So I guess this means that all "gamers" are now automatically queers, girls and soyboys? Thanks a lot modern trend-setters.
Ready Player One: We Wuz Edition
Does this mean that travel website searches for "Mushroom Kingdom" are going to spike?
I'm not a gamer then, I'm a player.
Hopefully it'll make more people go to Gensokyo.
no, because it has white people in it. Therefore it's not woke.
Reminder that children born in the 1980s are now the demographic with the highest purchasing power. Reminder that this is why you see 80s nostalgia in television, film, and print media, as well as in general styling. Reminder that ✡Spielberg’s✡ films are always social engineering. Reminder that they’ve been trying to normalize, compartmentalize, and acclimatize the gaming industry to normalfags for nigh on two decades, for the purpose of turning Common Core into an interactive brainwashing tool. Reminder that MKULTRA tactics are used in visual media because the subconscious brain can’t differentiate them from reality and thus consider actions taken in visual media to be representative of reality, real human behavior, and socially acceptable actions.
Reminder that people here will defend every aspect of this, and then go have sex before marriage while campaigning that there is only one race of humanity.
Ready to see this epic showdown?
That Warcraft one has to be fake.
Go read real books instead of worrying about this trash. Dumezil for nonfiction, Doestoevsky for fiction.
There’s a tiny, tiny part of me which believes that this level of… whatever this is will make people physically exhausted and ill and the movie will bomb. That part of me is close to the size of the part of me that still has reason to be alive, incidentally.
He’ll come back with “that’s not what I said,” despite it being exactly what he said. Then he’ll say “it’s not like I could do anything about it anyway,” despite guns existing.
Why the fuck do you think people are moving towards videogames, mate? Why the fuck do you even think a movie about videogames is being made?
It was a really shitty book
The MC re-enacts the entirety of monty python and the holy grail
That's not your nation's culture, that's a jewish parasite on top of it.
Just think of the royalties this will cost in copyright.
Hopefully that alone is enough to cave in the box office.
Zealots are Protoss, what the fuck? They migh as well write "a human and a man".
No it did the exact opposite of that, it embraced national socialism
How ‘Ready Player One’ Glosses Over Gender and Race Issues
This movie comes out on my birthday. Shit, I think I'll go see it for the hell of it. I got nothing better to do, really
That's being kind to it and the author. Neither of the two things he's managed to get published have any real original ideas from him in them, they rely on the reader having some nostalgia towards the references.
All of those properties are owned by jews. What royalties?
Enjoy being strung up, then.
lol, they’re not even trying anymore.
Be sure and report back afterwards.
Reported. You think that will work on us?
I desperately want it to bomb, but even normalfags who secretly know better will have one of their friends going "dude epic reference from trash we like let's GOOOO xD"
That plus Stielberg still being vaguely associated with big movies by your average retard will guarantee this making at least a modest profit.
But there's enough depressing content in vidya without bringing this Holla Forums trash here.
You just had to PREORDER
Very clever, but you won't fool me.
This is closest that gaylo has ever been to the silver screen
Maybe the reference to him shilling Redguard on usenet was too esoteric for them to catch.
well it is true that online, girls get given free shit by thirsty beta nerds. no idea why she would pretend to be a guy unless she didn't want to be confused with a guy pretending to be a girl.
I haven't read the book but I can already guess the main character is an idiot.
Don't you fucking start this shit again
That Overwatch and Borderlands didn't exist in the book.
And they shouldn't exist at all
You do notice some of those are jap games right? And even if they're owned by kikes, don't think they'll kevech and try to rip each other off for an extra shekel. I guarantee you whoever at (((Hollywood)) negotiated these the rights for these characters has no idea how volatile the games industry and ownership of IPs are.
I always lose my sides with that.
How did we let this happen?
Seriously. I've been pretending to be girls in MMOs since FFXI and it wasn't for the extra AGI and DEX Mithras get I'll tell you that much.
Didn't they already make this movie and call it Wreck-it ralph?
I don't know if I should be happy, confused, or disgusted that Pikachu, Doc Brown, and Godzilla are nowhere at all in there.
I actually like Undertale and that makes me feel sick to my fucking stomach. Jesus fucking Christ.
Godzilla is in it.
Godzilla and the Time Travel Delorean are in the film. I’m sure there’s ONE Pokémon somewhere.
Wait, I’m genuinely confused, what in the world are they talking about? What does the movie do that’s so progressive? It’s like the reviewer assumes we’ve watched the horrid looking thing.
>implying Kojicuck didn't get on his knees and suck on (((Speilberg's))) cut up micropenis just so he could get closer to being in (((Hollywood)))
How do you do, Holla Forums?
The catalog sure looks weird today, some faggots talking about video games or some shit.
More movies, please.
I'm probably just being hopelessly optimistic but I think Ready Player One is going to be the thing that ends "geek culture" being the dominant force in pop culture. It's so bald-faced and shameless in it's pandering that even the more middle of the road cucks, like giant bomb, actively hate it.
Here's a challenge to show you just how cringe this really is: Try to make a story out of at least 1 property listed in each of the categories (Vidya, Comic, Contemporary, Movie) and try to pitch in a way that sounds AT ALL entertaining.
Someone needs to re-study their fallacies instead of their phalics.
If you actually think that guns are a solution to a cultural problem, I agree with you. After all, you can shoot yourself, can't you?
What the fuck are you talking about, I just feel like doing something that day and this seems to be a goodbad idea.
If there's a thread up afterwards, sure. I'll post my thoughts.
Literally who? Hardly anyone here defends anything anymore except for Nintendrones and their precious carboard cutouts. We're all just watching the ship sink from the comfort of our lifeboats now.
