"FC5 is white-nationalist, race-realist, ethnostate-loving propaganda"
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thanks for informing our good community on the presence of clickbait on the internet
I'm going to enjoy watching this game implode. They tried to hard to ride politics, and in the end they just pissed off everyone?
Serious question, do you think the le epin alt-right / MAGApedes on Reddit will be more or less likely to buy the game now?
Obviously, nobody here is going to (I hope), but do you think they'll latch onto the review, and buy it out of spite to "stick it to the man", and not see the irony of it?
Honestly I wanna see how the game is before I do anything. co-op sounds fun, and I liked Blood Dragon and even Vanilla 3. I'm willing to give this a shot if it's good.
Lord I hope they crack it day one.
Meh meh meh?
Nice false flag (((Chaim)))
I hope this sinks jewbisoft
With how poorly Ass Creed Origins performed and how their target audience is turning against them, signs are looking good.
Meh, might give it a pirate. I kinda wonder if this will start a trend of games being advertised to the MAGApedes and other low-tier right-wingers. It'd be worth it for the salt alone.
Here are the endings for anyone who's curious. The preacher guy wins in all of them.
Global report for shilling your genocidal propaganda.
On one hand it has game journos being big babies over it not supporting their sycophant driven worldviews. On the other it's Ubisoft and therefor shite.
I think I'm actually being tempted to buy it.
I can't imagine this game will sell too well.
Oh shit, hey, it only took three games!
How come FC 2-4 are all slightly fascist in their story? Aren't they made by Ubisoft?
I haven't played 4 but I enjoy 2 and 3 both.
Sounds about right. Those french faggots can't even bait properly.
Both 2 and 3 are Anarchist while 4 is fascist.
Can be chalked up to the writers at jewbisoft having no self awareness based on the interviews they gave about the stories.
I've never played a FarCry game before, and I don't see a good reason to start now.
4's authoritarian, not fascist. Fascism is a specific political ideology based on reviving the moral norms of pre-imperial Rome. It doesn't just mean "strong man gov."
Obviously it's anarchist in its message but I consider the whole "becoming a man through violence" thing a fascist thing. that's why I said slightly fascist. I heard FC4 is fascist in its actual message so I've been tempted to play it some time.
Give yourself a shot if you liked Vanilla 3. t. better taste than you
Big if true. Great if true. I'm still not gonna buy it though. I hope alot of people do just to piss off the communists the way Kingdom Come did.
Stop shilling this shit.
Yeah, I'm a retard for using a word properly.
Please do not lewd the Hana.
Holy fuck, kill yourself.
Yes, you know nothing about fascism. That’s well established. Run along.
You heard wrong, you fucking idiot.
TL;DR leftyfags are mad it isn't murder conservatives simulator 2018 and rightyfags were mad because it wasn't immediately obvious the bad guys are a Jonestown pastiche in the marketing
You're not even real heropon
The only thing i'm vaguely interested in when it comes to Far Cry 5 is that I read in a tweet that "The cult in is making mutant Superwolves" Which while it could be bullshit and not actually in the game. If it is in the game it sounds like a call back to Far Cry 1.
Not something worth buying a whole game over, but still it would be kind of neat if it were true.
Dang, that was gonna be the title of my upcoming review of the holocaust.
Hey at least we get a lot of replies in under a day.
Your turn now, faggot.
I unironically thought that all of the endings were pretty good, and half of the faggots complaining probably never even played Far Cry 2.
im not buying your game
just pirate it
I randomly Jewed myself into watching this video. It is an obvious "parody" of right-wing talking points until even the "crazy right-wingers" call Trump the crazy man in the white house and stuff.
Oh hey, I remember this faggot. He incessantly shilled for MHW when it came out.
Don't know him, don't care. He claimed it is a politically charged game with a left-leaning and he proved with showing videos of people speaking. After he stopped talking about it I even stopped watching the video as I am not even playing this game anyway, as I didn't the previous one.
Wasn't this game expected to be a fight against American everything, so they were hyped for it, as it turns out it's the complete opposite and they've been lying to themselves? this is pretty funny
is there something wrong with MHW other than you having to wait for the PC release?
I'll probably pirate it
They didn't even try to create an interesting protagonist, you play as the sheriff deputy and you stay silent throughout the whole game.
They're just playing the controversy on both sides for attention and sales.
and (((OP))) has posted this both here and in Holla Forums 2 days in a row. I won]t spend a s dime on it, the Jews can kiss my ass, but virtually same post on same topic in 2 different threads on 2 days is advertising, not a thread.
Being able to run while drinking potions.
That sounds like them. They got on board Black Panther because they mistook Holywood's lack of self-awareness for being "secretly based". God they're fucktards.
So what's with the second ending? Looks sensible, then suddenly the MC starts bleeding from the eyes?
There have been call backs to Far Cry 1 for almost every Far Cry game and is a sort of pseudo plot.
I dont know about 5s yet but in like almost every Farcry Jack is somewhat involved.
I had no idea, I actually didn't beat any Far Cry game besides 1 so i'v yet to have notice these things. I just assumed the story rebooted in every game,
and didn't think they were all connected in someway. I have a tiny bit more respect for the series now.