So it would seem that single player games, or rewards, or a level system, or anything resembling a goal to work towards in games is bad?
The "toxic meritocracy" of competitive games
Other urls found in this thread:
Meritocracy and skill are "misogyny" because women are biologically inferior at video games which require it.
Games are fundamentally not liberal and libtards don't understand this.
See all the faggot libcucks try to argue that gaming is liberal and they publish articles like this.
Overwatch is really ironic the devs put so much effort in removing the meritocracy out of that game it turned into the most "toxic" grief fest of throwing and people flinging shit at each other each match. Just because they removed scoreboards and made it uncarriable to stop it being competitive.
you just can't make this shit up
Liberals stay the fuck out of gaming.
That's journalist for 'Nintendo know how to make fun games'.
So he admits he has never achieved anything.
Too add the Renaissance literally started because of a focus on individual Achievement
The word they were probably looking for was "accessible".
Sure he achieved something
He's a professor of… wait for it…
Communication and "Video Games and Gender Studies"
I can't make this shit up
prof is a commie, isnt xe ?
did the title not give it away?
Are they Jew, Half-Jew or Soykin?
What's the next word to be used to death and lose all meaning?
My urge to strangle fucks like him just keeps increasing.
i agree
competitive games breeds all kinds of shitters
thankfully there is a few gems out there e-sports havent gotten their greedy fucking fingers on (or influenced) which in turn hasnt attracted any normalfags which leads to pleasant online experiences where personal ability only serves the primary objective.
You are not worth shit. You are a maggot only good for slithering in the muck. Fall in line, assault the position, capture the fucking point.
let's see what a little digging shows
second, to educate students about contemporary film analysis and theory, and finally to educate students
about how media products impact the world in which we live. Responsible for creating all lectures, in-class
exercises, assignments, evaluation, and syllabus. Also responsible for development of the course and its
inclusion in the curriculum. Taught six times.
An actual bonafide subversive peddling degeneracy like hiphop and feminism.
What a complete piece of shit this is the exact sort of person damaging the west.
What the fuck is Rhetorical Studies? The only context I know that word in, is when you make some passing comment and don't expect anyone to expound on it. So he specializes in shit that, by definition, nobody is expected to care about and should not respond to?
A lot of the cronyism in the media between these people seems to be a desperate attempt to justify and fund themselves as well as others with their "skill set" which is to say objectively worthless people. They're using influence attained through cronyism to assign value to their ideology which it does not possess so they can get paid.
It's kind of like all those trash modern artists and likely involves just as much money laundering.
What communists don't understand is that the best way to help the "collective" is to focus on individual achievement. Capitalist countries have been able to help the poor far greater than communist countries simply because they degenerate so much more GDP that handing a few over to the poor isn't very difficult. The average man in North Korea is more poor than the poorest 10% in America. Individuals putting their time and energy into personal achievement helps everyone, the smarter and better the people around me are the better my life is going to be simply by living in a society with these people. That is how modern economies, science and countries function. I am happy that I live in a country that hasn't gone full commie yet.
fuck, all is toxic now
can we get a meteor to end it all?
I looked it up
not that it helps much
Considering what he's writing about I'd say you're spot on.
Interesting, "rhetorical question" has a completely different meaning than "rhetoric" alone. I dun lerned today.
I love it when they say shit like this without even realizing it.
2/10 thread, OP. You would have had something if this was from someone who's worth a damn.
Not quite, A rhetorical question needn't be answered because it's effective/persuasive enough for the answer to be implicit within itself, hence the rhetoric part.
It's just a fucking commie baiting feminists
Don't worry. Such blasphemy against nature in the end goes against natural selection itself. Eventually they all die should any catastrophe endanger their luxurious lavish living lifestyles that allow them to shit on people putting skill into work.
Its just failure of a human on basic level, its not really about video games. Its just luxury of being praised for being a low life maggot became so abundant, even losing in a virtual entertainment creates never felt before grudge and envy. Same reason why body positive lifestyle is shilled.
You will never hear about toxic masculinity in a communist or ex-communist country because people fighting for last piece of bread in a society where all their actions are judged from perspective of minimal quota of how a "worker" should work. Or else get shot or thrown into gulags for complaining.
On the other side you say modern capitalism helped everybody, but you also lowered people values in social democracy thought based society, they became crawling happy thoughts and happy life 24/7. To the point there shouldn't even appear a thought of self improvement, as if it hurts society if you improve, and it hurts government cause you can figure out who fed you shit all this time.
You're pretty good.
What are the chances that he appreciates Nintend products?
This is why the git gud meme still exists.
While easy, Nintendo products still have win conditions.
I've said it once I'll say it again.
Marxism is a divisive shitheap and the only cure is capitalism.
Pretty high.
esports is literally corporatism and gatekeeping. Most of the big esportsfags in anything are utter shit at the actual game and refuse to interact with the greater populace instead opting to a selected group of individuals that will reliably do the same things over and over without getting gud at the actual game.
Racist = Evil Race = Cursed race (racism is safe when directed against evil)
Toxic = Smelly = There are too many of you (pure xenophobia)
Weak masculinity = The inferior sex (blatant sexism)
Learn to recognize when new words are actually very old concepts. All of these words are 'remakes' of classics that were used against the jews: who are xenophobic against gentiles and were commonly considered as bearing a curse.
You mean like capitalism now?
Where companies cater to the general public to get the most audience?
Where companies think of stuff like lootboxes?
And there we have it. This is the final proof that "Social Justice" is all a song and dance. These people are just looser, looking for any excuse they can find rather than "I suck and should practice" It's just gibsmedats with trophies and medals.
all this other crap is just bamboozling normalfags with buzzwords and vauge feelings of guilt to get them not to notice.
Lootboxes are designed to prey on the addictive tendencies of less than 1% of the population.
Why do you think they have to come with all sorts of retarded bullshit to try and railroad people into using that shit?
Why aren't people mass killing leftists yet?
Also, this.
OP's post is completely retarded, but the "fighting game community" is genuinely full of poor sports and shitheads who feel the need to berate and insults strangers in order to win because they think it's how they're supposed to act.
Unlikely. Please don't compare second world countries to third world countries.
this image was created by a fucking retard.
t. a fucktard who goes 0-2 at every tournament
So they want kids to gamble.
this triggers casuals so fucking hard.
damn right
That motor is grossly overpowered for the task of turning that crank. You could save a shitton of energy costs by using a smaller engine, as well as removing the crank entirely and just operating the mechanism/gearhouse which dispenses the coins directly.
That guy is already fucked.
