Is Yoko Taro the last honest game dev?
Is Yoko Taro the last honest game dev?
He's not a dev, he's a director/writer.
I wonder…
Tell me this: How many people do you know who would use the word "honest" to describe a man who hides his face?
So whats your name user?
Dude is just shy. Here you can see his face. Also show your own face you dishonest fuck.
Says an anonymous poster on an anonymous imageboard
My name is user you dumb fuck, you just said it
It's fine presentation anyway. Dude explains how he writes shit.
the reason automata was such a big deal is cause its was a yoko game that had actually good gameplay and yoko is a writer not a game dev
What kind of argument is this?
It totally avoids making any refutations against Yoko's honesty itself, and is basically a barely-relevant loaded question.
Is Taro really as much of a genius as people say?
Kojima and Taro should team up and deliver us to the promised land.
He is a very sad man that would be happier as a NEET.
Most of us, given we're fucking anons.
First it was story > gameplay, now ??? > story AND gameplay, fuck else is there? Grafix?
He's pretty much just another user, except he actually managed to get his foot on the door. Whether that be genius, or just someone that's been wronged to many times is for you to decide.
No everyone else is just idiots.
WTF makes u think Taro is one of us??
He feels our passion…maybe
Im not 2ch and if u are then fucking leave, go back.
Platinum made Automata such a success.
Eve was a pretty cool villain though.
The only game I liked that he made was the first Nier. Drakengards were crap.
At least you can talk.
Feel free to go back where you came from and never return.
There are plenty of them in Japan it's just that most of them don't get/want attention. Their culture doesn't push them to stand out which has benefits like avoiding marxism but means that it's harder to see who's really responsible for great vidya.
the teams are responsible for great video games. There's people with great ideas, but without the teams the ideas will be meaningless. Everything works together for a greater whole in the end of production. The people with the great ideas like taro have earned the recognition and platform they have now.
I think hes saying neither are more important than the other.
Low IQ shitskin detected.
A hell of a contradiction for someone hiding under the alias of 'Anonymous'.
So you think he's going to pull a 'Cobain'? I'm not saying that to be some edgelord just running on educated guesses as some people can't handle this limelight of attention.
Cobain didn't kill himself, Courtney Love had him murdered. No joke.
I don't think he'd do something like that, he's not a massive celebrity, if he just stopped being a game director tomorrow he would be forgotten after a couple of years. Plus I'm sure he's got more than enough to coast through the rest of his life if he wants to. Also
Give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth.
I don't know man the argument that someone can't pull a shotgun trigger on their own head is pretty stupid.
And Courtney is too dumb to honor his death like she did. By "honor" I mean how much she referred to it, because the guy's death was all but honored by her.
There's a hell of a lot more to it than that.
If I pull that off would you die?
It would be extremely painful.