We can only hope. The funny part about this is how faux-geeky all of these references are. Not a single one reflects the interests of an actual geek by today's terms. Not a single thing listed there is obscure, unless someone can prove me wrong.
Are you telling me that Cline was the hero that we needed, and Spielberg was too Jewish to realize his clever plan?
Nigger, just pirate the fucking movie. Do not give money to a lying kike who's brainwashed millions absolute falsehoods like pic related.
Yes. Any book written prior to the 2000s (and scifi/fantasy written prior to 2008) is worth more than the media trash of today.
The most obscure looking thing on that list is the tsuchinoko, which isn't even a nerd thing at all as far as I'm aware.
One more that I didn't want to look at, but changed my mind
>Overwatch: 8 (eight (((E I G H T)))) characters show up in multiple different scenes
I wonder how much Blizzard paid them.
Films are actually the only media that receive no benefits when they're pirated.
No he is just a mediocre writer that tapped into a demographic luckily. Then he just went along for the ride.
Doooooctoooor Coooooooooneeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrssssss Claaaaassssssssss
Prior to 1942.
That would be wonderful.
This is going to be
Boring, mediocre and shilled everywhere because of shit journalists? Yeah.
Yeah because the vast majority of films are complete trash and nobody wants to actually support them after watching them. Modern movies are the click bait of entertainment. They make a movie that people find so outrageous that people pour in just to see what will happen.
I don't know how to feel about this.
I'm going to pirate the movie and show it to everything i know before they get the chance to buy it.
Because i know it's shitty pandering is going to attract at least one of them into buying it.
Pre-2000s science fiction and fantasy is good tho. You faggot.
She might be a turbo slut in the games and a million doujins but nothing will ever make her look more filthy than this.
Too bad vidya is becoming just like Hollywood. Hollyweird realized it has no future and now its trying to take over vidya. Also fuck Square Enix and western vidya companies.
I'd like to see a utopian future movie and then the big secret is that everyone goes online in SNS or VR or whatever and is incredible rude and racist to one another. However everyone actually is truly happy in this world because they realized the internet isn't real and it doesn't matter what people say.
What kind of sick joke is this?
Nothing from Capcom has been sacred for quite a while now.
Dropped :(
Confirmed for knowing nothing about jews. Read the Talmud sometime.
1. Fuck yes, someone else who actually knows what he’s talking about.
2. The strawman was in misrepresenting the NATURE of what I said, rather than the intensity of the content.
3. I really shouldn’t be this happy about such a tiny fucking display of intellectual discussion, but that’s how far the site has fallen.
I didn't even catch that.
Nice try you socialist freak.
i vote that mark livestream this just like with pixels just to see how bad it is.
Look again nigga.
They should have named it Reddit player 1.
But I thought gamers were dead?
Its painful but true. Majority of shits who don't even like the idea wanna watch it just to see the Iron Giant fight a Gundam and Batman. Even people I know who are normally critical of cheap nostalgia wank and bastardizations of past stories wanna see it.
Probably just a fucking Skyrim reference again because that shit has to be everywhere. I swear this piece of shit better not have an Arrow to the Knee gag in it.
They are..
I don't want to sound like some blind cocksucker defending this shit. But, it looks to me like this movie is trying to be a "Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?" 2.0
Think about it
I think there's a good chance this could go right if they can get the nostalgia wanking right and not fall into the same trap as Jewywood does nowadays of making all the characters lifeless to appeal to the Chinese audience. And Spielberg may be a kike, but he is a kike that's a master of nostalgia wankery and throwbacks to pre-2000s Hollywood directing
So the one thing that wasn't shit about that shitty book gets to be in the movie? Oh joy. More cringeworthy Claptrap memes.
I didn't want to do it user, but I am also compelled to not be completely contrarian this time as well
Yes, but have you considered this: The book is fucking awful. You can make a bad film from good source material, but not a good film from bad source material.
Wreck it Ralph 2 will be even worse. It'll be Ready Player One meets the Lego Movie with emphasis on facebook references, youtube references, dank memes and a shit ton of unwanted Disney crossovers between Disney Princesses, Marvel, Muppets and Star Wars.
You did. It's contrarian of you to possibly defend something so objectively shit from the outset.
I don't know man, I just saw the trailer and they played a rendition of Pure Imagination from Willy Wanka. They're going full out with nostalgia wankery on this. I can't help myself
I'm amazed. Not only are they just shoving what they can in there, they also can't even make good references for the sake of references.
Here's the thing, though, Roger Rabbit didn't rely on it's third-party characters to market the film, it didn't have any character that existed after…(Goes to look up film)…1947, and the reason for the existence of all of the properties is because of the film being about the cartoon industry in Hollywood (With a segment in Toontown, which is where the cartoon characters live, and also notice that there isn't a single comic book character to be found). Meanwhile, RPO is relying on it's licenses to sell the film ((((Speilburg))) even came out and said that he wants people to go "Hey, I remember that" when watching the film), it's using licenses from ever time period and media to go "Hello fellow kids, I'm one with you", and the only reason why all those properties exist is because the "future" is so creatively bankrupt that they haven't been able to create an original thing in 50 years (According to some people who read the book, Cline, at least, justified it by saying that the billionaire hid clues to find his treasure box in 80's retro-facts, so the existence of Battleborn and Overwatch in the film even defeats the reason for the story in the book).
Essentially yes. The Emoji movie x 100.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Fuck off Gaia.
The difference is that Who Framed Roger Rabbit was witty and charming, whereas Ready Player One can only sustain audience attention by throwing in pop culture references, essentially making it the movie equivalent of I Spy, because its director is a complete and total hack who hasn't made anything good since the 1970s. Fuck you ET, you were always hot garbage.
