Who started the trend in media to just wash the color out of everything?

And make everything into a mesh of either grey, orange, brown? Armor is designed that way. Monsters are designed that way. Everything looks so generic.

Look at the red fabric of the Imperial Armor in Skyrim. It's barely red. It's so dark it just blends together with the rest of the armor.


Attached: armor tes.jpg (4614x2690, 2.78M)

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=yiGhBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA199&lpg=PA199&dq=medieval hand me down clothing&source=bl&ots=wsBp-B_g4i&sig=-nsfyydUo1FKFpCsn_t1FjzpWac&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBvP7up_rZAhUNyGMKHWZrBqgQ6AEwCXoECAAQTQ#v=onepage&q=medieval hand me down clothing&f=false


You forgot your quotes.

You know that we had color in the middle ages and before?

Attached: they cut his peepee off.jpg (1634x1048, 620.68K)

The problem isn't necessarily the lack of color, even though that is annoying. The problem is the lack of borders and distinction. Shit like No Man's Sky has color, but it's all washed out like an old rinse bucket that looks nearly just as bad as stuff with no color.

Console games mostly, that includes Morrowind. Why I can't tell you maybe something to do with texture size limitations.

But it also happens in movies.
Look at the LOTR troll that was used as the monster in Batman vs Superman.
It's everywhere.

personally i think it was call of duty 4, but gears of war came out pretty close to the same time and both were ugly, washed out messes

The medieval ages were actually fairly vibrant in colour.

Gears of War was a year earlier.

Exactly. I hate it when movies and tv shows just give soldiers biker-gang leather armor.
And Might and Magic 6 was I guess the last time a video game really made use of european renaissance aesthetics.

I don't watch movies so I couldn't tell you user, I'm just saying that's when I noticed it happening.

But that's wrong user. Fiction taught me that medieval people always wore brown or gray and, if they weren't royalty, had a light coating of feces on them at all times.

Yeah, it really makes sense for poor people with no access to modern medicine to be coated in shit or filth all the time.

Some nigger.

I can't tell which direction you're being sarcastic in, but I'm talking about knights who inexplicably all have mud smeared all over their armor for "grittiness", when they haven't even fought yet. Everyone likes to be clean, it's human nature.

I mean it makes total sense. That extra layer of dirt is an effective extra layer of defense.
During the Crusades they all should have taken mudbaths in fullarmor to create a dirt layer that would protect them from the sun.

The peasents on the other hand had that layer of dirt for a different reason. They directly applied the dirt to the skin and became mudpeople. That allowed them total immunity from insect bites.

The commoners had a raw pragmatism that a milennial could never understand. It's no wonder the royals died from incest.

You don't remember those older fantasy films where soldiers would wear clothing split into patterns of two colours?
Like pic related. It's much more accurate to the times.

Attached: static1.squarespace.com.png (1500x841, 2.21M)

Its appropriate in certain settings. Honestly the people that complain about lack of colours in gaming sound like homosexuals.
Colourful designs are appropriate in certain situations but not in others.

Colour gives distinction, personality and breaths life into a drab game. I know it isn't so bad anymore, but don't you remember in 2007~ when every shooter was brown and bloom to the point people were putting them side by side and you basically couldn't tell them apart?
It's why Borderlands cel shaded style stood out so significantly. Likewise, the modern trend of bright and colourful Mobashooters is like the rejection of brown and bloom of yesteryear, which in turn will get old and die.
But Medieval Fantasy games, especially RPG's, are still heavily bogged down in their drab colours, which is especially stupid since historically speaking the medieval ages were quite colourful. It's just more evidence that game developers pick and choose what they want to represent their games, flipping the 'realistic' and 'fantasy' switches whenever its convenient to them, their marketing, their agenda etc.

Attached: c9e0a01b50fb41dea7c1604930ff377abf32b51fef8cf3a89c75205b03f9c3e8.jpg (1600x894, 211.24K)

western games and western influence.

You're an idiot. The whole whinging about grey and brown in video games came from faggot game journos having a whinge about ww2 games that were being made.
Literally just having a whinge about something that was appropriate.
Borderlands is another genre. Comparing apples and oranges sonny.
There is no modern trend. There is games for kids and then games that aim for realism.
Your preference is nintendo games.

