Haven't seen much of discussion in regards to this game much. What does Holla Forums think of it?
Disgaea Thread?
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It's shit.
Fantastic. Just make sure not to buy the games as their publisher is not just bad, but actually ruins the product they get their hands on.
I don't think there is any TRPG as absurd as the Disgaea series. What I really enjoy about this series is how they build upon what the last game did. Actually streamlining without casualizing. Too bad NIS higher ups were being complete cunts and made their Disgaea team leave. Ever since then their projects have been much smaller in scale.
I don't know, but I hope you find this Holla Forums guy you're looking for.
1> 3>>>>>> 2
Haven't played any others.
Not really, he sold himself as a sex slave to some demented little creeper. Anything to get away from his poisonous parents and sister. I'm honestly not sure I blame him.
Woah what?
Last I heard what before he quit posting on youtube. He was living in an apartment with his sister and doing like… random cleaning jobs.
"Got his shit together" my ass, goddamn. If it's true.
But what happened to his game, dammit.
The apartment thing didn't work out, and he had to move back in with his parents. I'm pretty sure he moved in with this guy: youtube.com
Like I said, I don't blame him. He gets to swim in blue stuff, and gets to take vacations to Hawaii and stuff. In exchange, he spreads his ass for his new master. I'm sure its better than living with his cancerous parents in the middle of nowhere in Kansas.
I personally like Z.H.P. best, but that's more for it's themes and such. Disgaea is cool too though.
What's with that guy? His facial movements are creepy af.
I think make your own opinions but it fucking sucks
I found Absence of detention's postgame much harder to get into then 4 revisited's postgame.
Fun to play, great looking designs, but most of the generic characters get no fucking porn which is a shame. Where's art of regular angels? Those sleepy eyelids deserve to be covered in semen.
Disgaea is shit even for N1S srpgs. Play Phantom Brave instead.
As far as the stories go? They stopped making making musical fantasy adventures and instead focus on meta self aware comedies with "over powered Demon Lords" as a source of all their jokes. So you get that DBZ power creeping issue. Everyone keeping being a Demon Lord it loses all meaning and your army is filled with them in the 5th game. It makes the setting paper thin, especially 3. Their demon highschool shtick was not funny. To me anyway. Being able to get on a ship and go to another planet in 5 made all the floating cube maps you play on stick out even more, as in, you should bring attention to that.
I never "cared" about any of their planets, not like your there long enough to grow attached. The Protags 1 and 4 actually had motivations and desires. Valvatorez just wanted to become president so he could make Demons great again. Since they had become ass retarded. Like going to Demon high school where not showing up at all is the encouraged best action that none of them do. Then Laharl's learning how to become an effective decent leader was cute. Protags 2, 3, and 5 just wanted revenge/justice. La Pucelle and Phantom Brave did a better job with setting and atmosphere. Between La Pucelle and Disgaea's strategy gameplay I see the tactics game I want, but will never get. Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom style of combat is how they should have kept going.
Also the less you grind the more fun the game is, grind as little as possible. Why to nips like grinding so much?
Then there's Phantom Brave, which is only that shit.
*Makai Kingdom
but that one was grid-less and there for better.
but yea, scaling is important, and if everyone is "special", then no one is.
SIde note, the Marl Kingdom artist actually knows how to put meat on people's bones. Disgaea's artists, even the warriors look boney, and so flat.
Might as well post these last 5.
They did the self-aware schtick for 4 games, and the 5th is a cliche as fuck anime game, with an unironic anti-hero edgelord chunni (MY OTHER PERSONALITY IS EVIL type) as a main character.
Outside of story, the gameplay essentially has not changed outside of gimmicks they add in each next one, with a focus on grinding in most of the post game content. It's extremely padded out, and there's very little difference between weapons and after a certain point the game turns into rocket tag.
Despite being a tactics game, it's shallow as fuck. Magic is useless after the first half of any game, healing isn't attacking so it's useless after the main game, literally the only draw is the excessive and over the top animations and excessive grinding, grinding for shit the helps you grind less and so on.
Most combat involves spamming skills over and over with no thought.
It should have died a while ago, but they keep churning it out because they attach assloads of DLC involving characters from previous games and then sell a version of it later that has all the DLC on a handheld console.
At this point, it's just a cheap cash grab.
Grindfest, too much quirky humor, made by NIS and translated by fucking NISA.
If you like them then just pirate them.
