Nintendo seems to be the only ones capable of making a Cloud actually look like an update from the original battle/fmv model instead of a toothpick thin pale drug addict that Square seems to want to present in the remake. I know it's early stages but I don't expect it to change a whole lot between that trailer and what we're going to see in the final product.
Also, prep your anuses for Sephiroth to be in Smash 5, at least they'll make him look decent unlike his parent company will in the FF7 remake. It's a disgrace, really.
Why can't Square get it right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Most likely to pander to women. Men are going to buy their games anyway because it's FF. Women may get into it too because they like the men. Just like they did with FFVX.
Wasn't there an event recently which showed a slightly different model for Cloud? Might be bullshit, and I can't see them having changed him much. Tbh I don't actually mind his look in the last trailer. In fact it makes sense that he looks sickly at the start of the game (having said that, I doubt it's a design choice).
I'd think women would be more attracted to the Smash Cloud but maybe I'm wrong.
Well, as someone in another thread said, it makes sense for Cloud to be a twig at the beginning of FFVII, given what he had recently gone through. If Square gave a shit, he'd build up muscle through the game, but I really doubt that's happening.
I think they're more attracted to girl cloud than anything. Feminizing men is what they want to do if they have a cuteboy in their clutches. Square will likely fuck up that scene as well as the room full of bulky men.
"Women" who like Final Fantasy want every character to be gay twinks. That's why they don't like Sabin, Barret or Galkas.
They do this shit with 40k too. Women being into anything but cooking, cleaning and making babies was a mistake.
Women want to be dominated and controlled by strong men. Biology.
What about sucking cock?
Yes, and they way they do that is by effeminizing ("befriending") the men around them and seeing who is able to resist it. They are not conscious of the processes that are at work within their decisions.
that movie though
Japanese queer fashion.
Oral sex is degenerate. Why would you kiss lips of a woman who sucks cocks? Even your cock?
Fucking spoiler that shit.
They apparently changed Cloud to look more like his PSX counterpart after a lot of nippons complaining. They only showed the new model to a select audience.
In Japan it's not gay until you're in your 20s.
This is Holla Forums, not /r9k/.
Lol who cares
People making gay sfm porn.
Cloud should start out as a sickly twig from recently recovered mako poisoning, he should also be a whiny bitch after realizing he stole Zack's identity because without Zack that's really all Cloud ever was as infantry.
In Japan it's gay at all ages, you're just expected to drop the faggot shit once you're old enough to marry and start a family.
No, you fuck stick, as that's the exact opposite way it actually went. Cloud nutted the fuck up after getting his mind back in place, his patheticness is when he doesn't know who he is and is begging Hojo and Sephiroth for answers. It's not about him being Zack or not, it's about him not knowing at all and just bullshitting.
Kissing a woman is gay because she's kissing you. Every time you kiss a woman, you're kissing someone who is kissing a guy.
I would be more concerned that it's probably going to suck really badly.
And that is precisely the reason to not buy from Square at all.
Games must be for Men only, and expanded consumer base is cancer.
Bullshit excuses from shills.
If it is shit on the trailers, it will be shit in the final product.
Cloud goes through 3 fazes in FFVII
Fucking women is gay because the clit comes from the same structure that becomes a dick in men, and fucking something with a dick is gay.
I disagree on the basis that he's swinging around the fucking Dragonslayer like it's nothing.
If is /r9k/ then they're right for once.
Cloud is already exponentially more badass than he was as an infantry by the start of the game. Jenova cells had already put him on the path to being more than Zack ever was, and that would have been the case even if he didn't have Zack's attitude.
/r9k/ is frequently right about facts relating to women. Where they go wrong is their conclusions. They use those facts as an excuse to become bitter and cynical MGTOW faggots who never improve themselves because, yes, it turns out that the human mating selection game is cruel, thereby making the fate that they feared a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You know, I never realized that until you pointed it out. That's some good shit.
Yoko Kanno and Yamane Michiru are fantastic composers. There are also many talented female artists.
Harvest Moon and Rune Factory did just fine appealing to both men and women. Even the Rune Factory games only got better and better despite appealing to women and allowing to play as a female who can marry men. Dolce best girl.
