Daily reminder that this is the only good 3D fallout game
Also, Fallout thread
Daily reminder that this is the only good 3D fallout game
Also, Fallout thread
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Fallout was never good.
The problem is that F1 and F2 are almost completely different genres of gameplay than F3, FNV, F4 and comparing them is pointless.
It's actually the worst one. It's unfinished, it's empty, it's got awful world design, 3 out of 4 of its DLCs are utter shit and the whole game is essentially just a demo for a faction system that will never see an actual good game.
This is true, as videogames, the Fallout titles fail miserably but the setting and characters are fun.
Come one, say which one you think it`s the best you big faggot, the objective worse of the obvious worse?
If the gameplay is shit the game is shit, that's the rule. It's why VNs are unsalvageable other than for fapping.
Could've been better if they actually had time. They probably would've threw away the shitty gamebryo engine. Tactics still stands as the only good Fallout imo.
All Fallout games have shitty customization compared to other CRPG's out there. That's why they're boring as fuck. I can't get myself to replay any Fallout game. For all its failings, Fallout 4 actually did a good job by adding complexity to the equipment customization, even though it's still not quite Morrowind level.
Best quests and NPC interactions: Fallout 2
Best atmosphere: either Fallout 1 or 3
Best combat, controls, customization, and sandbox gameplay, but worst at everything else: Fallout 4
Tactics was trash, it's linear as fuck.
Don't really care tbh. The amount of guns appeals to my autism. All the others just aren't as good.
If you want xcom just go play xcom.
It reminds me more of JA2, but in the fallout universe. I'm burnt out on xcom from playing it 15+ years ago.
can't apply game criteria if they aren't games
X-Com, xcom is console trash.
I've never played a JA game but at least I heard they have better exploration than Fallout Tactics.
1, 2, and NV are good fun
1, 2, 3, and NV are boring as shit tbh.
FONV is the best game ever made. 1 failed to launch, 2 was a stupid and tactics was pathetic, 3 was as good as 1.
Fight me.
And hilarious, although the pop culture references are cringeworthy.
I agree with this.
Central plot in any Fallout game has never captivated me tbh. I really don't care if it's shit. I hate how all Fallout games have a main questline. I'd prefer if it was just you as a random nobody wandering the wasteland for no predetermined reason, stumbling upon various NPC's and small non-interconnected scenarios, probably add things like faction relationship and stuff. Like New Reno in Fallout 2, that was some good shit.
Fallout is shit, if it released today anons would hate it.
The Fallout 3 content can be fun if you use Tale of Two Wastelands and basically just treat it like a really high production value fan mod. Still kills my framerate though for some reason.
Fallout has always been a terrible series with half-baked gameplay elements and poor writing. Pick any big-name JRPG and it'll be a thousand times better.
Fallout 4
Is a shit game.
Every Fallout game is shit, but some are less so.
this entire thread is autistic as fuck
This thread needs to be salvaged. Everyone post the best companion and describe why it's ED-E
Too bad it's a pile of shit. It's a step up from Fallout 3 I give you that, but it's nothing to fawn over. Just because it's not as bad as Bethesda's shitty open-world games doesn't give it a free pass. It's a poorly designed mess with lackluster, barely coherent writing, dreadful combat, terrible animations, and piss-poor graphics. On top of that, it's poorly optimized and riddled with bugs upon bugs. There are way better RPGs out there.
reminder that its false.
Totally natural guys.
In his last interview Todd Howard talked about how he was making a concept art of a game called Apocalypse Road back in 2002, that was 2 years before Zenimax brought the Fallout franchise. There was no fantastic spectacle in the art, only an empty highway and a rusty road sign that says apocalypse road. Sounds like he was inspired by an extremely desolate and dystopian Cormac McCarthy's novel "The Road". I'd very much prefer that to Fallout 3 or any Fallout game for that matter tbh, why are immensely gloomy and depressing post apocalyptic games so rare?
Because the concept of finding joy in hell is extremely captivating.
if i wanted to see niggers not doing anything for over 200 years I'd visit south africa and not play video games
Cuckchan disabled v1 captcha so there's a flood of refugees.
Enjoy your hell.
If you enjoy any of Brian Fargo's games you should kill yourself tbh
Once again this can be attributed to cuckchan. NV threads were and always will be the best threads, regardless of subversion
The settlers migrated to DC only about 40 years before Fallout 3 though. Vegas in comparison didn't get any of the bomb damage due to Mr House's protection field or something, yet it still looks like trash.
The best game ever made? That's crazy.
Or did you just mean best Fallout ever made?
I don't think you've actually played 3 or at least didn't pay attention to the underlying lore.
What even happened to Todd.
I'd love a real JA2 in Fallout.
Blaming everything on cuckchan means nothing will ever get better, please stop doing it. Nobody left on that shithole has the slightest interest in coming here and using it to excuse the legitimate problems Holla Forums currently has is blinding us to real solutions. Polite sage because this is a triplepost.
Second quote should be don't know why it fucked up.
What does this even mean?
He get some analyzed market data telling him what shit to put in his games then goes that tells the studio what to add then probably lets them do fuck all since apparently he is way too laid back with his employees and then around release he gets a speech with pretty little lies to spew at E3.
Then what the fuck is the problem then? Since there has been an influx of poster who seem to hate everything from NV, STALKER and Mountain Blade. Where are these poster coming from? Are you implying these posters have always lurked here and just NOW are brave enough to post their shitty opinion?
I always ended up taking him and Boone around with me for some reason. Never really liked anyone else enough to keep them for long.
no you
your image posted is not the way vegas turned out, at all. just because it isn't inherently obsidian's fault that the game is shit doesn't make it not shit, the gameplay is improved by maybe 15% over f3 because of the DT system and that's it, it's still fucking trash and you can't even play it for the story because the game is so unstable, the graphics are so godawful, the animations are so unbelievably shit, that immersion was impossible in 2010 let alone 2018
But how did he get like that?
There's always been people shitting up the stalker and warband threads with (1) and done posts, NV less so but I've always seen it. The problem is now everyone is just blaming it on outside sources instead of salvaging the threads and trying to engage and educate these anons on the games. Hard as it is to believe there really are anons who think STALKER is nothing but a broken slavic meme and if we just write that off as cuckchan posting instead of helping them to play the game Holla Forums's quality will decline further because anons just adopt the most common opinion they hear. When someone who genuinely holds an opinion like that just gets replied to with >>>/cuckchan/ it confirms their bias.
tl;dr educate anons don't just pretend people with opinions that don't match yours don't exist
Its not about that. Its about the massive influx of these opinions that a thread would get sagebombed.
