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Get off my Cloud!
Didn't $ony make something like this?
I remember something about being able to play games that are being streamed to your PC while they are being played at a remote console.
…Or something like this.
Mentioning Netflix like that is such a cheap attention grab tactic, pathetic.
So OnLive but on steroids?
Let them do it. I want to watch them die a really stupid death.
You mean like OnLive?
My fucking sides.
There was something like this, but you needed really good internet. I tried it once and it didn't even boot the game.
Owner should've sold the company when it was estimated to be worth billions.
That didn't work the last time, and I can't see it working this time. Internet still has enough delay to be noticeable, and not everyone even has great internet. Like would google fiber even be good enough for this kind of thing?
OL2, Inc. (aka, OnLive)
It sounds like they did just that. I wonder how Sony feels when Microsoft is muscling in on their market.
Who is that demon semen?
Uzaki Hana, drawn by mushi024.
Yeah. sold it for 4.8 million, and 18 million in debt.
Way before then estimated worth of OnLive was worth billions.
Nobody gave a shit about Onlive, nobody gave a shit about Playstation Now, and nobody is going to give a shit about this.
but hasn't that existed for like 14 years with steam
Is xbox one selling like shit the reason why switch was so successful? I think might have more exclusives than Xbox one Less than two years. I’m worrying Sony will fuck PS5 by focusing on VR than regular exclusive games.
But it's this fucking estimation shit that is ruining the entire market place and sooner or later pops another massive bubble.
No, the reason the switch did well was because it had a Zelda game with its launch. Also this thread is about microsoft
Welcome to the world of speculation. Bubbles are the primary mechanic of the game.
Even the shills are giving up on the Xbox.
I think it's the opposite. PS4 and the switch being successful caused Xbox to not sell as well.
You have PS4, the Bloodborne machine, the only console with the weeb games. Not only it has the popular games everyone likes, it also include these niches no one else has, so you have a big reason to buy a PS4.
The switch was also the first non-retarded nintendo console in a while. You have all these interesting gimmicks, the nintendo games everyone has been wanting to play on a decent console for a while, plus it's portable. You have the nintendo fanbase and the portable niche all in one console.
Xbox is just xbox. You have the popular games, most of which are on PS4/PC, and the few exclusives only people who bought a 360 care about.
You never bought a console before? You have the portable nintendo switch, or the standard console + weeb games + sony stuff PS4. Xbox doesn't have a redeeming feature to call in new consumers, whereas the others did. I believe that's why PS4 and switch sales went up that much while Xbox sales pretty much stayed the same as the 360.
Oh cool, this nonsense again.
Microsoft need games in order to start selling them as a Netflix service.
Why would someone pay a monthly fee just to play call of duty and FIFA?
Existing Games are very sensitive to high latency, Basically any FPS or 3rd POV, If you have panning tied to your mouse/pad high latency is insufferable . But. But. If you remove this connection and any mechanics requiring low latency (VR would be damned) it can work.
Final Fantasy type of games are good candidates. Just make POV not tied to direct controls and make characters controls RTS style but with high latency like in Dota. Such game you could play locally or via streaming with no difference in perception.
So, really not any different than if they were to let you sell them on your Xboner now, but it would be on some retarded cloud service you'd pay a monthly sub for? Boy that sure sounds like something that won't crash and burn right out the gate.
Why do they insist on these retarded gimmick projects that devour millions of dollars instead of just making good games, or God forbid, consoles worth a damn? Are investors really so easily fooled into giving companies like M$ money for stupid ideas like this?
good luck with that
The Swich is dominating right now cus is the cheaper of the 3 and it actually had like 4 or 5 exclussive games people were intrested in at launch
Look at $ony, what is there to play on PS4?
everything else has yet to release and is looking like shit acording to trailers
they wish
the 360 sold like suggar flavored cocaine, dirt poor countryes who relly on piracy bloated those sales numbers, but it won't happen again
at least not in my circle
i'm the only $onygger who went for the PS3, i barelly got any games for it cus they're expencive as fuck, but at least i can still playthem, unlike the rest of my frined who ended up with the RRD
It will fail.
not even that, it's always shovelware and indieshit games that are free
The cloud again?
Consoles are popular because they're CHEAP. Literally anyone from Mexico to Kazakhstan can afford them.
You know what billions of people DON'T have? Fast unlimited low latency internet connections.