They may be faggots but there isn't much of a reason to get in a relationship these days. Or at least marriage.
Nah she didn't really suspect it until they left Midgar and found holes in Cloud's story.
Remember that the original game leaves this ambiguous.
She knew he was lying about being in soldier, watch the scene where she finds him laying in a puddle like a drunk showing her Zack's sword, which she knows full well is Zack's. When Cloud tells his story in Kalm is when she starts to wonder if she is the one with mental problems, as there should be no way Cloud can possibly know about those events.
No it doesn't, it's made to look as if she failed when Aeries dies and the materia falls, then in disc 3 there's an entire CGI cutscene dedicated to showing that she actually succeeded in casting Holy, but Sephiroth is blocking it from working by clogging/sucking up the lifestream, that's the whole reason the gang goes to north crater; so they can stop unclog the lifestream and let Holy stop Meteor.
Are you feeling okay?
What? Women don't engage in 40k user, don't be fucking ridiculous
Oh man, you're in for a surprise. 40K has been under attack by dry cunts for a while now.
"Under attack" is not the same thing as "engaging in." At least women who like FF do it so they can write gay fanfics and shit.
Him having someone else's sword would be an odd detail but not evidence of him not being a soldier. She initially thought the inconsistencies were due to him being near death at the time she found him.
Y'all niggas need some Gackt.
What an experience that shit was. I fell for the meme that Cloud was just an edgeboy but holy shit is he genuinely a good main character.
I was guessing the WHOLE game about what his deal was, why there was inconsistencies between him and Tifa's memories. I have no face for when he took off that Shinra soldier helmet.
His design so far is fucking shit in the remake. I hope the other anons are right and that it's just him being twiggy as a result of being mindfucked/mako poisoned/rendered completely retarded and unable to speak until he sees Tifa.
Yes it absolutely does, the game abruptly cuts away as meteor and holy are interacting and only shows 500 years later.
That's proof of Holy working, isn't it?
500 years later shoes that Midgar is in naturalization and would not have been there had Meteor successfully hit.
He was in a test tube for years so he was probably getting all the nutrients he needed. While they were on the run Zack probably fed him too. Tifa nursed him back to health after she found him and it's not like she would have starved the guy.
its why ff7 is the best one. niggers who only cry about it being overrated are cancer to discussion.
I need his boypucci
Is that some obscure Sanskrit word for a grown man's asshole? Because that's what you're expressing interest in at the moment: the asshole of a grown, adult man.
Translating ridiculous 90s look to modern age isn't easy. And no matter WHAT somebody will be bitching because "muh childhood nostalgia".
Cloud would easily fit FFXIII's aesthetics, wacky hairdo and all. He's probably fit FFXV's as well since he's pretty much a less faggy-looking Prompto.
Were we supposed to feel good about this? I know that a major theme of the game is Muh Planet, and Midgar being overtaken by nature could be interpreted as the mistake of its decadence through callous abuse of the planet being corrected, but it mostly made me wonder about what happened to all of the innocent people who lived there, and if their descendants survived. I know that the game implies otherwise, but the logical conclusion would be that everyone died, since there's no way a city of that size would be completely abandoned unless it was totally uninhabitable or had a suitable replacement nearby, which it didn't.
Seriously, maybe it's all the soy in Asian diets that makes them short and gives them small dicks.
I can't think of Tifa, nursing, and milk all at once without that magical shitpost, if you know what I mean.
Then the Compilation ruined Cloud by making him an edgy emo baby. And something tells me the remake isn't going to faithfully bring back hero Cloud.
You'd think that, but some russian woman drew that image and many others like it. She doesn't quite delve into the yaoi faggotry but it's bad enough.
Vincent tried but the bitch wouldn't listen to him.
Genesis is a bottom though.
Genesis is not canon.
They also make some of the most disgusting shit out there. But if you like it, more power to you.
He should have brought her in line, but instead he let a mad scientist do genetic experiments on her and the child said mad scientist put in her. Pretty much everything that happened is because of his failure to control a woman. Hibernating in a coffin is hardly a punishment for being such a beta.