What do you mean? What can he do too keep his investors happy and not get fired but doo is mister marketer says. I think Todd is like a kids, his not good at what he does but genuinely likes what he makes and does whatever the big brother tells him.
Argue them around to your way of thinking that's why we're on imageboards isn't it?
I guess I just always forget the shareholders have a strangehold on developers and publishers.
user everyone here knows the engine used with NV is beneath dogshit. It's everything else about the game I appreciate, like how it's an actual RPG rather than a shooting game with stats like many other games in [current year]. If you're a graphics and animation whore you can always install mods
STALKER is objectively a broken game with shitty design and fucked up coding. Mountain Blade is a really repetitive grindy game with shallow RPG mechanics. NV is only barely better than FO3. There are logical reasons why people don't like these game, settle down fag.
The shooting part is really bad in NV though. I think it's even a downgrade from FO3 in some ways, such as having not much place to take cover or flank enemies. The enemy AI was worse somehow and although the game runs smoother than Fallout 3 in general, the framerate really goes to shit in some areas and during combat, so it's not much of an upgrade.
No mods can fix the really crappy gunplay.
you sir, are a faggot
not to mention that the low poly 3d models cannot be fixed and the horrendous animation cannot be fixed because of the way it's managed, i.e. running up to someone then staring at them in your idle animation while trying to explain your child is being anally raped by deathclaws is garbage
the game is bad for both gameplay and immersion, there is no purpose. as i said none of it is obsidian's fault, but that doesn't change the fact that it sucks cock. it would have been much better off as an isometric rpg, to which i'm sure nobody disagrees, because the fps portion is so unbelievably bad there's no reason for it to exist.
just leave
reddit tier argument
Oh yes, most certainly.
That would make it even worse.
Shitty level design and poorer optimization than Fallout 3 were their fault. The Washington monument area in FO3 was far bigger than The Strip and had more NPC's in it shooting at each other, yet it the framerate didn't drop.
I used to pussy out until I figured out shotguns did the job very well.
More please?
Also how come there's no good freaky lewd mods for the fallout games that let me dick deathclaws and other monsters.
I only have one more.
Who is the creator of this? i want to give them all my love.
is the new vegas shilling ironic or are you faggots legit just retarded?
Well 3 is shit outside of the central plot. As an RPG it fails on almost every mechanic and as a game it's designed for mouth breathing retards.
Fallout 4 is the superior Fallout.
t. steamfag
Steam is the superior game deployment system.
It's the only good Fallout game, period.
Please bait on lesser image boards.
Its not bait its reverse truth.
Please bait on lesser image boards.
Doesn't work like that. Cuckchanners do it on purpose and are so dense they will tear down a game to its source code just so they can have their game of shitposting. Best you can do is ban them since they are the "only my fun is allowed" faggots.
Who's excited for the B42 mod?
The problem is once you start banning people just because their taste in a game is objectively shit you start pissing off the censorship anons. And if you filter them they just see no argument and figure their opinions are accepted. I say do what this board was primarily based to do and debate what's wrong with games on an objective level. God forbid people see discussing why a game is bad or good as counter intuitive to Holla Forums.
Basically you can't draw a clear line on what is and isn't a bannable offense on vidya that everybody will agree with so it's just better to outwit them in an argument and bully/laugh at them when they're wrong.
So you are saying there is no hope since its all so tiresome to just post the same argument every fucking time to some anons who have probably already had this fucking argument yesterday but just choose to act like jews and ignore everything that was previously said.
I am.
What is your name?
Screencap your arguments and say you've had this discussion before. It worked for the Overwatch generals. If you have to re-iterate an argument then that means there's a fault in it. Bring up the fundamental flaws in a game and if they can't back up why it's wrong then you've essentially won the argument. You can do this in less than 3 posts if you're not a braindead retard.
I unironically liked Fallout 3 better than NV. I prefer the post-apocalypse setting of 3 to the post-post-apocalypse setting of NV. Yes I'm aware 3 shit all over the lore, but that has nothing to do with how good a game it was.
Gameplay wise NV is better.
Not really. The invisible walls in NV were annoying.
As apposed to the invisible walls in 3? Dunno what your argument here is.
user the central plot of 3 is the worst part of the game.
No I'm saying that if you ignore the plot it's still fucking garbage.
Oh well yeah. I can't believe people can say NV is empty when 3 was 90% subway tunnels and bombed out buildings.
Well that's when you get into the DC area. The out areas are just the opposite. They're empty boring areas and bombed out buildings. NV objectively has more going on on with its towns and NPC's as well.
3 is the least worst for sure.
Confusing 3 for NV.
3 is actually fun in small doses.
And stay there.
Hey so what's the mod for that gun?
What is a good game for you?
Any dose is terminal.
Fuck off Stephan mollyneux or how ever you spell that cluster fuck of a surname. Fallout NV is one of the best games in recent gaming history. You should deal with it.
You heard me
I did but I'm not comprehending it. We're talking about 3 not NV.
Take your meds
I will fight both of you.
You would swing and hit a cactus if it's anything like your wording.
I called you the argument guy because of your posts here
With 12 posts you talked about arguments 6 times.
I am not the smartest guy but I fight very well, in fact its like the only thing I am good at.
That's not an argument.
You need to take some ritalin and lay down.
Very diplomatic of you
No I don't like my ADHD medication it makes me feel dull
I don't understand are you making fun of me?
It's a shame that a fantastic series like Fallout is going to get the "anti-Redditor contrarian treatment" here. 1, 2, and NV were triumphed here (and back on cuckchan) since time immemorial, only in the last year or so that the normalcattle winds are blowing the other way ("actually 4 wasn't that good, NV was better to be honest") does the collective hivemind of Holla Forums have to start taking a stand and saying shit like "the entire Fallout series was never good" in order to remain one step ahead of the redditors.
