes from it's quality and attention to detail. In modern art it's much like previous Webm. Always question the importance of the piece you are viewing to a degree of "why do you need to look at this"
fuck. it's almost physically painful seeing a cute girl talking so degenerate.
I'm not talking about the "content" (which, if it actually "comes from" reddit, came from somewhere else before that). I'm talking about reddit shit in general on the site as a whole, and that's mostly text and the way faggots say things or get offended for example, anons do not use the word "incel." anyone who uses that term comes from plebbit or somewhere else as cancerous.
That is blatantly, horrendously fucking incorrect. Plebbitors were chastised and criticized and ostracized at least as far back as early 2015, probably even earlier, because of all the "muh PR" bullshit they tried to spread around as a part of GG. And that's only one small example.
what game
And a pretty shit one on top of that, because it spoils you into having the most basic bitch opinion possible. The voting system alone makes it a cult factory. Just look at the faggots whining about Jim not taking daddy Sargon seriously. Its not about the fact that it is old, but that shitty newfags who usually never dared to come to Image Boards are usually from there. The funny thing is, that it is always people from plebbit who act like little bitches and now they have swamped half cuck. There is another thing to criticize about plebbit that is the fact that they are blatantly take shit from somewhere else and blatantly tell you that they made it. That is in itself not a problem, because this is exactly what plebbit is designed to do. The specific beef we have it that it is doing with stuff that is made here for here.
No plebbit! I won't make an account for le upboats. I won't visit halfcuck again, because the only boards I am interested in went to shit. I was on some other image boards for most of the last 10 years. You can go fuck yourself and you should leave.
From the getgo, nigger. From the getgo! We had a huge argument as soon Kotaku in Action got into gamergate.
Ayyy petting zoo 2. Its on GoG.
More lewds if ya got em.
Fan art is stuck at the shit level of only drawing inspiration and style from a the cartoon it's inspirational source comes from. Other than the cartoon (which is solely relied on for reference) the piece really has no other visual meaning other than an advertisement for the particular show. I'm sure you can still sell some sweet merch off your Deviant art page thou, faggot
Pretty sure it's literally called Alien Shooter 2. I suggest playing that one and not the first one, it's a bit better. Campaign is pretty fun and not all that hard, but the Last Stand game modes get buttfucking difficult until you figure out how to juke around things and which weapons to upgrade at what time. It's a good couple dozen hours of fun or oso.
Let me throw some devil's advocate in here.
Also reddit itself is shittily programmed, they hand out shadow bans and post quoting is ass
Strike the faggot part, I miss read in angrier tone
All that audio is straight from the show isn't it?
What a magical timeline we exist in.
Also does this count as video games since Funky Kong is in it?
shit taste faggot I thought I had that Hotline Miami Scooby Doo webm but I don't
Actually you can also get "shadow" banned on this site too. It's technically not a "shadow" ban because you can't post, but there's a site wide secret ban they can give to you that makes you unable to post on any boards, and a message will pop up saying "unknown posting error has occurred!" even though absolutely nothing is wrong. It's rarely ever used and it seems most of the time it's temporary.
Take a art history class and and you can easily understand the importance of putting effort and quality into work other than just focusing on the visual of it. There's a reason why, for example Original ghostbusters is better than then new even thou, the new one has better effects. Not saying good art has to be old or not perfect quality, it just needs the inspirational aspects to produce a strong cognitive thought when critiquing the artist's reasoning and methods for making this statement towards the public. The modern art listed above has the same intellectual meaning and provocation to thought as anything on a henti board. You're not really looking at it and asking what each aspect means and it's relation to yourself or society (why tiddie so big? why cum so hard?) but instead you're just looking at a lewd spectacle and thinking, "well thats profound".
Not anymore. They scrapped the single player campaign because they couldn't afford to spend the bucks on actors iirc. I hope they scrap it permanently, but it doesn't look like it'll be part of the release. That gives me slight hope, but I'm not holding my breath.
Its furshit tier.
You're in the wrong place if you think anybody will share that sentiment.
Good doog
Yeah, I would rather that anons be quick to jump the trigger and scream "reddit gtfo" at something that actually isn't reddit, rather than having more restraint and allowed some things to leak through, altering the culture over time. I mean that shit's already been happening, especially over the past few months/the last year. I'm not sure why, but there's definitely been a noticeable uptick in plebbit tier posting compared to a year ago, and like I said that happened even with the overzealous antireddit sentiment. It seems like no defensive insulation will work 100% with having the entire site devolve into accusations, unfortunately.
Follow up image because you can only attach one file at a time with javascript disabled.
It's ok user I used to have bad taste too.
at least you got it, it was getting a little too dull and serious in here
This hardly has any of the effects of shadow banning, because, as you pointed out, you can't post to begin with.
