Last one's full of faggotry and hit 13, so let's fill this one with faggotry as well.
Other urls found in this thread:
If Mark wants to step in, he should only purge faggots who keep dumping facebook/vine normalfag shit. Leave smaller posters alone, vidya or not vidya.
yep, let's turn this into a Holla Forums webm thread by only posting gore and porn.
previous webm thread
Here's my post without a webm to make autists mad.
a webmless post is better than a webm repost
Somebody say gore?
This is true. Also what happened to the vidya only webm threads? Those were actually pretty comf and wern't nonsensless reposts of Overwatch gameplay and uninteresting political snuff scenes. I would make my own if I didn't run a toaster. currently playing Vangers and there's some solid tier saves I could make a 15 second webms out of if my recording software didn't stutter
It's always been this and many other things. The fuck are you saying?
Ok, then.
Quads of truth. Bioware should have been put down ages ago.
What happened in last thread I always leave mid way since I know bad shit will be posted.
Just had to post the source to this reaction image because I instantly knew it like most people probably did.
Not like it's a hard conclusion to come to though.
What exactly was posted in last thread?
We all laughed at you and called you girly names.
See for yourself dipshit. It's still up
Fun fact, the higher a guests energy, the faster they drown.
And the faster my boner grows.
Right because he doesn't bring it down either. He should just be banned all together, but that would be a miracle.
That would be a good step. I also think anons should have to wait until the webm threads reach page 14 or maybe even until it falls off the catalog completely before a new one can be made. Anything really to slow down the rate of these threads to reduce the amount of reposting.
The usual trash webms of overwatch and similar cancer, unfunny e-celeb shit (redundant because all e-celeb shit is unfunny), and blatant reposts of shit only 1-3 webm threads before. See as an example of blatant reposting.
AV1 is supposed to have its bitstream frozen in April. Has codemoney said anything about how soon afterwords 8ch will support AV1? Or anything about another possible filesize limit increase?
I would be posting more shit but my entire fucking file is an unorganized mess.
I saw worse.
Wait what? isn't that dire? how is he back?
Nevermind don't spoil it,i'm still on battle tendency.
He does it just to get replies at this point. The fact is that he makes about 25-50 posts and people simply reply to him like nothing happened because he only posts OW content in post 15-30 or in the midsection. So when he posts more webms people forget about it and act like he's not a faggot.
Honestly, I've lurked these threads enough times to tell you how exactly you can fix this. Just remember every comment he makes AFTER posting an OW webm with offtopic stuff and don't let him or people replying to him in ignorance forget it. Shit up the thread calling him a faggot if you want to. All you have to do is post a webm when you reply after all, because people here and mods won't ban you as long as you do. I've called him a faggot enough times to know that he won't get it unless people call him out on it because he still gets genuine replies after the fact.
It's an accumulation factor. 1 shit thread's not bad, several non-effort threads with nothing but reposted webms over the course of several years is pretty bad.
post the big titties ghost one
Dumb question but I don't know any better. How do I turn flashes into webms?
Shit like this is what causes a short life-span alternative board to pop up.
And those are usually pretty good tbh. Like I said there wasn't much wrong with the gameplay only webm threads.
new guy in part 3
Lol, newfag. webm threads have always been like this.
I wanna fist a robogirl
I don't remember Peach's face looking like that at all, and I use to be inches away from the tv screen as a kid.
Irish or somewhere around there,right?
Stop posting nigger music
You don't
You don't
You never turn a flash animation into a poorly compressed video
You don't
8gag supports .swf anyway
There is no need to make it into a poorly compressed artifact ridden video
You don't
listen to this user
there's no fucking point converting it to webm
Anybody got the webm of the guy hitting the electric appliance with the bat and then going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Idiot question, but what's the song in this webm?
Read the first two words of his filename and google it
And they've become worse over time. What's your point?
Point being that you're trying to salvage an unsalvageable situation.
There, done.
Remember when you made your own spinoff thread and no one posted in it?
So you want to change the board to fit your own autistic preferences. I get that, but you do realize everyone else is just fine with the current situation, no?
I remember an user making a gameplay only thread. And I remember posting my gameplay in it. It was nice.
Sorry sweetie. You're going to have to post some DSP and madotsuki webms right now.
Contradicting posts.
And where's that thread at now?
Hello reddit
That thread is long since dead. It happened a few months ago.
No, I'm saying the only way to change things is to convince everyone else here that you're right. Mark isn't going to listen to you. This is board tradition, you autistic faggot.
That's the point, you retarded monkey
I have no idea, I assume. Would snugglefug, tho.
I am right. Video games belong on the video game board. Every other repost belongs on Holla Forums
You reposted the wrong files. Madotsuki and DSP.
brb gonna go get vr
How many of those are videogames.
Do you have any DSP clips?
Can you repost them here again?
Every time you reply. I'm going to post a webm that is not video games.
Then I will keep replying until you repost a DSP clip, a Madotsuki clip or a Mariocart gameplay clip.
I don't think I have any of those.
You have 2000 webms. Repost a DSP clip, a Madosuki clip or a Mariocart clip
Read my posts. More vidya centric threads. I'm guessing you're to new to have actually browsed the vidya only webm threads.
Lol, vidya only threads were garbage and only faggots like you browsed them.
This, absolutely this. Screen-shotted your post for later. For those who missed his original faggotry these are the webms(renamed of course, he's not self aware).
Second, because posting is aids.
Nice job outing yourself retard. The vidya threads were fine. The fact that you want to out yourself as a meme loving redditor who does nothing but post offtopic garbage is the cherry on tor. So keep posting.