Thanks. At least now I feel like there's a small glimmer of hope in this sea of pain.
That's all movies and television are anymore. Western culture has become such a weimar cesspool that hollyjew is forced to reference things from times when western culture wasn't trash like "Member that? Member when things weren't awful? Also here's some anti-west poz to remind you that things are awful now."
Not gonna lie user. I'm quite partial to a cuteboy sitting in my lap.
Ready Player One.webm
You want to rape someone when they're using VR, don't you?
Damn you GG.
I'm not even mad. My question is this as there's a grim lining of this. They need to pay for each of said trademark character so my question is this. Will the movie be successful enough to balance out the assload of trademark characters being used? Because this may be the one movie in history that may make them bankrupt before they get any revenue.
There's a difference between cuteboys and soyboys. For one, a cuteboy will actually put effort into his appearance and doesn't have a hatred of other men.
why is it popular? it's at 940 million world gross revenue so far, yet I'm less interested in it than Ant-Man. Same goes for my friends and they went to see every Transformers movie for gods sake.
Is Black Panther going to be "The Dark Souls of x" equivalent for nugeek movies?
iWant to kill all of these people
nigger it just showed Kevin "Rapey" Spacey venting some steam in Killzone a couple of times.
This article is fellating Big Black Panther more than talking about Reddit Player One.
The true star of this scene was that massive jew nose. Couldn't take my eyes off of it.
40k confirmed for pleb-tier?
Stopped reading there. Fuck all of this. I'm going to war.
It's like the Big Bang Theory of movies. This is abhorrent.
Eldar are space hippies and Trump was memed as the God Emperor, possibly that is the reason
There's no way they aren't loopholing themselves out of paying any fees at all.
Rodger Rabbit was actually about the California Red Car Scandal. A real event in history. Basically the automotive industry purchased the Pacific Electric Railroad (then the largest electric railway on Earth that ran hundreds of miles) just so they can shut the Red Cars down and replace the railways with roadways. Thus essentially forcing everyone to buy cars. The scandal was investigated by several authorities but at the end of the day the car companies won.
Rodger Rabbit is a massive parody of the scandal and life in LA in the 1940s. The author of the book must've figured only a cartoon villain could've come up with a scheme so fucking insane.
Rodger Rabbit didn't rely on new characters to sell it, but only because there really was no then-current cartoon characters to use. People forget the 1970s and 1980s was the "Dark Ages" of animation. After Walt Disney died Disney shifted focus on live-action with their acquisition of ABC. Yes, they still produced animated films, such as Robin Hood, but as a significantly lower budget than when Walt was still alive. TV was dominated by Hannah Barberra and their "limited animation" often outsourced to Japanese studios such as Topcraft fun fact, Hayao Miyazaki is a former Topcraft employee and Toei Animation, Warner was in a similar spot. Rodger Rabbit is significant in the animation industry because it is often credited with convincing Disney and Warner to take animation seriously again. Leading the the "Renaissance of Animation"
You think that's bad? Keep reading, they have battleborn too
th-thanks for the insight, user
Just a bit of history user. Hope someone else finds it as interesting as I do
I'm not even going to read that, I can see the replies.
It's my birthday, I don't want to be this upset on my birthday.
And I thought games caused violence against women, but then Trump said something so now games don't cause violence. It's hard to keep up with the dominant narrative anymore.
Holla Forums had a stream of a pirated copy of TLJ. Would be fitting if Holla Forums did the same with RPO
That's more of what Wreck it Ralph and Lego Movie tried to be, except without the mature and interesting plot with fap material. This is just another generic "epic battle of millions" war movie with every post 1980 media character imaginable. Meanwhile Bogart gets shit.
Shame on you.
I would say this is Minions/Scary Movie 2.0.
Now hear me out: Both of these franchises (3D kids movies like Shrek 2 and parody Movies) rely 90% on references to popular material of their era. They have a very barebone story to tell and instead spend most of the times putting something the audience can say "I understood that reference!". In the case of Minions, the little buggers don't actually speak any language and are instead talking gibberish taking notes from many different languages so that kids all over the world could understand what was going on on the screen.
But it's mostly done because you don't have to come up with anything new and dumbass retards will gobble it up and ask for more.
pretty much what said.
The worst part is I don't think this is even every reference in the film. I've read that Knack lol, Dune and Discworld are also referenced in it but I don't see them mentioned in this list.
That's definitely a more accurate comparison. Its basically a bigger Media Movie but with a higher budget than all of the Scary Movie, Disaster Movie, Epic Movie, and etc movie budgets put together.
How do you think Snake got in there in the first place :^)
At least the book had the decency of sticking within a specific era for references
That list honestly looks like some of it is fake. Look at the Warcraft entry for example.
Kojima is now the japanese Spielberg and Squeenix is trying its hardest to mimic Hollywood.
Whattafuckman xD
Well the giant (((White))) guy who is the MC's friend turns out to be an obese lesbian nigger, so I got to wonder who they chose to be that thing.
This is gonna be the biggest clusterfuck of the year.
March really wants to fuck us over.
I'm not seeing Akira in it either even though that one's been confirmed.
I don't think the list is complete either, since there's no mention of Team Fortress 2 anywhere on it. They already have other Valve IPs and plenty of new shooters. TF2 practically led the charge on soulless crossover marketing.
I don't think I saw Mass Effect on there either. I would expect at least the Normandy to show up.
Here is a challenge: Name 1 thing on there that is obscure and not normalfag bait.
Just like when they turned Peter Jackson's goofy ginger satyr friend into a smooth talkin' ghetto black rapping satyr?