It's trash just like everything NIS produced after the 5th gen and only made shittier because of NISA's cancerous touch
I liked the game i played through it multiple times but the problem is there is nothing to do. all that there is to do is fight baal and get the overlord title. not enough content compared to the other disgaea games but i guess the other games have a little too much content. they also made demon lord prier weaker gameplay wise then regular prier which is such a sin
Disgea ate a few good years of my life, and I recall it fondly.
Not the first one. Though, it's directly responsible for NISA existing in the first place.
NISA are gods you contrarian fuck.
Define content? every chapter of the game had multiple endings, and bonus events that influence the those changes. An argument could be made that traveling and exploring that maps and trying to find the secret events could just be busy work too, but it really did help with the world feeling more alive. At least compared to Disgaea where you simply just go to the portal lady/butler/maid and teleporting you to the next map instantly. You did save the Sister Oliva right? You didn't kill the mama bear did you? I really enjoy those inner connected maps.
Becoming a hobo soon, eh, NISA employee?
Did something happen to NISA? Is nip only NIS also effected?
What do you think? This leak is fake or not? Was posted on a steam forums for a NISA game and the thread was deleted.
The fucking bottle of water that's in my arm's reach right now can record shit better. I think Big Picture overlay wouldn't be that hard to imitate at those two points it appears, though I believe it anyway because who would bother to make a fake leak of a niche series? Why the fuck are they porting DD2 instead of D5? DD2 is worse in every way. Making a Disgaea 1 sequel while adding shitty overpowered siblings instead of defenders of earth was retarded. Strangely, all of it makes so little sense, I can easily believe it.
What makes me suspicious is trying to remove leaks like that always leads to everyone knowing it was deleted and the information being everywhere, and I've went to Steam, checked several their games and there's no threads or posts.. I believe it anyway, though the chance it's fake is high
It's gonna take something more than the "cute girls" meme. This series is nothing but a joke.
That video shows Sony button prompts. Check out the uploader's other videos, the view counts are usually single-digits, so if he's faking videos he's a failure at it.
There's also vids like this, where you wonder wtf he's trying to do. The posted PC specs don't look powerful enough to emulate PS3, would they be powerful enough for capturing video from a PS3?
I think this person might be the type of autist to fake a leak, since I also get a huge ESL vibe from the channel, like it's some slav.
Wait a second, Steam can recognise non-Steam games. I think Big Picture could be used to run the PS3 emulator and play the game? That's probably what happened. It makes no sense for it to suddenly release on April 1st, every Disgaea they've released on Steam has had a PC beta and there'd be no time. Fake shit.
Yeh but as said, can the guy even read the emulator? Not to mention it's fishy the thread would be outright deleted when NISA does nothing about threads that insult them. However I do agree the PS3 buttons prompts are fishy.
Here's the screenshot the dude posted in the thread.
This screenshot and the video are too clean. Emulation, especially PS3, is still in its infancy and chock full of inaccuracies like graphical glitches and rounding errors. Either he has a pass-through capture and upscale of the real PS3, or this is the real-deal. Any experts on resolution upscaling reading this?
The April 1 date is suspicious, why would NISA choose April Fool's for a port release? There's only 11 days left until we know for sure.
I think what makes me think he might be really leaking, he didn't diss NISA on the forums, so maybe he's actually leaking. If it's a very early build it might explain why there's still the PS3 controller UI? Who knows.
Now that I think about it how do you even know it was posted on "steam forums for a NISA game"? They have a shitload of games. It's impossible for a single human being to be on all of them at the same time if they removed it so fast, it didn't make people spam that it's coming out. Did you just accidentally happen to be on the same forum and notice it getting removed or are you the uploader making shit up for views? I think the former is more likely because you'd go elsewhere if you cared for publicity. It'd be retarded to start it here, if you were the uploader you'd get way more from reddit or whatever as maybe a journo or some other faggot would pick it up.
The only way to check if NISA really deletes this video on sight if anyone bothers to post it on some of their more popular subforums, so somewhere their mods or devs might go. If they shoah the thread, that'd be an outright admission the information is at least partially true, even if the date isn't. Unless it is a moderator going apeshit, which can also happen.
I was looking at the Ys viii forums and saw that post by him. It got deleted 1-2 days later. The only time a thread was deleted despite there being threads saying "I wish NISA would go bankrupt" or the like.