The same thing happened on Holla Forums with the Star Wars prequels, generally regarded as shit tier, and posts of RLM's deconstruction very frequently made. But when RLM sold out and gained traction with the normalcattle, a 180 was made and the prequels were praised far and wide for being misunderstoodgoodthat only the highest echelons of intelligence could possibly understand, with the haters being only redditor simpletons that didn't understand the fine nuances of the films. Fallout (the good ones) are being lumped in, unfairly, here - for that exact reason.
It's disgusting, but I suppose it's inevitable. Just be warned - the same thing will happen to anime and JRPGs/Japanese games. If anime ever gets a foothold in the normalfagsphere (thing Big Bang Theory le nerd culture xD of the last decade), watch and be amazed as the majority of posters here and on other imageboards suddenly hate anime as normalcattle trash that only mogoloid redditors could ever find value in. Cap this post if you don't believe me. I guess that;s the nature of the beast though - the only thing that anons value more than anonyminity, is contrarianism.
I'll grant there are some anons out there just being contrarian fucks but I've disliked Fallout for years. In fact here's why:
1 is a bad mixture of great ideas and poorly combined gameplay mechanics.
2's meme writing and one-dimensional antagonist ruin the game.
Tactics is a needless genre shift.
There's no such game as BoS so I don't know what happened there.
3 is actually a fun game with terrible writing but once you turn off the analyitical part of your mind and just roll with it it's a good ride.
NV is an unfinished mess plagued with invisible walls and mary-sue companions.
I don't think I need to cover 4 at this point.
I normally don't go into detail because going against the Holla Forums hivemind gets you shit on but anons now being willing to actually analyse the 'classics' in depth is a good thing. Much better than 'what's the Holla Forums consensus on x' for the 80th time.
Didn't that happen back in 2014?
Granted, but "ruin" seems harsh. That seems to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, or rather a car enthusiast hating a vehicle because it is puke brown in color, while ingoring the excellent engine, performance, suspsension, etc. It's just uncharacteristic. The meme writing is grating I'll grant, but it is such a small percent of the total the game has to offer that it's hard to imagine that it completely ruins it.
3rd party developer, irrelevant, not an RPG, and nobody who talks about Fallout as a series brings up Tactics, the same way nobody ever mentions BOS.
Yeah, it's weird.
It's a fun game, a shit Fallout game that fails to deliver on the promise of the series. Agreed 100%. the atmoshpere of that game carries it completely, if it didn't have it nobody would give a fuck about it
Same as my response to 2. I've always found the "muh invisible walls" thing completely baffling - not only can you download a simple mod to remove them, but where actually are they a real issue? If you tried to go places and the game blocked you every ten minutes from somewhere, I can see complaining about it. I've put in 500 hours of NV and the only invisible wall that really was annoying and grating was the one around Quarry Junction, other than that I can't even think of another one. (Perhaps someone will rebut with "But I tried to climb some hill somewhere, and it wouldn't let me!" And I would reply, who gives a shit? If there is no location or content at the top of the hill, who cares at all? It's one thing for a developer to deliberately impede your progress because they think you can't handle it, and another to prevent you from wasting your time looking at all the fucking nothing they put at the top of their setpiece.)
There are valid criticisms of 1, 2, and NV I'll admit, but defaulting to "it's shit lol" because normalcattle are starting to wise up that they are classics decidedly isn't "actual analysis". Say what you will about the very short length of 1, the memetics of 2, the garbage engine of New Vegas. But to say these games are all bad, on par with Bethesturd's offerings, is just off-handed contrarianism.
To go back to the topic, has anyone here played Fallout 1.5 Ressurection? I want to know if it's worth my time or not.
Anime has never been and never will be good and I'll still be here saying the same thing when it hits the mainstream in the late 2020s.
Nigger it's basically required to follow a build guide on your first playthrough if you don't want to have the game be unwinnable.
Without quality writing it's just a mechanically uninteresting crpg. I suppose ruin was to far but it's not worth the hype it gets.
Actually being fun to play is what it has over every other Fallout though. Also yeh the atmosphere is brilliant.
For me the walls were a constant annoyance but maybe I'm just the type who explores stuff. I actually preferred 3's way of openly signposting to you where you could and couldn't go with the metro.
It's a problem sure.
Hello there mr goon.
I just want a comfy Mad Max sim inside my fallout game. Is that too much to ask for?
Confirmed for toddler.
Except it's not? NV brings about a dozen new combat and choice mechanics to the table and actually has a believable world behind it.
If you consider an illogical and plot hole filled world behind a green tint brilliant then yea I guess.
The metro rarely even comes into play outside of the south eastern portion of the map and NV rarely has a single area that you would think of as inhibiting. I can see the idea behind this complain but it barely measures as an actual complaint.
2's been known as a shit meme game for its pop culture references 10 years ago on imageboards. Stop trying to fit in reddit.
-t. vore fetishist
The thing with Fallout 3 is, Todd planned to make a much more bleak game that was called Apocalypse Road before Bethesda told him to make a Fallout sequel. The result was a dissonant mixture of wretched and decaying apocalyptic imagery, cheesy scifi wackiness of Fallout, out of place humor of Fallout 2, and Emil Paguilero's forced daddy issue drama. I think many people (but classic fallout fans themselves) enjoyed this dissonance though, but I'd still rather see what Apocalypse Road would be.
With 4, they sort of tried to fully embrace Fallout 2's humor. The uniquely wretched atmosphere of Apocalypse Road was gone entirely and it literally turned into Borderlands 3.
Nice argument there.
None of them actually meaningful. The ability to handload is worthless when you never have to use it.
Doesn't affect gameplay and without a proper exploration of the Legion it's hardly believable.
Writing =/= atmosphere.
It was an issue for me.
That actually explains a lot.
I wonder who could be behind this post
It's not that Todd dindu nutin, it's just he wanted to make a different game. He's responsible for letting fallout get too wacky, he doesn't really understand fallout.
If you're not willing to put the effort required to beat a game then don't bitch about it. How's that for an argument?
You can literally buff yourself with half of the new shit you get to become much more capable of surviving as apposed to most of the broken or useless shit that was in 3.
Talking about customized ammunition, added buffs to certain weapons and armors that the original game didn't have, added perks to the SPECIAL stats that 3 never had, multiple melee benefits and so on. If you haven't played the game to explore these functions then again, don't bitch.
You can stop being retarded now.