Two billion Microsoft? Northern Europe and a few Asian countries. That is your audience.
Sony is cancer.
As is Microshit and Nintendo.
And still, pay for a product (never a service) and not owning it. It is shit.
Investors are literal men-children.
They are easily fooled, and always pay for promises for shinning new things and "cool" new tech instead of well researched products.
All console companies are shit.
Microshit wants to control people. Not to sell games.
They want the 24h spy cam app to be in EVERY device in a house, to collect all the data on people while pushing feminism and other cancers to all people.
That is, was, and always will be, Microshit's goal.
I forgot infamous gotten light rebooted.
But 5G user, it'll change everything
If Microsoft was smart. They would focus on backward compatibility. It Xbox one greatest edge right now.
What for? there was jack shit play in the 2 previus Xbones as far as exclussives are concerned, everything else is alrready on PC and even with Backwards compatibility only Mericucks and Yuropoors would would find that appealing, everyone else who bought a 360 did so cus pirated games were cheaper than PS3 Bluerays, and i doubt backwards compatiblity will include pirate games
Doesn't matter how low latency your internet is, it's still too high latency to play most games with onlive style streaming. The laws of physics prevent the information from travelling faster. That's true now and it will be true forever. You could have a quadrillion terabits/second of bandwidth and it will still play like absolute shit.
In oder to serve two billion people simultaneously microsoft would need the equivilent of two billion xboxes in their data centres. Streaming doesn't magically decrease the amount of computing power, it just moves it.
To be fair, Parsec does it pretty well.
If they had been smart they wouldn't have alienated Windows users by shitting on them at every opportunity, and they wouldn't have killed the XBone in the crib by pretending people were going to buy to watch Netflix on it and waggle like retards in front of a camera.
That's the kind of leadership you get when you put curryniggers and women in charge.
With the huge amount of people working at MS/Xbox, how come nobody has ever told them that all they need is a strong exclusive lineup? Is it that they don't know how to make good games, try to shoehorn whatever their Pajeet engineers think of or both? Surely with Microsoft's good worker benefits, there has to be someone there that actually cares about video games.
backwards compatibility for the HUEG
People have been quitting MS in droves because of the shit management, constantly changing demands, abysmal corporate culture and the spaghetti code they are stuck working with. Just look at the retarded way they are handling W10 with telemetry, forced updates (even if you disable them), shit performance, bugs, incompatibilities and their entrenched belief this will be the last Windows they'll ever need to release.
MS is not the same monolith it was during the rein of Bill Gates. The only reason they haven't fallen apart is because of Windows and Office, and they better pray nothing comes along to dethrone them.
they're not alone in there, $ony can't stop pushing their "interactive experiences" wich are little more than shitty CGI visual novels with barelly enough gameplay elements to justify the "game" label
Nintendo seems to be the onlyone who still cares about making Games
checked n' heiled
Yeah but Sony has third parties to do that for them, Microsoft has no third party backing. Especially in Japan.
They expect 2 billion to be on this when in all likelyhood Australia has too poor of an internet to run something like that let alone India or Sudan
Let's hope sony denies their app on ps so the xbox division can finally die.
Only liberals and minorities are allowed in sylicon valley
And it’s already dead. It won’t last more than a year and a half.
Aside from Bloodborne, the only other PlayStation exclusive (As in, no PC release either) on my wishlist is Shadow of the Beast.
See ("Microshit wants to control people. Not to sell games. They want the 24h spy cam app to be in EVERY device in a house, to collect all the data on people while pushing feminism and other cancers to all people. That is, was, and always will be, Microshit's goal.") and stop being a wishful ignorant.
Reason enough to kill them all at once.
If they made a new Crimson Skies and Mechassault worth a damn and ported the first 4 Halo games perfectly AMD didn't charge for online I would have bought an Xbox One already. Just make good games Jesus FUCKING Christ.
That is the problem with Microsoft they think the console market is like PC and everything has to be digital. Console owners buy consoles because they like physical. The few that don't like physical might as well game on their PCs. I mean why the fuck are they playing on consoles?
I don't think MS has any fucking idea what is going on on the PC market. These are the stupid fucks that were perfectly positioned to have their own Steam only to shit on their PC costumers in favor of chasing the console market.
I guess they aren't content with the Xbone failing. The streetshitters that run the place now are hungry for more, even worse failures.