Lol, dude. You don't yet understand that I really don't care what you want. You haven't posted a single webm here. You're a tryhard faggot just like every newefag that can't just enjoy himself and take webm threads for what they are.
Good then you'll keep posting non vidya and I can laugh at you further.
Struck a chord didn't I? Also I have. I just don't think words are made more crisp because I posted a video with it.
Why don't you head onto Holla Forums if offtopic threads are all you want? It's struggling to remain relevant after all, it's not like your contribution would hurt the solidarity of this site. Or just keep posting here. I'll enjoy laughing at your stupidity.
I'm just going to filter you and post what I want. Your autism derails threads more than posting webms people enjoy.
Okay ladies, let's just agree that neither of you can prove your statuses on an anonymous image board and move on.
webm spammers like 761d40 are cancer. i have no OC and have not stolen anything new and vidya related so polite sage
Oh good I can continue calling out your garbage taste while you use a reddit function.
Says the 1 out of 3 people who do nothing but post garbage webms an comprise 75% of the thread posting, sure.
I respect that. Posting more OC weeb classical.
I'm just posting old shit to trigger
Stop that.
then you should be banned for ironic shitposting
If you wanna trigger me then try learning how the site works first newfag.
That's an ugly little boy.
Vid was better before the edit, also, not spoiler-ing that lel.
no u
I counted the amount of videogame related posts in one of these threads a few months ago. The number of videogame related videos was 20 (twenty) This was in a thread where 300+ files were posted.
Should I do the same for this one? Should I make a thread asking mark to ban these kinds of threads? Who's with me?
b-but muh board culture!
You should go spend your time on something less autistic.
Attempting to have these threads on Holla Forums is a no go at this point, So I don't mind having generalized webm threads here.
That is some old shit, my man.
At the very least it would cut back on faggots who make over (50) posts with no discussion or worth while shit to mention and put shit back on track a little. I mean there's no middle ground here. If you ask for vidya discussion, you get banned, if you make offtopic discussion (like the pit bull debate from a few webm threads ago) you also get banned. It seems like the only appropriate etiquette here is to mindlessly repost the same webm videos in a soulless thread. Either way my vote is for the mods to nuke this shit already or let the anons here nuke it themselves without mod interruption. I'm sick of this purgatory pussyfooting.
As cancer as Holla Forums is there's no excuse for that retarded logic. Swallow a screw you fucking mouth breather.
Fucked up that greentext at the bottom. Oh well.
Why don't you take a break and just rebuild your house. I'm sure me posting the admin that wrecked it will inspider you to piss off.
Now you're getting it, lad.
Protip: you can simply not open a thread you don't like.
lel, #metoo
Enjoy these threads being criticized continuously then. If you don't want to fix a problem then don't even bother replying
Yea just like the Undertale threads until they spilled on to these threads posting furry faggotry until the general itself had to be purged for (believe it or not) non-vidya discussion. Sure showed them didn't we?
They're more offensive than you think when you consider they've been showing up on the catalog for several years now with not a decent thread to show of it. Wanna post some screencaps post 2016 of a single worth while webm thread? At this point the LOL threads are making better shit out of this.
So you want a safe space to post offtopic shit on, but nothing that offends your weak stomach then? Yea no legitimately off yourself. Even webm threads here have both of that, I dunno where you're making this shit up.
I could just filter you, like I'm going to do now. Problem fixed.
Woops, forgot my webm so my post will be taken seriously :^)
Sure showing me reddit.
You've got a good point, but there's not much that can be done about it unless we open the door to strict moderation. Furries and raiders will always ruin threads, especially so threads that just attract shitposters. If you can find a way to stop that, I'd fully fucking welcome it.
Wow, I said in the OP to fill the thread with faggotry and you three sure delivered.
Holy fuck, weebs pay attention this is how you make a tight ass anime intro.
These are so fucking good,no cum kills it though,who made em?
Only to you. The majority of us who CHOSE to be in this thread are enjoying it. Thankfully, your subjective autism doesn't control what's allowed and what's not.
It doesn't "offend my weak stomach" goalpost-shifter, I don't think those posts should be deleted. Those posts just don't often happen on this board because the average poster isn't a total degenerate, although you're starting to change my mind.
shut up nigger
Or how about we just allow people to criticize garbage threads/offtopic webms? No joke I was banned for doing this to the Overwatch poster because of rule 8. Which basically allows the mods to ban whatever they don't like.
And you can just as easily CHOSE to post it on the appropriate board. Still not going to stop you though.
And thankfully your subjective autism isn't any more valid so there's no reason I have to stop posting.
Sure it doesn't soyboy.
All I'm hearing here is that you don't want gore or gross shit but you want to post non-vidya related shit on Holla Forums as a solvent. You know if you actually fucking posted on Holla Forums you would probably drown out the people who posted things you didn't like. And considering the other user just stated that I don't have to open t
No shit sherlock.
begone ye intelnigger
Browser crashed.
Cry more, faggot
Thanks for proving my point
I noticed that too. A lot of the replies to are just content less reposts.
>Wahh mommy why won't they appeal to what I want
Does it hurt to know that you're being filtered for a third time?
Seen the webm about 20 times now in these threads. You're not helping your argument here newfag. Have a related webm thread so my point is valid.
They're either offhand responses dismissing criticism or redditors thinking that using a filter function will keep them in their safe space.
I bet you play Overwatch e-sports to. keep posting.
Not really.
You don't want, autismo
Okay, I will.
