1) very good /k/ content, nice funz and mods
2) I like the heavy rpg element
3) their rendition of New York was very comfy and well done. Autistic detail is my kind of kino.
4) Grinder-type gameplay has an addictive quality. Leveling up and finding new drops is like crack.
5) Story was actually good because it came from multiple angles. For example, New York the city itself, the small side stories, the various factions (and the political undertones) all came together to form an environmental type story that was more immsersive IMO instead of some big overarching story.
6) I enjoyed the political dabbing by massive. Obviously, they're on the side of liberalism/the system, the proxy of which are the heroic federal agents, but I felt like Massive was able to spin it all in a way that all the factions had justifiable cause too. Cleaners: working-class men who want to get shit done and are sick of the system. Last-Man: the alternative to liberalism, noticeably whiter and gunnier, they even have Southern white man accents. Rikers: the outcasts of society exposing it's hypocrisy. Rioters: lumpenproletariat robbed of the state's nanny welfare crack cocain. Aaron Keener: revolt coming from the top, him being "privileged" and coming from a Wall Street background.
My only complaint is that you can't go rogue and attack the system as well, and the bullet sponginess, but the bullet sponge effect is kinda inevitable if you want heavy rpg in a shooting game, the leveling up and what not.
I'm really glad they're making a Division 2, that's the only upcoming game I'm looking forward to.
The Division
I liked Fallout 4 better
Smells like a typical shill thread.
who could be behind this
*tips fedora*
sick review bro i liked and subscribed
Go back to shill school
Or get better taste
seriously what the fuck did you want this thread to be? this is an honest question. do you think anyone cares what you think about ubishit?
op confirmed as cocksucking shill faggot who sucks dick
*tips fedora*
stay mad, faggot
look hes actually butthurt
Time to check the digits
Yeah, i'm starting to believe he's an underage cuckchanner that lost his way
Nevertheless, report and move on, thread is beyond salvation.
You'll like Arma or the Ghost Recon series more. I loathe the bullet sponge RPG mmo-esque gameplay.
Nice dubs thread op
check 'em
You fucked up
Check my singles
Red Storm did this, idk but redstorm may still have some of their old staff, thats why it wasnt shit
Me too
No it wasnt, few to no buildings were enter-able, and it was insanely different than what they advertised originally.
Drop system isnt very good, or what it appears at first glance
No it wasnt. 15 seconds in, you're introduced to the medical staff wing. A strong womyn who dont need no man literally. Because she tells you immediately, and without any rhyme or reason that shes a carpet muncher and prefers the company of equally stupid women. Nothing but propaganda. Overshadowed any sort of plot there was. Degenerate and trash storyline
Commies get the rope
rollan for dubs
1.8 has made this game not shit. I highly suggest people play the free trial.
It's no fun to play without friends because every nigga with a baseball bat is a bullet sponge
t. played the free trial
I remember when i played it once and shot a nigger in the head with a shotgun shell once and he took about 20 percent damage to his healthbar,is it still like that?
if so,it's not "tacticool"
The gunplay and guns themselves were absolute trash and about as far from /k/ as you can get.
It looks pretty and the grind is ok, those are the only redeeming features.
fuck off ubinigger
Kill yourself
Spoken like a true faggot that never played R6 Raven Shield, Ghost Recon 1, or SWAT 3/4
I highly suggest you go kill yourself