It's perfectly believable when you consider the actual circumstances of the universe. You think a perfect government is going to come out of a wasteland after an initial dropout? The Legion was a believable response to one of the early efforts to rebuild a stable form of governing after a full breakdown of humanity and this aspect is explored to some extent in the game.
Atmosphere encompasses your belief in the world you're in. Without basic laws in a universe your impression of an atmosphere is weakened. There's also the fact that the entire game is ran through a puke green filter and that the way the land is structured is objectively uninspired and samey. The amount of reused models in each cell is amazing.
But objectively it's not an issue and isn't worth bringing up. there's very little wrong with it outside of autistic complaints.
So if the game doesn't cater to fucking retards, that's a bad thing? Gotcha. I admit I had to look up a guide for descending into Vault 15 the first time I played, simply because I was used to quest markers and such - once I realized that the game was about looking into options on your own volition and without direction, I was completely blown away. However, the strength of 1 and 2 is that you can make the shittiest character imaginable and if you know what you're doing, you can still make it through. One of my favorite moments was in 2 during a pacifist run (and to date this is the only series I have come across where that path is legitimately fun,) and I had to make it through Vault 15's 30~ raiders and back out without killing a single one. A couple hours of creative kiting, and many deaths, I had succeeded. What a blast.
I suppose. I'd still argue that 95% of the writing of 2 is quality, with random offerings of memeshit sprinkled through, still not much of a dealbreaker to me.
That begs the question of whether railroading you into corridors or having some barren open peaks blocked off is worse. I'm curious, and since you seem to be discussing in good faith, I'll ask you - what tales of the invisble walls ruining shit do you have? As I said before, the complaints about this are completely alien to me, since I've had next to zero run ins with this as a problem. (Same with people constantly saying the game is buggy and notorious for crashes, when I myself can count on one hand the times the game has shitted out on me. Luck of the draw perhaps?)
I guess that's a big part of why 4 is so intolerable. 3 at least had the desperate hard-scrabble life thing down, even if it was entirely stupid that people hadn't discovered farming in 200 years. 4 felt like a fucking wacky themepark.
If the devs aren't willing to put the effort in to make a good game I'm not going to bother completing it.
And it's completely unnecessary to do it even if you turn on the hardcore mode that just messes with inventory management.
More =/= better though, that just unbalances the game.
I'm not the one claiming story is gameplay.
What people tell you about the legion and what you see of them is completely at odds it's immersion breaking and how they're portrayed in the game is just moustache-twirlingly evil.
Atmosphere is made up primarily made up of level design, audio work and graphics three things 3 does better. Also I never had a problem believing in 3's world.
I fail to see how NV is any better other than slightly changing the colour of the filter. Also 3 might have reused models but at least each part of the map was interesting and not just more desert.
They've only been there for 40 years, at most. Also, lack of clean water means that crops won't grow, and there are mutants and gangs all over the town.
Anons I'm in the mood to install NV again, throw your mods at me.
I'm looking to
That's if you know what you're doing though. Not applicable to a first playthrough.
Really depends how much the references bother you I guess.
I prefer to know my limits personally.
I remember distinctly running into one while messing around near the NCR prison, one near the Dinosaur Motel and I think one close to the plant Vault but I honestly can't remember more specifics than that. I haven't tried the game against since I played it back near release I bought it because I sort of liked 3 so my memory is mostly just the big annoyances, maybe that's unfair and I should give it another shot some time.
This, along with STALKER and Half-Life.
I'd just say you haven't explored options. I always thought energy weapons were garbage, especially early to mid game, because I'd always run out of ammo and had to switch to ballistic weapons. When I discovered energy cell recyling and its related perk? Hoo boy, Gatling lasers for fucking days.
While it sucks that the legion didn't get fleshed out, not being able to explore their homeland in no way impacts the backstory and their actions in the Mojave. Their barbarism is plain to see, they don't have to do it in Arizona in order for it to be legit and believable.
Who? There isn't one single farm or form of agriculture in the entire Wastleland, not even a cabbage patch, and there are dozens of groups. The water point was always stupid too, since radioactive particles sink in water, leaving the water itself perfectly rad-free. Notice how in NV they acknowedged this fact by making Lake Mead and the Camp Golf Lake rad free.
Come to think of it maybe they patched the walls down a bit since release but I really doubt they'd change something so fundamental to the map's design.
But the point is everyone keeps saying they aren't barbarians in Arizona. It's silly to imagine everyone joining a group that does nothing but rape/murder/loot all day and even claims guns are inferior weapons for some bullshit reason.
Radiation in fallout also does funky shit like creating ghouls and actually glowing green, it's hardly realistic.
This. Falloutfags don't understand what they want. They let all the wacky scifi fantasy shit exist in Interplay and Obsidian Fallout while slamming FO3 for it's inconsistencies. Also, that's not even a good point, since drinking dirty water in NV also gives you radiation.
I forgot about that but yeh that does seem inconsistent.
STALKER is good when modded, just like Fallout. HL is just irredeemable, but at least it gave us Gary's Mod.
You make a weird point to be sure, but something to keep in mind - Fallout was released back in the days when the game's instruction manual was a small novella, and you were actually expected to read it before you played. Perhaps factor that in to your concept of how it was supposed to work. Of course someone dropping into it in current year would have no fucking clue what to do, games didn't exactly have 2 hour tutorial levels back then, all of that was relegated to the manual, especially for a cRPG as complex as Fallout.
In all honesty I'm not up to date with much pop culture, I remember a Monty Python reference in a random encounter and that's about it. Probably many more were made that just went over my head so I just took it as goofy dialogue.
Illusion can be a powerful thing, I guess.
I can say from visting those areas, from multiple angles and multiple times, I have never run into those issues. As another user said maybe it was dialed back in a later patch, and even then there are mods that completely remove every single one of them so you can roam the entire map like in 3.
I'd say there's a big difference in taking creative liberties with effects, and completely trying to contradict reality. Radiation is known to cause cancers, warp tissue, and cause birth defects, so…. maaaaaybe? it could rot people's brains, or extend their lives through cancerous cell reproduction? It makes a kind of sense. All of human society must no longer be agricultural because heavy radiation particles somehow magically float in water and never settle out/stratify for hundreds of years on end? It's a giant fucking stretch. The later plays on suspension of disbelief by saying "well maybe this could also happen", while the latter is a flat fucking impossibility.