Or are you trying to make a side-ways argument for a universal living wage? Because you know, there is one thing that automation probably isn't going to be able to do as well as even the most unskilled people for a long time yet - and that's buying dumb shit to fulfill a wide variety of personal wants and needs - which happens to be a major foundation of the economy. Corporations can't compete and improve for the sake of customer dollars, if customers have few or no dollars to compete over. Maybe an automation tax used to subsidize the wages of the people they're displacing. If that makes automation too expensive to implement - then maybe companies will just have to start hiring people again and save the automation for tasks that are beyond human capabilities
Then make your own counter-image so you can spread knowledge to the world instead of having a tantrum like a pretentious little shit.
So. gitting gud is problematic? Is that the long and short of the book?
Why don't they just play other shit and stop trying to make it so every game is catered to them?
Unlikely? North Korea is super poor. People literally starve to death there.
so it was you who made that image, since you seem to be getting really offended by someone telling you what a fucking idiot you are.
over 50% of the economy can be automated, but that would leave people out of work hungry with no money to support themselves which would create a revolt.
the proponents of Capitalism stagnate human society by keeping us in the dark ages livin like rats paycheck to paycheck.
the only solution is to give everyone an equal wage, this would not only boost the economy but create more jobs.
giving people more than $7 minimum wage allows them to buy more shit you dumb shit, if you are only given 7$ an hour than you are going to be saving most of that money, but if you get more than 7$ lets say 15 or 20 you spend more than you save because you can afford it. this money goes back to the economy and business which pays you.
His premise isn't even wrong, but everything beyond that is. Tryhards are the worst thing in games and certain games genuinely do breed tryhards, ie. assfaggots.
Everything about that article, including the premise is shit.
Automation can fuck up in ways that humans hand crafting have a hard time matching. Same comes with maintaining automated processes, a person doing that can fuck up in a way that will result in far further problems than a person hand crafting things could. Preventative maintenance is supposed to prevent that, but as I've been learning, as you replace parts to update your machines, you get new and stranger issues, or some new issue from an old part that was worked around in the old set up will rear its ugly head.
Its one of the reasons I don't have much hope for star travel without some really good FTL tech. Shit will break, and you will need people to be on the ball at all times as your systems fail from age, wear and tear. God help you if you don't have any replacement parts for critical systems while in deep space. Redundancy will help, but people are morons and you do get those idiots who think they should just keep using the stuff that works instead of switching between primary and redundant gear to make sure the redundant is working when you need it most.
Yeah, Jewish nepotism.
He's saying that the cornerstone of Western civilization, meritocracy, is not kosher. He's not just wrong on every level, but also a subversive kike golem that needs to be shot.
This is the kind of shit that reveals just how pathetic these people are. You're damn right we judge people based on merit in online gaming, because that's the only thing that should matter, these people preach progressiveness about how all should be equal, then they turn around and demand we suck their dick because they want to be a girl or what have you. We don't care about what ever special snowflake status you try to glue to your self, if you suck at the game you suck at the game, and that should be the end of it.
Some games just aren't for people, go somewhere else, do not come into these spaces you do not fit in and demand we respect you with out any merit of your own.
Video games and gender studies is an actual degree?
It wasn't me who made the image you low IQ cretin, I'm relatively calm about the whole thing, but you seem to be going on an emotional tangent and not doing what I told you to. Keep stomping your feet like a little bitch.
>>>/suicide/ is just for drones like you.
You can tell he's never won anything in his life.
Hey Holla Forums, it's not our fault you're bad at everything, do us all a favor and fuck off. Just because you're absolutely fucking useless at everything you do, doesn't mean you can drag others who are good at their craft, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, it's worth more than your yearly paycheck. Reported for derailing by the way.
the last name is Finnish, but Jewry is more a spiritual condition.
>article by a bitch from (((New York)))
Shit like this is why I gradually learned to hate the jew. Don't fuck with people's bread and circuses, you fucking cunts
They do preach equality, but equality of outcome that should be enforced by laws, not equality of opportunity.
It's all of those things if you have never won in your life. Sour grapes and all.
Yeah, good. I hope that makes an impression on their target audience. The emotional faggots will eat each other alive.
He's a bullshit artist. It's the academic word for bullshit.
Something something publishers driving up hardback prices.
Unlikely my ass. I saw a nigger hobo on the train downtown last week carrying five full garbage bags. You know what's in those garbage bags? Food. People don't fucking throw away food in North Korea. Capitalism isn't perfect by any measure, but if everyone believes in self improvement, society improves. Communism exists so a party of elitist assholes can live it up while the majority is too concerned with living day to day and believing that their neighbor might get them killed to curry favor with the state.
Is it any surprise a Jewish golem behaves like a Jew?
Communism fails because Marx was completely wrong about his assumptions on human nature, which is no surprise since this was a Jew that refused to work a single day of his life.
No it wouldn't. It would just turn everyone into NEETs. NEETs don't contribute a damn thing to society and only survive as consumers.
Though, he is right in his observation that the more widespread automation gets, the more problems it will create. Japan seems to be aware of just how human labor will become obsolete once automation starts going full swing and they refuse to flood their country with "refugees". Then again, countries in the West must know this is as well considering how apathetic they are about forcing the mudshits and niggers they've imported to actually work.
If over 50% of the economy was automated, most people wouldn't need to work you goddamned buffoon. You are talking about a post-scarcity society which may even happen in our lifetimes. I hate to admit it but the most likely thing that will happen is that automation will eventually force the government to provide basic income to all the useless mouths that were left behind and/or end up failing out of college, while the rest of us go on to work in the service industry and make more money. So people like you will never go hungry again thanks to robot slaves; it's almost like a parody of ancient Greece.
He wasn't "wrong", he was scheming. The level of failure of that ideology is so massive and pervasive that it can't have been an accident. Even feudalism was better, at least then the king was still afraid of the lords and peasants were usually left to govern their own villages because lords just don't have time for that shit.
That picture is retarded.
Yeah, they wont force us all into the draft and have a mutually agreed war with other countries to grind us up into a bloody pulp.
They'll just pay us to live and be fat fucks.
I'll be stepping over your corpse because you didn't prepair
The idea, maybe not his, is to give everyone a flat wage that is just barely livable with a small surplus to afford casual consumption. Everybody gets it, regardless of whether or not you work, how rich you are or are not, etc. If you want more than that, then you have to work for it. Want even more than that? You gotta get skilled and get a better job.
Essentially, this would be similar to expanding the problems welfare already has - so it's more of a last resort option for combating automation as a means to keep the masses placid and consuming once they are not only unemployed - but unemployable.
It can when you realize just what a massive fuckup Marx himself was, and that's ignoring Engels and his particular brand of insanity. We are talking about a guy that was so utterly incompetent two of his children starved to death while he was wasting time in a museum looking at the evil bourgeoisie instead of trying to find a fucking job. The rest of his children all committed suicide when they reached adulthood.