I remember when some dude at Holla Forums streamed this movie with edited laugh tracks every time a nazi did something bad to a jew
So it's just 'Member Berries: The Movie, got it.
That's dumb, even for them.
No, because here the author writes a long paragraph about this sheboon being oppressed.
What a horrible fucking movie to get nonstop December marathons of, and it's in this. Beat people over the head with a bad Christmas movie every year, then hit them where they least expect it: In a movie all about beating people over the head with references from video games and movies.
I wouldn't say it was obscure, but did anyone actually give a shit about and/or enjoy Over the Hedge? I didn't think anyone ever watched that.
Here is the paragraoh in question.
I remember a serious interview where John Stuart jacked off over his voice role in it. That's about it.
Knowing how movies like this are written, and the "how do you do fellow kids" market researchers use as an approach. It will definitely be in this movie.
Holy shit. I have to see the movie again. I thought it was okay, but nothing special. The ending with Liam Neeson visiting Israel was really dumb.
At least this is cute and doesn't have a shit ton of copyrighted material.
>capable of competing in VR vidya at such a level she made money from it
Well fucking done author, in a world that revolves around VR digital worldscapes that apparently pull you in like the Matrix, you managed to write something so utterly batshit unbelievable and unrealistic it breaks immersion instantly.
The fact someone like this is taken into the fold to have their works published and distributed makes the rage and fury in me burn brighter than a fucking nova. This is goddamn cancer. It's Tumblr: Video Games References, the book.
I did not aged well, I went in blind expecting some historically accurate film and all I got is suffering porn, it`s like a nazi exploitation movie with famous actors.
Holla Forums has claimed a lot of hypocritical shit about themselves, but I don't think they have ever claimed to be not racist.
I actually can hardly remember the last time there was a thread about any black person, even one that holds a Holla Forums ideology, that didn't immediately have "HE'S STILL A NIGGER" in the first 5 posts.
Ask me how I know you're straight off the boat from cuckchan.
Are you intentionally misunderstanding the definition of National Socialism?
You do realize Hitler was allied with Arabs that included blacks and Japs right?
The Holla Forums raid continues, I see.
Yet you retards still make them successful by responding. t. hotpocket
Brosephine, let me take a moment here to enlighten you to the fact you have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about and that not a single Holla Forumsack anywhere has ever claimed they aren't racist. You're a moron. Holla Forums even celebrates being racist and states that they do not blame other races for being racist against them simply for being white, since racism is a default property of the human condition of belonging to a certain race.
I suggest you either go back from whence you came or lurk long enough to actually understand the perspectives of your enemies before attempting laughable criticisms of those supposed perspectives.
Since you wrote that I guess it`s true wtf I hate pol now, sage this shit thread.
Poe's Law is a bitch sometimes fam
come on hockpocketeer, with this thread subject it's going to be inevitable, don't deprive us of the entertainment at least
t. user
They're not even trying, just ignore them.
Man, it really is a fantasy movie.
This isn't reddit faggot. You can believe that everyone is better off in their own cultures while still believing your culture is the best. Its a tenant that virtually every single society had until the mid 20th century, and only because Hitler basically fucked everything up so hard that the west basically welcomed commie propaganda with open arms after he died.
Show us your pockets, janitor-sama.
It's not that it's suffering porn, but that it's unjustified suffering porn. In this day and age, the Jews are anything but oppressed, so having a film painting them like that is comical when watching it now.
Will it be the ultimate show down?
It would've been comical at any time in history.
Isn't splatoon 2 already infested by furries and miscellaneous tumblrites?
I mean, does it have to be rape?
That's true. Soyboys have effeminate goatees and other weird shit. Cuteboys are just cute.
Stop letting Holla Forums go to shit
t. Mark
Considering the time, it's either Pewter or goldenrod.
In case it's you Pewter, you're the worst hotpocket this board had since Lime.
You're actually making me miss that faggot.
You have no idea…
wew lad
Yep. Its basically a high budget version of the Ultimate Showdown.
They didn't believe me when I said Splatoon was nothing but this. Its like Nintendo is a magnet for these kinds of retards. Even the Nintendo forums and wikis are nothing but tumblrites.
Dubs confirm
e45c66 is a huge faggot.
Something tells me he's not gonna be phased by being called a faggot.
gotta love semantic satiation
Basically it’s Kosher Gamergate for the uninformed masses
Too bad you're never gonna get it.
Why can't anyone make a good VR game?
Fucking dropped
This cancer will make the bugmen cum their pants
Because the way medium from which you intake the product is inherently shit.
Dark Souls is in there, look again
Pokemon: Parzival is seen throwing a Pokeball at the Batmobile during the race
That one line tells you everything you need to know about this movie.
goddamn it
Its fully centered over escapism in a shitty world, at the point of said escapism being worth fighting for, since real life is beyond fucked.
Really makes you think.
If you try to do madmax shit, you go to jail
They couldn't even get Ash
Wait, is this shitty movie trying to make a statement?
BATmobile = zuBAT
OMG, SO FAHNNY! David Fitzgerald is gonna get such a good laugh out of this totally funny gamer™ joke! Ha ha
not even the slightest idea
I read the book and it is one of the worst things I've ever read, pure trash with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, it actually hurt to read atleast once per chapter from the hamfisted referencing shit.
I also seem to remember the hack writer didn't do the research himself and had someone do it for him but I can't seem to find anything on that so I might be misremembering.
From what I remember every key part of the story hinged on something they probably won't have the rights for, a literal third of the books plot mcguffin was the MC reading the script to War Games which I doubt will be kept in.