And yet you reply what you don't want either. Stay mad cuck. Continue posting.
faggot should try challenging Mark just don't make him play videogames
I was hoping this would be you know what instead.
Do you not understand? You are outsider, trying to change what is established. I will continue posting, yes. Remember, that is the thing you do not want, since you seem to be slightly retarded.
You and me both.
it's because of the garbage frosting most bakery's use these days.
And so were the people shitting on the Undertale threads apparently :^). If you want to repost webms senselessly then fine. But You're just as much of an outsider when you start claiming your subjective opinion for how these threads should go as well. Again, keep outing yourself and yes, continue posting.
As is yours. My "subjective opinion" is the norm. Yours is not. Have your subjective opinion all you like, as it will not change anything, because my "subjective opinion" is already and always has been here, you know, the place you're trying to change based off your subjective opinion.
Are these supersonic bullets, or am I missing something vital here?
Talk about conceited. 4 anons making
no it's because he's a bitch,cakeboi wouldn't even flinch
Yes. Most ammunition is supersonic nowadays. Even my 9mm breaks the sound barrier. You also have to note that the plane is also higher than the target is far. Just map out that triangle.
That to. Don't bitch out of a challenge you set. Fucker should have Cool Hand Luked that shit. I fucking hate the frosting here though, shit's fucking disgusting
It's laughable how socially unaware you are to continue to think you still have an argument and aren't just emotionally compromised to the point where you can't stop replying. What's worse is you think you're in the right here on a Peruvian wind flute forum. Continue being mad and posting.
The funny thing is that he keeps changing IP so that you'll keep responding. Ignore him because that's what this autist hates more.
I've been telling him to do that myself. To bad you missed it by filtering me :^). Also I don't switch. It does it automatically for internet reasons.
The triangle makes sense after knowing how fast the bullets are.
has this guy been funny since his infomercial videos? All he seems to do these days is past video on how to cure OCD over OverWatch gameplay.
What fucking moronic cum stained dumpsters.
St.Peter was crucified upside down due to not seeing himself worthy of Crucifixion of Christ
Bunch of fucking retarded christians in this board.
That's an awful lot of bait you're throwing down there, son.
But he isn't wrong. It's called "Cross of Saint Peter" for a reason. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you can't be a retarded zealot.
I'm about half way through this thread
[not included: jpg png gif reaction images]
—–Videogames OST—–
a 14 minute 114x90 resolution music file. Prehaps the worst post in this thread.
semi-related, maybe?
Like pottery.
The animation's to garbage to call it anything tbh.
t. newfag
If that's true that is fucking retarded. Posting garbage games will be met with bullying and redicule.
Does anyone have helpful/advanced encoding tips they use for converting/downscaling/upscaling/etc? I already have the beginner ffmpeg guide. Preferably the tips would be for ffmpeg, but any non-GUI program would also be fine since it's always good to have multiple alternatives and back up programs.
except it's an arrangement of part of a video game soundtrack so by your logic it can't be THAT bad
Some Christians are fucking crazy.
Check the thread. I point out this exact shit and you went for it.
It usually works but people forget because they care more about senseless webms without discussion instead of self moderating.
It can if the fucker literally posted it last thread to nobodies apparent interest. Look it's still up.
I think the bait is calling the poster a crazy christian, not wether or not the upside down cross thing is true. it is
Yeah, we know.
About 3/4 through this thread
[not included: jpg png gif reaction images]
—–Videogames OST—–
a 14 minute 114x90 resolution music file. Prehaps the worst post in this thread.
(2) Another music file. Both nearly 10 mins long each. The framerate is not set to 1 and then set to loop only that frame.
Thanks for proving my point.
Keep it up
I have more videogames, keep giving me (You)s you autistic slut
non sequitur, replies != quality content, your posts being a good example of this
Nobody ever replies to most of the webms in each thread. That's the problem. it's also directly reposted from the last thread with no variation. Sorry I don't want this board to turn into FunnyJunk.
are you still fucking here newfag? fuck off
this is what ketamine feels like
Why is that a problem? The posters here aren't hunting for (you)s, they're just sharing content they enjoy. You and maybe two other anons are autistic enough to be asspained over that. Everyone else enjoys the content and has enjoyed this format since these types of threads started. They won't always be filled with OC nor vidya, but they're fine the way they are.
That's a funny looking AR-15 assault military rifle.
It's still a fucking repost from literally the last thread. So yeah I'll agree that it's pretty shit.
Because older threads didn't do this? All these threads are these days is a group of 3 or 4 anons who dump their content without consideration of whether it's interesting anymore. And when people critasize this and want posts with effort it's just denounced as autism.
Yea that's why they make over 30-50 posts without condensing them into a 16b size. Because they don't want attention. Seriously faggot?
There's more than 2 ID's in this thread that are calling out this bullshit not counting my switches. And for somebody who's all about pointing out fallacies why the fuck are you so keen on appealing to majority?
I don't think you were born when these threads started. Mainly because that's part of the problem. This format is fucking old and noody is improving on it.
"they" aren't even trying is the problem. I make some on occasion but I can't record and making webms is to slow on my PC.
speak for yourself.
Confirmed reddit
Keep linking boards you browse you projecting mouth breather.
Finally done. Now the count begins.
How many total video game posts were
made in this thread? How many wean't?
[not included: jpg png gif reaction
—–Videogames OST—–
a 14 minute 114x90 resolution music file. Prehaps the worst post in this thread.
(2) Another music file. Both nearly 10 mins long each. The framerate is not set to 1 and then set to loop only that frame.