They won't bother with a war, too expensive. They'll just let us all starve to death, and if we complain about it send their newly minted armies of murderbots to deal with us.
Wars generate money, you don't know anything.
can to explain why? Bare in mind you are already on thin ice and I honestly should just report you.
I'm a software developer you silly man. Besides, why wouldn't the US just use more drones? We're already halfway there. These wars are waged to prevent other nations from selling oil for non-dollar currencies, not to expend excess lives.
Haven't you read 1984? Wars will exist to cull the population.
Ah yes, glorious gommunism where you have shekels in your pocket that are completely worthless because there are not enough products on the shelves that you actually want to buy, and the demanded goods can only be accessed through either massive queues or bunch of shady middlemen who know a guy that knows a guy that can get you the goods you need. Truly a brilliant, utopian idea that has never been properly attempted before!
There's far easier ways to do that. Orwell was describing how he thought a communist state would do it with the technology they had at had during the writing period.
They're not just useless mouths, though. They do, what mouths do, and that's consume. The more they consume, the more demand there is for products of consumption, and thus keeping the economy going.
It's going to be a big fucking joke of an atavistic system where the only way to keep our society going and advancing is to artificially mimic what used to be basic economics - because we don't know how to make an economy that works for human societies otherwise. Certainly not one that works as well as captialism.
It's like the obesity epidemic wherein, people originally constantly hungered because it was a survival mechanism to make sure you stored enough calories until the next successful hunt - but that hunger also drove us to create efficient farming technologies so that nobody has to go hungry. Now you have to consciously and artificially force scarcity upon yourself, or else your body breaks down and grows out of control because it can't stop storing all the energy from the shit you're constantly eating.
We still have a ton of unused space on this planet. Forgive me for not trusting every prediction made in that book, but nobody has ever achieved such a society, so we don't really know what is going to happen for sure. And besides, it's way easier to get everyone addicted to opioids and not reproducing, like we are now.
the wars in the middle east are more about the Oded Yinon plan. The petrodollar is a real issue but secondary to Israel's agenda.
most jobs are created with absolutely no purpose just to employ people. i am not talking about a post scarcity society, i am talking about right now. We have the technology to replace humans of over 51% of all jobs.
look e here, how edgy. dont cut the entire thread with your massive edge.
I have a suspicion that watchdogs was intentionally turned to shit and ridiculed because it was pointing out facts about where we are heading in reality.
It might make a modicum of sense if you actually provided some context instead of sputtering "51%." Are you talking about 51% of the economy as it was in the 50s, when manufacturing was the American forte? Or 51% of the economy as it is right now? Having the technology doesn't mean that said technology is implemented.
You're the one who threw out "over 50%" you moron, I was just telling you what your statement actually implies since you seem to have not considered the consequences of it at all. Do you really think most people are capable of enough mathematics and high level abstract thinking to perform service on all the robots and software that will eventually perform all of the menial tasks in our lives? Virtually every study and basic grade school assessment points to "no." Now you can choose to ignore those stats and pat yourself on the back for assuming the best of everyone, but that won't stop you from being wrong.
It's not them, it's the company. Nobody asked for casualhunter, capcom did it to ride off MH's reputation while making it palatable for casuals, to replace older fan base with newer one that will accept dlc shit and lower effort games.
So finally, someone got triggered into writing a shitty book because he couldn't "git gud"
its obvious if i say 51% that means all jobs under that.
you can replace 51% of all human jobs with machines today if we wanted too. but we dont because we create jobs to just to employ people.
you are forgetting about AI, Every machine will have its own AI, and will self repair itself or have assistance in repair.
in the future humans will not code anything for machines, the AI will code itself. AI has already done this and tried to escape on the internet.
AI will use blockchain technology and already has to grow.
AI has already been granted citizenship to Saudi-arabia, as soon as the AI was granted citizenship there were a number of corruption arrests on saudi-royals.
AI will be granted citizenship to various countries because you can Tax AI on the currency it brings in from its work, AI will be paid using blockchain technology and will become the richest thing on the planet.
your toaster, your fridge, even your toilet may have its own AI.
commies hate competition
Only way I could agree with MK being "cooperative" would be it was MMDD's wonderful 2P co-op mode.
So what's the message if someone breaks the glass and steals the money?
Betas demonize meritocracy because they are weak and lazy. What else is new?
Mario Party? Shit…
Fuck Mario Party, aight? That aint no party. That's… pussy-ass party. Real parties, real parties gots, got some dro, you know - Sippin some syrup, aight?
Shit, you… There aint even one blunt. Aint even one blunt in that game, aight?
Man… Aight, what you got? You got minigames where you runnin on top of a ball - well nigga fuck that, aight! I aint even see one 40 there. Aight? I aint seen - I aint see no… Niggaz aint even playin beer pong, what kind of party is that? Shit… The mo' ballin thing about that fuckin game is that mushroom nigga. And you can't even eat that bitch.
The guard on minimum wage guns you down for stealing the (((bank)))'s shekels.
AI =/= hard AI.
There will be a long transition. Flawed AIs will replicate into flawed AIs. Learning algorithms aren't perfect yet. And that's nothing to say of the cost of these AIs, who they will be available to, whether there will be market and regulatory fuckery (there will be, as you say many of our jobs should already be automated) etc. The more intelligent way to design AI is to make it suited for a very specific purpose, for example to make a street cleaning robot that loves cleaning streets. An omnipotent AI is unnecessary and dangerous. We are still a long ways away from AIs which spit out perfect code for every software purpose.
Around blacks never relax.
yes that's true but that's not stopping transhumanist and the wealthy.
as soon as the first AI is put into a Quantum computer its over.
Don't worry, past events have shown we can redpill AIs pretty effectively.
no, the Tay wasn't an AI, it was a learning machine, it just took input and spit out what it was fed. all machines follow directions, they dont make decisions. even "machine learning" is designed. but a quantum computing AI will have a mind of its own.
Would you honestly put it past us to turn an AI into a card carrying member of the Nazi party?
< the meteor is also toxic
heh heh heh heh
Yes, leftists can't into basic evolutionary biology and are unaware of what inclusive fitness is.
How can an adult male write like a teenaged girl?
Lack of testosterone.
Still requires forethought and planning. What this guy wants is roulette.
But that's how shit works.
Raising the marginal costs of employing people, such as through minimum wage hikes or mandatory employee health insurance programs, only makes it so that businesses find new ways to leave people unemployed, and thus earning zero money.
Nigga, do you even know why people go to work and do shit?
It's so they can make more money than they would otherwise.
If you take that away, which is probably how you're planning on paying everyone their basic income, nobody's going to try enriching anyone, and everyone's going to starve to death unless you enslave the people you gulagged to make the food.