So I followed Nippon Ichi for a bit back in the 00s and it really seemed like with each new game they were trying something new. Did they… keep doing that?
I forgot they did that. Will my cpu catch on fire?
The prinny games where actually fun platformers.
it annoys me that disgaea sprites are so blurry and lacking in sharpness.
For that case I blame the psp for being a psp, but any other time, yea, I wonder why it took them so long to get "HD" level sprites for Disgaea 4.
No, they all have that blurry look since the PS2 games. I don't know why, and I always found it hideous.
I enjoy them.
by content i mean end game content. la pucelle and soul nomad has great stories but end game content was not that much. yes i did save them and get the good endings
Oh no, I know what you mean. I remember people complaining about that with Disgaea 1 review, that it looked like a playstation 1 game. Probably just made making things on the psp that much easier because of how low res everything was. I think its probably because they where using the same "development standards" or what ever you want to call it, basically they kept making "PS1 games" and then sold it at what ever console level was out. They only bothered changing when it became too apparent or maybe they finally got enough money to upgrade their "development hardware".
Ah, well I think thats more because of when that game was actually made. "end game content" is a newer idea. Usually New game +, or an extra bonus dungeon was there as extras. I doubt Disgaea 1 even knew what it was doing with its Cave of Ordeals. Probably because it was so easy to slap extra missions on there in the first place. I know La Pucelle Ragnarok for the PSP ended up adding several more chapters to explain Overlord Prier. You should hunt that down if you are still interested. and the english patch.
i did but that had its own problems. overlord prier is weaker then regular preier game play wise cause overlord prier scales off of int. overlord prier appearing in other games has bad implications it may be that the bad ending is canon and prier kills everyone she loves or it can be that the other priers are actually her shadow because her shadow can appear with out prier actually being there which i hope is the case
my issue is PS1 games look great. If I'm not wrong, I think the disgaea games are in 480i but the sprites are scaled with a bilinear filter so they are naturally blurred. I don't see much of a reason why this is the case as there's PS2 games which run in 240p and the system also has a 480p mode if they wanted to provide an option for a clean image.
To me it's just a consistent issue with the visual aesthetic.
Yeah, they should have just kept it as a split timeline where she did the joke ending. It was cute that they wanted to tie it in with everything else, but they really shouldn't have.
Nip developers, especially small dev houses tend to be ignorant/lazy around technical hardware. I recall a bunch of ps3 games like Ateliera games, also NIS made, just did not understand threading, so their games always looked like a "above tier ps2 game" since they did not use any of the other cores. This probably was an issue with a lot of other small time devs in the west, if they actually still existed.
I'm kind of sad Cross Edge ended up being horrible, but I never played it. Did anyone else ever try it? Capcom crossover sounded like it should have been fun.
Is Laharl gay?
No, he's just bad at dealing with developed females.
It's called having good taste.
If he really has good taste, then explain why he eats yoghurt so eagerly it gets all over his face and even scarf? Yoghurt doesn't exactly strike me as something I'd call "delicious" and even its health benefits are mostly made up so it's a shitty choice. Simple milk would be a better choice if you want dairy products.
Eating messily doesn't say anything about taste and yoghurt is pretty good.
It was childhood trama actually. No doubt the nurse maid was attempting to turn Laharl gay o ensure no future generations.
Nah, he actually gets a charge out of them. Etna and Flonne are basically his harem, he just doesn't know what to do with them, yet.
When does that happen?
He turns into a girl in D2, but I never heard anything about becoming a slutty idol. I never got that far into the game.
if you lose to the chapter boss he becomes a girl you get an ending were he becomes an idol. after that chapter he turns back into a guy until you beat the game were you have the option to turn back into a girl using the dark assembly. the bill you have to pass has a 100% chance to pass but the bill to turn him back to a male has like a 90% chance to fail since the male senators want him to stay female
Female Laharal only being a thing for a single short chapter is pure bait'n'switch-tier bullshit considering how hard they marketed it.
It's shit. It should have been fun, but it's… just, really bad. The voice acting could have been better, the combat doesn't feel good, the story is phoned-in, and the gameplay is just weird. A few of the characters were written right to be sure; I don't like Morrigan's voice, but they got her teasing and her tits right.
I thought the exact same thing and thats how it felt in game since its never really talked about for the rest of the game
It's a shame too since Female Laharl is best girl.