Some facts colour costs money.
In medieval times colour pigment was not readily available. Some colours did not exist or they cost a lot of money.
If you think pre-modern times were 1980s "colourful" you are a mentally retarded revisionist with the maturity of a 12 year old.
Dispose of yourself.

Cuckchan misses you, you should go back there.

I am deeply upset that there aren't any games based in early modern Europe.

What a gay!

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2262x2600, 12.39M)

This is the reason people abandoned cuckchan you literally soyboy cucks.
This topic that op thinks is genius was being talked about by cretins over 20 years ago and it was wrong then as it is now.
You want colourful games there are plenty to choose from faggots.
Don't try to rewrite history to suit your degeneracy.

Look faggot colour costs money. It doesn't grow on trees, ypu faggot millenials have no clue what it takes to make things.
Actually read about where colours came from and the process it took to make them. Start with so ething like purple and you understand why colours were associated with aristocracy and not peasantry.

You should go rebuy Skyrim. It has the kind of aesthetics you like.

Attached: dog.jpg (600x746, 70.23K)

Sony and Microsoft consoles can't handle proper graphics and the plebs that use them are sitting so far away from the screen it doesn't matter anyway. The exception for that is the Switch since it's got a smaller screen unless you dock it which is silly since it's the best handheld ever made but a crappy static console so the hardware can power proper graphics and you're sitting so close to it you can see what's going on.

Check your butthurt low iq faggot. Go read a book on subjects before you talk about them like an idiot. You have no clue what you are talking about.

This is also a big factor and it shouldn't be ignored but it's mostly the fact that console manufacturers lost their way sometime in the late 90s to early 2000s.

Burden of proof does not lie with me, friend.

what am i reading

But morrowind had the most bland fuckugly brown landscape ever, oblivion at least actually had color in it

Yes it does since you are making the claim colour was readily available and i gave you a fucking example to look up you retarded little cunt.

stupid ignorant piece of shit.

this is the most autistic thing i've ever read

just stop idiot.

you really are straight outta cuckchan

You are a rat.


Attached: 9d60b89fd59fd656de5db8202cbe07ea813d7af5981a9f24fe940a1c28f01825.jpg (442x293, 25.82K)

Those designs look really good, where did they come from?

A half second google search or looking up medieval art shows that you are completely wrong, and also stupid.
It was really weird that google specified that 703b81 is stupid when I searched for medieval clothing, but I can't argue with results.

Attached: Medieval Clothing Examples.jpg (1204x835, 214.56K)

Idiot your post doesn't disprove the cost of making colour.
Reds and yellows were common. Vibrant colour was rarer hence why everything is drab looking in the middle ages.

Its not just colorlessness but also just bad art design in general. Often there are designs that are colorful but the they are so ornate and gaudy that is becomes paradoxically mono-color.

Attached: wzo8khn.jpg (1920x1080 330.56 KB, 421.56K)

Sure thing kiddo.

Again theres a reason you see no purple in the picture.

Nah you're full of shit.

You're a cretin and a retard, Your example isn't even colourful go suck cock somewhere else you literal homoshit.
I was sick of hearing you faggots whinge about colour twenty years ago.
The fact you think this is a new interesting subject shows your underage little ignorant millenial cunt.
This subject started with games like medal of honour, Quake and Killzone and its nonsense proto-kotaku trash.

I think you're overreacting.

Nah you are a cunt that thinks hes discovered something new.
When people brought this up over Quake.
What was Unreal?
When they brought it up over Medal of Honour and Killzone
What was Final Fantasy?
Xbrick generation?
What was Jet set radio future?

You want homoshit just come out and say it.

But what about Atari, Nes, Commodore, etc.
All colourful. Not sure exactly why you think colour is bad and no-colour is good.

Certain colors were associated with aristocracy because of the high cost of their dye material, that is correct. Purple, for example, was associated with nobility because the raw organic material that the dye was pulled from was rare and in many cases had to be imported.