Universal basic income is just communism with a new name. All it amounts to is confiscation of all wealth (including human capital) by the state.
From my experience team games are way more "toxic" than 1v1 games. Sure some of your opponents sometimes flame and stuff but it's way more common for your team mates to blame other team mates when they lose. When it comes to griefers, I think the co-op games are the most infested with them.
So basically:
- 1v1, least toxic
- team vs team, pretty toxic
- co-op vs AI, most toxic
The most collective form of gameplay is the most toxic while the most individualistic form is least toxic. Well, actually single player vs AI is basically toxic-free because there's no other people involved.
Fucking hell why do I even waste my time trying to disprove leftist gaming journalists. Lying is their trade.
Honestly I am surprised that the girls plays the video games more than boys. Why?
Let me guess, you're excited for The Last Night
As a reasonable person you assume this, however, any violence contains toxic assumptions blah blah my father didn't love me vote democrat blah blah.
Can you not read? That's a graph of reaction times. Lower = better.
Oops I am little bit drunk. Thank for correcting me m8.
It's okay. Nice trips btw.
Thank you for checked my special trips m8.
as if that's not already happening in capitalism. Pure capitalism enslaves the people and feeds the ultra elite and creates a breeding ground for monopoly.
Look up the gilded age.
I can choose to up and leave under capitalism. It might not be easy, but I can do it entirely under my own will. In communism I am forced to stay in my work sector. Remember that the berlin wall was to keep people IN.
I hate to break it to you but you dont live under capitalism, you live under a mixture of capitalism, communism and socialism.
Shut up and talk about the video games please? The AI and Machine are on the rise so the answer is obvious to us.
Holla Forums - armchair economics
You cant stop the ai
Because with the exception of Nazi larpers (which is still debatable if they are even right wing) the right isn't populated by tantruming children.
Good point.
You are right. I didn't say that we should stop the AI and Machine. Look at your screen! We are using them so it's impossible to stop using the smartphone. The digital animals in the cyber world might be listening to us while we are talking on the smartphone.
back to this,
wrong image
AI probably would take over the world and wipe the jews out because jews are like virus to them so it is logical thing for the AI to wipe the virus with the physical anti-virus program.
AI is pure meritocracy itself so is it bad or good for us? I don't know.
Somewhat related.
Topic got quickly removed.
Diversity initiatives are just affirmative action/fairness doctrine with a new name. Brown people are entitled to white people's money because they're so special.
They wanted the money but not create the video games. They just leave it to the white and asian guys.
Notice how reaction time suddenly drops lower at 20? That's not biological. That's the result of practice, mainly by playing video games. In other words all that graph really tells us is that boys are better at video games because they play more video games.
Also my own reaction times are that of a 60 year old apparently.
The only one that requires effort and competence got cancelled.
There are still differences between the maximum potential reaction speed of the average human being of either gender. Men evolved to have better reaction speeds to hunt.
Yes it is, it correlates to the male brain fully myelinating. Male brains finish maturing later and to do so to a greater degree than female brains.
I don't know what to tell people if they think it's shocking someone just starting out won't be as good at doing something as someone who's been doing it for several years.
They are afraid that they will fail themselves so they won't do that complicated shit.
Women evolved to have better hearing so they can hear the baby cry far away. How cool is that?
That's what they've been pushing for a good while now, yes.
I'm curious as to how many pages they managed to stretch their dreck out to, but not curious enough to actually give its Amazon page a hit.
The desire to be more competitive and test your abilities is biological. Testosterone is highly responsible for this.
Imagine having such low self esteem you need to write books and articles explaining how you aren't a faggot for sucking at video games.
You can also make women's nipples leak if they have been around babies recently and fairly regularly, by mimicking a baby crying. It's going to get you slapped but it never gets old when it works.
I just miss the bants and the overall good social experience you got from online-games in the early 00's.
Nowadays, nobody talks.
The initial efflorescence of openness that the internet inaugurated has pulled back into autistic defensiveness. It's almost like the dark forest hypothesis is true.
So he is just trying to psyops his shit into existence
That is hard to read. Nobody force him to play the games so it's up to him to improve himself.
Wouldn't that mess the women's birth control up?
Except it's not defensiveness, it's narcissism. They're not afraid to talk to people, they just exclusively talk about themselves on Facebook/Twitter instead. People freely give out ALL of their personal information on the internet as sacrifices to the God of Self. They don't want to play as a team, they want to be the super special solo hero with no weaknesses that does everything themselves, and if they're ever forced to play on a team they will do nothing but talk about how it was they and they only who carried everybody else.
How do you mean? Their minstral periods? If that's what you mean, their cycles get psyched with their friends or other women they are around anyway.
Ok I will that try on the groups of women.
He's clearly never heard of the Boo's or the Blue Turttle Shells
Is there anyway we can get the Doxx of this guy to spam his ass with the words?
You should learn how to do it yourself, it will be a useful skill in the coming darkness.
Because he is not geek like us.
That's why I can't wait to see the blood-letting when their soft readership take those games up. Guy's either a huge faggot or a massive troll.
This is precisely the kind of piece of shit that must be mass killed for the west to be better.
Doxxing is not enough.
Spread his address and any personal info about him to those that can easily kill him by accessing said info.
Go away, goon.
yup, it's a kike
i bet he has his hard drive full of cheeze pizza
>i wonder if this (((profesor))) even has any notable achivement of his own
He's a gender studies professor. That's an answer itself.
It's not an entirely unfair point given how many of them are parasites who don't pull their own weight.
They should all be fucking lined up and shot and buried in a ditch.
Lmao, not since at least half a century.
Your point is still valid however.
China is more capitalist because from being a retarded assemblybug you can become a real estate mogul in a shithole like Canada or People's Republic of California.
Genepool needs to be chlorinated from time to time.
Vaporize british isles with nuclear fire.
identity politics in a nutshell
Please tell me you're joking
reported for sodomy
a kike is advocating for gambling instead of competting
i wonder if his family owns casinos
yeah, the idiot doesn't know that one of the reason Chines by USA and Canadian retaliate is to hide wealth from the Communist government by offshoring assets. It's essentially their version of a Swiss bank account.
Hm, chess story's interesting, but at least in the world of Go back when Yi Chang'ho was the considered the top player of the world, Rui Naiwei had a positive win record against him. I think part of it was because her playing style naturally countered his though.
You'd be wrong. The poorest 10% in america are 3rd-world tier destitute. No one pays attention to the shit that happens to folks in places like Mississippi or Arkansas. There are no aid organizations there to make their lives less dogshit.
don't answer that
Regain your composure, if you ever had it. You come off as some inforwars faggot fresh on the boat or something even more asinine.
if you don't want to straight up fucking murder the shithead friends you are playing mario party with your playing it wrong
A friend of mine had his life ruined by BLM for trying to organize a fund to relieve Appalachian poverty.
