I need some video games with customizable loli characters, playable or otherwise. The more photorealistic, the better.
Also I fully welcome discussion on the legality and/or morality of endangered/gored/sexualized little girls in video games.
I need some video games with customizable loli characters, playable or otherwise. The more photorealistic, the better.
Also I fully welcome discussion on the legality and/or morality of endangered/gored/sexualized little girls in video games.
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at least it isn't a game about performing abortions.
somewhere out there someone's making models based on actual kidnapped and murdered girls.
also, what's the drama going on at /loli/ and /delicious/ ?
>what's the drama going on at /loli/ and /delicious/ ?
Something along the lines of
The Klub 17 with mods
As for the side of the story that isn't in favor of tewis decision he basically went on a banning spree of everything that isn't eastern art because thats what /a/ wanted and then once he'd banned all the drawfags on the board for not being eastern enough and driving everyone else away /a/ didn't even bother to use his board because they just have a loli thread on their own board so now /delicious/ is the only place to go for loli even though its primarily western.
Kind of backfired on him if you ask me, I don't even like western art but he got what was coming to him.
Just waiting for him to finally give up the board to someone who not an egotistical weeb so we can have the old /loli/ back.
Meanwhile /tot/ is still a thing.
Sure it is user, sure it is…
Get some taste instead.
No it's just because Tewi is a fucking faggot.
He consulted with /a/ about banning everything but eastern art before going through with it and they were the ones that convinced him to do it because of course they would.
Yes he is a fucking faggot but hes simply cut from the same faggot cloth as everyone from /a/.
Like this? You are a sick freak.
don't suppose one of their drawfriends has encapsulated the saga in mspaint form, with appropriate board-tans?
why not a g rated dollhouse building simulator with minigirls, fancy wardrobes and bedtime stories?
The board doesn't have any drawfags left because tewi scared them all off, the thread for drawfags isn't even on the front page anymore because nobody has filled a request in almost a month now.
Lolis are great, but they are for cute and great adventures. Aras too, as a matter of fact.
As for an actual answer, does it count we talk about modded games? I can think of Fallout: New Vegas, it has a mod that lets you play as a kid.
Most of the drawfags did western-style lolis, so they either left for /delicious/ or some other place.
Is this child pornography?
ain't that something, i remember being amazed how active their drawthreads were
Man, you glow.
Their draw threads are still active on /delicious/ only now they're purely drawing for an audience that wants western art instead of eastern art.
on /loli/ their art wasn't even THAT western looking but because they took some artistic liberties like maybe drawing a nose that isn't just a dot tewi would delete all their shit for being western so they just fucked off to /delicious/ like everyone else.
Well there's a mod right there:
Although really I cant get mad. You got the board you deserve. What's left of it anyway.
Do you even /k/?
From what I saw he went full knee jerk because 2 or 3 shitposters were spamming western art. I didn't browse the board much so I wasn't there when he started fucking with drawfags and whatnot.
I left that out since it could just be perspective and the gun is in front of her cheek, rather than right in the middle of her face.
I wish you could fuck me while I was still a shota
You forgot South Korea, where absolutely any kind of porn is illegal and getting caught with it gives you just as much trouble as an actual rapist.
Meanwhile, all those K-Pop bands being almost overtly sexual on stage probably got their asses drilled by old bastards so they can be famous (just like in America, in fact).
This thread has been invisibly bumplocked. There are threads where the latest post has an earlier timestamp ahead of this one.
One look at the quality of western art tells you why getting rid of it was a good decision. It's practically exclusively objectively poorly drawn of objectively unattractive characters. For decades the west has done nothing but make their cartoons hideous on purpose. People like to bitch about animu girls having unrealistic proportions, but that's nothing compared to the shitty stick figures the west creates. Every time someone goes "westfags dindu nuffin" I head over to their shit board just to confirm, and every time it's nothing but objectively extremely low quality stuff.
Imagine if someone made a board where you're supposed to post hot butts. Now imagine that the board, for some fucking reason, attracts a million faggots that post nothing but scat. That's what this entire situation is like. You drove off all the non-scatfags by filling the board with literal shit, and then pretend you're somehow better when you're finally told to fuck off. There's a reason why western shit isn't desired or usually allowed in the places where loli is. That reason is that it's objectively bad content, and generally depicting unattractive characters. Look at all the calarts, superflat and hideously deformed blob characters the west churns out. Look at how all the SFM etc. shit is just hideous photorealistic garbage, usually of awful characters like the kids from TLoU or the fucking nig from Walking Dead.
Western "loli" is unwanted because if the ratio of decent animu loli content is three out of ten, the ratio of decent western loli content is less than one out of a hundred. Your art is just fucking bad and that's why no one wants you but the small group of faggots, posting the equivalent of scat.
Well on cuckchan the thread would be gone and we'd all be banned so beggars can't be choosers.
How about we just dox Cobalt instead?
I request sauce on this, because I never heard something this heartbreaking. Also searching for something on the internet with "little girl" and "porn" for key words might alert the cops so I don't risk it.
I already know about the rapist in Australia and it already made me mad.
we posting tits now?
If that's so then why did /loli/ die and /delicious/ take its place?
LOL what a gay.
When you have to outright lie to try to prove your point then that effectively means you've lost any credibility.
Even with protection, I'm still not risking it.
Someone didn't play this growing up.
I got banned for an hour (now lifted) for posting this picture unspoilered, apparently this counts as NSFW now.
11/10 approved.
Yes that's a thing. Given there's no real lewdposting though I don't even see the point of keeping it.