Devs worry about motion sickness too much, the amount of space the player can move around is too small, most vr games are designed around it being a waggling novelty rather than being a fun game that takes advantage of the head tracking etc.
Surprised they didn't include Seinfeld.
I will if you come over here user~
Splatoon 2 cringe thread when?
Why is this shit even being made? Get the fuck out of here. The movie is itself a fucking meme. YES WE'VE ALL SEEN THESE CHARACTERS BEFORE GET THE FUCK OUT YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL FOR GETTING A REFERENCE FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
I'm seriously sick of this internet culture bullshit.
Holy shit, at this point I'm beyond of even being mad at this, we just went into the realm of the absurd, this is definitively the best time line and shit like just proves it
I hope they reference my favorite youtuber.
Movies and Games and Comics you've HEARD OF (50%) would be more accurate.
also the characters that shittalk and banter are all inexcusably evil, vapid and narcissistic.
main character is a bland, boring fuck. he might smile smugly at one point
The fuck is this timeline anymore?
I remember seeing that image for years before realizing it was Sam Hyde.
they probably threw those in when the game was still in development, before it miscarried. if anything, it's proof that whoever was on this movie had no clue about video games. it was painfully obvious that the game was gonna flop to anyone even remotely interested (and not delusional) in vidya
What did I just watch?
I hate this Jew-infested nigger-celebrating pop culture.
Of course they had to add Undertale
This is actually surprising, I was expecting Solair
This shit looks grim but at least Ryu Hayabus and Guts are not in this shitshow
Truly the Don Quixote of our generation.
Guys, what if this is actually the final step of the plan to kill gamer and gaming culture? I mean, they can make people cringe at so hard to the point to cause physical pain when engaging in "gaming" and "nerd" culture
And yet here we are, seeing our culture get raped in the name of "look how disenfranchised you are!"
one can dream
I think those crossover "nerd" shirts you get in Lootcrate were a bigger factor.
How did he even get popular? Reservoir dogs isn't even that good. Still better than anything he did afterwards though.
He's never read "Stranger in a Strange Land"
Fucking weird sex cult shit man. The only thing good about it was the word Grok and the beginning,
I hope you kill yourself afterwards to atone for your bullshit to your kin.
Great book. I had the unabridged version and it was a good read. I also really like the word grok, and you can tell who's a poseur and who is actually in to tech is they're old enough to be familiar with the word.
Haven't watched it actually, heard it's a tribute to blaxploitation films but that's about it. Is it really worth checking out?
Man I read the cat who walks through walls by Heinlein and I swear to god it felt like three quarters through he just gave up on it gave it to some ghost writer, who proceed to magical realm the book.
I mean dude already had a bit of that shit going on with every female character wanting to fuck the protagonist but then everybody jumps a million years into the future where all of a sudden it gets cranked up to 11 with trannys and degeneracy abound and everybody is just okay with it.
there is also a scene in this future where somebody shits on the Schrodinger box thought experiment for being preposterous when that was the point of the whole thought experiment and it's done with a completely straight face.
I mean there is one dude who was a first mate on a space ship who became a lady because he really wanted to fuck his captain for fucks sake
a shame because I really did enjoy starship troopers and the moon is a harsh mistress
sage for off topic
I'm not sure myself. At first, I thought it was one of those creeper vids where someone jumps down a highway rest-stop toilet, but there's not enough shit for that. And there was a door. Could be an abandoned home with a convenient window for trash to be thrown through maybe?
Speaking of, I haven't heard anything from South Park in more than a year. Did the guys give up?
Jackie Brown is easily the best thing he's ever made, partially because he was adapting a book so the bullshit he could pull was limited. It's not as wacky or reference-stuffed as the rest of his films so most Tarantino fans either forget it exists or complain it's too slow.
The only, I repeat, ONLY Heinlein book that's alright is Starship Troopers. If someone mentions any book of his, I immediately re-direct them to Arthur C. Clark (Guy who wrote the book version of 2001 and "Rendezvous with Rama" which is a fucking interesting book by the way)
Looks like it's going to be kino.
This is only morally acceptable if you can sneak into the theater or work there, do not financially support this garbage.
That's a good sign, I'll check it out then thanks.
You have no right to talk after taking the nostalgia bait.
Why? Tossing in these more modern references just shits all the entire plot of the book. I mean yeah i'm sure you could argue these did exist in that universe but they would be nowhere near as popular as all the classic 80's things given the fact that the entire plot is based off his dude who really loved all that shit.
finally my gamer identity will get recognition. cant wait for all the sweet pity puss for being a underrepresented minority
Why would they want a loser? Then again, a tryhard loser hero for a tryhard loser movie would be fitting.
She was a fat black lesbian
This isn't even cancer, this is the equivalent of being vaporized by a nuke.
There better be a Holla Forums and Holla Forums stream of this steaming turd when it's released.
Why not? He'd fit right in with all the young actors sexually molested by Spielberg.
The whole movie is just references
And how exactly do you imagine it would go down?
A chink with a phone and like 2 portable battery chargers streaming it with chinarunes?
Having watched Black Panther it's Thor 1 levels of boring, mediocre shit.
The whole third act is the main character getting his ass handed to him in a completely fair and honest fight and then his family goes apeshit over it and tries to overthrow the one who "killed" him, only for one long action scene later(that's basically just a bunch of shaved chicks and big guys fighting a smaller bunch of guys with holoshields while two identical fighters who are indestructible grapple like gay lovers). It's a boring, completely unremarkable movie that isn't even enjoyable with friends. The one time I even cracked a smile was when I heard "Ayo, the queen!".
Don't hate the player.