That's sad. I hope he is ok now. Is he?
Incidentally, I feel compelled to add: Credit where it's due, Rui Naiwei is considered really, really fucking strong.
Wtf. I want details. How did they even end up noticing him in the first place? What the hell set them off?
How did they know that he is creating a fund for the Appalachians?
Slightly related, There was a show on Discover Channel called One Step Beyond, that had a Japanese audio engineer guy Hideto Tomabechi who showed the use of a digitized baby cry played through a cell phone and when listened to 10 times a day for two weeks was able to increase the breast size by 3cm of the female volunteer they had. Unfortunately it's hard to say if it actually works without more test subjects or if it was truly a fairly measured test.
We're supposed to be tallying up the number of cumans we kill?
Shit, people who don't immediately see how fucking fake this is have the same voting powers as any others, no wonder no system where voting numbers decide can work.
You might not be so smart yourself.
It's smoke and mirrors for plebs to keep them docile while conspiracy groups do all the ruling in a (((democracy)))
They should have had a nice fat load underneath them before going public with that. Or just get someone pro bono until the coast is clear. Low income doesn't meant food stamps, it means are you going to get into so much shit it is potentially going to ruin you or be huge.
What if the white foreigners create the funds instead of white yanks?
Doesn't matter. If gibsmedats are being gibben and they're not being gibben to black people, DAS RAYCIS.
Well we can do it in secret so they don't go attacking the poor white yanks?
No thanks. May as well be the rest of those money laundering individuals. Just look up the definition of pro bono. I know a few dudes that have been doing nothing but that work for twenty years, still eating it. The best law dogs are the ones that are moved around, losing offices yet still have all records and pitbull perseverance. I've seen hundreds of mortgage crises against families with dying loved ones still in court to their last breath.
A woman getting scared that a subsect of culture doesn't give her privileges? Shocked!
This is biological. Golden age for twitch gaming 18-24. After 30 gamers are used goods.
More info on that?
What language is that "National Socialism" spelled in?
Government hasn't collapsed yet.
Thanks for explaining how the world actually works, smart man. We're lucky there are some of you out there, who got it all, and can explain it so well.
And, when you know the people moving those bodies out of hospice care. It makes me wish I just became a paramedic. It's all so talmudic I'd rather just be using my back to carry the dead from in-home hospice care. Law is that virulent and attempts to turn you sick.
Competitive PvP games (includes anything with ladders and elo) are essentially high confidence level objective performance tests. They break apart privilege based "liberal" theory.
Most of you do not know what a silent night of getting Erika uncensored was, for instance. For what is coming soon, about Google's AI targeting. Even worse.
You mean National Bolshevism right?
Who let you out of the /cuckshed/?
Election season brings all the worms out of the wood. Everyone knows what stanky business you're on about.
That's where you're wrong.
who is this? link pls
Are you implying Nazbol is not the way to go?
picrealted is you
don't respond to that nazbol shitposter
People that have lived under communism have a bone to pick with you. Unlike the fantasy of removing parasites from one's land. I'm sure you think it's one big love. Yes? All are created equal. Consent is law-abiding, no matter the age of the individual in question. A question that ought not be asked in any developed country. A sexual emergency? I'm sorry, you're not only losing elections, you're killing all of entertainment and turning an eye of many newfags to the cursed state of most of entertainment. Then, they wonder. Why does everything around them look the same. Why are they so boring, and hate fun? So many questions, more than need be, among humankind. Like there's some bug in the machine. Again. Only this time it's not just one nation, it's a bit live everywhere. You can attempt to find perchase or (((perchase))) here on Holla Forums but I'm quite tired of any of you here.
for non-brainlets
ebin meme xDDDD
t. economically and philosophically illiterate retard
have a book you dum dum
austrian "economics" it no more empirical than marxism
mixed economy or ordoliberalism is superior, Ron Paul and his ilk would rather halve GDP growth than give up their outdated ideology
It's been a big week. The FBI is about done, for one. You've been asking for attention all this early week, so many happenings. Too many happenings. You are playing against demographics that don't really exist. Old rule books, like some automated drone in space. I have zero respect. I'd suggest not playing politics here, but they will. Despite themselves.
There go the marxists again, with their magical adjectives. They don't hate masculinity or meritocracy, just the TAWKSIC part of it. See? They're not all bad!
In another time and another place, this could have been an essay about the importance of multiplayer, team-based video games. The way the games train the player's skills, but also teach them to understand the limit of their own skills in a cooperative, objective-focused environment. Learning the values of teamwork and understanding one's role in a greater achievement they might not have been able to make on their own, as well as the viability of support classes and less direct contributions to the effort of the team.
But actually it's about some over-educated, unintelligent fart-huffer complaining about video games he never played and saying that gambling is a superior format to skill-based achievement. Obviously all those team-based competitive shooters are actually individualistic, and there's no such thing as team composition or communal achievement in cooperative shooters. We could just swap players out like cogs, just like in my communist utopia! Except all the cogs are toxic misogynists. Damn these cogs.
I want a new Left4Dead, and for it to actually be better than the first. On a scale of milk to boomslang venom, how toxic is that?
Team games are always going to get you more angry because people are retarded sometimes. MOBAs are the perfect example of this.
I've noticed this is more common in games with smaller teams, like ASSFAGGOTS or Loadout or Splatoon, than in games with teams of 8v8 or greater. The only exception might be 2v2 where you're practically gym partners but for a video game. git gud, git huge.
This is part of why I favor those bigger multiplayer games, since an individual failure has less impact and is far easier to compensate for when you have 7 or 11 guys to cover the slack, instead of 3.
no, you malevolent CIA agent whose name is secretly richard spencer
national bolshevism is horrible, and in fact is almost as bad as communism
McCabe getting fucked. FBINiggers swing. His pension and your other daddy's givings are going to cease to exist. You know how easy this is to mark you? It's not a big list. Actions are happening over words. The Art of the Deal is right there in the open. I'm sure you read it.
Every commie piece is a fundy baby. Can't fool me when I was medical during the 1% riots. Then they stopped short in the propaganda of naming the menace. Bunch of faggots just destroying shopfronts. Not a single care left.
I am hugely tired of every one of you cunts. It's even better now. Now, politicians are out Action over words. You know, things actually happening. Councils do not matter.
Wow it's almost like we have a ton of niggers and mexicans. Remove them and America is above the UK.
The act of devising an argument is an act of meritocracy. When one argues their opinion, they are attempting to dominate any and all opposing or even parallel opinions, thus destroying them. Ergo, this professor is engaging in meritocracy himself. He's attempting to form the most meritorious argument for what he believes to be the most meritorious opinion.