This, however, does not mean that ALL colors were expensive and unaffordable to the peasantry, who would only go around dressed in browns and blacks and grey and the off-white color of linen or wool. Yellow, for example can be pulled from onion skins or weld, both of which can found easily in Europe, and thus accessible to the average peasant. Another example is orange. Common leaves and peat, if properly mixed with ammonia, can produce a bright orange color. I don't think I need to tell you what an easily available source of ammonia would be during the medieval ages. Green is obtainable from lichen (also common), and so is blue from woad (fairly common, not as much as regular lichen but still not "nobility" rare).

There's also the case of dye baths being used multiple times to dye clothing. The first and brightest batch would be for nobility, and purple was reserved for royalty, but subsequent dye baths for rare colors like red (which utilized madder, brazilwood, or kermes from insects and thus fairly rare materials) were used for clothing commonly available to peasantry. So no, peasants were not limited to dull colors only. They might be a little bit darker than the color shades for nobility (and if you were really poor then fairly faded out colors), but they were still decently shaded and definitely not only just hues of brown.

Source: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/68763/what-color-dyes-would-be-available-to-the-average-person-in-a-medieval-world

I never once claimed colourful games were bad or games with less colourful artstyles were better.
I'm criticising your tired argument that there is something wrong with realistic games with less colourful artistic directions. And that there isn't a variety of games always available.
Its competely asinine to whinge about historic games lacking the colour of borderlands this is peak retardation.

Some colors are more expensive than others mr. expert historian, based on how the pigment is made. Lords were also extremely proud of their lands and status, and so their soldiers and servants who travelled would be dressed in colors befitting the lord's heraldry. The only game I've seen reflect this outside of Total War in recent memory is KCD, which even touches on knights using plain (uncolored) shields in order to remain incognito. In general, sure a peasant would be less colorful, but not as drab as most games trying to represent the period or a fantasy analogue.

Oh yeah, and Mount & Blade, but that game came out 10 years ago.

Another thing you people miss is the vibrancy of colour.
Vibrant colour was rare.
This is where the association with dull colour comes from.
Furthermore sonething like Red was very common. Since it can be made from clay. This is pretty universal and timeless.
It wouldn't matter how many times you soaked so ething in a colour not all colour pigments are the same.
Yes they pretty much were. Since vibrant colour required the most money to obtain.

How do you keep managing to get blown the fuck out?

Probably for the same reason his "m" key is broken. Or he's phoneposting and managed to make the word bank register "so ething" like an idiot.

And yet vibrancy can be produced for many of those colors by dipping the dyed cloth in a bath of ammonia afterwards (again, easily obtainable even during the medieval period). People have even reproduced it using period-accurate ingredients and methods in the modern day, following traditional recipes. Here: medievaltailor.com/research/period-dyes-and-colors/

Ad hominem

Since you asked so nicely…
You're pathetic dumbass that should learn to type coherent sentences and your arguments consist of contradiction. Wait, that last bit wasn't even ad hominem.

You are using the crutch of a retard.
Nothing like your contradiction that peasants were wealthy or even allowed to have extravagent clothes.
Do you think it was permissable for a peasant to dress like nobility?
You are a complete fucking idiot.
Heres a typo for yu.

I didn't say anything like that. Nice strawman though. It must be difficult for an angry peasant such as yourself to keep your crops safe from scavengers.

Lapis Lazuli came from the middle east and was very expensive. It was the most vibrant blue of the time.
Purple came from crushed shells from a particular region. Again rare.
Peasants didn't have rare things they were peasants.

Your lord will hear about this insolence, serf.

You want to continue your stupid rat like shit or are you going to learn to stfu worm?

You aren't provng anything most people in the medieval period had access to a limited colour palette of dull colours.
Even the nobility didn't have as many options as we do now.
Its cheaper to have undyed clothes and peasants were poor.