Yes, but this time it'll be cool. Like Microsoft.
I'm even backing off on that and planning on buying PC games physically whenever I can (And, if I can't, then I go for the console version). I'm just getting tired of how tyrannical the digital market altogether is becoming.
Doesn't microsoft already have a cross platform game "netflix" type service?
Wait nevermind, it wasn't streaming, it was downloads.
No, they only offer streaming from your XBOX to your W10. They don't really earn anything from you using your own stuff.
actually they're perfectly aware of the PC market. They're just retarded and think they can get away with trying to lock down the PC environment without violating monopoly and noncompete laws. It certainly doesn't help that and don't quote me on this at some point some lawmaker finally acknowledged the issue of their essential monopoly on home computing and permitted people to use their old libraries to develop alternative operating systems.
So, Microsoft want to dethrone the PC market after losing the console market ?
Honestly I think they're just desperate since literally everyone pirates windows 7/8.1/10 if they aren't using a prebuilt, and the actual usage stats of their hosted store service are abysmal.
No, if they were smart they would fund exclusives.
cloud gaming a fucking shit. like i want to tie my ability to own and play a game to my internet connection. i already get pissed off having to download shit that i bought off of PSN and then having my ownership of that game tied to some account at sony. fuck the idea of never even getting to own the fucking game. its bullshit, and if you support it, youre bullshit
this. big gaming conglomorates wet dream right here. they dont even have to actually produce a physical object, so the overhead is nil. and they certainly have some sort of agreement with ISPs, so running the cloud is probably a fraction of what it wouldve cost to put the game to physical copy.
Well once this fails they can fuck off from gaming forever.
Gamers want graphics not exclusives.
what games?
Incidentally, I'd like to mention attempting to becoming a regulatory force in a market is in fact actually anticapitalism.
From the >>>Holla Forums thread about this;
>The new division is designed to entice developers and game publishers to use Microsoft’s cloud services.
>Microsoft wants more and more game developers to use its cloud, especially as games become more connected across devices for their multiplayer experiences.
They're competing with Amazon that recently put out an open source game engine that can only run on AWS and Google with their upcoming cloud gaming service called Yeti for Android.
A game streaming service for consumers probably isn't even in the works considering both their paltry selection of exclusive game IPs they own and the rapidly declining share of the gaming market they have. The technical infeasibility of it is the least of their concerns.
When they say they want 2 billion to use their services for gaming they're talking about the backend hardware in data centers.
As much as people here love to gloat about what a disaster the xbox brand has been to Microsoft it's barely been a drop in the bucket. They could waste tens of billions on it every year for another century and not have anything to worry about.
All they have to do is keep buying up game studios or exclusives to keep the brand alive.
No, moron. At least with Steam, the data is on your PC.
into the trash. all modern multiplayer games are shit if you dont count some obscure or strategy games. microjews just want total control over pc gaming nothing new there. too bad they hired incompetent pajeets and changs who cant fucking program for shit. some poor slav from bulgaria can outsmart them.
Just forget it. That time is over. Just store DRM-free installers on RAID1 external drives.
There are no more manuals.
The content on a DVD is digital. Video games are about the joy of playing them, not collecting plastic boxes.
Don't you dumb fucking niggers remember how badly Microsoft dropped the ball at E3 2013?
E3 2013 was the start of it. Along with the previously mentioned Windows 10 disaster, they continued to fuck it up with how they really fucked up Conker for "Project Spark" and how they tried to market Conker as a family friendly Disney-like character, when he got popular for not being family friendly. Microsoft always was hated since the 1990's and that hatred got intensified with how they handled the X-Box One launch Windows 8, then Windows 10.
What Sony did was show off games that looked impressive at the time (even though it was mostly bullshit pre-rendered footage), showed three block busters in Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Uncharted 3, and advertised no always online DRM, used game support, and a $100 cheaper console with no creepy Kinect spying on you. They built consumer trust and loyalty. Andrew House even said at the E3 2013 presentation "At Playstation, concepts like true consumer ownership and consumer trust are central to everything we do."
That did it. Switch was popular due to innovation and having a strong roster of their best known games at launch or released close to launch, especially Breath of the Wild. Cheaper system, more innovated, and their franchise games that are still insanely fun to play. It's no brainer.
tl;dr - Microsoft fucked up big time cause of E3 2013 and fucking up ever since while Sony and Nintendo continue to do good things.