The womb and vagina comes from part of the same structure that develops into part of the prostate in men, specifically the prostatic utricle. It's literally the same as banging your dick against a soyboy's prostate when you have sex with a woman. That's really fucking gay.
Amber best girl, named my daughteru Ambrosia in her honor. RIP butterfly chan
All men are gay because they're full of cum
Doesn't the fragment of her soul die once it gives up control of Amber's body?
Get this faggot out of here.
I don't remember the plot details,
but when you fight her again, throw a giant toyherb at her for a chance to recruit her.
How is it Vincent's fault and not Hojo's? Failing to stop something bad doesn't make you the one responsible for it.
Having nothing left to do in life but hibernate in a coffin forever while knowing that everyone has forgotten about you, your place in society is gone, and your waifu is basically dead because you were such a beta and failed to stop her from being experimented on is a pretty severe punishment. Vincent "The Man Who Was Cucked To Undeath" Valentine only mans up because Cloud tells him about what his wife's son is doing, and it weighs too heavily on his conscience to wallow underground anymore, because he considers Sephiroth to be his own mistake at that point.
Gameplay-wise that sounds fun, but that can't end well, plot wise. Eh, fun over consitency, i'm cool with it.
Unfortunately for you, he's not a gay.
If it's anyone's fault it's the bitch's. How do you look at someone like Hojo and think to yourself "getting knocked up by this man in an abandoned mansion basement while a faint cumshot away from Mako experiment equipment is a good idea"?
Does it take a soy boy to make good porn? It must because all the good porn comes from the east.
You're absolutely right! It's not like naming her character after a woman whose claim to fame was being raped was meant to imply she wasn't forced into her position.
What a fucking shit-ass movie. In FFVII the world was minutes away from being destroyed by Meteor and Cloud was still focused and had faith. In AC he acted like a whining faggot for the first half because "poor me i have a sickness :(" and it completely ruined the point of his character development in FFVII. The first half of AC should have been re-written with Cloud only first showing up midway during the Bahamut SIN fight.
Maybe not. But I'll add these people to make up for it.
Shinji Hosoe who helped with the soundtrack for Street Fighter EX, Mushihime-sama, Ridge Racer, and much more.
Akari Kaida did Vampire Savior, some Rockman, and Breath of Fire music.
Fumie Kumatani is known for Phantasy Star music and Sonic Adventure 1 & 2.
Miyoko Takaoka is mainly known for Altelier music.
Noriko Matsueda was the composer for Chrono Trigger, The Bouncer, FFXI, and Front Mission.
Rika Muranaka did MGS 1-3 and the first Silent Hill game.
Yuka Tsujiyoko did the music for most of the Fire Emblem series.
Yuko Takehara composed for Rockman, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (arcade fighter), Street Fighter Zero, Xmen vs Street Fighter, and Marvel vs Capcom.
Miki Higashino did lots of Suikoden and Gradius music.
Then don't follow the artist that disgust you. Many artists don't state their sex online though.
She's daughter tier.
Gackt's alright, sure he's a great human being, but I really don't want to see Genesis in the remake. Him being in Nibelheim fucking with Sephiroth rubbed me wrong. Crisis Core could have been so much better.
If it wasn't Lucrecia it would have been someone else. She was just convenient. Hojo abducts people with impunity to experiment on them all the time.
I don't understand why anyone trusts Hojo with anything, or why he had funding in the first place, or how anyone could possibly find him attractive, or how he's making enough money to be hiring three whores at a time at a beach resort.
Cloud is mopey in AC because he's in the process of digesting the events of VII and has developed survivor's guilt over Zack and Aerith, not because he has geostigma. The geostigma is just icing on the cake.
Yes and no. Coming to terms with what happened is a logical next step for what he went through, even if it wasn't the best thing that could have been done with his character.
You'd better have a fucking brilliant alternative first act in mind to suggest such a textbook bad idea. Not that the first act is a high bar to top.
Corporate shill at work here.
No, they won't be changed.
Square-Enix is a piece of shit company that wants to sell on hype alone.