Peasants were forbidden specifically from the color purple, and certain items of fashionable clothing ( one could not wear "very wide trousers" or "excessively large neckerchiefs" in 18th century Germany, for example: historyextra.com/period/modern/beware-what-you-buy-the-goods-german-citizens-were-forbidden-to-consume/ ), but they could still wear most other colors, and there was even a practice of the nobility passing down their used clothing to serfs during the earlier medieval periods: books.google.com/books?id=yiGhBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA199&lpg=PA199&dq=medieval hand me down clothing&source=bl&ots=wsBp-B_g4i&sig=-nsfyydUo1FKFpCsn_t1FjzpWac&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBvP7up_rZAhUNyGMKHWZrBqgQ6AEwCXoECAAQTQ#v=onepage&q=medieval hand me down clothing&f=false
So as a matter of fact, as long as the clothing was not purple (or crimson, an extremely bright red produced from the first batch of red dyes), a peasant could actually end up with noble clothing. Hand me down noble clothing, but still clothing that was initially produced for a member of the upper ranks of society.

Vibrant blues could also be obtained from dyeing in woad, and then applying ammonia from urine afterwards, as shown in my link in
If you look at the colors of the dyed wool towards the bottom of the page that were made in traditional medieval style with traditional medieval ingredients, many of which were available to peasants and not requiring importation, they are not particularly dark and brown in hue (aside from the walnut shell dyed one, which is specifically dyed to be brown).

What you quoted is true though and disproves what you said. You're evidently not an english speaker and likely very low IQ.

Shit can only produce shit.

Fun fact. Dark Knights were so called because they were the Western equivalent of Ronin: often disgraced nobles who could no longer afford a page boy to polish and maintain their armor for them. So they painted their armor black with dark grease to protect them from oxidization.

Why do you even argue with this obnoxious sperg?
All he does is throw insults and chimp out like a nigger despite being btfo'd repeatedly. Just stop giving him (You)s.

The first point is what ive been saying.
Second point doesn't mean anything itd fade in a month and be dull.

It isn't true as user said abve and as I yave been saying peasants were literally not allowed to wear extravagant clothing.
Logically this makes sense to someone with a functional iq but you are lacking.
Being a libtard revisionist.

Son if you can't stand heated chan arguments just fucking commit soduku.

Nobody made the claim they could wear extravagant clothing; We're talking about vibrant colors as opposed to washed out grey and brown trash. Your strawman is a non argument. Also, the only user above who might have agreed with you specifically said that peasants would sometimes be given used clothing by their lords and such.

There is a difference between a proper argument and replying to low effort bottom feeders.

God damn. I know you'll just scream ad hominem again, but it is very evident that you are very ignorant on this subject.

Vibrant colours were not easily obtainable.
That isn't a strawman kiddo. Its historic fact.
Idiot the user agreed with me that they were prohibited to wear purple etc.
Stop being a little faggot jesus christ not even cuckchanners are this mentally ill.

I forgot Morrowind was a Japanese game, thanks user.

Why are you still here? Is it not fucking obvious to you yet that we won't simply take you at your word?

How is a game about hiding in the dark somehow more vibrant than the majority of medieval themed games?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1024x768, 1.33M)

You've been saying in , , that peasants in the medieval period only had access to dull, drab colors, faded out shades of red, yellow, and brown. However, my sources have demonstrated that fairly bright version of those colors, as well as others like green and blue, would have also been available and widely worn by peasants, as the ammonia bath method for lightening colors was widespread, and the ingredients for said colors had easily obtainable local sources.


I'm assuming you are colourblind of something because the examples of peasants and other commoners or the general population in that period.
They wore dull colours you can look this up.

little bitch.

I'm going to call you Mobius, because you keep infinitely repeating the same thing over and over. Mind if I call you Moby? Actually scratch that, it reminds me too much of the shitty trance artist.

Ad hominem

Insults aren't ad hominem you cuck.

Wait, does that mean you conceded and admit I'm right?

saying a person is wrong because of a typo is ad hominem.
Being called a bitch is not ad hominem.
So no you are always wrong you are just that kinda guy(female)

Moby is shitty but I don't think his genre was trance. Also has the classic AIDs victim appearance

Attached: moby musician.jpg (474x682, 55.29K)

These hardly seem like dull colors to me compared to the shades of brown and rusted out reds that have been claimed by you to be the gold standard of peasant clothing, and these are all made from common, inexpensive, ingredients locally produced during the medieval period.

Attached: wool dyed in wolf lichen which is also common in europe.jpg (300x214 11.57 KB, 60.71K)

It's probably due to a general reduction in quality in the arts across the board. You cant fuck up dull, because there is no art to making dull look good because it mostly doesnt.