You should realize that the push for streaming is about taking control. It's the ultimate form of DRM as far as Vidya goes. But it will succeed. Why? For the same reason Netflix succeeded. It will be more convenient. And we all know when it comes to your entertainment, convenience is king. The internet is too slow in burger-land you say? Well, that's never going to change, will it? And we all know what a principled stand gamers make when it comes to DRM, don't we?
Oh, a few oldfags will bitch and moan for a while, but most people who play vidya don't care about the long-term consequences as long as they can play what they want today. You're not the most principled lot overall, so it's just a matter of time, and momentum. Are you guys really going to say no to Steaming once that's the only way to play certain games?
>>>Holla Forums
Yeah, the only way to move forward with the Xbox brand as a console manufacturer is to launch a new console. None of that Xbox One shit, a full rebranding is in order. Also fire Phil Spencer, he's just another Don Mattrick but in Soccer dad clothes
No, not in the slightest but M$ being M$ drove the 360 fags to PS4.
You mean like how netflix has been bleeding numbers for a long time because they lose nearly every show they get a hold of and a lot of networks have opted to just host their own ad supported streams of media?
And this isn't even mentioning how they partnered with T-Mobile to bloat their numbers by giving everyone with T-Mobile netflix
Mhm. And has there been an uptick in Blu-ray/DVD sales? No? Netflix isn't the only streaming service, but it is the one that made streaming the norm and physical media the exception.
Actually, with streaming services badly fragmenting and their individual value getting worse and worse, dvd and bluray sales have been improving.
Are you telling menormal fags are abandoning movie streaming? Really? Gonna need to see some actual numbers on this.
telling me*
All movie streaming? No
Premium streaming services, yes.
Nobody but the asians with good internet could possible have a decent experience with cloud gaming. Every other country has shit internet either because infrastructure is bad or the ISPs are corrupt. that's why this will not work for anything outside of turn-based, slow as shit or mobile-tier gaming. Good luck trying to play FPS or fighter. People are retreating more and more to drm-free stuff, knowing how bad the future is getting with net neutrality, censorship etc. Anyone who gives a damn about full-feature gaming and isn't a retard won't buy into this.
Even romania has better internet than us,uk,canada and australia combined.
Lets remove MS and Netflix for a moment. Lets say Nintendo started a virtual console streaming service. Do you think people would use it? I think probably. From there, Nintendo would begin moving exclusives to its service. Maybe nothing major at first, just a Mario spinoff or Animal crossing. Would anyone make a big uproar? I doubt it. From there streaming has basically been normalized, and when the next Zelda or Metroid is announced as a Nintendo-Network exclusive, hardly anyone will be upset. And no one will forgo their favorite IP on account of some dumb oldfags telling them how stupid they are on an anonymous imageboard.
Just like how the "exclusive" Mario game on mobile is such a smash hit that Nintendo will no longer release a full home console Mario game? Yeah.
They're doing software rental, they've already decided on a system where you still download the games.
You're afraid. You should be. But this is the future you, collectively, chose.
The owner did it, it got bought and destroyed by Sony.
Do you realize how shitty internet is in Canada?
Actually, I think you'll find it's the future that has been shot down over and over.
Even if we're not even referring to noninteractive media.
Nigga prove anyone here has supported xbox shit and this isn't just microsoft in their infinite power trying to shove their dicks in a new market.
A sane people would have revolted by now, instead you elected Trudeau.
oh nooo
I didn't vote for him
No, but you're still fucked.
Don't worry I bully all my canadian friends about this
You didn't assassinate him either.
It's not that different in the US. In big cities, you can either pay 100+ US DOLLARS a month for internet speed that only barely matches the cheap ass internet I had when I lived in Japan 10 years ago or you can go with a "competitor" that rents its bandwidth from one of the two big ISPs in the area and get a fraction of the big ISP speed. Outside the big cities, the best you can get is satellite that harkens back to the days of Prodigy and America Online. I'm in a big city and have on of the big ISPs as my provider, and it's still too slow for remote play between my PS4 and Vita TV.
Fuck, you made me remember they did much worse with Conker with that Young Conker shit.
It's already bad enough that they sit on Rare's property, it's fucking awful to defile such a good game.
would you?
Why? Also, which state?