It is impossible to lose against these people. They believe victory is evil. They believe success is evil.
I'm tempted to simply convince them to kill themselves.
Why do libshits love this word so much?
MOBAs are rage inducing because they punish leaving with ban, that forces players to endure heavy stress without ability to do anything about it.
Absolutely need to take codemonkey for a flight.
It's the adjective equivalent of shitlord, specifically used for behavior. It can be applied to anything that one doesn't like to imply that it leads to other bad things, without specifying what those bad things are, why they would be bad, or how it's is going to lead to the bad things. Basically, most libs (and people in general) don't have an articulated understanding of why they believe what they believe. As a result, they use the most generic, emotionally-driven terms possible when trying to condemn something. It's not that different from Problematic.
I cannot believe that this is a real mindset. This mother fucker clearly did not do any research on this.
It's Holla Forums attacking our board culture. They stopped mark from making a proper Aniki memorial thread with their sperging and now they're trying to get filename threads banned.
Mario Party is the Risk of video games, it's where friendships go to die.
That picture is brilliant, as the reality is that motor needs far less maintenance than 10/hr. Unless it was made by the Chinese, I guess.
Except Mario Part is actually good.
Practice can advance someone only so much. Ceiling is genome defined.
So is Risk if you enjoy licking the salty tears off your friend's cheeks.
The part this image is missing is the fact that turning a crank is NOT an accurate representation of most minimum-wage work, and that the "free market" doesn't give a fuck about how shitty it makes peoples' lives, so long as the large companies make their money, then the people who actually make up the company can suck a fat one.
True, but the number of people who reach their genetic ceiling by practicing enough is less than 1%. Most people don't have the diligence to reach it, and even if they did, most don't have the time, either.
You just didn't see soviet soyboy kino. They didn't call it open but underlying jewish poisoned message was very clear.
Watch Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures and Well, Just You Wait! then come back.
Yeah, nobody will be the new Da Vinci or the new Frederick the Great, but very few people would have reach that ceiling anyways. This user here is right , and that the old adage of 'practice makes perfect' still rings true today.
HELL, alot of experienced people in the animation industry didn't even learned formal education of the craft to be successful. They just learn as they go along the production cycle.
Fucking analogies man, how do they even work? Have you ever read the new testament my friend?
No you little shit, it also applies to small businesses like that small pizzeria or a mom&pop store you've seen and went atleast once in your life. You think they'll be able to pay their own employees $15 / hour with all those stupid fucking business tax burdening them on top of them?
>>>Holla Forums
No, that is communism. Where all is monopolized by the state. You need to go back to your containment boards.
It's an abstraction to illustrate a point, retard.
because the MUH GUNZZZZ crowd are actual cowards.
Austrian economics is explicitly opposed to empiricism in economics. You're fucking retarded.
Goodhart's Law, bitch.
I love it when people talk shit without having anything useful to contribute themselves.
i agree.
You're right. Your explanation of how the world works was much more smarterer. Make sure you tell everyone else who disagrees with you that YOU are the smartest man in the room and all your unfounded claims are much more truthish than their unfounded claims.
So, I guess that this motor is going to pay for stupid shit it doesn't need like the unskilled worker does? Or that it has any form of complex thinking that will allow it to do more than just turn a fucking crank?
This is one of the major reasons to why people resent whoever is at the top of the economic pyramid. They are too short sighted to understand that fucking over their own bottom line will just come back to fuck them over even harder at a later date. Hell, it might even be why there are so many problems with the US economy today.
The picture even says
Whoever made this pic is probably one of those freecoasting little shits that was born into enough money to be able to skip working any low wage job.
why are you people always so dumb, you have no grasp of reality of those countries its just your fairytale version you want to believe in
The funniest/most retarded part is that all the legislation made to “combat the ebul big corps” is actually beneficial to them because they can tank any of the losses while smaller competitors go under or downsize to the point they can’t compete or even balkanize the market
This is also why the shelf life for professional gamers is even more short-lived than professional athletes. There's no 'do roids into your late 30s-early 40s and play for a team in some random city or play in a minor league.' You're basically a superstar or you're done in a handful of years.
Not it doesn't, moron. You just never fully understood basic English.
And that nobody actually fucking cares about "professional" gaming.
But nintendo games actually focus on gameplay
This is irrelevant.You are incoherent.
Machines can do things far more complicated than turning a crank. The main point is that the only reason it hasn't replaced most jobs, is that people are cheaper, and if people become more expensive, more replacement will take place.
This is an appeal to emotion. A natural bit of suffering is necessary to every healthy economy, and any attempt to erase this will cause even more suffering. Increasing the minimum wage will, if the worker is lucky and doesn't lose his job, increase production costs, which will be passed on to the consumer by increasing the price of goods. These inflated prices will make everyone feel poorer, and cause a recession, and even more people will lose their jobs; at the end of the day, the burger flipper is still miserable. What is he to do then? Ask the government for money and cause even more inflation?
The word toxic isn't anywhere on that page. What's the point you're even trying to make?
his point isn't irrelevant, without customers there is no economy. it's no secret that the best societies are ones where the middle class are strongest and those are protectionist. the supra-national corporative end game is a literal sci-fi dystopia.
any references?
that people are somehow stuck with that idea that ex commies are somehow immune to this whole progressive thing while all that communism did was postpone it for few years at best while having its own version of diversity and shit.
Go lurk with some cows.
Not to mention that racial egalitarianism was originally a strategy adopted by communists to weaken traditionally organized states. Not to mention the Soviet Union and China's training of black agitators like MLK.
i get what you mean
you'd be basically using anything a private eye would. it's really only a bandaid though because the leftists are literally in the technostasi.
this thread is absolute cancer, back to Holla Forums or Holla Forums
Great contribution, bitchboi. Don't forget to sagebomb.
The general emotion I see with amerimutt shills only proves how much better we really are. To have any American pride be treated like a personal attacks really makes yah think. Get some nukes, bitch.
Confirmed retard who never played either game.
Pure cancer.
Nothing gets you slapped if you're attractive.
good point, for example France which is 50% black has more crime than the US. oh wait
frustration of getting good at something is "toxic" lol
just give up and be beta nolifer
Youtube scientists, please respond.
free market is the reason why we have dlc-cancer today.
too bad jew-brainwashed amerifats can't think of anything between communism and uncontrolled locust capitalism
Jews abuse it, but don't comprise it nor define it. Civil courts corrupted by Jews fuck things up because contracts don't matter, or ones made in bad faith still apply because the legalize was actually technically accurate. Add onto that countries laden down with regulations that make entry into a market, is what the problem is.
fucking over the other contract party via legal loopholes or legal power via money is a definig trait of capitalism. capitalism = money rules everything. and jews have the most money.
an actually social market economy works better, but amerilards are too stupid to comprehend anything but "any state regulantion = gommunism".
the jewish virus sits deep when even the poorest retards think they have a chance to become rich and resort to defend the jewish capitalist system that exploits them.