You try making vibrant look good and you'll very quickly run into walls if you know what you're doing, and if you don't know what your doing you'll create a garish mess that cant be fixed.

Attached: 7b8020f19742b9fbc70175615aebb27da430e62aec8184db92d310a6fbea2872.gif (432x432, 838.56K)

Incidentally, you can also produce shades of green dye by simply combining blue and yellow dyes. So combine a dye of onion skins (cheap) and a dye of woad (less cheap, but not expensive) to get more green dye if you don't want to use lichen, and then dip it into ammonia to brighten it.

Yeah they were. 'Blue' and 'Purple' are not the only vibrant colors. It was quite common throughout the medieval and renaissance ages to have colored and vibrant clothing.
Go back to plebbit if you're this assmad at being wrong.

the dev team most likely had people in it that actually knew about the middle ages

A layer of dirt on the armor would probably be heavy enough to make soldiers tire out noticeably faster, especially considering crusaders are known for their chain mail armor, which is not only already much heavier than plate armor, but also puts most of it's weight on the shoulders. I like the idea though, reminds me of Barroth.

Attached: MHXX-Barroth_Render_001.png (680x488, 593.36K)

My main complaint with ops argument is the issue is they don't like it so have created this delusional revisionist argument to try and say why it should be changed.
Just like the fucking sjw that cram negresses into world war games.
This kind of thinking is so dishonest fuck off with it ok.
Like the faggots that don't like leg day so try to come up with some lengthy stupid argument why they don't need to squats.
I'm so sick of stupid cunts like you.
You don't like something ok terrific play Mario or borderlands. Don't try to push obvious bullshit to fit your opinion.

How can the guy who is as fluent in english as a nigger manage to be more retarded than the average nigger?

I was about to post essentially the same thing.

Swarthy gentleman such as yourself are not allowed on this Singaporean mural painting forum, please leave. I would recommend a facebook group focused on American tribal voodoo music (rap/hip-hop)

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Who gives a fart? there are bigger fish to fry now.


I'm not gonna tell your mom if you say "fuck" here user.

He's being sarcastic you autist.

A true retard

You are a faggot for being so obnoxious about calling things gay that have NOTHING AT ALL to do with man-on-man fucking.

That's the area of effect.
The question is why.

Some colors and dyes were very expensive, but others were readily available.
You are stupid if you think that somehow everything would just look brown or grey.

Jesus, just leave

Ad hominem is attacking the person not the argument.
It is ad hominem and you’re moving the goalpost (again).
you stupid kike

Exactly. Everything looks the same and the only color difference is different shades of blue and orange in these images.
That is exactly what I was talking about.

Aaaaaaand filtered!

Because the high fantasy genre turned into telling fables and tales about a journey through a fantastical world into jacking off nihilistic ideals all within a gritty, washed out and depressing world for the sake of "realism". I blame Game of Thrones mostly but It certainly wasn't the begging of this shit trend.

Attached: tolkien-lotr-draw.jpg (809x506, 182.05K)

Holy shit are you ass blasted.
Those aren't used for fabrics you nut.
Woad made a brilliant blue and was common enough that my ancestors use to paint themselves with it.
Rich reds could be made from alkanet and madder and St. John's wort
Yellows and greens of all shades could be made from so many different kinds of plants that I'm not even going attempt to list them.

You are are aware that many of these "medieval" games don't even claim to take place in our world, right?

Also if you want the greatest offender and most obvious example of this in video game just look at this garbage.

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 127.24K)

Oh yeah Tolkien is nothing but optimistic sunshine, it was only until WB that anything even a shade darker was thrown in. Need I remind you of the scouring of the shire?

There is a difference between using dark and sunshine moments to contrast each other as opposed to just making every moment of the experience be just as depressing as the last.

You are honestly fucking retarded if you think the two universes are even remotely alike in tone.


I blame Wasteland or Fallout 1.
not Todd

Attached: end screen.jpg (1024x570 15.15 KB, 66.33K)

It's been this way for decades, just look at something like that Robin Hood film from the early 90's, and not just for fantasy, think of Saving Private Ryan for example.
Medieval/fantasy depictions suffer from being the meeting point between "brown and grey is more realistic" and "before 1950 everything was drab and everyone was covered in mud and grit", resulting in maximum colorlessness.