I'd be down for this,it'd be great to see so many people possibly have an aneurism from anger/disappointment at the same time.
Why not?
RvR is a spectacular book. Haven’t read the sequels (heard they were middling to shit). Another video game set on Rama would be amazing. Even just the setting. You could do an open world Rama game, for fuck’s sake. I just want to walk around in that environment.
Three strikes.
… I guess I outthunk myself. Didn't expect that.
Jesus fucking christ they're at it again.
And it's alright only because it doesn't get too terribly dull in most parts. For whatever reason liberals like to claim Heinlein was some super right nazi or something, but the guy had a massive hardon for egalitarianism something fierce. Aside from his personal philosophy that everyone is actually equal and the only thing that matters is having a meritocracy (and that everyone of all walks of life can be equally adept at anything), he also made it a point several times in the book to say "females make the best pilots." He never actually explains why aside from mentioning they have amazing reaction times and/or can do great feats of mathematical calculations on the fly…both things that we know are false when compared to men, thanks to the wonderful stats given to us by modern day video games.
Man i hope they add DDLC references to show them to my normee friends so they can see how much of a self-aware WEEB i am xDDD
Nothing I enjoy escapes the public eye forever.
I want this to happen. I want to see all of our collective anger pour itself into a massive singularity which will then become an unbridled force of pure disgust and anger which then manifests into a force unlike any which has never been seen. I want this so bad.
Because he specifically calls modern day liberals the menace that almost destroyed the world with their ideology. Also anything right of Marx is automatically Hitler. Hasn't the past few years on here taught you anything?
Then you should keep it in mind and gather people together to make it happen.
So what are we thinking here? Angry chat? Drinking game? Webcams of our fists smashing something in rage? All of the above?
I am the man who wants to watch the world burn.
And we shall see the fire, blazing skyward, as it does turn.
Beauty in death, writhing in flame.
To thine, only unbearable pain.
Catharsis impossible, suffering utterly optimal, man held responsible, revenge articulated, methodical.
All to thee, directed hatred from angles astronomical
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!
We all know things are bad – worse than bad – they're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.
All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.
You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,
"I'm as mad as hell,
and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"
Pretty much. I loved it when it was just about exploring this giant anomaly in space, but that sure changed when the sequels came about.
Thats alantutorial you fucking retard.
im pretty sure i saw it in one of the first trailers
I remember being annoyed
am i mising something?
Finally, a purpose for my rage folder.
I refuse to believe this is real, and I will not check up on it. If you bring me genuine proof it is authentic I will ignore it.
Here have some of mine.
Rage thread?
ah, you are one of the subverted ones
come now user, don't you want to be on the right side of history?
go and watch black panth- ready player one, user
it's good
I promise
it has the iron giant in iiiiiit
don't really have many rage pics on this computer
Every thread is a rage thread nowadays. Have some unhappy skellies.
At least it provided me with a decent reaction image.
man the only time i payed attention to splatoon was to fap becasue of marriei think, whichever one looks apathetic
Guess what, they do
That's actually pretty funny
There really is no limit to this shit is there?
We have had "Everything: The Reference", "Gay Niggers from Outer Space", "He Raped Me and I Liked it", "Yellow Tic-Tacs mumble for 2 hours", "Snow White and the 7 Bulls", TLC …
Which one of you guys did this
It feels like they know the movie is going to bomb so theyre depending on the references to carry the film
The big guy obviously.
at least Billy Mays was spared
When I saw that list I just had to. For the glory of /bane/. May it crash this movie with no survivors.
It needs this entire video.
The Big Bang Theory : Parzival is seen owning a shirt with “Bazinga” on it. Sheldon Cooper is seen in the Oasis mall, seen chatting with Alf.
Its the movie that keeps on giving. There's something for everyone to hate
Literally Pooh Adventures by a kike blowing his bar mitzvah
Civilization was a mistake. I don't care if it's real at this point, but it's the possibility it can be and most likely will be. This isn't even the worst case of autism I've seen, but it only reminds me what more can and will come of it.
2nd pic would actually be badass if it wasn't drawn for such a ridiculous premise. Also I'm guessing they replaced Mr. Burns with the Texan because cowboys are more offensive or is it because Mr. Burns can no longer be considered evil due to that he's now officially a faggot in a relationship with Smithers?
So how does this excuse of a book end anyway? He finds the Easter egg thingy and gets a harem of fujoshis? Anything that may lead to a "Ready Player Two"?
Fucking hell, the sequel is actually gonna get called Ready Player Two, won't it? They'll make a sequel out of anything.
Its kind of stupid to ask a den of pirates but…
How is it legal for them to use all the characters without paying licenses?
the book ends with him winning and a normalfag romance where he "gets the princess"
The MC gets a girlfriend, a bazillion dollars, and ownership of the vr company that pretty much controls the world. So he follows his girlfriend's plan and decides to use the bazillion dollars to end world hunger.
Kill me Pete
You're not done yet faggot get up.
All the English words I know cannot describe my exact feelings, only their own failure to.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as it's not substantial use of an IP it's fair game.
Sadly, no legal precedent exists regarding a movie with so little substance that insubstantial use of a million different IPs is the entire substance of the film.
Spielberg has countless connections and cash to spare. They've spent like 5 or so years working just to secure the licenses for all of these fucking properties. Most of it was done by someone called Deidre Backs. Unless this movie makes mad money, they'd probably be royally fucked over (if it was anyone but Spielberg).
Don't give the author ideas, he would probably go max cuck and reference black panther to death.
I love that anime
Consider the terrifying and all-too-likely alternative; all those companies are in cahoots and allowed this to happen.
T-That would be i-impossible goy!!