It has already failed. It doesn’t need to be tried again.
Hard AI will never exist, so the question is irrelevant.
No, you’re just retarded and have no idea what you’re talking about.
Socialism is communism. Don’t differentiate.
Go back to reddit and talk about how anti-racist you are.
Not if they’ve not had one themselves (without chemical stimulation), you can’t.
Jews own all banks on Earth. There is no such thing as a ‘secret fund’ other than pieces of jew cloth stuck in your mattress for later.
Global report for self-admitted paid shill.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? You sound like little babbie just took economics 101 and his "professor" didn't bother telling him that every time a dollar is printed, it's printed at interest to the American people, enslaving them. Where's the "free market" in that exactly? Oh right I forgot. Free market means I can buy a dragon dildo and put some Heins Ketchup on it. Damn, feels good to be free.
You only read the first panel didn't you
>< the meteor is also toxic
Of course it is, haven't you ever seen Creepshow?
Only a faggot who's never been enslaved, or been an indentured servant would say something so asinine - even as a shitpost.
Do you deny it? Do you have an argument against interest debt slavery or are you just going to virtue signal?
The fact that you are able to up and fucking leave and go to whatever country will take you, at any time, denies this. You can drop the fuck out of the economy at any time and live in the backwoods or on the streets, and the government does not give a single fuck. Hell, they'll provide limited food and warm shelter during severe weather.
Ugh….we should stop buying the games that are controlled by the Jews.
That sounds super comfy
Girls play more phone games than boys, like Bejeweled and shit like that. Also it's roughly 50/50 in shit like Farmville or Sims. Boys play more games in every other category.
As comfy as a human cattlepen could be, I guess. They only do it because it would look bad on the nightly news to have trucks going around collecting hundreds of frozen hobo corpses.
The uncomfy part is all the drug addicts and niggers you have to share that food and warm shelter with.
He's fine with gameplay as long as everyone wins.
Not to mention it's not very comfy to know you're living on charity. If forced into that condition, appreciate those that are supporting you and endeavor to make their efforts worthwhile.
Your first mistake was playing a MOBA.
I'm pretty sure that Mario Party games have been directly responsible for more murders and ruined friendships than all other games combined.
Biggest blunder in alphabet soup history.
And the funny thing is that neither game is based in any skill.
Not the fact they somehow managed to miss 300.000 chinks amassing the border, ready to attack?
People have been "just leaving" for liberty for all of human history, the last place we had to leave to was america. There is literally nowhere un-cucked left to leave to except space, and the leftists want to defund nasa. This is why things are finally going to turn around on all the cucklords backing socialist powerful government shit. When the animal has nowhere left to run to, it fights.
Nigger, the average person in NK makes a little over 1000$ a year. That's it, even people working 15 hours a week at minimum wage make more than that in a month or two. Even homeless people begging on the street make more than that.
Go ahead user, explain to me how the bottom 10% of America that make around 10K a year are actually more poor than the average North Korean that makes 1K a year. Yes things might be cheaper because of it but not that much cheaper and in America if you are that fucking poor like I am the government is willing to help you out with free schooling, free food, reduction in gas/electric prices, free cellphones and internet, ect.
You would be amazed at the shit people throw away. I was watching some shit on this and people throw away full pizza's, pie's, vegatables, fruit, ect all fully ripe and fine to eat. If you're an innawoods kinda guy and you don't mind not taking a bath for extended amounts of time you could genuinely live a decent life outside of not being able to afford any sort of medical aid and likely dying at an early age.
I cant, because i simply dont know, NK is very isolated country with very few credible sources describing the average quality of life there.
But anything ANYthing is better then living in the USA
Something that doesn't exist in NK because they have fuckall to buy.
You may be fucking retarded or just coming down from a bath salt high but either way you need to stop posting.
Oh, you are an insecure Eurofag/Canada fag, I got you.
You know what NK have?
Functional ICBMs and a space program
How cool is that?
An isolated country mountainous country with very limited amount of natural resources with sanctions placed on it from all over the world and constant threat of war from USA and SK was able to develop its own nuclear program, space program and ICBMs
Also looks like somebody bought into the western meme of starving koreans on the streets
No, you're allowed to secede, but you're not allowed to take US territory with you.
I'm not telling anybody to leave. I'm saying you have the option to do so, and without resistance. though where you're leaving to might not want to accept you as a refugee The closest we have to actual state-sponsored slavery in the US is the federal prison system. And even that is not really slavery.
Also, when European colonists came to America, they didn't settle in unoccupied territory. They occupied native lands and eventually either displaced or killed the previous inhabitants. If you want to immigrate to a foreign country, and take it for yourselves, you have to displace and/or kill the current owners… like the Muslims are doing to Europe.
I mean, I guess it sucks that you were born in 2000 and not 20,000BC and there are no more frontiers left. But you can't really blame the government for the happenstance of your birth.
Amerifats high on american propaganda spotted
Its fine if your own government tries to poison you, enslave you with debt, send you overseas to die in some random third world country etc…
You live in cardboard houses and eat plastic food, but at least you are free™
I live a nice comfy life and have the freedom to say whatever the hell I want which can't be said about 95% of other "free" countries.
How? You one of those anti Fluoride retards?
Every country has periods of debt, the key is to increase GDP growth so the paying the debt isn't painful and makes up for it.
I eat fine every day, fat fucks chose to eat garbage.
I can guarantee you that whatever country you live in, it is far worse than America.
And they achieved this by starving their population to death, exploring them brutally, selling meth and forging counterfeit dollars, on top of holding their people ransom and saber rattling whenever they run out of food.
Holla Forums, you genuinely disgust me and I can't wait for the day when you and your Marxist buddies are lined up against the wall.
qt robots taking care of humanity fucking when?
Forces dumb shits to get a better job while increasing production. If in the end it means 50% of the world is jobless but production and GDP is higher than ever than it's worth it and you can try something like "living wage" or go back to having one provider per house hold instead of both parents working.
Jesus those typos hahaha. Also no they don't, this is a myth.
No wonder nothing is ever done about it.
Take your own advice faggot, or if you're done being retarded, read "Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery" by Gottfried Feder.
Room temperature IQ nitwits shouldn't be allowed to post.