Radioactive particles can settle in pipes and be drawn up with the flow. Giant bodies of water don't for fucking obvious reasons.
Maybe it's not meant for retards like you then. God forbid you put a little effort into your experiences.
Tell me that the next time you clear out the Deathclaw Quarry in a decent amount of time.
It does when 3 was as barebones and without context as it was.
3 was already unbalanced faggot. NV was more balanced by far but not entirely obviously. But at least your stats actually meant more than in 3 and your buffs were fully capable of getting you past tougher situations.
I'm not the one who has no idea what an RPG is.
Then maybe you should actually play the fucking game like I said. Your interpretation of them is based on the world we live in now. In the context of NV it makes sense.
And the level design in 3 is objectively shit. Dungeon areas are more linear, enemy encounters are more bare bones and without much situational context and there's no consideration gone into the towns and how they exist.
Considering audio was occasionally re-used in NV and that there was more voice actors in NV I don't see what you're saying here at all.
Green filter and low res. What's your point?
How so? Because I fail to see much.
You mean the broken karma system and Megaton's complete mystery as how it even functions on what little resources it has while living next to a radioactive bomb never brought you any questions? I mean I guess any world is believable in your books.
There's landmarks that make sense to the area you're located in and new areas often have more situations and context behind them. There's more settlements than 3, and more, NPC's and thought put into each of them. The areas you find in 3 is a grocery store ran by some raiders or a series of satellites ran by more raiders.
Replace the word "desert" with "wasteland" and you would have a better analogy then yours. A desert makes sense for being somewhat empty. The core of DC isn't much of a "believable" world and you know it. Especially with how limited it was already with how few actual settlements there were.
People don't shit on 3 for it's far fetched elements. They shit on it for having elements that are inexplicable or don't make sense in any context we're given. Fawkes telling you to commit suicide through radiation because it's "not his destiny" despite him being a super mutant who is immune to radiation is a great example of the game universe not accepting its fantasy elements in favor of just being fucking retarded for little reason outside of quickly patching a story element to where a DLC would later be.
Actually, not really. Radiation making living creatures stronger doesn't make sense. Life forms changing that much in the span of 100-200 years doesn't make the slightest sense. It makes less sense than water being radiated.
I'm not trying to defend Fallout 3's plot, but I'm just going to say that not everyone cares about plot. Fallout 3 is loved for it's exploration and main premise, not it's plot which I guess pretty much everyone will agree that it's pretty retarded.
Well true although 2's Temple of Trials was pretty much a tutorial and a boring one at that. Actually it was another one that seemed to favour certain builds as well.
Actually that was me but yeh maybe that's it. It'd explain why only some people have the complaint too.
RPG's gameplay isn't about story, idiot. I'd let you slide if you said that NV is a better RPG because it has better NPC interactions, but to say that RPG gameplay revolves around a story is retarded.
Compared to NV? That's laughable.
easier to navigate due to less lazily put toghether =/= linear
Considering the setting, it makes sense that not much context is needed, but I agree that faction wars in NV makes the encounters more fun. It has nothing to do with atmosphere though, just enjoyable gameplay.
Wrong because you can learn the history of every town.
The ambient background noise and soundtrack are better than NV's.
Well NV is orange filter and even worse looking textures.
It's because the bomb worshipers who helped to build the town wanted to live near the bomb dumbass.
There are landmarks in 3 too.
Because Mr House protected Mojave from the nuclear missiles while DC didn't stand a chance since they must be the first to be bombed, being the capital of the US.
I disagree. Radiation, at its core, damages genes and can make them express different aspects, pic related.
There's also FEV to consider, the pure fantasy portion of how things can change, an established part of the universe with its own rules that do not in any way reflect anything in reality, much better than trying to spin real things on their head.
No. If I said zero gravity makes people weaker because they have less resistance on their muscles, that is something that makes sense. If I said zero gravity makes agriculture impossible because the plants just float away, that's fucking retarded.
The gunplay is pretty arcane to be honest. I tried STALKER with seven(!) aborted attempts after a couple hours before I "got" it; you have to stand still and crouch in order for your guns to be accurate, after that it plays like a regular shooter even though the conditions are stupid. Once you get past that, it's a really fun game with an interesting story. I'd play it through like that once, then honestly just edit the weapon gamefiles to be more accurate and it would probably be much more enjoyable. The janky gunplay always got in the way of my enjoyment of the game's atmosphere and story, but once I nailed that, I could properly take it in as so many anons here always recommended. Seriously, if you don't want to fuck around with the game mechanics, just edit the weapons and play the game like you would a regular shooter. It gets especially aggravating when you get a VEPR at the endgame, and it plays like a regular rifle with high accuracy, while earlier the AKS-74u is hot garbage that misses almost all its shots on full auto. From a western perspective, and to a newcomer, STALKER suffers from horrible gun balance and nothing more.
I also had a weird issue with invincibility frames in STALKER that I didn't like.
Solid Project
Project Nevada
Bullet velocity
actual pic related
They'll all die of cancer and broken organs before that happens.
The only possible explanation.
Whatever your opinion is, water in NV is also radiated the same way water in FO3 is radiated so your argument doesn't hold up nevertheless.
STALKER's gunplay is shit due to the bullet sponges, lazy accuracy spread mechanics, and the stiffness of recoil and gun handling animations. It's about as realistic as Half Life. The only thing realistic about STALKER's gunplay is the projectile system and sound effects.
Uh-oh, here's you (You)
I dunno I'd shoot people and they wouldn't take damage during their animation from the first shot.
NV doesn't have either of these?
the game is made fine for the time. The fact is that if you're not going to invest time into it you have no reason to bitch. It's like bitching La Mulana is to hard as a puzzle game. God forbid you die often in a game and not git gud.
Tell me that the next time you beat a challenging area in the game with comparatively less difficulty. On hard mode you can't say that none of the buffs don't matter since they obviously do.
More like go into a situation with enough resources to not die. Buffs are often on timers so you need to use them appropriately and with thought. And again you're not one to talk when you consider how broken 3 is once you get the Dart Gun, Plasma gun, Tesla Cannon or half the level up perks.
Do you know what an RPG is? The games story and world are integral to them. Sorry if this is new info to your 18 year old brain.
