What are some games where you can kill fags?
Hard mode: Made after 2015
What are some games where you can kill fags?
Watch Dogs 2?
God Hand
Fuck off, gay cuckchanner.
We've come full circle, haven't we?
real life
I heard it's in early access right now though, so there are just a handful of levels like Afghanistan. The dev has stated that there will be more levels in the future.
No, posting a one line template thread with no discussion does
shit threads are still shit even if you make them about something everyone can agree on
You're not very bright are you?
Yes, starting a low effort bait thread with "what are some games" means you're a cuckchanner. I'll give you some time to mull that over and get it into your thick, gay skull.
I would love to play a game that lets you shoot faggot Cuckchaners that start low quality threads on superior Holla Forums.
I wish the Zohar wasn't reduced to tit ornamentation on Shill Waifu of the Year. I wish even more they'd let KOS-MOS stay dead or wandering the Endless Frontier.
After seeing that one watchdogs webm, I sort of wonder if WD2 would be worth pirating just to go around slaughtering demisexual queerbags.
It's full of bugs, though, isn't it?
It's not worth it, don't bother. It's a hot steaming plate of CY nonsense, from trannies, to faggots to the reveal that emoticon face guy is an ugly 40 year old jew.
Oh yeah and the villain is Trump.
The what now? Never played a Xeno game so I have no idea what the fuck your talking about. I just like that picture.
At least they're not unkillable, right?
The game is called real life, you fucking faggot. Get out there and start racking up that score. Course, you only get one shot and you'll probably die like a bitch. If you get taken into custody, then you'll become somebody's bitch. Good luck, have fun.
Cut him some slack guys. He failed spectacularly to D&C the thread about MS declaring war on free speech in their services, so he's got to try to slide that thread down a few pages by making trash threads like this.
Well that is one way to get the FBI (or what ever they have in your land) to kick down your door and put a bullet in your head when the stupid cunt takes your advice. Nice not knowing you user.
Well OP, what multiplayer games do you play?