Trailers and betas aren't testing grounds anymore.
All companies release them with all the assets that will be on the final product.
If it is shit on the trailer, it will be shit on the final product.
And then, you have games with faggots, feminism, and other garbage.
Keep games for Men only.
appealing to irrational animals such as women only degrades the overall quality (already low) of the industry.
Shinji Hosoe is a man. You're thinking of Ayako Saso.
Its one model thats already shown and changed you dipshit.
Nothing but Genesis is canon.
What does the new model look like?
This is the future you chose.
Don't forget Kumi Tanioka, who did the music for Crystal Chronicles.
Do you think Sephiroth will be in Smash 5 on release? Will they have the good sense to use the original design and remove the fasteners from his coat that have been added since AC?
Half of Smash 5s cast will be Undertale and the other half will be Kirby and Kid Icarus.
You forgot Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem is the Undertale of SRPGs.
He may not have been a SOLDIER 1st class but he was in the army. He shouldn't look as if he couldn't pick up his sword
Cloud is supposed to be 5'7" and about 120lbs. That Buster Sword in reality should only weigh about 15+lbs. Not to mention that he's infused with Mako and Genetically Modified. Swords aren't as heavy as they look in real life my dude.
So you're saying Nintendo screwed up?
The only way a scrawny fuccboi manlet is wielding that thing is with animelogic.
The entire planet of FF7 is roughly the size of Rhode Island so the gravity is very light.
This board is nigger free.
Nigger, if that shit was made of mostly aluminum it weighs over 75 pounds you dingus, which it definitely isn't.
This is perhaps one of, if not, the best No-Prize answers for this. Lower gravity also might explain how Wedge fell from such a high height without splattering and was able to communicate still. Hell, I'd can't think of them with detail off the top of my head, but I know there are probably others situations where low gravity would explain shit in the game.
Fuck off reddit.
Sam Hyde says that, not Reddit.
Nigger put his shit behind a paywall so fuck him.
I can't tell when people are being ironic anymore
are you for real
What happened to this place?
The Sword replica they made is about 5/5ths while Cloud's (Zack's) Sword is a 3/5th in height. The thickness should be around 3/8ths or less…not a fucking 1". I like that video though.
Excellent answer
What's the matter my dudes? FF7 is pretty casual and so are buzzwords. Just relax a little. Some people get sauced up and post here with a big of a sarcastic attitude.
aw boo hoo someone used a word i dont like call the waaaambulance
Normalfags like you belong in the trash. Just because you're sloppy fucks who can't stop saying gay shit you read on twitter or heard from your shitty friends doesn't mean those things are okay to fucking say. Don't pollute the well.
What's next, you're going to say it's okay to use woke instead of redpilled?
You can fuck off right back to whatever normalfag shithole you came from.
The problem is…my dudes…is that despite throwing a casual meme phrase out at the end of my sentence; you're upset for nothing. Also, "woke" and "redpilled" are just as faggy as "my dudes."
Honestly user, how normalfag do you think I am? You don't seem to understand a bit of flippant sarcasm within text, but I get that it doesn't translate well over the internet. The only type of social media I frequent are BBS-type websites.
Old and stale may may, famalam. All the kool kats are taking the jenkem pill.
I'm sure you'll recover and go on to be our Holla Forumsehicle of wonderous shitposting for years to come.
>>>Holla Forums
Nice fake filename fellow legit oldfag.
They probably just fucked off back to other towns once the Mako reactors got shut down and the power grid/Sanitation started failing. It’s still a bit of a stretch to assume that everyone would have left, but modern Detroit is a good example of what happens when jobs leave a bustling city and people fuck off in search of them.
what the fuck is wrong with you, man?
I can do it. It's too much effort, only worth it as a party trick.
But user, the Japanese aren't marrying or starting families.
If you'd said brownpill at least you could have given a shoutout to Sir Reginald.
Here is the Cloud problem.
Cloud is an anime character.
Practically every JRPG protagonist was back then.
They were emblematic of the anime industry at the time.
Cloud looked like a dweeb in his purple cloths and belt up past his belly button.