You'd think someone who looks like that would have way worse teeth, got any backstory? I need some WTF to wash down all this rage.
marries a negress
feeds all the niggers and screws over mankind
cucks out instead of telling a bitch to get sucking
As long as we're doing nostalgia: remember when heroes were people that you could look up to or at least people that were cool? I swear to fuck if I see Guts on that list I'm going to lose it
> Steven Universe: Peridot is killed by IOI employees during their attack.
Would you go berserk?
Actually, if there is one thing the book did right, its that the MC gets together with a white chick.
At least Gondolas are safe right?
Really? An interracial marriage would be the perfect cherry on this shit sundae, but trips don't lie. The MC is just a cuck instead of a turbo-cuck.
Why is black panther so significant to liberals? I don't understand.
That's sequel bait if I've ever seen one. Hold on to your seats, fuckers. The worst part hasn't even begun.
It's too late, they've read all of our minds and uploaded all of human history into a supercomputer that will process references.
Literally impossible with how much niggers, pakis and arabs love to breed when a surplus of provisions is injected into their government or area. The scarcity comes from the pop boom. It'd be a problem that was increase exponentially.
It isn't, it's significant to the mass media marketing machine.
This has to be fake.
I genuinely don't know what to post to respond to this fucking list. There is no reaction image grand enough.
Because they want more people of color in media since they believe that American is incredibly racist, which is funny considering how often they brag about the movie being successful
Wait. Hold it.
What if we just keep adding shit to the list?
Push it even further beyond and set up expectations.
Liberals spend every waking moment of their lives trying to convince other people and themselves that they are not racist.
I can't even tell if that's a joke or not.
Logic is racist user
Someone had to have seen this film and picked it apart frame by frame for hours to get all of those, I pity them.
how does money actually end world hunger? you can't just buy more food you have to produce more food. then you have ship it preserve distribute it?
Fug, I missed out on the shitposting. I'll still watch the movie anyway
it one of those dime a dozen straigh to tv protect the tree films, how do you think it ends?
you have seen this movie before, nothing is going to be different. this is just a reference filled coat of paint.
I get why everyone is upset, but remember, you don't have to watch the movie.
It doesn't. The charity just pockets it all and says that they fed all the starving niglets. The MC apparently has the mind of a 12 year old, maybe he is 12 I can't be bothered to check.
I still have to smell it.
Try it and you'll get the machete.
Nice try gay nigger faggot.
No, you don't. Just stay here until the movie hype dies down, you'll forget about it eventually.
If infrastructure, logistics and social order has pretty much collapsed/is nonexistent outside, that would be impossible to accomplish, no matter how much money you throw at it.
I dont plan to, but that doesnt change that a lot of people will
and that it will probably be at least mildly popular
and im gonna have to listen to "remember when x showed up" by co-workers
or " you'll totally like its, its super geeky and you like that kind of stuff right?"
an don't forget the consequences of this shit becoming popular, ready for more BAZINGA?, cause that's whats going to fucking happen
3/10 ifell for it
That would be perfect to stream illegally here so we can all rage together.
Has already been proposed several times. Hopefully Mark or Holla Forums delivers with the streams.
I'm used to that by now. The worst is when they start talking about video games like they know anything about them.
Unfortunately I have to go outside and work. Being a wagie is fucking awful, at least once a day I have to tamp down the urge to suck-start a shotgun. The smell is the worst part, if you never smelt a jungle nigger I envy you. I am saving up money and preparing to get a telecommute job so I can live the NEET life forever.
Look, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here but
The list is basically nothing but trolling at this point
It's on the cancerous wikia website, it's shitposters aving a giggle m8. This does not detract whatsoever from the absolutely cancerous fucking cringe/ragefest that the movie will be, I'm just pointing something that should be obvious to most anons (but apparently isn't or just no one cares): most of the list is just fucking wrong. If Evanescence didn't tip you off along with Bil Wilson and other things, well…
The movie is going to be a steaming pile of shit and the references are going to be gay retardation beyond comprehension, but it will be less terribly horrendous than the current list makes it look.
I bet you buy and like EA games too you filthy mutt. Only thing worse is admitting you liked The Last Jedi.
How can you push this further? They really have outdone themselves with cancer this time.
I think you've misunderstood. I hate it as well, I'm just going to watch it to revel in it. Not paying a dime, of course.
Yeah no. Even if there are over 20 false things on that list, the pure amount of cringe is simply too much.
You only have yourself to blame after admitting you wanna watch the movie, you shill.
I checked other sites, so far I can't find anything on who appears in the final battle, but most of the cameos seem to be confirmed, like the RWBY one. Although I'm going to make a contribution of my own soon while the getting's good.
Should we vandalize the wiki?
What's funny is that the film itself will be only remembered by "Did you see X, Y and Z in film?" and no-one will probably remember details of the film itself like the plot. So it dilutes any message the film itself might try to convey.
It'll be treated like some reference safari, picking apart what's mentioned while ignoring the scenery. But I guess that's what they're really banking on this time.
For the fucking naysayers
Go for it, I'm pretty sure it's been getting vandalized by anons for at least a few hours now.
I'm not saying it won't be a complete abortion, I'm simply telling anons not to freak out over things that sound like our nightmares come true. Like having Sans from Undertale in there, or Steven Universe, or whatever.
Please God, end us all
As obnoxious as the movie sounds, ti does kinda portray how a virtual world would look.
Have you seen VR chat? There's no shortage of references and copying of popular memes over and over. The avatars are all over the place.
You have faggots running around with the stupidest of "memes" - the white smiley face guy with the super logo, that just spams emoji particles. And somehow that's supposed to be funny. At least the uganda knuckles is derpy, organic and evolves (elements added over time by users - started with why are you running, then the sniffing and spitting were added, then the devil worship, queen search, no freese, etc..)