Not really, it would be cheaper to buy the consoles and hack them. I'm mainly talking about the 360 and the original Xbox, I don't know of any xbone games that would be worth it.
Guns, and the best state.
Texas? Keep tabs on Austin, or they'll have a foothold to infiltrate from.
Oh, there's already plans for austin.
I'm one of those flea market slavs and you can't stop me from raping all your precious little old games, selling them off to autistic westerners. We must rapidly and violently burn down all vidya to create a new, ideal world. We don't need history where we are going. Also the italicized yeah makes you look like a redditfag/woman
trying way too hard, user
Good. Texas is one of the few states I would consider moving to.
Every tech nigger wants everyone to use thin clients again because it's more "convenient" and totally not a bad idea with so many backdoors into computers these days. I can't wait for all my files to be lost in a hack and dumped somewhere because I decided that it's a good idea to keep everything I do in one centralized location. This is just another step in that direction touting it as "consumer-friendly" because you don't need to buy a console every year and instead stream it off "muh netflix for vidya". I can't wait for this to be a disaster.
In your heart you know vidya accelerationism to be true
Doesn't Texas have some fucked up Secession clause in their state constitution that allows them to - not to break away from the Union - but to fragment the state into several smaller states, which can then form their own republic of Texan states.
In theory, couldn't you just eject Austin and make it an island territory surrounded by Texas 2.0?
Why not just surround Austin and starve the population to death?
Except that's wrong.
Did that game ever come out? I've heard nothing about it
There are still plenty of us in Austin, pls don't glass it.
How about we institute a redemption policy? Anyone that comes to a checkpoint with a necklace strung with at least 20 liberal ears gets a pass. Scalps are also acceptable.
You want him to try harder?! You fucking monster.
NOPE, and they scaled back HoloLens "strictly for business use only. Filthy gamers are suppose to get Vive."
I shit you not, that is what the lady at a Microsoft store said to me when I asked if I could try out the HoloLens.
They use Azure for destruction because >muh normal CPUs don't have that power
The hololens was a piece of fucking trash that didn't work the way they advertised it, and they scaled it back because they didn't want to face the embarrassment of releasing that abortion to the public.
AR is shit anyway
Isn't that your home network's problem, not the internet service?
Ok, now I understand after looking it up but saying "Crackdown 3 effectively turns your XBone into the most powerful console ever made" is still so hilariously retarded and misleading, it makes me almost like game journos
Well now we have to wait for real hologram displays which will still take a while.
That's not a real hologram, it's the kind Disney has been using in that haunted house ride since the fucking 70s.
It's an obvious lie. You can't teleport hardware into it.
But it's not a 3d hologram
0/10 apply yourself.
Also can Xbones be the the standard unit for determining how powerful hardware is or how demanding a game is. I think my toaster is about half an xbone right now example, but I would like to upgrade to something between 1.5 and 2 xbones
Virtual waifus require better AI technology more than anything else.
I know user, that's why I found it so funny. "Insert game for more ram"
It depends.
Why should I when it's pretty obvious that they don't want my money?
I think my 1060 is something like 3.5 Xboners.
Is the 1050ti 1.5 Xbones?
Seems like it. Speaking of, I gotta check out how much these cards cost now with the retard coin miners causing shortages.
First off gas yourself, secondly if people wanted graphics how the fuck is the Switch in berserk mode?
I'm not good with XBones. How many is a 980 slightly overclocked?
the Mexican state*
How high is your powerlevel user? mine is like 20 X.B.O.X, but I also go to the gym, so it makes sense.
the 1060 is 1.5 Xbones, so a 980 is 0.5 Xb1s.
That's a lie
Did anything actually come from that? I never heard anything about it after that conference
I don't think miners are causing 1050ti shortages, since they can't be connected by SLI, unlike the 1080s.
There are a few for me, but I'm a fighting fan. I only have a Switch at the moment though.
Just checked, they're 200+ bucks now. SLI isn't all people who are into the mining fad look for. Lots but single card setups as long as the card turns in a profit. It's thy a card like the GTX 1060 (3GB) has gone from about 200 bucks to 400 bucks.
the 1050ti has 4gb of Video RAM. I had picked up the Zotac GTX1050ti mini when I bought mine, for the record. I was more concerned about space more than anything.
I was specifically pointing out the 3GB version of the 1060 because it used to be so much cheaper. Thing is that memory doesn't factor into mining either so every coin reject went for it over the 6GB model to save more cash. All they care about is raw hash generating performance vs price.