I can only hope that in future Disgaea games she's an unlockable character from an alternate Netherworld where Laharl was always female.
Do you guys know any jrpg hack and slash versions of Disgaea? I didn't like ZHP.
Is all the complaining about NIS because they butcher the localizations or something? Would the Japanese version of Disgaea 5 be worth playing on Switch?
I don't know about the disgaea games, i know one of them removed the wooden horse BDSM scene.
No, NISA doesn't just localize, they fuck with code and shit sometimes too. Particularly infamous case being Witch and the Hundred Knight original release, wherein they introduced a bug in the english version that could brick your PS3
Always love the art style, but never played one of the games until a few months ago when I picked up D5. I'm loving it and have gotten hooked with the grind. Lovable characters, story doesn't blow you away but it's better than I thought, good music, and a LOT of weird strategy mechanics.
Was trying my best to gear up my guys in the post game, got stomped by the non-Carnage version of Baal. Tried it again later, and the four versions of Baal died to Usalia's overload on accident.
There's still a lot of weird mechanics I'm finding out. Like when Zetta summons his castle, you essentially hurt an additional 38% more on the enemy… turns out attacking enemy targets from a higher elevation reduces the target's DEF ADJ by 1% for every 1dm in elevation difference, and since you're 38dm higher on that castle.
So many many weird mechanics you can find.
Anybody know where I can find more of the artwork for these games?
Don't know much about NISA, but seen & heard a lot of bad stuff about them from Holla Forums
that song was incredibly cute
Seraphina was cute, wish she would've jiggled more.
Killia's alternate form was pretty bad ass
Red Magnus was an obvious tank, and his passive -50% DEF ADJ against enemies was awesome
Usalia was kind of cute too, what happened to her parents was horrific
Zeroken really reminded me of Naruto with his shadow clone jutsu
All of that beautiful art wasted on pixle sprites that even look bad on CRTs. This game begged to have HD sprites, it's pretty lame that they didn't added them in the PC release of Disgaea 2.
Majorita was an enemy I absolutely hated during the story campaign for her sadistic tendecies.
Christo became one of the most awesome buffers in the game with his passive evilities where you get perfect accuracy & extra attack just standing next to him.
Goldion's character seemed extra grand and wise, so bizarre the way he got twisted.
The last character's post-game reveal being a sis-con was hilarious
Holy crap, what did they do for the PC release? They kept all the world/combat sprites fuzzy, but all the menu sprites are crisp.
Well, if it's any consolation, I hear that they're going to re-release Disgaea 1 in HD this summer, for it's 15-year anniversary
So, anybody else got artwork to share?
I'm getting good at D5 and near the end of post game, so I could probably answer any questions about that game if anybody needs advice.
I think what he meant was Disgaea 2 should have had HD sprites
Pick one.
NISA purposely sabotaged PC ports in the past to convince NIS that PC ports weren't worth it and recently out right admitted they don't understand how PC ports work.
They continually try to port games without doing any core programing; that's why all their PC ports have been complete trash and they had to get another company to do Ys VIII after a year of continual failure.
sounds like the NISA Holla Forums warned me about
Oh, that's nice, hopefully they release Disgaea 2 HD as well. Someone in the comments mentions that Disgaea originallyonly gives you exp for kills so did everyone just grind healers, like i did?
The older games.
How about a real time Disgaea?
What did you expect to happen?
Man I hated the cast for D5 for the longest and only tolerated them when half way through the plot. I gained more enjoyment out of my generic units with a few lines than the main cast. Usalia is cute though. That moment when she stopped the red giga nigga from killing Majorita with the excuse of "If we kill her, we'll be just as bad!" made me rage. But watching her get killed and reanimated by Void made me satisfied. That was a much better way for her to die.
There are plenty of small things never explained. Like how the earlier games has a "Stationary Bonus". For every turn you stood still (as in not move. This ignored being thrown) you gained a 10% damage bonus that would stack each turn. Or how you lose 1 of your chances to counter if you defend, attack, or move. I think in later games you're guaranteed to counter as long as you're able to instead of it being a chance. In the first few games, countering was useless because you couldn't counter special moves and there was almost no reason not to do them outside of team attacks. Only recently have they realized that being able to counter special moves was a good idea.
Anybody know where I can find more of the artwork for these games?
You can find most of the artbooks here. The third artbook hasn't been scanned by anyone yet.