Goku levels of hair.
Then Square I'd say somewhere after FFIX felt like moving away from the A-typical JRPG aesthetic.
Problem is how incredibly uncanny it looks to try and make the animes real.
Modern emo Cloud was heavily influenced by The Matrix films and in turn retroactively defined the character as the bishi loving mojo bait he is today.
What? you better give source motherfucker
It's not true. FFX had a couple of references to VII, but it's not the same universe.
X-2 has a kid named Shinra whose descendents travel to the planet of FFVII and form the Shinra corporation.
i bet you dont use fire because it burns buildings down, eh?
X-2 is not canon. The novel X-3 is however, because it's fucking hilarious. Yuna accidently tulpas a fake Tidus who gets exploded kicking a bomb that looks like a blitzball, but gets better. Also Sin comes back.
Reminder that 18 year olds today were too young for FFVII and haven't been alive for a Final Fantasy game that lived up to the franchise's hype.
Why do I make you feel old? Because the idea that Squaresoft is a great vidya company is a meme from your childhood that is best left forgotten.
Squaresoft hasn't existed since 2003, it's been Square Enix for 15 years.
It was written in after the fact in one of those Ultimania Omega guides written by people who didn't even work on the original games. Literally paid fanfiction.
There are also a few sequel novels that are, as stated before, godawful in the best way, which end with "please make FFX-3."
That will only work for the first episode though.
134 replies and NO TIFA???
C'mon Holla Forums.
If that.
The only thing you got right is that there's a kid named Shinra. All the other stuff is just fan speculation.
I really want to kill myself.
It's in the ultimania, but that's just where Square dumps all the retarded shit that doesn't make sense, like all of 8's backstory (world backstory, not cast).
Imagine being a man who played old pac-man, pinball, space invaders in arcades for his entire childhood. And then seeing people who no longer care about their score, or compete with closest friends, while games evolve and fall before your eyes. That gaming is no longer "white boys hangout", when you have niggers and trannies hanging out, and "white boys" sitting their lifetime on the computer.
Can you blame them "newbies" that they don't know the glory of the arcade? That they never had Atari console? That their first console is playstation 3 and first game uncharted 2 and last of us, when you were disgusted by ps2 shills back in the day when dreamcast died? And by genesis shills back in the day when snes had more and better rpgs? And by NES shills when you knew your Atari was clearly superior?
Games die with people who play them. And someone who made your favorite 30 years old game is probably in a grave or on pension because he was already 30 years old back then.
No, I mean because I'm getting old and this is still my main form of entertainment. I don't care about white boys, you faggot pedo.
Yeah, you can fuck off too for misunderstanding what i am saying, faggot.
FF girls are pretty low tier. Lots of games have titty monsters and childhood friends with some depth too. It's just that Tifa was many's first childhood friend cutie.
Never understood why shit like this depresses people. Do you expect to not get older?
No, I just feel like I'll never be as happy as I once was. To be fair, I've been depressed and unhappy for a long time, so a reminder that I was once happy kind of hurts.
Try getting physically healthy before you write yourself off. Depression is actually an adaptive response.
I'm healthy. I still force myself to lift and run 6 days a week. I'm just tired. I feel tired at work, and I feel tired from playing games.
I'm just assuming that women in japan didn't like Bridget, because US women didn't or didn't know about bridget. Why didn't women like Bridget? was he too male to female transgender? does he need to be a status symbol, or does the feminized male need to be somehow masculine despite looking like a woman in order be attractive to women?
Wasn't Bridget's whole deal that he was trying to become manlier?
Yep. So he took up bounty hunting with Millia on his list. But his list is 10 years out of date so he didn't know that Millia was working with the authorities
I would like to shove my breasts between her dicks if you know what I mean
I hope you get better someday.
Women like effeminate men who happen to be beautiful. Not a woman that happens to be a man like Bridget. Traps are made for men, not women. Saying that, reverse traps (girls that look like boys) are also made for guys.
It was never that funny to begin with. It was more about timing.
What is also interesting is the penis is also a sexual cue for straight men, this explains the traps appealing to men despite being gay.