Don't worry user, the chinese think they're raising them up through their imperialism. They're pretty fucked without white money and protection.
I remember when they published this report. It wasn't suppressed. Why did you save a fake clickbait article about the report instead of the report itself?
What the actual fuck did I just watched?!
There is a lot of shit in that that pisses me off, but I cannot see past that
You can tell ever meme faggot who never played undertale a mile away because they have sans as some top tier god when the only real fighters in the whole game are asriel in his god of hyperdeath form, Undyne, and Asgore.
Fuck I hate casuals.
The fuck why these niggas throwin in my boy Freddy Freaker.
GET ANGRY, user!
I actually started looking at the image specifically to see it not being included.
Playing Island Troll Tribes while reading this thread.
Remember when you were young and you thought that making a rpg maker game full of characters from other games and referrences could be cool, but after you grew up you looked it back and it make you cringe?
I want to see Steven Kikeburg's pedophile fucking corpse burn to kosher ash in 6 million ovens.
How can i edit the page?
I want to add a The Greatest Story Never Told reference
inb4 some asshole pirates the first torrent available and tries to stream it in cam quality
I'd be up for a epic vydia gaymes references drinking game
california practical effects from some spic.
Some sad sack of shit from cuckchan doing the right thing
2nd pic is the first time i chuckled at a leftist's joke in around 5 years. not that i ever held back, they just weren't funny.
I'm not trusting anything until I see it for myself. Even still the blatant references eat at my soul on a level not seen since August 2014.
Pink Flamingo comes pretty close, Satan.
So we are in hell? Makes sense then.
There's nothing wrong with pre-Disney SW
Even the prequels?
The first three are fine, charming space adventures, but the prequels are pure shit.
How to detect shit-for-brains miles away. This was made by people who look at front-page memes and threw them in
Gee who could be behind this post, you pleb faggot? But regardless, they are flawed. But the movies are overrated as all fucks. The real charm is in the vidya, tabletop, novels and comics which were adventurous and free of modern politics and diversity. Hell trannies were considered a mental disorder and were normally criminals who underwent surgery, unlike the new Disney comics and novels under Marvel and Wendig, which put as much focus as possible on moronic political pandering
And don't even get me started on EA's fuckfest.
What a god awful site. It just a site full of rabid fans and SJWs who overpraise shit like this. Don't get me started on that article, some of her points are so insubstantial and shallow that don't have a DEEP explanation on why the comics are really "good". Marvel Comics are going downhill because how politicized the comics are.
I just wish they'd crash and burn already. Worst part is this garbage will probably be forever tied to Star Wars because trying to remove it would label anyone a bigot or some other such shit, or because garbage characters like Rey, Finn, etc actually have a following… Best thing to do would be to let the whole thing die in peace while it still has some semblance of dignity along with everything else that's been fucked over by modern media.
Where did I say that? Shitting on the prequels like the worst shit to ever be conceived is something a stereotypical RLM fag would do. The prequels were always recognized as being flawed and in need of improvement, but after RLM made their shitty review of them, everyone grew a massive hate boner for them, and some even started calling them racist and sexist. Shit like that is what probably motivated George to sale to the (((Mouse))) and his cronies (Spielberg also probably had a hand in that).
This guy said:
I replied with :
And then you jumped in and called me a kike:
So what's up nigger?
RLM? As in RedLetterMedia?
But shitting on the prequels is a pretty jewish thing to do since Yidsney, JJ, Spielberg and the rest of their lot want to make sure normalfags hate the prequels as much as possible to make their shitty new films look better, which in actuality have a higher percentage of jewyness overall on J-DAR (which was mysteriously shut down) when compared to the OT and the PT (with the PT practically close to 0%), while the new films are far over 50% on the J-DAR.
Seriously? Are there any other fucks who go by that acronym? Also, vid-related is a reminder that RLM supports the government inserting RFID chips into your body to track your location at all times.
When did this happen?
Thanks a lot Mark. You killed the board.
Leave Mark alone. He just wants to eat cake and play with overpriced cardboard.
Fuck if I know.
Just because hipsters and jews are supposed to hate it doesn't make them good movies.
Scary movie 1 and 2 were actually good and 3 was ok, it had some some good scenes. You have a point for 4 and all the other parody movies.
I don't disagree. Watched 1 while a little high with a friend couple of months ago, thought it was hilarious and very silly, especially with the outdated jokes and references when was the last time you heard anybody mention fucking Prince?. Watched 2 completely sober and it was ok, but I still cringed at the same gags I did when it first came out. 3 was a noticeable drop, that's when I stopped being indifferent about Movies and started outright despising them.
This could be fake maybe. Battleborne and Chappie are pretty "out there".
2 is absolute garbage, having some of the worst cinematography of all the Scary Movies combined, but it did have a few amusing jokes. 3 was far better than 2, but that's not saying much, but it got many giggles out of me. 4 is like 2, weak overall but a few amusing jokes.
Liberals are normalfags
Normalfags don't consume any entertainment except marvel cinematic universe and harry potter. If something has not happened to appease them within either of these series, it doesn't fucking exist. It doesn't matter if there's a bunch of black superheroes already like blade and such, "What's blade?" they'll say.
tl;dr they're highly gullible idiots who got tricked by a marketing campaign into watching a mediocre at best movie because of political litmus bullshit, like with ghostbusters.
Fuck. The dyke from Overwatch is practically in every VR scene. Why the fuck is Overwatch getting shilled more? As if this movie wasn't looking bad enough.