I'm trying to find this promo vid that showed a bunch of shit that was coming out and started with some fat bastard saying 'Activate the device of evil!" before some jacked motherfucker cranked a lever with the force of a thousand kronks and somewhere in the middle was a frog or fly or somethign who said "I can't look away, it's gross but makes me feel funny in a good way." or something.
it's like you missed a target from five feet away with a shotgun
Is that Kike Kikenwald?
Pretty sure "ara ara" is translated as "my my" or "oh my" in English.
Anyone got the webm with the cuckchan Holla Forums shooter.
No, kikenwald is shorter, has a more squished and greasy face, and has a more nasally jewish whining voice (and I think a lisp as well but I don't remember).
Yes. Yes it is. Golf clap for getting the point.
"Ara ara" is for when it's time for lewd.
… You'd have a higher chance of hitting somethin at a farther distance, due to spread tho… Depending on what rounds you're using anyways…
point is, if you had used any other gun but a shotgun, that analogy would make more sense.
You dont actually believe shotguns work like COD and Halo, right?
ur a faggot
Not really,a shotgun still gives you a wider berth of hitting something close up then any other round would.
I dont think you know how guns work man
I can't tell if thats a woman in a suit or CG.
If somebody is five feet away,and you have it pointed at the side of their torse,you're going to hit them with a least a few balls,with a pistol or anything else you could miss entirely.
I fucking hate that. It's so fucking retarded. I mean yeah, the animation is good but jesus fuck, what's the point of having non-human attributes if you're not gonna fucking use them?
You have a higher chance of hitting something up close with one shot from a shotgun than you do with anything that fires a single round, so my point still stands. It might be a barely noticeable higher chance, but it's still higher. A single round even from something that's a .50 is not going to magically have a higher likelihood of hitting something than a shotgun would, pointing directly at the same thing from close range. And yes, I am certainly not uninitiated to the world of firearms. I'm not a /k/ommando but my family has plenty of guns.
"a few balls"
oh man, you know what, you are absolutely right. You seem to know everything about guns.
My man,what would you call them then?
he's criticizing you for not calling it "shot" instead of "balls."
Oh so he's just an autistic nigger,my bad.
"hurty circles"
"Pain globes"
death orbs
I got it for you.
I'm really curious as to when any of this shit is actually coming out.
sure thing
Whoops, prob shoulda spoiled that second one..
I've asked before I'll ask again. What's the source for the song in the second webm?
It's Queens of the Stone Age, Not sure the specific sng but it sounds to be their earlier work. Check their first couple of albums, maybe it's in R
Art itself is not just about use, it's about beauty, pushing boundaries of skill to create better pieces, to craft and create with intricate detail, to push skills beyond what was once considered human limits.
An engine can be a grand work of art just as much as a realistic statue, effortless trash thrown on the ground doesn't deserve praise.
Art isn't about you. It's about what you can do. No one deserves to care about you unless you've done something worth caring about.
That's the hard truth about art that the post-modern tantrum has protested, you have to actually put work into something and deliver. Because art isn't about you, it's about what you give to other people. Otherwise, why would you make an artpiece for the world to see?
To share your passion, or because you're a mental child who wants attention? Which one do you think post modern art encapsulates? The answer is pretty fucking clear.
It's true that art is subjective, but very few in this world actually enjoy eating shit, just like very few will accept yours.
there's a lot more subtleties than that.
it's all accurate, the joke is they're all different and none is really better than the rest, you just have to figure out which one you like the most.
I'm most fond of the saturn because it could do weird things other systems couldn't, it was essentially a sprite vomiting machine and the polygons are technically just handled like sprites with 3d coordinates mapped to them, except the system is scaling and rotating hundreds of them in real time at anywhere from 20-60 fps. It can also do weird things like asynchonous framerates so you could have the 3D part of the game running at 30fps but the background at 60fps and the backgrounds could be made of infinite planes which is essentially the SNES mode7 gone super saiyan 3. webm related.
You may know how the doom engine works, it's not really 3D, and for laymans sake, imagine the webm being done with Doom's engine logic but on a pure hardware level. That's how it works. It's that sort of idea that you aren't actually rotating, its the entire world that is moving around you giving you the illusion of your own movement.
fucking baller.
Well, you are the only one who can interpret the world; ergo, YOU have to express what's in your heart.
Giving up yourself to society at large murders what's unique to you. And how can it be art if it doesn't express YOU?
Ray sounds like fucking fred
This makes me curious up to how accurate is a slug,like yard wise
I am always mixed about these videos, i know pitbulls that are sweet (at least with people) but jesus christ they really are the niggers of dogs. Try telling that to a pit owner though
They're a particularly aggressive breed of dog, but if the owner trains them well (i.e. isn't a nigger) then they can be very well behaved and loving dogs. However, they will fuck up anyone they don't know. Labradors will always be the best dog tbh.
There's a million of you on the fucking planet, plenty of people share the same likes and dislikes, primal urges and desires and some people are only different because of minor differences in their physical appearance.