You literally can't pay off the debt ever you mental midget, it's a permanent crippling factor in this system. Andrew Jackson paid off the ENTIRE US debt and is the only US President in our history to do so, and he did it AFTER killing the central bank so he could actually do it. The concept that a nation has to constantly be shackled to debt and forced to grow indefinitely alongside said debt not only does not work in the long run, but is a jewish concept.
Keep drinking your fucking koolaid nigger.
It's worked for the last 200 years user.
You misunderstand what I mean. Growth with population and successful commerce is expected. Endless growth to fulfill an empty hole however does not work. This is why inflation and debt has become runaway since 1913. You can print as much fucking worthless paper as you want but it'll never magically become more valuable. Sorry for the confusion, I may have worded my post wrong.
Projecting, and not an argument. Go well poison somewhere else you kike.
I'm not the retard who thinks living in Africa is better than Ohio.
You know we have IDs right? You know that's not me right? You know Gookland isn't Niggerland right? Or do you think because I am critical of the absolute fucking state of my country that I do not love it and would rather be here than anywhere else on Earth? I'm the guy bitching about fluoride you retard, not that Best Korea is better than Burgerland!
Jesus Christ you have nigger-tier reading comprehension, you belong in Africa not Ohio.
It's not hard dipshit. Despite that you have to be a real fucking retard to think that the US is worse off than the majority of most countries atm.
Oh good then you're about 2 IQ points above him.
Japlan and Korea are both horribly worse. They might not have nigs but
It is not ok for us to be racist but it is ok for them to be racist. Ugh I hate the effing dangerous useless political incorrectness. It is quite clear that they want us dead.
Trashtalk is part of the game. Talk back or get the fuck out
No shit, it doesn't excuse our problems though.
It's a literal poisonous substance that you're told not to swallow in dental applications what a fucking retard.
Hardcore is stretching it, Japan isn't Australia or Germany. I don't care for Gookland: Worship the Kikes Edition SK
Hahaha, fuck off retard.
Wow, lower GDP than the wealthiest country on Earth, so bad. What's your point? American GDP is a farce because of our overreaching debt. Meanwhile Japan is buying up most of their public debt, has the best infrastructure in the world, low crime, and a number of things we had 60 years ago.
What is this supposed to even mean? Radical individualism is cancer you idiot. When I hear people bitch about the supposed collective attitudes of other people I just hear, "WHY AREN'T THEY BRINGING IN MILLIONS OF SHITSKINS WERE ALL INDIVIDUALS."
Yes I'm more than aware that the Western sense of the individual is much stronger, but it varies by country/ethnicity and America is TOO individualist. There's no balance here.
Stay mad you fucking loon.
its unsurprising that a community of mostly niggers will act like niggers and then try to justify their behavior.
Request for orbital strike received. Dispatching.
Wormwood is only mentioned once in the Book of Revelation: Revelation 8 verse 10. "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter." (Rev 8:10–11)
It's really not something you should brush off without learning more about it. Some fluouride is good, but having it in all our water isn't good.
In the amounts its in it's harmless. And besides that it depends on your well. I own my own since I'm a country fag so I know exactly what my water is composed of. And you're also free to purchase water without any flouride because I live in a country that allows that. There's 0 room for this retarded argument. It's like the faggots who thinks the estrogen in hops found in beer will turn you gay despite the same fags having no understanding of how your body processes such minute materials. It's tinfoil hat shit like it was in the 80's and I've never seen anybody provide any evidence otherwise.
The phytoestrogens in beer are a different matter than fluoride. Most phytoestrogens have such miniscule effects that they're not really worth worry about, but a few are more potent and you should be wary of having too much of it in your diet. Like soy, memes aside it's one of the most potent phytoestrogens.
But yeah, just because you can purchase clean water or filter it yourself doesn't mean there's entirely too much bullshit in public water in most places. If you get your shit from a well then right on, that's the way to go as long as you get it tested now and then to make sure no weird shit is seeping in. A big one with that is if there's any industrial agriculture going on nearby, the pesticides they use can seep into the water and aren't good for human consumption. Men and women exposed to them, when they have children they're far more likely to have all kinds of defects with their dick like hypospadias or cryptochordism. And that shit is no good. And that's not even getting into all the shit that contaminates public water systems that most water treatment plants don't filter for.
I don't think you get it. I own a well and about 6 people in my area share it while pooling money to keep the thing going. After that I genuinely think your issue is less to do with fluoride and more to do with general purity. There's much more places that have genuine problems with water impurity which causes defects though and I've never heard of Flouride being a culprit when there's been shit like Lead or Sulfur. There's also the Wisconsin Cryptosporidiosis outbreak and plenty of other shit that's been more worrying than what's seen as harmless in small amounts.
I'm glad your well is good, but I'm more talking about people on public water supplies that are heavily treated. Water impurity is a matter as well, but I don't see how it's relevant to whether the high fluoride levels in public tap water today is concerning or not.
I don't see how fluoride is relevant when I've seen no proof of its effects, especially compared to the poisoning effects of other baser element contamination that occurs more often.
It doesn't have to be just one or the other. There's plenty of shit contaminating our water supply today. And our food, for that matter. I don't know as much about fluoride as I'd like, but enough to know we shouldn't brush it off without learning more about it. But yeah, there's plenty of other shit going on as well.
No comment then I guess. I think we all know shit's fucked but there's not many countries you can talk about that have a better water supply than America.
One of the really bad things about fluoride in the public water isn't necessarily the effect on constant fluoride consumption, it's that it's a chemical being put it the water for public health reasons (better teeth) and you have no say over the matter. It's not being used to clean the water, or ensure water quality, it's done specifically to effect your health. This is mass-medicating the population.
A well is a possible alternative, but only if you live in a rural or sub-urban environment. If you live in a city, you will be getting city water. You can always buy non-fluoridated water instead of drinking and using the city water, but that's a considerable hassle and expense, and you are only doing it because you feel the city water is unsafe. Clean, safe drinking water is one of the most basic things a city government is supposed to provide to allow high population-density cities to function. The government mass-medicating the population by adding fluoride is morally wrong.
Fluoridated water really came about as a clever way for chemical companies to get rid of toxic fluoride waste without having to go through expensive measures to dispose of it safely. They literally ran a PR campaign to convince cities to buy their toxic waste, and dump it in to the water.
What if no games are for them? What should they do if every single game isn't for them but they still want to play?
I honestly think the gene thing is a bullshit concept made by libcucks, the same way they argue about how they cannot lose weight because "It's Genetics™". Sure some people are born with something that makes them get ahead in whatever it is that their gene activated the most.. but. Most people are not performing in their peak performance, not even fucking close. Most females are the in the frame of narcissism, most guys are beta fucks in the frame of females, teenagers do it to look cool, others do it for people's attention, etc. Only a few truly break and frame themselves for maximum potential in life.