Attached: 1517618464002.jpg (1524x915 544.47 KB, 442.36K)

Muh "realistic" rooty tooty point n' shooties.

Quake was one of the first due to color limitations. Browns had the widest arrange of colors available.

This shit, do people not know how much color was valued? Painters were expensive for a reason!
Nobles would color the ever loving shit out of everything they had just to prove they had the disposable income to do it.
Purple is the royal color for a god damn reason you had to pay for the labor of collecting snail shells, grinding and processing them, then making them into dyes or paint. Fucking nobody outisde of royalty could afford that so they flaunted the hell out of it.

You know why.
Jews. And their leftist slaves.
Kill both groups and everything improves.

Exactly, it's not like the kings and lords had to make sure the towns/village-people were being taken care of or anything…

People being really fucking poor in the middle-ages is bs.

centrist brown > extremist colour

Attached: SFp4Ny7.png (781x576, 71.73K)

I miss the rainbow screen graphic effects that pop out here and there while you play. We need more rainbow texture.

Attached: look at that zap kirby's sword.jpg (640x480 103.41 KB, 107.58K)

Wouldn't it mostly depend on how good your lord is and if he isn't an incompetent asshole with his head far up his ass?

From what I remember people were keeping fairly clean in the middle ages and the trend of keeping dirty became more popular later on, or is that bullshit as well?

These days they would complain that the Swede is white.

I just feel so cynical about everything, user-friend. :(

And we won't get forward, if we just advocate killing them. But at least making the public aware of Jews is important. We can't just give them a free pass and handle them like white people, since they identify as something seperate and even opposed to us. Of course they are, otherwise mass-conversion and other measures would have worked.
What is rest of identifable jewishness is the hard core of extreme xenophobia.

Actually, wasn't what currently is thought of as "realism" in games based on the dark stylistic of Quake and it's colour pallete? It seems that people completely mistake the color pallete made for making the player feel unpleasant with a realistic color pallete. Real world might be shit sometimes but it's not that bland and ugly, it can be pretty fucking beautiful sometimes. The washed out colors do exist in our world but them appearing is mainly centered around the weather conditions and the place you are in, and yet the devs seem to use them even when the action takes place in a sunny weather and in an environment in which there should be far more colour.

It's all the fault of the common idea that people have that people born before us were dumb simpletons instead of just people with not enough tools to gather knowledge about the world. And yet with this limited knowledge they were able to do some amazing things, just fucking look at all the architecture they've made. And despite the fact that they had really limited medical knowledge, they still got pretty fucking close to actually understanding how sicknesses appear, fuck the miasma theory wasn't all that incorrect, they already had a theory saying that sickness can be caused by imbalance in the body even if they were wrong about what exactly constitutes an imbalance and they understood that quarantine is important even if they did not know why. Jesus, just look at a fucking Plauge Doctor's suit I know not exactly medieval but I'm talking about past in general, that's basically a fucking Hazmat suit, and it could work pretty well if not for some design flaws that could have been avoided with some more insight.

Attached: 1200px-Paul_Fürst,_Der_Doctor_Schnabel_von_Rom_(Holländer_version).png (1200x1653, 3.53M)

Gears of War, IIRC

Even if the middle-ages were drab, that's mainly by our standards looking back. To some peasant walking around, a standard chapel probably looked amazing and the world felt magical and chaotic at the same time.

The irony being, that some of the more fantasy-based medieval games, give a better presentation of how the real characters saw the world. I've seen very few games/or movies achieve that balance (if it's even possible).

I concur, people back then aren't much different compared to people of today. What i mean by this is that they're still humans filled with curiosity of how the world works and that they tried their damned hardest to understand it. Unfortunately, knowledge comes at the price of trial and error, thus since they failed, they were simply regarded as 'backwards' for not understanding it in the first place.
What also really interesting to note is that humans had always had an affinity for imagery, from the Cave paintings of pre-civilization to the current works of art today (art as in movies, games, and mangos, not that fucking degenerate """"art"""), humans have a fascination of the world they lived. A trait not shared by any other animals in the face of this earth. We were have always been imaginative creatures, and since then we have also evolved in another way that defied mother nature herself.