Thanks man, I tried looking up Disgaea over there but only found some unofficial stuff. Didn't think to look under the artist's name. By the way, where did you get the images you posted?
Priere is pretty damn great.
I had fun with the second and the first, didn't get too far in the third or fourth. I always had a ninja that would dodge heal spells so I didn't really bother to do anything with a healer just occasionally use heal items.
Also I would really like another Makai Kingdom.
They still haven't fixed the goddamn opening, that was the last NISA game I ever bought.
Let me share some Disgaea 5 post game advice I found real helpful.
A lot of peolple use four male angels around their damage dealer (usually a sage), because the angels give +25% ATK ADJ with their primary evility Angel Song.
Some take it even further by switching it up and getting Christo (accuracy), a maid (extra move), and another sage (double action) as one of these four buffer positions after theyver given them the ability to use the Angel Song evility. They'd also add Evil Eye and/or Lovely Song unique evilities as well.
I tried to go even farther, giving them all "Dark Song" (+2% ally stats; -2% enemy stats), Charasmatic Novice from Emizel (+10% stats to adjacent ally). Then I made Mao one of the four buffers, who will make any ally within 3 panels do 20% more damage, and any enemy within 3 panels receive 20% more damage (and they stack).
Further, I used "Angel Leadership" on Christo, where he gives an additional +50% ATK ADJ to everybody next to him (including the damage dealer), when four people surround him. Since Christo also has Superlative Ally, he increases the damage output of anybody who stands next to him the more and more INT he has. It's hard to gauge how exactly Superlative Ally works, but you can tell it does by how the estimated damage bar shrinks/grows when Christo is around or not. Knowing this, I usually have Christo use Magic Boost on himself to increase his INT, and I also stick around him other mini-buffer characters around Christo that might buff him, like Pleanair (Idol Assist gives +10% stats to all allies), Artina (+20% stats to adjacent male allies), and some other mini buffers that also have Charasmatic Novice. These mini buffers can also be used in the main buffer's place if something happens to one of the main buffers, like if they die or whatever. Some of them also have Medical Insertion, Tension Booster and even another Angel Leadership.
I used this so much, and found it to be very powerful. Anybody who I want to make dangerous, i just stick in the middle of this crowd. Usually one or two shot almost anybody.
People should check the Non-H section more often. It usually has a lot of great stuff there.
It's a good way to get many images with transparent backgrounds.
That's for buffing an ally, for DEBUFFING an enemy, I do this when I surround my enemy with multiple debuffers.
Use a Succubus (lower stats of adjacent male enemy by 20%) and a Shroom (lower stats of adjacent female enemies by 20%), and let them also use each other's unique evility, so both will be effective against male or female enemies. They're also given "Angel Majesty" which reduces adjacent enemy DEF ADJ by 20%. Then I also load them up with Fenrich's "Intimidating Gaze", which lowers the DEF ADJ of the enemy by 10% (but debuffers have to face the enemy). I also give them Dark Song (-2% to enemy stats), Cursed Dance (enemies take 3% more DMG ADJ), and give them Anti-Element to reduce their elemental resistances.
I also use Fenrich as a debuffer too, I guess I could use a fourth debuffer but it's a little excessive. You see, you can't reduce a unit's stats to go below 50% of their normal amount, DEF ADJ can't go below -99%, and elemental resistances can't go below -99.
There's one other thing I use to buff with and that's the magichange.
There are four or five magichange enemies that are real good for boosting your damage.
Desco with her Final Boss Setting, giving up to 120% ATK ADJ if you surround the person who's holding magichanged Desco with enough people.
Usalia with her Precious People unique evility, giving 80% ATK ADJ if four people are around the magichange holder.
The Imp's Bullying aura, which increase damage by 30% DMG ADJ against enemies of the same level or lower (so if you're at Lv9999 it works on everybody).
Nine-Tails' with their Good Fortune evility, giving +5% stats for every level of bonus gauge filled (+45% stats when bonus gauge maxed out at level 9). Since I tend to want to use staffs as my sages weapons, I use magichange with the nine-tails first.
You can also use the Twin Dragons' Twin Heads evility (attack again if you don't move on that turn), but since I usually run with my sage already having that, I rarely use this as a magichange now.
So with magichanged Usalia, Desco, Nine-Tails and Imp I can get up to 200% ATK ADJ, 30% DMG ADJ and +45% stats, in addition to the stats they naturally give my weapons when magichanging.
