I'm wasting my weekends with VR chat. I know it's not a "game" game, but I'm honestly having fun dicking around with people.
So what stuff are oyu having fun with over the weekend?
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I just finished some pizza and plan on playing Kirby later.
Downed some vodka. Gonna order some pizza play some switch games and just fucking relax for once. Thinking of finishing up mario odyssey first then gonna hit bayonetta, and maybe some sonic mania or xenoblade 2.
Kirby Star Allies.
The general "get three allies and then just completely stomp every enemy in the game" gameplay reminds me of Dungeon Siege.
Isn't VRchat practically dead after Uganda knuckles meme died out? Seems like a emptier version of Second Life.
Im about to drink heavily and do the same thing in VR. I use a kinect for leg tracking so I can kick people in the dick for being traps.
Maybe drink and play some starsector, maybe finally play .hack AND FINISH GRINDING FOR THE FUCKING VIRUS CORE HOLY FUCK
I am playing The Ballad of Gay Tony to see just what's so good about it when compared to GTA IV base game. So far, I am not impressed. It's early, though, so maybe that will change. After that I guess I'll go back to Deus Ex Invisible War and try to see the good in it. There's always NIoh if I need something to play between this trash, though.
Bloodborne, because I've had the fucking game for over a year now and never actually got around to beating it for some reason.
Other than that, probably Peach Beach Splash, Raptor Call of the Shadows, and getting around to finally beating Gray Matter. Another game I've had for ages, but never got around to finishing. I've been on an adventure game kick lately - finally getting around to playing KQ7 and SQ6 - so those series are done.
If you need specific cores, search online by the core name for areas to generate that should make it easier to acquire them. Should be some old forum posts around with places.
I'll still say G.U. handled its analog (Data Seeds) better, but at the same time still pads it out by having some dungeons you have to run simply for the last seed you need to progress. Though at least with those, either Yata or Pi will tell you what field is pinging as having the AIDA you need to drain within it.
I bitched out of going to a bar by myself for saint patrick's day, so I ordered pizza for delivery just now, and I'm probably going to try drinking by myself somehow I manage to repeatedly even fuck that up because I don't like the taste of alcohol and finish Kirby Star Allies or just watch anime backlog. Thanks for always being here, guys. I'm lost with you, but I'd be lost and even lonlier without you.
Are you the same poor fucker playing Invisible War in the questions thread?
Why are you playing that shit, it's fanfiction-tier consoletrash
I'm playing it cause I don't like to rely on "the popular opinion". I wanted to make my own informed opinion on the game in order to understand why so many people hate it. I have not gotten very far into the game at this point, but I am beginning to see why it's so badly maligned.
I've been playing puzzle games.
Honestly I'm having fun making stuff for VR and testing it.
Right now I'm running around as God-Emperor of Knuckleskind, and together with my Knuckles Space Marine children, I'm purging furries and calling down exterminatus upon the heretics.
Uniy is being a bitch, animations work fine when tested in Unity, but don't work properly in-game..
You're never alone.
I spent 20 minutes trying to find a torrent for Fate that actually worked
time to fish
I've been hanging out with my friends and occasionally been playing Turok.
Can I be your fren
I've been putting a shit ton of time into Dragon Ball FighterZ recently. Lot of fun tbh
There are people at my job who say they are "totally into anime" and have never seen anything outside of Netflix. I'm watching Chocotto Sister right now. It's giving me the feels.
I miss firetires. He was a friend to all of us.
Playing in the Anniversary Event of Garupa. 1 Year of Existence.
dead or alive 5.
Is there anything like this but without normalfags and not VR-focused?
t. crippling cheap bastard social anxiety user
Fucking heresy
Second life
Watching letsplay of FF15.
Gameplay is so shit I can see that I'm not missing out on anything.
Pretty cool.
Divide and Conquer for Third Age Total War updated about a week ago, so I'm having fun with that. Playing as Rhun so my armies are shiny like a bad rappers teeth.
No shit? How is that set-up? Is the 360 Kinect usable? Do any other VR games support something similar?
working the weekend shift and pretending to be a jobless bum on my 3 days off during the week
My models aren't shit.
Surprisingly, nobody talks about it. Maybe because it is more of porn paradise than shitpost simulator.
What's wrong? Got something to share? :^)
I hope you just don't make anime trash.
And speaking of VRChat avatars, does anyone know any hideous avatars? So, i can walk around being too suspicious.
And why the fuck they made crouch/crawl only for VRfags? I'm pretty sure it will be super easy to implement for desktop users. inb4 "last minute addition" and "not targeted audience".
Playing Ys8 and Splatoon.
Can't decide if I want to get vermintide 2 or Yakuza 0 next. I can't decide to play Kiwami first or zero. Please help.
Look at OP, third pic.
Rest In Pig Fredrick
>their excuse is that knuckles occupied black-natives island
What the fuck.