So shitty it's in this section
Since your standards are so low you wouldn't rea….. nevermind. I won't bother explaining it to a retard like you.
take a screenshot/printscreen then reverse image search
Thanks for all the (you)s
ya fuckin' goon.
Do you want to make a thread with me asking for Mark to intervene?
Even after you call them out on their shit they still keep posting non-videogame webms.
Quality poster, quality board.
Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares? If there aren't any good webms in the thread, post some good fucking webms. I came here for good videos, not a bunch of fucking actual autists shitflinging over quality. There's nothing stopping you from taking just as much effort to complain as it would take to post something you consider decent.
People who want to watch video game clips and then discuss them. Non-videogame content can go to another board like Holla Forums
notice how (15) agrees with his post then posts anime.
Quality posters, quality board.
I agree. Anime is pretty rad.
Fuck, old webm.
Because that's subjective. That content may be interesting to the poster and it may or may not be interesting to the viewer depending on their personal tastes.
>And when people critasize this and want posts with effort it's just denounced as autism.
Because all you do is bitch and not actually produce anything. Be the change you want to see in the world. Until then, you're just a whiny cunt who is too lazy to produce anything themselves.
So three autists? Out of the 57 posters here?
Because if the majority of the board likes something a certain way, and the moderators of the board like that thing in the same way, then the board will follow in that way. Why change to suit the tastes of a few anons who only bitch? It'd be one thing if you're complaining about unfair policies that are applied unevenly, but the rules have been consistent for years. And no one gives a fuck about the anons who never actually contribute anything.
How old do you think the webm format is? How long do you think they've been compatible with image boards for?
So what you're saying is making OC is a time and resource consuming process and not everyone will have the ability of doing so? And because of that, the majority of these threads will always be filled with reposts? Good to know.
Yeh I dunno. I've deleted all the non-vidya webms countless times in the past in these thread but it doesn't seem to change anything unless I make it my fulltime job. I feel like allowing this kills some board elsewhere on Holla Forums which is a shame, but blame the posters honestly, I'm happy if it's at least a decent 50/50 mix.
I have counted
There are a total of ==229== non-videogame posts
There are a total of ==45== videogame posts
please read the post below.
Quite a lot of the ones you labeled non-videogames are infact related to video games. You have some weird standards.
Please quote them for me.
webm threads are occasionally fun because
someone put out footage of Soldier of Fortune 2, found it interesting and decided to try it out, it has its own problems but it was fun nonetheless
And yeah, webm threads have their own problems, reposts, retards who post one webm at time instead of putting more (max five) webms or mp4s if it's less than 10mb. But then there's bigger problem, autistic people like you trying to police what we post. It would be better to report and hide people like you tend to throw shit around.
You can't have perfect ratio of vidya webms and non-vidya
You'd almost think he did it on purpose…
Please quote them for me
Do you even know what the fuck a video game is? Just looking at the first ten "non-video games", I'm seeing Star-Citizen, Hack-Gu, Video Game Awards (still specifically video game related), Hotline Miami, an NBA 2ksomething game, Splatoon, and Metal Gear Solid.
So to count, out of the first 10, that's 7 webms that you claim aren't vidya related that actually are.
We've been posting non-vidya webms in these threads for at least 4 years. It's never been a problem before.
You can only post more than one image when you have javascript enabled.
Actually you can if you ban the people who are posting non-video game related posts. Click on their ID to highlight all their posts in the thread. One is now at (50) posts for his ID.
Source film maker movies and rubbish like do not qualify as videogames.
It does not count as videogames.
Mark would trip over his shoelaces trying to fix this place but if he banned these threads for a month to give the gameplay webm threads a chance to grow it would be an interesting sight to see.
Already have. Also
kek lurk more dipshit.
Wow bunch of evidence there.
There's nothing subjective abount hogging a threads traffic so people can't assert OC better.
It never is faggot. You don't hoard over 1.5k webms and then try and say you hold interest in every one.
I produce more discussion than this thread's had for weeks that's for sure. And you can't shit on people for not producing anything in a thread where nothing is produced. I've made webms and I've posted OC as well. But like always it can't compare to the same faggot who makes 60+ posts.
And how many of them post more than 6 unique posts? If's unbalances and you know it.
kek nice try faggot. Again appealing to majority that you don't even know anything about.
That's why they keep flip flopping their rules and opinions on what should and shouldn't be banned according to rule 8. You may actually be retarded.
Post your OC hand made webms of vidya or otherwise then faggot.
Older than you.
No I'm saying my computer literally can't render things fast enough to even record video's without bad quality. And even if I did it would take at least 2 hours for a basic webm that's less than 5MB. Fuck just upping something takes time because my internet is in a bad spot. God forbid you ask a question before jumping the gun like a spaz.
notice how they keep replying with non-video game related posts. Just like
If it's about video games, it's about video games, you dumb nigger. SFM, speed runs, and a webm where the joke is a video game is video games.
So yeah, your count is incorrect garbage and also kill yourself.
You realize in the time it's taken you to count all this and argue like a fucking sperg you could have just posted video game webms? Yeah, other people are posting non-vidya webms. If you don't like it, filter their posts. You have the identical amount of control over the content of this thread as every other non-hotpocket user on this entire fucking board.
Why are you reposting this again?
Because you don't fucking deserve real consideration.
Except it is the literal fucking depiction of St. Peter being the upside down cross.
Which was way before the concept of Satanism, which only fully got into full swing when the Early Christians encountered early paganism.