I bolster that up with "Super Sis Legend" on each of the monsters (+30% stats to magichange weapon instead of usual 3% or 5%), and sometimes "Fusing Souls". I don't really understand the mechanics of magichange and what evilities boost them, but "Super Sis Legend" from Desco gives a ton of stats if you magichange with a female user.
When I get good monster weapons, I might get these magichange monsters the Weapon Fusion evility, but that might be overkill.
For the sage user I use all these magichagnes on, I give her the boy mage's "Magic Bundle" (+30% ATK ADJ, but 50% more SP used), and then depending on the situation Bushido (+50% ATK ADJ when attacking a single target), Greedy Disposition (+39% stats with over a trillion HL) or Elemental Force (up to +99% ATK ADJ when making an elemental attack, depending on how much of that elemental resist you have).
I love Preier and would like to recommend her as a magichange monster, but it's hard to get a lot of mileage out of her Bundle Attack evility (+10% DMG ADJ for every empty square in an area attack) so I can't really recommend her. In rare circumstance you can be creative and get her Bundle Attack to give you a lot of DMG ADJ (like say with Usalia's Great Beast War it can give +140% DMG ADJ) but it's not very practical in most cases.
You could even magichange with Raspberyl and get thrown around with clever recieves on other monsters, but that's not practical either.
Anyway, hope somebody finds these tips useful. I found I could kick a lot of ass with this, was able to defeat the Carnage questline without a Trapezohedron this way.
Take a look at these pictures to see what I mean.
This is some good advice. I should add this stuff to this image. Someone took a screenshot of a bunch of tips I gave a while back. These games really reward being autistic playing smartly. Jokes aside though, I do like how much freedom they give you and the depth that goes into the game's mechanics. They give you so many tools break anything and you have to slowly figure out how to get to that stage where you just rape everything.
still waiting for the fixed disgaea 3 version on pc.
also switch getting a "complete" disgaea 5 version.
come on nis/nisa stop fucking me i enjoy my tactical grinding
According to this, the game is completely playable when emulated. Saying that, the Vita version has more content than the PS3 version. No clue if the PC version has the same updates the Vita version has.
They'd better, the Disgaea 2 has all the PSP features and the Disgaea 1 port does too, but it lacked Pleinair from the DS version; she had to be modded in by dedicated fans.
anybody know how the hell this first pic happened? Girl's hot spring, in the home base netherworld?
Some nice advice. Some other tips to add to that, for Disgaea 5 only:
Artina has an evility that increases the rarity of stolen items by 20, in essence giving any stolen item a 20% boost in stats. Slap this onto your thief asap!
You can capture enemies, even humanoids, with the capture command (provided they're in the Capture squad) or by throwing them in the home base. You don't keep their gear though.
WARNING: If the people in the base aren't strong enough to defeat the enemy you threw into your base, THEY WILL ALL DIE AND YOUR BASE WILL BE DESTROYED!! Once I had 40 characters die and my base be destroyed this way! I didn't think that was possible.
She really is.
I always found it hard to follow specific artists especially if they don't have a work tied to them.
I always found capturing enemies a waste of time. Since you seemed to need to have a complete overwhelming numbers over their levels and they will still take out most of your guys. I remember trying to capture some sub level 30s, despite having a few level 100s and somehow they all completely lost at capturing the unit. I gave up after so many tries. Capture rates seem complete bullshit, and thats not even getting into if its just "impossible" because you haven't unlocked the unit yet or is a unique character. The only units you would want to capture you probably can't anyway. I only used it if I just didn't want to raise x many units to unlock some of the other classes.
Capturing was nonsense, I always just killed them all and after the battle I'd pick through the POWs if thats what they were called.
The Capture Squad, expeditions, and how they class ranks are some of the best things about Disgaea 5. A lot of things that were locked behind pointless grind and arbitrary rules were streamlined. Capturing units before had so many restrictions and hidden rules that it was pointless to do it outside a very few specific times (like getting Lv 2000+ nekomatas early on in Disgaea 2). Or how ranking up generic classes was a pain in the ass. They've also made it so non-generic units got massive buffs from reincarnation so they won't just fall behind your generic units as soon as you hit post game like in most Disgaea games.
They’re fun games and a good way to burn time. They’re best on handhelds as you can just pick them up and play anywhere that way. Too bad the games are going to be console only from now on.
NIS/Acucks kill yourselves