For somebody who's saying I don't have an argument you're not doing much to defend your point. I explained it as well as I could, if you don't want to provide a counterpoint as to why a society ran on less focus for humanitarian aid might benefit in an apocalyptic wasteland then feel free.
Half of the towns in 3 legitimately don't make any sense when you look at them on a more pragmatic level where as in NV you can obviously figure out how either through trade routes or as military hotspots. If you're going to describe how NV fails to have reliable design then use examples. Because as far as I can tell almost every area has a focus or some kind of context where there's an explained story or lore behind it. And even if there isn't there's still a fun encounter like a super giant larva queen with insanely high HP. In 3 there's maybe a dozen cave systems with nothing but a particular enemy creature and maybe a bobble head if you're lucky.
And? As long as they deliver the lines well enough and the writing holds up it doesn't much matter. And I would love to hear you defend Fallout 3's writing.
Which made sense it being a dessert. And the orange filter was much less intense if you actually look at it. Green for DC? Wanna explain that?
I have. The only redeeming quality was Prime which got old by Broken Steel and 3dog who got tiresome after you were in the broken steel segment. The DLC was also complete garbage compared to NV with the exception of some segments of the Pitt.
Not an argument when you consider NV needs much less suspension of disbelief
It is when you can't provide an argument against such a concept.
Again not an argument. Put examples behind your argument and maybe you can actually provide context. I mean I get it if you don't actually think the game is good and you just play it as a guilty pleasure. But objectively F3 is a hot pile of garbage in a dumpster fire.
Maybe because it does. Otherwise why have stats that involve you in a universe?
Post examples otherwise. NV has more choices and decisions or end states in each quest than 3 by a large margin and you know it.
The broken Steel airgrounds come to mind when you post than and I laugh at how retarded you are.
How does less factions not play into atmosphere?
And they don't make sense. The republic of Dave has a Brahmin trade support but that doesn't explain the amounts of water or goods they go through and what they use to pay for the goods. Tenpenny Tower has the same problem. A bunch of rich assholes but half of them don't have any reasoning as to what makes them rich.
Post examples. I remember very little as far as ambiance goes that impressed me with 3 as apposed to NV. Especially since half of those noises were recycled into NV. And the music is of a different taste. It also plays more into the theme which is always a plus where as 3's theme was just old time tunes you might find anywhere. If anything the Enclave radio made more sense than any other sound track in the game.
And when you simply disable it after being in town for 12 seconds and talking to the sheriff? Boy really thought that one out didn't you?
Like I said they were often just places that raiders ran or a devs first day making objects with re-used models like the car fort.
That still doesn't explain how the settlments actually exist and how under explored they are as settlements. In NV almost every place had more than 7 or so NPC's. In 3 there's often less than 5 or so that act as if their society is somehow capable of lasting for more than a few weeks.
Oh, that's another thing, you always have to shoot them in the head. Another poorly balanced thing in STALKER is that your enemies can take 2 full mags to the chest, but will drop with a single headshot. That's just the way the game is. It actually becomes a bit more fun because aiming for the head as a neccesity is more difficult than other games where you aim for the torso and may get a lucky headshot bonus in there. It should be easier, since the enemies in stalker are a bit more static, especially near their cover.
Wrong. Once again it's a suspension of disbelief thing, playing that line of "not neccesarily".
Objectively wrong. Posted multiple examples in this thread where it isn't.
stalker has some broken mechanic that nerfs automatic firing because slav devs
also I'm not going to wade into this shitflinging contest so the only thing I'm going to add is that NV is a better overall game but 3 has better individual quests and nothing in NV compares to The Pitt and its story. Frankly if you could take the best content from 3 and work it into NV you'd have the perfect fallout or at least as near as we could get
I would argue the DLC in NV is up there. The Pitt happens to have the first example of a well presented morale dilemma which unfortunately isn't presented well at all and only offers 2 options where as NV may offer 3-5.
Hey,i live in that shithole
It's nicer in fallout then in reality
isn't it going downhill rapidly though or are those steel tarrifs going to help? i don't follow it too closely because I'm not in america
the NV DLC is arguably better written but the gameplay suffers from being overly linear/railroaded until the ending sequences
I mostly meant that it's a shithole in regards to all the niggers around,i'd gladly take the mutants over them.
Compared to 3's? Shit the pitt is essentially the same idea but with a big collectathon minigame on the side.
oh well good luck user you can always move back to europe if it goes wrong. land here is really cheap right now because all the cucked males are leaving but there is a bit of a gypsy problem
i felt like i had more influence over what i did and in what order in The Pitt part of NV's DLC's problem is not just that it's linear but it's gated so you end up doing it in the same order usually
I just don't like the way you're introduced to the actual morale dilemma which makes it good in the final 5% of the DLC though. Up to that point it's pretty obvious which side you're on. You could call that a clever rug pull moment but since it's barely explored to any depth it just feels like wasted potential of being in a mediator position for a good portion of it instead. In fact a good idea would have been to observe the players level or fame/infamy to decide where you were put in the DLC. Unfortunately all these ideas are better than what we got and what we got really only scratches the surface whereas moments in NV I feel get a bit more in depth and actually make sense on a grander level.
Fallout 3 gets the win due to it's lack of Mormons alone.
Why am I not surprised?
Don't forget how it gated guns into hard RPG-unlock tiers despite trying to be a realistic fps. Completely schizophrenic design I'd only expect from drunken slavs.
I'd also get a mod that lets you play after the story ends unless those already cover it.
Also consider the Willow Follower mod.
Listen, i know, it seems like waifu-bait, bottom of the barrel shit.
But this follower adds a lot of things, and has good dialogue (as in funny and interesting) and reacts to a lot of vanilla quests.
Why is this thread full of shit bait, newfags, and other undesirables? Did we get another wave of cuckchan refugees.
Gunplay definitely needed retooling though.
So you've never played it and you're lying. Kill yourself retard.
I found the brahmin follower mod to be a nice addition too. It's based on cut content that was going to be in the game, it is a follower for pack rats or traders (the brahmin can't attack, but has a massive carry limit)
ah fuck not you guys too. Im sick of 4chink and its nvfags on Holla Forums. YOUR GAME SUCKS DICK GO BACK TO YOUR GENERAL
You're trying to hard to fit in and outright lying to do so.