It's an erotic illusion, which explains the trap sex appeal and the popularity of effeminate masculine men (despite women not being into gay sex, and men not being into regular gay men).
Here is a summury of the main video with
thats just the average Asian male body.
Jokes aside though, I don't know why people don't get this. If futa was gay for straight men, then that means a guy with a vagina is fine? Of course it's not. Then when asked if homosexuals watch futa, they don't know when it's obvious they're not watching futa and are instead watching gay, male on male, porn.
A super soldier shouldn't have the average asian male body. Hell, he should at least be a little toned.
The Japs have old women voice their super heroes so its not surprising he'd look like that.
This guy probably has some obscure degree and does shit like this to desperately make himself feel like he didn't waste several years of college.
Speak for yourself nigga
I always wonder what is that little monkey saying
I really hate Nomura's art. I know he designed stuff for the older games too, but I just can't stand how he designs his characters (zippers and belts on top of zipper belts, and characters have either faggy spikey hair, faggy long hair with odd extentions, or faggy pixie hair).
Arcades became shit holes over time, and owners never bothered to take care of their machines, gramps. Ass-holes and cunts infested arcades too (especially with trash games Third Strike, CvS, and MvC2). I don't miss that shit tbh. Hey gumpa, some Farmer's Markets have arcades, you faggot.
I used to remember some decent Tifa porn back in the day. She was the only decent one because besides being hot she was kind of likable as a character. The pre-7 girls were meh, and every girl after 7 was more or less an unlikable cunt like Lightning, Vanille, Garnet, or Rinoa (Lulu might be an exception, but that's stretching it).
Same boat as you (I've been depressed for years). Even if I have time for video games, it's just sad how the newer shit out there is terrible. I try to avoid nostalgia as much as possible.
Nope. I can't deal with literal boy pussy. That's one layer of /d/ I don't tread.
Speaking of FF girls, this is one of the few JRPG series that doesn't force a loli in every other game. Though, to be fair, Dragon Quest barely has any either.
Something about Capcom fighters always invite assholes. Anime fighters usually have much nicer people. That could be because they were even more niche though.
Fire is not like entertainment products, retard.
Entertainment is handled by useless cucks that want to sell on hype and presentation.
It won't change. It will be shit.
That's because the different themes effect the orientations differently. Gay men and straight men don't have the same sexual cues.
Squeenix is trying to push Shantoto and some elf bitch from FFXI, but no one gives two shits about them or the shitty Dissidia games they're in (including the few FFXI players).
Anime fighters had annoying creeps in my area. Tekken players were mostly chill, but Soul Calibur players were annoying cunts. Third Strike, MvC2, and CvS2 are infamous for having shitty communities full of scumbags (e.g. Marn, Wong, Santhrax in his hayday) and elitist, autistic cunts.
They made the sword bigger then it should be. WTF is this shit?
Just ignore how meteor fucking wrecked the entire city
FFXI vet here, can agree. Everyone fucking hated Prishe and Shantotto was a meme character that no one even knew of until after Disidia when they started shoving here everyone. If they absolutely had to pick anyone from XI it should've been Maat or maybe Robel-Akbel.
They're doing the same in 14 with boring ass Yshto. Should have been Godbert.
The only characters I remember from that game was the retarded chick with no pants, the knockoff Mithra who bitched at you constantly and the elf guy with no shadow who popped up and acted mysteriously evil all the time but never actually did anything.
It wouldn't be so bad if we'd actually gotten a future. Instead we live in this cucked up society where feminism ruined relationships forever, living is unaffordable and in general everything is shit.
Just remember that everything after 1910 was a mistake.
It didn't, it got hit by seven-ish super tornadoes that severely damaged it. The buildings are still standing, and the people survived just by hiding in the slums. Huge portions of the infrastructure are likely still intact.
Everybody went to Kalm, which had a refugee crisis because of it. Rufus put everyone to work building Edge because he's rich. I wonder how the value of Gil was affected with Shinra gone.
Yes, it did. We're not talking about Advent Children, we're talking about FF7.
The Shinra building is still standing during the ending FMV so no, Midgar wasn't destroyed.