It was around $230 before the craze started up, so it hadn't really moved all that much, according to Walmart's numbers.
All I can say is that exists, because I saw a few scenes of it on TV. At first I thought, ti was just a coincidence of names, but then Master Chief appeared, and I knew they actually made a Halo TV series.
Where I live, the 1050ti was about 150. The 1060 3GB I got was 180, and the 6GB model was around 250. Thank fuck i bought it just before the prices skyrocketed.
Yeah, this is fucking dumb. No one will ever be able to overcome latency issues, and that's death for any fast-paced game. They should stick with Game Pass, where you download the actual game, and expand that to PC.
Uh they tried that it was called gametap and it was a fucking disaster
didn't microsoft get tired windows live being raped by steam? they really want to try this shit again?
Saging for non-vidya. But yes Texas as a clause where Secession is not allowed, but that applied to every state post Civil War. Texas does have the option to split into 5 or less states.
Regarding bandwidth/latency and ISP's in Texas; things are kinda jumbled. You got the choice of two companies. One is shit and the other is shitty. That's how it is in the cities. In the country, its worse because you will most likely not have a choice as to who your ISP is. You either go with whoever is offering internet or no internet. This is made worse since these are not big companies. If you are lucky, literally, they will be a subsidiary of one of the big two. If not, you might as well hook a modem up and play that good ole Dial Up Noise.
Here's another point to consider, the entire country is not encased in one city. So every small town, every po-dunk house that is not in or near a major city is forced into having the shit-net. If 1984soft tries to move their console with this "service" as its selling point, they just fucked themselves into a corner.
You wanted to try it, didn't you? You don't have to give them money.
There's a 1050ti?
They're already dead.
This is a real problem. If I buy a game, I should be able to play it on any computer or console that is powerful enough to run it.
GameTap was a great service.
Utomik and Jump do the same thing.
Why? It's working for PS Now.
Emulation is legal in America.
Cloud gaming really isn’t anything worth worrying about. It has several big structural flaws that will prevent it from reaching any kind of mass adoption with current gamers.
The biggest one is that it is far more costly for MS/Sony to have someone playing via a cloud service than how it is today, where people buy their own hardware, download once, and run it locally. Having machines ready to run the game and servers to send it back quickly isn’t cheap at all, which is why all the cloud gaming services (Onlive, Nvidia’s thing, and PS Now) out there are comparatively expensive to just owning the games.
They wouldn’t try to force everyone to cloud gaming because that wouldn’t be a profitable move for most of their customers, because their operating costs are much higher for a cloud customer than a normal customer and their only return is a flat subscription fee. They would much rather have people buying hardware and then spending hundreds of dollars on games that only need one download to be run locally.
This kind of service makes more sense for people who are curious about playing a game but don’t want to buy a console or expensive PC to play it, or for people in countries where there is great internet but economically isn’t really able to afford mass console ownership.
If something like this were to take off, which is unlikely anyways due to the wide availability of cheap/F2P titles out there, it would take off with new or really casual gamers and with people in non-Western countries. It would be worrisome if they did try to force it on everyone, but that really doesn’t make sense for them to do economically anyways.
This shit will win over stupid normalfags eventually. Maybe not now, but at some point it'll happen. And you'll live to see people unironically criticize low-latency input, like how consolefags think 30fps is better and movie retards hated 48fps.
Is there a more cancerous company in vidya?
And Valve(the ultimate evil) of course but EA has done more evil to my favorite game studios.
Past and Present.
Sony already has… PlayStation Now I think it's called, which is basically this. And yes, it streams the game to your home while your inputs go to another cpu that's actually running it. And yes, this means exactly what you think it does, there's a fraction of a second (or more) latency on your every input. Which isn't entirely gamebreaking, but it does detract somewhat
from your enjoyment.
Movie retards hate 48fps because it looks like nauseating garbage filmed on a camcorder. Also I've never spoken to anyone who plays console and gives two shits about frame rate.
They are ignorant elitists and when they say that hate 48fps i bet many of them actually watch their movies at 60+fps as most new TVs have sorts of frames extrapolation and normalfags are too stupid to find this option in menu and turn it off.
Depends on the game. If you're playing garbage walking sims like the TLOU or even cover-based shooters, it won't be that bad. Anything that requires actual reflexes or proper timing will be fucked.