Why are you niggers so stupid about a religion you pretend to be a part of?
SFM is shit for being fucking garbage tier animation with boring reused models 99% of the time. It is vidya though and in a perfect world where every post was vidya the people posting that garbage would be laugh at.
That being said if all you're using is vidya models to act out a Sleepycabin moment then yea that's not vidya. You could swap out any character model vidya or not and the content would still be the same.
See, I did it to!
The precedent has been set since at least one of the major exoduses from around the time of GG that these threads can and will contain webms of any kind of content. That was fine for the honeymoon period of everybody finding out that they could post videos on an imageboard and wanting to learn how to make them and start sharing tons of stuff, but it didn't get nipped soon enough to cut it down to vidya-only to make that stick. If these threads are going to go vidya-only, it's going to take some serious and consistent moderation, perhaps even going as far as banning these kinds of general threads altogether.
Exactly this.
He's right though his list of vidya or not vidya is still fucking abysmal no matter how you look at it.
You realize that the people posting new non-vidya content are likely also the ones posting new vidya content right?
Wrong. All the do is keep reposting the same things over and over and over and over.
##Board Volunteer, are you still here?
Whereas you don't post anything other than bitching.
Welcome to every webm thread we've ever had. We see OC once or twice every other thread.
He's right though his list of vidya or not vidya is still fucking abysmal no matter how you look at it.
Not really. I would be fine with reporting it and we've already HAD gameplay only webm threads so we know it works.
Opinion also discarded you air thief. Keep replying about how perfect these threads are and how I'm damaging your safe space. Stay mad autist and keep replying.
Trips of truth. The only new shit I see is the occasional Middle east bombing video Holla Forums likely produced or
I'm not sure if this is still bait…
I didn't say the St. Peter's cross wasn't the St. Peter's cross. I said it is. Are you Okay?
well excuse me for reposting, but is this vidya related?
Yes it is.
Nobody cares, fag. Would you at least agree it is better than namefag/avatarfag and LOL threads? This has been a thing for years and it WILL be for years to come. Get rid of one off-topic thread and the next will take on the role. It isn't even that big of a deal. Skim the thread if you want or just don't open it at all if you are this opposed to it. It helps keep the board active when there really isn't that much new stuff to talk about. The only reason I can honestly see someone going this far out of their way to try and stop it is if they make it personal. Did your shit thread get kicked off the front page faster because of this or what?
Or is this vidya related?
There was a pretty good post in the last thread or two that I agree with.
I want to see game play and post gameplay. I don't want to see the same reposts over and over and over again.
This is not videogame related
I wish Holla Forums had an archive where you could search the file and see all the times it has been posted. There is no way to show the extent of the reposts in these threads.
Alright it should be clear what this user is doing.
That is the real problem with these threads. The reposting. Nobody fucking cares if they are off topic though
Completely disagree on that part. A repost allows someone who might not have a copy of a webm to back it up. It ensures continuity of data and that it won't be lost to time. Reposts are an important part of the webm ecosystem. A shitpost or a bitch post do nothing continue nothing, and provide no fun at all.
What's your point?
See, there's the fine line who thinks its vidya and its not. Now fuck off with your subjective autism
Does anyone else think ID: d28f8d (51) is just posting files randomly? his filename indicates he has 5333
I don't believe you.
##Board Volunteer, are you still here?
Suck their cock more please.
It's on the cusp. It's less about sales and more about how much kikes journalists/editors can be.
What do you think you're accomplishing by these posts other than embarrassing yourself?
The fuck kind of retarded logic is this? You wanna repost the same template threads or cuckchan reaction images over and over so we don't forget about those either?
No skin off my back.
All this thread has proved is that autism levels after a certain point will just completely derail threads
Another contentless reply. I hope to ask the ##Board Volunteer if I can make a thread Discussing this.
You on drugs or something
And you hope to accomplish this by continually calling out their position in a webm thread.
Well, you said it. It is logic. You don't like it because you don't like to think of it that way, but that's your subjective opinion. And as for the other stuff, we do that already on other boards that are receptive to them. Only people who ever have a problem with that are autists like you who would rather nobody post than someone post content they don't like. You haven't posted a single webm the whole time.
Except the vast amount of reposts and the reposts anons are complaining about are BLATANT repeats of shit posted immediately in the last 4-5 threads. So yeah at this point of time I definitely agree that a webmless reply is superior than a repost. ESPECIALLY when it's done by someone who's post history is a good ~10% of the total thread. I understand the point of these threads are to share shit with other anons but what is point in flooding the thread with +30 posts of files in such a short time? This isn't a race to 700 and that's why the rule of wait until page 13 was enacted. Even page 13 isn't enough. At the least it should be modified until the thread reaches page 14. Ideally though people should have to wait until the webm thread completely falls off the catalog before they can start a new one. This would slow down the posts and hence the shitty reposts while allowing people who want to spam the thread with 30+ posts to still do so.
Depends. I am in here to see if there's new webms to watch and download. In general, I only have reposts, and if I have to post, at least have a fucking decency to post something, and if its informative, the better. And I only post reposts IF I need to talk shit in webm thread, just like this one autistic retard who keeps complaining about webms WHILE NOT POSTING WEBMS IN A FUCKING WEBM THREAD. And I think he should be reported in sight, not just hide I want to watch shit, not read. Or have music in your retarded blogposting or sperging.
As is yours. Which is why it's pointless to keep raking on this subject. What's not an opinion is the retarded concept of thinking a video will be "lost" unless it's reposted constantly. That objectively a retarded and false statement.