Entire plates got ripped off and dropped back down on the city. The best it could be used for would be salvage material.
So destroyed, in fact, that the city is still recognizable 500 years after the fact.
Is no one going to mention this nigga's ID?????????
That joke stopped being funny in 2013.
Every society and time period has their share of problems. For this one, most of the problems were set in stone before we were even born or had the chance and information to even notice them. I would say this, living in Burgerland isn't so bad for me. Then again, I live like an introvert. Meanwhile the normalfags that lived normally now have to walk among the personification of Tumblr and get divorced raped for following the marriage meme without thinking "Why should I get married? What benefits do I get that isn't mutual?". If men asked that for one second, they would realize they get nothing personally.
At least you get to be in a time period where you actually have to think in order to fix something in society. People may see what's happening and why but getting everyone on the same page of how to stop it and change things for the better isn't so easy.
Pretending to be retarded/new isn't funny.
Except to have fucking posterity.
It isn't even like Midgar was some important location other than being mako rich. Nobody who survived its destruction would want to stick around and live in a garbage heap with no jobs, no food, millions of rotting corpses, industrial waste, monsters, and unattended shinra security robots. Not to mention the nightmarish memory of all who survived of a gigantic red ball of death tearing up the largest city in their world like it was tissue paper. Who would even want to live near it?
Namco Bandai you mean
We've been saying fuccboi for years, faggot
Good porn ideas come from the sexually repressed. It explains hentai.
I guess Carthage wasn't destroyed either.
Or Palmyra, or Petra or any of the abandoned cities of India.
You can have that by just having children. Unless you're royalty, family names don't carry nearly as much weight as they did centuries ago.
Wouldn't they need permission from Square in how they represent Cloud? Or at least what version to use?
Did anyone besides Black Mages, Rangers, and Ninjas like Chains of Promathia (Prishe's game debut)? That expansion was all kinds of ass.
Because Square hasn't existed for 15 years?
This guy gets it. Women test your manhood to make sure you're a strong, viable mate choice to pass on desirable genes. If you're too pussy to even protect yourself from her, how can you protect her (and your subsequent offspring) from the world.
I'll bet you even touch a guy's dick everyday too, don't you you faggot?
Why is he a manlet
Because he's japanese.
These "reviewers" aren't worth the air they breathe.
Why does Gakt always look like he’s a bottle of hair dye and a tube of lipstick away from becoming pic related?
What if Square remakes FF8?
Because it's not the same Square anymore. Yo autist, you do realize that a company isn't always made up of the same people with the game goals and the same vision right? Why you fucking idiots keep expecting companies that are totally different to respect what the original workers of the company made is honestly beyond me. Wake the fuck up. Stop buying their trash. Stop letting them hold your memories for ransom.
will not buy, pirate or acknowledge the existence of
To japanese men he does look like that.
You can still hear his thoughts.
you know that's (((localisation team))) fault right?
Please enlighten me. I've heard this as a guess but never seen it proved.
This is true. Squaresoft made relatively appealing protagonists. Square-Enix makes shitty gay boys for japanese home audiences.
i dont really have images but a quick google search and you could find yourself
here some examples in image 1 he say nothing special and image 2 he says …sorry instead the infamous …whatever
It's not a completely terrible translation though, since it does basically portray the line accurately enough. It's certainly no pickles.
at least the "…Betsuni" can mean whatever in the first pic, though the second line would be more him taking the blame for earlier, like "…My fault, I guess."
but it does change the character to a less apathetic
In japanese if you don't fucking throw yourself to the floor apologizing profusely every few minutes it's considered rude and rebellious, so the translation gets the spirit of it right.
That's what the ladies want man. Bishi fuckbois.
Because he's not a super soldier, he's just a farmboy who liked a girl enough to try to compete with one.
He's Scandinavian.
Isn't that more literally like "It was my bad" than "Sorry?"
Yes. "My bad" would be the more correct translation, but 'sorry' works just as well. 'My bad' and 'sorry' are functionally equivalent, though the former is less sincere and manly, and thus more fitting for Squall's reticent ass.