2 > Guerilla > 1 > Armageddon though really only 2 and Guerilla were any good.
Red Faction Thread
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Also what idiot thought that Armageddon was a good idea? Really it's like they sucked all the fun right out of the game.
Seriously? Say what you want about the later sections of the game being nearly impossible to not die once, but I felt like it was significantly more fun than 2.
Guerrilla is the best by far followed by Armageddon. 1 and 2 are too dated to be any fun.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Just filter and report them. Pay no attention to them.
Armageddon really isn't that bad once you get over the more limited destruction available.
Yeh good idea. They're probably just false-flagging anyway.
What type of crazy hipster thinks Armageddon comes first?
Some gameplay since we're on the topic.
2 doesn't have crappy boss fights, dual wielding is fun and it has much more compelling characters and writing. I mean granted 1's underlying shooting is a bit better and it has online mutliplayer but that's all it has going for it.
Clearly it's Gorilla > 1 > 2 > Armageddon
I think you put too much stock in dual wielding as a concept.
I'm not sure it's fair to say it has better writing when 1 didn't really have a plot beyond or characters beyond the very basics you'd expect for an FPS of that era. Ultor still existing was a nice reference though.
Fuck off Holla Forums this is a Holla Forums board.
Pretty much anything people complain about with Armageddon was in 1 or 2 or both, I dunno why they pretend it doesn't.
Yes it does.>Armageddon really isn't that bad once you get over the more limited destruction available.
Two's boss fights are much better than one's and it's a better overall game.
So is this game series aesthetically communist? If so, why TF my pee pee hard? I find communist aesthetics quite appealing. Send me more games related to this theme NAO pls UwU
Found the bootlicker kek
Red Faction is a genuine workers revolt. That never existed in Communist countries, it was always artificially created. Happened plenty of times in the US when we were still struggling to regulate corporations though.
Found the pavement licker kek
Preferred Guerilla over 2, personally.
I mean, I hate to challenge you on this, but…
Granted the sniper one was less terrible iirc,but the bosses in RF1 have the decency to die quickly.
You do know Trotsky is the guy who said something along the lines of "the only negotiation a fascist will get is the acquaintance of his face with the pavement"? God, you fashies really do bite other ideologue's styles, don't you?
PS, I'm not even AntiFa, nor am I a commie. I just find communism a lot more appealing than fascism.
Thread theme.
But fellas, can we stop talking about politics? Doesn't that shit belong on Holla Forums?
Sorry m8, can't listen rn; am literally posting from work lol
What's it about tho?
I'll get you the lyrics
In the morning we built this city
In the afternoon walked through its streets
Evening saw us leaving
We wandered through our days as if they would never end
All of us imagined we had endless time to spend
We hardly saw the crossroads and
Small attention gave to landmarks
In the journey from the cradle to the grave
Cradle to the grave, cradle to the grave
Did you learn to dream in the morning?
Abandon dreams in the afternoon
Wait without hope in the evening
Did you stand there in the traces and let them feed you lies?
Did you trail along behind them wearing blinkers on your eyes?
Did you kiss the foot that kicked you?
Did you thank them for their scorn?
Did you ask for their forgiveness for the act of being born, act of being born, act of being born?
Did you alter the face of this city?
Did you make any change in the world you found?
Or did you observe all the warnings?
Did you read this trespass notice that you keep off the grass?
Did you shuffle off the pavement just to let your betters pass?
Did you learn to keep your mouth shut?
To be seen and never heard?
Did you learn to be obedient, and jump to an a word, and jump to an a word, and jump to an a word?
Did you ever demand any answers?
The who, and the what, and the reason why?
Did you ever question the setup?
Did you stand aside and let them choose while you took second best?
Did you let them skim cream off and then give to you the rest?
Did you settle for the shoddy?
Did you think it right, to let them rob right and left, and never make a fight, never make a fight, never make a fight?
What did you learn in the morning?
How much did you know in the afternoon?
Were you content in the evening?
Did they teach you how to question when you were at the school?
Did the factory help you grow, were you the maker or the tool?
Did the place where you were living enrich your life and then did you reach some understanding of all your fellow man, all your fellow man, all your fellow man
Yes it does.
2's have more variety though.
Variety doesn't matter if its just varieties of shit.
2 is crap but 1 is still a fine game to this day.
Catchy song, shame about the politics though.
Guerrilla > Armageddon and then I haven't played 1 or 2.
You should play 1 at the very least.
2 is still worthwhile.
Not video games.
This is getting fucking annoying, (((mods)))
Was it related to the game though?
kill yourself
>This is getting fucking annoying, (((mods)))
To be fair that was mostly Holla Forums derails.
Partly but it was mostly off-topic.
Good song.
Is Armageddon honestly that bad?
>This is getting fucking annoying, (((mods)))
It was just mods removing an attempted derail don't panic.
It's not really much worse than guerrilla tbh.
It's meh up until you can unlock the cheat weapons (which are really just the vehicle weapons as regular guns), then you just blow the shit out of everything.
Right I must have given up before then I suppose.