Games got it from movies. It was a trend in movies that I would say started with Saving Private Ryan. That film was presumably attempting to recreate the washed-out look of old war footage, and thus the contrast had a purpose. But hacks are only capable of grasping the superficial, so they copied the washed-out look without understanding why it was used in the first place.

Attached: gondola4.jpg (200x200 3.82 KB, 4.44K)

I blame the jews.

Attached: 52a6a170f052e262dee3bbe1495c5925d9f4c55ee118fe07b50 michael jackson nazi jew happy merchant.jpg (722x480, 82.05K)

It's been around since before GoW.

The true culprit I find is Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Those two games cemented the brown and bloom look permenantly in the consciousness of video games as "artistic". I dare you find find an earlier game with as much influence. You can't. Ico was the beginning.

Elder scrolls has always been a crime against aesthetics.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (300x225, 151.76K)

Holla Forums gets weirder and weirder every time I see them.

Attached: 183777931953460.jpg (800x800, 91.81K)

don't pretend that's a representative of Holla Forums m8, that's some fag throwing words around trying to fit in and make it sound like his opinion is authoritative.

Archdragon peak was the only good area in that fucking game. It also had the only boss that wasn't roll/attack until dead formulaic garbage.

Why didn't they just mix blue and red?

Talk about retardation.

mixing dyes and paints does cause a loss of luster and saturation of the color. It's a case with natural pigments dulling with additions/changes, including lightening and darkening the tint/shade. That vivid royal purple can only come from a pure dye

Attached: s_front[1].jpg (240x370, 10.44K)

You really can't tell them apart, they were all practically a template. Gears of War stood out simply because of how much the guys lift.

Attached: Generic fps.jpg (325x450, 35.18K)

why does that cat's mouth look like a vagina

Realism has less to do it. More likely modern devs are taken a lot of inspiration from modern movies which overuse a lot chroma keying (or green/blue screen effect). The main disadvantage with chroma keying you have to takeout a color (mainly green or blue) for the front actors and front stuff to work, even that the background have to color match too, creating less colorful scenes.

Attached: tatv-01.jpg (781x919 123.45 KB, 235.45K)

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just film in a real bathroom?

Me. I did.

No, actually. Usually these types of things are filmed in bulk with many scenes in the same day. It's easier and faster to move blocks and props around than it is to travel to several locations. Even moving and setting up all the equipment to the nearest small bathroom would have been more time consuming and costly.

When games moved to real-time lighting & shadows with pixel shaders shit turned drab since you're generally not in environments with full sunlight and the math is loosely based on reality. That's what I think happened, at least.

Attached: Superhero_shows_before_the_special_effects.mp4 (1280x720, 2.63M)


Most people blame the realism craze of 2007 and surrounding years, but I suspect it's also got something to do with people's impressions of knights, and thus the entire medieval period, from a shining time of learning and virtue, as embodied by Lancelot of Arthurian legend, to a time of brutal violence, thuggish behavior, and generally bad shit, as represented by Mordred, also of Arthurian legend.

Attached: Knight now.jpg (1614x2495 85.53 KB, 2.03M)

So you're saying brown and grey games aren't bland they're just realistic? That's even more depressing.

Nice trips and nice webm lad.

The filters on those images piss me off.

Attached: 1363764900373.jpg (205x205, 53.9K)

Please tell me 3rd picture isn't Lords of the Fallen because it looks cool

Brown and grey games with drab lighting are easier to fake realism in because when everything is half-covered in shadow, the mind fills in the blanks. It's the game version of candlelight making people look better than they really do.

No the real reason is because there was a sort of uncanny valley for colors and shading that you'd notice unconsciously, since we have the technology to no longer have to deal with that there is no excuse to go grey and brown anymore. it's like why action protagonists are shaved and have stoically angry expressions, it's much easier to avoid the uncanny valley that way.

Good job, user.

Welcome to retards.

Oh shit is that why candles are used?

Most movies are money laundering schemes so what it costs doesn't matter.

For germans usually.

Surprise surprise.

t. eternal anglo

Consoles with inferior hardware.