Speak for yourself on an anonymous image board dipshit. Subjectively if you want to enjoy a thread where you endlessly repost shit over and over again that's your choice. Objectively a thread like this is more suited towards Holla Forums. Not only this you lose absolutely nothing by doing so. This is like the Overwatch threads where I got the same argument. And whenever they were told they could just make their own board they always came back with a non-answer like "I like the user's on Holla Forums!" as if it explained anything.
Now this is autism :^)
Also I have posted webms, you just filtered them like the safespace tumblr faggot you are. Enjoy your (53) posts of nothing but disposable garbage we've seen every thread and keep posting.
I really don't see a problem with that unless you're the type of person that spends all day on the same board. I haven't dumped webms until just yesterday, and probably won't until I start to miss some webms being posted. The problem here is that there seems to be an obsession with the aesthetic instead of the actual content. A repost doesn't take anything away from the board quality. It can only ever add to the enjoyment of a poster, even if he might be the one guy that missed it last time. I know that I'm glad when things get reposted, because I can always check whether I have it or not.
I would rather a post pertaining to a subject at hand than one that's posting for the sake of posting. If the post doesn't have a webm and it's discussing a webm there's 0 wrong with that. You can cry it isn't all you want though.
ID: d28f8d (54) "A repost doesn't take anything away from the board quality"
I'd be totally fine with moving the requirement to the last thread has to drop off the Catalog before you can post a new on. But the idea that some people are talking about with banning reposters is beyond retarded.
Except that's not what I said. I said it added continuity, which is different from something being lost. This content will be able to be referenced later. Yes, there is content that is either lost, or source is lost, and that's the natural thing to happen to information. Things do get lost from the internet. If you don't believe me, try finding Jeff Seid's cookie video.
It's an objective fact that it happens, just like reposts happen here. Yes we repost, and you get angry over it because you have autism and are trying too hard.
I don't think you know what that word means. An "ought" cannot be objective by default.
That is a video game. Why don't you just ignore their threads? They don't bother me, and I've never had to post there.
It means you aren't interested in participating. Actual autism is not making that connection and deducing intention. I know that's hard for someone with your disability, but try to keep up.
Ah, okay, then you'll just get filtered again. You know, if you hid threads you don't like, you wouldn't have this problem.
Now you're just straight-up lying, (9).
no webm
no webm
no webm
no webm
no webm
no webm
no webm
no webm
no webm
Good job posting an easily disprovable statement. Dipshit.
Another content-less reply.
Not an impressive thing if yesterday was just an hour ago in certain parts of the US.
There's neither. To assume aesthetic would mean we actually post vidya to remain to the theme of the board. To assume there's content would mean that new things are being posted. In either case these threads are producing neither.
Amazing how deranged you have to be to read that out loud and think there's nothing wrong with it.
Only if their new and haven't seen the content before. And when posts like that start to clutter up the board and everybody is familiar with it then it becomes the opposite. Unless that is you're "autistic" enough to say so and then you're the bad guy right? You still wanna call this shit "subjective"?
This is lootbox mentality. It's like an unhealthy addiction to collect shit without actually checking if the content is worth collecting or not or even worth posting.
Only torposters.
Read the thread dipshit. My IP changes because of internet issues. I guess that means you have to concede that every point I'm making is correct now :^).
The fuck does this even mean? To imply continuity would mean that we progressed in content.
People don't post references here. They post the same post over and over again. A reference would be a post alluding to another one.
Nobody is going to miss another beheading video in the middle east of some BR raping a women.
And it's an objective fact that there's backlash. So to say "we" implying you carry the overall favor for what this board thinks. Again, speak for yourself.
He said it again!
I don't think you have an IQ high enough to even understand my post.
Because when we did we had them posting in other threads. Just like the Undertale and 4am threads. And just like how now we have a bunch of twerk and nigger videos being posted in other threads. Keep ignoring history though if it makes you feel better though.
I'm participating right now by posting. Believe it or not webm threads do not require webms to be included as there's no topic or rules. If somebody wants to discuss a webm instead of post them they're completely fine in doing so.
coming from the guy who can't find a better argument and deflects it with claiming autism that's pretty ironic.
Stay mad reddit.
I've been posting in these threads since the exodus. Almost like I'm noticing cancer and calling it out. Enjoy not reading my reply and conceiving in my logic because you don't want to defend your moot points.
no webm
Hey, look at that! Another post for the collection
Have another spaz :^)
Is this vidya?
All these replies derailing the thread with no content need to be removed. This shit is just as bad as the pitbull derail a week ago and when /christian/ used to invade a year ago and shit threads up. Also have some more nonvidya you fucking autismo cuck.
Or the Anderson posters, or the Peterson posters.
Filtered again, and I didn't even read your post, lol
What the fuck do you want? Blank threads with nothing but webms? Fuck at least the Pit Bull discussion was going somewhere. Then mods removed it for "derailing" a webm thread as if they were supposed to be on track.
Reminder that 45 videogame webms posts are in this thread.
Only 45.
of which many are reposts.
Fair enough reposting in itself isn't terrible and anons aren't demanding that every single post be completely 100% original. Like I said the problem is the immediate reposting of shit COMBINED with the same core of posters posting 20-30 replies in such a short period of time like it is a race to 700. So again reposting in moderation is fine and expected, it's the extreme levels that it has reached that's become the problem.
It's not hard. Just wait until the thread is near the end of the catalog (page ~13-14) and then just do a batch download set to skip webms that are already in the directory. Do this and you will really notice how bad the immediate reposting has become. Again the problem is the quick reposting not reposting in itself.
