Is it a flop anons? I don't really know what sales for a fighting should be like on PC but it looks worryingly low to me.
Is it a flop anons...
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for a fighting game*
no it's pretty high for PC sales. Unless it's a PC exclusive genre or the game becomes a meme that's pretty high sales. Nier Automata sold exceptionally on PC and it didn't break a million sales.
Really? Why are the numbers so low?
Oh wait don't PC games make more money per sale anyway? I remember it was something to do with not having to pay microsoft or sony a cut of the earnings.
Anything above like 100k is probably well above and beyond what they expected.
It's good enough for a commercial release and not bad for a niche game.
IIRC it sold over two millions on PC alone.
It's because of piracy fam, only piracy can explain the low numbers.
Console peasants are numerous.
Correction: PC users are more numerous, but those with a bother a rig good enough to play anything other than Brood War and The Sims are not.
Well maybe but I don't think that would cover it all.
Then why bother with a PC release at all?
Two million is a more reasonable number I guess but wouldn't you have to spend a lot of that profit on a port and then support and patches?
no, sales across all platforms make the same money. Even PSN sales outdid Steam sales where the cut is equal. (30% goes to the service provider, the rest dev/pub split managed however it is)
No, it didn't. After a half off sale it finally broke to 900k.
publicity? You don't have to make a particularly good port so not a lot of bodies are needed to be paid for it, and very often the users will fix any other issues themselves.
yeah, the meme that the PC gaming audience is bigger because there's more PCs than there are people in the world is really deceitful and adds nothing to discussion. It's all about what the audience actually wants. RTS? Best target the PC because the genre has been practically exclusive for its existence on PC, so the majority of the audience is there. High speed character action? Your target platform should be something like playstation.
All consoles use the same infrastructure as most computers now so there's no reason not to. For fucks sake Sony had a presentation whenever it was where they announced you can now directly port gamemaker games to PS4 and they'll do the legwork for you. It's why Undertale™ got a special edition.
Oh ok. I didn't know that.
A Tomato broke 2.5 mil worldwide on all systems last week or two weeks ago, I believe. Currently the best selling game in Japland somehow.
Not really, this game wasn't a bloated development money sink like FF XV was, so the sales are fine (and are probably around the same on the PS4). A lot of anons get too used to the budget and costs of AAA games that need huge numbers to make a profit.
Fuck, I meant to post this.
fuck no. It's a world apart in sales.
Tekken is the most selling fighting game franchise and I think T7 on Steam has like 400+k owners after like half a year. Compare it to that
It's a failure.
This: there's a ton of people out there who'll play shit like Dota 2 or anything that can run on a toaster but the non-F2P marker on PC is tiny and shrinking every day.
that's another big thing to consider in the pissing contests. When someone points out how many people play dota 2 and lol and CS, they need to realize that these people ONLY play dota 2, lol and CS. They don't play anything else. They are effectively not a participant in the market and just have one game on the system.
Pretty much. It's not just a pissing contest though because devs - particularly indie devs - who buy into the meme end up losing customers and going bankrupt.
Valve take the exact same cut from any PC sale that Sony or Microsoft do from console sales.
Have they announced how much the sales have increased after Feb 1st? It seems they got the announcement from a Bamco press release.
They also probably don't actually play the game at all. I'm willing to bet the stats for any F2P game are fluffed largely by bots.
Doesn't matter if they didn't refund the game.
Competitive fighting games don't sell very much to begin with, so they don't have high sales goals or spend much money making them. These sales are legendary tier for fighting games, and it was a massive success for them.
OP was talking specific about PC not about the game. At least I think he was because he wasn't very clear about it.
this is probably also true, especially in the case of csgo and dota 2 where they have an in-game economy that a single person could have a hundred accounts to manipulate it. This was the case for TF2 until recently.
this is very important too. It's also where allocation of resources comes from when there's smaller developers working on a project, which you can ask just about anyone and they'll tell you that the more people working on something, the better it'll probably be. This is information decided upon by sales data and projected sales.
Can't you only do that for a few hours anyway?
its faring a hell of a lot better than dead or alive 5. that one dropped to 200 players in about a month
Right. There's a ~2 hour time limit (though I've heard of people getting refunds past that) So it doesn't matter if nobody plays it anymore, so long as they bought it and didn't refund. Also, check my fucking dubs you niggerfaggot.
Nice dubs user.
It also depends on the licensing agreement they have with Epic for use of the Unreal engine, usually it's 5% over $3,000 of gross revenue per quarter.
Instead of charging a flat fee per game when it's ported to several platforms it's often done with a custom license with different percantages per platform to encourage more ports and revenue.
In some cases the licensing costs for the engine might be paid for(Facebook does this for any developer working on Oculus) or waive their cut of the earnings to encourage timed exclusivity/bolster a dying platform(Microsoft does this for the Xbone).
Nobody knows what cut Valve takes from their sales or what percentage they have to pay to Epic so we can only speculate whether it's higher or lower than on consoles.
Dead or Alive is mostly for porn anyway.
Why are you worried about it? are you a shill? Why the fuck would the sales of a game worry someone? If you enjoy it that's all that matters.
You can rig strawpoll votes with proxies. Use instead.