I can't even play Project Diva Future Tone streaming from my PS4 to PC… and they're in the same room, both connected to the router via ethernet, and I'm directly connecting the DS4 to the PS4 so there's as little input latency as possible.
It still feels like I'm playing through molasses. Adjusting the in-game latency compensation helps, but only to a point - and would be completely useless if there's any variance in the latency. They'd basically have to design games from the ground up to constantly check the latency and automatically adjust the compensation - and it'd still end up feeling like shit to play because you would still be fighting constantly changing variables.
So yeah, say goodbye to rhythm games.
This. All those modern TVs have that motion smoothing shit that makes it even higher than 48fps and nobody complains.
People hated The Hobbit because it was filmed nauseatingly. The camera work was god-awful, and then everyone blamed HFR because they didn't know any better because they're stupid fucking normalfags.
I usually turn off motion smoothing as that causes display lag.
Is SteamOS any better?
Not if the stingy ISPs throttling consumers have anything to say about it.
also anyone who knows anything about computers hates Windows 10. people constantly ask if they can buy computers with Windows 7.
You know the ones, where the game isn't in the menus for opening boxes but playing a neat well design vidya.
It depends on how good your home network and host CPU is, and wireless tanks performance.
oh and the few intensive games on steam are literally unplayable because of the input delay.
Just an example I've personally had to deal with, Space Channel 5 Part 2
Is PS Now still good? I heard some people were saying that is was very "meh".
The problem with shit like this is that whenever someone attempts this, rather than doing what Netflix is doing (charging a monthly fee), they charge per game you get. While a system like this has merit, the fact that they do this compared to the monthly thing means you might as well just be buying the fucking games rather than paying the same fucking price to get the same thing, but with input lag. Not to mention the whole aspect of bandwith and internet speeds not really being up to snuff in lots of places. With how jewish Microsoft normally is, this idea is likely to end up dead in the water.
PS now is okay if you can tolerate a 240p resolution
If I recall, resolution wasn't a problem, given your game is being streamed from another cpu. The latency was the only problem I encountered. Everything else seemed fine.
You need an internet connection with low latency. Which means you better live near one of Sony's data centres.
It was pretty amusing when Sony introduced PS Now in Europe. They put their infrastructure in the UK, which meant everything had to go through the North Sea cables for users in continental Europe.
Oh and this technology does NOT scale. Imagine 5 million people playing the new COD on a Saturday evening.
You don't even have to imagine it. Just look at the disastrous launch of any game with always online DRM.
You can do it, you pussy, it's not very hard. I did it when I was a teenager and knew basically nothing about electronics. Not that it mattered, since it was sporadically red ringing anyway. You'll need a thin, pointy object to push into some tiny ports that have locking plastic tabs along the edges of the system, a screwdriver set with torx heads, an extra SATA cable of decent length so you can connect the Xbox's disc drive to your computer's motherboard while leaving it connected to its normal power source, and a box set of Kenan and Kel.
Yeah because it worked out so well the last ten times schlomos tried to make cloud gaming a thing
so even for single player games there would be a ping delay, lmao how pathetic imagine paying for this crap, it will be like google glass it will NEVRER take off
im a NEET and i only hate it because of the privacy raping shit, anything else?
wtf i thought prices decreased over time? am I retarded?
daily reminder that northern europe is superior in every way to the US, especially in internet
Every time it updates, it screws up my computer's drivers and software.
Aside from cheap vodka, what do you guys have to offer the world?
Some things are worth going to war over. When do we lay siege to the Microsoft office building?
I hate when these niggers say "cloud".
There is no cloud. It's just stored on some retard's server, faggot.
There's been so many failed examples of this. This will fail just like the rest.
It's just an incompetently made OS on pretty much every level.
Yes. You can download it for free on the Microsoft website if you have a Hololens.
This has to be the most scummy thing I've ever seen in gaming. And probably one of the most jewish things not involving mass murder or corruption I've seen in modern day.
A private consumer making things better for consumers isn't inherently anticapitalist, but anti Capitalist isn't inherently a bad thing to begin with.
Just like "hardly anyone" was upset at always online and not sharing physical copies with Xbone right? Shove it up your ass.
You will go straight into the oven, no gas. Alive.
Keep deluding yourself Sven, Scandis were born to cuck.