Shit games, like overwatch, deserves to be called out on it and anons with shit taste deserve to be ridiculed and bullied for it. Otherwise they attract more and more cancer with casual and normalfag tastes.
This is an attitude that I wish anons would drop. Sure tor is used a lot for spamming and abusing shit, but that should NOT be a basis to judge every single tor user. The main purpose of anonymous image boards is that anons would soley be judged on the quality of their posts and not some username namefaggotry. Tor anons should be still be judged that way. Judge them on the quality of their posts instead of immediately dismissing them or taking a harsher attitude towards them right off the bat. NO ONE should be retarded enough to bareback an image board. ALWAYS use sometype of proxy service like a vpn/vps/tor.
Reminder that that number is based off a very strict definition of "video game webm" and does not include webms made with video game assets or webms that are discussions about video games. Such a definition would make for a garbage policy. Thankfully, this poster is retarded, holds no power over board policy, and thus his opinions should be ignored.
That's how I usually roll with webm threads, if I have to discuss something. But whatever fits with your autism I guess.
Now, if we want more content, I could try to make music webms. If someone knows how to make simple music file with pic only, I would appreciate it.
It was also compromised years ago according to others.
I judged him because his post was fucking garbage. Him being a torposter added it up.
You could add 20 to them and it still wouldn't be enough dipshit.
SFM porn or animation that has nothing to do with the game and only the assets are not vidya.
Almost like yours is as well.
huh, I wonder how long that would hold up?
Another content-less reply.
Another goon filtered.
Another butthurt cuckchanner.
The tang is really thin. Probably not too long with regular use or poor care.
True…how long until the UK bans foil?
Right after you need a license to buy it.
It's simple and quick to do that with ffmpeg. I strongly reccomend it. Once you know the basic commands it is very easy to use.
Compromised how? OPSEC is not a one and done catch all deal. Different requirements and different uses will require vastly different things. If you are simply concerned about wanting to avoid your ISP spying on you or avoiding your country's censorship then tor is PERFECTLY FINE in that regard. If you want to avoid getting vanned by goverment agencies because you are doing something they really don't like then concern about tor is FINE in this case. Especially since it is a well known fact that the tor dev team does privately alert athorities about exploits/vulnerabilities before notifying the general user population. You can not just say something is compromised and leave it at that. You have to say how it is compromised and what use cases it does or does not affect. Do not just take other's words on any subject ESPECIALLY OPSEC. Ask yourself what you want to do and what you want to avoid and decide if tor or any other service is appropriate for your specific use case.
So again I will argue judge tor anons only on the quality of their posts instead of being rash and judging them soley for what type of proxy they use.
This thread is less fun with all the bitching on all sides. I'll come back in a day or two.
Because I've never seen a post by one that isn't garbage. There's also other methods of keeping your IP untraceable and torposting has just been a pain since its birth. It also spawned that ironic "nice digits" meme that stopped being funny a week after people were doing it.
And I'll make the assumption that when I see somebody retarded enough to use it instead of the millions of other (and likely more secure) software. If I see a rational post by a torposter then fine I guess, but when somebody makes a retarded post and is also a torposter it pretty well explains everything.
We'll still be here.
It's made of aluminum, so corrosion is no problem, but it can bend and break easily. It's definitely not suitable for anything other than kitchen utility.
alright, gonna try that. I think I saw quick guide to use it around here, you got that?
It's been ages since I last saw this.
Thanks user, you've warmed my heart today.
Nigga you do realize that you could make these threads more vidya by making quality vidya OC or at least reposting the good shit
I've seen lots of quality posts from tor posters and lots of shitty ones. That's why I think it is unfair both to you and the tor poster to just immediately dismiss them based soley off that.
That is why I mentioned use cases. If you want to want to avoid something like your ISP spying on you then there NOTHING WRONG with using tor in that situation. Again different requirements for what you want to achieve. Just using tor isn't retarded or wrong. It all depends on what you want to get out of it. This attitude is especially sad in the GG threads or in Holla Forums and derivative boards. I've seen too many good and insightful posts from tor posters ignored in threads when it was painfully obvious that the majority of anons had filtered them because a previous asshole also used tor to spam the thread or they saw the ID and didn't bother to read their post.
That's what I want and what I am arguing for. Being suspicious of tor posters is fine, it is the immediate dismissal of tor posters and not bothering to read their replies is what I have a problem with.
I don't understand. Sure the discussion is heated but that's the point of webm threads, the sharing and discussion of the webms including discussion of the threads themselves. If all you want are the webms why not wait until it is near the end of the catalog and do a batch download and get it over with?
I have yet to find a remix of that song that I do not immediately love.
Like I said, he made a retarded post which is why I dismissed it. The fact that he was a torposter didn't help it.
There is if it directly outs yourself here when there's cheaper and simpler alternatives.
It's not going to happen tbh. If I see a torposter I'm going to assume his opinion is worth less because it commonly is the case. Same goes for people who like Overwatch and shitty heantai art. You're posting with a label on you, you're going to be treated differently.
Just repost it if it bothers you. Threads way past bump limit anyway.
I just realized the two songs move from ear to ear Like they're drifting
Execpt like 29 of them aren't videogames
Other way around. maybe 1/5 of the posts here are vidya.