The entire NV main quest is better than The Pitt, as is Old World Blues and Dead Money. Caesar alone is a better written and more interesting character than anybody who shows up in FO3 or any FO3 DLC.
I don't even like NV and I can spot this shit is bait.
Dead Money is fucking boring.
I am sorry that you are bad at video games
Fuck off.
Fuck off Bethesdrone.
It's been proven this has no effect on the joke that is gunplay in stalker even I know that.
Bethesda's stories fucking suck, and Dead Money is shit. You don't have to praise garbage just because it's an alternative to other garbage.
I'm not praising shit about Bethesda games.
You're defending the fucking snorefest that is Dead Money, is what I'm saying. You're calling people Bethesda drones for not like a terrible expansion Obsidian made.
Don't you have to work on Skyrim 2?
Please point to the post where I defended Dead Money.
I'm calling them Bethesda drones for defending fallout 3 and 4 you shill.
You know I do think we should give Bethesda a little more appreciation. Without them, nobody would even have heard of Fallout these days. Thanks to their help the series is still around.
You're not welcome here. Now get the fuck out.
not an argument
No, more like it was okay until you new faggot fags start posting the same shit over and over again shitting up Holla Forums. Someone eventually stop taking your shit and shove it back, now comes the irony post like yours.
finding the Xuanlong rifle and T51b in 3:
finding the LMG and Enclave armor in NV:
Because stats are a story that the player write by themselves. That's the essence of RPG, we write our own story, good dungeon masters aren't the strict ones.
I thought we were talking about level design. Anyway, You Gotta Shoot Them in the Heads pretty much had more open choices than any NV quest I know.
That's just a DLC area. NV had even worse DLC's.
No, I'm saying that factions don't really have much to do with audio visual atmosphere, the meta-emotional tone of the story.
Dave is probably just your typical scavenger and Tenpenny has a bunch of mercs and a self sustaining facility that needs to be looked after. Maybe the rich cunts work inside that building. We're only allowed to see the penthouse area anyway. Not everything needs to be explained.
Just watch the intro trailer, it pretty much sets the tone for the whole game. It's more bleak than NV's cheesy 50's western theme, in my opinion it gives a thicker emotional tone.
You're born as a vault dweller who has been taught how to work on nuclear machinery, unlike the wastelanders.
It's DC, not Vegas. Of course Vegas has a lot more interesting landmarks, it's a tourist's destination while DC is more of a metro area.
They've only been there for a while, maybe most of them have only been there for only a decade. Most of the people who have settled there for a long time are there for a purpose, for example scientists and crazy doomsday worshipers, instead of people who are just trying to live. In fact, Mojave has been populated for 200 years, yet it still looks like trash.
But I like NV and 3 somewhat equally. I just recognize and acknowledge the strengths and flaws of each game.
Why do you even care about characters other than your own smh.
This really is a cuckchan thread.
What, you can get that in multiple places.
Encourages you to wander about and explore. Shit don't come easy son.
On the far corner of the game that you thought would have invisible walls since it looks the same as every other corner in the game with zero level design? On top of that, the dev just scattered deathclaws randomly on the cliff and put the armor on a random dead soldier without any background whose body can clip through the ground anytime and fall into the abyss. It's really anticlimatic, there's literally no thought and effort put into this. The armor looks like shit anyway.
You Gotta Shoot Them in the Head is actually a really underrated quest. If you follow Mr Crowley's instructions, he would steal the armor and you would get nothing. You'd also have to find the information about the place anyhow, and even then you wouldn't know what you would find. The armor is buried deep within a highly guarded high tech facility. There's a great buildup on top of a quest that can be resolved in multiple ways. Finding the endgame armor and guns in NV is very lame compared to this.
Grow a pair.
Reminder that OWB > DM > HH > LR > shit > F3
Another reminder that House >= Legion > Wildcard > NCR
It doesn't matter who he is
Both of which are just things you get. Neither actually add anything to the main premise or adventuring.
You're not even in the same ballpark here.
And in a universe that doesn't allow this to anywhere near the extent that NV has over 3 I'm stating that the story works for an RPG better than 3 does as an RPG, or a game for that matter.
Pic related. Only 3 possible endings and 2 of them are just deciding who to betray. Check out the quests in NV, they don't spilt as often as I would like but they're usually much more involved and have dilemma's and choices in them that make you actually give a damn.
It perfectly explains what's wrong with the dungeon's however and retarded they can be at times. NV fixes that to an extent by having areas that are directly tied to quests like with many of the vaults.
You may be genuinely retarded to think that. The only DLC worth a damn in 3 was The Pitt. The ayy lmao one was a fucking joke with horrible writing and under polished enemies/gameplay that was a fucking maze half the time. Point Lookout had a neat section with the brain surgery but was otherwise boring and predictable, Broken Steel would better off be called chopping off a section of the game and calling it DLC because of how badly they wrote the ending without it and I can barely remember Operation Anchorage because of how off hands it was.
They do if you want your world to feel believable and with interesting conflict.
You mean what normalfags think they feel when they want to express how coll something looks? The landscape in 3 does not make it a good game. It makes it a shitty game with a tone you think is good.
Enough to feed a town?
What mercs? The game rarely if ever aludes to this.
Not much of a strong logic in this game is there?
Well they certainly fixed that statement in NV didn't they?
What a bunch of garbage? I saw the trailer, the "tone" of a game doesn't make it objectively better and that tone is still a mess of contradiction props and a mess of green filter. At least NV had a theme and stuck with it. 3 had no such direction and as a result you see a bunch of raider settlements and a car fort.
Cool fact. Most everybody in Fallout 3 was a vault dweller. And there's definitely more experience explosive experts than you in the games universe AND the town is a central discussion point between many factions outside of it. Ignoring all this you're still ignoring how a Sheriff who's sworn to protect a town is allowing a newcomer to take a look at a highly destructive nuclear warhead.
I take it you haven't seen half the landmarks DC has to offer then?
It's the center of the fucking country. There could have been a lot more political aspects to the game and you know it.
This doesn't explain how they survive in a game that likes to express how raiders are all about the entire wasteland.
The difference is that it's the Mojave. It looks like trash now because it's a desert. If you're talking about areas outside the strip that can actually be better explained as poverty or the fact that nobody wants to fix things in desert weather.