You're not unique, you're flawed, and the only thing that separates you from other people is what you make in your life. There is no profound message, no elevation in indulgence of the self or any new discoveries.
The only thing that changes the human condition and thus a new self is advancement, in art, in technology, in culture, in science.
Regression is the antithesis to art, and that's postmodernism, a rebellion against advancement and a return to primal urges of laziness, depravity and atrocity.
I don't have to express shit to feel good about myself, because ultimately I acknowledge my insecurities and primal desires, yet I strive to move beyond them not out of some selfish desire for attention or praise, but because I desire a better self, ad infinitum.
THAT is art. Self expression is the lowest form of beauty, improvement is the only way to craft within an artform.
Also, thinking about why people do art, I think it's a desire to make objective beauty, not subjective.
It's a desire for perfection, or as close to it as possible and that itself is an art. Whether or not we achieve perfection does not matter, it is the fact that we can come closer and closer with every try that drives men to the medium.
To strive for an impossible goal, instead of sitting in the trash, it's this ambition, this drive that makes art worth doing and seeing.
Well on the Intel you side you have a hyper aggressive company that tries to monopolize the market with AMD barley keeping up, so you can imagine why there is only two. And on the GPU side Nvidia is no bettermakes me ashamed to have a gync monitor and 780ti
got a source for that DDR webm?? I cannot find "Mario Bros Dirty Mix DDR" anywhere. just a shitty Stepmania version.
I understand the sentiment of wanting to ban ownership of pitbulls. Few people are actually competent at raising their own kids, so let alone a dog that is basically a hunk of muscle and is more inclined to tear your ass off if it's not properly raised. Then again, the same can be said for other dogs like rottweilers, though I'm no dog expert and don't know how big a difference there is in temperament in those breeds of dogs that could be considered just as dangerous as a pitbull.
Although, videos like that with the ridiculous dramatic music trying to convey certain emotions from the viewers just ruin the entire point for me and I can't really take it serious.
Found it. Thanks brother.
Nah I don't have a source. Just saved the webm years ago.
damn, alright. thanks.
heres these in return i guess
This is one of my personal favourites
>m68k is fucking dead outside of legacy microcontrollers
>Meltdown riddled ARM dominating the (((mobile))) sector
Earthwide N-EMP when?
Pitbulls used to be known as nanny dogs because they're good with children, but that was over half a century ago. They don't bite as often as other breeds, but because of their muscle, the bite is much nastier. Their strength is why they became popular as attack and fighting dogs. They're also abused by people who don't fight dogs because they thinks they're violent. The reality is that they're only as aggressive as how poorly their treated.
Until they see another dog or person they just don't like and go apeshit for no reason discernible to humans and you see the owner on the news going "I just don't understand he was so gentle with me"
You're about to be treated poorly for that fucking appalling grammar.
They are good dogs. It's true. And it's also true that most of the are alright when they are raised by good owners. But that ones that go bad are a big problem, because of their nasty bite. Combine that with their strong prey drive and it's easy to see why they shouldn't be owned by people who are either incapable or unwilling to have them trained properly (most people). We'd be better off without them in society.
Wait, is this a Holla Forums original? Sounds way too professional for some user in his basement.
I made that MEMEME webm loop.
Of course it's not. Holla Forums couldn't create anything original even if they got their political wishes granted for it. Polite sage for not contributing to a dying thread.
oh man this thing was life-sized this whole time? I thought it was just some figurine.
All pit dogs are prone to snapping/causing extreme violence against owners/other people/other animals unless it's curbed out of them
As somebody who has raised bulldogs, rotties and dobermans they are not "Nanny" dog's and they severely have to be put into their place in their pack structure, if allowed to exist mentally in any other role than "Omega" they can and will turn on you
People like are completely full of shit, all pit dogs are prone to snapping and have extremely strong prey drives, stronger than Huskies even
the fucking hotpocket term came from twitchfags!?
Also found on Albino Black Sheep.
I consider it as the eagle of the internet.
The value of the loli is more symbolic than anything, and they are a good barometer of how free a place is.
The redditor constantly brings up reddit to fish for attention, complains when people call him out of it, then tries to co-opt this place into accepting cancer as it is. I hope no user actually falls for this shit.
Gotta drop in after everyone is long gone and nobody cares anymore just to post your stupid opinion.
Funny joke
No children were harmed, therefore it is unethical to use child pornography laws to charge anyone of a crime involving these videos.
this one
The REEE meme is pretty normalfag tier now. I'd wager anyone who uses it nowadays has a 99% chance of being underage since that age group has latched onto it since it because popular in normalfag circles.
I agree with you. I said anons were quick to the trigger but I never said it was a bad thing. I prefer anons being to quick as opposed to being to slow and allow reddit and similar cancer think they are welcome here. The good though at least is that reddit and the like will never blend in and will always stick out like a sore thumb because they are incompatible with imageboard culture.