No standards
Here you go. Also a few extra notes on it. The guide is primarily focused on getting high quality, but if you want to use it to do 'quick and dirty' rips and converts of videos when you just want to quickly share something with anons, like some announcement or similar where maximum quality isn't important, or bully OP when he embeds instead of webm'ing then bitrates for video as low as 200kbps (even 100kbps for special situations) and audio bitrates of 48 kbps can be fine and setting the speed option to to 3-4 is also fine when quality isn't the main concern. Just keep using it and you'll get a good rough feel of how high or low you should set an option to. Also if encoding time is really important to you and if your target filesize is something like 10MB or lower and it is not important that you exactly stay within that limit then you could also get away with doing 1 pass encoding instead of 2pass since even if it does overshoot your target it is not likely that it would overshoot it so much that it'd go over 16MB. Your go to encoders for 8ch will be for MP4, x264 for video and aac for audio, and webm, vp9 for video and opus for audio.
Also if I could use this opportunity to push some other quality of life programs to anons. Youtube-dl is a very useful ripper not just for youtube but many many other sites as well EXTREMELY simple to use and learn. Streamlink is a ripper specifically for livestreams. MPV when combined with youtube-dl and ffmpeg allows you to skip using the browser's shitty video player and use a proper one instead and you will avoid browser incompatibilities that other anons get when they say 'this webm/mp4 won't play on my browser/is broken' nearly all of the time. And all it would take is copy and pasting the link into the terminal and the simple command of
mpv ytdl://LINK
Even simpler if your brower is compatible then extensions like ff2mpv or watch-with-mpv (also known as mpv-youtube-dl-binding) let you skip having to copy and paste and instead just do right-click -> watch with mpv.
But user we already reached a compromise when you said
That is a compromise that I am happy with and something you could agree with. Being immediately suspicious of tor posters and taking an 'assume the worst position until proven otherwise' attitude is fine as long if/when you ever come across a quality tor post that you can judge that user fairly. That's all I really want, not necessarily treating all tor users equally but atleast the quality ones fairly.
Ok I agree with you here, shit vidya taste deserves nothing but humiliation and contempt from anons.
Well I don't believe you since you're the retard who thinks Pokemon Sun and Moon is Anime
The most I'm willing to say is that if a torposter has a good argument I'll hear it out. But even then I'm still going to be apprehensive. If you want to be taken seriously you shouldn't fuck around with what's already established as a shitposting tactic.
Was the webm actually a sun and moon anime? In which case it's not vidya. And even then you're still missing the fact that the grand majority of the posts he highlights as not vidya, still aren't vidya. And that SFM animation that has nothing to do with vidya other than the models/assets is also not vidya.
You need to set the framerate to 1 when you make music
I made this a while ago for a webm thread, so it's not so fresh anymore.
you guys trying to kill this thread as soon as possible?
lel, you gonna do this in every thread now? Count them again by the time the thread done and we make a new one.
The faggotry has reached peak mass. Now all we can do is wait for page 13.
How can you derail a thread about nothing?
This is the coolest thing I've seen in a while
I've been saying this for a while now. Webm autists want a thread where all they do is shovel their videos into it without any discussion.
Why do they keep proving my point? Go to Holla Forums
It's just a hand full of safe space faggots who do nothing but dump their folders and critasize others who actively want to have higher quality webms or OC. The best thing you can do is keep calling out their bullshit as their opinion seems higher when they have 50 posts of nothing but the same reposted shit every thread for some reason.
I want to make a thread to ask that they be banned but It's against the rules.
Hope you screencapped that those posts from him because there's no way he'll uphold it unless you keep pushing for it. Funny how everybody commended you there when everybody shit on you here besides that 1 dipshit who was shot down. Almost like these threads are a hugbox full of the same people who don't want to move to where they belong.
Why come here just to complain? Why not just have 2 threads? There are 14 pages, 12 pages worth are shit. Sometimes non-game related webms are important for people to see because of their impact on gaming. Sometimes webms should be shared multiple times to reach more people. Unless you want everyone to sit on the board 24/7/365 and no one else to post, in which case you deserve to live in a world where the only fucking games are the sims and madden. I think 50/50 is a good enough deal but you guys are just going overboard with how ass mad you are about this. It's a single fucking thread. You have only started bitching about it recently. Why?
Clutters the catalog and this thread is still not vidya and should be on another board.
We've passed "sometimes" years ago. It's constant now. If you want a webm posted request it or google it as it's likely on youtube.
So are 4am, Overwatch and Undertale threads. If you allow cancer to continue it will grow. And they factually have before.
How fucking new are you? The webm debate has been going on since before the GG exodus here. The fact that I have to spoonfeed you this hurts is more than you deserve.
if you limited each people to 20 files per webm thread would that fix it or just force people to ip hop to keep dumping their garbage because if you're going to be that autistic about it should warrant a ban
now post the other ones.
I dunno if the person can consistently upload quality webms it shouldn't be an issue. I think the bigger tell is that if somebody is capable of posting over 20 webms then it's a good bet that he's posting trash in which case he should be banned anyway.
wew lad the next thread is going to be fun. Now if only 4AM could also be purged.
Yeah I'll compile it all into a screenshot.
The bitterness from the 3 people who dump shit will be fun to see. Also here are some of the posts.
It really bothers me that mowtendoo took a week to put that webm out and it's just a single audio track of the lamest >generic motivation song. Meanwhile this guy did this same fucking day.
What else should I add.
Save it for the angry autists who will inevitably be flowing salt when the new thread is made.
i probably wont be around to see that but im sure it will be a shitshow not the miss
Add replies from anons that said nothing was going to change/Mark won't do anything and you and related were wasting your time to really rub the salt in. Some examples
Source for the video? who made it?