He probably bought it and was worried nobody would play with him. Some people don't understand the sunk costs fallacy.
thats a lot of cucks.
denuvo doesn't impact sales. the only people who care any more weren't going to buy it anyway.
its still around ~17 million in revenue, and their budget probably wasn't that high.
and that's not even counting console revenues.
Mark should really just filter to use instead.
I'd be ok with this actually. For once a good use of filters.
there is your problem!
The PC version had MKX-tier of problems during its release and still today doesn't feature lobbies that are available on consoles ever since the vanilla version of the game on the PS3 and 360.
As for DBFZ is by far the most successful fighting game on Steam. NRS games could have done better but the fucked up release of MKX and a very delayed Injustice2 didn't help the platform.
Are you retarded? Do you think Valve just gonna put the game on steam for free?
50-100k sales are still millions of dollars in revenue which is more than the cost of porting to PC most of the time. Compared to console figures it seems bad, but there is absolutely no reason not to release on PC and rack that extra money unless the cost of porting is in the millions or the game is first party to begin with.
The game just got cracked recently. Piracy didn't do jack to this game's decent numbers.
For a fighting game it kicked ass.
It sold 2 million in the first 2 weeks, street fighter 5 couldn't manage that in over a year. Its currently 4th in the US for sales.
There was a new CoD?
Honestly you shouldn't be surprised by that. It's a yearly franchise, even if you don't pay attention to it it's expected that a new one will come out
I didn't even know CoD:WW2 was out.
Also holy fuck GTA5 is still in the charts.
What I saw of it, shit seemed unbalanced as all hell, so I doubt the no fun espoot faggots will touch it.
What a joke, that's never not going to cease hurting my sides.
The game has sold around a combined 3 million copies. Fucking niggers. This is why we shoot you guys. If you want a flop here is a great one.
It already bumped Marvel off of EVO and its tournaments are pretty popular.
Esports faggots only care if the money is there and sponsors will only push the money to something if it has the viewers.
Weird, are they banning half the roster? Because some fuckers seemed cheap as hell. Yeah, I guess DBZ will just pull because it's DBZ. I bet the next iteration will be no fun then, fuckers.
I guess there isn't really much competition at all right now in fight games. Even Mahvel sucked. Sad!
It's considered kind of broken at the moment but it's still getting played a lot at tournaments.
Its fucking anime
nobody gives a shit about rules in those games.
Arcsys usually just makes everyone broken in different ways instead of giving specific people hard nerfs. If they dish out nerfs they're generally taps or they cut back the entire cast so they can buff them in another revision.
Fightan faggots are generally very reluctant to ban 'broken' characters or tactics, they abuse them instead. This isn't Smash.
Balance doesn't matter as much to competitive players. In KOF'97 almost everybody has infinites and is the most played fighting game in China. MvC2 survived for for almost 10 years at EVO and that game has like 8 viable characters with 56 characters in its roster.
Yeah, I guess you're right there.
i was thinking of buying it but it seemed a bit expensive then i saw the DLC and noped the fuck out without ever looking back
Excuse me, my brain is just wired for Smash.
I’m really hoping Arcsys makes a One Piece fighter that has crossplay with dbfz, like they did on the 3ds. As much as I love the difference in play of characters in Dragon Ball, the variety of character designs in One Piece is way better.
Not a fighting game.
It is just a cash grab with paid DLC.
It wold be good it it failed.
But if it fails other devs will be less confident about fighting games on PC as a platform. Overall that would be harmful.
Honestly smash is more of a brawler or party game.
The sales are fine for a fighting game on PC, and they will be even better when the inevitable GOTY Complete edition comes out that's what I'm waiting for at least
So not a fighting game yes.
Honestly we need to start just calling these the finished version of games.
So what?
It is better to have nothing than to have cash grabs with denuvo.
Except for Persona 4 Ultimax 2.0 where they went full retard, but as we know that was them intentionally killing the game so whatever.
Why would anyone do that though?
Keep telling yourself that.
For fighting games you gotta remember that Sony likes to monopolize them by having playstations be the "tournament standard" console for everything. Sales on other platforms won't be quite as good because most people with any interest in tournaments will have their PS4 compatible stick and will stick to that console.
Why do tournaments buy into it though? Do they 'accidentally' get Sony funding? Doesn't it breach anti-trust laws?
Pc has become a pretty shit platform to ship on lately. Games undersell quite a lot compared to consoles.We're talkin 10-20% of what it sells on consoles. Blame it on piracy, lack of pc gamers, whatever you want. But people aren't buying games for PC like they were 5ish years ago
It's mostly piracy tbh.
It's the opposite of weird. It's standard.
I remember sf4 had ps3s for tournament play until they finally switched to 360 due to the lag the ps3 version had.
Most modern games are complete garbage. Badly designed, poorly optimized, bland, uninspired cash grabs pumped out year after year with the sole purpose of sucking money out of people. Piracy has nothing to do with poor sales; remember that the UN suppressed a report they commissioned that showed there was no correlation between piracy and sales.
This and if you have a list of games to choose from that ranges from now to more then 20 years back. it's not that hard to play something else and wait for a sale.
Or just fucking pirate it.
If you pirate it the devs won't port games in future.
Not true, video game piracy increases sales.
t. EU.
Not if you like the game enough to pay for it after pirating it. It's a win win situation whereas everyone loses with intrusive DRM that affects computer performance.
with ports these awful good riddance
Prove it.