I played over 600 hours mod free. Once started a replay the day after finishing it.
I deliberately chose incompatible traits and perks in NV so i could do a forced level 1 run once.
You've really gotta give a source
I feel bad for the dog
you were right
until you were wrong
I don't suppose you're an NCRfag?
Legion is the only way to go.
It was eh at best, jesus when did these shit opinions come in?
It's pretty impressive really. When we were having NV threads you would get the occasional person who wanted to discuss the better areas of F3 (there are some I checked) but it's insane to think that people are incapable of admitting that the game was fucking garbage. It's like the Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey threads.
Also does anyone have Holla Forumss recommended mod list along with the website that guides you on setting up mod organizer?
Just become familiar with the overall mods available and give each one some of your time based on your interest and size/scope of the mod. After about a week you'll find what suits you perfectly. You can also ask for opinions but only a few mods are maybe actually required for just about everybody and the rest comes up to preference.
Oh I usually know what I am going for, I use to play with Project Nevada for the longest time. After I realized it conflicted with a bunch of mods and didn't really add a whole lot (I always favor vanilla-ish playthroughs) I stopped using it. I just want the link so I can set up mod organizer properly and optimize my game a bit better.
Oh, and save the links for future references and back em up
Most people find out later into their modding habits that overhauls are fucking garbage 9/10 because of how much unnecessary shit they overwrite. Basically keep looking for what you want and try them out on a "test" playthrough so you know what you want when you officially do a proper playthough so you know what you can make work. Also what I do is run my ESP's through the construction set so I can inspect every change element to see what might be different. A lot of mods will edit a cell or something (which can occasionally break a quest or something) and thanks to the CS you can easily see what changes are made in an ESP file and remove them if need be.
The construction set? Care to clarify? And not sure if I am thinking the same program for "CS", mind clarifying on that to?
Yes the construction set. It will probably be the extended version but I'm not to familiar with NV modding. Either way if you open just about any esp in it you will get a very clear indications of what the esp changes or adds in the game so you will know where conflicts arise. Also as always keep an eye on your load order.
I agree. Some of the mission and faction concepts are superb, but the overall execution is shit-tier. FO:NV feels more like USS Darkstar or They Hunger HL1 mod than an actual full game.
Project Nevada adds running. It's good. The implant system seems fine at first sight, but due to the new implant limitations and because I'm a powergaming faggot, I've dropped PN.
Also Dala best girl.
There needs to be a Holla Forums version of this.
It's always been my opinion.
It's not a shooting game and every aspect of the shooting mechanics wise was improved. you are literally splitting hairs to try and shit on vegas or defend FO3 either way your opinion is shit and you should feel shit.
Daily reminder MisterCaption's autism caught up to him and had his channel nuked.
There's one guy mirroring his videos.
Because Todd asked. Don't you know? He's sniffing around here.
Actually some fallout 4 and skyrim fan flagged all his videos, and then some "youtube hero" reported him.
That's just fucking sad. What the fuck man.
Got sauce on that?
He's drawn some good/funny stuff.
Dunno why he announced himself and left, though.
impregnated monsters is my fetish.
Would you start a family with cazador-chan, user?
But user, how big are their litters? You may end up having to take care of 30 little cazador larvae.
I wish Ciircuit would post more, his art style is so unique.
With how much food and survival skill i have,i can easily support them for years to come.
He didn't compare them though…
Sometimes I just get very shy.
I need to take more time to drawfag; despite what I did a few days ago in this thread I prefer posting new art.
Assuming cazadors have kept the reproductive habits of the original species, like tarantula hawks, their litter would be a single egg laid inside a much bigger creature for it to devour once it hatches.
NV is shit user deal with it.
Fuck fiddling with wine, I should just find myself a second-hand toaster. Or just emulate Wasteland
New Vegas work out of the box with Wine now, or get Wine with Gallium 9 just in case
STALKER is a shitty game modded or not. Can't polish a turd.
Any update on the f4 mod? One thing f4 got right was the engine, would love to replay the game in it. Closest thing to playing NV for the first time again
Was I wrong in what I said?
The fuck.
If it works people buy it, there's no reason to change it.
F4 has the same engine as Morrowind
They regularly post updates on their facebook page
There really should be, not the cuckchan outdated /vg/ version I've seen people share.
this thread needs more quality shitposts tbh
They already made that game, it's called Fallout: New Vegas, you dumb nigger-faggot.
So I happen to be playing through this game for the first time right now, on hardcore mode. Got through most of it bashing everything with a lead pipe and 15 melee skill, which is apparently better than an energy weapon with 50 skill. I'm now stuck on Legate Lanius with while being underleveled, laughably crippled, I can't fast travel, and for some reason Mr.House's robots that I went to so much trouble to activate are just standing outside the gate waiting for me to single-handedly end the war. Good stuff, quick question:
How fucked am I? I didn't make much of a point to make backup saves because I wanted my decisions to be permanent. Look like I got what I asked for and more. I was just wondering if there was a way around it I couldn't find.
Kind of frustrating since I was actually trying to align somewhat with Caesar's Legion against the NCR, whom I couldn't stand, and somehow got forced into taking sides the other way around. What's the point of faction-based gameplay if a skewed storyline and karma system is gonna pigeonhole you anyways?
Still a comfy game tbh. I'll probably start a new character either way.
Take drugs, craft better ammo, and leave the main quest to the very, very last on your next playthrough.
user what did you do to achieve this?
All Fallout DLC is trash. Only redeeming part of the fallout games is killing hookers in NV.
I did a couple quests for the legion and famed up with speech checks, but I guess I lost it just for doing quests for House which at the time didn't even pit me directly against the legion. Going into Hoover Dam I was a Merciful Thug with Caesar and Vilified by NCR, and still got stuck with NCR. I don't know what happened user, I went pretty deep into fuck it mode near the end.
use console commands to tp out of it or give yourself something to make yourself a non-cripple, otherwise you're fucked
> laid inside a much bigger creature for it to devour once it hatches.
As long as it's put inside a monstrosity like a Boatfly and not something cute like a dog I guess that's okay.
I fucking hate wasps, man. They need to go extinct.
Fallout 3 is not a fun game, it a series of slow-motion clips of your ugly ass character blowing bodyparts off of things, with some interspersed shitty writing pretending to be RPG elements.